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Journal of Applied Ecology 2014, 51, 1469–1478 doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.12239

Can community outreach alleviate poaching pressure

and recover wildlife in South-East Asian protected
Robert Steinmetz1*, Surasak Srirattanaporn1, Jirati Mor-Tip2 and Naret Seuaturien1
World Wide Fund for Nature Thailand, 87 Soi Paholyothin 5, Paholyothin Road, Samsen Nai, Phayathai, Bangkok
10400, Thailand; and 2Department of National Parks, Wildlife, and Plant Conservation, 61 Paholyothin Road, Ladyao,
Jatujak, Bangkok 10900, Thailand

1. Many interventions to stem wildlife poaching have overlooked insights into human behav-
iour offered by the social sciences. South-East Asia suffers the world’s highest rate of wildlife
declines, due mainly to poaching, yet there is little scientific attention on behaviour change,
and few evaluations of the effectiveness of different approaches for stemming poaching.
2. We used social-psychology principles to design a community outreach programme aimed
at reducing poaching in a reserve in Thailand, and we monitored biological and social out-
comes over 4-6 years. Outreach aimed to build trust, raise awareness, motivate, offer oppor-
tunities for action, increase perceived behavioural control of villagers and generate social
pressure against poaching. Behaviour change is promoted when these conditions converge.
3. We conducted 116 outreach events, focusing on adult farmers, children and local leaders.
We assessed poaching trends using encounter rates with poaching signs and questionnaires.
We monitored population status of six hunted mammal species (five ungulates and one
rodent) using sign-based occupancy surveys and camera trapping.
4. Poaching pressure dropped by a factor of four across the park, with multiple short-term
declines (usually to zero) immediately following outreach in seven of nine patrol zones. Park
patrol effort was uncorrelated with poaching trends, contrary to expectations. Questionnaire
responses (n = 311) corresponded to empirical observations: 88% stated that poaching
declined over previous years; the top reason given for this decline was park outreach.
5. In response to safer conditions, occupancy and abundance of five of the six focal species
increased significantly or was stable in all three monitoring sites. Patrol effort was statistically
unrelated to wildlife trends.
6. Synthesis and applications. The weight of evidence in our study points to outreach as the
main driver of a biologically significant decline in poaching that initiated the recovery of
hunted species within the national park. This experiment provides one of the first demonstra-
tions that scientifically designed and proactive park outreach activities might suppress poach-
ing and initiate wildlife recovery in South-East Asia.
Key-words: common property, community-based conservation, conservation psychology,
law enforcement, occupancy, social norm, Theory of Planned Behavior, tiger, ungulates

population decline and endangerment (Ceballos & Ehrlich

2002; Schipper et al. 2008), due largely to commercial
Overhunting is driving hundreds of wildlife species poaching (Corlett 2007). Poaching assails mammal popu-
towards extinction across the tropics (Vie, Hilton-Taylor lations even in protected areas and is so widespread that
& Stuart 2009). This crisis is gravest in South-East Asia, intact mammal communities occupy just 1% of their his-
where mammals suffer the world’s highest rates of toric ranges here – the lowest prevalence in the world
(Morrison et al. 2007). Reducing poaching in protected
areas is thus an urgent priority, yet there is little scientific
*Correspondence author. E-mail:

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1470 R. Steinmetz et al.

attention to human behaviour change and few evaluations (a)

of the effectiveness of different approaches towards this
end (Redford, Ray & Boitani 2011).
The most commonly invoked intervention to counteract
poaching is law enforcement patrolling to deter, detect
and punish poachers. This model of enforcement intrinsi-
cally emphasizes economic factors influencing behaviour
(Keane et al. 2008). Economic concepts of decision-
making assume that people are selfish and norm-free
(Ostrom et al. 1999); if so, it follows that the most effec- (b)
tive path to rule compliance is through the threat of sanc-
tions by an outside authority (Sutinen & Kuperan 1999).
These influential concepts commonly underlie conserva-
tion policy and practice (Pretty 2003). However, they are
widely challenged in the social sciences. Empirical
research on resource management shows that economic
models of behaviour often fail to predict actual behaviour
(Ostrom et al. 1999), while psychological research contests
their assumptions as unrealistic and neglectful of many Fig. 1. Conceptual models of protected area management with
other essential influences on behaviour (McFadden 1999). and without community engagement. In (a), without engaged
Correspondingly, models that consider social and psycho- communities, the protected area stands alone against poachers
logical influences on decision-making – including intrinsic (barrier opposing village and town poachers). Most local people
are not poachers (family silhouettes), but are indifferent to
(moral obligation, perceived legitimacy of rules) and
poaching. In (b), community outreach builds awareness, concern
extrinsic (wealth enhancement, social pressure) motiva- and social pressure that constrain poachers. Pressure (grey
tions – tend to predict resource use behaviour better than arrows) comes from neighbours, local leaders and children.
ones based solely on economic risks and rewards (Sutinen Engaged communities might also help obstruct urban poachers
& Kuperan 1999). (barrier shifted to the right, opposing town poachers). The model
of outreach in (b) was used in Kuiburi National Park, Thailand,
The insights into human behaviour offered by the social
sciences have scarcely been used in biodiversity conserva-
tion (St. John, Edwards-Jones & Jones 2010), despite rec-
ognition that conservation is essentially about people reluctant to act; new social norms now motivate him to
(Schultz 2011). The Theory of Planned Behaviour identifies comply with others’ expectations (Fig. 1). We attempted
the interaction of attitudes, social norms and perceived to achieve this scenario at a national park in Thailand
behavioural control, in determining human intentions and through community outreach that engaged local people in
actions (Ajzen & Madden 1986). Humans have an evolu- recovering wildlife. We conducted outreach for 4 years
tionary propensity to respond to social norms or shared (2008–2011), and assessed behavioural outcomes by moni-
understandings about expectations regarding appropriate toring poaching pressure in the forest (2008–2011) and
behaviour (Ostrom 2000). Attitudes, which are the combi- through questionnaire surveys in buffer-zone villages
nation of knowledge and a positive or negative judgment (2010). We monitored population responses of six hunted
(Jacobson, McDuff & Monroe 2006), interact with social mammal species over 6 years using sign-based occupancy
norms to determine behavioural intentions (McCleery et al. surveys (2006–2011) and camera trapping (2007, 2009 and
2006). Perceived behavioural control refers to perceived 2011). Our study lacked an untreated control site; instead,
ability to successfully perform a particular behaviour, such we employed diverse, independent sources of evidence
as by possessing the necessary knowledge, resources and (triangulation) to draw inferences about observed
autonomy, and exert control over one’s life. changes. Although we used the theory of planned behav-
Set within this overarching framework of human behav- iour to frame our approach, we did not measure changes
iour, wildlife poaching can be viewed from new angles. in the underlying determinants of behaviour defined by
Poachers often constitute a minority of society in South- the theory, and our study does not test the theory itself.
East Asia (Rao et al. 2010), and the wider populace is
generally indifferent to poaching. Thus, poachers are free
Materials and methods
to act without fear of social repercussions such as shame
and social rejection (Fig. 1). But suppose neighbours,
family members and local leaders became less tolerant of
poaching, in response to new knowledge and incentives. Kuiburi National Park (969 km2; hereafter, Kuiburi) is in
What if increased interactions with park staff created a the Tenasserim Mountains in Thailand (99°350 E, 12°100
new level of trust and understanding that increased sup- N; Fig. 2). The park is mountainous (elevation to 946 m)
port for conservation efforts? A poacher might now be and covered predominantly by evergreen forest. Kuiburi

© 2014 The Authors. Journal of Applied Ecology © 2014 British Ecological Society, Journal of Applied Ecology, 51, 1469–1478
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Outreach to reduce wildlife poaching 1471

Fig. 2. Kuiburi National Park, Thailand,

showing patrol zones (names in italics),
wildlife monitoring zones (dark grey
blocks), camera-trap locations, and villages
and schools that received outreach
between 2008–2011.

is surrounded by agriculture, except to the west where it depends on clear justifications, in turn requiring education (Won-
is contiguous with forest in Myanmar. The predominant dolleck & Yaffee 2000). Third was motivation: education must be
occupation of local people is pineapple farming. Most vil- coupled with motivation for change to occur (Schultz 2011).
lages were established 30–50 years ago, before the park Fourth was ethics: perceived legitimacy of rules, in this case
about poaching, can be influenced by ethical views (Tyler 1990).
was created. There are 29 villages within 5 km of the park
Fifth was feasible actions: simple possibilities for action must be
(predominantly Thai ethnicity), and one village inside
available if new knowledge and motivations are to be acted upon
(Karen ethnicity). Hunting is illegal in Thai national (Kaplan 2000). Sixth was confidence: we attempted to dispel feel-
parks. Hunting in Kuiburi is conducted by local villagers, ings of helplessness, thereby strengthening perceived behavioural
urban hunters from provincial towns, and government control and confidence to act (Kaplan 2000).
officials (RS, pers. comm. with park staff). Most hunting We aimed to establish trust through face-to-face communica-
is by gun; snaring is not widespread. Most hunting is tion in which we made our values explicit, telling people we
done for sale; some is for subsistence and sport. intended to recover wildlife populations and needed their help.
We provided justification by educating people about the ecology
and status of Kuiburi’s wildlife (in the park, nationally, and glob-
COMMUNITY OUTREACH ally), emphasizing the effects of poaching on distribution and
We focused on three strata of society: local leaders, adult villag- abundance. We motivated people by promoting direct and indi-
ers and school children. Our outreach approach targeted six rect benefits of conservation, by illustrating connections between
social or psychological conditions that influence attitudes, social intact wildlife communities, healthy forests, provision of
norms or perceived control and thereby influence behaviour. The resources such as secure water supplies, and thus the health and
first was trust, which underlies constructive relationships and happiness of peoples’ families. For ethics, we spoke of empathy
increases peoples’ receptiveness to conservation messages (Stern and moral responsibility to prevent species extinction and related
2008). Second was justification: public support for conservation a Buddhist parable about helping other species. We also tried to

© 2014 The Authors. Journal of Applied Ecology © 2014 British Ecological Society, Journal of Applied Ecology, 51, 1469–1478
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1472 R. Steinmetz et al.

engage people emotionally by relating real-life stories about the Patrol data must be interpreted carefully to draw reliable infer-
park’s wildlife told through camera-trap photographs and videos. ences about poaching. We believe our data reliably reflect poach-
Next, we proposed three feasible actions people could take: (i) tell ing pressure for three reasons. First, in Kuiburi, poaching signs
others about the precarious state of Kuiburi’s wildlife, (ii) recon- are readily detected because they tend to occur near trails, water
sider hunting or eating wildlife (except for crop-raiding wild pigs) sources and ridges that poachers use for travel and hunting. In
(iii) reject outside poachers by refusing access through villages or 6 years of fieldwork, involving substantial off-trail travel, we have
anonymously alerting the park. Lastly, we supplied confidence by never observed poaching signs away from these topographical
relating accounts of other communities that overcame environ- features. This reflects poachers’ behaviour rather than detectabil-
mental degradation. ity, as many signs are big (camps, tree platforms) or colourful
Outreach was conducted in communities from April 2008 to (i.e. red shotgun shell casings). Thus, we believe that patrols
June 2011, by a team of 6–10 park staff and the authors. Venues encounter most poaching signs. Secondly, we used fine-scale data
included village meetings, schools, temple fairs, youth camps at from multiple small zones, avoiding the situation whereby data
the park, and government meetings at district, county and pro- from a small area are used to infer overall changes (Keane, Jones
vincial levels. We also met with village chiefs at their residences. & Milner-Gulland 2011). Thirdly, all data were from routine sur-
Outreach events in villages included slide shows, quiz games and veillance patrols conducted on foot, rather than motorized or
musical performances by park rangers. Outreach events in intelligence-led patrols, so variation in patrol methods was not a
schools added games and a session to elicit student ‘wildlife confounding factor (Keane, Jones & Milner-Gulland 2011).
recovery plans’. Further, in August 2009, we initiated a Wildlife
Recovery Network with 11 local schools. Teachers drafted and
implemented a curriculum focused on wildlife recovery and orga- WILDLIFE POPULATION TRENDS

nized two anti-poaching parades and wildlife viewing events at We monitored population changes in five ungulate and one
the park. Students were encouraged to relate their new knowledge rodent species that were commonly hunted: red muntjac Muntia-
and concerns to parents, thereby potentially influencing parents’ cus muntjak, Fea’s muntjac M. feae, sambar Cervus unicolor, wild
behaviour. Appendix S1 in Supporting Information has more pig Sus scrofa, gaur Bos gaurus and Malayan porcupine Hystrix
details on outreach methods. brachyura. Animals occurred at low density and were difficult to
observe directly so we used two indirect methods, sign-based
occupancy surveys (ungulates only) and camera trapping (all six
species), to assess population status.
Occupancy surveys were conducted in the dry season (Novem-
Kuiburi is divided into nine patrol zones (each 60–120 km2, ber–June) annually or semi-annually from 2006 to 2011 at three
Fig. 2) in which teams of 4–6 rangers patrol on foot for 1–4 days sites (each 30–50 km2, Fig. 2) that harboured remnant concentra-
at a time, recording their routes with a GPS. Patrol effort has tions of the focal species. Sample units were 1-km2 blocks, in
been recorded since 2006, and poaching pressure since November which we placed a 400 9 2 m sign transect using a random start-
2008. Zones shared similar habitats (predominantly mountainous ing point. We conducted 21–30 transects per site each sampling
evergreen forest) but differed with respect to numbers of nearby period. Transects were led by the same three observers through-
villages (lowest in Hup Takien). out the study. Most transects followed streams, trails and ridges.
Patrols recorded evidence of poaching (shotgun shells, tree Transects were divided into eight segments each of 50 m. We
stands, snares, carcasses, hunting camps) on standardized forms. recorded presence or non-detection of fresh signs (tracks and
Clumped evidence (e.g. shotgun shells within 10 m of each dung assessed as <1 week old) of each species in each segment.
other; camps with animal carcasses) was counted as one event. Muntjac species were pooled for analysis as their signs could not
Rangers directed patrols to maximize encounters with poachers, be distinguished. The replicate segments produced detection his-
by walking trails, streams and ridges that poachers use. We tories which were used to estimate detection probability and
accompanied five patrols to verify reliability and accuracy of occupancy (defined here as proportion of 1-km2 blocks used)
data. Kuiburi’s patrol system had features that promoted reli- (MacKenzie et al. 2002), using program PRESENCE (Hines
able data collection even when unaccompanied: no motivation 2006).
to falsify data as ranger compensation was not linked with Our analysis considered two categorical covariates that might
detection of poachers, and regular meetings to review each affect sign detection (tracking condition, observer team) and two
zone’s patrol records, generating peer pressure to maintain high covariates that might affect animal habitat use (transect placement,
standards. habitat type). Tracking condition was scored per segment as easy,
We used number of patrol days as an indicator of patrol effort. moderate or difficult, based on degree of ground vegetation and
We used encounter rate of poaching signs per 100 km as an index leaf litter that limited sign visibility. Surveys occurred at the same
of poaching pressure. Mean monthly patrol efforts in each zone season each year, mitigating seasonal or weather effects on sign
(total patrol days/12 months) were averaged to yield mean detectability. Transect placement (trail, ridge, stream or cross-
annual park-wide patrol effort. Likewise, annual poaching indices country) and habitat type (deciduous or evergreen forest) were site-
in each zone [(total poaching signs/total km patrolled) 9 100] level covariates affecting occupancy. We also fitted a model that
were averaged to yield a mean annual index of park-wide poach- accounted for spatial autocorrelation (Hines et al. 2010), and an
ing pressure. We tested for differences in mean patrol effort abundance-induced heterogeneity model (Royle & Nichols 2003).
between years with a Kruskal–Wallis test (n = 27; 9 Finally, we fitted a null model without covariates. In sum, we com-
zones 9 3 years). We tested for a trend in the poaching index pared seven models for each species per site per year. We derived
over time using a Jonckheere test, a nonparametric test for trends occupancy estimates from top models (lowest AIC) or by averaging
(n = 26; one zone did not patrol in 2011). models with similar support (DAIC < 2). We used linear regression

© 2014 The Authors. Journal of Applied Ecology © 2014 British Ecological Society, Journal of Applied Ecology, 51, 1469–1478
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Outreach to reduce wildlife poaching 1473

of annual occupancy against time to assess occupancy trends for responses. We calculated annual patrol effort (mean days per
each species at each site. We assessed significance using 1-tailed month) in or around (within 1 km) the three wildlife monitoring
tests as we expected occupancy to increase. sites from 2006 to 2011. We assessed the effect of patrolling on
We augmented occupancy surveys with camera trapping to wildlife occupancy trends using linear regression, with annual
independently assess wildlife population trends. We placed cam- patrol effort at a site as the predictor variable, and mean occu-
eras at 25–28 locations, 2–4 km apart, along ridges, streams, pancy of the four ungulate species per site as the response vari-
trails and waterholes, in a 130-km2 area that encompassed two of able (n = 13 site-year combinations). There could be a lag time
the occupancy survey areas (Pa Yang, Klong Kui). We trapped between patrolling and wildlife population responses. Thus, we
in 2007 (April–June, 1055 trap nights), 2009 (December–March, also tested whether patrolling influenced occupancy in subsequent
1458 nights) and 2011 (December–April, 2494 nights), reusing years, by regressing mean occupancy in year t + 1 on patrol
most camera locations each time. Cameras were set in the same effort in year t (n = 10). Distribution of residuals was normal.
way each year: 40 cm above the ground, 2 m from paths, no Statistical significance for all analyses was assessed at a = 005.
baits or lures, and operational 24 h per day. We used numbers of
independent photographs of each species (i.e. not consecutive,
different individuals, or >30 min apart) per 100 trap nights as a
proxy for abundance (Rovero & Marshall 2009). We tested for We used multiple-choice questionnaires (June–September 2010) to
significant differences in mean photograph rates across years for obtain information on poaching. We attended regular monthly
each species using 1-tailed Kruskal–Wallis tests. village meetings and requested all adults to complete question-
naires. Questionnaires were designed to promote truthful
responses: first, they were anonymous, and secondly, they per-
tained to the respondent’s village in general rather than to the
respondent himself or herself. Further, we had no intention to
We conducted three analyses that probed for possible causes of incriminate or punish and stated this clearly. Questionnaire sur-
observed changes in poaching pressure and wildlife status. veys followed the ethical guidelines of Association of Social
Anthropologists of the UK & the Commonwealth (1999).
Questionnaires had four parts. Part 1 asked for the respondent’s
Deterrence effect of patrolling opinion about trends (increase, decrease, no change) in each of six
types of poaching-related behaviour during the preceding 5 years:
High risk of detection is believed to be a major deterrent to
(i) consumption of wildlife, (ii) sale of wildlife within village, (iii)
poachers (Leader-Williams & Milner-Gulland 1993). If patrols
sale to outsiders, (iv) hunting by villagers, (v) hunting by outsiders
deterred poachers, there should be an inverse relationship
and (vi) hiring of villagers to hunt by outsiders. Respondents then
between patrol effort and poaching evidence. Poaching signs in
assessed the overall trend in poaching during the past 5 years
the forest reflect poaching activity prior to the patrol that
(increase, decrease or no change). This period covered the time
observes those signs. Thus, to test this deterrence effect, we exam-
over which our project was active in the park. In Part 2, respon-
ined the relationship between patrol effort in a given month, and
dents selected from among nine possible causes of the overall
the poaching index from the following month, in that same zone,
poaching trend they had identified: (changes in) park patrolling,
using Spearman’s correlation (n = 151 pairs of patrol-poaching
park outreach, wildlife abundance, market demand, number of
data across nine zones).
hunters, time available for hunting, income, conservation aware-
ness, and interest in consuming wildlife. Respondents could
Effect of intensive outreach on poaching choose more than one response. Part 3 asked about attitude
towards wildlife recovery (support, oppose or indifferent).
From June to November 2010, we conducted an intensive cam-
paign of 26 outreach events (11 villages, 15 schools) next to eight
patrol zones. Multiple events were organized in close succession
(most within 3 months) at a zone, potentially generating high lev-
els of localized interest and pressure. This provided an opportu-
nity to examine short-term, spatially explicit effects of intensive
outreach. We divided patrol effort and poaching index data for
each zone into two periods that included the months before We conducted 116 outreach events between 2008 and
(n = 7–19 months, median = 95) and after (n = 2–8 months,
2011, directly reaching about 7500 people. Outreach effort
median = 65) the campaign, omitting months in which the cam-
peaked in 2011 at 53 events per month (Fig. 3). We vis-
paign was underway in a zone. We averaged monthly patrol
ited 24 villages and schools, or 83% of villages within
effort and monthly poaching indices in each period for each zone
and tested differences between periods using Wilcoxon signed- 5 km of the park (Fig. 2), each 1–5 times.
rank tests for paired data (n = 8 zones 9 2 periods = 16; one Total patrol effort throughout the park was 101 days in
zone did not conduct post-outreach patrolling). 2009, 189 days in 2010 and 130 days in 2011. Mean
monthly patrol effort per zone was highest in 2010
(17 days, SD = 089) compared with 2009 (094 days,
Effect of patrolling on wildlife trends SD = 042) and 2011 (12 days, SD = 096) (Fig. 3), but
If wildlife recovery depended on patrolling, there should be a differences were not significant (v2 = 469, d.f. = 2,
positive association between patrol effort and wildlife population P = 010).

© 2014 The Authors. Journal of Applied Ecology © 2014 British Ecological Society, Journal of Applied Ecology, 51, 1469–1478
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1474 R. Steinmetz et al.


Occupancy of most species increased at each site (Fig. 4),

based on positive regression coefficients in 9 of 12 cases
(4 species 9 3 sites = 12). Three increases were statistically
significant: pig at Klong Kui (r2 = 087, F = 1329,
P = 0034, d.f. = 1,2), and muntjac (r2 = 088, F = 2262,
P = 0018, d.f. = 1,2) and pig (r2 = 066, F = 587,
P = 0045, d.f. = 1,3) at Hup Inthanin. Gaur were nearly
extinct in Klong Kui in 2006, but small numbers of males
began using the area periodically in 2008, followed by herds
(based on tracks of adults with calves) in 2011 (Fig. 4). The
increasing trend was not statistically significant (r2 = 044,
F = 16, P = 017, d.f. = 1,2), although we considered
recolonization of former range by breeding herds to be bio-
Fig. 3. Trends in patrol effort (mean days patrolled per month), logically significant. Gaur were absent from Hup Inthanin.
outreach (events per month) and poaching pressure (signs per Sambar occupancy was high (c. 50%) and stable at Hup
100 km) in Kuiburi National Park, Thailand, 2009–2011.
Inthanin, but declined at two other sites, although not sig-
nificantly (r2 < 072, F < 5, P > 007, d.f. = 1,3).
Photograph encounter rates of all species were stable or
increased over the study (Fig. 5), corresponding to occu-
pancy results. Encounter rates of wild pig (v2 = 851,
d.f. = 2, P = 0007), gaur (v2 = 1152, P = 0002) and por-
cupine (v2 = 522, P = 0037) more than doubled, whereas
trends for the two muntjac species were stable (v2 < 074,
P > 028). Sambar was the rarest species, consistent with
occupancy results at Klong Kui and Pa Yang, although
encounter rates were stable (v2 = 353, P = 0086).



Deterrence effect of patrolling

There was no correlation between patrol effort and
poaching pressure (r = 0014, P = 043).

Effect of intensive outreach

Poaching declined significantly after our outreach cam-
paign, falling to zero in most zones (medianbefore = 47

Fig. 4. Trends in occupancy of five hunted ungulate species at three

sites in Kuiburi National Park, Thailand, 2006–2011. Percentage
occupancy represents percentage of 1-km2 survey blocks used by a
species. Error bars = 1 SE. Muntjac includes M. muntjac and M. feae.

Poaching pressure declined 4-fold (J = 785,

z = 1609, P = 0059), from 101 hunting signs per Fig. 5. Trends in photograph encounter rates of six hunted species
100 km (SD = 110) in 2009, to 68 (SD = 69) in 2010, to in Kuiburi National Park, Thailand, 2007–2011, from 28 camera
24 (SD = 25) in 2011 (Fig. 3). traps set across a 130-km2 sampling area. Error bars = 1 SE.

© 2014 The Authors. Journal of Applied Ecology © 2014 British Ecological Society, Journal of Applied Ecology, 51, 1469–1478
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Outreach to reduce wildlife poaching 1475

signs per 100 km, medianafter = 0, T = 1, Z = 238,

P = 0017; Fig. 6). Patrol effort across zones was typically
between 1 and 3 days per month in each period (Fig. 6)
and did not differ significantly before and after the cam-
paign (medianbefore = 10, medianafter = 17, T = 8,
Z = 1402, P = 0161).

Effect of patrolling on wildlife trends

Mean patrol days per month at wildlife monitoring sites
ranged from zero at Hup Inthanin in 2006, to 154 at Pa
Yang in 2008. There was no relationship between patrol Fig. 7. Reasons for perceived decline in poaching between 2006
effort and occupancy trends of ungulates, either in the same and 2010, given by questionnaire respondents (n = 311) from 12
year (r2 = 0036, F = 0416, P = 0532, d.f. = 1,11), or sub- villages encircling Kuiburi National Park, Thailand.
sequent years (r2 = 0009, F = 0074, P = 0792, d.f. = 1,8).

species recovery. Our study is thus an important contribu-

tion to evidence-based conservation and one of just a few
We obtained questionnaires from 311 adults (ages 18–73, that monitored and measured the links between conserva-
median = 35; 59% female) from 12 villages that together tion actions, human behaviour changes and biological
encircled the park from north to south (Fig. 2). Most outcomes (Geldman et al. 2013). The urgency of reducing
respondents indicated a decline in each of the six types of poaching at our site ruled out a formal control-interven-
poaching behaviour (69–81% of respondents, among the six tion framework, as treatments (outreach, patrolling) were
types of poaching); fewer chose ‘increase’ (8–16%) or ‘no applied everywhere. Instead of untreated controls, we
change’ (12–17%). Most respondents (88%) concluded that observed key processes (poaching pressure, wildlife abun-
overall trends in poaching in their area showed declines. dance) before, during and after management interventions
The remainder thought these behaviours had not changed (Geldman et al. 2013). To compensate for uncertainty
(7%) or increased (5%). The top reason given for the about the causal link between treatments and observed
decline in poaching was ‘increased park outreach’ (67%), responses, we pursued multiple independent lines of evi-
followed by ‘increased patrolling’ (61%) and ‘increased con- dence, both biological and social, to draw inferences
servation awareness’ (60%; Fig. 7). Forty-two per cent also about the system. This allows investigators to assess con-
thought ‘wildlife depletion’ had depressed poaching. Most sistency in results and weigh evidence for causation in
respondents (905%) supported wildlife recovery in observational studies (Shaffer & Johnson 2008). More-
Kuiburi; 80% were indifferent, and 15% were opposed. over, comparing results from several independent sources
of data (triangulation) helped us more confidently address
the sensitive issue of poaching (Gavin, Solomon & Blank
We investigated social and biological responses to man-
agement interventions aimed at stemming poaching to aid

We observed a park-wide decline in poaching over 3 years

(Fig. 3) and widespread shorter-term declines in nearly all
patrol zones (Fig. 6). Local people’s perceptions corre-
sponded to these empirical observations: nearly all
respondents reported a decline in poaching. These conver-
gent results, combined with our attention to potential pit-
falls in the use of patrol data, provide strong inference
that poaching pressure significantly declined in Kuiburi.
Populations of ungulates and porcupines increased or
were stable in almost all cases. This is most likely a
response to reduced poaching. The three sites we moni-
tored were exceptional in harbouring most remaining
ungulates in the park and thus faced potentially severe
Fig. 6. Poaching pressure and patrol effort, before and after poaching pressure if poachers had been active. Many
intensive outreach, in eight patrol zones of Kuiburi National tropical ungulates are particularly susceptible to hunting;
Park, Thailand, 2010. Error bars = 1 SD. even moderate hunting pressure is enough to reduce their

© 2014 The Authors. Journal of Applied Ecology © 2014 British Ecological Society, Journal of Applied Ecology, 51, 1469–1478
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1476 R. Steinmetz et al.

densities (Peres 2000). Population trends were not influ- ‘increased consideration for local leaders and park staff’.
enced by natural predation, as tigers were consistently Thus, existing and potential poachers apparently
scarce (<10 individuals) and leopard and dhole numbers responded to new attitudes and expectations of their lead-
were stable or even increased during the study (Steinmetz ers, neighbours, children and even park staff. Pressure
et al. 2011). Habitat conditions did not change during the against poaching came partly from local leaders them-
study (i.e. forest cover, fruit production cycles). Had selves; since 2008, many of them were increasingly outspo-
poaching in Kuiburi not declined, these species are likely ken against poaching. Another possible path was through
to have declined further instead of remaining stable or children: teachers in the 11-school Wildlife Recovery Net-
increasing. The failure of sambar to recover at two of our work explicitly urged children to try to influence their
sites mirrors a widespread pattern of stagnant growth or families. On Indian Ocean islands, local activism of chil-
decline of this species in South-East Asia (Steinmetz et al. dren led to reduced poaching of commercially valuable
2010). fruit bats (Trewhella 2005). These observations suggest
that some of the social pressure pathways hypothesized in
Fig. 1 did emerge.
The apparent effectiveness of outreach might have been
The weight of evidence from four independent lines of enhanced by two characteristics of Kuiburi’s poachers:
enquiry in our study points to outreach as the main driver they are minorities (in number, not ethnicity), and they
of the decline in poaching. First, there was no evidence tend to have land. Social pressure could thus flow from
that patrols deterred poachers; thus, poaching likely the majority, while poachers fell back on agriculture to
declined for other reasons. Monthly patrol effort per zone support themselves in place of poaching. Communities
was typically <2 days (Fig. 3), probably too low to deter dominated by landless people all heavily dependent on
poachers. Poachers in tropical protected areas are often poaching might be less susceptible to outreach (or patrol-
not deterred by patrolling even at higher levels (Burton ling for that matter). In contrast, communities oriented
et al. 2012), particularly in forested habitats where visibil- towards subsistence hunting might be especially receptive
ity is low (Jachmann 2008). Secondly, poaching declined to partnerships focused on improving sustainability of
sharply after intensive outreach, unrelated to patrol effort local hunting (Steinmetz, Chutipong & Seuaturien 2006).
(Fig. 6). Thirdly, patrol effort was not associated with
increases in wildlife occupancy. Finally, outreach was the
most commonly stated reason local people gave for the
decline in poaching. Although ranger patrolling was Protected area patrolling and outreach should have
the second most common reason given, there was no exactly the same goal – behaviour change. But the differ-
corresponding empirical evidence that patrolling actually ent concepts underlying each approach promote very dif-
suppressed poaching. We think this discrepancy arose ferent roles for local people (Fig. 1). Law enforcement
because most respondents were not poachers, but believed patrolling focuses solely on the poacher and relies on fear
they would have been deterred by patrols had they been to motivate compliance. Fear can compel changes in
poachers. Our study did not account for legal or policy behaviour, but without changes in underlying social
changes (i.e. severity of punishments) that could have norms, people usually revert to past patterns when
influenced poaching; however, policies were consistent enforcement falters (Sommerville et al. 2010). This hap-
during our study, both locally and nationally, so do not pened recently in Sariska Tiger Reserve, India, where
explain changes in poaching pressure. We doubt that our poaching gangs rapidly eradicated tigers after a lapse in
physical presence itself deterred poachers, as outreach law enforcement; gangs operated with impunity among
occurred in villages, not in the forest where poachers buffer-zone residents who were indifferent or embittered
operated. towards the park (Rangarajan & Shahabuddin 2006).
This study was one of the first to apply social-psychol- Whereas law enforcement concentrates on the poacher,
ogy theory to biodiversity conservation. We tried to outreach strives to alter the social conditions surrounding
simultaneously raise awareness, build motivation, offer him (Fig. 1). Outreach thus seeks changes in behaviour
opportunities and increase local people’s control of the that are internally motivated. Internal motivations result
future of their environment. Behaviour change is pro- in more stable behavioural changes, whereas motivations
moted when these conditions converge (Rothschild 1999). derived from external sources such as punishment or eco-
Although we targeted important social-psychological pro- nomic rewards (i.e. proverbial sticks and carrots) depend
cesses, we did not measure perceptions about them and on uninterrupted flows of incentives (De Young 2000).
do not rule out other explanations for observed behaviour In our experience, conservationists in Asia tend to
changes; the theory we applied remains a hypothesis for regard outreach and community-based conservation as
why particular outcomes were observed. Six local leaders, nice enhancements for a protected area, but the core busi-
in subsequent discussions in 2012, opined that poaching ness should be direct protection through patrolling and
had declined because of ‘more messages’, ‘more awareness enforcement. This reflects an understandable desire for
and concern about this issue’, ‘more pressure’ and direct action to confront the relentless killing that is

© 2014 The Authors. Journal of Applied Ecology © 2014 British Ecological Society, Journal of Applied Ecology, 51, 1469–1478
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Outreach to reduce wildlife poaching 1477

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are grateful to Julia Jones, Thomas Gray, Will Duckworth and two Columbia University Press, New York.
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Trewhella, W.J., et al. (2005) Environmental education as a component of Appendix S2. Thai language abstract.
multidisciplinary conservation programs: lessons from conservation

© 2014 The Authors. Journal of Applied Ecology © 2014 British Ecological Society, Journal of Applied Ecology, 51, 1469–1478

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