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Title Page No.

1 Installed Capacity - Sector wise 9

2 Installed Capacity - Fuel wise 10
3 Installed Capacity of Captive Power Plants - Fuel Wise 11
4 Installed Capacity of Gujarat with Share from Private / Central Sector 12
5 Energy Generation - Sector wise 14
6(a) Catagory wise energy catered by State Discoms in Mus 15
6(b) DISCOMs wise energy catered by State Discoms in MUs 16
6(c) Catagory wise Discoms wise energy catered by State Discoms in Mus 17
6(d) Catagory wise Discoms wise energy catered by State Discoms in Mus 18
6 (e) Month wise DISCOM wise energy catered in Mus 20
6 (f) Maximum Demand Catered & Energy Generation 23
7 (a) Renewable Energy Generation Absorption in Mus (Wind) 24
7 (b) Renewable Energy Generation Absorption in Mus (Solar) 25
7(c) Peak Demand 26
8(a) Voltage wise Sub-Stations and Lines of GETCO 27
8 (a) Voltage Class wise Sub-stations and Transmission Lines of GETCO 28
8(b) Transmission Availability and Losses (%) 29
9 (a) Total No. of HT Line & LT Line and Total No. of Transformer. 30
9(b) Total No. of Distribution Feeders 31
10 (a) Numbers of Consumers 33
10 (b) Category wise Consumers 34
11 Distribution Losses 36
12 Summery of Sale of Energy (Rs. Crores and Mus) 37
13(a) Consumer Category wise Sale of Energy for State Owned Discoms (Mus) 38
13 (b) Consumer Category wise Sale of Energy for Private Distribution Licensee (Mus) 39
14 (a) Category wise Sale in % of Total Sales for State Owned Discoms 40
14 (b) Category wise Sale in % of Total Sales for Private Discoms 41
15 (a) Cost of Supply (Rs. kWh) 42
15 (b) Income, Expenditure and Protability for Utilities 43
15 (b) Income, Expenditure and Protability for Utilities 44
16. Open Access Charges 45
18. Renewable Power Purchase PObligation (RPO) (%) 51
19 : Per Capita Consumption of Electricity 52


Ckm. Circuit Kilo meter kWh Kilo Watt Hour

DGVCL Dakshin Gujarat Vij Company Limited LT Low Tension

DISCOM Distribution Company MGVCL Madhya Gujarat Vij Company Limited

GERC Gujarat Electricity Regulatory Commission MU Million Units (Million kWh)

GETCO Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation Ltd. MW Mega Watt

GIPCL Gujarat Industries Power Co. Ltd. PGVCL Paschim Gujarat Vij Company Limited

GSECL Gujarat State Electricity Corporation Ltd. SLDC State Load Despatch Centre

GSEG Gujarat State Energy Generation Ltd. STPS Sikka Thermal Power Station

HT High Tension TPL-A Torrent Power Limited - Ahmedabad

HTMD High Tension Maximum Demand TPL-S Torrent Power Limited - Surat

KV Kilo Volt UGVCL Uttar Gujarat Vij Company Limited

We are pleased to come out with the third edition of the publication ‘Gujarat Power Sector : A
Statistical Profile’ It Provides statistical profile of the performance of the Power utilities, both in
public and private sectors, of Gujarat.

The first edition was published in the year 2012 contained the basic data for the year 2008-09 tp 2011-
12. This edition contains basic data on generation and transmission for a period 2013-14 to 2015-16
and distribution business for period 2012-13 to 2014-15.

The second edition was published in the year 2016 contained the basic data for the year generation
and transmission for a period 2012-2013 to 2015-2016 and distribution business for a period 2013-14
to 2015-16.

This edition Contains basic data on generation, transmission and distribution for a period FY 2012-13
to FY 2019-20

The compilation given in this edition are based on records publication of various government entities,
annual reports of utilities and web-sites.

I am sure, this report will be useful to all professional policy makers and analysts and people who are
engaged and interested in power sector of Gujarat.

Anand kumar
Gujarat Electricity Regulatory Commissiom


Table -1 : Installed Capacity - Sector wise

State Private Central Wind Growt

FY* Unit Solar Biomass Total
Sector Sector Sector Farm h%
MW 4995.57 6324.5 3494.25 2694 554.4 31.2 18094
2011-12 18.65
% 28 35 19 15 3 0 100
MW 4996 7024 5571 3087 857 31 21566
2012-13 19.19
% 23 33 26 14 4 0 100
MW 5496 7431 5811 3352 861 31 22982
2013-14 6.57
% 24 32 25 15 4 0 100
MW 5496 8135 5811 3541 973 41 23997
2014-15 4.42
% 23 34 24 15 4 0 100
MW 5996 8035 5905 3933 1016 41 24925
2015-16 3.87
% 24 32 24 16 4 0 100
MW 5997 8420 6051 5318 1230 41 27058
2016-17 8.56
% 22 31 22 20 5 0 100
MW 5537 8412 6198 5575 1493 41 27257
2017-18 0.74
% 20 31 23 20 5 0 100
MW 6016.67 7196.86 6198.35 5783.80 2113.15 41.10 27350
2018-19 0.34
% 22 26 23 21 8 0 100
MW 6676.67 6396.86 6385.26 6290.33 2426.44 41.10 28217
2019-20 3.17
% 24 23 23 22 9 0 100
* Details are as on 31st March of the respective nancial year
Source: SLDC Report

Installed Capacity (in MW) for FY 2019-20 Sectoy wise

Table -2 : Installed Capacity - Fuel wise

FY* Unit Thermal Gas Hydro Nuclear Solar Farm Biomass Total
MW 9649.25 3821.07 785 559 554.4 2694 31.2 18094
% 53 21 4 3 3 15 0 100
MW 12426 3821 785 559 857 3087 31 21566
% 58 18 4 3 4 14 0 100
MW 13188 4203 788 559 861 3352 31 22982
% 57 18 3 2 4 15 0 100
MW 13188 4906 788 559 973 3542 41 23997
% 55 20 3 2 4 15 0 100
MW 13782 4806 788 559 1016 3933 41 24925
% 55 19 3 2 4 16 0 100
MW 14188 4934 788 559 1230 5318 41 27058
% 52 18 3 2 5 20 0 100
MW 13855 4934 800 559 1493 5575 41 27257
% 51 18 3 2 5 20 0 100
MW 13795 4279 779 559 2113 5784 41 27350
% 50 16 3 2 8 21 0 100
MW 13842 4279 779 559 2426 6290 41 28217
% 49 15 3 2 9 22 0 100
* Details are as on 31st March of the respective nancial year
Source: SLDC Report

Installed Capacity (in MW) for FY 2019-20 Fuel wise

Table -3 : Installed Capacity of Captive Power Plants - Fuel Wise

Total Capacity in MW
Type of Fuel
(As on 31.03.2018)
Gas 3007
Coal 3873
F.O. /Diesel/Hydro 248
Bagasse 43
Total Genera on 7171
Source: CEI Report

Installed Capacity of Captive Power Plants-Fuel Wise

(MW) As on 31.03.2020

Table -4 : Installed Capacity of Gujarat with Share from Private / Central Sector
Plant Fuel Gujarat
Share (MW)
1 Ukai TPS Coal 850
2 Ukai Extension Unit 6 Coal 500
3 Wanakbori TPS Coal 1470
4 Wanakbori Extension 8 Coal 800
5 Gandhinagar TPS Coal 630
6 Sikka Extension Unit 3 and 4 Imp. Coal 500
7 Kutch Lignite TPS lignite Coal 290
8 Utran Gas Based Expansion Gas 375
9 Dhuvaran Gas Based - Stage-I Gas 107
10 Dhuvaran Gas Based - Stage-II Gas 112
11 Dhuvaran Expansion Gas 376
12 Ukai Hydro Hydro 305
13 Kadana Hydro Hydro 240
14 Panam Hydro Hydro 2
15 Bhavnagar Energy Co. Ltd. Lignite 500
GSECL - Total: 7057
1 GSEG -GPS Gas 156
2 GIPCL -GPS Stage-I Gas 145
3 GIPCL-SLPP Lignite 500
IPPs 4 GMDC -Lignite Lignite 250
5 GSEG Hazira CCPP-II Gas 351
6 GPPC Pipavav Gas 702
State PSU IPPs- Total: 2104
1 TPAECo -(Thermal) Coal 422
2 SUGEN CCPP Gas 1147
Private 3 Mundra Power Project of Adani Imported Coal 1000
IPPs 4 ACB (India) Ltd Coal 200
5 Essar Power Gujarat Ltd Imported Coal 1000
6 Mundra UMPP-Coastal Gujarat Pvt Ltd Imported Coal 2000
Private IPPs - Total: 5769

Plant Fuel Gujarat
Share (MW)
1 Korba - STPS Coal 456
2 Vindhyachal STPS I Coal 230
3 Vindhyachal STPS II Coal 239
4 Vindhyachal STPS III Coal 266
5 Vindhyachal STPS IV (Unit 1 & 2) Coal 240
6 Vindhyachal STPS V (Unit 1) Coal 93
7 Mouda STPS Maharasthra (Unit 1 & 2) Coal 240
FROM 8 Mouda STPS Maharashtra Stage 2, unit 1 Coal 294
CENTRAL 9 SIPAT -STPS-Stage-I Coal 540
10 SIPAT -STPS-Stage-II Coal 273
11 Kahalgaon-STPS-II (Eastern Region) Coal 141
12 Gaadarwara unit - 1 Coal 152
13 Lara Unit -1 Coal 78
14 Gandhar - GPS Gas 237
15 Kawas - GPS Gas / Naphtha 187
16 SSNNL -Hydro Hydro 232
17 KAPS -Atomic Atomic 125
18 TAPS- 1&2-Atomic Atomic 160
19 TAPS- 3&4 -Atomic Atomic 274
CSGS - Total 4457
Total (Conven onal) 19387
1 Wind 6290.33
2 Solar(includes Roo op) 2426.44
3 Biomass 41.1
Total (non conven onal) : 8757.87
Total (Conven onal) : 19387

Table -5 : Energy Generation - Sector wise

Private Central Wind
FY Unit Sector Solar Biomass Total MUs
Sector Sector Energy
MUs 28638 37116 8723 3961 167 47 78652
% 36 47 11 5 0 0 100
MUs 23631 42714 14754 5436 1145 43 87723
% 27 49 17 6 1 0 100
MUs 15850 46249 17440 5289 1369 24 86221
% 18 54 20 6 2 0.03 100
MUs 21415 48770 19276 5660 1475 40 96636
% 22 50 20 6 2 0.04 100
MUs 19276 53264 22480 6447 1645 25 103137
% 19 52 22 6 2 0.02 100
MUs 16254 51060 27500 7720 1738 13 104285
% 16 49 26 7 2 0.01 100
MUs 23683 42563 32776 9636 2048 33 110739
% 21 38 30 9 2 0.03 100
MUs 24743 41815 41623 11194 2408 75.21 121859
% 20 34 34 9 2 0.06 100
MUs 20213 52713 31608 12147 3273 106 120059
% 17 44 26 10 3 0.09 100
Source: SLDC Report

Table -6(a) : Catagory wise energy catered by State Discoms in MUs

FY* Unit JGY URB/TWN AGR IND Total Growth

Mus 9508 11236 18097 21114 59955
2011-12 0.55
% 16 19 30 35 100
Mus 10304 11757 21285 24090 67436
2012-13 12.48
% 15 17 32 36 100
Mus 10511 11958 17805 27513 67787
2013-14 0.52
% 16 18 26 41 100
Mus 11547 12742 21499 31485 77273
2014-15 13.99
% 15 16 28 41 100
Mus 12280 13382 23497 33383 82541
2015-16 6.82
% 15 16 28 40 100
Mus 12643 13606 21789 35097 83136
2016-17 0.72
% 15 16 26 42 100
Mus 13594 14477 22549 38225 88844
2017-18 6.87
% 15 16 25 43 100
MUs 14671 15138 26065 42525 98399
2018-19 10.75
% 15 15 26 43 100
MUs 15356 15538 21892 43990 96776
2019-20 -1.65
% 16 16 23 45 100
Source: SLDC Report

Category wise Energy Catered by state Owned DISCOMs in MUs

Table -6(b) : DISCOMs wise energy catered by State Discoms in MUs


Mus 21665 16295 9144 12851 59955
2011-12 0.51
% 36 27 15 21 100
Mus 24650 18332 9697 14758 67437
2012-13 0.51
% 37 27 14 22 100
Mus 23611 17354 9784 17038 67787
2013-14 0.52
% 35 26 14 25 100
Mus 27078 19788 10838 19569 77273
2014-15 13.99
% 35 26 14 25 100
Mus 29095 21374 11838 20235 82541
2015-16 6.82
% 35 26 14 25 100
Mus 29169 21883 11766 20319 83137
2016-17 0.72
% 35 26 14 24 100
Mus 31614 23530 12285 21415 88844
2017-18 6.86
% 36 26 14 24 100
Mus 35467 26519 12960 23453 98399
2018-19 10.75
% 36 27 13 24 100
Mus 33455 25644 12932 24746 96777
2019-20 -1.65
% 35 26 13 26 100
Source: SLDC Report

DISCOMs wise Energy Supplied by State Owned DISCOMs in MUs

Table -6(c) : Catagory wise Discoms wise energy catered by State Discoms in MUs

FY* U lity JGY URB AG IND Total

PGVCL 3717 4679 8266 5282 21944
UGVCL 2135 1380 8445 4331 16291
MGVCL 1360 2931 1069 3510 8870
DGVCL 2006 2228 611 8005 12850
Total 9218 11218 18391 21128 59955
PGVCL 4023 4907 9729 5991 24650
UGVCL 2289 1454 9645 4944 18332
MGVCL 1844 3067 1198 3588 9697
DGVCL 2149 2328 714 9567 14758
Total 10305 11756 21286 24090 67437
PGVCL 4001 4937 8203 6470 23611
UGVCL 2433 1553 8005 5363 17354
MGVCL 1917 3035 998 3834 9784
DGVCL 2160 2433 599 11846 17038
Total 10511 11958 17805 27513 67787
PGVCL 4491 5472 9996 7119 27078
UGVCL 2672 1758 9465 5893 19788
MGVCL 2000 2732 1205 4902 10838
DGVCL 2385 2779 834 13571 19569
Total 11547 12741 21500 31484 77273
PGVCL 4822 5671 10874 7728 29095
UGVCL 2862 1828 10344 6340 21374
MGVCL 2101 2893 1383 5461 11838
DGVCL 2495 2989 897 13853 20235
Total 12280 13382 23497 33383 82541
PGVCL 5007 5727 9835 8599 29168
UGVCL 3050 1928 9863 7041 21883
MGVCL 2046 2952 1288 5481 11766
DGVCL 2540 3000 804 13976 20319
Total 12643 13606 21789 35097 83136
PGVCL 5322 6011 10106 10175 31614
UGVCL 3342 2097 10246 7844 23529
MGVCL 2153 3076 1335 5722 12286
DGVCL 2777 3292 861 14484 21415
Total 13594 14477 22549 38225 88844
PGVCL 5853 6279 11586 11749 35467
UGVCL 3571 2287 11922 8739 26519
MGVCL 2295 3145 1488 6032 12960
DGVCL 2951 3426 1070 16005 23452
Total 14670 15137 26066 42525 98398
Source: SLDC Report

PGVCL 6066 6244 9564 11581 33455

UGVCL 3812 2437 10110 9285 25644
MGVCL 2407 3305 1340 5879 12931
DGVCL 3071 3552 888 17235 24746
Total 15356 15538 21902 43980 96776

Table -6(d) : Catagory wise Discoms wise energy catered by State Discoms in Mus

Table -6(d) : Catagory wise Discoms wise energy catered by State Discoms in Mus

6 (e): Month wise DISCOM wise energy catered in Mus

MONTH 2012- 2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016- 2017- 2018- 2019- 2012- 2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016- 2017- 2018- 2019-
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Apr 2245 2030 2296 2368 2452 2693 2828 2969 1720 1642 1799 1842 2036 2218 2380 2512
May 2130 2039 2277 2326 2469 2683 2843 3029 1655 1768 1824 1951 2176 2288 2481 2687
Jun 1652 1698 2281 2134 2438 2539 3001 2848 1420 1330 1727 1613 1903 1919 2184 2156
Jul 2402 1582 2066 2240 2225 1930 2541 2934 1001 1002 1422 1589 1524 1246 1738 2136
Aug 1700 1727 1906 2610 2056 2269 2852 2329 1100 1013 1317 1426 1338 1443 2046 1636
Sep 2120 2157 2094 2557 2692 2641 3319 2283 1354 1389 1244 1810 1826 1740 2186 1609
Oct 1949 1949 2756 2841 2484 3199 3664 2741 1221 1124 1752 1873 1579 2182 2360 1837
Nov 2134 2134 2545 2426 2440 2901 2993 2661 1548 1458 1764 1710 1775 2100 2133 2030
Dec 2200 2177 2333 2410 2548 2731 3019 2945 1689 1686 1807 1890 1980 2146 2292 2277
Jan 2098 2098 2155 2412 2469 2726 2893 2881 1785 1685 1758 1922 1994 2144 2327 2344
Feb 1780 1860 2085 2266 2290 2476 2625 2983 1590 1529 1639 1784 1744 1892 2065 2274
Mar 2240 2160 2283 2504 2605 2825 2888 2853 2248 1727 1734 1966 2008 2212 2327 2145
Total 24649 23610 27078 29096 29168 31614 35466 33456 18331 17354 19788 21376 21883 23529 26519 25643















2012-13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2012-13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20


2012- 2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016- 2017- 2018- 2019- 2012- 2013 - 2014 - 2016- 2017- 2018-
2015 -16 2019-20
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 13 14 15 17 18 19
840 843 947 996 1069 1130 1195 1249 1211 1407 1595 1777 1771 1886 2021 2233
943 942 1002 1091 1150 1189 1291 1320 1403 1491 1687 1871 1806 1957 2120 2287
802 788 963 965 1091 1060 1178 1186 1313 1313 1622 1591 1785 1772 1966 2097
758 769 921 985 979 955 1024 1162 1245 1407 1700 1728 1729 1599 1872 2119
743 773 890 1023 940 1005 1061 999 1044 1450 1647 1704 1716 1730 1947 2059
842 823 869 1032 988 1029 1076 1023 1121 1410 1622 1671 1731 1796 1955 2029
853 834 981 1110 969 1079 1203 1048 1081 1481 1621 1851 1724 1708 2174 2030
771 773 907 932 871 969 995 1012 1198 1297 1614 1492 1421 1753 1692 1910
815 812 847 929 896 924 970 1003 1265 1443 1631 1564 1545 1748 1904 2116
798 771 809 889 874 926 941 957 1214 1410 1587 1624 1617 1789 1912 2043
632 757 794 871 877 901 919 988 1302 1358 1518 1582 1612 1694 1791 2008
900 900 910 1015 1065 1120 1106 986 1361 1572 1726 1779 1862 1983 2098 1818
9697 9785 10838 11838 11769 12286 12959 12933 14758 17038 19569 20234 20319 21415 23452 24749
Source: SLDC Report




2012-13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2012-13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

6 (e): Month wise DISCOM wise energy catered in Mus

Source : SLDC Report

6 (f): Maximum Demand Catered & Energy Generation

Maximum Demand Catered in MW

7 (a): Renewable Energy Generation Absorption in Mus (Wind)

Source : SLDC Report
7 (b): Renewable Energy Generation Absorption in Mus (Solar)

Source : SLDC Report
Table -7(c) : Peak Demand

Source : SLDC Report

Table -8(a) : Voltage wise Sub-Stations and Lines of GETCO

Source : GETCO Report

8 (a): Voltage Class wise Sub-stations and Transmission Lines of GETCO

Table -7(c) : Peak Demand

Table -8(b) : Transmission Availability and Losses (%)

Source: Various Tariff Orders Issued by GERC & Tariff Petitions submitted by Discoms

9 (a): Total No. of HT Line & LT Line and Total No. of Transformer.

Source : DISCOM Report

Table -9(b) : Total No. of Distribution Feeders

Source: Discoms Report

10 (a): Numbers of Consumers
2012-13 2014-15

10 (a): Numbers of Consumers

Source: RIMS Reports ( for FY 2019-20 -upto Q3)
10 (b): Category wise Consumers

Source : RIMS Reports (for FY 2019-20 - upto Q3)

11 Distribution Losses

Source: Various Tariff Orders Issued by GERC & Tariff Petitions submitted by Discoms

12 Summery of Sale of Energy (Rs. Crores and Mus)

13(a) Consumer Category wise Sale of Energy for State Owned Discoms (Mus)

13 (b): Consumer Category wise Sale of Energy for Private Distribution Licensee (MUs)

Source: Various Tariff Orders Issued by GERC & Tariff Petitions submitted by Discoms

14 (a): Category wise Sale in % of Total Sales for State Owned Discoms

Source: Various Tariff Orders Issued by GERC & Tariff Petitions submitted by Discoms

14 (b): Category wise Sale in % of Total Sales for Private Discoms

Source: Various Tariff Orders Issued by GERC & Tariff Petitions submitted by Discoms

15 (a) Cost of Supply (Rs. kWh)

Source: Annual Reports of the Utilities

15 (b): Income, Expenditure and Protability for Utilities

15 (b): Income, Expenditure and Protability for Utilities

Source: Annual Reports of the Utilities

16. Open Access Charges
Cross Subsidy Surcharge (Rs./kWh)
Discom 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
GUVNL Discoms 0.39 0.39 0.45 0.39 0.59 1.45 1.44 1.47 1.36 1.41
For HTMD-1 -
TPL-A 0 0 0.32 0.30 0.43 1.51 1.45 1.44 1.38 1.51 For HTMD-2-
For HTMD-1 -
TPL-S 0 0 0.39 0.00 0.13 1.48 1.37 1.2 1.26 1.04 For HTMD-2-

Wheeling Losses (%)

Discom 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
GUVNL Discoms 13.59 10.00 12.07 10.00 10.82 10.00 10.31 10.00 9.55 10.00
TPL-A 8.50 4.00 8.50 4.00 7.53 4.00 7.25 4.00 7.65 4.00
TPL-S 5.15 4.00 5.15 4.00 4.64 4.00 4.20 4.00 4.50 4.00

Discom 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

GUVNL Discoms 9.55 10.00 7.01 10.00 6.28 10.00 5.05 10.00 4.31 10.00
TPL-A 7.65 4.00 7.50 4.00 7.50 4.00 4.00 4.00
TPL-S 4.50 4.00 4.50 4.00 4.50 4.00 3.50 3.50

Wheeling Charges at 11 kV (Ps./kWh)

Discom 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
At 11kv At LT At 11kv At LT At 11kv At LT At 11kv At LT At 11kv At LT
GUVNL Discoms 10.70 39.01 11.00 41.00 12.00 43.00 13.00 48.00 14.00 51.00
59 Ps./kWh for 62 Ps./kWh for
TPL-A 21.00 67.00 22.00 72.00 25.00 80.00 63 Ps./kWh for
STOA/ 209.51
65 Ps./kWh for
STOA/353.03 STOA/ 200.11 STOA/323.85
Rs./kW/Month for Rs./kW/Month for Rs./kW/Month Rs./kW/Month
LTOA and MTOA LTOA and MTOA for LTOA and for LTOA and

TPL-S 18.00 47.00 18.00 48.00 18.00 47.00 74 Ps./kWh for

STOA/ 229.77
66 Ps./kWh for 76 Ps./kWh for
STOA/ 226.62
67 Ps./kWh for
Rs./kW/Month for Rs./kW/Month for Rs./kW/Month Rs./kW/Month
LTOA and MTOA LTOA and MTOA for LTOA and for LTOA and

Discom 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

At 11kv At LT At 11kv At LT At 11kv At LT At 11kv At LT At 11kv At LT
GUVNL Discoms 14.00 51.00 14.01 53.99 14.61 55.95 14.81 63.54 15.02 65.31
54 Ps./kWh for 64 Ps./kWh for
TPL-A STOA/ 181.41 STOA/282.93 76.00 96.00 72.00 90.00 76.00 106.00 87.00 112.00
Rs./kW/Month Rs./kW/Month
for LTOA and for LTOA and

TPL-S 72 Ps./kWh for

STOA/ 214.64
67 Ps./kWh for
STOA/301.16 11.00 47.00 80.00 80.00 70.00 82.00 87.00 85.00
Rs./kW/Month Rs./kW/Month
for LTOA and for LTOA and

Transmission Charges
(for intra-State
transmission users) 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
(Rs./MW/Day) 2775.06 2780.00 2973.00 2721.00 2785.00 2845.46 3821.98 4207.17 4209.06 4176.44
Ps./kWh 14.49 33.25 36.92 36.46 35.03

SLDC Fees and Charges 2011-12 2012-13 SLDC Fees and Charges 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Rs./MW/Month 397.35 380.00 Total ARR (Rs. Lakh) 2332.20 1860.51 1078.02 2178.13 3236.01 927.13 3241.41 3554.80
Rs./MW/Half Year 320.83 260.00
Grid Connec on Fees 10000.00 10000.00 Grid Connec on Fees 10000.00 10000.00 10000.00 10000.00 10000.00 10000.00 10000.00 10000.00
Opera ng Charge per day 2000.00 2000.00 Opera ng Charge per 2000.00 2000.00 2000.00 2000.00 2000.00 2000.00 2000.00 2000.00
(for STOA) day (for STOA)

April 2014 October October April 2016 October April 2017 October April 2018 October April 2019 October April 2020
to 2014 to 2015 to to 2016 to to 2017 to to 2018 to to 2019 to to
September March April 2015 to March September March September March September March September March September
Addi onal Surcharge 2014 2015 September 2015 2016 2016 2017 2017 2018 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020
(Rs./kWh) 0.42 0.26 0.98 0.66 0.49 0.44 0.49 0.61 0.69 0.44 0.00 0.10 0.37

17. Renewable Tariff
For Wind
Order dated 11.08.2006 Order dated 30.01.2010

Tariff Agreement Period Control Period Tariff Agreement Period Control Period

Rs. 3.37/kWh 20 years up to 10.08.2009 Rs. 3.56/kWh up to 11.08.2012 25 years

Order dated 08.08.2012 Order dated 30.08.2016

Tariff Agreement Period Control Period Tariff Agreement Period Control Period

Rs. 4.23/kWh 25 years up to 30.08.2016 Rs. 4.19/kWh 25 years up to 31.03.2019

Order dated 30.04.2020

Tariff Agreement Period Control Period

Rate discovered through compe ve bidding (Rs. 2.78/kWh from 30.04.2020 ll new
rate is discovered) 25 years up to 31.03.2022

For Solar
Order dated 29.03.2010

Tariff Agreement Period Control Period

For solar PV genera on - Rs. 15/kWh for ini al 12 years and Rs. 5/kWh from 13th to 25th year 25 years 2 years

For solar thermal power genera on - Rs. 11/kWh or ini al 12 years and
Rs. 4/kWh from 13th to 25th year

Order dated 11.07.2014

29.01.2012 to 31.03.2013 01.04.2013 to 31.03.2014 01.04.2014 to 31.03.2015
For megawa scale solar photovoltaic projects availing accelerated deprecia on benefits
levelized tariff for 25 years Rs. 9.70/kWh Rs. 9.02/kWh Rs. 8.39/kWh
for first 12 years Rs. 10.52/kWh Rs. 9.64/kWh Rs. 8.82/kWh
for subsequent 13 years Rs. 7.00/kWh Rs. 7.00/kWh Rs. 7.00/kWh
For megawa scale solar photovoltaic projects not availing accelerated deprecia on benefits

levelized tariff for 25 years Rs. 10.92/kWh Rs. 10.15/kWh Rs. 9.44/kWh
Tariff for first 12 years Rs. 11.97/kWh Rs. 10.96/kWh Rs. 10.03/kWh
for subsequent 13 years Rs. 7.50/kWh Rs. 7.50/kWh Rs. 7.50/kWh
For kilowa scale solar photovoltaic projects availing accelerated deprecia on benefits
levelized tariff for 25 years Rs. 11.64/kWh Rs. 10.82/kWh Rs. 10.07/kWh
For kilowa scale solar photovoltaic projects not availing accelerated deprecia on benefits
levelized tariff for 25 years Rs. 13.10/kWh Rs. 12.18/kWh Rs. 11.33/kWh
For solar thermal projects availing accelerated deprecia on benefit - Rs. 11.83/kWh
For solar thermal projects not availing accelerated deprecia on benefit - Rs. 13.23/kWh
Agreement Period 25 years
Control period 29.01.2012 to 30.06.2015

Order dated 17.08.2015
01.07.2015 to 31.03.2016 01.04.2016 to 31.03.2017 01.04.2017 to 31.03.2018
For megawa scale solar photovoltaic projects
levelized tariff for 25
years (with accelerated deprecia on Rs. 6.17/kWh Rs. 5.74/kWh Rs. 5.34/kWh

levelized tariff for 25 years (without

Rs. 6.77/kWh Rs. 6.30/kWh Rs. 5.86/kWh
accelerated deprecia on benefit)
Tariff For kilowa scale solar photovoltaic projects

levelized tariff for 25 years (with

Rs. 7.64/kWh Rs. 7.11/kWh Rs. 6.61/kWh
accelerated deprecia on benefit)

levelized tariff for 25 years (without Rs. 8.42/kWh Rs. 7.83/kWh Rs. 7.28/kWh
accelerated deprecia on benefit)

For solar thermal projects availing accelerated deprecia on benefit - Rs. 10.11/kWh
For solar thermal projects not availing accelerated deprecia on benefit - Rs. 11.22/kWh

Agreement Period 25 years

Control period 01.07.2015 to applicability of next tariff order

Order dated 08.05.2020

01.07.2015 to 31.03.2016 01.04.2016 to 31.03.2017 01.04.2017 to 31.03.2018
For small scale solar power projects having capacity of 0.5 MW to 5 MW
Tariff discovered under the compe ve bidding process and adopted by the Commission in different me
period of 6 months of the year plus adi onal 20 Ps/kWh thereon for the projects located outside solar park
For solar thermal projects - project specific tariff

Agreement Period 25 years

Control period upto 31.03.2023

Order dated 03.01.2007

Tariff Rs. 3/kWh
Agreement Period 20 years
Control period ll 31.05.2010

Order dated 31.05.2010

Tariff first 10 years from 11th year onwards
with accelerated deprecia onbenefit Rs. 4.55/kWh Rs. 4.90/kWh
without accelerated deprecia onbenefit Rs. 4.61/kWh Rs. 4.96/kWh
Agreement Period 20 years
Control period 01.06.2010 to 31.07.2013

Order dated 08.08.2013

with water cooled condensers

Fixed Cost Variable cost
FY 2013-14 FY 2014-15 FY 2015-16
with accelerated Levelised fixed
component of Rs.
Tariff deprecia on benefit Rs. 3.39/kWh Rs. 3.55/kWh Rs. 3.73/kWh
1.49/kWh for 20 years

without accelerated Levelised fixed

deprecia on benefit component of Rs. Rs. 3.39/kWh Rs. 3.55/kWh Rs. 3.73/kWh
1.77/kWh for 20 years
with air cooled condensers

with accelerated Levelised fixed

deprecia on benefit component of Rs. Rs. 3.52/kWh Rs. 3.69/kWh Rs. 3.88/kWh
1.58/kWh for 20 years

without accelerated Levelised fixed

deprecia on benefit component of Rs. Rs. 3.52/kWh Rs. 3.69/kWh Rs. 3.88/kWh
1.89/kWh for 20 years

Agreement Period 20 years

Control period 01.08.2013 to 15.03.2018

Order dated 15.03.2018

with water cooled condensers
Fixed Cost Variable cost
FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20

with accelerated Levelised fixed

component of Rs. Rs. 3.63/kWh Rs. 3.82/kWh Rs. 4.01/kWh
deprecia on benefit 1.65/kWh for 20 years

without accelerated Levelised fixed

component of Rs. Rs. 3.63/kWh Rs. 3.82/kWh Rs. 4.01/kWh
deprecia on benefit
Tariff 1.80/kWh for 20 years
with air cooled condensers

with accelerated Levelised fixed

deprecia on benefit component of Rs. Rs. 3.78/kWh Rs. 3.97/kWh Rs. 4.17/kWh
1.75/kWh for 20 years

without accelerated Levelised fixed

deprecia on benefit component of Rs. Rs. 3.78/kWh Rs. 3.97/kWh Rs. 4.17/kWh
1.91/kWh for 20 years

Agreement Period 20 years

Control period 15.03.2018 to 31.03.2020 (further ll issuance of new order)

For Small, Mini, Micro Hydro projects

Order dated 14.12.2016
Tariff SHP below 5 MW SHP above 5 MW
with accelerated deprecia on benefit Rs. 4.32/kWh Rs. 3.64/kWh
without accelerated deprecia on benefit Rs. 3.94/kWh Rs. 3.29/kWh

Agreement Period 35 years

Control period ll 31.03.2019

Order dated 08.08.2013
Fixed Cost Variable cost
FY 2013-14 FY 2014-15 FY 2015-16
with accelerated Levelised fixed
deprecia onbenefit component of Rs.
Tariff Rs. 3.15/kWh Rs. 3.31/kWh Rs. 3.48/kWh
1.54/kWh for 20 years
Fixed Cost

without accelerated Levelised fixed

deprecia onbenefit component of Rs. Rs. 3.15/kWh Rs. 3.31/kWh Rs. 3.48/kWh
1.86/kWh for 20 years

Agreement Period 20 years

Control period 01.08.2013 to 15.03.2018

Order dated15.03.2018
Fixed Cost Variable cost

FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20

with accelerated Levelised fixed
deprecia on benefit component of Rs.
Tariff Rs. 3.63/kWh Rs. 3.81/kWh Rs. 4.00/kWh
1.74/kWh for 20 years
Fixed Cost

without accelerated Levelised fixed

deprecia on benefit component of Rs. Rs. 3.63/kWh Rs. 3.81/kWh Rs. 4.00/kWh
1.90/kWh for 20 years

Agreement Period 20 years

Control period 16.03.2018 to 31.03.2020 (further ll issuance of new order)

Order dated 17.05.2010

Tariff with water cooled condensers
first 10 years from 11th year onwards

with accelerated deprecia onbenefit Rs. 4.40/kWh Rs. 4.75/kWh

without accelerated deprecia onbenefit Rs. 4.45/kWh Rs. 4.80/kWh

with air cooled condensers

with accelerated deprecia onbenefit Rs. 4.60/kWh Rs. 5.00/kWh

without accelerated deprecia onbenefit Rs. 4.66/kWh Rs. 5.06/kWh

Agreement Period 20 years

Control period 01.06.2010 to 31.07.2013

For Municipal Solid Waste to Energy based projects

Order dated 10.11.2016

Tariff Mass incinera on RDF based incinera on
with accelerated deprecia on benefit Rs. 6.31/kWh Rs. 6.67/kWh
without accelerated deprecia on benefit Rs. 7.03/kWh Rs. 7.07/kWh

Agreement Period 20 years

Control period ll 31.03.2021

18. Renewable Power Purchase PObligation (RPO) (%)

Year Solar Wind Bagasse and Total
2010-11 0.25 4.50 0.25 5.00
2011-12 0.50 5.00 0.50 6.00
2012-13 1.00 5.50 0.50 7.00
2013-14 1.00 5.50 0.50 7.00
2014-15 1.25 6.25 0.50 8.00
2015-16 1.50 7.00 0.50 9.00
2016-17 1.75 7.75 0.50 10.00
2017-18 1.75 7.75 0.50 10.00
2018-19 4.25 7.95 0.50 12.70
2019-20 5.50 8.05 0.75 14.30
2020-21 6.75 8.15 0.75 15.65
2021-22 8.00 8.25 0.75 17.00

19 : Per Capita Consumption of Electricity


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