Thermodynamics _ Practice Sheet

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Uday 2025


Multiple Choice Answer Type Questions V2 V1
(3) RT log e (4) RT log e
1. For a cyclic process V1 V2
(1) U = 0 (2) Q = 0
(3) W = 0 (4) Both (1) & (3) 8. In adiabatic expansion of a gas
(1) Its pressure increases
2. Select the incorrect relation. (Where symbols have (2) Its temperature falls
their usual meanings) (3) Its density increases
R (4) Its thermal energy increases
(1) CP = (2) CP − CV = R
 −1
9. In an adiabatic change the pressure and
Pf V f − PV R
(3) U = (4) CV =
i i
temperature of a monoatomic gas are related with
1−   −1
relation P  T C , where C is equal to
3 5
3. For an adiabatic expansion of an ideal gas the (1) (2)
2 2
fractional change in its pressure is equal to 7 9
V dV (3) (4)
(1) − (2) − 9 7
dV V
dV dV Assertion and Reason Answer Type Questions
(3) (4) −
Directions: These questions consist of two statements
each, printed as Assertion and Reason. While answering
4. In thermodynamic process, 200 joules of heat is
these questions, you are required to choose any one of the
given to a gas and 100 joules of work is also done
following four responses.
on it. The change m internal energy of the gas is
10. Assertion: Internal energy of ideal gas does not
(1) 100J (2) 300J
depend upon the volume of the gas.
(3) 419J (4) 24J
Reason: This is because internal energy of ideal
gas depends on temperature of gas.
5. Out of the following which quantity does not
(1) Both Assertion and Reason are True and the
depend on path
Reason is a correct explanation of the
(1) Temperature (2) Energy
(3) Work (4) None of these
(2) Both Assertion and Reason are True but
Reason is not a correct explanation of the
6. Which of the following is not a path function?
(1) W (2) Q + W
(3) Assertion is True but the Reason is False.
(3) Q − W (4) Q (4) Assertion and Reason are False

7. What done per mol in an isothermal change is Very Short Answer Type Questions
(1) RT log10 2 (2) RT log10 1 11. Which thermodynamic variable is defined by 1st
V1 V2 law?

work, per the properties of an isothermal system,
12. Given any two examples of state variables. which maintains constant internal energy,
rendering the specific heat capacity effectively
13. Why does a gas get heated on compression? infinite and precluding any temperature rise. This
experiment has profound implications for thermal
14. In summer when value of a bicycle tube is system design and efficiency.
removed, escaping air appears cold. Why?
i. The specific heat of a gas in an isothermal process
Short Answer Type Questions is
(1) Infinite (2) Zero
15. Discuss briefly any two applications of 1st law of
(3) Negative (4) Remains constant

ii. A container that suits the occurrence of an

16. Three moles of an ideal gas at 127° C expands
isothermal process should be made of
isothermally untill the volume is doubled.
(1) Copper (2) Glass
Calculate the amount of work done and heat
(3) Wood (4) Cloth

iii. A thermodynamic process in which temperature T

Long Answer Type Questions
of the system remains constant though other
17. An ideal gas expands isothermally along AB and variable P and V may change, is called
does 700 J work (1) Isochoric process
(2) Isothermal process
(3) Isobaric process
(4) None of these

iv. When an ideal gas in a cylinder was compressed

isothermally by a piston, the work done on the gas
was found to be 1.5 × 104 joules. During this
(1) How much heat does the gas exchange along
process about
(1) 3.6 × 103 cal of heat flowed out from the gas
(2) The gas then expands adiabatically along BC (2) 3.6 × 103 cal of heat flowed into the gas
and does 400 J of work. When the gas returns to A (3) 1.5 × 104 cal of heat flowed into the gas
along CA. It exhausts 100 J of heat to its (4) 1.5 × 104 cal of heat flowed out from the gas
surroundings. How much work is done on the gas
along this path. v. When heat is given to a gas in an isothermal
change, the result will be
(1) External work done
Case Based Study Answer Type Questions (2) Rise in temperature
18. In a controlled experiment to study (3) Increase in internal energy
thermodynamics, an ideal gas in a specialized (4) External work done and also rise in
container was subjected to an isothermal process, temperature
with its temperature held constant while pressure
and volume varied. Precision instruments
measured the energy transfer as work done on the
gas by a piston. Findings were expected to show
that heat introduced would be fully converted to

Answer Key

1. (1) 7. (3)
2. (3) 8. (2)
3. (4) 9. (2)
4. (2) 10. (2)
5. (1) 18. i. (1), ii. (1) , iii. (2) , iv. (1) , v. (1)
6. (3)

Hints & Solutions

Multiple Choice Answer Type Questions For an adiabatic expansion of an ideal gas, the
1. (1) fractional change in its pressure is equal to
Internal energy (U) is a function of temperature − (dV / V )
Thus it is a state function, i.e. its value depends 4. (2)
only upon the state it is in, not on the process Q = 200 , W = −100 J
through which it reached that state. Q =  + u
A cyclic process ends at the state where it started.
200 = −100 + u
Thus, there is no change in state functions in a
u = 300J
cyclic process, and hence U = 0

5. (1)
2. (3)
Path functions are properties or quantities whose
As we know that,
values depend on the transition of a system from
U = nCv T
the initial state to the final state. The two most
Whereas, common path functions are heat and work.
n = No. of moles Hence temperature is not a path function.
Cv = Heat capacity at constant volume =
 −1
T = Change in temperature = Tf − Ti 6. (3)
Q = U + W
 U = n
 −1
T f − Ti ) Q − W = U
nRT f − nRTi U is internal energy which is independent of
 U = …(1) path.
 −1
Now from ideal gas equation,
7. (3)
PV = nRT
For the same no. of moles of a gas, RT log e
nRTf = Pf V f
nRTi = PV
i i
For isothermal process PV = RT  P =
Substituting these values in equation (1), we have RT V
 W = PdV = 
Pf V f − PV dV = RT log e 2
U = V V1
i i V1

 −1
8. (2)
3. (4) Correct option is B. Its temperature falls.
Fractional change in pressure = (dP / P) When an ideal gas is compressed adiabatically
For adiabatic expansion: PV  = constant (Q =0), work is done on it and its temperature
ln P +  ln V = constant increases; in an adiabatic expansion, the gas does
Differentiating ln P +  ln V = constant both sides, work and its temperature drops.
we get
9. (2)
(dP / P) +  (dV / V ) = 0
In adiabatic process, relation between P and T:
= dP / P = − (dV / V )
P1− T  = constant

 Q = U + W
 −1
So PT
Adiabatic Expansion:- (i) Q = 0
5 
 = for monatomic gas and c = (ii) W = +ve
3  −1
T f  Ti
So, 0 = U + W
So c = 3
5  U = −W
3 ( )
 nCv T f − Ti = −
Short Answer Type Questions
Assertion and Reason Answer Type Questions 15. Thermodynamics:
10. (2) 1. The study of the relationships between heat,
Both Assertion and Reason are True but Reason is work, temperature, and energy is known as
not a correct explanation of the Assertion. thermodynamics.
2. The rules of thermodynamics explain how
Very Short Answer Type Questions energy in a system evolves and whether a system
11. The thermodynamic variable that is defined by the can make use of its environment to produce
first law of thermodynamics is the internal energy productive work.
of the system. Although there are many applications of
• The first law of thermodynamics states that the thermodynamics, here we will be explaining the
change in internal energy of a system is the sum most common examples of it. They are enlisted
of heat supplied to the system and work done on below:
the system. Sweating in a room:
• This gives us the definition of internal energy i.e. 1. In a crowded environment, everyone begins to
the total amount of kinetic and potential energy perspire.
the molecules of a system possess. 2. By transmitting body heat to water (the main
• The heat supplied gives the kinetic energy and component of sweat), the body begins to cool
the work done gives the potential energy. down. Sweat evaporates, heating the space.
• Hence, the internal energy variable is defined in 3. Again, this occurs as a result of the application
the first law of thermodynamics. of the first and second laws of thermodynamics.
Keep in mind that heat is not lost but rather
12. (i) State variables: The measurable properties moved until equilibrium is reached with the least
required to describe the state of the system are amount of entropy.
called state variables. For example temperature, Melting of ice cubes:
pressure, volume, composition etc. are state 1. Ice cubes in a beverage absorb heat from the
variables. beverage, making the beverage cooler.
2. If we neglect to drink it, it will eventually warm
13. dQ = 0 adiabatic back up to room temperature by absorbing heat
d  = −ve (compression) dv = −ve from the environment.
dQ = dv + d  3. The first and second laws of thermodynamics
dv = +ve  dT inc govern how all of this works.
T inc gas heat

14. U = nCV T 16. Isothermal

From 1st law of thermodynamics,

V2 (iii)
W = nRT ln = 3  8.3  400log 2 In isothermal process, temperature remains
= 6912J
so ideal gas equation becomes PV = constant
dU = 0 T = constant dU  dT
dQ = dU + d 
dQ = d  In isothermal compression, there is always an
Heat absorbed = 6912J increases of heat which must flow out the gas.
Q = U + W  W ( U = 0)
Long Answer Type Questions 1.5  104
 Q = −1.5  104 J = cal
17. AB = isothermal = −3.6  103 cal
dU AB = 0 The –ve sign represents the heat is flowed out
dQAB = dU AB + d  AB from the gas.

dQAB = 700 J (v)

BC = adiabatic The first law of thermodynamics gives us the
dQBC = 0 relation:
Q = U + w
dQBC = dU BC + d  BC
Given that heat is supplied at constant
dU BC = −d  BC = −400 J temperature.
dQCA = −100 J dU → path independent Internal energy is a function of temperature alone,
so if a process is isothermal, the change in internal
dQCA = d CA + dUCA dU AB + dU BC = dU AC energy is zero.
−100 = d CA + 400 dU AC = −400 J U = 0
Hence all the heat supplied goes into work done
d CA = −500 J dUCA = 400 J
by the gas.
Hence the gas does positive work, which is
external work done.
Case Based Study Answer Type Questions
18. (i)
The correct option is (1) infinite
Q = mC T
m T
T → 0 , Specific heat in isothermal process
will be infinite.

An isothermal process takes place at constant
temperature, must be carried out in vessel with
conducting wall so that heat generated should go
out at once.

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