This random moment by GiganticPuffy

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This random moment by GiganticPuffyFluffball

Laundromat Tale with Inexplicably Chosen Ending

This guy walks into a laundry store, and asks for some peanuts.
Guy: Hey, give me some peanuts.
Laundry Lady: Um, we don't have peanuts, we're a laundry store.
Guy: Hey, who are you people? Do you work for the CIA?
Laundry Lady: Um, no, who are you? Whata are you doing here?
Guy: Stuff.
Laundry Lady: What's wrong with you? You people drive me insane! What are you
doing here if you don't have any laundry?
Guy: Stuff.
Laundry Lady: Okay that's it.
Lady smashes guy over the head with a cantelope.
Guy: Hey, you just hit me over the head with a cantelope!
Laundry Lady: Yeah, and the--
Guy: Geez, what's wrong with you?
Laundry Lady: Well you're the--
Guy: I'm not playing hide and seek with you any more!
Laundry Lady: What--
Guy leaves, slamming door. Ants start to eat the cantelope. Lady cries, and small
rat living in a hole in the store implodes, leaving the cat furious.


This section of randomness was shoved upon the internet without warning on
Saturday, April 19, 2003.

This random moment by GiganticPuffyFluffball.

The Epitome of Randomness

George: What is that memory card doing there?

Henrietta: What do you think?
George: Removing lemonade?
Henrietta: Tarter sauce, George, Tarter sauce.
Michaelangelo: Wow, cerebral corn dogs...

This section of randomness was shoved upon the internet without warning on April
21, 2003.

Random moment by GiganticPuffyFluffball

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