Discussion Questions for Thematic Areas in the Catholic Archdiocese of Accra (2)

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Discussion Questions for Thematic Areas in the Catholic Archdiocese of Accra


Thematic Area 1: Navigating the Complexities of Youth Dynamics in Accra

The youth in the Catholic Archdiocese of Accra face a unique set of dynamics influenced by
rapid urbanisation, technological advancements, and socio-economic disparities.
Understanding these factors is crucial for the Church to tailor its pastoral care and support
systems concerning life, work, and/or school and society. By addressing these dynamics, the
Church can better support young people in their faith journey, skills development, and
integration into work life, contributing to their holistic growth and maturation. Parents and
guardians are pivotal in guiding and supporting young Catholics through these dynamics,
providing a nurturing environment that complements the Church's efforts.
Main Question:
1. How can the Church effectively navigate and address the unique challenges facing
young people in Accra?
a. What are the primary challenges young people in Accra encounter, considering
urbanisation, technology, and socio-economic factors?
b. How can the Church tailor its pastoral care and support systems to address the diverse
needs of young people in Accra?

Thematic Area 2: Digital Evangelisation and Language of the Generation

Evangelisation focuses on harnessing contemporary methods and languages, including digital
platforms, to spread the Gospel, especially targeting young individuals who may have strayed
from or never encountered the faith. The digital landscape offers unprecedented opportunities
for evangelisation, particularly among the youth who are digital natives. The Church must
effectively adapt its methods to communicate the Gospel in this new arena. Utilising digital
platforms for evangelisation can broaden the Church's reach, making the faith more
accessible and engaging for young people and potentially reinvigorating the faith of lapsed
young Catholics. Building small digital Catholic communities will lead Catholics within an
area to interact and share their faith regardless of their work/school schedules. The
participation of parents and guardians in these digital communities actively provides
guidance, protection, and support for young Catholics navigating the digital landscape.
Main Question:
1. How can the Church harness digital platforms to effectively communicate the Gospel
to young people?
a. What strategies can the Church employ to engage young people who are digital
natives through digital evangelisation?
b. How can the Church ensure digital evangelisation remains authentic and aligned with
Catholic teachings?
Thematic Area 3: Vocational Discernment and Support
Vocations emphasise the Church's role in guiding young people through their discernment
processes, whether towards marriage, religious life, or a committed single life,
acknowledging the importance of informed and supported choices. Vocational discernment is
a critical phase in a young person's life, requiring guidance, support, and transparent
information on various paths, including marriage, religious life, and committed single life.
Providing structured support for vocational discernment can help young people make
informed decisions that align with their faith and personal calling, enhancing their
contribution to the Church and society. Parents and guardians play a crucial role in this
process, offering wisdom, encouragement, and practical guidance to young Catholics as they
discern their vocations.
Main Question:
1. What initiatives can the Church implement to support young people’s vocational
discernment journey?
a. What support structures can the Church provide to assist young people in exploring
and discerning their vocations?
b. How can the Church promote a culture of discernment and empower young people to
make informed vocational decisions?

Thematic Area 4: Addressing Theology of the Body and Moral Questions

Theology of the Body confronts pressing moral and ethical questions surrounding sexuality,
offering a compassionate and truthful presentation of the Church's teachings to guide young
individuals in their relationships and moral decisions. Young people are confronted with
complex questions regarding sexuality, relationships, and moral choices. The Church's
teachings on the theology of the body provide a framework for addressing these issues. By
engaging in open and compassionate discussions on these topics, the Church can offer
guidance and support to young people as they navigate their relationships and moral lives,
fostering a deeper understanding and commitment to their faith regarding issues such as
abortion, artificial contraceptives, homosexuality, pre-marital sex, sex in marriage, adultery,
celibacy & chastity. A challenging area of discussion, parents and guardians can support
children in exploring and understanding these critical topics within the context of their faith
and values.
Main Question:
1. How can the Church effectively engage young people in discussions about the
theology of the body and moral issues?
a. What educational initiatives can the Church undertake to help young people
understand and embrace Catholic teachings on sexuality and morality?
b. How can the Church foster open, compassionate dialogues around sensitive moral and
ethical topics?
Thematic Area 5: Empowering Youth in Leadership
Youth in leadership recognises the untapped potential of young people as leaders within the
Church and society, advocating for their empowerment, mentorship, and active participation
in decision-making processes. Young people possess immense potential to contribute to the
Church and society as leaders. Recognising and nurturing this potential is essential for the
Church's growth and relevance. Empowering youth in leadership roles can foster a more
vibrant and dynamic Church community, encouraging innovation and ensuring that the
Church remains responsive to the needs and perspectives of younger generations. Faced with
many ethical dilemmas, young people must be clothed with courage to choose rightly and
wisely. With the coming 2024 General Elections, young people must be engaged to be active
participants and seek the good of the nation first. This should also be an opportunity to start
grooming generations of Catholic politicians who uphold the virtues the Church preaches and
safeguard the people's good. Mentorship and support of young leaders at home will foster
their growth and development.
Main Question:
1. What strategies can the Church adopt to empower young people to take on leadership
a. How can the Church mentor and support young leaders to ensure their success and
continued engagement?
b. What steps can be taken to encourage young Catholics to participate actively in
decision-making processes within the Church and society?

Thematic Area 6: Safeguarding and Creating a Safe Environment

Keeping our Young People safe underscores the importance of creating a secure environment
for young individuals, free from abuse and harm, where they can flourish in faith and
personal development. Incidences of abuse, whether physical, emotional, or sexual,
profoundly impact young people's lives and their trust in institutions, including the Church.
Establishing robust safeguarding policies and support systems is crucial for protecting young
people, promoting healing, and maintaining the Church as a haven for spiritual and personal
Main Question:
1. How can the Church ensure the safety and well-being of young people within its
a. What measures should the Church implement to prevent abuse and misconduct and
rebuild trust with young people?
b. How can the Church create a safe and supportive environment where young people
can flourish in faith and personal development?
Thematic Area 7: Sustainable Funding for Youth Ministries
Funding youth activities addresses the practical aspects of resourcing youth ministries,
highlighting the shared responsibility of the Church community in supporting the spiritual
and social initiatives aimed at young people. Effective youth ministry requires resources, yet
funding can often be challenging, necessitating creative and sustainable solutions. Exploring
innovative funding strategies can ensure the continuity and effectiveness of youth programs,
supporting the Church's mission to engage and empower young people. The need for young
Catholics to contribute towards funding their activities should be emphasised, and a plan
should be implemented to ensure this works out across parishes. However, a system should
be developed to support Parishes who have lesser financial capabilities. Parents and
guardians are encouraged to support youth ministries financially and through volunteerism,
recognising the importance of investing in the spiritual formation and growth of their children
and their peers.
Main Question:
1. What innovative funding strategies can the Church explore to sustain its youth
ministries and initiatives?
a. How can the Church encourage financial contributions from young Catholics to
support youth activities while ensuring inclusivity for all?
b. What partnerships or fundraising initiatives can be established to secure sustainable
funding for youth programs?

Thematic Area 8: Fostering Environmental Stewardship

Environmental stewardship aligns with the teachings of Laudato Si, encouraging young
people to care for creation as an integral expression of their faith and responsibility towards
future generations. Environmental concerns are increasingly important to young people, and
the Church's teachings on stewardship of creation provide a moral and spiritual framework
for action. Encouraging active involvement in environmental stewardship can deepen young
people's faith and sense of responsibility towards creation, aligning with the principles of
Laudato Si. A sense of reverence and responsibility for God’s creation should be encouraged
through parents and guardians serving as models encouraging environmentally sustainable
practices within their families.
Main Question:
1. How can the Church promote environmental stewardship among young people?
a. What practical initiatives can the Church undertake to integrate Laudato Si principles
in youth ministry programs and activities?
b. How can the Church inspire young people to embrace their responsibility towards
caring for the environment as an expression of their faith?
Thematic Area 9: Inclusivity for People Living with Disabilities and Marginalised
Inclusivity for People Living with Disabilities and Marginalised Groups
People Living with Disabilities, Marginalisation & the Church calls attention to the
inclusivity of the Church's mission, ensuring that all young people, regardless of their
abilities or social status, find a welcoming and supportive community. The Church is called to
be a community where everyone belongs, including those with disabilities and from
marginalised backgrounds. Enhancing inclusivity within parishes strengthens the Church's
witness to the Gospel's call for love and acceptance, ensuring that all young people feel
valued and supported. Parents and guardians are called to advocate for the inclusion and
empowerment of all young Catholics, working alongside the Church to create a welcoming
and supportive environment for every community member.
Main Question:
1. How can the Church ensure its youth ministries are inclusive and accessible to all
young people?
a. What steps can the Church take to foster a culture of acceptance and belonging within
youth communities for people with disabilities and marginalised groups?
b. How can the Church actively involve and empower young people from diverse
backgrounds in its ministries and activities?

Thematic Area 10: Liturgy and Talent: Engaging Youth through Creative Expressions
of Faith
Liturgy and Talent: Engaging Youth through Creative Expressions of Faith
Liturgy and Talent celebrate the unique contributions of young people through art, music, and
creative expressions of faith, fostering a liturgical life that resonates with their experiences
and aspirations. Art, music, drama, and other creative expressions can be powerful mediums
for engaging young people in the liturgy and faith life. Promoting opportunities for creative
expressions of faith can enrich the liturgical experience, making it more relevant and
meaningful to young people while fostering a sense of belonging and contribution. Creating
opportunities within the liturgy where young people can freely express other talents will be
critical in giving young people a sense of contributing towards enriching our liturgy without
reducing its richness, sacredness and solemnity. Encouraging parents and guardians to nurture
and support their children's talents and creative expressions and recognising them as gifts
from God to be used for His glory within the Church community.
Main Question:
1. How can the Church incorporate creative expressions of faith into liturgical practices
to engage young people?
a. What opportunities can the Church provide for young people to showcase their talents
within the context of worship and faith expression?
b. How can the Church promote a liturgical life that resonates with the experiences and
aspirations of young people through art, music, and creative expression?

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