The history of Mataram

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The history of Mataram, I need to clarify which Mataram kingdom you are referring to, as

there were two significant kingdoms with that name in Javanese history:

1. Mataram Hindu (732-929 M)

• Established: Founded in 732 M by King Sanjaya of the Sanjaya dynasty.

• Location: Centered in the Yogyakarta region of present-day Central Java.
• Golden Age: Flourished under the reign of King Rakai Pikatan (750-780 M) and
King Rakai Kayambalang (800-849 M).
• Religion: Hindu, with Buddhism also gaining influence.
• Legacy: Known for its impressive architecture, including the Prambanan temple
complex, and its contributions to Javanese art, literature, and language.

2. Mataram Islam (1587-1755 M)

• Established: Founded in 1587 M by Ki Ageng Pemanahan, with Panembahan

Senopati as the first king.
• Location: Initially centered in Kotagede, later moved to Surakarta and Yogyakarta.
• Golden Age: Reached its peak under the reign of Sultan Agung (1613-1645 M).
• Religion: Islam, with strong Hindu-Buddhist cultural influences.
• Legacy: Expanded its territory to become the dominant power in Java, known for its
military prowess, administrative reforms, and cultural achievements.

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