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DAY 2 – Section 3(a) SINUOUS FLUVIAL

Petroskills OGCI, Tulsa, Oklahoma

Honorary Lecturer, University of Aberdeen, Scotland, U.K.

(MSc Petroleum Geology and MSc Hydrocarbon Enterprise)

Honorary Lecturer, The Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, Scotland, U.K.

(MSc Oil and Gas Engineering)

Director, Deep Marine, 9 North Square, Aberdeen, Scotland, U.K.
Third type: Anastomosing rivers – braided channels with long-lived braid bars
‘Fourth Type straight rivers – transitional, ‘reach specific’ channel type
• The three patterns were divided along an energy continuum, with braided rivers
occurring in the highest energy situations, straight channels in the lowest energy
situations and meandering channels in intermediate energy locations
Walker Model for sinuous fluvial channels
Drumheller Point Bars (photo courtesy of Prof BPJ Williams)
Point Bar facies
Scroll bars form by the deposition of a ridge of sediment high up a point bar behind an obstacle
to flow, often vegetation or a fallen tree (Nanson, 1981). Sediment is deposited behind the obstacle
which protects the sediment from erosion. With time and the further lateral migration, this ridge becomes
progressively further from the active channel and less subject to possible erosion. It becomes established,
eventually passing on to the floodplain where it is part of ridge and swale topography.

The channel runs out of energy to erode its banks further – This may occur
because as the bend expands the channel path length between the inflow to the bend
and the outflow increases. This decreases the flow energy of the channel by
decreasing channel slope

A cutoff forms – A cutoff occurs when the channel adopts a new, shorter path. Usually
the old and new sections of channel coexist for a while before the older, longer and less
efficient channel is abandoned and the river reverts to a single channel.
Causes of neck cut-off and chute cut-off

• Neck cutoffs occur when the channel becomes so sinuous that it

intersects itself, creating a short route bypassing the longer,
preexisting channel path.

• Chute cutoffs occur when the channel cuts a shorter path across a
wide point bar during a flood event. This cutoff mechanism generally
occurs in channels which are less sinuous than those dominated by
neck cutoffs, and which have wider, shallower channels with less
resistant banks (though you can still get chute cutoffs in highly
sinuous rivers)
Neck cutoff: outcrop photo, Wealdon I.O.W. (courtesy of Prof BPJ Williams)
Oxbow lake associated with a sinuous fluvial channel
(note also the chute cut-offs)
Chute Cut-offs, Alaska
Avulsion may follow
the development of
a crevasse splay

The development from Time 1 to 2

can be viewed as the development
of the splay from Smith et al.
In Time 3 the expansion of the
new channel into the splay can
be seen to greatly influence splay
sediment preservation. Channel
belt deposits of the new channel
rework and replace splay sediments,
reducing the sedimentary record
of crevasse splay occurrence.
Point bars: connectivity?
Point bars –

Note how common

point bars and
oxbow lakes are
on the alluvial
Overturned trough cross-bedding, Northumberland
Alaska Scroll Bars
Spectacular Scroll bar sections in the Middle Jurassic of NE England
Lateral Accretion in Jurassic Scalby Formation cliffs, NE England
Crevasse Splay Photo: note association of sandy splay with non-reservoir facies
Log jams preserved on point bars during high flood stages
Log Jams …

Unlike disarticulated plant remains (e.g. leaves

etc), allochtonous (transported) tree logs are
not compacted at rates we may associate
with peat etc (where compaction rates of 10x
are common). Tree logs in fluvial settings are
in effect petrified (lithified after death,
transportation and burial). They do not go
through rotting or further disarticulation and
therefore ressemble other macrofossil forms
such as fossilised bones, retaining their near
original dimensions
Sinuous Channel References
• ALEXANDER, J. (1992) 'Nature and origin of a laterally extensive alluvial sandstone body in the Middle
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References from reviews by the AUDRI Research Group, University of Aberdeen
Sinuous Channel References (2)
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References from reviews by the AUDRI Research Group, University of Aberdeen
Sinuous Channel References (3)

• PAGE, K. J., NANSON, G. C. and FRAZIER, P. S. (2003) 'Floodplain formation and sediment stratigraphy
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References from reviews by the AUDRI Research Group, University of Aberdeen
Crevasse Splay References
• BRISTOW, C. S., SKELLY, R. L. and ETHRIDGE, F. G. (1999) 'Crevasse splays from the rapidly
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• FARRELL, K. M. (2001) 'Geomorphology, facies architecture, and high-resolution, non-marine
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• JOHNSON, E. A. and PIERCE, F. W. (1990) 'Variations in fluvial deposition on an alluvial plain:
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• MOROZOVA, G.S. & SMITH, N.D. (2000) 'Holocene avulsion styles and sedimentation patterns of
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• PÉREZ-ARLUCEA, M. & SMITH, N.D. (1999). Depositional patterns following the 1870s avulsion
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• SLINGERLAND, R. and SMITH, N. D. (1998) ‘Necessary conditions for a meandering river
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channel fill deposits of the modern Yellow River delta’, Sedimentary Geology, 90, 293-305.

References from reviews by the AUDRI Research Group, University of Aberdeen

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