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1. The Addis count is the semi-quantitative estimate of the 12-hour excretion of which urinary
Casts, red blood cells, white blood cells

2. Which of the following statements is not true?

In a routine culture of urine, 102 microorganisms/ml of urine is considered significant

3. Which of the following is a true statement?

True hemoglobinuria occurs after intravascular hemolysis

4. Which of the following is NOT true about oval fat bodies?

Their fat content is related to the level of lipids in plasma

5. The best single indicator of renal disease is


6. Which cast may appear in the absence of renal disease? In healthy individuals?

7. A granular cast is thought to represent the decomposition of which of these casts?


8. Which of the following is true of casts in the urine?

They tend to accumulate near the edges of the coverslip

9. The matrix of urinary casts has been identified as which protein?


10. A smoky red-brown urine should be suspected of containing


11. The primary component of urine mucus


12. Majority of casts are formed in the

Distal convoluted tubules

13. Cylindruria refers to the presence of

All types of casts

14. WBC casts are primarily associated with

15. Shape of RTE cells associated with renal tubular epithelial casts is primarily

16. All of the following are true about waxy casts except they:
Require staining to be visualized

17. Crystals associated with severe liver disease include all of the following except:

18. Ehrlich reaction will only detect presence of


19. The most common composition of renal calculi is:

Calcium oxalate

20. If a fasting plasma glucose level of 100 mg/dL is obtained on an individual, what is the expected
fasting cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) glucose level in mg/dL?

21. Confirmation of fecal occult blood

two samples from 3 stool specimen

22. Black kid that vomits from drinking milk


23. Yeast in the Urine

Pyelonephritis or cystitis

24. Appearance of RTE cells in renal tubular casts

round, oval

25. CA 125 detects

Ovarian cancer

26. CA 19-9
Colon cancer, gastric

27. Psammoma bodies


28. Urine strip test temperature

Cool, dry area

29. The rotate 90 degrees question

Positive birefringence
30. LE Reaction Time
5 Mins

31. Hoesch test for


32. Differentiate Hematuria from Hemoglobinuria

Microscopic exam

33. Lab specimen arrives with strong ammoniacal smell and heavy white precipitate
Repeat collection

34. Increased urochrome


35. Transitional epithelial cells are sloughed from the


36. Hansel stain composition

Eosin Y and Methylene Blue (II and IV)

37. Most obvious urine parameter

Color ??

38. Transudate vs Exudate

39. An abnormal collection of fluid in hollow spaces or between tissues of the body.

40. Causes false positive glucose

Oxidizing agent

41. CASE. Protein: 4+, +waxy casts

Nephrotic Syndrome

42. CASE. Kid with “coffee like” urine

RBCs & blood casts

43. Detects lactose

Rubner’s test

44. High ammonia


45. Crystal found in both acid and alkaline

Calcium Oxalate

46. Hemolytic jaundice

(+) bilirubin, (+) urobilinogen

47. Severity of HDN

Lily graph

48. Increase in urochrome found in the following except:

Diabete Mellitus

49. Benedict’s test (+) but negative on the enzyme-something

Presence of other reducing sugars

50. Glomerulonephritis
RBCs & RBC casts

51. Choline
Florence test

1. What is not a function of synovial fluid

Remove cartilage debris

2. Which is incorrectly matched?

Tube 2 - powdered EDTA

3. Why did synovial fluid clot after collection?

“Normal synovial fluid does NOT clot; however, fluid from a diseased joint may contain
FIBRINOGEN and will clot.

Therefore, fluid is collected in a syringe moistened with HEPARIN.

4. Presence of hyaluronic acid indicates what fluid?

Synovial fluid


1. Grass green color of sputum indicates


2. Prognostic indication


1. Which of the following is not a function of amniotic fluid

Exchange of Carbon and Oxygen

2. Measurement of fetal age

Ultrasound or amniocentesis (using amniotic fluid around fetus)
X Not Fetal Urine, Not Maternal Urine

3. Fetal Lung Maturity biochemical markers

Lecithin, Sphingomyelin (through amniotic fluid)

4. Amnio Stat FLM detects what substance

Phosphatidyl glycerol

5. Foam Test
Phosphatidyl glycerol / Lecithin

6. Function
Protective cushion, fetal movement, stabilize temp

1. Tubes for CSF

1 - Chemistry (frozen); 2 - Microbiology (RT); 3 - cell counts (Ref)

2. Meningitis
Bacterial - neutrophils
Viral, Tubercular, Fungal, Parasitic - lymphocytes and monocytes

3. CSF protein
15-45 mg/dL (first Albumin, second transthyretin)

4. CSF Glucose
60%-70% of plasma glucose
Inc Glucose: due to plasma elevations
Dec Glucose: meningitis

5. Functions of the CSF include all of the following except:

Producing an ultrafiltrate

6. CSF flows through the

Arachnoid space

7. Substances present in the CSF are controlled by the

Blood-brain barrier

8. Traumatic tap
Concentration of blood in tube 1 is greater than in tube 3
Specimen contains clots

9. Intracranial hemorrhage
Even distribution of blood in all tubes
Xanthochromic supernatant

10. Presence of Xanthochromia can be caused by all of the following except

A recent hemorrhage

11. Web-like pellicle in a refrigerated CSF specimen indicates

Tubercular meningitis

12. CSF WBC count is diluted with

Acetic acid
13. Primary concern when pleocytosis of neutrophils and lymphocytes is found in the CSF is

14. Indicator of integrity of Blood brain barrier

Albumin index

15. Least WBC in the CSF


16. Present in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and is used as a marker for the identification of CSF.
Tau transferrin

17. Asses the integrity of the Blood Brain Barrier

Albumin index

18. Reye’s syndrome



1. Maturation of spermatozoa takes place in the:


2. Enzymes for the coagulation and liquefaction of semen are produced by the
Prostate glands

3. Major component of seminal fluid

Fructose (energy)

4. Gray appearance

5. Mitochondrial sheath in sperm


6. substance that identifies seminar fluid

Acid phosphatase

7. Semen fails to liquefy within 60 minutes

Add plasmin

8. Pertains to performing sperm count

Performed with hemocytometer
9. Normal sperm morphology WHO
> 30%

10. Routine purpose of seminal fluid examination


11. Normal sperm motility



1. WBCs found in bronchial asthma

most commonly Eosinophils (Eosinophilic asthma)

Critical cases: lymphocytes

2. Creola Bodies

Indicative of asthma

3. Bronchoalveolar lavage physical characteristic that serves valuable diagnostic information

Color and clarity


1. Where does the reabsorption of water take place in the primary digestive process?
Large intestine

2. Which of the following pairings of stool appearance and cause does not match
Yellow-green: barium sulfate

3. Stool specimens that appear ribbon-like are indicative of which condition?

Intestinal constriction

4. A black tarry stool is indicative of

Upper GI bleeding

5. Chemical screening tests performed on feces include all of the following except:
Pilocarpine iontophoresis (sweat)
6. The normal brown color of the feces is produced by:

7. Diarrhea can result from all of the following except:

Increased reabsorption of intestinal water and electrolytes

8. Microscopic examination of stool provides preliminary information as to the cause of diarrhea

Neutrophils are present in conditions that affect the intestinal wall

9. What is the recommended number of samples that should be tested to confirm a negative
occult blood result?
Two samples taken from different parts of three stools

10. Microscopic examination of stools mixed with Sudan III and glacial acetic acid and then heated
will show small orange-red droplets that represent
Fatty acids, soaps, and neutral fats
11. What is the significance of an APT test that remains pink after addition of sodium hydroxide?
Fetal hemoglobin is present

12. Annual FOBT may detect

Colon cancer

13. Van de Kamer titration

a. requires collection of at least a 3-day specimen
b. Patient must maintain a regulated intake of fat (100 g/d) BEFORE and DURING collection
c. Refrigeration from specimen prevents any bacterial degeneration

14. Fecal screening test includes:

a. Examination for neutrophils
b. Qualitative fecal fats
c. gFOBT and iFOBT
d. APT test
e. Trypsin
f. Elastase 1
g. Clinitest


1. Preferred gastric stimulant

Gastrin (to be corrected) ; Histamine?

2. Produce HCl and Intrinsic factor (EPO)

Parietal / Oxyntic cells

1. Differentiate hemothorax vs effusion

compare fluid and blood hematocrit


1. Other names
Thoracentesis (pleural), pericardiocentesis (pericardial), paracentesis (peritoneal)

2. Main purpose of serous fluid


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