WTP Design

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Ref : Job Ref :

Calc. By : Calc. Sheet No :
Checked by: Ir Asari Date : 17/7/2024
Part of Structure : WTP
Treatment Plant

1.Plant Capacity

Normal Condition
Plant's raw water inflow = 10 MLD
WTP operating hours per day = 16 hr/day
Plant's raw water inflow = 625 m3/hr
Plant's raw water inflow = 0.174 m3/s

2.Sedimentation Tanks

Size of Sed Tank

Sed Tank Size Adopted in Design;

Length = 31.7 m
Width = 8.8 m
Nos = 2

Sed Tank Area;

Area = 557.92 m2
Loading Rate = 1.120 m/hr

Sizing of Sed Tank

Length = 35.2 m
Width = 8.8 m
Nos = 2
Retention volume = 2,707 m3
Retention time = 4.33 hr

3.Flocculation Tanks

Sizing of Flocculation Tanks

SWD = 7 m
Width of tank = 2.81 m
Length of tank = 8.8 m
Retention volume = 173.10 m3
No. of tanks = 2
Retention time = 33.23 min Requirement : 25 - 30 min

Spacing m Depth m Area m2 Velocity Requirement

1 0.34 2.81 0.9554 0.0909 m/s 0.3 m/s
2 0.42 2.81 1.1802 0.0736 m/s 0.2 m/s
3 0.7 2.81 1.967 0.0441 m/s 0.1 m/s
Drg. Ref : Job Ref :
Calc. By : Calc. Sheet No :
Checked by: Ir Asari Date : 17/7/2024
Part of Structure : WTP
Treatment Plant

4. Filters

Sizing of Filter
Filtration flow rate = 208.3 m3/hr
No of filter = 3
Length = 13.5 m
Width of filter bed = 6 m
Filtration area required = 81.00 m2
Filtration flow rate = 2.57 m3/m2/hr Requirement : 5 - 8 m3/m2/hr

5. Clear Water Tanks

No of tank = 1
Length = 28.4 m
Width = 36.6 m
Height = 4 m
Volume per tank = 4,158 m3
Inflow per tank = 0.174 m3/s
Retention time = 6.65 hrs

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