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1. JACKLINE MUENI; EE102/G/9387/20

2. PETER OTIENO; EE102/G/11369/20




08TH APRIL 2024

We declare that this project is our original work and has never been submitted elsewhere for

examination for the award of degree or publication.


Signature: .................................................. Date...................


Signature: .................................................. Date...................

By Supervisor,

This proposal project has been submitted with the help of the university supervisor.

ENG. Rodgers Bosire

Signature: .................................................. Date...................

Kirinyaga University (KyU)

We want to express our sincere gratitude to our project supervisor, Eng. David Njeru & Eng.

Rodgers Bosire for their dedicated guidance throughout the project.

Thanks be to God the Almighty and our families for allowing us to do this research.

Acronyms and abbreviation
Waste Lubrication Oils-- (WLO)

Small to Medium Enterprises --(SMEs)

United States Environmental Protection Agency-- (USEPA)

World Energy Outlook-- (WEO)

International Energy Agency-- (IEA)

National Environment Management Authority-- (NEMA)

Hydroelectric Power Plant-(HEP)

Polychlorinated Biphenyls --(PCBs)

Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons --(PAHs)

Table of contents
Table of Contents
Acronyms and abbreviation......................................................................................................iii
Table of contents.......................................................................................................................iv
List of Figures............................................................................................................................v
CHAPTER ONE:INTRODUCTION....................................................................................- 1 -
1.1 Background..................................................................................................................- 1 -
1.2 PROBLEM STATEMENT..........................................................................................- 6 -
1.3 JUSTIFICATION.........................................................................................................- 7 -
1.4 OBJECTIVES..............................................................................................................- 8 -
1.4.1 The main objectives..............................................................................................- 8 -
1.4.2 Specific Objectives................................................................................................- 8 -
1. 5 SCOPE OF THE PROJECT......................................................................................- 8 -
CHAPTER TWO:LITERATURE REVIEW.......................................................................- 10 -
2.1 OVERVIEW..............................................................................................................- 10 -
2.2 Forms of Used Lubricant Waste.................................................................................- 12 -
2.3 RECYCLING OF USED OIL.............................................................................- 14 -
2.4 BURNERS............................................................................................................- 19 -
2.5 Gas Fuel Burners.......................................................................................................- 21 -
2.6 Burners using Liquid Fuels.....................................................................................- 23 -
2.7 Atomizing Fuel Nozzle..............................................................................................- 26 -
2.8 Emissions and the Process of Fuel Combustion........................................................- 27 -
2.9 The Stoichiometric Combustion.............................................................................- 29 -
2.1.1 Flame Calefaction...................................................................................................- 30 -
2.1.2 Flame Celerity.........................................................................................................- 31 -
3.1 CHAPTER THREE: METHODOLOGY......................................................................- 33 -
CHAPTER FOUR...............................................................................................................- 36 -
CONCLUSION............................................................................................................- 36 -
Works Cited.........................................................................................................................- 36 -

List of Figures
 Graph 1.1: European household expenditure

 Graph1.2: Oil Import in Kenya 2019-2022

 Figure 2.1: fuel heat oxygen energy release

 Figure 2.2: fuel heat oxygen relationship

 Figure 3.1: Effects of fuel combustion on Emissions and Flame Temperature

 Figure 1.2: flame calefaction/temperature

 Figure 2.1: flame temperature variation with distance from burner head

The "Design and Development of an Efficient Burning Waste Oil Stove" project aims to

address two pressing global challenges: waste management and sustainable energy


This innovative project seeks to create a highly efficient and environmentally responsible

solution for burning waste oil as a clean and sustainable source of heat and energy.

The motivation behind this project is the growing concern over the improper disposal of

waste oil, which poses serious environmental and health risks.

Additionally, the demand for sustainable energy sources has never been higher, making

converting waste oil into usable energy appealing


1.1 Background

The escalating energy costs in various regions have triggered significant shifts in energy

supply sources and trade balances.

In the European Union, household energy prices as a percentage of gross disposable income

are anticipated to reach 23% in 2023. As a result of supply shortages caused by the Russia-

Graph 1.1: European household expenditure

Ukraine war, this is almost a three-fold rise from 2021.

It is vital to look into alternative energy sources to lower the high costs and boost the energy

supply available for household and commercial use. The issues of pollution, climate change,

and energy insecurity highlight the need for significant reforms in the energy infrastructure.

Despite improvements in energy efficiency, it is predicted that by 2050, the World's energy

demand will have doubled. This is an inevitable result of the expected increase in world

population, continuous economic growth, urbanization, and the rising demand for energy and

mobility services.

A widening gap between energy supply and power demand is caused by the World's energy

demand expanding faster than anticipated.

As a result, it is crucial to diversify the sources of energy generation, which calls for both the

use of current sources and the search for new ones.

Even as Kenya works to achieve the objectives of its Vision 2030, the cost and availability of

electricity pose substantial barriers to industrialization efforts.

Significant investments in new generation capacity are necessary to meet the rising energy

demand in Kenya and other emerging countries. Therefore, the need for affordable alternative

energy sources becomes critical. Waste Lubrication Oils (WLO) offer Small to Medium

Enterprises (SMEs) a practical choice for effective process heating.

Given their high heat values, Kumar et al. support using cooking, industrial, and automotive

oils as energy sources to meet additional energy needs. A developing tendency is being

signalled by the rise in light diesel car sales and the expansion of automakers' diesel product

lines. This pattern suggests an increase in the use of lubricating oil, which will lead to a rise

in the production of waste lubricating oil.

The contamination of WLO with both chemical and physical impurities makes it necessary to

safely handle these contaminants using high-temperature combustion as an application

method. Automobiles, hydraulic systems, turbines, transformers, and the industrial sector are

a few examples of the sources of WLO.

Contaminants in WLO present severe risks to the environment and human health. Waste oils

must be disposed of following rules established by organizations like the United States

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), as they are typically considered hazardous waste.

WLO is more hazardous and environmentally destructive than virgin base oils because it

contains damaged additives, pollutants, and degradation by-products. WLO thus presents

environmental and health problems, some of which may be very serious without effective


Only a tiny portion of the World's commercial energy consumption is consumed by

developing nations. However, the rapid income development linked to more robust

economies and ensuing population growth is anticipated to cause a similar rise in energy


The World Energy Outlook (WEO) by the International Energy Agency (IEA) set out to

identify and debate the fundamental problems and uncertainties impacting the World's energy

consumption and supply. The transport industry is the primary consumer of petroleum

products, followed by the manufacturing and power production industries. This suggests that

the concentration of WLO is rising steadily.

Graph1.2: Oil Import in Kenya 2019-2022

The table shows that oil demand has risen, possibly related to population and economic

growth. This predicts a significant boost in WLO, and with the anticipated massive quantities,

another trustworthy energy source is evolving to 1.2. Kenya's handling and management of

the WLO

WLO is used in various combustion systems, including steel manufacturing blast furnaces,

cement and lime kilns, industrial boilers, institutional boilers, space heaters, and space

heaters. These oils are less expensive than the traditional oils used in combustion, and they

are easily accessible at auto repair shops, machine shops, and eateries.

Its qualities, composition, and proper administration must be considered to enable its safe


The Environmental Management and Coordination (waste management) regulations are

detailed in the instructions provided by the National Environment Management Authority

(NEMA), Kenya, to help waste oil handlers satisfy their usage and disposal obligations.

The effluent discharge standard for oil and grease is zero under the Environmental

Management and Coordination (water quality) law because the effects of oil on drinking

water can be disastrous. NEMA supports effective waste oil collection and transportation

infrastructure as well as the development of waste oil recycling methods that are

environmentally benign.

NEMA also provides clear guidelines on waste oil management and educates individuals on

the risks of handling waste oils. In addition, NEMA authorizes using WLO as fuel for steel

furnaces, hotel boilers, and industrial boilers.

WLO includes a lot of pollutants due to the numerous additives added to virgin lubricating

oils to give them the desired lubrication capabilities. When these oils have reached the end of

their useful lives, and the additives have become contaminants, they become WLO.

Chemical and metallic impurities (which result from wear between the lubricated parts, such

as the piston and engine cylinder walls), as well as both, are among these impurities. These

contaminants, particularly the metallic particles, substantially affect oil atomization and

combustion because they interfere with heat transfer at the micro-scale.


Waste Lubrication Oils (WLO) present a significant environmental challenge due to their

highly toxic nature. With their generation on the rise, proper disposal methods are essential.

Oil pollution adversely affects plants, animals, rivers, groundwater, and soil, threatening

natural habitats and drinking water supplies. It is the most frequently reported form of water

pollution, accounting for the issue of insufficient energy supply, and represents a significant

obstacle to the industrial development of any nation.

With the World's population rapidly increasing and technology advancing briskly, the global

energy demand has surged considerably. This heightened demand exerts pressure on existing

energy sources, which are inherently limited. Additionally, the growth of Small and Medium

Enterprises (SMEs), which require substantial energy resources, further strains the available

energy supply.

Hydroelectricity stands out as a significant renewable energy source on a global basis.

However, in Africa, particularly in areas with low annual rainfall, the effects of climate

change pose severe difficulties for hydroelectric power plants (HEP).

Due to decreased dam reservoir inflows brought on by increasingly unpredictable weather

patterns brought on by climate change, HEP plants become unreliable and inefficient,

especially during dry seasons. The energy shortage in Kenya shows up as frequent power

outages and rationing.

HEP is the country's primary renewable energy source; however, due to droughts and

decreased rainfall, its output is reduced yearly to maintain industrial operations. This

circumstance jeopardizes Kenya's energy security, prompting research into other energy

sources. Notably, one of the Seven Forks dams, the Masinga Dam, experiences an annual

decline of more than 16% of all pollution-related incidents annually.

WLO typically offers a health risk since it is contaminated with potentially harmful

substances such as heavy metals, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and polycyclic aromatic

hydrocarbons (PAHs), which cause cancer.

However, since the bulk of dangerous substances in WLO burn between 750 and 800 degrees

Celsius, burning at higher temperatures can eliminate them. A WLO combustion system that

can achieve temperatures far beyond 800 degrees Celsius must be developed to lower these

hazardous components.

Due to the challenges, research into extra and alternative energy sources for SMEs and risk-

free WLO disposal methods is urgently needed.

The main objective of this research project was to develop a potent waste oil burner that can

provide energy and steam for process heating in SMEs while reducing environmental



A country's level and energy consumption rate is a crucial determinant of its level of

economic development. Energy is acknowledged as one of the critical enablers for both its

social and economic foundations in Kenya's Vision 2030.

The main goal of Kenya's energy strategy is to ensure a reliable, inexpensive, and sustainable

energy supply that can fully satisfy its and its many counties' developmental needs while

protecting the environment. However, the lack of energy has created a considerable barrier to

industrial growth.

Kenya's waste lubrication oil (WLO) production is anticipated to rise due to industrialization

and population growth. This presents Kenya and the global energy grid with a possible new

energy source.

Given the predicted increase in WLO production, disposal options must be carefully

evaluated in order to prevent environmental contamination and the degradation of water and


Gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulphur oxides (Sox),

particulate matter (PM), unburned hydrocarbons (UHC), and carbon monoxide (CO) are

emitted into the environment when garbage is incorrectly disposed of. The main contributor

to global warming, which has considerably impacted the climate, is CO2 because it is a

greenhouse gas (GHG). The untapped potential exists in waste lubricants.


1.4.1 The main objectives

1. To design and develop an efficient burning waste oil stove for utility heat generation
for domestic heating purposes.

1.4.2 Specific Objectives

1. To fabricate an oil burner stove from waste oil for domestic heating purposes.

2. To test the functionality of the oil stove under different scenarios such as low amount

of oil.

3. Evaluate oil stove upgrade by analyzing the test results.

4. Recommend oil stove improvement and optimization based on the heating analysis.


1 Conceptual Design: Research and develop the initial conceptual design of the waste oil

stove, considering factors such as combustion efficiency, emissions reduction, and user-


2 Engineering Design: Create detailed engineering drawings, specifications, and plans for

the waste oil stove. This includes the selection of materials, combustion chamber design, and

heat recovery mechanisms.

3 Prototype Development: Build a working prototype of the waste oil stove based on the

engineering design. This involves sourcing materials, manufacturing components, and

assembling the stove.

4. Testing and Validation: Conduct comprehensive prototype testing to evaluate its

efficiency, safety, and compliance with environmental regulations. Make necessary

adjustments based on test results.

5. Documentation: Prepare detailed documentation that includes design specifications,

assembly instructions, safety guidelines, and environmental impact assessments. This

documentation should be comprehensive enough for potential manufacturing and distribution.

In light of the difficulties posed by the disposal of waste oil and the emissions resulting from

its combustion, continuous efforts are being made to develop more efficient methods for both

the utilization and disposal of waste oil. These efforts encompass innovations in waste oil

burner designs, strategies for the collection and appropriate disposal of waste oil, and re-

refining techniques to convert it into a usable lubricant.

The requirements for burning used oil depends on the natural oil, source oil, and physical

chemical spec of oil (Jennifer M. Granholm, 2007)

A significant portion of waste lubricating oil is generated in various industrial processes, and

it holds considerable importance as a potential energy source. This resource is readily

available and cost- effective, offering a dual advantage: it can serve as a valuable energy

supplement due to its high energy content while also addressing the pressing issue of its safe


Burning of used oil, in kilns and incinerators produces lots of ash and carcinogens causing

environmental pollution (Merai Yash p, 2015). Waste lubricating oil is a product which

cannot be disposed of randomly due to the presence of pollutants.

Mismanagement of waste lubricating oil presents substantial risks to both human health and

the environment. In this chapter, we will delve into the processes and challenges associated

with waste lubricating oil, including its collection, disposal, utilization, waste oil burner

technology, and the various enhancements that have been implemented.

Fuel Type Composition and Production Notes and Specifics Carbon Dioxide

Characteristics Process Emission (kg/L)

Gasoline Widely used liquid fuel Produced by Health risks associated Approximately 2.3

(Petrol) composed of distillation of with prolonged kg/L

hydrocarbon molecules, crude oil. exposure to benzene.

including aliphatic

compounds and

aromatic compounds

like benzene.

Diesel A mixture of aliphatic Extracted from Cost varies, with some Approximately

hydrocarbons extracted crude oil. countries offering 2.63 kg/L

from petroleum, similar lower tax rates.

to gasoline.

Kerosene Used for lamps, Manufactured in Jet fuel grades, smoke Varies by grade

cooking, heating, and as different grades points, and freeze

jet fuel. Available in for specific points vary.

various grades. applications

Liquefied A compressible mixture Easily Denser than air and less Varies by location

Petroleum of propane and butane, compressed clean-burning than

Gas (LPG) used for cooking, space under standard CNG.

heating, and in conditions.

motorized vehicles.

Basic Liquid Fuel composition

The table above shows basic fuel components. The exact carbon dioxide emissions may vary

depending on the specific composition of the fuel, the combustion process, and other factors

2.2 Forms of Used Lubricant Waste

Facilities generating waste


Automotives Gear box Gas turbine Hydraulic

Engine oil Brake fluid
fluid engine oil fluid

Industrial Piston
engine oil
Power plant



Geometries were considered to have a great influence on the spraying characteristics of the

atomizers, a pre filming twin fluid atomizer patented by (Sadatomi and Kawahara, 2012)

(M. J. Madu, 2014)Made a burner for the atomization and combustion of used engine oil and

kerosene for the application of foundry

Waste oil and petroleum byproducts primarily stem from the maintenance of motorized

vehicles and machinery, where crankcase and lubrication residues accumulate.

These waste oils can be directly employed for dust control on roads or mixed with fresh fuel

oil for applications like heating or electricity generation in boilers.

However, before utilizing or recycling waste oil, it's crucial to carefully assess potential

issues like heavy metal emissions and other environmental concerns.

(Madhusudan , 2017)Collected the rejected products which has similar properties similar to

petroleum distillates and is a nonrenewable energy source. he converted used oil into a

valuable fuel and paying considerable attention on heat recovery, from used engine oil by a

good means of environmental sound recycling practice.

The technological feasibility of refining waste oil into lubrication or fuel oils is established

and practiced in various regions.

Recycling of waste engine oils by using acetic acid, the recycling process was developed

which gave him some comparable results, with some of the conventional methods (lhsan

Hamawand, 2013)

Challenges have historically revolved around purging impurities such as lead, dirt, metals,

oxidation byproducts, and water, in alignment with environmental regulations and product


Nevertheless, advancements in recycling technologies and economic incentives may lead to

a resurgence in the recycling of petroleum products in the foreseeable future.

The improper disposal of waste oil, whether through haphazard land dumping, watercourse

contamination, or even during the refining process, can pose environmental threats. Even the

refining procedure can generate acid sludge and tainted clays, necessitating environmentally

responsible disposal methods.


Lubricating oils are much more than just slippery substances that keep our machines running

smoothly. They possess a myriad of properties, including viscosity, volatility, thermal and

oxidative stability, load-carrying ability, solubility, and various other physical, mechanical,

and chemical attributes.

These oils are further enhanced with additives such as corrosion inhibitors, rust

preventives, extreme pressure agents, and oxidation inhibitors, among others. However, when

lubricating oils have reached the end of their useful life, they become waste, and this waste is

where the real challenge and opportunity lie.

Inadequate handling of used oil poses a significant, yet often underestimated, environmental

threat. Just one gallon of used oil, resulting from an oil change, can potentially contaminate a

million gallons of clean water, jeopardizing the well-being of countless individuals (5. 5.

Botas, J. A., Moreno, J., Espada, J. J., Serrano, D. P., & Dufour, J. . , 2017) . Used oil

recycling emerges as a highly effective solution to counter this looming environmental peril.

Environmentally responsible management of used oil offers a dual advantage of safeguarding

ecosystems and generating numerous economic benefits, including the provision of energy

and lubrication.

(Nabil M. Abdel - Jabbar, 2010) Had performed an experimented and investigated that lubricating

oil redefining adsorbing process by different adsorbing materials such as oil adsorbent

One of the driving forces behind the responsible recycling of WLO is the ever-increasing

need for environmental protection. Combined with stringent environmental legislation, the

disposal and recycling of WLO must comply with United States Environmental Protection

Agency (EPA) requirements. This underscores the importance of adhering to the highest

standards to ensure a sustainable and environmentally friendly process.

(S. O. Ogbeide, 2009)In his paper he identify a different method for reusing by adequately

spending oil. He also found the cost of recycling is relatively low, when compared with the

production of crude oil

WLO collected often contain both physical and chemical impurities, necessitating re-refining

before recycling. The good news is that they can be recycled through various methods, giving

them a second life. These methods include reusing after treatment, blending with base engine

oils for use as lubricants, and even using them as fuel for boilers, among other applications.

To gain insights into the intricacies of used oil recycling, let's explore the various steps

involved in the process: DEWATERING


Filtration and

De-Asphalting With

1. Dewatering:

 After the collection of used oil, it undergoes a series of pre-treatment stages.

The initial step involves dewatering, aimed at separating water from the oil.

 The used oil is placed into specialized, large tanks, where gravity-driven

separation occurs. Free water settles at the bottom, which is then drained away

through pipes.

 To expedite this process, the recycler may heat the used oil tank, causing the

water to undergo evaporation.

 The wastewater from these tanks undergoes treatment before its release to

further ensure environmental protection.

2. Demulsification:

 Oil emulsions, characterized by the strong bonding between water and oil due

to resins present in crude oil, require a more specialized separation process

known as demulsification.

 In the demulsified tank, emulsion breakers, which are special chemicals,

neutralize the effect of emulsifying agents. This destabilizes the emulsifying

film around water droplets, facilitating the separation of oil and water.

 Following this demulsification, the dewatering process can proceed in

specialized tanks, enabling the drainage of water.

3. Filtration and Demineralization:

 Once dewatering is complete, the used oil resides in a separate collection tank,

but it still retains impurities.

 The next step in the oil recycling process involves the removal of inorganic

materials and additives introduced during the manufacturing process.

 This purification stage includes a separation process facilitated by heating,

Sulfuric acid, and a reagent. The heating, accompanied by stirring, causes

unwanted materials to accumulate at the tank's lower section, from which they

are drained away via a pipe.

 To eliminate fine particles from the demineralized oil, the final step at this

stage involves filtration, resulting in purified oil ready for storage and diverse

applications like burner fuel.

4. De-Asphalting With Propane:

 In the production of lubricants, a process is implemented to extract asphalt

from the pre-treated oil, and this process relies on propane gas as a solvent.

5. Fractionation:

 At this purification stage, the purified oil undergoes fractionation, which

entails heating to separate its different components.

 Unique boiling ranges for various products facilitate this separation. High

boiling ranges yield heavy lubricating oils, while lower boiling ranges produce

gases and gasoline.

 This distillation process refines the recycled oil and transforms it into virgin

base oil for a variety of applications.

Properly managing used oil not only safeguards the environment but also contributes to the

development of new products and serves as an additional energy source. Neglecting the

responsible disposal of used oil could result in contamination of natural drinking water

sources. Thus, it is crucial to ensure that used oil, whether from vehicles or equipment, is

collected and delivered to a recycling facility for appropriate treatment.

In an era dominated by growing environmental concerns and a pressing energy crisis, the

quest for cleaner and more efficient combustion systems has taken center stage. In this pursuit

of sustainable solutions, waste oil burners have emerged as formidable champions, addressing

the urgent need to curtail pollutant emissions while optimizing energy efficiency.

Extensive research and development efforts have historically concentrated on industrial and

domestic combustion systems, propelled by the dual imperatives of safeguarding the

environment and mitigating the ever-looming energy crisis. Diverse burner types have been

subjected to meticulous study and engineering, offering a ray of hope in an era where

sustainability is of paramount importance. Yet, when it comes to designing burners for

process heaters, a distinctive set of challenges arises. Unlike many other industrial processes,

these heaters rely on a complex interplay of variables to operate with maximum efficiency.

Key factors affecting burner performance and combustion emissions encompass fuel

composition, process chemistry, operating conditions (including temperature and pressure),

excess O2 levels, firing rates, and more. A profound understanding of these parameters is

essential for crafting oil burners capable of optimizing combustion and heat energy


Furthermore, in the realm of burner design, a profound comprehension of flame

characteristics proves indispensable;

Combustion at high temperatures and pressures can produce nitrogen dioxide, a reddish-

brown gas notorious for its contribution to the creation of ground-level ozone and acid rain.

This underscores the pivotal role of flame behavior in the pursuit of cleaner combustion


Fuel combustion studies have underscored the critical importance of two primary factors: the

type of fuel and the specific characteristics of the burner. A central insight gleaned from these

investigations is that each fuel type necessitates a distinct burner design and precise operating

parameters to achieve peak performance.

Burners fall into two principal categories based on the type of fuel they consume: fuel oil

burners and gas burners. Fuel oil burners are devices tailored for burning oil in heating

appliances like boilers, furnaces, and water heaters. These burners come in various

configurations, including pressure atomizing gun types, horizontal or vertical rotary types,

and mechanical or natural draft vaporizing types.

In the majority of oil burners, oil is pressurized and delivered to an atomizing nozzle,

producing a finely conical spray. This spray is then blended with air using a motor-driven fan,

with ignition initiated by an electric spark, setting the combustion process in motion. In

commercial and industrial settings where heavier fuel oils are prevalent, mechanical

atomization techniques are commonly employed.

Over time, a range of burner types has been developed, each fine-tuned to accommodate

specific fuels and purposes. These categories include gas burners, oil burners, coal burners,

and wood burners.

Among them, the ubiquitous Bunsen burner, a stalwart in domestic gas boilers, has long

been synonymous with efficiency. However, it faces its unique set of challenges. Striving to

enhance thermal efficiency can inadvertently lead to issues such as incomplete combustion

and the accumulation of soot in heat exchangers, resulting from flame instability caused by

condensed water on heat exchanger surfaces.

Moreover, the quest for improved thermal efficiency by extending flame length necessitates

larger combustion chambers. This expansion of the combustion zone inadvertently triggers

increased emissions of nitrogen oxide (NOx) as the residence time in the high-flame

temperature zone exceeds that of a premixed flame.

Waste oil burners, emerging as champions of environmental responsibility, are poised to

surmount these challenges and usher in a brighter, more sustainable future. By recycling

waste oil, these burners not only alleviate the burden of waste disposal but also harness a

valuable resource. Their success hinges on the fusion of precision burner designs with a

profound understanding of fuel types and their unique requisites.

In the ever-evolving landscape of combustion systems, waste oil burners stand as pioneers

leading the way toward a cleaner, greener tomorrow. They represent a vital stride towards a

more sustainable future, where emissions are minimized, and energy efficiency reigns

supreme. As we confront environmental challenges and a surging demand for cleaner, more

environmentally conscious solutions, waste oil burners are at the forefront of the journey

toward a world where waste is ingeniously transformed into a priceless resource, one flicker

of flame at a time.

2.5 Gas Fuel Burners

Gas fuel burners are a cornerstone of numerous industrial and domestic applications. These

burners, designed to utilize gaseous fuels, have undergone a remarkable evolution in recent

years, driven by the necessity to enhance efficiency and

reduce emissions.


Figure 3.2: a sketch of a gas fuel burner

many instances, traditional burners

presented a challenge as the burner and

Figure 4.1: a picture of a gas fuel burner heat exchanger were separate entities,

raising construction issues associated with air supply systems and the insulation of hot air


As gas-powered appliance heat exchangers were optimized for greater efficiency, engineers

faced the challenge of creating improved gas burners to produce the ideal flame for these


One significant transformation in gas burner technology involved modifications to the in’s

hot burner. In this updated design, multiple small flames were generated to ensure even heat

distribution throughout the appliance. However, the ever-evolving heating systems continued

to place new demands on the heat exchanger.

In the context of a more compact heat exchanger configuration, "spent gas" byproducts

encountered restrictions in their movement, necessitating engineering adjustments to facilitate

the flow of these gases through the exchanger and into the chimney connector.

To address this issue, industry engineers introduced draft inducers into the gas heating

system. When installed on the exhaust, draft inducers efficiently draw gases through the heat

exchanger, allowing channels to capture heat while restricting flow. Importantly, this

alteration did not negatively impact the flame's shape or characteristics in a ribbon burner.

Conversely, in another sector of the industry, power gas burners were developed,

incorporating fans to propel gas through the burner head and regulate the air-gas mixture. In

this scenario, the ignition cycle produced a more robust flame that filled the firebox area.

This innovation offered numerous advantages to the industry. Firstly, power burners

found applications in larger commercial setups, industrial furnaces, and boilers. As power

burners continued to evolve, they provided a straightforward means for consumers to switch

from coal to gas heating. Instead of employing a row of ribbon ins hot burners, power burners

functioned like oil burners, firing through the door, making the transition from oil to gas

heating a seamless process.

2.6 Burners using Liquid Fuels

Liquid fuel burners are sophisticated devices designed to safely and effectively consume

liquid fuels, primarily for applications involving warmth, combustion processes, or energy

production. They find widespread utility in a diverse array of contexts, encompassing

household heating systems, industrial operations, and power plants.

The functioning of these devices hinges on the process of transforming liquid fuel into a

gaseous state, expertly blending it with air, and then igniting the amalgamation to generate

heat or power.

Some basic aspects of liquid fuel burners are as follows:

1. Diverse Fuel Varieties: Liquid fuel burners can be tailored to accommodate an

assortment of liquid fuel categories, such as diesel, kerosene, gasoline, heavy fuel oil

(HFO), and more. The choice of fuel hinges on the specific application and the

desired performance characteristics.

2. Constituent Components: A standard liquid fuel burner is constructed with several

integral elements, including a fuel pump, fuel nozzle, ignition system, air supply

apparatus, and a combustion chamber. These components collaborate to guarantee the

accurate atomization and incineration of the fuel.

3. Atomization Process: A crucial task performed by liquid fuel burners is the

atomization of the liquid fuel. This process transforms the liquid fuel into minute

droplets, thereby augmenting its surface area and facilitating efficient blending with

air to achieve combustion. The technique used for atomization can vary according to

the burner's design and intended function.

4. Air-Fuel Ratio: The attainment of the correct air-fuel ratio is indispensable for

efficient and environmentally-friendly combustion. Many burners incorporate control

systems that regulate the quantity of fuel and air to sustain the desired ratio.

5. Ignition Mechanism: An ignition system is employed to instigate the combustion

process. This initiation can be accomplished through a variety of methods, which

encompass spark ignition or the continual presence of a pilot flame.

6. Flame Stabilization: Numerous liquid fuel burners incorporate features designed to

stabilize the flame and prevent hazardous phenomena like flashback.

7. Versatile Utilization: Liquid fuel burners find application across a spectrum of

scenarios, ranging from domestic heating systems (e.g., oil-fired furnaces and

boilers) to industrial processes (e.g., in manufacturing, food processing, and

chemical sectors), and even in power generation (e.g., in diesel and gas turbine


8. Performance and Emissions: The efficiency of combustion holds paramount

importance for minimizing fuel consumption and curtailing emissions, including

substances like carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and particulate matter.

Contemporary liquid fuel burners incorporate features geared towards optimizing

combustion efficiency while reducing environmental impact.

9. Maintenance and Safety Measures: Regular maintenance is essential to assure the

secure and dependable operation of liquid fuel burners. This entails activities such as

component cleaning and inspection, leak detection, and confirming the proper

functioning of safety mechanisms.

10. Regulatory Compliance: The operation of liquid fuel burners is subject to an array

of regulations and standards that serve to guarantee safety and adherence to

environmental requirements. These regulations may encompass limits on emissions

and stipulations for safety protocols.

Depending on the application and fuel type, there might be substantial differences in the exact

setup and functioning of liquid fuel burners. In the many different industries and sectors

where they are used, securely and efficiently burning fuel depends on burners that are

properly maintained and managed.

2.7 Atomizing Fuel Nozzle

The primary objective of an oil burner is to facilitate the efficient combustion of fuel oil. This

can only be accomplished by ensuring the extremely fine atomization of the fuel, achieving

the correct fuel-to-air mixture, maintaining elevated combustion temperatures, and providing

adequate dwell time within the combustion chamber.

When subjected to high temperatures, fuel vaporization into exceedingly tiny particles

transpires rapidly. Additionally, fine atomization serves to augment the surface area of

droplets, thereby improving the thorough mixing of fuel and air, ultimately leading to

complete combustion.

Single point, multi-point, and adjustable spray nozzles are the three categories into which oil

atomizing nozzles may be separated according to the quantity of atomizing orifices. In

addition to this classification, atomization technique may also be used to classify nozzles.

Nozzles that atomize steam, air, or fuel pressure are some examples of these classifications.

Furthermore, based on where the fuel atomization process occurs, air atomizing nozzles may

be divided into internal and exterior mix configurations.

Fuel is atomized in an internal mix nozzle configuration by pressured air inside the nozzle.

The atomization process in this configuration involves a mixing chamber inside the nozzle. It

is a popular option because of its versatility, which enables separate adjustment of the fuel

and air pressures to produce a broad range of flow rates, spray patterns, and droplet sizes.

On the other hand, with an external mix nozzle arrangement, the two fluids leave through

different orifices and fuel atomization occurs outside the nozzle orifice. This design provides

easy control over the fuel flow rate and allows pressure levels to be adjusted individually.

Furthermore, because this design permits higher air pressure while retaining the intended

fuel flow rate, finer atomization may be achieved with it in comparison to the internal mix

nozzle setup. This is the justification for using an external mix nozzle configuration in this


2.8 Emissions and the Process of Fuel Combustion

The waste products or byproducts of burning fuel are what are known as emissions. It is

crucial to adequately monitor and manage these emissions since they may have negative

effects on the environment and human health.

Combustion is the rapid oxidation process of fuel, resulting in the generation of heat, light,

and the formation of combustion byproducts, which primarily include carbon dioxide (CO2)

Figure 2.1: fuel heat oxygen energy release Figure 2.2:fuel heat oxygen relationship

and water. When it comes to burning waste lubricating oil (WLO), the fundamental principles

are akin to those of Signeting any liquid, solid, or gaseous fuel, with the involved chemical

reactions remaining consistent

Oil, which includes WLO, is a complex combination mostly composed of carbon (more than

80%), with hydrogen making up about 15%, and trace elements (such as oxygen, carbon

dioxide, sulfur, water vapor, ash, etc.) in lower amounts.

During the combustion process, carbon in the fuel and oxygen (O2) from the surrounding

air combine to form carbon dioxide (CO2), which releases around 33.85 megajoules of heat

per kilogram (MJ/kg). Concurrently, the fuel's hydrogen and oxygen combine to generate

water vapor, generating around 121.1 MJ/kg of heat.

This is what happens during full combustion, in which all reactants are burnt and the

fuel-oxidizer reaction is stoichiometric. Perfect stoichiometric conditions can be difficult to

achieve, though. As a result, more air is used to ensure that combustion.

2.9 The Stoichiometric Combustion

The combustion system's efficiency determines how well a boiler or furnace works. The

amount of air required for the full combustion of fuel depends on the fuel's basic ingredients,

namely carbon and hydrogen. Stoichiometric air is the name given to this necessary air


To burn 1 kilogram of a normal fuel oil, which is composed of 86% carbon, 12%

hydrogen, and 2% sulfur, the optimal combustion process calls for 14.1 kilos of air. This is

the lowest amount of air that is necessary to achieve the ideal fuel and air mixture.

However, it is not always easy to determine the exact point at which stoichiometric

combustion occurs. The majority of combustion processes either have a rich burn, or there is

an air shortage.

Figure 3.1: Effects of fuel combustion on Emissions and Flame Temperature

2.1.1 Flame Calefaction

Determining the theoretical combustion temperature is a complex endeavor when relying on

empirical methods. It pertains to the temperature that the combustion

products would achieve if all the heat released during stoichiometric

combustion were exclusively dedicated to raising their temperature. This

concept is known as the adiabatic flame temperature. Nevertheless, real-world conditions

diverge from this theoretical ideal due to two main factors:

Figure 5.2:flame

 Heat transfer occurs as combustion products release their

thermal energy to the surrounding environment.

 At temperatures surpassing 1700°C, there is a transformation of CO2 and water

vapor into CO, H2, and O2.

The highest achievable flame temperature is achieved through premixed combustion, where

an excess of air is combined with the fuel before ignition. By preheating the air/fuel mixture,

it becomes possible to increase the flame temperature by approximately 250°C to 400°C.

In our project, the burner utilizes a premix combustion technique, wherein the fuel and

combustion air mix prior to entering the combustion chamber.

Consequently, it proves exceedingly challenging to completely circumvent the obstacles

mentioned earlier, rendering the attainment of the adiabatic flame temperature a highly

intricate undertaking.

Figure 3.2 illustrates a typical temperature profile, demonstrating how temperature changes

with respect to the distance from the burner head.

Figure 6.1: flame temperature variation with distance from burner head

2.1.2 Flame Celerity

The pace at which a flame advances—a phenomena known as "flame speed"—is determined

by the intricate interaction of physics and chemistry that causes every flicker.

It is not only a question of scientific interest to comprehend the complexities of flame speed;

doing so is essential to optimizing fuel performance and attaining efficient combustion.

An air/fuel combination is discharged at the burner head, where a flame starts its trip. The

flame front is created when this mixture ignites as it escapes. The chemical interactions

between the fuel and air occur at this front, which is where the magic happens.

However, the pace of the chemical reaction and the degree of flame turbulence are the two

main elements that determine the particular speed at which this chemical reaction can occur.

The chemical aspect of flame speed is the rate at which the fuel and air can react with each

other. Think of it as a carefully choreographed ballet between molecules.

The swifter the reaction, the faster the flame spreads. However, this chemical dance has a

partner: turbulence. Turbulence in a flame occurs when there are swirls and vortices that mix

the air and fuel more efficiently. In other words, if the flame is turbulent, the mixture will

burn more rapidly.

The ratio of fuel to oxidant in the premixture, known as the primary aeration rate, is

another significant factor influencing flame speed. Adjusting this ratio can significantly affect

the combustion process. It's like finding the right ingredients for a recipe; the perfect mix

ensures that the flame's speed is optimized.

To ensure that combustion is efficient, it's necessary to have a stable flame front. This

stability is achieved when the velocity at which the reactants are transported is equal to the

flame speed. If fuel is supplied at a higher speed than the flame speed, it can lead to liftoff,

where the flame moves forward. On the other hand, a slower fuel supply compared to flame

speed can result in flashback, where the flame moves backward.

There are additional variables that influence flame speed, such as the nature of the fuel and

the temperature of the mixture, which consists of combustible gas and air. The nature of the

fuel plays a pivotal role in determining its reaction speed concerning flame speed.

This, in turn, affects the formation of unburnt hydrocarbon (UHC) emissions during

combustion. When flame speeds lag behind fuel reaction speeds, more UHC emissions are

generated, indicating that a smaller portion of the fuel is burnt, and much of it escapes

unburnt. This can explain the high levels of UHC emissions in certain combustion scenarios.

Not to be forgotten, the temperature of the combustion products and the reaction speed of the

fuel itself are crucial. When the reaction speed surpasses the flame speed, more fuel is

consumed, resulting in more efficient combustion and higher flame temperatures.


The development of dependable waste oil burners to safely burn waste lubricating oil (WLO) to

provide process heat and offer safe disposal solutions has long been a difficulty. It is necessary to

address these challenges in order to minimize potential health and environmental dangers related with

WLO handling, as a result of population increase, technological improvements, and development

leading to the continual creation of WLO. The design and construction of a waste oil burner are the

main topics of this chapter. Considerations for controlling the flow of waste oil fuel and air are

included to maximize the efficiency of the combustion process. After construction, a configuration is

shown for assessing the burner's efficiency in terms of power production, pollutants, and fuel

consumption. Different parts of the waste oil burner were constructed during this study and their

performance was systematically assessed.

Waste Lubrication Oil Burner Design

Burning waste oils, particularly waste lubricating oil (WLO), requires a specialized approach to

ensure efficient combustion and minimize environmental impact.

3.2 Components of the WLO Burner:

WLO Tap:

The primary function of an oil tap is to allow for controlled pouring of oil from the tin. By turning or

pressing the tap mechanism, users can regulate the flow of oil, preventing spills or wastage.


As an essential part of the combustion system, the blower in a waste lubricating oil stove burner

controls the amount of air that enters the combustion chamber, resulting in a safe and effective

burning process. Maintaining temperature, producing the appropriate flame characteristics, and

improving burner performance all depend on this management.

WLO Oil Supply Tube:

The WLO (Water-Less Operation) oil supply tube serves to transport oil from the WLO oil reservoir

to the combustion chamber.

This tube ensures a steady and controlled supply of oil to the combustion chamber, allowing for

efficient combustion to take place.

WLO Oil Reservoir:

The WLO oil reservoir is responsible for storing the WLO oil before it is used in the combustion


It ensures a readily available source of oil for the heating system. The reservoir's capacity determines

how much oil can be stored at any given time, which can affect the system's runtime and operational


Combustion Chamber:

In the combustion chamber, the WLO oil is mixed with air from the blower and burned at a very high


The combustion chamber is where the primary energy conversion takes place. The mixture of WLO

oil and air undergoes combustion, releasing heat energy that is then transferred to the heating system

for various applications, such as space heating or water heating.

Conceptual design

The crucial component of these burners lies in the air/oil feed tube. Essentially, it consists of

an exhaust pipe with a 90-degree bend and a plate covering the end to disperse the air

sideways rather than directly. I have experimented with the design sans the diffusion plate,

and while it does function, the initial startup is considerably more challenging, and the burner

proves to be more temperamental regarding oil feed when regulating the output.

Oil is delivered via gravity from an elevated container equipped with a gate valve to regulate

the flow. The oil is introduced into the end of the air inlet pipe and propelled into the burner

solely by the incoming air from the blower. There are no nozzles, pumps, or additional

components—just the oil flowing through a simple hose. Given that the valve governs fuel

flow, there is no fixed fuel consumption. Simply put, the more fuel (and air) it receives, the

more heat it generates. The diameter of the pipe is approximately 1.75 inches and is not of

critical size. A larger pipe facilitates better airflow and increases the availability of oxygen for

enhanced heat production. I possess some larger pipes to create a larger version of this


To ignite, a small amount of starting fluid is applied to the burner, or it can be started with old

rags or burning sticks. The blower is set to a low speed and restricted to control airflow, while

oil is added until the metal burn chamber heats up and vaporizes the oil. Following this, the

oil and fuel can be increased, and the burner can be operated at maximum capacity.

This design is exceptionally easy to ignite and burns very cleanly, emitting no smoke unless

the oil feed is excessively abundant. Even in such cases, with a substantial amount of oil

accumulated at the bottom of the burn chamber, clean combustion is maintained because the

air feed is situated above the oil pool.

This same configuration has been employed in a furnace constructed from rudimentary

materials. It essentially consists of the curved pipe with the deflector at the end. Additionally,

in other videos on my channel, I demonstrated turning the extinguisher bottle on its side in

the second video, and the burner operated perfectly well without any oil leakage.

Nothing within these burners is deemed critical. The principle is paramount, not the size of

the components. It's crucial to remember that the burner or combustion chamber—whatever

its form—must reach high temperatures before introducing the oil, specifically exceeding

300°C. This allows the oil to transition from a liquid to a gas state and ignite.

These burners are versatile, akin to engines, and can be adapted for various purposes,

powering an array of devices. They have been utilized for everything from heating sheds and

greenhouses to melting and shaping metal, replacing gas burners in boilers and pool heaters,

and in furnaces.

Design Parameters:

The waste oil burner comprises the following components:

- An air blower (220v)

- A steel pipe measuring 51cm in length, cubical in shape

- A cylindrical pipe with a length of 35cm

- A cooker stand

- A combustion chamber standing at a height of 13.5cm, with a diameter of 13cm

- Two combustion chamber stands, each measuring 9.5cm

- An oil reservoir with a width of 10.5cm

- A plastic tap mounted on the oil reservoir.

Combustion Processes of Used Lubricant Waste

Stoichiometric reaction of WLO is performed to start the burner

design process. A variable flow air blower is calibrated with excess

air of 12%, 20%, and 30% according to the following

specifications: maximum flow rate of 3.5 m3/min, power rating of

600 W, and frequency of 50 Hz. The following equation is used to

calculate the burner capacity, also known as the heat release rate



 where LHV is the oil lower heating value in MJ/kg,

 ṁ is the oil mass flow rate in kg/hr,

 HRR is the heat release rate or burner capacity in kW.

Equation 3.1 in Appendix C was used to calculate the maximum burner capacity with a calorific

value of 43.39 MJ/kg and an oil flow rate of 6.25 kg/hr.

CH1.865 O0.0008 + 1.466O2 → CO2 + 0.933H2O


There are several safety regulations that must be followed in order to guarantee the safety of users as

well as the vital parts of a waste lubricating oil burner stove during burning. Priority one should be

given to providing strong protection for important components, especially the fuel pump and

atomizing nozzle, as blockage may do irreparable harm. Strong precautions must be taken to protect

these parts from impurities found in used lubricating oil, such as metal shavings from engine wear.

Adding a two-stage filtering system for the used lubricating oil waste is a crucial safety precaution. A

fine mesh line filter is used in the second stage, which is placed right before the oil reaches the pump's

suction port, to filter out bigger impurities. The first stage is positioned strategically near the oil tank's


Leak testing of the entire rig is paramount, with particular attention to joints along the suction and

delivery sides of the fuel line. To ensure secure fastening, joints between the suction line and fuel

tank, fuel return line and tank, and the drain pipe and tank are affixed using nuts with rubber seals.

Additionally, joint nuts with thread tape are implemented between the threads of connections (such as

oil filter, shut-off valve, nozzle, and digital flow meter) to prevent oil leaks.

Measures to prevent impurities from entering the fuel system must be taken, and this includes

developing and putting into practice practical plans. The position of user education is crucial, as it

highlights the need of utilizing clean waste lubricating oil to reduce the possibility of harming

components and guarantee a seamless combustion process.

User safety training is essential and should include detailed instructions on how to use and maintain

the waste lubricating oil burner stove safely. This covers advice on how to deal with any problems,

how to spot component degradation, and how crucial it is to do routine inspections.

Finally, a key component of the design process is adhering to applicable safety standards and laws.

The main goal of following these safety guidelines is to safeguard users and important rig parts,

promoting safe and effective operation all the way through the combustion process.

4.1 Review of the objectives

To design and develop an efficient burning waste oil stove for utility heat generation for
domestic heating purposes
We have accomplished the design and development of an innovative waste oil stove,
engineered to efficiently generate utility heat for domestic heating needs. Through meticulous
planning and execution, we have created a cutting-edge solution tailored to provide optimal
performance and reliability in heating applications such as industrial boilers

Results & Analysis

Fuel Delivery

1. Open the dedicated tap

for waste engine oil.

2. Gravity will cause the

used oil to flow steadily
through a tube.

3. The oil will enter the Initial Ignition

combustion chamber,
ready for ignition. 1. Use a readily available
material like a piece of
cloth or sticks to ignite
the oil. High-Efficiency Burn

2. This will create a 1. Activate the blower to introduce

luminous flame, which oxygen into the combustion
may produce some soot. chamber.

2. The increased pressure from the

blower will cause the flame to

39 3. The initial luminous flame will

transition to a very hot, non-
luminous flame.


The design and development of an efficient waste oil stove can significantly contribute to

reducing fossil fuel consumption and promoting environmental sustainability. Our research

has shown that using waste oil as a fuel source for domestic stoves is attractive due to its

potential to decrease reliance on traditional fossil fuel.

Additionally, there is considerable attention being paid to heat recovery from used engine oil

as means of sustainable energy.

Furthermore; the development of burners designed to reduce nitrogen oxide emissions when

burning waste oil demonstrates the potential for environmentally friendly waste oil

combustion technologies.

Efficient waste oil stoves can play a crucial role in addressing environmental energy

challenges. The use of waste oil as a sustainable energy source has the potential to contribute

to cleaner burning.


The design of a waste oil burning stove for industrial applications represents a significant step
towards sustainable and efficient waste management practice.
By repurposing waste oil as a fuel source, these stoves offer a viable solution to both
environmental and economic challenges faced by industries.


Construction Material:
 Low-melting-point alloys: These offer advantages in workability and can withstand
operating temperatures. Bismuth-based and tin-based alloys are suitable options.
 Safety Note: Avoid alloys containing lead or cadmium due to their toxicity.
Temperature Control:
 Regulated blower: Allows for precise control of combustion and prevents overheating.
Fuel Source:
 Waste engine oil: Offers high calorific value (41.9 MJ/kg) for efficient heat generation.
Additional Considerations:
 Regular Maintenance and Inspection: Implement a routine schedule for cleaning chambers,
inspecting nozzles, and replacing worn components. This optimizes performance and safety.
 Proper Fuel Management: Ensure quality and consistency of waste oil through proper
storage, filtration, and handling practices. Regular testing helps maintain combustion
 Optimized Combustion Settings: Fine-tune air-to-fuel ratio, temperature, and pressure based
on waste oil characteristics to improve efficiency and minimize emissions.
 Emissions Monitoring and Control: Monitor exhaust gases and implement control
technologies (scrubbers or catalytic converters) to comply with environmental regulations.
 Safety Measures: Prioritize safety with flame detection, temperature sensors, emergency
shutoff procedures, and operator training.
 Waste Management Practices: Develop processes for handling ash residues and by-products
to minimize environmental impact and comply with regulations.
 Continuous Monitoring and Improvement: Monitor performance metrics (fuel
consumption, emissions, equipment reliability) and use data to optimize operation over time.
 Compliance with Regulations: Stay informed about local, regional, and national regulations
governing waste oil burning to avoid legal issues.

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