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The TOEFL test is one type of standardized test, and it is important to

keep certain points in mind to succeed on the TOEFL test. First, to do well in
TOEFL test, you must be fairly fluent in English and must know the area well.
Secondly, you should learn the format and test-taking strategies, because some of
the questions are tricky. By learning the trick, you can be better on these types of
questions. Thirdly, it is a good idea to be rested and alert whey you take the test
because you should arrive at the test awake and clear-headed. Finally, you just
remember these three basis points, and you should do well the test.
There is listening test for the TOEFL test which consists of listening short
conversation, long conversation, and long talk. Each listening has a strategy to
answer the question.
This course is designed to improve student’s listening skills for pre- advance
to advanced level. Listening TOEFL can be called advanced level processing skills
are introduced in this course to listen many kinds of Listening TOEFL and to
introduce the strategy of listening TOEFL test even how to answer listening TOEFL


There are many strategies for listening TOEFL test. Here some of that ;
Be familiar with the directions. The directions on every TOEFL test are
same, so it is not necessary to listen carefully to them each time. You should
be completely familiar with the directions before the day of the test.
Listen carefully to the conversations and talks. You should concentrate
fully on what the speakers are saying in the tape, because you will hear the tape
only one time.
Know where the easier and more difficult questions are generally found.
Within each part of the listening comprehension section, the question
generally progress from easy to difficult.

Never leave any answers blank on your answer sheet. Even if you are
unsure of the correct answer response, you should answer each question.
There is no penalty for guessing.
Use any remaining time to look ahead at the answer to the questions that
follow. When you finish with one question, you may have time to look ahead
at the answer to the next question.
Short Conversation
For each questions in Part A of the Listening Comprehension section in

the TOEFL test, you will hear a short conversation between two speakers

followed by questions. After you listen to the conversation and question, you must

choose the best answer to the question from your test book or your computer.


1. As you listen to each short conversation, focus on the last line conversation.
The answer to the question is generally found in the second line.
2. Keep in mind that the correct answer is probably a restatement of key word or
idea in the second line of the conversation.
3. Keep in mind that certain structures and expressions are tested regularly in
Listening Part A. Listen for this structures and expressions :

Structures (Passives, Negatives, Wishes, and Conditions

Functional expressions (agreement, Uncertainty, Suggestions, and
Idiomatic expressions (two-part verbs, three-part verbs, idioms.
4. Keep in mind that these questions generally progress from easy to difficult.
This means that questions 1 through 5 will be the easiest, and question 26
through 30 will be the hardest
5. Read the answer and choose the best answer each question even if you are not
sure the correct answer response. Never leave any answer blank.
6. Even if you do not understand the complete conversation, you can fine the
correct answer.

If you only understood a few words or ideas in the second line, choose the
answer that contains a restatement of those words or ideas.
If you did not understand anything at all in the second line of the
conversation, choose the answer that sounds the most different from you
Never choose an answer because it sounds like what you heard in the


In Listening Part A you will hear a short conversation involving two
people; this conversation is followed by a question. It is important to
understand that the answer to this type of question is most often (but not
always) fond in the last line of the conversation.

Example :
On the recording you hear :
(man ) Billy really made a big mistake this time
(woman) Yes, he forgot to turn in his research paper
(narrator) What does the woman say about Billy?

In your test book, you read:

(A) It was the first time he made a mistake
(B) He forgot to write his paper
(C) He turned in the paper in the wrong place
(D) Hedidn’tremembertosubmithisagreement.

The last line of this conversation indicates that Billy forgot to turn in
his paper, and this means that he did not remember to submit it. The best
answer is therefore answer (D)

The following chart outlines the most important strategy for

Listening Part A :


1. The last line of the conversation probably contains the answer to the
2. Listen to the first line of the conversation. If you understand it, that’s
good. If you do not understand it, do not worry because it probably does
not contain the answer.
3. Be ready to focus on the second line of the conversation because it
probably contains the answer. Repeat the last line in your mind as you read
through the answer in the text.

1. (man) Sorry, but I can't go and have a cup of coffee with you
now. I've only done half the readings for the philosophy
class tomorrow.
(woman) And I thought I was a slow reader.
(narrator) What does the woman mean?

2. (woman) I entered one of my new photographs in the newspaper's

(man) If it's anything like the others you've shown me, I'm sure
you'll come out on top!
(narrator) What does the man mean?

3. (woman) You took the European literature class last year; are you
interested in selling me any of the books?
(man) I always hold on to them for future reference.
(narrator) What will the man probably do?

4. (man) Hi, I have a map of the campus, but I still can't find the
building with the new sculpture exhibit in it. Can you tell
me how to get there?
(woman) That looks like an old map. Follow me; I'm going that way
(narrator) What does the woman mean?

5. (woman) Sally and Mark haven’t been talking to each other lately. I
wonder what happened.
(man) I haven't defended this idea. But I'd stay out of it if I were
(narrator) What does the man mean?

6. (man) I keep putting off getting my passport application.

(woman) Thank Goodness I didn't drag my feet on that one.
(narrator) What does the woman mean?

7. (man) You look worn out. Are you feeling under the weather?
(woman) Not at all. But I have been putting in some wrong errors in
the chemistry lab.
(narrator) What does the woman mean?

Small Dictionary
Worn out : So damaged by use as to be unfit for further use
“These shoes are worn out”
Sculpture (noun) : The art of modeling or curving figures, shapes etc.
“She went to art school to study painting and sculpture”
Exhibit (noun) : an object displayed publicly (eg in a museum)
“one of the exhibits is missing”
Come out : To become known.
“The truth finally came out”
Turn in : To hand over (a person or thing) to people in authority
“ They turned the escaped prisoner in to the police”

Listening Exercises
Listen to the short conversation and answer the questions

In this exercise, you should focus on the last line of the dialogue, read the
question, and then choose the best answer to that question. Remember that you
can probably answer the question easily with only the last line.

1. (man) Can you tell me if (A) She has strong ideas about
today's matinee is a
(B) She prefers comedies over
comedy, romance, or westerns and romances.
(C) She doesn't like today's
(woman) I have no idea. (D) She does not know
(narrator) What does the woman

2. (woman) Was anyone at home at (A) Barb answered the bell.

Barb's house when you (B) The house was probably
went there to deliver the empty.
package? (C) The bell wasn't in the house.
(man) I rang the bell, but no (D) The house doesn't have a
one answered. bell.
(narrator) What does the man
3. (woman) You just got back from (A). It's unlikely that he'll go to
the interview for the the interview.
internship. How do you (B).He thinks he'll be
think it went? recommended for a high-
(man) I think it's highly level job.
unlikely that I got the (C).The interview was
job. apparently quite
(narrator) What does the man unsuccessful.
suggest? (D).He had an excellent
Often the correct answer in a short dialogue is an answer that contains
synonyms (words with similar meanings but different sounds) for key words in
the conversation.
Example :
On the recording, you hear :
woman : Why is Barbara feeling so happy ?
man : She just started working in a real estate agency.
Narrator : What does the man say about Barbara ?
In your test book or on the computer screen, you read:
(A) She always liked her work in a real estate.
(B) She began a new job
(C) She just bought some real estate.
(D) She bought a real estate regency.

In this dialogue, the key word started means began, and key word working refers
to job. The best answer to this question is therefore answer (B).
The following chart outlines a very important strategy for short dialogue :


1. As you listen to the last line of the dialogue, focus on key words in that
2. If you see any synonyms for key words in a particular answer, then you
have probably found the correct answer.

Listening Exercises
Listen to the short conversation and answer the questions

In this exercise, underline key words in the last line of each short dialogue. Then
underline synonyms for these key words in the answers, and choose the best
answer to each question. Remember that the best answer is probably the answer
that contains synonyms for the key words in the last line of the dialogue.

1. (man) Did you see the manager A. He got a job as bookstore

about the job in the
B. The bookstore was not
bookstore? accepting applications.
C. He saw a book about how
(woman) Yes, and I also had to fill
to apply for jobs.
out an D. It was necessary to
complete a form.
(narrator) What does the man

2. (woman) We're planning to leave (A) If they could leave at noon

(B) If it is possible to go by
for the trip at about 2:00.
(man) Couldn't we leave before (C) Why they can't leave at
(D) If they could leave the
(narrator) What does the woman room

3. (woman) Was the concert well- (A) The performance went on

for a long time.
received? (B) There was applause
(man) The audience applauded throughout the
for a long time after the (C) The people clapped on
performance. and on after the concert.
(D) The audience waited for a
(narrator) What does the woman long time for the concert
say about the concert? to begi

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