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Final Term Assignment: 1

BS-IT Morning (Session: 2017-2021)

Roll No: 17-051

Registration No: 2017-GCWUF-2305

Submitted By: Faseeha Abid

Submitted To: Mam Natasha

Course Title: Data warehousing

Course Code: ICT-508

Credit Hours: 3(3-0)

Semester: 6th Morning

Department of Information Technology


Q1: What web warehousing? Explain the reason for using Web warehousing?

The web warehouse provides a lot of information in historical data about metadata and user
community behavior. Analysis of such data may reveal knowledge that may be used in personal
services. Content analysis provides information to users as well as other active segments.

Web warehouse as a large-scale intelligent proxy cache. A web warehouse is used as a proxy
cache that can make the best use of various different metadata to convert the cache, such as data
indicators, user / community profiles.

Web warehouse as a repository of shared information. A web warehouse acts as an information

server that assists in gathering information and gives value-added services, such as transcoding
and personalization.

Reason to use Web warehouse:

We use web warehousing because data warehouse is an important aspect of decision support
system. The Internet has made it possible to apply web technology to traditional data
warehouses, resulting in cost savings and improved productivity. The relationship between the
web warehouse and the traditional data warehouse is examined in detail, revealing new web
warehouse opportunities and challenges in business settings. Web contributions to the web
warehouse are scrutinized to explain how performance improvements are achieved. Integrated
data in the web warehouse creates a close relationship between IT departments and other
business functions.

Q2: What is defined as partial backup and can we take backup when
database is opened?

A partial backup is the same as a full database backup, but because it does not contain all the
file groups. Contains all data in the primary file group, each read or write file and any optional
read-only files.

Partial backup is the backup of any operating system is less than the full backup, while the
database is open or closed.

Here are some examples of partial backups:

 backup of all data files for an individual table space

 single data file backup

 control file backup

Partial backups are only useful for databases that work in archive format. Since a saved radio log
exists, the restored data files from the partial backup can be merged into the rest of the database
during the restoration process

Data file Backup

Partial backups include only a few database files. Individual or aggregates of specific data files
can be freely controlled over other data files, online redirect files, and database files. You can
back up the data file online or offline.

The choice of backing up an online or offline data file depends solely on the data availability
requirements. The following sections describe all types of data file backups.

If a database is operating in ARCHIVELOG mode, you can back up any data file contained in it
when the database is open, while the corresponding table space is online, and when specific data
files are on. Lines and are currently in general use. This type of data file backup is considered an
online data file backup.

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