FSM-S-PSX-0062 -04 Threaded Collar Standard - Process & Quality

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Threaded collar FSM-S-PSX-0062

The purpose of this standard guideline is to describe the whole product & process of a threaded collar.
The respect of this standard is mandatory.

Metal activities within FAURECIA Automotive Seating (FAS)

• ISO 898-2 / ISO 4762 / ISO 4017 •FST-S-PSX-0105
• PSA B11 1400 •FST-S-PSX-0104
• DIN 13-50 •FAU-S-PSG-9012

Issue Date Description of changes Cancels or replaces

02 08/03/2012 Review (see detail on last page) Issue 01
03 16/04/2014 Review (see detail on last page) Issue 02
04 01/03/2016 Review (see detail on last page) Issue 03

Author Andrew MILAN

Verified by Irmfried HERRMANN / Hosen SULAÏMAN
Approved by Carey DILLIOTT

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Table of Contents 1 / 3

0.0 General Information …………………………………………………………………….page 6

0.1 The product’s main appliances
0.2 The process
0.3 Quality requirements

1.0 Tools process ……..….............………………………………………………………...page 10

1.1 General process…………………………………………………………………………page 11

1.2 Hole punched collar forming………………………………………………………….. page 14

1.2.1 Process description
1.2.2 Punch diameters
1.2.3 Application on part - Tool geometry details
1.2.4 Application on part - Part section of considered part
1.2.5 With a shaving step
1.2.6 Hole shaving information

1.3 Pre-emboss collar forming………………………………………………………… page 20

1.3.1 Process description
1.3.2 Application on part - Tool geometry details
1.3.3 Application on part - Part section of considered part
1.3.4 Process information

1.4 Calibration step……………………………………………………………………......... page 24

1.5 Threaded part (without collar)………………………………………………………..... page 25
1.5.1 General information
1.5.2 Application on part - Part section of considered part

1.6 General finishing step…………………………………………………………………...page 27

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Table of Contents 2 / 3

1.7 Multiple steps collar drawing…………………………………………………………... page 28

1.7.1 Process description
1.7.2 Flowing of material
1.8 Roll form threading.………………………….…………………………………………. page 30
1.8.0 Introduction
1.8.1 Types of tapping equipment Mechanical under press tapping Electromechanical under press tapping Single tap unit Multi taps unit
1.8.2 Threading sequences
1.8.3 Distance between the axes of the units
1.8.4 Threading speeds for mechanical units
1.8.5 Threading speeds for electromechanical units
1.8.6 Lubrication
1.8.7 Threading sensors
Faurecia Internal document
2.0 Requirements to Product Design…………………..…………………………………..page 41

2.1 General specifications & Main appliances…………………………………………….page 42

2.2 Fixed connection case……….………………………………………………………….page 44

2.2.1 General information
2.2.2 Drawing requirement
2.3 Pivot connection case…………...……………………………………………………... page 46
2.3.1 General information
2.3.2 Drawing requirement
2.4 Threading…………………………………………………………………………………page 48
2.4.1 General information
2.4.2 Functional specifications

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Table of Contents 3 / 3

2.5 Specifications on collar height……………………………………….…………………page 50

2.5.1 Average achievable collar heights & external diameter
2.5.2 Application on a specified part

2.6 Achievable torque………………………………………………………………………..page 52

2.7 Achievable push out force………………………………………………………………page 53

3.0 Quality requirements …..………………………………………………………………. page 54

3.1 Introduction……………………………………………………………………………….page 55

3.2 Mandatory tests & controls in serial……………………………………………………page 57

3.2.1 generic control methods
3.2.2 generic testing methods

3.3 Torque & push out specifications……………………………..………………………..page 59

3.3.1 Generic applications on torque and push out
3.3.2 Assembly influence on push out control
3.3.3 Screw class influence on push out
3.3.4 Spacer’s inner diameter

3.4 Additional Controls ……………..……………………………...………………………..page 63

3.5 Pre-process FMEA……………………………………………………………………... page 67

4.0 History of changes ……………………………………………………………………...page 70

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This document has been implemented in order to set up a guideline gathering the existing information and knowledge
concerning threaded collars. It approaches different aspects of this process such as its many manufacturing best methods &
processes, design requirements and instructions of control.

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0.0 General information

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0.0 General information

0.1 The product’s main appliances

Threaded collar forming started to be used within Faurecia around 15 years ago. It was introduced in order to replace additional
elements such as riveted nuts. By removing these extra parts, costs were reduced by avoiding rework sessions. Hence, creating a
threaded collar instead of using a riveted nut allows the considered part to be finished faster, at a cheaper cost and that fulfils, very
often, the same characteristics. Moreover the whole process is on the same machine.

Faurecia uses this process on different types of parts. It is mainly used on “secured” parts (S.R) that links (mobile and fixed)/assemble
two elements (seat belt attachments, seat slide system, articulations…), but also non secured parts (casing attachments…). (The
following picture shows some of the different types of applications that can be found within Faurecia).

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0.0 General information

0.2 The process

A threaded collar is a material deformation on a metal part. It replaces, and avoids to add another element to the part, such as riveted
nuts (see picture on the right for more details). Therefore it is cheaper in time spending and money. It can be made out of an automatic
or manual press.

In order to master the threaded collar forming process, many studies have been led. The studies carried out, were based on the
analysis of defects. They result in recommendations to keep the process under control. Many factors influence the final
characteristics of the collar such as the number of steps in the process, the type of tapping thread, the type of tool (geometry, the
type of raw material, size…) and the forming direction of the collar in the tool on the press.

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0.0 General information

0.3 Quality requirements

Threaded collars used on items involved in security assembled parts should fulfil several requirements. Firstly, according to
the experience plan that has been led, every collar should be tested in torque and in push out. These tests have to follow specific
methods (detailed in paragraph “3.0 Quality requirements”). The testing results as well as different elements will allow to determine if the
collar matches the set requirements, and also determine its final characteristics such as the filling rate of the tapping (see chapter “1.0
tools process” for more details).
The collar should also be tested at different steps of its life cycle, on different geometrical aspects. Here are the main
aspects to control :

Sliding caliper

Collar entrance &

surface S
Hydraulic press

Washer functional test

The related information for each of the controlling methods are given in chapter 3.0 Quality requirements
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1.0 Tools process

This chapter gives all the tool process recommendations.

The following guidelines are strongly advised .

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1.0 Tools process

1.1 General process

There are 2 main ways to create a threaded collar. The following pages approach these 2 main processes. However all the processes
may be decomposed into five steps :

1 Collar preparation 2 Collar preparation 3 Finishing 4 Optional calibration step 5 Threading

Hole punching A Hole shaving (option) A

Collar burring (or Back calibration Threading

finishing) Calibration step is mandatory
in case of a Safety and
Regulation connection with a
shoulder screw to ensure a
Pre emboss Hole punching flat surface and reduce collar
B B entrance

Each process has its favourable appliances, therefore the selected process should be chosen according to several criteria :
• Material type • Thread characteristics
• Material thickness • Part function
• Desired collar height • Collar drawing direction
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1.0 Tools process

1.1 General process

Thread forming in metal sheet can be made through different processes, here is a summary of the main ones used in
stamped seat parts :

- Hole punched collar forming : It is the most generic method used because of its simplicity. It consists in piercing a
hole and extruding the collar through the material. In some cases, a hole shaving must be done to ensure the top of
the collar is free of cracks. (See 1.2.5 for more details)

- Pre emboss collar forming : This method increases the flowing of material. It consists in forming a pre emboss
before punching the hole in order to increase the formability and reduce the risk of crack at the top of the collar for
High Strength Steel. It also helps to increase the strength of the collar with material flowing optimization (reducing
thickness material on hole scrap). This process increases the cost because of a complex tool conception and
tooling maintenance.

- In case of thick metal parts, threading directly in sheet thickness allows to suppress the collar extrusion. This
method can be use for a thick metal part (3mm minimum). When thread pull out force or torque resistance
requirement is low, a collar is not necessary needed. However, a chamfer calibration can be required before the
threading operation to prevent some wire angel or screw assembly issues.

Regardless of the process chosen, an idle step must be added at the end of the collar forming process. This free
step will be used in case a back calibration is needed to ensure specific collar requirements (see chapter 1.4 for more

The threading is identical to all the processes, it can be made in die or on rework step (see chapter 1.8 for more

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1.0 Tools process

1.1 General process

Thread direct
Hole punched Pre embossed
in sheet metal
collar forming collar forming
The main purpose of having different processes is related to the final
required geometry and raw material needs.
Some processes are more or less adapted to the materials and should
be chosen according to the final desired collar performance.
HC380LA Therefore choosing the appropriate process results in reducing the
HC420LA risk of obtaining cracks or collar shape defects.
HC500LA Also always add an idle step before tapping in case an extra step
S500MC is needed during tool adjustment phase.

S550MC The process & material should ONLY be chosen in the GREEN zone or
CR330Y590T-DP in the YELLOW zone (for NON Safety and Regulation connection or
S600MC with specific Faurecia product agreement & restriction)
or higher grade
NOK forthreaded
OK for threaded collar Apply
Increase the cost of the process OK for welded
welded or
or riveted
reveted nuts
OK for NON SR connection Refer to FST-S-PSX-0104 standard for
OK for NON S/R connection
or with restriction more information about riveted nuts
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1.0 Tools process

1.2 Hole punched collar forming

1.2.1 Process description This process can be used on steels from Mild steel to S355MC. The
use of steels from S355MC to higher may result in the appearance of
cracks at the top of the collar in mass production.

The stamping direction of the hole gives the final side of the top of the collar; when the collar is
punched downwards, the top of the collar has a bigger entrance angle on the inside; which is
better. (less risks of obtaining cracks)


1. Hole punching 2. Collar drawing 3. Idle step

mandatory before
This process is the cheapest one to
draw a collar but can only be done on
high elongation rate steel when collar
NOK is drawn by the opposite way of It can be replaced
Cracks will stamping direction and when large by active
appear on tolerances are required. If all these calibration step
top of collar conditions are not combined this Refer to 1.4
chapter for detail
process must be avoided in favour of
another one.

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1.0 Tools process

1.2 Hole punched collar forming t M P Ød

1.2.2 Punch diameters

Material Strip punching
Ø of thread Pitch (mm)
Ø (mm)
thickness (mm)
M5 0,8 1,8
1,2 mm
M6 1 1,8
M5 0,8 2,2
M6 1 2,2
1,5 mm
M8 1,25 2,2
7/16" 20UNF2B 2,2
Diameters for hole punching in the case of a 2 steps collar forming (see table on M5 0,8 2,8
the right). M6 1 3
2 mm
These values have to be taken as an indication, as only a design of M8 1,25 3
experimentation, applied to the specific part with the concerned process and 7/16" 20UNF2B 3
material, may be taken as a reference. M5 0,8 3,5
M6 1 4,2
M8 1,25 4,2
M9 1 4,2
2,5 mm
M10 1 4,2
M10 1,25 4,2
M10 1,5 4,2
7/16" 20UNF2B 4,5
M5 0,8 3,5
M6 1 3,8
M8 1,25 4,4
3 mm M9 1 4,4
M10 1 5,0
M10 1,5 4,6
7/16" 20UNF2B 4,6
M5 0,8 3,8
M6 1 4
M8 1,25 4,6
3,5 mm
M10 1 5,2
M10 1,5 5
7/16" 20UNF2B 5

Values depend on raw material and are only
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1.0 Tools process

1.2 Hole punched collar forming

1.2.3 Application on part - Tool geometry details
Example of tools used for part with the following specifications : Material : S315MC - Thickness : 25/10 - Thread diameter on final
collar : M10 x 1,5 (on this example of part, the maximum height of the collar is targeted)

Hole punching Collar forming

NOTE : The polishing on the finishing

punch is very important, it should be
polished before and after coating like a
mirror surface (Ra < 0,2).

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1.0 Tools process

1.2 Hole punched collar forming

1.2.4 Application on part - Part section of considered part
Obtained part from the previous tools used for part with the following specifications : Material : S315MC - Thickness : 25/10 - Thread
diameter on final collar : M10 x 1,5 (on this example of part, the maximum height of the collar is targeted and without calibration step))

Hole punching Collar forming Collar tapping

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1.0 Tools process

1.2 Hole punched collar forming

1.2.5 With a shaving step

If the direction of the punch and the forming of the collar are the
same, it is very likely for cracks to appear on top of the collar

The hole shaving process to form a collar in the

same direction is cheaper than a 3 steps process
with collar pre-forming because of tool
construction complexity and fine tuning.

Cracks may appear in this area

This way of forming the collar is used in the case of an HSLA1 steel part, as long as the hole is
shaved2 before the collar drawing process. With this, the appearance of crack is reduced to
the minimum.
Cracks will
appear on
top of collar

1 High strength low alloy

2 See 1.2.6 for more details

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1.0 Tools process

1.2 Hole punched collar forming

1.2.6 Hole shaving information
The shaving of the punched hole is required according to the type of material. It consists in punching a first hole at a
certain diameter and then punching a second hole with a slightly bigger diameter and a reduction of the cutting gap.
The shaving diameter depends of the thickness, the material grade and the first diameter. This results in obtaining a
better surface inside the hole. (see example on the right & picture below).
The picture below shows the inner hole surface after a single punch. It is noticeable that there are 3 zones : cutting
form down, cutting surface, and breaking area.
These zones do not cause any problems on the final geometry shape as long as the collar is formed according to a
specific direction.

Hole punching Hole shaving

a% = 8% a% = 2% ØA=ØB-2mm mini


ØA+ 2 x a% x t ØB + 2 x a% x t
Diameter of the die Diameter of the die
for hole punching for hole shaving.
(The minimum value
possible for the die
is ØB + 0,10mm
(0,05mm on radius))
Free play between punch and die for hole punching and shaving operation
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1.0 Tools process

1.3 Pre emboss collar forming

1.3.1 Process description

Three steps or more to draw a

collar are strongly recommended
in case of high strength steel
more than YS 400 Mpa

It can be
OK replaced by
calibration step
Refer to 1.4
chapter for

OK but Cracks may appear on

top of collar. This can be used
only under product deviation &

Cracks will 1. Collar pre-forming 2. Hole punching 3. Collar drawing 4. Idle step
appear on mandatory before
top of collar taping

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1.0 Tools process

1.3 Pre emboss collar forming

1.3.2 Application on part - Tool geometry details
Example of tools used for part with the following specifications : - Material : S420MC - Thickness : 25/10 - Thread diameter on final
collar: M10x1 (on this example of part, the maximum strength of the collar is targeted with a very high filling rate of the collar (high
performance collar))

Collar pre - forming Hole punching Collar forming

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1.0 Tools process

1.3 Pre emboss collar forming

1.3.3 Application on part - Part section of considered part
Obtained part from the previous tools used for part with the following specifications : - Material : S420MC - Thickness : 25/10 -
Thread diameter on final collar : M10x1 (on this example of part, the maximum strength of the collar is targeted (high performance
collar) and without calibration step)

Collar pre-forming Hole punching Collar forming Collar tapping

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1.0 Tools process

1.3 Pre emboss collar forming

Collar height adjustment
1.3.4 Process information The height of the pre-forming can be adjusted according to the requirements
(specified H on the drawing below), as well as the residual thickness (specified t on
Burr optimization the drawing below) of the pre-forming.

To facilitate the hole punching, it is recommended to do it

in the same direction as collar pre-forming, it will improve
the collar drawing operation.

The residual thickness t must

be optimised at it maximum,
around 50% of the initial
thickness of the part.

Figure 1 : Hole punched in Figure 2 : Hole punched

the collar pre-forming in the collar pre-forming
direction opposite direction
Piloting and centring
The centring and the piloting of the part has an influence
The burr obtained by following punching because of the bigger cutting
on the final collar geometry, therefore the piloting and the
clearance can create a defect inside the collar (in this case, the part centring of the part should be optimised in order to obtain a
becomes cutting die). collar with a shape that matches requirements.

If this defect is still inside the collar after threading, this can cause a wire Don’t hesitate to add additional pilot holes in serial part close to the thread collar in
angel (see paragraph 3.0 Quality requirements for more information) and order to allow the better part positioning and tightening.
the part is to consider as defective.

To prevent this defect, a bigger punch diameter should be used in order Please refer to the Pre-Process FMEA chapter 3.5 for more information on the
to decrease cutting clearance, but this will reduce the final collar height effects of a bad centring and/or piloting; it’s one identified root causes and possible
and therefore the collar performances. ways of improvement.
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1.0 Tools process

1.4 Calibration step

The main assets of adding a calibration step are the following: Threaded collar without
 Add a chamfer on top to help tap entrance additional calibration, shoulder
screw is not in correct contact
 Decrease the collar’s dropping zone on blue part due too dropping
 Calibrate the height of collar zone, huge risk of screwing
 Optimize the flatness around the collar (S surface)
In all these cases, the process to obtain a threaded collar requires a calibration step. This
step is mandatory in case of thread is used with shoulder bolt screw (pivot connection, see
figure 3) or when small tolerances are specified on the drawing. Figure 3 : Case of pivot with shoulder screw

Please consider this extra step will reduce initial collar height

Figure 1 : Collar before and after calibration Figure 2 : Example of calibration tool section
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1.0 Tools process

1.5 Threaded part (without collar)

1.5.1 General information
In some cases, a collar is not needed and the threading is done directly in the part. For that, a 4
step process with hole shaving is required. Here is an example for a M10x1,00 part.

Step 1 : Pre punched hole

Step 2 : Chamfer calibration at 45°
Step 3 : Hole shaving
The calibration step is needed to
Step 4 : Threading prevent the fastening issues
between the screw and the part.
The values for the hole
shaved diameter can be
found in 1.2.6 chapter Figure 2 : Chamfer calibrated part with screw

Some material grades are in

red because they are cold
rolled, so the available
thickness for these materials
are < 3mm which is not
enough to have a proper
threading directly in the metal

1. Hole punching 2. Chamfer calibration 3. Hole shaving

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1.0 Tools process

1.5 Threaded part (without collar)

1.5.2 Application on part - Part section of considered part
Obtained part from the previous tools used for part with the following specifications : - Material : S700MC - Thickness : 40/10 -
Thread diameter on final collar : M10x1,00 (on this example of part, the maximum strength of the collar is targeted (high performance

Pre-punch Chamfer Hole shaving Hole tapping

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1.0 Tools process

1.6 General Finishing step

Finishing step : punch diameter
The final threaded filling rate depends on the real finishing collar diameter. Therefore, the table below gives final collar ØF targeted to
achieve product requirement with thread tolerance 6H with ISO thread and 2B with Inch thread (increase given ØF from 0,03 to 0,04
mm to achieve thread tolerance ISO 6G). Aim is to determine punch diameter to achieve good product but additional experiment and
tool adjustment need to be done to consider material spring back and define final & adequate punch diameter. Filling rate less than 60%
is not accepted in seat parts

Rate of filling 75% 65% 55%

Thread diameter & tolerance Finishing hole Ø F before tapping (in mm)

M5 x 0,80 6H 4,63 4,67 4,71

M6 x 1,00 6H 5,54 5,59 5,64 ØF

M8 x 1,25 6H 7,40 7,46 7,52

M8 x 1,00 6H 7,54 7,59 7,64

M9 x 1,00 6H 8,54 8,59 8,64

M10 x 1,00 6H 9,54 9,59 9,64

M10 x 1,25 6H 9,40 9,46 9,52

M10 x 1,50 6H 9,27 9,35 9,42

7/16-20 2B 10,52 10,57 10,62

7/16-14 2B 10,21 10,29 10,39

Table : filling rate according to the thread diameter and finishing hole diameter

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1.0 Tools process

1.7 Multiple steps collar drawing

1.7.1 Process description For information only

A collar can be made in more than three steps. In fact, to create a higher and
stronger collar, an up to 14 step collar forming process may be applied.
However, this process is rarely used in Faurecia due to its high number of
steps, inducing the necessity of a tooling system with a lot of available space.
Also these collars are very complex to achieve.

Layout to build a collar in multiple steps.

Note that the first “bubble” shape requires a lot of flat surface around the collar on the part, as
well as the following steps. It is also noticeable that the process requires a lot of steps in the tool.

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1.0 Tools process

1.7 Multiple steps collar drawing

1.7.2 Flowing of material For information only

In the case of multiple steps collar forming, the main goal is to increase the flowing of material from material thickness
around the collar to the centre of the collar. Material flowing results in increasing the thickness of the collar (compared to a 2
or 3 step collar forming ,see following diagrams for more information); It results in creating stronger collars.
Multiple steps process is mainly restricted by the type & quality of the material used.

These processes can be used on mild steel and very low alloy steel. In this type of process the type of material has a very
high influence on the final obtained collar. The most adapted material has to be “ductile enough” so that the flow of material is

This process is mainly used in the case of a collar with specific requirements. It creates stronger and thicker collars. Here
are some of the main assets and drawbacks between a 2 steps and a 4 steps collar forming process:

1 Difference in the thickness of the collar.

2 Difference in material thickness around collar

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1.0 Tools process

1.8 Roll form threading

1.8.0 Introduction
The process used in order to obtain a threaded collar in conventional stamping is roll form tapping. It differs from cut tapping (see
Threading paragraph in chapter “2.0 Requirements to Product Design” for more details on the process itself and their varying factors).
The following pages deal with the setting up of a roll form tapping equipment under a press.

NOTE : There are a great number of threading equipment suppliers. However, PRONIC© is FAURECIA’s main partner in threading
equipments. The following indications come from their database and our own knowledge (refer to Pronic’s website to obtain more

• an “under-press” process.
• no rework sessions.
Roll form tapping • requires an under-press step (the tool needs to
have enough space).
• The speed of the press is linked to the speed of
the tapping equipment.
• Can eventually be made in rework

Under – press tapping unit :

Press with a tapping unit mounted (situated in the middle of the picture)

Roll form tapping can be divided into two separate families : Mechanical under press tapping and electromechanical tapping.
(See following pages for more information.)
Important :Roll form tapping is directly linked with the finishing diameter of the collar – please refer to the chapter “1.6 General finishing step”, for more
information on the finishing diameter and achievable rates of filling.

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1.0 Tools process

1.8 Roll form threading

1.8.1 Types of tapping equipments Mechanical under press tapping
This system is composed of a series of drive shafts & gears,
converting the linear motion of the press into a rotation. Therefore
the speed of the press and the speed of the tap are linked by the
press kinematics. The rotary movement of the spindle is
transferred with a set of gears to a lead screw that pilots the tap.
These tapping units can be installed on a pressure pad, solid on
Example of mechanical units Detailed view of a tapping unit the lower shoe or on the stripper.

Mounting of the unit under press

(Mounting the most used on Faurecia tools)

Required condition: Material lift > 1 mm.

Required conditions: When the strip lift is null or <1mm
The tapping unit is mounted on the mobile support (band lift). Therefore the
The tapping unit is mounted on the lower shoe of the tool. Therefore the unit has no
unit follows the mobile support’s movements.
relative movement. It is solidly mounted on the lower shoe of the tool.

Side view of a tapping unit mounted on the Mobile support Side view of a tapping unit mounted on the lower shoe of the tool

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1.0 Tools process

1.8 Roll form threading

1.8.1 Types of tapping equipments Electromechanical under press tapping

This system is composed of a servo unit that monitors the

equipment’s speed and stroke. On this type of equipment the speed
of the press and the speed of the tap are independent. The
equipment is automated and programmable according to the user’s
need. The linear speed and stroke as well as the rotation speed of
the tap can be monitored by the servo unit. These tapping units can
be installed on a large number of press.
Example of electromechanical units and M400 controller on optional trolley

Mounting of the unit under press (extract of tool design cassette)

MOBILE SUPPORT MOUNTING (the mobile support guides the strip).

(Mounting the most used on Faurecia tools)

Required condition: Material lift > 1 mm.

The tapping unit is mounted on the mobile support (band lift). Therefore the
unit follows the movements of the mobile support.

Side view of the unit

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1.0 Tools process

1.8 Roll form threading

1.8.1 Types of tapping equipments Single tap unit

This system is composed either of a series of drive shafts & gears,

converting the linear motion of the press into a rotation (Mechanical).
Or of a servo unit that monitors the equipment’s speed and stroke
There is a detachable single spindle tapping head that makes the
tap change easy and fast.
Depending on the model, the unit can have an integrated mobile
support that makes the die easy and fast to design.

Example of STN tapping unit with Example of STS tapping unit with
a mechanical motorization an electromechanical motorization

STN unit STS unit

Motorization type Mechanical or Electromechanical

Tapping head Single tap and detachable
Tap dimension M2,5 to M16
Tap stroke (max) 30 mm
Tap direction From Top to Bottom
Kinematic of the unit Mobile support mounting realized by toolmaker Mobile support mounting integrated to the unit
Press Stroke (max) 450 mm
Band lift 100 mm and more 45 mm max
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1.0 Tools process

1.8 Roll form threading

1.8.1 Types of tapping equipments Multi taps unit

This system is composed of a tapping head with one or several

spindles. This head is motorized by either a mechanical or
electromechanical motorization.
Then, the tapping head is installed on a support that can carry built-
in features like mobile support mounting, strip guidance, strip
piloting, double mobile support depending on die design and
application specifications.

TKN unit TKS unit TKD unit

Motorization type Mechanical or Electromechanical

Tapping head Single or multi tap and detachable
Tap dimension M2,5 to M16+
Tap stroke (max) 30 mm
Tap direction From Top to Bottom or from Bottom to top
Mobile support mounting realized by Mobile support mounting integrated Double mobile support integrated
Kinematic of the unit
toolmaker to the unit to the unit
Press Stroke (max) Mechanical: 450 mm – Electromechanical: 750 mm
Band lift (max) 100 mm and more 45 mm 45 mm

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1.8 Roll form threading

1.8.2 threading sequences
The different sequences of the tapping unit can be separated into 4 distinctive steps. The following diagrams and steps are for mechanical tapping units. The
diagram on the left shows each step according to the press angle. In this case, the tapping unit follows the press movements.

1 Top dead centre

2 Bottom dead centre
 The press is in TDC – the tap start to turn  Beginning of tapping

 Stripper contact – The tap is threading the  Strip is down – End of threading and  The press is in BDC – The tap has
part sensor ready to operate completely threaded the part.

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1.8 Roll form threading

1.8.3 Distance between the axes of the units
The following sketches deal with the The following sketches give an example of the
dimensions of two types of tapping heads minimum distance that should be left between the
as well as the minimum distance required axles for single tapping units.
between the axles of theses heads.
Single tap units Example of a single tap unit

Multi tap units Example of a multi tap unit

Tapping head type TK1 (M6 max) Tapping head type TK2 ST2 Tapping Unit

When two units M1D are installed face to face, the installation of the cooling system
Note: Non standard equipments can be made on demand according to specific needs – In that should be connected on the side of the tapping unit.
case, please refer to metal forming for more information.

NOTE : Only measurements on press as well as plans that take in consideration the available space in the press can validate the final mounting of the unit.

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1.0 Tools process

1.8 Roll form threading

1.8.4 Threading speeds for mechanical units
The speed of a roll form tapping equipment is based on the information given by the tapping equipment
Normal wearing of a roll forming tap is
supplier. However the following information may be taken as a general idea of functional settings.
between 15 000 and 25 000 threaded parts.
These settings may be modified to follow restrictions due to the process, material, part or equipment

To save some tap stroke, a re-machining

Having an under press tapping induces having to slow down the press speed compared to its usual
tap is used in tapping under press. It allows
speed. The speed is reduced in order not to damage the tap or the part. Therefore it will reduce the
a minimum distance between tap end and
wearing of the tap, and any eventual non quality issues ( see defects paragraph in chapter “3.0
collar entrance in TDC position. At least, it
requirements to quality” for more details concerning the most current defects).
allows to increase press speed.

The speed chosen should always take in consideration the characteristics of the press. In fact, the
speed of the press and the speed of the tapping are directly linked. Therefore choosing an improper
speed may result into two major cases (other cases are possible but wont be dealt with).

• Choosing a speed that is too slow may result in a lack of energy of the press and will not
allow the part to be produced properly.

• Choosing a speed that is too high may result in a quick tap wearing and a high part
heating (collar takes blue colour) .

Mild steel 35 - 45 m/min mechanical threading

Such as DD11 30 m/min electromechanical threading
HSLA1 steel 25 - 35 m/min mechanical threading
Such as S315MC 25m/min electromechanical threading
HSLA1 steel Approx. 25 m/min mechanical threading
Such as S420MC Approx. 20 m/min electromechanical threading
1 High Strength Low Alloy

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1.8 Roll form threading

1.8.5 Threading speeds for electromechanical units
The press stroke doesn’t influence the rate of tapping as long as the tapping angle isn’t
modified. Over more, the tapping speed fluctuates according to the time (angle) allocated
to produce the complete tapping cycle (See following schemes for more details).
Therefore the longer the time (angle) allocated to produce the tapping is important, the
longer it will take to tap the part reducing the speed of material deformation and
increasing the tap’s life time.
Important : for an optimal tapping, the part should be piloted before the tapping
cycle starts . In addition, extra strip pilots have to be added in the tool to centre
and hold the part.

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1.8 Roll form threading

1.8.6 Lubrication Material
Mild HSLA Stainless
steel steel steel
Up to M6 1* 1* 1*
Using appropriate lubrication equipment and oil has for main goal to reduce the
wearing of the tap and obtain a tapped part in conformity with quality requirements. M8 & M10 1 or 2 * 2* 2*
The table on the right deals with the number of lubrication nozzles required for the
7/16’’ 2* 2 to 4 * 4*
tapping process according to the material and the thread diameter. The indicated
number of nozzles is given for each tap. Table 1 : number of lubrication nozzles according to the material
and the thread

* The number of lubrication nozzles may change according to specific

needs (e.g. : specific collar heights).

Picture 4 : lubrication unit & nozzles

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1.0 Tools process

1.8 Roll form threading Example of Mounting of a detec V2 sensor with a mechanical tapping unit

1.8.7 Threading sensors OK PRESS STOP

Under press roll form tapping requires sensors in order to make sure that the part is
completely tapped.
The tapping equipment should always have an “end of tapping” sensor. This type of
equipment is used in order to check that every part is completely tapped. The working
sequence of the sensor is 1 or 0.
1 : the sensor detects the tap : the information is sent back as OK ; the press
continues its usual cycle.
0 : the sensor doesn't detect the tap : the information is sent back as not OK ; the
press stops to see why the sensor wasn’t operated.

Example of a Detec V2 end of tapping sensor mounted on the lower

shoe of the tool. This type of setting can only be used in the case of a
mechanical tapping unit.
In the case of an electromechanical tapping unit, the Detec V2 sensor
should be mounted on the mobile support, so that the tap can be
detected by the sensor. For more information concerning the setting up
of an electromechanical tapping unit, refer to Pronic documentation.

The strip should be piloted during the entire

threading process.
The sensor should be positioned in order to detect
ONLY the end of tapping; Tests should be made to
make sure that it doesn’t detect the strip.

For more information on the strip piloting, please refer to the

threaded collar guideline pre-process FMEA.

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3.0 Quality requirements

This chapter gives all the standards concerning quality requirements.

The following standard procedures are MANDATORY.

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3.0 Quality requirements

3.1 Introduction
The Quality requirements chapter deals with variability that comes from the process and the testing of the parts.
The following process variability analysis comes from a previous work shop.
Listed below are the main existing defects :

• Cracks at the top of the collar

• Lack of material

• Height of collar different from the requirements

•Collar geometry doesn’t match requirements

• Angel wire at the top of the collar (Dangerous in terms of injuries)

• Missing threads

• Collar entrance radius size ( r )

• filling rate

Note : the testing method has a high influence on the qualification of the collar – See concerned section for more details.

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3.0 Quality requirements

3.1 Introduction

Control procedures described on the following pages have to be implemented according to :

• Frequency given in Faurecia quality rule
• In all cases of material batch change
• In all cases of tool break (maintenance operation)
• In case of press set up

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3.0 Quality requirements

3.2 Mandatory tests & controls in serial

3.2.1 Generic control methods

Thread testing The thread has to be tested once it has been tapped. The screw plug gauge has two
Testing of the thread sides : one side go, the other no go. Therefore only the go side should screw in the
conformity, with screw threaded collar. The screw plug gauge has to be chosen according to ISO regulations,
plug gauge and the concerned thread diameter.

The internal collar diameter before tapping , as well as the internal collar diameter after
Internal collar diameter tapping has to be checked.

Internal collar diameter The internal collar diameter before tapping has to conform the specifications of diameter
before tapping, with rods sizes listed in paragraph 1.0 & 2.0. according to the desired filling rate of the final
threaded collar (in progressive die, it can be checked only on the part on the strip).
Internal collar diameter
after tapping, with rods The internal collar diameter after tapping has to conform the specifications of diameter
sizes (on thread height) listed in the ISO roll form tapping regulation (see product design
chapter 2,4,2).

Collar Geometry
Height of the collar, with
The height of the collar has to be within the plan specifications (see chapter 2.0 for more
a sliding caliper.
information concerning the collars maximum heights).

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3.0 Quality requirements

3.2 Mandatory tests & controls in serial

3.2.2 Generic testing methods
IMPORTANT : For the following tests, the testing method, the screw class and the
equipment have an influence on the final result. The following testing & control
methods given in the next pages are mandatory.

The collar has to be tested in torque resistance, in order to determine if the

part matches plan requirements. The torque wrench has to be chosen
Torque resistance according to the part specifications.
Important : the test should be destructive.
Collar thread resistance to Note : the choice of the type of torque wrench is very important; therefore a
torque. Destructive test on torque wrench with a mechanical display should be used (too much
torque, with a torque wrench. measurement uncertainty with electronic displays.)
Torque wrench
with mechanical display See the following pages for more details concerning the torque resistance.
In the case of a safety regulation part, a torque resistance test is mandatory.
The screw used for the test has followed the requirements given by Norm ISO 4762 or ISO 4017 (hexagon or hexagon socket cap head)

Push out resistance The collar has to be tested in push out. The testing method is very important,
therefore the methods given in the following pages have to be followed to the
Collar thread resistance to letter.
push out force. Destructive In the case of a safety regulation part, a push out resistance test is mandatory.
test on push out, with a
Note : For serial life testing a small hydraulic press (e.g. see picture on the
hydraulic traction machine / or
left). For laboratory analysis, an automated hydraulic press can be used.
mechanical traction machine.

Push out test set up Pumping hydraulic press

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3.0 Quality requirements

3.3 Torque & Push out specifications

3.3.1 Generic application on torque and push out
The following testing & control methods are mandatory in
Torque the case of Safety Regulation parts (SR). Push out
Rule for torque Rule for push out

The hardness of the plain The test should always be done according to
washer should be optimal the picture on the right.
(HRc45 min) so that it doesn’t For an optimal test, the spacer has to be
get damaged during the test. (If slightly bigger than the screw’s diameter and
the washer is damaged during of an optimal hardness (HRc45 min).
the test, the test is nil). See following pages norm to determine the
NOTE : the torque resistance
cannot be under statistical If the spacer is damaged during the test, the
analysis because there is a big test is nil.
incidence with friction The force should always be applied
coefficient especially under according to the direction of the arrow.
screw head

Speed of the
applied force :
between 1&3mm/s

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3.0 Quality requirements

3.3 Torque & Push out specifications

3.3.2 Assembly influence on push out control

Experience feedback : the following results come from different parts, the tests
were implemented in the unique intention of evaluating the impact of the testing
method. The following table refers to the specified type of part.

Material: S355MC
Material thickness: 25/10
Thread diameter: M10
Pitch: 1,5

Traction resistance (DaN) Screw class Spacer inner diameter

2500 12,9 Ø 18
NOK NOK OK 2700 12,9 Ø 16
4900 12,9 Ø 11

On the scheme on the left, the spacer’s inner diameter is bigger than the screw’s head diameter, the sheet of metal is
deformed. Therefore the value obtained for the test includes the deformation of the sheet of metal.

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3.0 Quality requirements

3.3 Torque & Push out specifications

3.3.3 Screw class influence on push out

Feedback Results from a previous research on the influence of the screw class. The test was made on the same collar size, from the same batch in order
to have a part with the exact same characteristics for both screw class tests.

Part used :
Material: S355MC
Material thickness: 20/10
Thread diameter: M6
Pitch: 1

Traction resistance (DaN) Screw class

Test # 1 1100 8,8

Test # 2 1700 12,9

Note : at the end of the test, the 8,8 class screw is

damaged but not the 12,9 class screw.


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3.0 Quality requirements

3.3 Torque & Push out specifications

3.3.4 Spacer’s inner diameter
This section refers to an extract of the ISO document reference : ISO 898-2.

Note : The following specifications are applied in the case of a non destructive test.

It is specified that a proof load test should be done according to the figures 1&2.
The threaded nut/collar should be mounted on a Hardened threaded mandrel (figure 3). The load is applied according
to the arrows (indicated on the figures 1&2). The load should be applied for 15 seconds.
The test is a success only if :
•The mandrel and the nut/threaded collar can be disassembled easily (unscrewed by hand) (a tool can be used to
unscrew the part, however the unscrewing cannot exceed half a rotation, and should then be unscrewed by hand).
•The nut/threaded collar should not show any type of weakness on its threads (no breakage or collapsing) .
Figure 1: push out proof load test

dh a,b r1 c Speed to
Nominal achieve
Min. Max. the load
5 5,5 5,68 0,7 Specifications for the mandrel :
• Hardness of at least 45 HRC
6 6,6 6,82 0,7
• Threading tolerance class of
7 7,6 7,82 0,8 5h6g
Between r1
• Outer diameter tolerance in the
8 9 9,22 0,8 1mm/s last quarter of the 6g tolerance on
& minimum material side.
10 11 11,27 0,8
3mm/s (See picture on the right)
12 13,5 13,77 0,8
14 15,5 15,77 1,3
16 17,5 17,77 1,3 Figure 2: Pull out proof load test
Figure 3 : Picture of a mandrel used for proof
load test

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3.0 Quality requirements

3.4 Additional Controls

Part sorting system.

•A trap door on the conveyor opens automatically to put

aside all the parts that have not been produced under
press control.
•In the case of parts produced in manual or setup mode
or any press stop, trap door has to be opened.
•Trap door will be closed when press is switched on to
automatic mode and only once all parts that have not
been automatically controlled are evacuated out of the
tool (take care of the number of stations between sensor
and last tool step)
• Please refer to process chapter for concerned page
about tap detection sensor information.

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3.0 Quality requirements

3.4 Additional Controls

Three-dimensional measurement for the qualification of the threading geometry.
In order to control the geometry of the collar, a special threaded gauge with a slightly coned shape has to be used (see picture on the
right - this type of gauge is bought). The control is made on a 3D measuring machine. The gauge is screwed inside the threaded collar,
the slightly coned shape is very important as it enables the gauge to be completely in contact with the bottom of the thread (thread
gauge plane). The upper part of the gauge is used to acquire points with a probe. The main purpose of this acquisition is to check the
following geometrical specifications :
 Determine the real axle of thread collar to check the position of the collar.
 Determine if the threading and the collar are perpendicular to the part.

The schemes on the left are theoretical (the cone

shape is voluntarily exaggerated in order to show the
function of the gauge). The picture on the right is a
Cone is about 1,25°
picture of a real gauge.

Measuring these two areas allows to determine the axel of

the cylinder by controlling the two diameters shown.
Example of a threaded
An intersection has to be made between the flat surface “coned” gauge used for
around the collar and the axle that has been determined an M10x1
previously. The intersection gives the position of the collar.

To get the last version of the gauge’s drawing, go

Threaded collar and a threaded gauge in a slightly coned shape
check in Magellan the drawing number 1897915X

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3.0 Quality requirements

3.4 Additional Controls

Three-dimensional measurement threaded gauge drawing
To get the last version of the gauge’s drawing, go
check in Magellan the drawing number 1897915X


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3.0 Quality requirements

3.4 Additional Controls

Functional checking method for collar radius entrance
To prevent screwing issues like self unscrewing or noise caused by the freeplay between the screw shoulder
and the collar, it is important to control the collar radius entrance.
For this functional control test a
Screw calibrated and hardened screw and
washer are needed.
The screw, washer and part are linked
together. The aim of this test is to It is also mandatory to perform
check if after screwing the washer can CMM measurement to control
rotate around the screw. flatness tolerance on surface S.
If the washer can’t turn, it means that
the contact between screw and part is
on the dropping collar area and the Calibrated washer is
washer is compressed between them. compressed and can’t
turn around the screw
Calibrated washer can turn collar doesn't validate the
around the screw : collar requirements.
validate the requirements.
Contact between
Contact between bush and part is
bush and part is inside the dropping
on the flat area zone.

Part with big collar

Part with small collar
dropping zone
radius entrance
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3.0 Quality requirements

3.5 Pre-Process FMEA

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3.0 Quality requirements

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3.0 Quality requirements

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4.0 History of changes

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4.0 History of changes

4.0 History of changes

Issue 2 :

• Add part drawing example

• Update collar performance
• Update optional product & process specifications

Issue 3 :

• Drawing specifications updated for collar with embossing

• Material feasibility update
• Update optional product & process specifications

•Issue 4 :

• New process : threading directly in metal sheet & update on calibration step
• Drawing specifications updated
• Material feasibility update

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