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Copyright @ 2020 by the Ministry of Human Resources

No part of this publication may be republished, kept in a storage system that enables republishing or
transmission in any form whether electronic, mechanical, copy, recording or any other related media, without
the prior consent of the publisher.

The data and information published serve as a guide only. As such, you are advised to obtain further information
from the relevant institutions.

Published by:

Ministry of Human Resources

Human Resource Policy Division &
Secretariat of National Wages Consultative Council

Level 7, Block D3, Complex D

Federal Government Administrative Centre

Tel: 03-8000 8000

Fax: 03-8889 2377 / 03-8881 0668


Wages Guide 2
Malaysian Skills Certificate and Diploma 3
Summary of Job Titles 3
Starting Basic Wages 4
Starting Basic Wages and Alpha (α) 4-6
Malaysian Skills Certification 7
Target Group 8


Malaysian Skills Certificate Level 1 (MSC L1) 10-11

Malaysian Skills Certificate Level 2 (MSC L2) 12-16
Malaysian Skills Certificate Level 3 (MSC L3) 17-33
Malaysian Skills Diploma Level 4 (MSD L4) 34-46
Malaysian Skills Advanced Diploma Level 5 (MSAD L5) 47-58
Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) Certification 59-70


List of Public Skills Training Institutions 71-76
References 77-80
Acknowledgements 81

The Ministry of Human Resources (MOHR) is committed in ensuring the country’s skilled workforce
is in line with industry needs based on national human capital development in line with the
aspiration to transform the country’s labour market. Emerging technologies need to focus on the
type of work involving knowledge-based workforce as well as skills in certain areas.

Governments through various agencies have developed policies and implemented programs to
support rapid industrial development. The Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)
Masterplan is created to ensure that the country’s skilled workers continue to meet the growing
demands of industrial technology. Many TVET-based training institutes have been established to
ensure that the country’s workforce is up to date with the current technology.

The publication of the Guide on Starting Wages for 200 Selected Skills Based Jobs, Second Edition
(Year 2020) is a continuous strategy by the Ministry to support TVET’s branding and profile
consistent with the industry revolution 4.0.

i Guide on Starting Wages

The introduction of commensurate basic salary rates base on skills acquired by Certificate holders
and Diploma is now being refined. This Guide is an acknowledgment for TVET graduates who
showcase their internationally recognized skills and basic starting salaries based on minimum
wage rates of RM1,200.00 per month in major urban areas beginning February 1, 2020.

My sincere appreciation to all who are involved directly or indirectly in making this Guide a success.
Hopefully this Guide will be a reference to employers in implementing the recommended starting
salary thus boosting the motivation and productivity of workers in the country.


Secretary General
Ministry of Human Resources

ii Guide on Starting Wages

1 Provided is a list of 200 selected skills based jobs that are highly demanded in the
labour market together with the starting basic wages based on skills level. The
selection of these jobs will be updated from time to time.

2 Developed specifically for Malaysian Skills Certificate and Diploma graduates or its

3 Detailed information on job descriptions in this book can be referred in Malaysia

Standard Classification of Occupations (MASCO), which was developed based on
the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO) and the skills level
ascertained by the National Occupational Skills Standard (NOSS).

4 Some job titles involve more than one skill level.

5 Jobs with certification by the Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH)
are awarded to individuals with qualification, experience, expertise and knowledge
in the fields required under the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 (Act 514)
and the Factories and Machinery Act 1967 (Act 139).
Malaysian Skills Certificate (MSC), Malaysian Skills Diploma
(MSD) and Malaysian Skills Advanced Diploma (MSAD)
Malaysian Skills Certificate and Diploma graduates as follows:
1 Malaysian Skills Certificate Level 1, 2 and 3 (MSC L1, MSC L2 and MSC L3);

2 Malaysian Skills Diploma Level 4 (MSD L4) or Diploma Vocational;

3 Malaysian Skills Advanced Diploma Level 5 (MSAD L5); or

4 Other equivalent qualifications recognised by the Accreditation Body.

Accreditation Body refers to the Department of Skills Development under the National Skills
Development Act 2006 (Act 652); or Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA) under the Malaysian
Qualifications Agency Act 2007 (Act 679).

Summary of Job Titles

Skills Level Number of Job Titles
Starting Basic Wages
Listed in This Guide

MSC L1 RM1,330.00 + (α) 7

MSC L2 RM1,450.00 + (α) 25

MSC L3 RM1,700.00 + (α) 97

MSD L4 RM2,020.00 + (α) 76

MSAD L5 RM2,460.00 + (α) 50

The recommended basic wages do not include any other allowance or reward. Alpha (α) is the
additional value to the starting basic wages that covers additional licences or competency certificates
that the candidates possess (if any).

3 Guide on Starting Wages

Starting Basic Wages

Starting basic wages is basic wages paid to entry-level workers with skills qualifications. Basic
wages excludes any other allowances or reward and is not influenced by other factors such as
location and size of a company, type of industry and company’s financial capacity.

Starting Basic Wages and Alpha (α)

1 Starting basic wages comprise of two values, which are, the fixed value
(current minimum wages rate, length of study and its value per day) and
the Alpha value (α) is based on additional licences or competency certificates (as of
employment set out in pages 5 and 6).

2 Malaysian Skills Certificate and Diploma graduates are encouraged to acquire

additional licences and competency certificates in order to receive wages that are
higher than those who possess MSC and MSD qualification only.

3 Additional licences and competency certificates issued by competent bodies

institutions such as the Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Energy
Commission, Department of Environment or other agencies recognised in Malaysia
or at international level.

4 Guide on Starting Wages

Examples of licences or additional competency certificates issued
by competent bodies:

Example of Certificate/
No. Competent Bodies Field
1 Department of Occupational • Occupational • Scaffolder Registration
Safety and Health (DOSH) Safety and Health Certificate

• Crane Operator
Registration Certificate

2 Energy Commission (EC) • Electrical and • Electrical Competent

(Peninsular Malaysia & Sabah)/ Power Person (AO-A4)
Electrical Inspectorate Unit (EIU)

3 Construction Industry • Construction • Green Card CIDB

Development Board Malaysia
(CIDB) • Industrialised Building
System (IBS) Proficiency
4 Standards and Industrial • Quality Control • Personnel Competency
Research Institute of Malaysia Assessment for Welder
(SIRIM) Certification Scheme

• L ean Six Sigma Green/

Black Belt

5 National Water Services • Water Services • Plumber Permit

Commission (SPAN) (A1, A2)

6 Department of Environment • Waste • Certified Environmental

(DOE) Management Professional in
Scheduled Waste
• Air-Conditioning Management

• Handling Refrigerant,
(CFC) and
Hydrofluorocarbon (HFC)

7 TWI Technology (S.E.Asia) Sdn. • Welding • T he Certification Scheme

Bhd. (TWI) for Personnel
• Non- Destructive
Testing (NDT)

5 Guide on Starting Wages

Examples of licences or additional competency certificates issued
by competent bodies:

Example of Certificate/
No. Competent Bodies Field
8 Standard of Training, • Offshore Occupational • Basic Offshore
Certification and Safety Safety Induction and
Watchkeeping for Seafarers Emergency Training

9 Commercial and Industrial • Information • C

 isco Certified Network
Security Corporation (CISCO) Technology Associate (CCNA)

• C
 isco Certified Network
Professional (CCNP)

• C
 isco Certified Entry
Networking Technician

10 Sustainable Energy • Sustainable Energy • S olar PV Installer and

Development Authority of Maintenance
Malaysia (SEDA)

11 Telekom Malaysia • Telecommunication • C

 ertificate of Proficiency
(Fiber optic)

• Indoor Copper
Installation (CA2A)

• Outdoor Copper
Installation (CA1A)

• Fiber Installation (CA2C)

12 Malaysian Maritime • Electrical & Electronic • Electro Technical Officer

Academy (ETO)

13 Department of Islamic • Halal Industry • Halal Executive

Development Malaysia
(JAKIM) • Halal Auditor Certificate

14 University of Malaya • Information • International Certificate

Technology of Digital Literacy (ICDL)

6 Guide on Starting Wages

Malaysian Skills Certification

The Malaysian Skills Certification is based on the National Occupational Skills Standard (NOSS).
Each student is evaluated and required to fulfil NOSS requirements before being awarded with
a Malaysian Skills Certificate.

Through Malaysian Skills Certification, graduates with skill and diploma certificates can improve
their skills from semi-skilled to skilled and subsequently to supervisory and management and
design level.

The diagram below shows the correlation between job functions, skill level and
academic qualification.

Management & MSAD L5 Advanced Diploma

Supervision MSD L4 Diploma


Operation & MSC L2


7 Guide on Starting Wages


Job Seekers Government Agencies

Employers Trade Unions Students

Training Providers Graduates

Career Counsellors Trainers Parents

8 Guide on Starting Wages


Malaysian Skills
Certificate Level 1
Starting Basic Wages RM1,330.00 + α

No. Job Title Job Description NOSS Sector

1 Sheet Metal Worker Make, install and repair Machinery &

articles and parts of articles Equipment
of sheet metal

2 Bricklayer Laying bricks for Building &

construction of walls, Construction
partitions, arches and other

3 Structural Steel Installing, erecting, Building &

Worker dismantling steel frame Construction
structures on buildings and
other structures

4 Tailor Making or altering suits or Textile & Clothing


5 Foundryman Founding and processing Machinery &

pouring metal Equipment

6 Veterinary Assisting veterinary doctors Medical &

Assistant in carrying out treatment Pharmaceutical

7 Baker, Pastry, Pasta Mixing and cooking Bakery

and Confectionery ingredients in making bread,
Maker cakes, pies, pastries, or other
baked goods

The NOSS sector is based on existing codes.

11 Guide on Starting Wages


Malaysian Skills
Certificate Level 2
Starting Basic Wages RM1,450.00 + α

No. Job Title Job Description NOSS Sector

8 Mechanic Assembling, servicing Transportation

and repairing motorised

9 Mechanic Conducting repairs Mechanical

(Air-conditioning and maintenance of & Electrical
equipment) air-conditioning and Maintenance and
refrigeration equipment Services

10 Sheet Metal Worker Making, installing and Machinery &

repairing goods and parts Equipment
made of sheet metal

11 Electrician * Installing, handling and Electrical &

repairing damages to Electronics
electric circuit

12 Electronics Repairing electronic Electrical &

Repairer equipment and machine Electronics

13 Wireman * Installing and conducting Electrical &

maintenance of wiring Electronics
system and circuit

14 Foundryman Installing and conducting Electrical &

maintenance of wiring Electronics
system and circuit

The NOSS sector is based on existing codes.
*Requires certification from the Energy Commission (EC) (Peninsular Malaysia & Sabah) / Electrical
Inspectorate Unit (EIU) (Sarawak)

13 Guide on Starting Wages

Starting Basic Wages RM1,450.00 + α

No. Job Title Job Description NOSS Sector

15 Draughtsperson Preparing technical Building &

drawings, maps and Construction
illustrations from sketches,
measurements and other

16 Pipe Fitter Joining, installing, repairing Building &

and maintaining piping Construction

17 Bricklayer Laying bricks for Building &

construction of walls, Construction
partitions, arches and other

18 Electrical Motors Adjusting, correcting and Building &

and Dynamos repairing various types of Construction
Fitter machinery and electrical

19 Structural Steel Installing, erecting and Building &

Worker dismantling steel frame Construction
structures on buildings and
other structures

20 Storekeeper Keeping store records, Integrated

receiving materials and Logistics Services
reporting when stock is Industry

21 Office Clerk Carrying out various Business

clerical and assisting Management
administrative duties

The NOSS sector is based on existing codes.

14 Guide on Starting Wages

Starting Basic Wages RM1,450.00 + α

No. Job Title Job Description NOSS Sector

22 Tailor Making and altering suits Textile & Apparel

or clothes

23 Hairdresser Washing, cutting, providing Hospitality &

treatment, colouring and Tourism

24 Beautician Applying makeup to Arts & Culture

enhance customers’

25 Tourist Guide* Guiding individuals or Hospitality &

groups on tour Tourism

26 Fishery Assistant Conducting experiments Agriculture &

related to fishery Agro-Based

27 Veterinary Assisting veterinary doctors Medical &

Assistant in carrying out treatment Pharmaceutical

28 Welder Weld and cut metal parts Machinery &

with gas fire or electric arcs Equipment
and other heat sources to
melt, cut or solder metal.

The NOSS sector is based on existing codes.
* Requires licence from the Ministry of Tourism and Culture.

15 Guide on Starting Wages

Starting Basic Wages RM1,450.00 + α

No. Job Title Job Description NOSS Sector

29 Navigational Watch Reading the correct Transportation

Support Operation magnetic compass and
gyro, changes driver mode
and performs commands

30 Static Equipment Interpreting Statement Manufacture

Maintenance Fitter of Work Method (JMS),
Interpretation of Work
Safety Analysis (JSA),
Interpret Work Permit
(PTW) and Provide Personal
Protective Equipment (PPP)

31 Heavy Machinery Driving and maintaining Transportation

Driver heavy machinery such as
ground tractor, back hoe
and excavator

32 Baker, Pastry, Pasta Mixing and cooking Bakery

And Confectionery ingredients in making
Maker bread, cakes, pies, pastries,
or other baked goods

The NOSS sector is based on existing codes.

16 Guide on Starting Wages


Malaysian Skills
Certificate Level 3
Starting Basic Wages RM1,700.00 + α

No. Job Title Job Description NOSS Sector

33 Electrical Carrying out technical tasks Electric &

Technician in electrical equipment and Electronic
circuit maintenance

34 Electronics Carrying out technical tasks Electric &

Technician in electronic equipment Electronic
and circuit maintenance

35 Automation Robot Carrying out technical Machinery &

Technician tasks in the maintenance of Equipment
automation robotic

36 CNC Technician Regulating the operation of Machinery &

(Computer CNC lathe machine using Equipment
Numerical Control) CAD/CAM system

37 Mechanical Carrying out technical Machinery &

Technician tasks in maintenance of Equipment
mechanical components
and equipment

38 Mechatronic Carrying out technical tasks Machinery &

Technician in maintaining mechanical Equipment
as well as electrical,
electronics and information
technology components in

39 Automotive Carrying out technical tasks Transportation

Technician related to vehicle engines

The NOSS sector is based on existing codes.

18 Guide on Starting Wages

Starting Basic Wages RM1,700.00 + α

No. Job Title Job Description NOSS Sector

40 Machinery Carrying out technical tasks Machinery &

Technician in mechanical and machine Equipment

41 Refrigeration and Carrying out technical tasks Mechanical &

Air-Conditioning in heating, ventilation and Electrical Services
Systems Technician refrigeration equipment & Maintenance

42 Chemical Process Carrying out technical tasks Chemical

Technician in maintenance of chemical

43 Industrial Carrying out technical Oil & Gas

Instrument tasks in maintenance of
Technician calibration instrument

44 Electrical Supervising maintenance Electric &

Supervisor * and repairs of electrical Electronic
systems and equipment

45 Science Physics Assisting in chemical and Chemical

Laboratory physics research

46 Petroleum Refining Carrying out technical Oil & Gas

Technician tasks related to petroleum

The NOSS sector is based on existing codes.
*Requires certification from the Energy Commission (EC) (Peninsular Malaysia & Sabah) / Electrical
Inspectorate Unit (EIU) (Sarawak)

19 Guide on Starting Wages

Starting Basic Wages RM1,700.00 + α

No. Job Title Job Description NOSS Sector

47 Food Processing Carrying out technical tasks Agriculture &

Technician related to food processing Agro-Based

48 Industrial Efficiency Carrying out technical Transportation

Engineering tasks related to planning,
Technician production and operational

49 Safety Engineering Carrying out technical tasks Landscape &

Technician related to environmental Environmental
and safety factors at the
work place

50 Biological Carrying out technical tasks Chemical

Technician in research, analysis and
testing of living organisms

51 Semiconductor Carrying out technical Electric &

Technician tasks related to the Electronic
manufacture of electronic

52 Petroleum Carrying out technical tasks Oil & Gas

and Natural related to extraction of
Gas Extraction petroleum and natural gas

53 Industrial Layout Carrying out technical Mechanical &

Engineering tasks related to the layout Electrical
Technician of industrial processes and & Maintenance
standards Services

The NOSS sector is based on existing codes.

20 Guide on Starting Wages

Starting Basic Wages RM1,700.00 + α

No. Job Title Job Description NOSS Sector

54 Aircraft Engine Repairing and maintaining Transportation

Mechanic operational condition of
aircraft engines

55 Machinery Repairing and maintaining Transportation

Mechanic production and processing

56 Air-Conditioning Repairing and maintaining Mechanical &

Equipment air-conditioning and Electrical Services
Mechanic refrigeration equipment & Maintenance

57 Welding Technician Conducts experiment, Machinery &

test and evaluates data to Equipment
assist welding engineering
personnel in development
and application of new
or improved welding

58 Gas Pipe Welder Soldering and joining metal Machinery &

parts and maintaining gas Equipment
pipe installation system

59 High Voltage Maintaining and repairing Electric &

Restriction high voltage electrical Electronic
Chargeman * switching equipment

60 Electrician * Installing, handling and Electric &

repairing damages to Electronic
electrical circuits

The NOSS sector is based on existing codes.
*Requires certification from the Energy Commission (EC) (Peninsular Malaysia & Sabah) / Electrical
Inspectorate Unit (EIU) (Sarawak)

21 Guide on Starting Wages

Starting Basic Wages RM1,700.00 + α

No. Job Title Job Description NOSS Sector

61 Electronic Repairer Repairing electronic Electric &

equipment and machinery Electronic

62 Wireman * Installing and maintaining Electric &

wiring circuits and systems Electronic

63 Foundry Technician Carrying out technical Machinery &

task in foundry and Equipment
pouring process

64 Industrial Carrying out technical Transportation

Machinery task in maintenance of
Technician industrial machinery

65 Website Technician Maintaining and Information &

supporting the optimum Communication
functions of internet Technology

66 Computer Network Maintaining network Information &

Technician system and data Communication
communication Technology

67 Quantity Surveying Carrying out technical tasks Building &

Technician related to efficient, safe and Construction
economical materials and

The NOSS sector is based on existing codes.
*Requires certification from the Energy Commission (EC) (Peninsular Malaysia & Sabah) / Electrical
Inspectorate Unit (EIU) (Sarawak)

22 Guide on Starting Wages

Starting Basic Wages RM1,700.00 + α

No. Job Title Job Description NOSS Sector

68 Civil Engineering Carrying out technical tasks Building &

Technician in building and structural Construction
construction and repairs

69 Site Supervisor Coordinating and Building &

supervising construction Construction

70 Draughts Person Preparing technical Building &

drawings, maps and Construction
illustrations from sketches,
measurements and other

71 Landscape Preparing landscape plans Landscape &

Technician and working drawings for Environmental
landscape construction

72 Pipe Fitter Joining, installing, repairing Building &

and maintaining piping Construction

73 Safety and Health Inspecting environment Landscape &

Pollution Inspector that may affect the health Environmental
and safety of people at the
work place

74 Rigger, Hoisting Installing and maintaining Building &

Equipment cable, rope and wire Construction

The NOSS sector is based on existing codes.

23 Guide on Starting Wages

Starting Basic Wages RM1,700.00 + α

No. Job Title Job Description NOSS Sector

75 Production Supervising and planning Business

Supervisor production operations Management

76 Quality Control Checking and ensuring all Machinery &

Technician works carried out according Equipment
to instructions

77 Quality Control Supervising daily works Machinery &

Supervisor and controlling product Equipment

78 Production Carrying out technical tasks Machinery &

Technician related to planning and Equipment
supervision of production

79 Industrial Carrying out technical tasks Mechanical &

Maintenance related to maintenance of Electrical Services
Technician industrial machines & Maintenance

80 Quality Product Checking the quality of the Machinery &

Inspector products manufactured Equipment

81 Tailor Making and altering suits Textile & Apparel

or clothes

The NOSS sector is based on existing codes.

24 Guide on Starting Wages

Starting Basic Wages RM1,700.00 + α

No. Job Title Job Description NOSS Sector

82 Mould Maker Making moulds and cast Machinery &

for metal pouring Equipment

83 Spray-Painter Painting, applying varnish Transportation

Vehicles and other protective layers
on vehicles

84 Industrial Machinist Operating machine, Mechanical &

machine equipment Electrical Services &
and preparing machines Maintenance
before production

85 Maintenance Supervising and Mechanical &

Supervisor maintaining production Electrical Services &
industry operations Maintenance

86 Telecommunication Installing, maintaining Information &

Technician and repairing Communication
telecommunications and Technology
broadcast networks

87 Computer Maintaining computer Information &

Technician systems and applications Communication
as well as operation of Technology
computer systems

88 Radio Equipment Controlling technical Electrical,

Flight Technician functions of image and Electronics &
sound equipment for radio Telecommunications
and television broadcast & Broadcast Industry

The NOSS sector is based on existing codes.

25 Guide on Starting Wages

Starting Basic Wages RM1,700.00 + α

No. Job Title Job Description NOSS Sector

89 Information Carrying out technical Information &

Technology tasks and maintenance of Communication
Technician software, hardware and Technology
computer equipment

90 Information Carrying out technical Information &

Systems Technician tasks and maintenance of Communication
computer systems Technology

91 Computer Providing technical Information &

Assistant assistance related to Communication
maintenance of computer Technology

92 Communication Answering user queries Information &

Assistant (ICT) related to software and Communication
hardware operations Technology

93 Interior Designer Planning and designing Interior Decor

interior decoration of
buildings and residences

94 Hairdresser Washing, cutting, providing Hospitality &

treatment, colouring and Tourism

95 Spa Therapist Providing facial and body Hospitality &

massages Tourism

The NOSS sector is based on existing codes.

26 Guide on Starting Wages

Starting Basic Wages RM1,700.00 + α

No. Job Title Job Description NOSS Sector

96 Beautician Applying makeup to Hospitality &

beautify customers’ Tourism

97 Aesthetician Providing beauty Hospitality &

treatments and Tourism
recommending appropriate

98 Tourist Guide* Guiding individuals or Hospitality &

groups on tour Tourism

99 Fishery Assistant Conducting experiments Agriculture &

related to fishery Agro-Based

100 Veterinary Assisting veterinary doctors Medical &

Assistant in providing treatment Pharmaceutical

101 Plantation Supervising and planning Agriculture &

Supervisor operations for planting and Agro-Based
harvesting various types of
field crops

102 Livestock Breeder Carrying out breeding of Agriculture &

livestock and assisting in Agro-Based
livestock births

The NOSS sector is based on existing codes.
* Requires licence from the Ministry of Tourism and Culture.

27 Guide on Starting Wages

Starting Basic Wages RM1,700.00 + α

No. Job Title Job Description NOSS Sector

103 Agricultural Conducting experiments Agriculture &

Assistant and analysis related to Agro-Based
agricultural development

104 Crop Research Carrying out technical tasks Agriculture &

Technician and research related to Agro-Based

105 Appraiser Valuing assets and various Business

goods as well as appraising Management

106 Secretary Reviewing, formatting and Business

copying correspondence, Management
minutes and reports

107 Account Assistant Calculating, classifying and Business

recording numerical data to Management
ensure complete financial

108 Journalist Assistant Assisting in news reporting Printing

through newspapers,
television, radio and other

109 Financial Assistant Assisting in the preparation Business

of cash flow projections Management
and budget allocations

The NOSS sector is based on existing codes.

28 Guide on Starting Wages

Starting Basic Wages RM1,700.00 + α

No. Job Title Job Description NOSS Sector

110 Administrative Supervising and carrying Business

Supervisor out administrative duties at Management
support group level

111 Office Clerk Carrying out various Business

clerical and assisting Management
administrative duties

112 Information Assist with day-to- Information &

Technology day processing and Communication
Assistant operation and monitoring Technology
of information and
technology, hardware,
software, and related
computer systems
to ensure optimal

113 Production Quality Adjusting and conducting Business

Control Inspector process control of Management
technician activities,
machine operators and
installers, and other
manufacturing workers

114 Account Clerk Calculates, classifies and Business

records numerical data to Management
ensure complete financial

The NOSS sector is based on existing codes.

29 Guide on Starting Wages

Starting Basic Wages RM1,700.00 + α

No. Job Title Job Description NOSS Sector

115 Human Resource Maintaining and updating Business

Assistant personnel records Management
such as information on
transfers and promotions,
performance evaluations,
employee leave taken
and accumulated, salaries,
qualifications and training

116 Assistant Office Performing various clerical Business

and administrative tasks Management
according to prescribed

117 Customer Service Providing advice and Business

Assistant information to clients, Management
respond to clients’ queries
regarding an organisation’s
goods, services or
policies and process
financial transactions via
telephone or electronic
communications media
such as e-mail

The NOSS sector is based on existing codes.

30 Guide on Starting Wages

Starting Basic Wages RM1,700.00 + α

No. Job Title Job Description NOSS Sector

118 Laboratory Performs technical tasks to Building &

Technician assist in chemical, physical, Construction
geological, geophysical,
meteorological and
astronomical research,
and in industrial, medical,
military and other practical
applications of research

119 Store Clerk Maintaining records of Machinery &

goods produced and Equipment
production materials
received, weighed, issued,
dispatched or kept in stock

120 Logistic Clerk Keeping record of Integrated

operations and coordinates Logistics Services
time for passenger and Industry
freight, rail, road, air
and water transport
and provides reports for

121 Industrial Rope Supervising, order and Professional,

Access Supervisor oversees the overall task of Scientific and
managing rescue and work Technical Activities
operations. Provides work
documentation, briefing
of toolbox equipments,
coordinates work operations
and manages rescue

The NOSS sector is based on existing codes.

31 Guide on Starting Wages

Starting Basic Wages RM1,700.00 + α

No. Job Title Job Description NOSS Sector

122 Automative Body Complementing the Wholesale and

Repair Supervisor body parts of the vehicle, Retail Trade; Repair
removing mechanical, of Motor Vehicles
electrical and trim (meter) and Motorcycles
parts, removing non-
structural parts, modifying
non-structural parts and
completing mechanical,
electrical and trim (met)

123 Agricultural Competent in maintenance Agriculture and

Machinery of agricultural machinery. Agro-based
Mechanic Carrying out engine system
maintenance activities,
carrying out transmission
system maintenance
activities and carrying out
maintenance activities on
agricultural machinery

124 Motor Vehicle Installing, servicing and Machinery &

Mechanics and repairing motor vehicles Equipment

125 Construction Coordinates construction Building &

Supervisor supervisor, supervising Construction
and organizing schedules
of workers involved in
construction activities, and
renovate buildings and

The NOSS sector is based on existing codes.

32 Guide on Starting Wages

Starting Basic Wages RM1,700.00 + α

No. Job Title Job Description NOSS Sector

126 Chargeman Adjusting, repairing, Electric &

installing, servicing, Electronics
and repairing electrical
machinery, and other
appliances in buildings,
factories, workshops, and

127 Baker, Pastry, Pasta Mixing and cooking Bakery

and Confectionery ingredients in making bread,
Maker cakes, cakes, pies, pastries,
or other baked goods

128 Manufacturing Coordinating and Business

Supervisors supervising the process Management
control technicians activities,
machine operators and
installers, and other
manufacturing workers

The NOSS sector is based on existing codes.

33 Guide on Starting Wages


Malaysian Skills
Diploma Level 4
Starting Basic Wages RM2,020.00 + α

No. Job Title Job Description NOSS Sector

129 Assistant Civil Preparing design Building &

Engineer and specifications for Construction

130 Assistant Carrying out technical Machinery &

Mechatronic tasks in electronics, Equipment
Engineer computer and mechanical
engineering technology

131 Assistant Electrical Preparing designs and Electric &

Engineer being involved in electrical Electronics
systems and equipment
maintenance process

132 Assistant Industrial Preparing design, installing, Electric &

Electronic Engineer maintaining and repairing Electronics
electronic systems and

133 Assistant Industrial Preparing design and Machinery &

Automation maintenance of industrial Equipment
Engineer automation

134 Assistant Welding Preparing design and being Machinery &

Engineer involved in welding process Equipment

135 Assistant Preparing design and Machinery &

Equipment upgrading various Equipment
Engineer equipment

The NOSS sector is based on existing codes.

35 Guide on Starting Wages

Starting Basic Wages RM2,020.00 + α

No. Job Title Job Description NOSS Sector

136 Electrical Carrying out technical tasks Electric &

High Voltage in high voltage electrical Electronics
Technician * maintenance

137 Information System Maintaining and Information &

Executive supporting optimum Communication
performance of information Technology
technology system

138 Assistant Computer Supporting and Information &

System Executive maintaining optimum Communication
performance of computer Technology

139 Assistant Network Preparing research and Information &

Engineer strategy analysis for Communication
network and development Technology

140 Assistant Providing research Information &

Telecommunications and supporting Communication
Engineer telecommunications Technology
system and equipment

141 Computer Developing computer Information &

Programming programmes Communication
Assistant Technology

142 Assistant Food Preparing menus, Hospitality &

Preparation producing meals and Tourism
Executive monitoring food quality

The NOSS sector is based on existing codes.
*Requires certification from the Energy Commission (EC) (Peninsular Malaysia & Sabah) / Electrical
Inspectorate Unit (EIU) (Sarawak)

36 Guide on Starting Wages

Starting Basic Wages RM2,020.00 + α

No. Job Title Job Description NOSS Sector

143 Fashion Designer Planning and designing Textile & Apparel

product, clothes and

144 Aesthetician Providing beauty Hospitality &

treatments and Tourism
recommending appropriate

145 Assistant Arranging and supervising Hospitality &

Housekeeping housekeeping works to Tourism
Executive ensure cleanliness and

146 Communication Managing communication Business

Corporate between organisation and Management
Executive public

147 Assistant CAD/ Preparing CAD/CAM design Machinery &

CAM Engineer and control systems Equipment
Design and

148 Plastic Mould Preparing design and cast Machinery &

Designer for pouring metal Equipment

149 Vocational Training Implementing vocational Educational &

Officer/Assistant education and training Training services
Officer *

The NOSS sector is based on existing codes.
* Requires certification from CIAST.

37 Guide on Starting Wages

Starting Basic Wages RM2,020.00 + α

No. Job Title Job Description NOSS Sector

150 Electrical Carrying out technical tasks Electric &

Technician in electrical equipment and Electronic
circuit maintenance

151 Electronics Carrying out technical tasks Electric &

Technician in electronic equipment Electronic
and circuit maintenance

152 Automation Robot Carrying out technical Machinery &

Technician tasks in the maintenance of Equipment
automation robots

153 CNC Technician Maintaining the operation Machinery &

(Computer of CNC lathe machine using Equipment
Numerical Control) CAD/CAM system

154 Mechanical Carrying out technical Machinery &

Technician tasks in maintenance of Equipment
mechanical components
and equipment

155 Mechatronics Carrying out technical tasks Machinery &

Technician in maintaining mechanical Equipment
as well as electrical,
electronics and information
technology components in
156 Automotive Carrying out technical tasks Transportation
Technician related to vehicle engines

The NOSS sector is based on existing codes.

38 Guide on Starting Wages

Starting Basic Wages RM2,020.00 + α

No. Job Title Job Description NOSS Sector

157 Machine Carrying out technical tasks Machinery &

Technician in mechanical and machine Equipment

158 Refrigeration and Carrying out technical tasks Mechanical &

Air-Conditioning in heating, ventilation and Electrical Services
Systems Technician refrigeration equipment & Maintenance

159 Chemical Process Carrying out technical tasks Chemicals

Technician in maintenance of chemical

160 Industrial Carrying out technical Oil & Gas

Instrument tasks in maintenance of
Technician calibration instrument

161 Petroleum Refining Carrying out technical Oil & Gas

Technician tasks related to petroleum

162 Food Processing Carrying out technical tasks Agriculture &

Technician related to food processing Agro-Based

163 Industrial Efficiency Carrying out technical Transportation

Engineering tasks related to planning,
Technician production and operational

The NOSS sector is based on existing codes.

39 Guide on Starting Wages

Starting Basic Wages RM2,020.00 + α

No. Job Title Job Description NOSS Sector

164 Safety Engineering Carrying out technical tasks Landscape &

Technician related to environmental Environmental
and safety factors at the
work place

165 Biological Carrying out technical tasks Chemicals

Technician in research, analysis and
testing of living organisms

166 Semiconductor Carrying out technical tasks Electric &

Technician related to the manufacture Electronics
of electronic semi-

167 Petroleum Carrying out technical Oil & Gas

and Natural tasks related to extraction
Gas Extraction of petroleum and natural
Technician gases

168 Industrial Layout Carrying out technical Mechanical &

Engineering tasks related to the layout Electrical Services
Technician of industrial processes and & Maintenance

169 Foundry Technician Carrying out technical Machinery &

tasks in metal foundry and Equipment

170 Industrial Carrying out technical Transportation

Machinery tasks in maintenance of
Technician industrial machinery

The NOSS sector is based on existing codes.

40 Guide on Starting Wages

Starting Basic Wages RM2,020.00 + α

No. Job Title Job Description NOSS Sector

171 Website Technician Maintaining and Information &

supporting the optimum Communication
functions of internet Technology

172 Computer Network Maintaining network Information &

Technician system and data Communication
communication Technology

173 Quantity Surveying Carrying out technical tasks Building &

Technician related to efficient, safe and Construction
economical materials and

174 Civil Engineering Carrying out technical tasks Building &

Technician in building and structural Construction
construction and repairs

175 Landscape Preparing landscape plans Landscape &

Technician and working drawings for Environmental
landscape construction

176 Quality Control Checking and ensuring all Machinery &

Technician works carried out according Equipment
to instructions

177 Production Carrying out technical tasks Machinery &

Technician related to planning and Equipment
supervision of production

The NOSS sector is based on existing codes.

41 Guide on Starting Wages

Starting Basic Wages RM2,020.00 + α

No. Job Title Job Description NOSS Sector

178 Industrial Carrying out technician Mechanical &

Maintenance tasks related to Electrical Services
Technician maintenance of industrial & Maintenance

179 Telecommunications Installing, maintaining Information &

Technician and repairing Communication
telecommunications and Technology
broadcast networks

180 Computer Maintaining computer Information &

Technician systems and applications as Communication
well as operation systems Technology

181 Radio Equipment Controlling technical Mechanical &

Flight Technician functions of image and Electrical Services
sound equipment for radio & Maintenance
and television broadcast

182 Information Carrying out technical Information &

Technology tasks and maintenance of Communication
Technician software, hardware and Technology
computer equipment

183 Information Systems Carrying out technical Information &

Technician tasks and maintenance of Communication
computer systems Technology

184 Chef Planning menus, producing Hospitality &

meals and monitoring food Tourism

The NOSS sector is based on existing codes.

42 Guide on Starting Wages

Starting Basic Wages RM2,020.00 + α

No. Job Title Job Description NOSS Sector

185 Crop Research Carrying out technical tasks Agriculture &

Technician and research related to Agro-Based

186 Electrical Supervising and Electric &

Supervisor * maintaining electrical Electronic
systems and equipment

187 Administrative Supervising and carrying Business

Supervisor out administrative duties at Management
support group level

188 Maintenance Supervising and Mechanical &

Supervisor maintaining production Electrical Services
industry operations & Maintenance

189 Quality Control Supervising daily works Machinery &

Supervisor and controlling product Equipment

190 Production Supervising and planning Business

Supervisor production operations Management

191 Construction Site Coordinating and Building &

Supervisor supervising construction Construction

The NOSS sector is based on existing codes.
*Requires certification from the Energy Commission (EC) (Peninsular Malaysia & Sabah) / Electrical
Inspectorate Unit (EIU) (Sarawak)

43 Guide on Starting Wages

Starting Basic Wages RM2,020.00 + α

No. Job Title Job Description NOSS Sector

192 Plantation Supervising and planning Agriculture &

Supervisor operations for planting and Agro-Based
harvesting various types of
field crops

193 Construction Adjusting, supervising and Building &

Operation arrange worker’s schedule Construction
Supervisor involved in construction
activity, and the restoration
of buildings and structures

194 Electrician * Servicing and repairing the Electric &

electrical wiring system in Electronic
the building

195 Sales Executive Implementing and Business

coordinating advertising Management
strategies and campaigns
as well as create market
opportunities for new,
or existing products and

196 Production Quality Adjusting and conducting Business

Control Inspector process control of Management
technician activities,
machine operators and
installers, and other
manufacturing workers

The NOSS sector is based on existing codes.
*Requires certification from the Energy Commission (EC) (Peninsular Malaysia & Sabah) / Electrical
Inspectorate Unit (EIU) (Sarawak)

44 Guide on Starting Wages

Starting Basic Wages RM2,020.00 + α

No. Job Title Job Description NOSS Sector

197 Interior Designer Planning and designing Interior Decor

and Decorator interior in commercial
building, public, retail and
residential decoration and
design posters and other
printed materials. They
coordinate and participate
in construction and

198 Motor Vehicle Installing, servicing and Transportation

Mechanic and repairing motor vehicles

199 Aircraft Technician Setting, repairing, Transportation

inspecting, testing, and
servicing other aircraft
engines and other
mechanical equipment

200 Graphic and Responsible for graphic Information &

Multimedia and multimedia design, Communication
Designers exhibition and publicity Technology
in the form of visuals and
works of art-related work

The NOSS sector is based on existing codes.

45 Guide on Starting Wages

Starting Basic Wages RM2,020.00 + α

No. Job Title Job Description NOSS Sector

201 Web Designer Designing visual and Information &

audio communication Communication
information content, Technology
publishing and display
using film, electronic,
digital and other forms of
visual and audio media;
create special effects,
animations, or other visual
images for use in computer
games, movies, music
videos, print media, and

202 Medical Laboratory Conduct laboratory tests Medical &

Technician for diagnostics, treatment Pharmaceutical
and disease research

203 Editor Editing works of literature Printing

for publication and drama

204 Land Surveyor Carrying out measuring Building &

Technician rural lands, town, city, and Construction
mine lands and measure
road reserves, waterways,
and other land for public

The NOSS sector is based on existing codes.

46 Guide on Starting Wages


Malaysian Skills
Advanced Diploma
Level 5
Starting Basic Wages RM2,460.00 + α

No. Job Title Job Description NOSS Sector

205 Electrical Engineer Researching, advising Electrical &

and designing electrical Electronics
handling systems

206 Industrial Researching, advising Electrical &

Electronic Engineer and designing industrial Electronics
electronic systems

207 CAD/CAM Engineer Designing product and Machinery &

(Computer-Aided controlling CAD/CAM Equipment
Design and systems

208 Equipment Designing, analysing and Machinery &

Engineer improving various types of Equipment

209 Mechatronic Conducting research Machinery &

Engineer in maintenance of Equipment
mechanical, electrical,
electronic and information
technology components in

210 Welding Engineer Researching, advising on Machinery &

and designing welding Equipment

211 Industrial Planning, researching, Machinery &

Automation designing and supervising Equipment
Engineer industrial automation

The NOSS sector is based on existing codes.

48 Guide on Starting Wages

Starting Basic Wages RM2,460.00 + α

No. Job Title Job Description NOSS Sector

212 Quality Assurance Implementing Machinery &

Engineer manufacturing standards Equipment
and product testing
in accordance with

213 Industrial Products Researching and designing Machinery &

Designer industrial products Equipment

214 Land Surveyor Analysing data for land Landscape &

mapping in respect of civil Environmental
engineering projects

215 Computer System Developing and supporting Information &

Executive optimum performance of Communication
computer systems Technology

216 Network Engineer Researching, analysing and Information &

recommending strategy for Communication
network and development Technology

217 Telecommunications Researching and designing Information &

Engineer telecommunications Communication
system and equipment Technology

218 Food Preparation Planning menus, producing Hospitality &

Executive meals and monitoring food Tourism

The NOSS sector is based on existing codes.

49 Guide on Starting Wages

Starting Basic Wages RM2,460.00 + α

No. Job Title Job Description NOSS Sector

219 Fashion Designer Planning and designing Textile & Apparel

product, clothes and

220 Aesthetician Providing beauty treatment Hospitality &

and recommending Tourism
appropriate treatments

221 Housekeeping Planning, developing and Hospitality &

Executive improving management of Tourism
housekeeping operations

222 Agricultural Conducting experiments Agriculture &

Research and and analysis related to Agro-Based
Development agricultural development

223 Vocational Training Managing, planning and Educational &

Manager * designing vocational Other Services
training operations

224 Executive Chef Creating menus, cook and Hospitality &

monitoring food quality Tourism

225 Sales Executive Developing and Business

coordinating advertising Management
strategies and campaigns
as well as create market
opportunities for new,
or existing products and

The NOSS sector is based on existing codes.
* Requires certification from CIAST

50 Guide on Starting Wages

Starting Basic Wages RM2,460.00 + α

No. Job Title Job Description NOSS Sector

226 Mechanical Carrying out research, Machinery &

Engineer providing advice and Equipment
designing production
lines, machinery, industrial
plant equipment including
developing industrial

227 Building Inspection Planning, conducting Building &

Engineer research, advising, directing Construction
construction activities,
managing operations
and maintenance of civil
engineering structures

228 Early Childhood Promoting the physical, Education &

Educator mental and social Training Services
development of pre-
school children through
educational and game
activities; plan and organize
activities designed to aid
the physical development
and social skills of children;
and promote language
development through
storytelling, acting, singing,
rhythm and conversations
and unofficial discussions

The NOSS sector is based on existing codes.

51 Guide on Starting Wages

Starting Basic Wages RM2,460.00 + α

No. Job Title Job Description NOSS Sector

229 Graphic designer Responsible for conducting Information &

graphic and multimedia Communication
design work, exhibitions Technology
and publicity in the form
of visuals and works of art-
related work

230 Human Resource Managing and overseeing Business

Executive human resources as well as Management
being a consultant on tasks
and welfare of all employees
within an organization

231 Administrative Responsible for planning, Business

Executive organizing and coordinating Management
the administrative division
such as procurement of
office equipment, provides
consultancy on employment
and personnel management
systems and operations
support systems for the

232 Finance Executive Managing the procurement Business

and payment, control Management
provisions, approved the
transfer of remuneration,
approve spending, manage,
control and monitor the
investment, the production,
the use of checks, audit
and monitor the question
of property and inventory
control officer

The NOSS sector is based on existing codes.

52 Guide on Starting Wages

Starting Basic Wages RM2,460.00 + α

No. Job Title Job Description NOSS Sector

233 Production Planning, conducting Business

Engineer research, designing, and Management
supervising construction,
operation and production
processes and program
to streamline production
activities and evaluate cost
and safety effectiveness

234 Customer Service Providing the customers Business

Officer with guidance and Management
information and answering
to inquiries, giving
instructions, promoting
products and services and
solving complaints

235 Construction Responsible for the Building &

Project Engineer engineering and technical Construction
requirements required to
complete the construction

236 Information Responsible in studying Information &

Technology and analyzing the Communication
Executive suitability of existing Technology
computer systems and
designing, developing,
implementing, maintaining
and reviewing data and
information processing

The NOSS sector is based on existing codes.

53 Guide on Starting Wages

Starting Basic Wages RM2,460.00 + α

No. Job Title Job Description NOSS Sector

237 Marketing Planning, developing, Business

Executive coordinating and Management
implementing information
dissemination programs
to promote organisations,
goods and services, and
representing companies in
selling of goods

238 Civil Engineer Planning, managing, Building &

designing, overseeing Construction
the construction and
maintenance of a wide
range of public, commercial,
construction and facility

239 Construction Planning, conducting Building &

Maintenance research, advising, directing Construction
Engineer construction activities,
managing operations
and maintenance of civil
engineering structures; and
defining and specifying
construction quality
materials, materials and
standards and directing
construction work

240 Chemist Conducting research, Chemicals

improving or developing
concepts, theories and
operational methods, or
apply scientific knowledge
relating to chemistry, mainly
to test, develop and improve
materials, and products and
industrial processes

The NOSS sector is based on existing codes.

54 Guide on Starting Wages

Starting Basic Wages RM2,460.00 + α

No. Job Title Job Description NOSS Sector

241 Site Construction Planning, managing, designing, Building &

Engineer overseeing the construction Construction
and maintenance of a wide
range of public, commercial,
construction and facility

242 Business Designing, developing, Business

Development coordinating and executing Management
Executive programs as well as promoting
products, goods and
services to strengthen the
organization’s business

243 Production Planning, organising, directing, Business

Planner controlling and coordinating Management
sales and marketing activities
of an enterprise or organisation

244 Research and Design detailed project Business

Development plans with engineering, Management
Engineer manufacturing, sales and
marketing teams to manage
all aspects of product
development and production

245 Logistics Ensuring that manufacturers Integrated Logistics

Executive have a reliable supply of raw Services Industry
materials and coordinate the
distribution of ready-made
goods to consumers. They
focus on meeting consumer
demand and minimizing
the cost of storing and
transporting goods

The NOSS sector is based on existing codes.

55 Guide on Starting Wages

Starting Basic Wages RM2,460.00 + α

No. Job Title Job Description NOSS Sector

246 Data Mining Identifying, collecting, Information &

Analyst analyzing, and presenting Communication
trends, visualizations, and Technology
summaries of data. Create,
update, and maintain data
dictionaries, including data
integrity problems. Collaborate
with business owners to define
metrics and performance
indicators and produce analyses

247 Accountant To plan, organize and administer Business

accounting systems as well Management
as examine and analyze
accounting and financial records
for individuals and organizations
to ensure the accuracy and
compliance of established
accounting standards and

248 Developer of Developing and implementing Information &

Information applications and programs for Communication
Technology backend processing systems Technology
Systems used in businesses and
organizations. Performs tests
and modifies the system to
ensure it operates properly

249 Cyber Security Identifying cyber threats, Information &

Executive develop appropriate defense Communication
strategies, plan and carry out Technology
security assessments, and
understand ethics, laws, and

The NOSS sector is based on existing codes.

56 Guide on Starting Wages

Starting Basic Wages RM2,460.00 + α

No. Job Title Job Description NOSS Sector

250 Database Responsible for developing, Information &

Programmer maintaining and updating Communication
program and computer Technology
database, writing new codes
as requested or required

251 Application Responsible for designing Information &

Programmer and testing program logic, Communication
coding programs, program Technology
documentation and program
preparation for computer

252 Information Provides system software Information &

Technology installation by studying Communication
System software capabilities and Technology
Programmer operations, including
task scheduling, memory
management, file system, and
input and output requirements.
Maintain historical records by
documenting changes and
revisions of system software

253 Software Managing and monitoring Information &

Computer installed systems and Communication
Engineer infrastructure. Install, configure, Technology
test and maintain operating
systems, application software
and system management tools

The NOSS sector is based on existing codes.

57 Guide on Starting Wages

Starting Basic Wages RM2,460.00 + α

No. Job Title Job Description NOSS Sector

254 Halal Executive Responsible in assisting the Halal Industry

manager in all halal related
matters focusing on Halal
certification, Islamic affair,
performing halal audit and

255 Web Designer Designing the content of visual Information &

and audio communication Communication
information, publishing and Technology
displaying using movies,
electronics, digital and other
forms of visual and audio
media; create special effects,
animations, or other visual
images for use in computer
games, movies, music videos,
print and advertising

The NOSS sector is based on existing codes.

58 Guide on Starting Wages

Department of
Occupational Safety
and Health Certification
DOSH Certification

No. Job Title Job Description Certificate Minimum Estimated

Qualification and Starting Basic
Course Duration Wages (RM)
1 Scaffolder Erecting and • Basic • Malaysian • 2,000.00
dismantling Scaffolder Certificate of
various types Registration Education
of scaffolding Certificate • 10-day course
according to • Pass the required
the type of work test
• Intermediate • 6 months • 3,000.00
Scaffolder experience as a
Registration Basic Scaffolder
Certificate • 10-day course
• Pass the required

• Advanced • 6 months • 4,500.00

Scaffolder experience as
Registration an intermediate
Certificate Scaffolder
• 10-day course
• Pass the required

2 Boilerman Maintaining • Grade 2 • Malaysian • 2,500.00

and operating Boilerman Certificate of
various types of Registration Education
steam engines, Certificate • 2 years working
boilers, turbines experience
and additional • Pass the required
equipment test

• Grade 1 • 1 8 months Grade • 3,500.00

Boilerman 2 experience
Registration • Pass the required
Certificate test

60 Guide on Starting Wages

DOSH Certification

No. Job Title Job Description Certificate Minimum Estimated

Qualification and Starting
Course Duration Basic Wages
3 Site Safety Assisting • Site safety • Malaysian • 3,500.00
Supervisor employer in Supervisor Certificate of
ensuring safety Registration Education
and health at Certificate • 10-day course
construction site • Pass the required
• 2 years working

4 Engine Operating and • Grade 2 • Malaysian • 2,500.00

Driver maintaining Engine Driver Certificate of
internal Registration Education
combustion Certificate • 10-day course
engine for • 2 years working
energy supply experience in
and ensuring the construction
safety of such • Pass the required
machinery test

• Grade 1 • 1 8 months Grade • 4,500.00

Engine Driver 2 experience
Registration • Pass the required
Certificate test

5 Crane Operating • Crane Operator • Malaysian • 3,000.00

Operator mobile crane (Tower) Certificate of
for tower cranes Certificate of Education
for goods lifting Registration • 6-day course
works • Pass the required

• Crane Operator • Malaysian • 2,500.00

Registration Certificate of
Certificate Education
(Mobile) • 6-day course
• Pass the required

61 Guide on Starting Wages

DOSH Certification

No. Job Title Job Description Certificate Minimum Estimated

Qualification and Starting
Course Duration Basic Wages
5 Crane Operating • Crane • Malaysian Certificate • 2,500.00
Operator mobile crane Operator of Education
for tower cranes Registration • 6-day course
for goods lifting Certificate • Pass the required
works (Mobile test
Chain -

6 Responsible Supervise, • Registration • Malaysian Certificate • 4,000.00

Person (RP) conduct Letter as RP of Education
(Tower inspections, for Tower • Work experience
Crane, provide training Crane, related to ≥ 5 years
Freight & on tower crane Freight & • Attend high security
Passenger installation, Passenger work courses
Machines) maintenance Machines Working at Height
and repair (WAH)
activities, • Attend the Hazard
freighters & Identification, Risk
passengers Assessment and Risk
Control (HIRARC) /
Job Safety Analysis
(JSA) course
• Attend technical
courses related to
• Pass the interview

7 Responsible Supervise, • Registration • Malaysian Certificate • 2,500.00

Person (RP) conduct Letter of Education
(Workplace inspections, as RP for • Work experience
& Gondola) provide training Workplace related to ≥ 5 years
on installation, & Gondola • Attend high security
maintenance work courses
and remodelling Working at Height
of workplaces & (WAH)
gondolas • Attend the Hazard
Identification, Risk
Assessment and Risk
Control (HIRARC) /
Job Safety Analysis
• (JSA) course
• Attend technical
courses related to
• Pass the interview

62 Guide on Starting Wages

DOSH Certification

No. Job Title Job Description Certificate Minimum Estimated

Qualification and Starting Basic
Course Duration Wages (RM)
8 Lift Install, • Registration • Bachelor of • 10,000.00
Competent inspect, test Letter as Engineering &
Person and maintain LCP Elevator related work
(LCP) elevators and Grade 1 experience
escalators ≥ 5 years OR
• Diploma in
Engineering &
related work
≥ 10 years
• Attend training
with the principal
• Registered with
Board of Engineers
Malaysia (BEM)
• Pass the interview
Install, • Registration and required test • 7,000.00
inspect, test Letter as
and maintain LCP Elevator • Bachelor of
elevators and Grade 2 Engineering &
escalators related work
≥ 3 years OR
• Diploma in
Engineering &
related work
≥ 5 years
• Engineering
Certificate & related
work experience
≥ 10 years
• Registered with
Board of Engineers
Malaysia (BEM)
• Pass the interview
and required test

63 Guide on Starting Wages

DOSH Certification

No. Job Title Job Description Certificate Minimum Estimated

Qualification and Starting Basic
Course Duration Wages (RM)
8 Lift Perform • Registration • Bachelor of • 4,000.00
Competent maintenance Letter as Engineering &
Person and servicing of LCP Elevator related work
elevators and Grade 3 experience
escalators ≥ 1 years OR
• Diploma in
Engineering &
related work
≥ 3 years
• Engineering
Certificate &
related work
≥ 5 years
• 5-day course
• Pass written and
practical tests

9 Safety and Ensuring • Safety and • Malaysian • 5,000.00

Health compliance Health Certificate of
Officer with the Officer Education
Occupational Registration • 22-day course
Safety and certificate • 3 years relevant
Health Act 1994 working
and the relevant experience
as well as
promotion of a
safe conduct at
the work place

64 Guide on Starting Wages

DOSH Certification

No. Job Title Job Description Certificate Minimum Estimated

Qualification and Starting Basic
Course Duration Wages (RM)
10 Steam Maintain and • Certificate • Diploma/ Degree • 5,000.00
Engineer operate various of Steam in Engineering/
types of steams Engineer 10 years
engines, boilers Grade 2 Boilerman Grade 1
and accessories • Related work
experience for
12 months
• Heating openings
> 500 square
• Pass the required

• Certificate • Diploma/ Degree • 10,000.00

of Steam in Engineering
Engineer • Certified the
Grade 1 Grade 2 Engineer
Certificate for
12 months
• Heating openings
> 2000 square
• Pass the required

65 Guide on Starting Wages

DOSH Certification

No. Job Title Job Description Certificate Minimum Estimated

Qualification and Starting Basic
Course Duration Wages (RM)
11 Internal Maintain and • Certificate • Diploma/ • 5,000.00
Combustion operate various of ICE Engineering
Engine types of internal Engineer Degree/ 10 years
Engineer combustion Grade 2 Driver’s Grade 1
(ICE) engines, turbines • Related work
and accessories experience for
12 months
• Engine capacity
> 5,000 kW
• Pass the required

• Certificate • Diploma/ • 10,000.00

of ICE Engineering
Engineer Degree / 10 years
Grade 1 Driver’s Grade 1
• Passed ICE
2 Engineer
Certificate for
12 months
• Engine capacity
> 25,000 kW
• Pass the required

66 Guide on Starting Wages

DOSH Certification

No. Job Title Job Description Certificate Minimum Estimated

Qualification and Starting Basic
Course Duration Wages (RM)
12 Major Responsible • Certificate • A degree or • 3,500.00
Hazard for providing of equivalent
Competent negotiations Competent in any of the
Person to control the Person following areas:
hazards of major Registration engineering,
accidents to (Major physics,
manufacturers Hazard) chemistry,
who store, biochemistry,
operate ergonomics or
and process applied science
hazardous from a recognized
materials beyond University
the threshold • Related work
set out in the experience of at
Occupational least three (3)
Safety and years
Health (Control • Knowledge and
of Industrial experience in the
Accident Hazards) following areas:
Regulations 1996 -- Malaysian
legislation on
Major Hazard
-- Security
-- Site Emergency
• Quantitative Risk
-- Pass the
required test

67 Guide on Starting Wages

DOSH Certification

No. Job Title Job Description Certificate Minimum Estimated

Qualification and Starting Basic
Course Duration Wages (RM)
13 Authorised Perform gas • Certified • Malaysian • 4,000.00
Gas Tester testing at work & Gas Tester Certificate of
& Entry supervise entry Registration Education
Supervisor activities Certificate & • 3-day course
Admission • 3 years working
Supervisor experience
• Pass the required

14 Noise Risk Carry out noise • Certificate • Diploma in • 3,000.00

Assessor risk assessment of Noise Risk related fields
in the workplace Registration • Working
Certificate experience in
related fields for
one year
• 5-day course
• Pass the required

15 Hygiene Conducting • Hygiene • Diploma in • 3,000.00

Technician inspection, Technician related fields
2 examination Registration • Working
and testing of Certificate 2 experience in
engineering related fields for
controls one year
equipment • 5-day course
• Pass the required

16 IAQ Conducting • IAQ • Diploma in • 3,000.00

Assessor assessment Clamping related fields (Based
(Indoor Air of Indoor Air Registration • Working on the
Quality) Quality (IAQ) at a Certificate experience in number of
workplace based related fields for assessments
on building’s one year carried out)
owner request • 5-day course
• Pass written and
practical tests

68 Guide on Starting Wages

DOSH Certification

No. Job Title Job Description Certificate Minimum Estimated

Qualification and Starting Basic
Course Duration Wages (RM)
17 Chemical Conducting • Chemical • Diploma in • 3,000.00
Assessor chemical risk Clamping related fields (Based
assessments Registration • Working on the
at the work Certificate experience in number of
place based related fields for assessments
on employer 3 year carried out)
request • 11-day course
• Pass written and
practical tests

18 Occupational Carry out • Doctoral • Medical • 2,000.00

Health health checks Degree in Practitioner fully
Doctor for workers Medicine; registered with
exposed to and the Malaysian
health hazards • Occupational Medical Council
and protect Health (MMC)
and ensure Doctoral • Have a valid
that the health Course annual practice
of the workers Certificate; or certificate; and
is in optimum • Diploma/ • Attend the
physical Master/ Employment
and mental PhD in Health Doctoral
condition. Occupational course and pass
Occupational Health the examination
Health Doctors at the teacher-
should also registered centre
report any with the Director
occupational General; or
illnesses and • Have a Diploma/
poisonings to Master/ PhD in
the DOSH Occupational
Health from
a University
accredited by
the Government
of Malaysia

69 Guide on Starting Wages

DOSH Certification

No. Job Title Job Certificate Minimum Estimated

Description Qualification and Starting Basic
Course Duration Wages (RM)
19 Hygiene Conducting • Hygiene • Malaysian Higher • 3,000.00
Technician 1 chemical Technician Education (Based on
exposure Registration Certificate/ method and
monitoring to Certificate 1 Engineering number of
workers based Certificate sampling
on employer • Working points)
request experience in
related fields for
one year
• 5-day course
• Pass written and
practical tests

70 Guide on Starting Wages

A Account Clerk
Accounts Assistant
Administrative Executive
Administrative Supervisor
Agricultural Assistant
Agricultural Machinery Mechanics
Agricultural Research and Development Executive
Air-Conditioning Equipment Mechanic
Aircraft Engine Mechanic
Aircraft Technicians
Application Programmers
Assistant CAD/CAM Engineer (Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing)
Assistant Civil Engineer
Assistant Computer System Executive
Assistant Electrical Engineer
Assistant Equipment Engineer
Assistant Food Preparation Executive
Assistant Housekeeping Executive
Assistant Industrial Automation Engineer
Assistant Industrial Electronic Engineer
Assistant Mechatronic Engineer
Assistant Network Engineer
Assistant Office
Assistant Telecommunications Engineer
Assistant Welding Engineer
Automation Robot Technician
Automative Body Repair Supervisor
Automative Technician
Authorised Gas Tester & Entry Supervisor

B Baker, Pastry, Pasta and Confectionery Maker

Biological Technician
Building Inspection Engineer
Business Development Executive

C CAD/CAM Engineer (Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing)

Chemical Assessor
Chemical Process Technician

72 Guide on Starting Wages

Civil Engineering Technician
Civil Engineer
CNC Technician (Computer Numerical Control)
Communication Corporate Executive
Communications Assistant (ICT)
Competitive Elevator
Computer Assistant
Computer Network Technician
Computer Programming Assistant
Computer System Executive
Computer Technician
Construction Maintenance Engineer
Construction Operation Supervisor
Construction Site Supervisor
Construction Supervisor
Crane Operator
Crop Research Technician
Customer Service Assistant
Customer Service Officer
Cyber Security Executive

D Data Mining Analyst

Database Programmer

E Early Childhood Educator

Electrical Engineer
Electrical High Voltage Technician
Electrical Motors and Dynamos Fitter
Electrical Supervisor
Electrical Technician
Electronics Repairer
Electronics Technician
Engine Driver
Equipment Engineer
Executive Chef

F Fashion Designer
Finance Executive
Financial Assistant
Fishery Assistant
Food Preparation Executive

73 Guide on Starting Wages

Food Processing Technician
Foundry Technician

G Gas Pipe Welder

Graphic and Multimedia Designer
Graphic Designer

H Hairdresser
Halal Executive
Heavy Machinery Driver
High Voltage Restriction Chargeman
Housekeeping Executive
Human Resource Assistant
Human Resource Executive
Hygiene Technician 1
Hygiene Technician 2

I IAQ Assessor
Industrial Automation Engineer
Industrial Efficiency Engineering Technician
Industrial Electronic Engineer
Industrial Instrument Technician
Industrial Layout Engineering Technician
Industrial Machinery Technician
Industrial Machinist
Industrial Maintenance Technician
Industrial Products Designer
Industrial Rope Access Supervisor
Information System Executive
Information Systems Technician
Information Technology Assistant
Information Technology Executive
Information Technology Systems Developer
Information Technology System Programmer
Information Technology Technician
Interior Designer
Interior Designers and Decorator
Internal Combustion Engine Engineer

J Journalist Assistant

L Laboratory Technician
Land Surveyor
Land Surveyor Technician

74 Guide on Starting Wages

Landscape Technician
Livestock Breeder
Logistic Clerk
Logistics Executive

M Machinery Mechanic
Machinery Technician
Maintenance Supervisor
Major Hazard Competent Person
Manufacturing Supervisor
Marketing Executive
Mechanical Engineer
Mechatronic Technician
Mechatronic Engineer
Mechatronic Technician
Medical Laboratory Technician
Motor Vehicle Mechanics and Repairs
Mould Maker

N Navigational Watch Support Operation

Network Engineer
Noise Risk Assessor

O Occupational Health Doctor

Office Clerk

P Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction Technician

Petroleum Refining Technician
Pipe Fitter
Plantation Supervisor
Plastic Mould Designer
Production Engineer
Production Planner
Production Quality Control Inspector
Production Supervisor
Production Technician
Project Engineer

Q Quality Assurance Engineer

Quality Control Supervisor
Quality Control Technician
Quality Product Inspector
Quantity Surveying Technician

75 Guide on Starting Wages

R Radio Equipment Flight Technician
Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Systems Technician
Research and Development Engineer
Responsible People (Tower Crane, Freight & Passenger Machines)
Responsible People (Workplace & Gondola)
Rigger, Horsting Equipment

S Safety and Health Officer

Safety and Health Pollution Inspector
Safety Engineering Technician
Sales Executive
Science Physics Laboratory Assistant
Semiconductor Technician
Sheet Metal Worker
Site Construction Engineer
Site Safety Supervisor
Site Supervisor
Software Computer Engineer
Spa Therapist
Spray-Painter Vehicles
Static Equipment Maintenance Fitter
Steam Engineer
Store Clerk
Structural Steel Worker

T Tailor
Telecommunications Engineer
Telecommunications Technician
Tourist Guide

V Veterinary Assistant
Vocational Training Manager
Vocational Training Officer/Assistant Officer

W Web Designer
Website Technician
Welding Engineer
Welding Technician

76 Guide on Starting Wages

Public Skills Training Institutions
Kolej Kemahiran Tinggi MARA (KKTM) IKBN Jitra
Tel: 04-9174676
KKTM Balik Pulau
Tel: 04-8665805 / 3670 IKBN Naka
Tel: 04-7993000
KKTM Petaling Jaya
Tel: 03-77828971 IKBN Seri Iskandar
Tel: 05-3711300
KKTM Rembau
Tel: 06-6970470 IKBN Peretak
Tel: 03-60996000
KKTM Masjid Tanah
Tel: 06-3851104 IKBN Kuala Langat
Tel: 03-31802128
KKTM Sri Gading
Tel: 07-4532572 IKBN Bandar Penawar
Tel: 07-8221567
KKTM Ledang
Tel: 06-9756200 IKBN Pekan
Tel: 09-4514888
KKTM Kuantan
Tel: 09-5366871 / 72 IKBN Kemasik
Tel: 09-8664500
KKTM Pasir Mas
Tel: 09-7917558 / 6558 IKBN Tanah Merah
Tel: 09-9509900
KKTM Kemaman
Tel: 09-8629292 IKBN Wakaf Tapai
Tel: 09-6806000
MARA-Japan Industrial Institute
Tel: 03-87249355 IKBN Miri
Tel: 085-660714
Institut Kemahiran MARA
IKBN Kinarut
IKBN Kuala Perlis Tel: 088-755929
Tel: 04-9855985

77 Guide on Starting Wages

Public Skills Training Institutions
Institut Kemahiran Tinggi Belia Negara IKM Sg. Petani
Tel: 04-4212382
IKTBN Bukit Mertajam
Tel: 04-5225288 IKM Alor Setar
Tel: 04-7729940
IKTBN Bachok
Tel: 09-7787700 IKM Sik
Tel: 04-4692045
IKTBN Alor Gajah
Tel: 04-7993000 IKM Lumut
Tel: 05-6884401 / 1403
Tel: 06-9737836 IKM Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03-92844455 / 4535
IKTBN Chembong
Tel: 03-60996000 IKM Jasin
Tel: 06-5291561 / 2595
IKTBN Dusun Tua
Tel: 03-90217100 IKM Johor Bahru
Tel: 07-2361129 / 2370001
IKTBN Sepang
Tel: 03-87061720 IKM Tan Sri Yahaya Ahmad
Tel: 09-4269404
IKTBN Temerloh
Tel: 09-2805554 IKM Besut
Tel: 09-6957244 / 8795
Akademi Kemahiran Belia Golf (AKBG)
Tel: 03-60996096 IKM Kuching
Tel: 082-441149 / 441023
Institut Kemahiran MARA (IKM)

IKM Beseri Industrial Training Institutes (ILP)

Tel: 04-9384021 / 4022 ILP Kangar
Tel : 04-9794000
IKM Seberang Perai Utara
Tel: 04-5732120

78 Guide on Starting Wages

Public Skills Training Institutions
ILP Jitra ILP Mersing
Tel : 04-9161926 Tel : 07-7921700 Tel : 09-5801620
ILP Kepala Batas
Tel : 04-5776100 ILP Kota Kinabalu Tel : 088-499825
ILP Perai
Tel : 04 - 3907269 / 3907335 ILP Kota Samarahan Tel : 082-465100
ILP Arumugam Pillai Nibong Tebal
Tel : 04-5956000 ILP Marang Tel : 09-6189000: 085-655540
ILP Ipoh
Tel : 05-5277777 ILP Sandakan Tel : 089-240500
ILP Kuala Lumpur
Tel : 03-79817495 ILP Labuan Tel : 087-414911
ILP Kuala Langat
Tel : 03-31204600 Advance Technology Training Centre
ILP Selandar
Tel : 06-5251224 ADTEC Kulim Tel : 04-4042975
ILP Bukit Katil
Tel : 06-2320600 ADTEC Taiping Tel : 05-8012600
ILP Pedas
Tel : 06-6853564 ADTEC Shah Alam Tel : 03-51612622
ILP Tangkak
Tel : 06-9773800 ADTEC Melaka Tel : 06-5527227
ILP Pasir Gudang
Tel : 07-2544170 ADTEC Batu Pahat Tel : 07-4287733

79 Guide on Starting Wages

Public Skills Training Institutions
ADTEC Jerantut
Tel : 09-2663391

ADTEC Kemaman
Tel : 09-8664000

ADTEC Bintulu
Tel : 086-310111

Polytechnics and Community Colleges

The list of 34 Polytechnics and 93

Community College can be viewed at the following website:


The list of 14 Giatmara can be viewed at the following website:

Centre for Instructor and Advanced Skill Training (CIAST)

Tel: 03-55438200

Japan Malaysia Technical Institute (JMTi)

Tel: 04-5087800

80 Guide on Starting Wages

Daftar Standard Kemahiran Pekerjaan Kebangsaan (SKPK). National Occupational Skills Standard
(NOSS) Registry, 31 Mac 2019. Putrajaya: Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran, Kementerian Sumber

FMM Salary, Benefits and Employment Conditions Survey in the Manufacturing Sector 2014: Kuala
Lumpur: Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers (FMM).

Garis Panduan Laluan Artikulasi Lulusan Diploma Kemahiran Malaysia (DKM) dan Diploma Lanjutan
Kemahiran Malaysia (DLKM) untuk Kemasukan ke Program Ijazah Sarjana Muda di IPTA. Putrajaya:
Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran, Kementerian Sumber Manusia.

Laporan Kaji Selidik Pengesanan Graduan ILJTM (Tracer Study), Sesi Keluaran 2/2014 dan 1/2015.
Putrajaya: Jabatan Tenaga Manusia, Kementerian Sumber Manusia.

MEF Salary Survey for Executives and Non Executives, 2015. Selangor: Malaysian Employers Federation.

Malaysia Standard Classification of Occupations (MASCO), 2013. Putrajaya: Bahagian Dasar Sumber
Manusia, Kementerian Sumber Manusia.

Panduan Kursus Jangka Pendek 2015/2016. Kuala Lumpur: Institut Latihan Perindustrian Kuala
Lumpur, Kementerian Sumber Manusia.

Surat Pekeliling Perkhidmatan Bilangan 1 Tahun 2014. Accessed from

100 Selected Jobs, 2010. Putrajaya: Bahagian Dasar Sumber Manusia, Kementerian Sumber Manusia.

JobsMalaysia 2019. Tajuk Pekerjaan. Accessed from

Jobstreet 2019. Tajuk Pekerjaan Accessed from

JobDB 2019. Tajuk Pekerjaan. Accessed from 2019. Sample Job Descriptions. Accessed from descriptions /


81 Guide on Starting Wages

• Ministry
 of Tourism and • H
 uman Resources
Culture Development Fund
• Ministry of Higher Education
• Ministry of Youth and Sports
• Public Service Department • T WI Technology (S.E Asia)
• Department of Statistics Sdn. Bhd.
• Ministry of Human Resources
• Human Resource Policy • M
 alaysian Employers
Division Federation
• Department of Occupational
Safety and Health
• Labour Department • M
 alaysian Trades Union
Peninsular Malaysia Congress
• Labour Department Sabah
• Labour Department Sarawak
• Industrial Relations • P
 enang Skills Development
Department Centre
• Industrial Court
• Secretariat of National Wages
Consultative Council • M
 alaysian International
• Institute of Labour Market Chamber of Commerce and
Information and Analysis Industry
• Department of Skills
• Department of Manpower • P
 ersatuan Pekilang-Pekilang
• Advance Technology Training Malaysia
• Centre for Instructor and
Advance Skill Training • T he Associated Chinese
Chamber of Commerce and
Industry Malaysia
• JobsMalaysia

• SME Association of Malaysia

• N
 ational Institute of
Occupational Safety and Health
• Majlis Amanah Rakyat

• Social Security Organisation

82 Guide on Starting Wages

Publication Secretariat
YBhg. Dato’ Amir bin Omar
Secretary General
Ministry of Human Resources

YBhg. Datuk Muhd Khair Razman bin Mohamed Annuar
Deputy Secretary General (Policy & International)

Betty binti Hassan
Under Secretary, Policy Division

Chief Publishing Secretariat

Aminuddin bin Ab Rahman
Secretary National Wages Consultative Council

Julia binti Jaladdin

Deputy Under Secretary, Human Resources Policy Division

Muazam bin Mokhtar
Elvis Edmund Emus
Tuan Hj. Mahazrul bin Kamarrudin
Normawati binti Ahmad
Shazana Ayoub binti Izaruddin
Umi Nadra binti Kamaruddin
Norhaili binti Kamsan
Nurul Asyikin binti Mohd Arshad
Syazana binti Sulong
Mohd Zikri bin Idris

Mohamad Kuchairi bin Abdul Aziz
Azati Syima binti Azini

and all ministries, departments, agencies and individuals involved in the publication of
this Guide on Starting Wages. Your contribution is very much appreciated.

83 Guide on Starting Wages





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