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Texas College of Management and IT

Artificial Intelligence
Explore, Learn and Excel

Assignment 1

Submitted By: Submitted TO:

Department Of IT
Name:Nabin Rokaya


1)What is AI and How is it Transforming Today’s Tech World?
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that focuses on creating
machines capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence. These
tasks include reasoning, learning, problem-solving, understanding language, and
perceiving the environment. AI involves making computers behave in a way that mimics
human behavior, allowing them to perform complex tasks effectively.

Characteristics of AI Systems
Reasoning: AI systems can analyze situations and come up with logical
Understanding: They can comprehend various types of information and
Learning from Experience: AI can improve its performance based on past
data and outcomes.
Planning a n d Executing Tasks: They can develop strategies to complete
complex tasks.
Natural Language Processing: AI can understand and generate human
Self-Correction: These systems can identify and correct their errors to
improve accuracy.

Applications of AI Systems
Game Playing: AI can play and win games like chess by evaluating countless
possible moves.
S p e e c h Recognition: A I allows computers to understand a n d respond to
human speech.
Natural Language Understanding: AI processes and understands h uman
language for tasks like translation and information extraction.
Computer Vision: AI interprets visual data from images and videos, enabling
tasks like facial recognition and medical image analysis.
Expert Systems: AI mimics the decision-making ability of human experts to
provide specialized advice, such as diagnosing medical conditions.
Finance: AI detects fraudulent activities by recognizing unusual patterns in
Medicine: AI aids in diagnosing diseases, interpreting medical images, and
even providing companionship to the elderly through robots.
Music: AI assists in music composition and performance, enhancing the
creativity and capabilities of musicians.
Aviation: AI supports tactical decision-making, flight simulations, and mission
management in aviation operations.
Transforming Today’s Tech World
AI is revolutionizing various industries by automating complex tasks, improving
efficiency, and providing new capabilities that were previously unattainable.

AI enhances diagnostic accuracy and personalizes treatments by analyzing
medical data to detect patterns and anomalies. It creates personalized
treatment plans and accelerates drug discovery by predicting compound
interactions, improving patient outcomes and reducing costs.
AI improves security and efficiency in finance by detecting fraudulent activities
through transaction pattern analysis. It boosts profitability with algorithmic
trading and aids in risk management by assessing financial risks through market
trend analysis, enhancing decision-making.
AI personalizes shopping experiences by analyzing customer behavior and
p r e f e r e n c e s t o r e c o m m e n d tailored p r o d u c t s . It o p t i m i z e s i n v e n t o r y
management by predicting product d e m a n d and improves customer service
with AI-powered chatbots, providing 24/7 support.
AI revolutionizes transportation with autonomous vehicles that navigate and
make real-time decisions. It optimizes traffic management by analyzing patterns
and adjusting signals, and uses predictive maintenance to forecast and prevent
vehicle breakdowns, enhancing safety.
AI automates production in smart factories, increasing efficiency and reducing
errors. It ensures product quality through accurate defect detection and
optimizes supply chains by predicting demand and managing inventory
efficiently, improving overall operations.
AI personalizes learning by tailoring educational content to individual students'
needs. It automates grading and administrative tasks, allowing teachers to focus
on instruction. AI also enhances learning experiences through interactive and
engaging tools.
AI improves agriculture with precision farming techniques, optimizing irrigation
and pest control. It monitors crop health through image analysis and predicts
yields, helping farmers plan better and maximize productivity while reducing
resource waste.
2)How do intelligent agents mimic human behavior? Explain giving
a suitable example.
Intelligent agents mimic human behavior through their ability to perceive their
environment, process information, and make decisions or take actions based on that
information. They achieve this by employing various techniques such as machine
learning, natural language processing, and pattern recognition. Here’s an example to
illustrate how intelligent agents mimic human behavior:

Example: Email Spam Filter

An email spam filter acts as an intelligent agent by mimicking human behavior in
filtering unwanted emails. Here’s how it works:
Perception: The spam filter perceives incoming emails, scanning their content
and metadata such as sender information and subject line.
Processing: Using machine learning algorithms or predefined rules, the filter
processes each email to determine if it resembles k n o w n patterns of s p a m
emails. It analyzes text, identifies keywords, and assesses the sender ’s
Decision Making: Based on its analysis, the spam filter decides whether the
email is likely spam or legitimate. It assigns a probability score or category
(spam or not spam) to each email.
Action: If classified as spam, the filter takes action by moving the email to a
separate spam folder or deleting it outright. If deemed legitimate, the email is
delivered to the recipient’s inbox.

3) What is an Intelligent agent? write down its properties.

An intelligent agent is a software entity that perceives its environment through sensors
and acts upon that environment through actuators, in pursuit of achieving goals or
objectives. Here are the key properties of intelligent agents:
Perception: Intelligent agents are equipped with sensors or input mechanisms to
perceive and gather information from their environment. This could include cameras,
microphones, or other sensors depending on the agent's domain.
Reasoning: Agents have the ability to process information and reason about it. They
can analyze data, identify patterns, make decisions, and formulate plans or strategies
to achieve their goals.
Decision Making: Based on their reasoning capabilities, agents can make decisions
autonomously or with minimal human intervention. These decisions are typically
aimed at maximizing utility or achieving specified objectives
Actuation: Intelligent agents can act upon their environment through actuators or
output mechanisms. This could involve physical actions, such as moving robotic
limbs, or virtual actions, such as generating responses in a chatbot.
Learning: Many intelligent agents are capable of learning from experience or data.
They can improve their performance over time through mechanisms like machine
learning, reinforcement learning, or by updating their knowledge base with new
Autonomy: Intelligent agents operate autonomously, meaning they can operate
independently and execute tasks without constant human supervision once they are
deployed and configured.
A d a p t a b i l i t y: A g e n t s c a n adapt to changes in their environment o r task
requirements. They may adjust their behavior, strategies, or decision-making
processes based on new information or changing circumstances.
Interaction: Intelligent agents often interact with other agents, humans, or systems
within their environment. This interaction may involve communication, collaboration,
negotiation, or coordination to achieve shared or conflicting goals.

4) What constitutes an AI System? Explain about them with examples .

An AI system consists of software or hardware that demonstrates behaviors associated

with human intelligence, such as learning, reasoning, problem-solving, perception, and
language understanding. These systems typically include:
Perception: Ability to gather and interpret data from the environment. For example,
computer vision systems that analyze images and videos to recognize objects or
Reasoning: Capacity to draw conclusions, make decisions, or solve problems based
on available information. Examples include expert systems that use rules to make
diagnoses or recommend treatments in healthcare.
Learning: Capability to improve performance over time by learning from experience
or data. M a c h i n e learning algorithms, like those u s e d in s p a m filters o r
recommendation systems, adjust their behavior based on patterns in data.
Natural Language Processing: Skill to understand and generate human language.
Virtual assistants like Siri o r chatbots that interact with users through speech or
text are examples of systems with NLP capabilities.
Actuation : Ability to take actions in the environment based on processing and
understanding. Autonomous vehicles, which perceive their surroundings and
make driving decisions, demonstrate actuation capabilities.
Adaptability: Capacity to adjust to new circumstances or tasks, improving
performance or effectiveness. Adaptive learning systems in education that tailor
content based on student progress are an example of adaptability.

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