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About OPR Background Story

OPR ( is the home of many free games Machine Cult Defilers are a twisted faction of humans that have
which are designed to be fast to learn and easy to play. fused with machines to become brain-dead killers that know no
mercy. They wage war to serve their machine-gods in their
This project was made by gamers for gamers and it can only
quest to eradicate the Sirius sector of all biological life.
exist thanks to the support of our awesome community.
In order to enhance their combat capabilities they cut off the
If you’d like to support the continued development of our
lower halves of their bodies and replace them with dozens of
games you can donate on
tendrils or mechanical spider legs, making them able to easily
Thank you for playing! traverse even the harshest of terrains. Top that off with a ton of
bizarre deadly weapons, and you have a formidable fighting
force that can take down all types of enemies.

The Machine Cult Defilers formed when the most zealous and
fanatic of cultists started replacing enough parts of their own
bodies with cybernetic enhancements that they became a new
form of technological being. As part of this transformation they
force all members to delete whatever is left of their human
consciousness, completing their wicked transition.

They are now out to destroy all biological life, believing to be

the next logical step in evolution.

The Makers Cult

This army was created in collaboration with The Markers Cult,
a small team that’s creating awesome 3D printable miniatures
for any wargames.

Check them out here:

Game Design: Gaetano Ferrara

Illustrations: Brandon Gillam


Name [size] Qua Def Equipment Special Rules Upgrades Cost
Defiler Lord [1] 3+ 3+ Heavy Scythe (A4, AP(2)) Hero, Strider, Tough(3) A, D 70pts
Defiler Priest [1] 4+ 5+ 4x Heavy Claws (A2, AP(1)) Hero, Strider, Tough(3) B, D 50pts
Defiler Champion [1] 4+ 5+ R-Carbine (18”, A1, Radiation), CCW (A1) Hero, Strider, Tough(3) C, D 40pts
Vigilants [5] 4+ 5+ R-Carbines (18”, A1, Radiation), CCWs (A1) Strider C, E, G 90pts
Electrofanatics [5] 4+ 5+ Shock Staves (A2, AP(2)) Furious, Impact(1), Regeneration E, F 135pts
Stalkers [5] 4+ 5+ Sonic Razors & Claws (A2, Poison, Rending) Furious, Scout, Stealth, Strider E, H 150pts
Vespaxii [5] 4+ 5+ P-Throwers (12”, A6, Phosphor), CCWs (A2) Ambush, Flying, Furious E, I 185pts
Arachnovectors [3] 4+ 5+ 2x P-Pistols (12”, A1, Phosphor), CCWs (A1) Fast, Impact(1), Scout, Strider E, J 100pts
Velocirax [3] 4+ 5+ 2x Energy Claws (A2,AP(1),Rending) Fearless, Tough(3) K 150pts
Enslaved Gunners [3] 4+ 4+ Contortion Cannons (24”, A1, AP(3), Deadly(3)), Slow, Strider, Tough(3) L 160pts
Heavy Claws (A3)
Brutalizer Secutors [3] 4+ 4+ Heavy Axes (A3, AP(2), Rending) Fearless, Strider, Tough(3) M 175pts
Brutalizer 4+ 4+ Contortion Cannons (24”, A1, AP(3), Deadly(3)), Fearless, Strider, Tough(3) L, M 195pts
Destructors [3] Heavy Claws (A3)

A Upgrade with one: G Replace all R-Carbines: L Replace any Contortion Cannon:
Plasma Rifle (24”, A1, AP(2)) +10pts Rifles (30”, A1) +5pts EMP Cannon (36”, A2, EMP) +5pts
Combustion Blaster (24”, A3, AP(1)) +20pts Replace one R-Carbine: Heavy Gravity Cannon +15pts
Upgrade with one: Flamethrower (12”, A6) +5pts (30”, A5, Rending)
P-Carbine (18”, A1, AP(1), Phosphor) +5pts EMP Rifle (24”, A1, EMP) +5pts Mini Plasma Cannon +20pts
Macro Pistol (12”, A5, AP(1)) +15pts Plasma Burst Carbine +10pts (24”, A2, AP(2), Blast(3))
Upgrade with one: (18”, A3, AP(2)) Heavy EMP Cannon +20pts
Psychic(1) +20pts Heavy EMP Rifle +10pts (36”, A2, EMP, Deadly(3))
Psychic(2) +35pts (24”, A1, EMP, Deadly(3)) Replace all Heavy Claws:
Upgrade with: Uranium Rifle +40pts Iron Claws (A3, AP(2)) +15pts
Hover Throne +120pts (48”, A1, AP(4), Sniper) EMP Claws (A3, EMP) +15pts
(Minigun (24”,A4,AP(1)), Tough(+6)) Upgrade all models with:
Replace Minigun: H Replace all Sonic Razors & Claws: Armored Carapaces (Defense +1) +20pts
Combustion Blaster (24”, A3, AP(1)) -5pts 2x Sonic Blades (A1, AP(1), Rending) +5pts
Plasma Cannon +10pts Blaster SMGs (12”, A5) and +30pts M Upgrade any model with up to two:
(36”, A1, Blast(3), AP(2)) Taser Swords (A2, Taser) Combustion Blaster (24”, A3, AP(1)) +15pts
Laser Cannon +25pts Burst Carbines (18”, A3) and +40pts Minigun (24”, A4, AP(1)) +20pts
(48”, A1, AP(4), Deadly(3)) Energy Swords (A2, AP(1), Rending)
Replace one Sonic Razors & Claws: Special Rules
B Replace any Heavy Claw: Quad-Claws (A4, Rending) +5pts Brain-Tendrils: Whenever this model attacks
Heavy Pistol (12”, A1, AP(1)) Free Upgrade one model with: in melee the enemy must take one morale
P-Carbine (18”, A1, AP(1), Phosphor) Free Metal Spike (A1, EMP) +5pts test. If failed it takes 1 automatic hit.
Fusion Pistol +5pts Dark Legion: The hero and his unit get the
(6”, A1, AP(4), Deadly(6)) I Replace all P-Throwers: Regeneration special rule.
Sonic Boomer (12”, A1, Blast(6)) +5pts Blaster Carbines (24”, A5) +25pts EMP: This weapon counts as having Rending
Macro Pistol (12”, A5, AP(1)) +5pts but only needs rolls of 5-6 to take effect.
Replace one P-Thrower and CCW:
Phosphor: This weapon ignores cover.
Rail Rifle (18”, A1, AP(2), Deadly(3)) +5pts Blaster SMG (12”, A5) Free
Radiation: Enemies that roll to block hits
Death Ray (18”, A1, AP(2), Blast(3)) +10pts and Taser Sword (A2, Taser) from this weapon take one additional wound
Combustion Blaster (24”, A3, AP(1)) +10pts Upgrade all models with: for each unmodified result of 1 that they roll.
Replace 2x Heavy Claws: Cluster Grenades (Impact(1)) +15pts Repair: Once per turn, if within 2” of a unit
Heavy Staff (A4, Rending) Free with Tough, roll one die. On a 2+ you may
Heavy Halberd (A4, AP(3)) +5pts J Replace all 2x P-Pistols: repair 1 wound from the target.
Heavy Wrench (A4, Deadly(3)) +5pts Carbines (18”, A2) +5pts Self-Destruct: If this model is killed in melee
Upgrade with: Replace one 2x P-Pistols: the enemy takes 1 automatic hit.
Psychic(1) +20pts P-Blaster Carbine +10pts Taser: For each unmodified result of 6 you
(18”, A4, Phosphor) roll to hit that hit is multiplied by 4.
C Replace one R-Carbine and CCW: Replace one 2x P-Pistols and CCW:
Pistol (12”, A1) and CCW (A2) Free Revolver (12”, A1, AP(1)), Free Psychic Spells
Replace Pistol: Raider Sabre (A2, AP(1)) Stalk (4+): Target friendly unit within 12” gets
P-Pistol (12”, A1, Phosphor) +5pts P-Blaster Pistol (12”,A2,Phosphor), +5pts AP(+1) next time it shoots.
R-Pistol (12”, A1, Radiation) +5pts Energy Sword (A2, AP(1), Rending) Havoc Beam (4+): Target enemy model within
EMP Pistol (12”, A1, EMP) +10pts Upgrade all models with: 12” takes 1 automatic hit with AP(2).
Replace CCW: P-Breath (12”, A3, Phosphor) +15pts Steel Mutation (5+): Target friendly unit within
Energy Sword (A2, AP(1), Rending) +5pts 12” may heal 1 wound or restore 1 model (with
Taser Sword (A2, Taser) +5pts K Replace all 2x Energy Claws: only 1 health left if it had Tough).
EMP Sword (A2, EMP) +10pts 2x Energy Fists (A2, AP(3)) +5pts Lacerations (5+): Target 2 enemy units within
Upgrade all models with one: 6” take 3 automatic hits with AP(2) each.
D Upgrade with one: Chest-Beams (12”, A2, Rending) +15pts Corrupt Metal (6+): Target enemy unit within
Repair +10pts Electroguns (18”,A1,AP(2),Rending) +20pts 12” gets -2 to defense next time it takes hits.
Techno-Horror (Fear) +20pts Replace one Electrogun: Havoc Terror (6+): Target enemy unit within
Dark Legion +65pts R-Thrower (12”, A6, Radiation) +5pts 12” takes 8 automatic hits.
Phased Plasma Rifle (24”,A3,AP(2)) +10pts
E Upgrade all models with any: Laser Machinegun (36”, A3, AP(2)) +20pts
Self-Destruct +5pts Heavy Fusion Rifle +30pts
Brain-Tendrils +10pts (24”, A1, AP(4), Deadly(6))
Photon Cannon +40pts
F Replace all Shock Staves: (48”, A2, AP(2), Deadly(3))
Taser Gauntlets (A2, Taser) and +15pts Upgrade all models with any:
Gauntlet Shocks (12”, A2, Taser) Jetpacks (Ambush, Flying) +35pts
Auto-Repair (Regeneration) +55pts


Name [size] Qua Def Equipment Special Rules Upgrades Cost
Isopod Vehicle [1] 4+ 2+ 2x Machineguns (36”, A3) Strider, Tough(6) A 140pts
Arachnid Tank [1] 4+ 2+ Eraser Beam (36”, A1, AP(1), Blast(6)) Strider, Tough(12) B 260pts
Tripod Walker [1] 4+ 2+ Taser Whip (A6, Taser), Stomp (A1, AP(1)) Fear, Strider, Tough(6) C 145pts
Carcinax Robot [1] 4+ 2+ Stomp (A2, AP(1)) Fear, Strider, Tough(12) D 240pts
Dragonfly Gunship [1] 3+ 2+ Twin Machinegun (36”, A6) Aircraft, Tough(6) F 170pts
Gorillax Titan [1] 4+ 2+ 2x Titan Fists (A4, AP(4)), Fear, Fearless, Impact(6), Strider, E 405pts
Stomp (A2, AP(2)) Tough(18)
Lamiax Titan [1] 4+ 2+ Chain Lance (A3, AP(4), Impact(3)), Fear, Fearless, Strider, Tough(18) G 425pts
Titan Claw (A3, AP(4)), Stomp (A3, AP(2))
Arachnid Titan [1] 4+ 2+ 2x Titan Claws (A3, AP(4)), Fear, Fearless, Strider Tough(24) H 540pts
Stomp (A4, AP(2))

A Upgrade with any: F Replace Twin Machinegun: Special Rules

Twin Machinegun (36”, A6) +25pts Twin P-Cannon +30pts Phosphor: This weapon ignores cover.
Disruption Missiles (36”, A6, AP(2)) +55pts (36”, A6, AP(1), Phosphor) Radiation: Enemies that roll to block hits
Upgrade with one: Upgrade with one: from this weapon take one additional wound
Machinegun (36”, A3) and +90pts Bomb Rack (6”, A1, AP(1), Blast(6)) +10pts for each unmodified result of 1 that they roll.
Energy Cannon Twin Machinegun (36”, A6) +35pts Taser: For each unmodified result of 6 you
(36”, A3, AP(1), Blast(3), Indirect) Twin Laser Cannon +95pts roll to hit that hit is multiplied by 4.
Machinegun (36”, A3) and +105pts (48”, A2, AP(4), Deadly(3))
Iron Cannon Upgrade with one:
(48”, A3, AP(3), Deadly(3)) Assault Module (Transport(6)) +10pts
Upgrade with one: 2x Machineguns (36”, A3) +35pts
Cargo Space (Transport(11)) +20pts
Reinforced Carapace (Tough(+6)) +110pts G Replace Chain Lance and Titan Claw:
2x Heavy Miniguns (36”, A4, AP(2)) +35pts
B Replace Eraser Beam: 2x Hell Autocannons (48” ,A4,AP(2)) +75pts
Twin P-Cannon +10pts Upgrade with:
(36”, A6, AP(1), Phosphor) Twin Fusion Rifles +35pts
Machinegun (36”, A3) and +25pts (12”, A2, AP(4), Deadly(6))
Neutron Laser Upgrade with one:
(48”, A1, AP(4), Blast(3)) Light Machinegun (36”, A3) +15pts
Icarus AA-System +50pts Fusion Rifle (12”,A1,AP(4),Deadly(6)) +20pts
(48”, A3, AP(2), Deadly(3), Anti-Air)
Upgrade with any: H Replace any Titan Claw:
Light Machinegun (36”, A3) +15pts Harpoon Cannon +25pts
Repair Arm (Regeneration) +70pts (12”, A1, AP(4), Deadly(12))
Plasma Battle Cannon +60pts
C Upgrade with one: (48”, A1, AP(2), Blast(6))
Twin Autocannon (48”, A4, AP(2)) +50pts Triple Flamethrower Cannon +70pts
Twin Laser Cannon +70pts (18”, A18, AP(2))
(48”, A2, AP(4), Deadly(3)) Volcano Cannon +95pts
Replace Taser Whip: (48”, A1, AP(4), Blast(3), Deadly(3))
Taser Lance (A3, Taser, Impact(3)) Free Gatling Cannon +110pts
R-Sniper Rifle +20pts (36”, A12, AP(1), Rending)
(30”, A2, AP(1), Radiation, Sniper) Pulse Laser +120pts
Upgrade with: (36“, A5, AP(4), Deadly(3))
P-Carbine (18”, A1, AP(1), Phosphor) +5pts Fusion Cannon +150pts
(36”, A1, AP(4), Blast(3), Deadly(6))
D Upgrade with up to four: Rapid Battle Cannon +165pts
Heavy Claw (A1, AP(1), Rending) +10pts (48”, A2, AP(3), Blast(6))
Heavy Chainsaw (A3, AP(1)) +15pts Upgrade with one:
Heavy Flamethrower (12”, A6, AP(1)) +15pts 2x Twin Fusion Rifles +290pts
Minigun (24”, A4, AP(1)) +20pts (12”, A2, AP(4), Deadly(6))
P-Cannon +25pts Upgrade with one:
(36”, A3, AP(1), Phosphor) Twin Siege Cannon +145pts
Plasma Cannon +25pts (48”, A2, AP(2), Blast(6))
(36”, A1, Blast(3), AP(2)) Twin Shield Missiles +145pts
Heavy Fusion Rifle +35pts (48”, A2, AP(4), Deadly(6))
(24”, A1, AP(4), Deadly(6)) Upgrade with one:
Contortion Cannon +35pts 2x Twin Siege Cannon +290pts
(24”, A1, AP(3), Deadly(3)) (48”, A2, AP(2), Blast(6))
Upgrade with: 2x Twin Shield Missiles +290pts
Mechanic (Regeneration) +35pts (48”, A2, AP(4), Deadly(6))
Upgrade with up to four:
E Upgrade with any: Heavy Claw (A3, AP(1)) +5pts
Twin Chainguns (24”, A6, AP(2)) +35pts Light Machinegun (36”, A3) +15pts
Heavy Siege Cannon +110pts Fusion Rifle +20pts
(48”, A1, AP(4), Blast(6)) (12”, A1, AP(4), Deadly(6))
Replace 2x Titan Fists: Upgrade with:
2x Heavy Titan Fists (A6, AP(4)) +20pts Centaur Legs (Fast, Impact(6)) +25pts

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