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IM642-D IDEALARC® DC-600 eae For use with machines having Gode Numbers: 10588 to 10701,11071, 11072,11129, 411130, 11131, 11132, 11133 and 11140 11335, 11336, 11337, 11338, 11339 11537,11538, 11539, 11540, 11541,11568 Safety Depends on You Lincoln are welding and cutting equioment is designed and built vith safely in mind. However, your overall safely can be increased by proper instalation ... and thought- {ul operation on your part. DO NOT INSTALL, OPERATE OR REPAIR THIS EQUIPMENT WITHOUT READING THIS MANUAL AND THE SAFETY PRECAUTIONS CONTAINED THROUGHOUT. And, most Importantly think bofore you act and be caref a + World's Leader in Welding and Cutting Products + + Sales and Service through Subsidiaries and Disiibutors Worldwide + Cloveland, Ohio 44117-1199 U.S.A. TEL: 216.481.8100 FAX: 216.486.1751 WEB SITE: www : SAFETY di -— EY CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65 WARNINGS —_/i\ Diesel engine exhaust and some of its constituents are known to the State of California to cause can- cer, birth defects, and other reproductive harm. The Above For Diesel Engines PERFORMED ONLY BY QUALIFIED INDIVIDUALS. }ARC WELDING CAN BE HAZARDOUS. PROTECT YOURSELF AND OTHERS FROM POSSIBLE SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH, KEEP CHILOREN AWAY. PACEMAKER WEARERS SHOULD CONSULT WITH THEIA DOCTOR BEFORE OPERATING. Read and understand the following safoty highlights. For adlfonal safety information, itis strongly tecommended that you purchase copy of “Safaly in Welding & Culling - ANSI Standard 249.1" from the American Welding Society, P.O. Box }251040, Miami, Florida 33195 or CSA Standard W117.2-1974. A Free copy of “Are Welding Safoly” booklet E208 7s avaliable from the Lincoln Etectic Company, 22601 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, Ohlo 44117-1199. BE SURE THAT ALL INSTALLATION, OPERATION, MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR PROCEDURES ARE| ‘The engine exhaust from this product contains} ‘chemicals known io the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects, or other reproductive harm, Ihe Above For Gasoline Engines FOR ENGINE powered equipment. 4.4. Tum the engine off Belore toubleshooting and maintenance ‘Work unless the maintenanco work requves ito be running. “Tb, Operate engines in open, wel-veniilated ‘areas ar vent the engine exaust Rimes outdoors. 6.Do hot add the fuel near an opon Name welding are or when tho engine fs nding, fj Slop the engino and allow ito cock before relusting to prevent spied tu! from vaporz- Ing on contact with hot angine parts and ‘gniing, Do not spl fue! whon fing tan ol fs spilted, wipe it up and do not elart ‘engine unt umes have been ebminatod. 114. Keop all equipment safely guards, covers and devices in positon and in good repaitKeep hands, hal, clothing and: tools away trom V-bells, gous, fans and all other moving paris when starting, operating or repairing equipment. ssaty (0 romove salely is to perlorm required maintenance. Remove ‘only when necessary and replace them when the maintonance requiring their removal fs. complete ‘Always use the greatest caro when working near moving parts. “14. Go not pol your hands near the engino fan Do nat attempt to override the governor ar ‘oier by pushing on the trot contra rods ‘hile the engine is runing 419, To prevent accdontaly staring gascline engines wihilo turning the engine or welding generator ding maintenance work, disconnect the spark plug wires, -magnelo wio as appropriate, ‘Uh. To avoid scalding, do not remove the achator pressure cap when the angine Is e ot. ELECTRIC AND MAGNETIC FIELDS may be dangerous current flowing through any conductor causes d Electric and Magnetic Fields (EMF). Welding Current creales EMF fields around wolding cables and welding machines 2b. EMF ficlds may intertore with some pacemakors, and ‘woldors having a pacemaker should consul ther pysicien belore welaing, 2c. Exposure to EMF lields in welding may have other hestth ellis which are now not known, 2c. All welders should use the fotoning pracedures in ordor fo minimize exposure to EMF fields from the welding circuit 2d1. Route the etecrode and werk eablos together - Secure ‘hom with ape wien possible, 2.4.2, Never coll the electrode load around your body. 2.4.3. Do not place your body between the electrode and ‘ork eabes. Ihe electrode cable fe on your right ‘side, the work cable should also be on your ight side. 2.4.4. Connect the work cable fo the workpiece as close as possible othe area boing welded, 248. Do not work next toweling power source Mar ‘95 IDEALARC® DC-600 EB 8 SAFETY i e ELECTRIC SHOCK can ki 3.a. The locrodo and wosk (or ground) ercuts _are electieally “hot” when the welder Is on. Do not touch these “hot” parts with your bare ‘kin oF wol clothing. Woar dry, holo-reo loves to insulate hands. ‘3b, Insulate yoursetttom work and ground using dry Insulation. ‘Make certain tn Insulation Is argo enough to cover your tu ‘area of physical contact wih work and ground. mn addition to tho normal safety precautions, If welding must be portormed under olectrically hazardous conditions (in damp locations or white w clothing; on metal structures such scaffolds; whon in cramped positions such as siti kneeling or lying, If there Isa high risk of unavoidable or accidental contact with the workpiece or ground) use the following equipme + Semlautomatie DC Constant Voltage (Wir) Welder. DC Manual (Stick) Welder. + AG Welder with Reduced Voltage Control. 3. In semiautomatic or aulomalic wire welding, tho clecrodo, ‘electrode recl, wolding hoad, nozzle oF somiautomalic ‘olding gun ars also electicaly "hot 8. Always bo auro Ihe work cable makos a good electrical ‘connection with the metal being wolded. The connoction ‘should be as close as possible to te area being wolded 8.0. Ground the work or matal to bo welded to a good election! (ean) ground, 3. Maintain the electode holder, work clamp, welling cable and \wolding machina in god, safe operating condton, Replace ‘damaged insulation ‘34g. Never dip the electrode in water for coating 8h. Nover simultaneously touch electrically "hot parts of clcttode holders connected io two welders because voltage bolwoen the two can be tho toll of the open creut voltage of bon welders, 8.1, When working above too lvel, use a safely belt to protect, yourself rom ata should you get a shock. 3, Also see lems Gx. and 3. ARC RAYS can burn. Lg seit a tt so ZG dye” pues © prac you ogee iam epus bd ZAM Broraya chin avon ett or oscring ‘open are welding. Headshietd and tlle lons should conform to ANS! 267. | standards. 4b. Uso suilabie clothing made trom durable flame-reststant ‘material to protect your skin and that of your helpers rom the axe rays ‘40, Protect otter nearby personne! with suitable, non-ammabla screening andor wam them not fo watch tho are nor expose themselves to the ar rays orto hot spatter or melal FUMES AND GASES can be dangerous. S.a. Weldiag may produce tues and gases hezardous to health, Avoid breathing these fumes and gases. When welding, Keep Your head out of the fume. Use enough Ventlaion andor exhaust athe are i keep fumes and gases away from tho breathing zone. When welding with electrodes which require spoctal ventilation such as stainless or hard facing (se instructions on container or MSDS) or on lead oF cadmium plated steal and other metals of coatings ‘which produce highly toxic tumos, Keep exposure as. low as possible and below Threshold Limit Values (TLV) using local exhaust or mechanical ventilation. In confined spaces or In some clreumstances, ouldoors, a respirator may be required. Additional procautions are also required when welding on galvanized steel. 15.6. The oparaton of welding fume cont) equipments allected by various factors including proper use and positioning of {he equipment, maintenance of tho equipmont and the spo: Cie welding procedure and application involved. Worker ‘exposure fovel should be checked upon instalation and peviociealy thoreatlor to bo certain itis within applicable OSHA PEL and ACGIM TLV tints, 5.0. Do not weld in looalons near cMoinated hydrocarbon vapors coming fom degreasing, cleaning or spraying operations. "The heat and rays of tho are can react with solvent vapors 10 form phosgene, a highly toxic gas, and other hating prod: vel. 5, Shielding gases used for ate wolding ean displace air and ‘cause injury or death. Always use enough ventilation, ‘specially in contined areas, to insure broalhing ar Is sale. 5.8, Read and understand the manulacture's instructions for hs ‘equipment and the consumables to be used, including the material safoty data shoot (MSDS) and follow your employer's salely practices. MSDS forms are available om your welding distributor or rom the manulacturer, Also soo tom 4.. AUG 06: IDEALARC® DC-600 i SAFETY fu 7= WELDING and CUTTING SPARKS can cause fire or explosion. 6. Romove io hazards rom tho welding ora. {Wiis not posstla, cover them to prevent tho wolding sparks Irom starting a tio. Remember that welding sparks and. hot ‘matoials rom welding can eas ‘and openings to adjacont 9 hydraulic lines. Have a fe extinguisher readly avaliable. ‘Gb. Where comprossed gas0s aro to be used at the [eb sito, ‘special precautions should be used to provent hazardous ‘uations, Refor to “Safely in Welding and Culting” (ANSI Standard 249.1) and the operating Information for the ‘equipment being used, Ge. When not welding, make certain no part of the electrode cfreut Is touching the work or ground, Accidental contact ‘en cause overheating and cteale a fre hazard. 8, Do not heat, cut or wold tanks, crums oF conainers unt the Broper steps have been taken io Insure that such procodures ill not causo llammable or toxio vapors from substances Inside, Thay can causo an explosion even though they have ‘bean ‘cleaned. For informaiton, purchase “Recommended ‘Sale Practices for to Proparation for Vieldng and Cutting of Containers and Piping That Have Held Hazardous ‘Substaness", AWS F4.1 from the Ametican Wekiing Soclety (600 address above). 6.0. Vent hatlow castings or containers belore heating, culling or welding, Thoy may oxplode. 64, Sparks and spaiter are theown fom the welding are. Wear oll free protctve garments such as leather gloves, heavy shit, ccutless louse, high shoes and a cap over yaur har. Woar ‘ar plugs when welding out of postion orn confinad places, Always wear safety glasses with sido ehielde when in & ‘welding area. 69. Connect tie work cable to the work as close tothe wsdng ‘area as practical. Work eables connecied to the building framework or other locations avay trom the welding area increase the possibly of the welding current passing ‘vvough liting chains, crane cables or ether altemato ci cuts. This can ereato tre hazards or overheat fing chalns ‘or cables uni they fll Gh. Also seo tem i. 6.1. Read and follow NEPA 518 * Slandadd for Fire Prevention During Welding, Cutting and Other Hot Work, avallable fom NFPA, 1 Ballerymarch Park, PO box 9101, Quincy, Ma 022690.9101 64, Domnot use a welding poner source tor pipe thawing, 4] CYLINDER may explode if damaged. Ta.Use only compressed gas cylinders containing the correct shilding gas for the process usod and properly operating Teguiators designed for the gas and pressure used. All hoses, itngs, ole. should be sultable for ‘he application and maintained in good condion, 7b. Always keep cytindors in an upright position securely chained to an undereariage oF tked support. ‘Te. Oylnders should be located: “Away rom areas where Uioy may be struck or subjected to physical damage. “A sale distanco from are welding or citing operations and ‘any other source of heat, sparks, oF fame, 7d, Never allow tho cloctrode, electrode holder or any other elecitealy hor parts to touch a eyinde. Te. Keep your head and face away rom the eyinder valve outlet ‘when opering the eyinder valve. 7A. Valve protection caps should always bo in place and hand light except when the cylinder Is In use oF connected for use, 7g. Road and follow the insttuctions on compressed gas cylinders, associated equipmont, and CGA publleaion P-, "Precautions for Sale Handling of Compressed Gases In yinders,” avilable fom the Compressed Gas Association 1235 Jollerson Davis Highway, Arlington, VA 22202. FOR ELECTRICALLY powered equipment. 8.. Tum off input powor using the dlscomect ‘hile atthe fuse box before working on the equipment ‘8. Install equipment in accordance with tho U.S. National Electrical Coda, all local codes and the manulacturer’s recommendations, 8.6. Ground the equipment in accordance with the U.S, National Etecicat Code and the manulaciurer's recommendations, van, 07 IDEALARC® DC-600 wv SAFETY v PRECAUTIONS DE SORETE Pour votre propre protection ir of obsorver toutes ls insiructions les précaulions do sOreté spociiques qu paralssent dans o2 ‘manuel aussi blen que les précaulions de e0ret6 générales euiv antes: ‘Soreté Pour Soudage A Litre 1. Protego2-vous conte la socousse électique: 4. Les clrculis a Félecrode ot & la pléce sont sous tension ‘quand la machine & souder ost en marcho. Evior toujours tout contac entro fos partos sous fonsion et fa peau nue ‘u les vétomonts mouiés. Porter des gants gece el sans tious pour lotr les mains ». Fala us attonion de bien sisoter de la masse quand on souide dans des ondroils humides, ou sur un plancher ‘metallque ou des giles metaltques, pinlpatoment dans tos positions assis ou couché pour fosquotes une grande partie du corps peut éWo en contact avec la masso. «. Malntenir le porte-électrode, la pince do masse, le cle {do soudage et la machine & souder en bon el sOr état dotonettonnement. 1. Ne jamals plonger le pore-tlecrade dane Feu pour retro. «6. No jamais toucher sirutangmant les pari cous tension {ee porte-locrodes connectés & deux machines & sauder parce que la tension entve fos deux pincos peut &ie lo {ola cola tonsion & vide des doux machines. |. Sion utlse fa machine & souder comme une source do courent pour soudege som/-aulomatique, ces precautions pour le porte-lectrode s‘appleuent auss! au plstolet de soudage. 2, Dans fe cas de ravall ev dessus du riveau du 90, proteger conte les chutos dans lo eas ou on reco un choc. Ne jamal ‘enrouler lo céble-éectrode aulour de nimporte quello partie ducoips, 3. Un coup a'aro peut éw0 pls sévoro quiun coup de sole, done: 2. Ullisor un bon masque aves un vero fant appropeié ins qu'un vere banc ain do se protéger les yeux da 1ay- ‘onnement de Fare at des projections quand on soude ou ‘quand on regarde ar. », Parler des vétements convensbiles an do protéger la peau de soudour of des aldos conve le rayonnement de ere ©. Protéger Maulre personne! tavaillant & proxinité av soudage & Taide ééerans appropriés el non inlammabes. 4. Des goultes deo aitlor en tusion sont émisos de Pare do soutdage, Se proléger avec des velemenls de protection Fes o Mullo,tols que tos gants on cu, chemise épalss, pan- tolons sans rove, ol chaussuras mostants, 5, Toujours porter des lunettes de sécuilé dans la zone de ‘soudage. Uilser des lunetles avec écrans latoraux dans les zones 0 Yon pique le fat. 8. Eloignor los matéiaux intammables ou les racouvar atin deo préverir out isquo dinconcio dd aux Bincetes. 7. Quand on ne soudo pas, posor la pince & une endrot iol do la masse. Un court-cireult aceldental peut provoquer un ‘ehauttomont ot unsque dincende. ‘8, Stassuror quo 1a mass0 est connectéo fo plus pros possblo do la zone do traval qui est pratique do le fae. Sion placo ta masse sur la chorponte de la construction ou autres endrals oignds do la zone do aval, on augmente le risque e voir passer le courent de soudage par los canes de lev- age, cables do giue, ou autes circuits. Gela peut provoquer dos risques dincendio ou dechaullement des chalnes et dos ‘cies usqula ce quits se rompont 9, Aseuror uno ventilation suffeante dans la zone do eoudage. Cocl et parculérement important pour le soudage de tles aivanisées plombées, cu cadmiges ou tout aule métal qui ‘produit des uness toxiques. 10, No pas souser en présence de vapoure do chloe provenant Gopérations do dégraissago, netloyage ou plstolage. La halour ou ls rayons de er pouvent réagir avec les vapeus —As|y _ fo} —| teenie nea ly 2. Comet bar uses comma. TOROS vale flo fa renee Bammer ba a 4. comctiniaciumi@ ees PENCE MOWER eK Coes. 08 ano | nt eee ee eee ee ino} Iaring esate neve an cm naga nes tana oo aes a SEMcESOMELn HSMM DONO ES CONNECTION FOR 380 VOLTS, 50 OR 60 HZ. foo) 1. TWOFF BIEWWUT FONEA Ube Te gCONMECT guMTCRLAT THC FUSE BOK 2 tout Aneta ees LD ens SHAW TOPRODEAT Io 2. Gr tos ger sures ia OM CONTRO TAKEFORHE LS TOME ‘Siaisoe oF ne canton Asan 4. COME TERMLiREDO)YOGARND FEAL MONON AECTRC CoE, 5 Agu etagnene roca some ou Eur ei HO Ge ne reaeXS, Hates CONNECTION FOR 220 VOLTS, 50 OR 60 HZ. 2. COME WONT THEMED EIN SPAT WTVH 1 PROVE A 2. irr U2 ELAN sueytREsH4 De csr TUSFONER CA OTHE er socor hitchoomagron sso 4. Connected YoorON Fea LOLA KANO LECT CODES. 5: Mn tas rosows sn tore ex DW HE FOSTON OAR, a Gaks © [asl FIGURE A.5-Reconnect Panel Board Positions for 220/380/440 VAC Machines CONNECTION FOR 380/460 VOLTAGES: coment FOR 500/575 VOLTAGES 2, (3. Laer Sao Lappe o ° ea LINES} | 9—folv ad o wala ° Ba Li —fol™ fo} foo nee ° eo up fi expt ca HO LINK @ ink 1 gowecrypneanencioisorammaumrucrorwecat | 5 scams mana nee onsneL in EO ROME 2, ComtecTi2U:n0 wocentacron Come 12 AI SNeUT SLeRY NES TONE MPU SIDE OF THECR CONTACZOR Seton. 4, Comte emanate 106 REMOVE ri NUTS NO POSIONLEHS ASSAOM REPLACED TEMIEN prec {Eire er neato 2 Comoro LEAD To cRMCTER. 3. Gonacr UU €LIRPUTSUALYUNS FOE PUT SE OF THECRLCONTACTON Som ON PER RAIOKAL ELECT CONES. 4. conecr rewaun wxen@) To GRoWND FER LATONAL ELECTIC CODES, 5 FENOFE ME HEXMIT ADORE ASCARI AO TE FIGURE A.6-Reconnect Panel Board Positions for 380/500, 460/575 VAC Machines IDEALARC® DC-600 As INSTALLATION AG Oe eran SOEs SEE MACHINE RATING PLATE FOR REQUIRED INPUT SUPPLY VOLTAGE |. TuOFF THE WPUT FOMER UH THE DSCONNECT SMTA HEFUEE BOK L3: fof 2% COWMECT TEIMHBVALMATKEDG@) TO GROUND PER HATIOMAL ELECTRIC: CONES. voss{te ——a ia} 2 comes neta tana svn RPUTENECF NCR COmMCTOANG aL bL fej" eno FIGURE A.7-Reconnect Panel Board Positions for Single Voltage Machines CONNECTION FOR 575 VOLTS, 60 HZ ow nite 4, CONVEGTLY, 12613 NPUT SUPPLY LNES AO Ht & HA PLOT ES [RECONNECT TsronasteADs 0TH HPUTSIDE OF CRI CONTAGION AS SOHN, JO” 2 0 TeaneL 2. NSULATEUNUSED Ha EAD TRL SEPERATELY T0 PROVIDE {O18 0 S50 ATLEAST eno WSLATON a ‘CONNECT TERMINAL MARKED € 0 SYSTEM GROUND FER aot exec coves. CONNECT TRANSFORMER EADS 15,17, 1,44 19,54 14,6815 TORECONNECT PANEL 5. JME SEPERATED TO PROVDE ATLEAST ooo NSULATN 29,788 ‘TPE SLATED UNUSED LEADS TOGETHER NAY FROM LIVE EAL PA CONNECTION FOR 460 VOLTS, 60 HZ Lain 5 4, CORMECTLY,L2813:MFUT SUPPL Ls ADH! & x3 PLOT #3 [Reconwecr _TReAsfomver ens To THE NPUT SDE OF CRY CONTAGTOR AS SHOVAL eek. TPO FpaWeL 2 NSULATEUMUSEO ha 4 EAD TeRMINALS SEPERATELY T0 PROVIDE uLipie Bite ‘ATLEAST GOD INSULATION. ono |, : oa 3. COMET ERAN NAKED cp TO SrSTEMCAOUNO FER ee LINES INPUT woes ‘mow LecTa cones. Qo uct] 4 CONNECT TANSFORMER EADS 1,2, 9,48 7,589,69 Hans TORECONNECT PAVE 5: TAPE SEPERATELY TO PROMDE AT LEAS lV INSULATION 1,14, 16,1617, 18. TPE INSULATED UNUSED LEADS TOGETHER A FROM LIVE METAL PART. CONNECTION FOR 230 VOLTS, 60 HZ gaya zis ways won eyo a comcr ilenas ones cut COMA ann iNpUT oe ee PANEL 2 NSLATE UNUSED 3, HAD IERHAHALS SEPERATELY 10 PROMI Geeta tox finest a dancer mtr @ ssn eMBO RK GND Lets EHR invoucatemecaas. @ he ‘om Hnfowigos1872aaangausae, ee sete a SN gon or cu ence ir es a A BA LINES. { we 4 coo So FIGURE A.8-Reconnect Panel Board Positions for 230/460/575 VAC Machines IDEALARC@ DC-600 AT OUTPUT CONNECTIONS INSTALLATION AT See Table A.1 for recommended IDEALARC® DC-600 cable sizes for combined lengths of electrode and work cables. TABLE A.1 IDEALARC® DC-600 Cable Sizes for Combined Lengths of Copper Electrode and Work Cable at 100% Duty Cycle Cable Length Parallel Cables Cable Size Lengths up to 150 ft. (46m) 4/0 (63mm?) 150 f1.(46m) to 200 ft (61m) 210 (67mm*) 200 f1.(61m) to 250 ft.(76m) ELECTRODE, WORK AND #21 LEAD CONNECTIONS A. Connect Electrode and Work Leads to Output Terminals. 1. Set the ON/OFF toggle switch to OFF. 2. Locate the retractable strain relief loops directly below the output terminals in the lower right and lower left comers of the Gase Front Assembly. See Figure AS, 3, Pull out the retractable strain relief loops. 4. Insert the electrode lead through the loop directly below the desired polarity (positive or negative). Pull through enough cable to reach the output terminals, 5. Connect electrode lead to the desired terminal (positiveinegative). 6. Tighten the output terminal nut with a wrench, 7. Connect the work lead to the other output terminal following steps 4-6. 3/0 (85mm) NEGATIVE (-) OUTPUT TERMINAL POSITIVE (+) OUTPUT TERMINAL, STRAIN RELIEF LOOPS FIGURE A.9 - Output Terminals. B, Connect #21 Work Sense Lead to Proper Terminal ‘There are two work sense lead connection points (+21 and -21) on terminal strip (T.S.2) located behind tho hinged access panel on the right side of the caso front. See 14 Pin MS Type Receptacle section or ‘Tetminal Strip Section for connection procedure. IDEALARC® DC-600 AB INSTALLATION AB AUXILIARY POWER AND CONTROL CONNECTIONS Located at the left side of the front of the welder behind a hinged cover is a 118VAC duplex receptacle for auxiliary power (60 Hertz Models only). On the right side of the case front is a 14 Pin MS type receptacle for connection of auxiliary equipment such as wire feeders. Also, terminal strips with 115VAG and con- nections for auxiiaty equipment are located behind the hinged access panel on the right side of the case front. (see Auxiliary Power Table for details) AUXILIARY POWER TABLE Voltage and Circuit Breaker Ratings at Auxiliary Power Connections for Various Models roatay—]— a0] SOT] Pewsr | anes | Nos comets arbigioe | HEV 16A | NoDuor oceace Toma avp | ev 5A | —viov eA tomcat a Weep | TavieA | “VavTe Banas Weneapiew | vavion | savin tote |“ 11SVAC DUPLEX RECEPTACLE (60 HERTZ MODELS ONLY) Tho 118VAC duplex receptacle is protected by a circuit breaker located on the nameplate. The receptacle is a NEMA 5-15R, 14 PIN MS TYPE RECEPTACLE (For MS3106A-20-27PX Plug. L.E.C. Part #512020-82) efor to the figure A.10 for the available circuits in the 14 pin receptacte. 42 VAC is available at receptacle pins | and K. 4.10 amp circuit breaker protects this circuit, 115 VAC is available at receptacle pins A and J (All Models). A 15 amp circuit breaker protects this circuit, Note that the 42 VAG and 115 VAC circuits are olectr- cally isolated from each other. FIGURE A.10 FRONT VIEW OF 14-PIN CONNECTOR RECEPTACLE Ket awe | PIN | LEADNO. | FUNCTION A 92 115 VAC 8 GND Chassis Connection c 2 Trigger Circuit D 4 Trigger Circuit E 7 Output Controt F 76 Output Control G 6 Output Controt 4 24 Work Sense Connection | 1 at 42,VAC J 31 115 VAC" Kk 42 42. VAC L i ain M 2 N s ‘TERMINAL STRIPS ‘Terminal strips are available behind the cover on the ase front to connect wire feeder control cables that do not have a 14 Pin MS-type connecior. These tormi- nals supply the connections as shown in the following, ‘Terminal Strip charts. NOTE: There are two work sense lead connection points on the terminal strip. Connect both the work sense lead #21 from the 14 pin connector and #21 lead of the control cable to "2" ‘whon welding positive polarily or to “+21” when weld- ing negative polarity. TERMINAL STRIP 14 (T.S.1) Tead No. Funetion 75 Output Control 76 Output Control 77. Output Control TERMINAL STRIP 2 (T.S.2) Toad No Function +24 Work Connection (Electrode Negative) 24 ‘Work Connection (Electrode Positive}? 4 42 VAC 4 “Trigger Circuit 2 ‘Trigger Circuit 31 115 VAC! 32 115 VAC’ TISVAG chcuits on all modes, "As shipped trom tho lacory Lead #21 hom tho 14 Pin connector is ‘connected to 21" on the terminal stip {F.S.2). This le the conti tration for postive welding. I welding negative pola, connoet load #21 to tho “+21" connection point on the termina? stip 82. IDEALARC® DC-600 OPERATION SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Read this entire section of operating instructions before operating the machine. GN) ELECTRIC SHOCK can kill. Ex. + Do not touch electrically live parts of electrodes with your skin or wet clothing. + Insulate yourself from the work and ground. + Always woar dry insulating gloves. + Do not use AC welder if your cloth- Ing, gloves or work area is damp or if working on, under or inside work- plece. Use the following equipment: -Semiautomatic DC constant voltage (wire) welder -DC manual (stick) welder. -AG welder with reduced voltage contro}, * Do not operate with panels removed. * Disconnect input power before ser- vicing. READ THIS WARNING, PROTECT YOURSELF & OTHERS, FUMES AND GASES can be dangerous. + Keep your head out of fumes. + Use ventilation or exhaust at the arc, or both,to keep fumes and gases from your breathing zone and gener- pe WELDING, CUTTING and GOUG- JE ING SPARKS can cause fire or explosion. * Do not weld near flammable material, * Do not weld, cut or gouge on contain- ers which have held flammable materi- al. gin RAYS can burn. ‘Wear eye, ear, and body protection. NS t \ A Observe additional Safety Guidelines detailed in the beginning of this manual. IDEALARC® DC-600 rma B-1 82 OPERATION GENERAL DESCRIPTION DESIGN FEATURES AND ADVANTAGES The IDEALARC® DC-600 is an SCR controlled throe phase welding and cutting power source. It uses a single range potentiometer to control: The IDEALARC® DC-600 has a threo-po! ‘Submerged Arc Semi-Automatic or Automatic Welding ‘Open Arc Semi-Automatic or Automatic Welding Slick Welding AirlCarbon Arc Cutting (Carbon Rod Sizes up to 3/8" Diameter) Welding Mode Switch to enable the user to operate in ‘one of three modes: Constant Current (CC) Stick (also used for AAC) Constant Voltage (CV) Submerged Are Constant Voltage (CV) Innershiold (also used for FCAWIGMAW) ‘Three modbols aro available: Domestic - all 60 Hertz models except 230/460/575V. ‘Canadian-230/460/575V 60 Hertz models Export-50/60 Hertz models The optional Multi-Process Switch allows the user to switch between semi-automatic or automatic welding and stick welding or airicarbon arc cutting without dis- connecting the wire feeder equipment control, elec: trode,and work leads, RECOMMENDED PROCESSES AND EQUIPMENT The IDEALARC® DC-600 is designed for GMAW (MIG), FCAW, and submerged arc (SAW) within the Capacity of the machine. it can also bo used for stick welding (SMAW) and for air carbon arc (AAC) culting with carbon rods up to 3/8" diameter. The IDEALARC® DC-600 is provided with a three Position mode switch that selects CV Innershield, CV Submerged Arc, or CC Stick. ‘The IDEALARC® DC-600 can be easily connected to wire feeding equipment, including: Semi-automatic wire feeders LN-7, LN-7 GMA, LN-742, LN-8, LN-9, LN-9 GMA, LN- 10, LN-15 LN-23P, LN-25, and DH-10. Automatic wire feeders NA-3, NA-S, and NA-A, Tractors LT-56 and LT-7 Excellent arc characteristics for optimum constant voltage submerged arc and Innershield welding performance, A control circuit designed to provide good starting for a latge variety of processes and procedures. Output Control Potentiometer that provides easy single range continuous control. Output Control Switch that provides simple switch- ing from local to remote control. ‘Output Terminals Switch to energize output term- nals either local or remote. White neon pilot light to confirm that the Input Contactor is energized. DC Ammeter and Volimeter 42VAC 10 Amp auxliary power available for the wire feeder, circuit breaker protected. Single MS-type (14 pin) connector for wire feeder. 115VAC 15 Amp auxiliary power available for the wire feeder, circuit breaker protected. ‘ABVAG 15 Amp duplex plug receptacte available (on 60 Hertz models, circuit breaker protected. Multitunctional terminal strip for easy connection of wire feeding control cables. Recessed output terminals to avoid any person or object from accidentally coming into contact with the output terminals and labeled "+" and" -" for easy identitication. Thormostatically protected power source. Electronic protection circuit to protect power source against overioads. Input line voltage compensation to provide an essentially constant output. SOR electronically controlled welder output pro- vides oxira long life, especially for highly repetitive welding applications. Solid state 2 and 4 circuit for extra long life. Two circuit solid stale control system provides ‘maximum performance and circuit protection. Low profile case provides maximum use of space. Convenient access to all controls, Output lead strain relief loops to prevent terminal and cable damage. Easily removed case side, oven when stacked. Ouldoor operation because enclosure is designed with air intake louvers that keep dripping water from entering the unit. Transformer, SCR bridge, and choke have special corrosion resistant paint for added protection. IDEALARC® DC-600 B3 OPERATION a WELDING CAPABILITY The IDEALARC® DC-600 has the following Output and Duty Cycle based on operation for @ 10 minute period: 600 Amps, 44 Volts at 100% 680 Amps, 44 Volts at 60% 750 Amps, 44 Volts at 50% MEANINGS OF GRAPHICAL SYMBOLS ON CASE FRONT Input POWER ON/OFF Switch SYMBOL MEANING | on O © Pilot Light Input power on when light is illuminated OFF INPUT POWER {except for abnormal concitions). © Always indicates POWER ON/OFF ‘hitch Is In ON position. OUTPUT CONTROL OQ OUTPUT VOLTAGE AND CURRENT Clockwise Increase of Output ory Voltage and Current TERMINALS ON/REMOTE Switch OUTPUT TERMINALS ENERGIZED Remote Controf of Output Terminals. (Energized or Non-Energized) LOCAL/REMOTE Switch SYMBOL S) MEANING Control Of Output Voltage and Current is Via IDEALARC® DC-600's Control Dial Remote Control of Output Voltage. ‘and Current MODE Switch CC STICK: Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW), this switch position is also used for Air ‘Carbon Are Cutting (AAC) CV SUBMERGED ARC: Constant Voltage Submerged ‘Arc Welding (SAW) CV INNERSHIELD: Flux Cored ¢ ‘Arc Welding (FCAW), this switch position is also used for Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW). Output Terminal Connections + Positive Output Terminal Negative Output Terminal WARNING Identification A Circuit Breaker Warning Identitication Circuit Breaker (two breakers: 154 for 11¥ circuit and 40A for 42V circuit) o°8 IDEALARC® DC-600 B-4 MEANING OF GRAPHICAL SYMBOLS ON RATING PLATE (LOCATED ON CASE BACK) Designatos welder complies with National Electrical Manufacturers NEMA EW 1 (100%) Association requirements EW 1 Class | with 100% duty eyele at GOOAmps output. ‘Three Phase Input Power 3N 9 Phase transformer with rectified DC output Line Connection Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) Flux Cored Are Welding (FCAW) Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) ‘Submerged Arc Welding (SAW) Designates welder complies with both Underwriters Laboratories (UL) standards and Canadian Standards ‘Association (CSA) standards. (60 Hertz Models) OPERATION MEANING OF GRAPHICAL SYMBOL FOR GROUND CON- NECTION © Signifies the equipment connection Point for the protective earth ground CONTROLS AND SETTINGS All operator controls and adjustments are located on the Case Front Assembly of the IDEALARC® DC-600. ‘See Figure B.1 for the location of each control, FIGURE B.1 - CONTROL PANEL KEYS 1. Input POWER ON/OFF Switch -©) This toggle switch tums the machine on or off. Putting tho switch in the ON" | * position enor- izes the machine's input contactor applying input power tothe machine. Switching the switch to the OFF" O "position de-energizes the input con- tactor. 2, POWER Light -O When the POWER switch is in the ON postion the machine's white POWER light wil luminate. ifthe input contactor de-energizes the machine in an abnormal situation the pifot light wil stil illuminate. In this situation it may be necessary to resol tho machine by switching the POWER switch to the ‘OFF and then to the ON position. (See Overload, ‘Overcurrent, and Faull Protection Section) IDEALARC® DC-600 Cea, B-5 3 OUTPUT CONTROL G> This control provides continuous control of the ‘machine's output voltage and current {rom mini- mum to maximum (lypical full pot range between 15 10 44 volts and 90 to 750 amps) as itis rotated dlock-wise.oO Voltage or current control is deter- mined by selting of Mode Switch (CV or CC). 4, OUTPUT TERMINALS ON/REMOTE Switch When this switch is in the REMOTE * [4] " posi- ion, the IDEALARC® DC-600's output terminals will be electrically “cold” until a remote device such as a wite feeder closes the #2 and #4 circuit in the ‘MS-teceptacle or terminal strip (T-8.2). When this switch is in the ON * ©) * position the machine's ‘output terminals will be olectrically energized all the timo, 5. LOCAUREMOTE Switch ‘When this switch Is set to the LOCAL * ©)" post tion, control of the output voltage and currant is via the OUTPUT CONTROL on the IDEALARC® DC- {600's contro! panel. When this switch Is sot to tho RZOTE =" —* position, control is through a remote source such as a wire feeder via the #75, #76, and #77 leads in the MS-receptacle or termi- nal strip (T.S.1). 6. Mode Switch This switch allows for selecting the welding process to bo used: CC STICK-for SMAW and AAG CV SUBMERGED ARC- for SAW CV INNERSHIELD- for FCAW and GMAW 7, 118VAC Duplex Receptacte (60 Hertz Models) This receptacle provides up to 15 amps of 115 VAC auxiliary power. eee oO 8, 115VAC 15 Amp Circuit Breaker This breaker protects the 115 VAC auxiliary cir- ‘cuits located in the duplex receptacle, terminal strip (T.S.2) and MS-receptacle, oO 9. 42VAC 10 Amp Circuit Breaker ‘This breaker protects the 42VAC auxiliary circuits located in the terminal strip (T.S.2) and MS-recep- tacle, 10.14 Pin MS-Receptacie This connector provides easy connection for a wire feeder control cable. It provides connections for auxitiary power, output switching, romote output control, wire feeder voltmeter sense lead and ‘ground. Refer to 14 Pin MS Type Receptacle in the Installation Section for information about the cir- ‘cuits mado available at this roceptacte, OPERATION BS 11.Terminal Strip Cover Panel Rotate this panel to gain access to the circ ‘made available at the two terminal strips (T.S.1 and T.S.2), These terminal strips contains the same circuits as the 14 pin MS-recaptacle. There is a box connector adjacent to this cover for routing leads to the terminal strips. 12,Negative Output Terminal This output terminal is for connecting a welding cable. To change welding polarity and for proper welding cable size refer to Electrode and Work Cables in the Installation Section, 13.Positive Output Terminal This output terminal is for connecting a welding cable. To change welding polarity and for propor welding cable size refer to Electrode and Work Gables in the Installation Section. AUXILIARY POWER IN MS-RECEPTACLE 42 volt AC auxiliary power, as required for some wire feeders, is available through the wire feeder MS- receptacle. A 10 amp circuit breaker protects the 42 volt circuit from overloads. IDEALARC® DC-600 machines can also supply 115 volt AC auxiliary power through the wire feeder recep- tacle. A 15 amp circuit breaker protects the 115 volt circuit from overloads. OVERLOAD, OVERCURRENT, AND. FAULT PROTECTION This welder has thermostatic protection from oxces- sive duty cycles, overloads, loss of cooling, and high ambient temperatures. When the welder is subjected to an overload or loss of cooling, a thermostat will ‘open. Tho input contactor will open and remain open until the machine cools; the white POWER light slays. illuminated. No welding is possible during this cool down period, The machine will reset automatically ‘when the thermostat cools. ‘The power source is also protected against overcur- rents in the SCR bridge assembly through an elec- tronic protection circuit. This circuit senses currents ‘over 780 amps on the power source and opens the input contactor should the overcurrent remain for a predetermined time (the white POWER light stays illu- minated). The predetermined time varies with the amount of overcurrent; the greater the overcurrent, the shorter the time, The input contactor will remain open until the power source is manually started by resetting the POWER ON/OFF toggle switch. IDEALARC® DC-600 runny B-6 The power source circuitry Is protected from Taulls on leads 75, 76, or 77. If any of these leads are connect- ed to either the positive or negative output leads, the IDEALARC® DC-600 will either shut down completely (input contactor opens and white POWER light stays iiluminated), or will operate at minimum output thus preventing any damage to the IDEALARG® DC-600. If IDEALARC® DC-600 shuts down, it must be manually started by resetting the POWER ON/OFF toggle switch. OPERATING STEPS Tho following procedures are for using the IDE- ALARC® DC-600 in the local contro! mode of opera- tion. For remote control of the machine, see the Remote Control of Machine Operation section. Betore operating the machine, make sure you have all materials needed to complete the job. Be sure you are familiar with and have taken all possible safety precautions betore starting work. It is important that you follow these operating steps each time you use the machine, 1, Turn on the main AC power supply to the machine. 2. Connect the #21 work lead to either + or - on ter minal strip (T-S.2). 3. Set the Welding Mode switch to welding process. boing used: + CC STICK (for SMAW and AAC) + CV SUBMERGED ARC (for SAW) + CV INNERSHIELD (lor FCAW and GMAW) 4. Tum the POWER ON/OFF Toggle Switch to the “ON" position + The white pilot tight glows. +The fan starts, 5. Set OUTPUT CONTROL Potentiometer to desired voltage or current, 6. Set the OUTPUT TERMINALS switch to either “ON" ( output terminals energized) or “REMOTE” {output terminals energized when #2 and #4 closed by remote device such as wire feeder) 7. Make the weld. OPERATION B-6 REMOTE CONTROL OF MACHINE OPERATION The toggle switch on the contro! panel labeled “Remote - Panel" gives the operator the option of con- {rong the machine output from @ remote location. It in the Remote position a wire feeder with remote con- vol capabitties or a remote control device such as a K775 must be connected to terminals 75, 78, and 77. Refer to Accessories Section for wire feeder remote information. WELDING PROCEDURE RECOMMENDATIONS Select Welding Mode Switch position based on type of welding to be done. 1. Innershield Welding (FCAW)/MIG (GMAW) Welding: Use the CV INNERSHIELD modo. 2. Submerged Arc Welding (SAW): Use the CV SUBMERGED ARC mode. If performing high speed welding, switch between the CV ‘Submerged Are and the GV Innershield mode and use the mode that produces the best welding results 3. Alr/Carbon Arc Cutting (AAG) / Stick Welding (SMAW) / High Current, Large Puddle Submerged Are Welding (SAW): Use the CC STICK mode. When the IDEALARC® DC-600 is used for ‘AiriCarbon Are cutting, the OUTPUT CONTROL potentiometer should be set to "9" iniialy. Based on the size of the carbon being used or the process, turn the potentiometer to a lower setting ‘as required by the process. You can use carbon rods up to 9/8" in diameter at currents as high as 750 amps with excellent arc control. The welder protection circuit protects the machine trom extremely high short circuiting pulses, SEMI-AUTOMATIC AND AUTOMATIC WIRE FEEDING WITH THE IDEALARC® DC-600 AND WIRE FEEDERS When using the IDEALARC® DC-600 with semi-auto- matic or automatic wire feoding equipment and for stick welding of ait/carbon arc cutting, it is recom- ‘mended that the optional MULT-PROCESS SWITCH be used. This switch permits you to easily change the polarity of the connected wire feeding equipment or switch to stick welding or airlearbon arc culling, IDEALARC® DC-600 incor B7 NA-3 AUTOMATIC WIRE FEEDER 1 Set the IDEALARC® DC-600 LOCAL/REMOTE ‘Switch to REMOTE. Sot the OUTPUT TERMINALS switch to REMOTE. NOTE: Later model NA-3 auto- malic wire feeders are capable of cold starts when the NA-3 Mode switch is in the CV or CC made posi- tion. Some eatlier models are capable of cold start- ing only in the CG mode position. Cold starting cenables you to inch the wire down to the work, auto- matically stop, and automatically energize the flux hopper valve, Sot the IDEALARC® DC-600 welding mode switch {or the desired process: CV SUBMERGED ARC, CV INNERSHIELD mode or CC STICK mode. Sel the NA-8 mode Switch Position to either CV oF CC to match the IDEALARC® DC-600 mode select- ed in step 2. Refer to the NA-3 operators manual for instructions ‘on how to use the NA-3 in conjunction with the IDE- ALARC® DC-600. Follow the following guidelines for good are stiking dotailed betow for each welding mode. GOOD ARC STRIKING GUIDELINES FOR THE NA-3 WITH THE IDEALARC® DC-600 IN THE CV INNERSHIELD, CV SUBMERGED ARC OR CC STICK WELDING MODES. Following are some basic arc striking techniques that _apply 10 all wire feed processes. Using those procedures ‘should provide trouble-free starting, \These procedures apply to single, solid wires and Innershield wires. 2. Cul the electrode to a sharp point. Set the NAB Open Circuit Vollage Control to the ‘same dial setting as the Are Voltage Control. I this is ‘a new welding procedure, a good starting point is to sal the Open Circuit Vollage Control to # 6. NOTE: The open circuit voltage of the IDEALARC® DC-600 varies from approximately 16 volts to 56 volts in the CV INNERSHIELD or CV SUBMERGED ARC modes. The open circuit vollage is constant in the CC STICK mode, Run a lest weld. Set proper current, voltage, and travel speed. For the best starting performance, the NA-3 Open Circuit Voltage Control and Voltage Control setting should be the same. Set the Inch Speed Control for the slowest inch speed possible. OPERATION 4 B7 “To adjust the Open Circuit Vollage Control to got the best starting performance, make rapeated starts, observing the NA-S voltmeter. When the voltmeter pointer swings smoothly up to the desired are voltage, without undershooting or overshooting the desired arc voltage, the Open Circuit Voltage Control is set property. Ifthe voltmeter pointer overshoots the desired volt age and then returns back tothe desired voltage, the Open Circuit Voltage Control is set too high. This can result in a bad start where the wire tends to "Blast off." If the voltmeter pointer hesitates before coming up to the desired voltage, the Open Circuit Voltage Control is set too low.This can cause the olectrode to stub. Start and make the weld. Cold starts. For cold starts, be sure the work piece is clean and the electrode makes positive contact with tho work piace, Hot "On the Fly" starts. For hot starts, travel should begin before the wire contacts the work piece. ARC STRIKING WITH IDEALARC® DC-600 AND THE NA-3 START BOARD When olectrical strikeouts exceed 1 9/4" (44.4mm) an NAS Start Board may be required to improve arc stik- ing, When the NA-3 Start Board is used to improve are strik- ing, use the following procedures: 1 2 3. 5. Sot start time at 0. Set NA-3 start current and start vollage at mid- range. Sot the NA-3 output current and voltage to the prop- er seltings for the welding procedure to be used. Tum the Start Board Timer to maximum, Set Start Board current and vollage contol + Sat the Slart Board current control to 1 1/2 dial num- bers below thal set on the NA-3 current control. * Sot the Start Board voltage control equal with the NA-8 voltage control setting IDEALARC® DC-600 m7 TEIN BS OPERATION Bs NOTE: These Start Board current and voltage set- _ IDEALARG® DC-600 POWER SOURCE ings rosult in a start up current that is lower than SETTING WHEN CONNECTED TO NA-5 the NA-3 current selting and approximately equal Wine FEEDER ith the NA-3 voltage setting for the desired weld- eee When using the IDEALARC® DC-600 with the NA-5 : ki ie fooder, set the controls on the IDEALARC® DC- 6. Establish the correct arc striking procedure with Wie feeder, : the NA-3 Start Board timer set at maximum. Pon se torte tos te eet Hevfcrmarioe * For the best starting performance, the NA-3 Open 1+ Turn OFF main AC input power supply to the IDE- Circuit Voltage Control and Voltage Gontiol set- Uriel atte ting should be the same. Set the Inch Speed Control for the. slowest inch speed possible, 2. Connect the electrode cables to terminal polarity (obe used, To adjust the Open Circuit Voltage Control to get the best starting performance, make repeated 3. Connect the #21 work lead (on T.S.2) to the slaris observing the NA-3 volimeler. ‘same polarity as the work cable connection. When the voltmeter pointer swings smoothly upto 4. Set the — IDEALARC® —_—DG-600 the desired arc voltage, without undershooting or LOCAL/REMOTE Switch to REMOTE. overshooting the desired arc voltage, the Open Circuit Voltage Contiol is sot properly, Set the IDEALARC® DC-600 OUTPUT TERMI- NALS switch to REMOTE. 11 the voltmeter pointer overshoots the desired voltage and then retums back to the desired volt- 6. Set the IDEALARC® DC-600 WELDING MODE age, the Open Circuit Voltage Control is set too ‘SWITCH to the position that matches the welding high. This can result in a bad start where the process being used. tends to "Blast off + For submerged arc welding, set WELDING MODE: {the voltmeter pointer hesitates before coming up SWITCH to CV SUBMERGED ARG position, to the dosired voltage, the Open Circuit Voltage Control is set too low. This can cause the elec- «or alt pan are welding processes sot WELDING trode to stub, MODE SWITCH to CV INNERSHIELD position, Sot NA-3 Start Board current and voltage as close to the welding procedure current and volt age as possible. NOTE: The Start Board current and voltage should be as close as possible to the wolding pro- cedure current and voltage, while still getting sat- istactory starts. Set the start time to as low a time as possible while still getting satisfactory starts, 7. Start and make the weld, IDEALARC® DC-600 co ACCESSORIES WIRE FEEDERS AND TRACTORS ‘The IDEALARC® DC-600 can be used to power any of the following Lincoln Wire Feeders and Tractor Semi-Automatic Wire Feeders: DHA0 LN LN7 LN-9 GMA LN-7GMA —LN-23P- UN-742 LN-25 LNs LN-10 ‘Automatic Wire Feeders: NAS NASR NAS Tractors: ur Lr-s6 FIELD INSTALLED OPTIONS Remote Output Control (K775 or K857 with K864 Adapter) An optional “remote out contro!” is available. The K775is the same remote control that is_used on other ‘oln powor sources. The K775 consist of a control ‘box with 28 feet (8.5mm) of four conductor cable, This connects to terminals 75,76, and 77 on the terminal strip (T.S.1) and the case grounding screw so marked with the symbol * @) “on the machine. These termi- nals are located behind the hinged cover on the case front. This contro! will give the same controt as the ‘output control on the machine. ‘Tho K857 is similar to the K775, except the K857 has a 6-pin MS-style connector. The K857 requires a 864 adapter cable which connects to the 14-pin con- hector on the case front. Remote Control Adapter Cable (K864) eae || to moran ome “Sg A*V" cable 12" (.30 m) long to connect a K857 Remote Controf (6-pin connector) with an LN-7 wire feeder (14-pin connector) and the machine (14-pin connector). Ifa remote contrat is usod alone the. feeder connection is then not used. Undercarriages (K817P, K842) For easy moving of the machine, optional undercar- riages are available with polyotelin wheels (K817P) or 2 platform undercarriage (K842) with mountings for {wo gas cylinders at rear of welder. Paralleling Kit (K1611-1) Permits paralleling of two IDEALARC® DC-600's for wolding currents of up to 1200 amps, 100% duty cycle. Tig Module (K930-2) Portable high frequency generator for AC/DC TIG welding. FACTORY OR FIELD INSTALLED OPTIONS Multi-Process Switch (K804-1) Tho MULTI-PROCESS SWITCH gives you the ability to: + Switch between "stick welding or air/carbon are ‘cutting and using a semi-automatic or automatic wire feeder. + Change the polarity of a semi-automatic or auto- matic wire feeder without changing any electrical cable connections, Soo Figure C.1 STICK OR AIR/CARBON| ARC CABLES| FIGURE C.1 - MULTFPROCESS SWITCH WIRE FEEDER CABLES IDEALARC® DC-600 c2 ACCESSORIES ce iS The MULTI-PROCESS SWITCH has two sets of out Put terminals. You connect the wire feeder unit cables to the set of terminals on the left side of the box and the stick or air/carbon are cables to the set of termi- ‘nals on the right side (facing the front of the machine) as shown in Figure C.1. The oulput terminals are pro- tected against accidental contact by hinged covers. When the MULTI-PROCESS SWITCH Is in the "Slick or AirCarbon Arc” position, only those torminals are energized. The wire feeder nozzle or gun and elec- trode are not electrically "hot" when in this mode. Follow these steps to install the MULTI-PROCESS ‘SWITCH: 1. Confirm that the IDEALARC® DC-600 POWER, ON/OFF switch is in the OFF position, 2. Disconnect main AC input power to the IDE- ALARC® DC-600, 8. Open the terminal strip hinged cover located on the Case Front Assembly. 4, The MULTI-PROCESS SWITCH is mounted to the case front with four 1/4" sell-apping screws. The screw holes are 13.8" apart side to side and 4.5” apart top to bottom, Run one of the 1/4” serows part way in and out of the screw holes to ‘open them up. Make sure thal the two sleeved control leads do not get pinched when hanging the switch; route them out the side to the right of the switch. Support the switch in position and start the four screws, then tighten them. 5. Route the MULTI-PROCESS SWITCH control Jeads through the strain-relief box connectors and into the terminal strip. Connect wire feeder control cable as specified in spocific connection diagram and make other terminal strip connections as specified on the connection diagram for the Lincoln wire teeder being used. 6. Connect the contro! leads irom the MULTI- PROCESS SWITCH to terminals #2 and #4 on the IDEALARC® DC-600's terminal strip. 7. Connect the right cable from the MULTI- PROCESS SWITCH (facing the front of the machino) to the IDEALARC® DC-600 positive (+) oulput terminal, See Figure C.2. BRB eetingeron AGREE | EEG "agugeo Boag nein | Ee —— wie con a ee SEE nS NUETIONS) FIGURE C.2 - MULTI-PROCESS SWITCH CABLE CONNECTIONS. 8. Connect the left cable from the MULTI-PROCESS, ‘SWITCH (facing the front of the machine) to the IDEALARC® DC-600 negative (-) output terminal, See Figure C. 9. Connect the wire feeder electrode and work cables. Seo Figure C.2. Insert the wire feeder electrode and work cables through the strain reliof oop on the left side of the IDEALARC® DC-600 (facing the front of the machine). Connect the wire feeder electrode and work cables to the electrode and work terminals on the left side of the MULTI-PROCESS. ‘SWITCH. 10. Connect wire feeder control cable and make other, terminal strip connections as specified on the connection diagram for the Lincoln wire feeder being used. 11. Sel the IDEALARC® DC-600 OUTPUT TERMI- NALS switch to REMOTE. IDEALARC® DC-600 cs ACCESSORIES c: 42, Connect stick or air/carbon arc electrode and work cable. See Figure C.2. + Insert the electrode and work cables through the strain relief loop on the right side (lacing the front of the machine) of the IDEALARC® DC-600. + Connect the electrode cable to the "Positive" tor minal on the right side of the MULTI-PROCESS, ‘SWITCH. Connect the work cable to the "Negative" terminal on the right side of the MULTI-PROCESS SWITCH. NOTE: The instructions above are for connecting tho stick polarity positive. To change the polarity, turn the IDEALARC® DC-600 OFF, and reverse tho cables. NOTE: When itis not necessary to have separato ground cables for stick and semi-automatic or automatic welding, connect a jumper from the MULTI-PROCESS SWITCH “Work” terminal to the MULTI-PROCESS SWITCH “negative” tormi- nal, See Figure .2. To operate the MULTI-PROCESS SWITCH, refer to the operating instructions on the switch nameplate. CONNECTIONS FOR SEMI-AUTO- MATIC OR AUTOMATIC WIRE FEED- ER CONTROL 1. Set the IDEALARC® DC-600 ON/OFF switch to OFF. 2. Set the IDEALARC® DC-600 LOCAL/REMOTE switch to REMOTE. 8. Set the IDEALARC® DC-600 OUTPUT TERMI- NALS switch to REMOTE. 4, Sot the IDEALARG® DC-600 MODE switch to the ‘wolding process being used. 5. Refer to the proper connection diagram in the DIA- GRAMS section for more information. IDEALARC® DC-600 MAINTENANCE SAFETY PRECAUTIONS A WARNING e@ ELECTRIC SHOCK CAN KILL. Only qualified personnel should perform this maintenance. Turn the input power OFF at the disconnect ‘switch or fuse box before working on this equip- ment. Do not touch electrically hot parts. ROUTINE AND PERIODIC MAINTENANCE 4. Disconnect input AC powor supply lines to the ‘machine before performing poriodic maintenance, tightening, cleaning, or replacing parts. Perform the following dai 1. Check that no combustible materials are in the ‘welding or cutting area or around the machine. 2. Remove any debris, dust, dirt, or materials that could block the airflow to the machine for cooling. 3. Inspect the electrode cables for any slits or punctures in the cable jacket, or any condition that ‘would affect the proper operation of the machine. Perform Periodically: Clean the inside of the machine with tow pressure air stream. Clean the following parts. + Main transformer and choke, + Electrode and work cable connections, + SCR reclifier bridge and heat sink fins + Control board. Firing board. + Fan Assembly. NOTE: The fan motor has sealed bearings which ‘require no maintenance. IDEALARC® DC-600 rma EA TROUBLESHOOTING HOW TO USE TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE PRIN) Servico and Repair should only be performed by Lincoln Electric Factory Trained Personnel. Unauthorized repaits performed on this equipment may result in danger to the technician and machine operator and will invalidate your factory warranty. For your safely and to avoid Electrical ‘Shook, please observe all safely notes and precautions detailed throughout this manual. This Troubleshooting Guide is provided to help you locate and repair possible machine malfunctions, Simply follow the three-step procedure listed below. Step 1. LOCATE PROBLEM (SYMPTOM). Look under the column labeled "PROBLEM (SYMP- TOMS)". This column describes possible symptoms that the machine may exhibit. Find the listing that best deseribos the symptom that the machine is exhibiting. Stop 2, POSSIBLE CAUSE. The second column labeled “POSSIBLE CAUSE” lists the obvious external possibilities that may contribute to the machine symptom, Stop 3. RECOMMENDED COURSE OF ACTION This column provides a course of action for the Possible Cause, generally it states to contact your local Lincoln Authorized Field Service Facility. you do not understand or are unable to perform the Rocommended Course of Action safely, contact your local Lincoln Authorized Field Sorvice Faclty. PT I for any reason you do not understand the test procedures or are unable fo perform the lesis/repairs safely, contact your Local Lincoln Authorized Field Ser Facility fr technical toubleshooting assistance belore you proceed. IDEALARC® DC-600 E-2 TROUBLESHOOTING a eer mes EEE PC BOARD TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES PAGS ELECTRIC SHOCK can kill Have an electrician instail and s lvice this equipment. Turn the Input lpower OFF at the fuse box before |working on equipment. Do not touch electrically hot parts. ;ometimes machine failures appear to be due to PC board failures. These problems can some- times be traced to poor electrical connections. To avoid problems when troubleshooting and replacing PC boards, please use Ihe following procedure: 1. Determine to the best of your technical ability that the PC board is the most likely component causing the failure symptom. 2. Check for loose connections at the PC board to ‘assure that the PC board is properly connected. 3. If the problem persists, replace the suspect PC board using standard practices to avold static elec- trical damage and electical shock. Read the wamn- ing inside the static resistant bag and perform the following procedures: P.C. Board can be damaged by static electricity. AN + Remove your body's static ‘charge before opening the static- ‘shielding bag. Wear an anti-static wrist strap. For safety, use a 1 ‘Meg ohm resistive cord connect- ATTENTION [ed to a grounded part of the Static-Sensitive | equipment frame. Devices Handle only at | * If you don't have a wrist strap, Static-Safe [touch an unpainted, grounded, part of the equipment frame. Keep touching the frame to pro- Workstations Reusable vent static build-up. Be sure not Container {o touch any electrically live parts Do Not Destroy |at the same time. * Tools which come in contact with the P.C. Board ‘must be either conductive, anti-static or stalic-dis- sipative. + Remove the P.C. Board from the static-shielding bag and place it direcily inlo the equipment. Don’t set the P.C, Board on or noar paper, plastic or cloth which could have a static charge. lt the P.C. Board can't be installed immediately, put it back in the stalic-shielding bag, + Ifthe P.C, Board uses protective shorting jumpers, don’t remove them until installation is complete. + Iyou return a P.C, Board to The Lincoln Electric ‘Company for credit, it must be in the statie-shield- ing bag. This will provent further damage and allow proper failure analysis, 4. Test the machine to determine if the failure symp- tom has been corrected by the replacement PC. board. NOTE: It is desirable to have a spare (known good) PC board available for PC board troubleshooting. NOTE: Allow the machine to heat up so that all electi- al components can reach thelr operating tem- perature. 5. Remove the replacement PC board and substitute it with the original PC board to recreate the original problem, “Ifthe original problem does not reappear by substi- tuting the original board, then the PC board was not the problem. Continue to look for bad connections in the control wiring harness, junction blooks, and terminal strips. “If the original problem is recreated by the substitu- tion of the original board, then the PC board was the problem. Reinstall the replacement PC board and test the machine. 6. Always indicate that this procedure was followed whon waranty reports are to be submitted. NOTE: Following this procedure and writing on the warranty report, “INSTALLED AND SWITCHED PC BOARDS TO VERIFY PROBLEM," will help avoid donial of legitimate PC board warranty claims. IDEALARC® DC-600 ES TROUBLESHOOTING ed ‘Observe all Safety Guidelines detailed throughout this manual PROBLEMS POSSIBLE RECOMMENDED (SYMPTOMS) CAUSE COURSE OF ACTION Major Physical or Electrical Damage is Evident Contact the Lincoln Electric Service Dept. (216) 383-2531 or 1-800- 893-9953 (WELD) Cease) Tho Machine is dead- The Input contactor does not operate. 1. Check for blown or missing fuses in input lines. 2, Chock the threo- phase input line voltage at the machine. The input voltage must match the rating plate and reconnect panel. 3. Power ON/OFF switch may be defective Wall ecommended possible areas of misadjustment have been checked and the problem persists, Contact your local Lincoln Authorized Field Service Facility. TN It for any reason you do not understand the test procedures or are unable to perform the tests/repairs salely, contact your Local Lincoln Authorized Field Service Facility for echnical troubleshooting assistance before you proceed. ADEALARC® DC-600 Ee TROUBLESHOOTING Ea eal Safoty Guidelines detailed throughout this manual PROBLEMS POSSIBLE RECOMMENDED (SYMPTOMS) Input contactor (CR) chatters. CAUSE C=) 1. The input line voltage may be low. Check all three phases. 2, Make sure input line voltage matches machine rating and the reconnect panel is connect- ed correctly for the line voltage, COURSE OF ACTION Variable or sluggish welding arc. in "LOCAL" control. Output Control Pot, not functioning 1. Poor electrade or work lead con- nection 2. Welding cables too small, 3. Welding current or voltage too tow. 1. LOCAL/REMOTE Switeh ($3) faulty or in wrong position. 2. Faully OUTPUT CONTROL Pot. tJ Hall recommended possible areas of misadjusiment have been checked and the problem persists, Contact your focal Lincoln Authorized Field Service Facility. control. No output control in “REMOTE” 1. LOCAL/REMOTE Switch ($3) faully or in wrong position, 2. Faulty Remote Control Unit, working. (60HZ machines only) 148VAC duplex receptacle not 1, 118VAC Circuit Breaker tripped. "for any reason you do not understand the lest Local Lincoln Authorized Field Service Facility IDEALARC® DC-600 Tic, procedures or are unable to perfor the tests/tepars safely, contact your {or lechnical toubleshooting assistance before you proceed. re TROUBLESHOOTING ES ‘Observe all Safety Guidelines detailed throughout this manual PROBLEMS POSSIBLE RECOMMENDED (SYMPTOMS) CAUSE COURSE OF ACTION Machine input contactor operates. but machine has no wold out- put.Fan runs and pilot light glows. 1. Place OUTPUT TERMINAL Switch to "ON", or install a Jumpor from #2 to #4 on machine terminal strip. If machine weld output is restored the problem is in the wire feeder or control cable. 2. If remote control is not being used make certain the LOCALIREMOTE SWITCH (SWS) is in the *Locat* position. 3. Check 42V Circuit Breaker in the front panel.Reset if neces- sary. 4. Check for loose or faully weld cable connections. 8. Trigger circuit not working. CaP) Ital recommended possible areas ‘of misadjustment have been ‘checked and the problem persists, Contact your local Lincoln Authorized Field Service Facility. POTN Ii for any reason you do not understand the test procedures or are unable to perform the tests/repaits safely, contact your Local -oln Auth IDEALARC® DC-600 Field Service Facility for echnical troubleshooting assistance befote you proceed. E6 TROUBLESHOOTING ES Observe all Safety Guidelines detailed throughout this manual PROBLEMS POSSIBLE RECOMMENDED (SYMPTOMS) CAUSE COURSE OF ACTION put and no control in wrong position. 2. LOCAUREMOTE Switch ($3) is faully, or an open lead going to the LOCAL/REMOTE Switch eae Te-0) ‘Machine has maximum weld ou LOCAL/REMOTE Switch ($3) (63). {fall recommended possible areas ‘of misadjustment have been ‘checked and the problem persists, Contact your local Lincoln Authorized Field Service Facility. erate) | for any reason you do nol understand the lest procedures or aro unable to perform the tests/tepaits safely, contact your ‘Local Lincoln Authorized Field Service Facility fr technical troubleshooting assistance before you pr. IDEALARC® DC-600 Ev TROUBLESHOOTING E7 Observe all Safety Guidelines detailed throughout this manual PROBLEMS POSSIBLE RECOMMENDED (sYMPTOMs) CAUSE COURSE OF ACTION Machine has minimum output and no control. It a remote controt unit is NOT connected to the terminal strip 475, #76, and #77 terminals, or is not connected to the 14 pin MS receptacle the LOCAUREMOTE SWITCH must be in the “Local” position. It a remote contro! cable is con- nected to terminals #75, #76 and 477 or is connected to the 14 pin MS receptacle the leads may be “shorted" to the positive weld out- put. Make certain the Three Phase input voltage is correct and matches the machine rating and the reconnect panel. 3. ‘The machine does not have maxi- ‘mur weld output, 1. Check all Three-Phase input lines at the DC800. Make sure input voltages match machine rating and reconnect panel. Put LOCAUREMOTE SWITCH (SW3) in "LOCAL" position. If problem is solved then check remote control unit or wire feeder. 3. Check for loose welding cable connections. OUTPUT PROBLEMS IK all commended possible areas of misadjustment have been Jchocked and tho problom persists, [Contact your local Lincoln Authorized Field Service Facility 4. CAUTION IF or any reason you do nol understand the test procedures or are unable to perform tho tosts/epairs sally, contact your Local Lincoln Authorized Field Ser 0 Fac IDEALARC® DC-600 {or technical Woubleshooting assistance before you proceed. ES TROUBLESHOOTING Es Observe all Safety Guidelines detailed throughout this manual PROBLEMS POSSIBLE RECOMMENDED (SYMPTOMS) CAUSE COURSE OF ACTION Machine shuts off (input contactor drops out) when the welder output terminals are made electrically “hot (#2 10 #4 closure at terminal strip.) or OUTPUT TERMINALS switch is in ON position, ar -T 8-00) Remove all welding cables and control cables from the DC 600. Jumper #2 to #4 at the terminal strip or set OUTPUT TERMI- NALS switch to ON position, It the machine does NOT shut off and normal open circuit vollage is present at the welder output terminals the problem is exter- nal to the DC600. Either the Femoto leads #75, #76 or #77 are grounded to the negative ‘output cable or there Is a short ‘on the welding output terminals. 2. If the machine still shuts off when all control and welding cables are removed then the problem is internal to the DC- 600. Tho DC6OO will NOT shut off when the Power Switch is tuned to OFF. 1. Contact your local Lincoln Authorized Field Service Facility It all recommended possible areas of misadjustment have been checked and the problem persists, Contact your local Lincoln Authorized Field Service Facility, HFfor any reason you do nol understand Local Lincoln Authorized Field Ser Fi IDEALARC® DC-600 lest procedures or aro unable to parlorm the testslropairs saely, contact your lity for technical troubleshooting assistance before you proceed, bead TROUBLESHOOTING E9 ‘Observe all Safety Guidelines detailed throughout this manual PROBLEMS POSSIBLE RECOMMENDED (SYMPTOMS) CAUSE COURSE OF ACTION The weld output terminals are always electrically “hot”. Remove any external loads hooked to #2 and #4 on the ter- ininal stip or any connections to the 14 pin MS connector. Set OUTPUT TERMINALS switch to the OFF position. if the problem disappears the fault is in tho control cable or wire feeder. 2. If some open circuit voltage is present (over 3VDC.) after per- forming Step #1. then the prob- Jom is within the IDEALARC® D¢-600. a=) tall recommended possible areas of misadjustment have boon checked and the problem por Contact your local Lincoln Authorized Field Service Facility. eZ Nui le)) 1H for any reason you do not understand the test procedures or are unable to perform the less/repais salely, contact your Local Li ln Authorized Field Service Facility for techrical troubleshooting assistance before you proceed. IDEALARC® DC-600 miner) E-10 TROUBLESHOOTING ‘Observe all Safety Guideli alled throughout this manual PROBLEMS ] POSSIBLE RECOMMENDED (SYMPTOMS) CAUSE COURSE OF ACTION Poor arc starting when the IDE- ALARG® DC-600 is in the CV Sub-Arc of CV Innershield Modes. Care|) 1. Make sure the proper welding procedures are being used. (wire feed speed , arc voltage ‘and wire size) ‘Check weld cables for loose or faulty connections. Machine has output but trips off immediately when wire feed unit trigger is activated 1. Remove output cables trom IDEALARG® DG-600. If prob- lem is resolved check for exter nal short between weldiong cables. Also check control cable (#75, #76, & #77) for grounds or shorts. It all recommended possible areas of misadjustment have been checked and the problem persists, Contact your local Lincoln Authorized Field Service Facility. IV for any reason you do not understand the test Local Lincoln Auth ALARC® DC-600 Procedures or are unable to perform the testsirepairs safely, contact your {or techrical toubeshootng assistance before you procood. 14 TROUBLESHOOTING ‘Observe all Safety Guidelines detailed throughout this manual PROBLEMS (SYMPTOMS) Poor are characteristics in all Processes. POSSIBLE CAUSE, REE) 1. Check for the correct input volt- ages on the three- phase input lines at the IDEALARC® DC- 600. 2, Make sure the proper welding procedures are being used. (wire feed speed, arc voltage and wiro siz0). 9. Check the welding cables for loose or faully connections. RECOMMENDED 7 COURSE OF ACTION Hall recommended possible areas of misadjustment have been checked and the problem persists, Contact your focal Lincoln Authorized Field Service Facility. PL et for any reason you do not understand the test procedures or are unable to perform the testsrepairs safely, contact your Local Lincoln Authorized Field Service Faciliy or technical troubleshooting assistance belore youproceed, E12 ‘Observe all Salely Gui PC BOARD TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE FIRING P.C. BOARD 1. All 10 LED's must be ON when the POWER SOURCE is tumed "ON" and the trigger circuit is. closed. 2, LED's 7, 8, and 9 indicate AC power being supplied to the P.C. board from auniliary windings on the main transformer (T1). Ifa LED is not “ON, tum the machine off and unplug PS from the firing board. Tum the machine back on and check the following voltages: |LED that [Check AC vollage botweon pins 6 TROUBLESHOOTING 168 delailed throughout this manual Jwas off Jit should be approximately 32VAC . 7 |P5 pins 15 & 16 (wires 203,204) ‘8 |P5 pins 7 & 8 (wires 205,206) ‘9 [PS pins 5 & 6 (wires 207,208) 3.1 all voltages are present, turn power off, and plug 5 back into JS. Turn power back on. lf LED's are stil SOUT", replace Firing PCB, 4.If voltages were not present then check the wiring back to the auxiliary windings for a possible open. 5.LED 10 senses when trigger cireuit* is closed. Close trigger circuit, LED10 should be on be ‘ON". Open trigger circuit, LED 10 should be “OFF. Ii LED does not come "ON", check to make sure leads 2,4, of 41 are not broken. 6. LED's 1 through 6 indicate gate signals are being sent to the main SCR’s 1 through 6 respectively. if LED 5 (located on Control Board) is "ON", along with LED's 7, 8, and 9 (on Firing PCB), and LED's 1 through 6 are "OFF", check to make sure lead 231 between Control board and Firing board is not bro- ken 7. any one of LED's 1 through 6 are “OFF" and LED's 7, 8, and 9 are “ON", replace the Firing PCB, PC BOARD TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE CONTROL P.c. BOARD 1. LED 1 indicates AC input voltage necessary to gen- erate tho OC supply voltages is present. These volt- ages power the Control board clrculry. If LED 1 is not “ON" when machine POWER is "ON", check leads 255, 256, X1, and X2 for broken connection. Voltago across leads 255 and 256 should be approximately 115VAC. Check voltage across soc- ‘ondary winding of the control transformer (T2) which supplies leads 255 and 256. Measure #16VDC from ‘TEST POINTS “A’ to “G" and -10VDC from TEST POINTS *A" to ‘W" on Control board, 2. LED 2 indicates welder output voltage is being sup- Plied to the control circuit. LED 2 will be "ON* brightly in CC STICK mode with trigger circuit* closed and no load, (LED 2 diminishes in bright- ‘ness as output voltage is roduced). If LED 2 is not “ON", took for open connection in lead 222 circutt 3, LED 3 indicates power is being applied to FAULT. PROTECTION RELAY (CR2). LED 3 will bo "ON" When machine POWER is "ON". LED 3 goes “OUT” when CR2 drops out which turns off the INPUT CONTACTOR (CAI). When LED 3 goes out, LED 4 comes “ON”. See stop 3. 4, LED 4 indicates an overload or faull condition; LED should not be on. if this LED comes “ON", tho INPUT CONTACTOR (CR1) will tumn off and the red POWER light stays illuminated. This was do to ellher a short across output, or a current draw in excess of 780A, of leads 75, 76, or 77 grounded to negative output lead, Remove short or reduce out- put current or eliminate ground. Welder must be reset by tuming POWER ON/OFF switch to “OFF” and then back to “ON”. If no short or loads above 780A exists or no ground, replace Control PCB. 5. LED 5 indicates DC control vollage (which supplies Firing board) is present. LED 5 will be “ON" in CV INNERSHIELD mode with triggor circuit” closed, CONTROL POT at minimum, and no load. (LED 5 diminishes in brightness as output voltage is increased). Replace P.C. board if LED 5 did not go "ON. 6. LED 6 indicates trigger circuit* condition. LED 6 “ON" indicates trigger circuit is closed, LED 6 “OFF closed, look for ‘open connections in the 2 & 4 circuit and in leads 290 and 291) TRIGGER CIRCUIT Is olosed by any of the foliowing: + Wite feeder's tigger is closed. + A jumper is placed across 2 & 4 on terminal stip .S.2. of across pins C & D in 14 pin connector, “OUTPUT TERMINAL switch is in the “ON position. 1 for any reason you do nol understand tho test procedures or are unabla to perlorm the testshepaits safoly, contact your Local Lincoln Authorized Field S lity for technical troubleshoot sistance before you proceed. IDEALARC® DC-600 E13 TROUBLESHOOTING E13 “Observe all Salely Guidelines detailed throughout this manual CHECKING POWER ON/OFF SWITCH (S1) 1. Tum off the machine input power (" Q position). ‘SW1 has 115 volts across it when the input power is connected. 2. Isolate the switch to be tested by removing all co- necting leads. 8. Check to make sure the switch is making open and closed connections with a V.O.M. meter. Put ohm meter on Xt scalo, The meter should read zero resistance with switch "I" and infinite with switch “On |. Put tho ohmmoter on X1K scale and moasure the resistance between the terminal and the ease of the machine (touch a sell-tapping screw). Reading should be infinite. 5. Ifeither step (3) oF step (4) fails, replace the switch. CHECKING OUTPUT CONTROL RHEO- STAT ON MACHINE (R1) 1, Turn machine off ("© * position). 2, Remove the screws from the hinged control panet and open the panel. 3, Turn the LOCAL/REMOTE CONTROL switch to “REMOTE. 4, With an ohmmeter on X1K, connect it to lead 236 and 237 on Ri 5, Exercise caution to avold damaging theostat tabs. 6. Rotate the OUTPUT voltage control rheostat. The resistance reading should be from around zero to 40K ohms. Check the resistance reading betwoon tho two outer tabs on tho rheostat (leads 236 and 75). The reading must be 10K "10% ohms. No reading will indicate an open theostat and a low reading will indicate a shorted or partially shorted theostal; in elther case, replace. CONNECTING REMOTE OUTPUT CONTROL RHEOSTAT TO THE MACHINE Extreme caution must be observed when installing or extending the wiring of a remote control. Improper connection of this unit can lead to loss of control and/or poor welding. Only the green lead can and should be grounded to the machine case. When extending the standard remote control, make sure the leads are the same and the splice is waterproof. Be very careful not to ground the cable when in use and don't let the lugs touch against the case, CHECKING REMOTE OUTPUT CONTROL RHEOSTAT Disconnect the remote oulput control and connect an ‘ohmmeter across 75 and 76 and rotate the theostat in the remote control. The resistance reading should go from zero to 10K ohms. Repeat with ohmmeter across 77 and 76 with same results. Connect ohmmeter across 75 and 77. The reading should be 10K "10% ‘ohms. A lower reading will indicate a shorted or par- tially shorted rheostal. A very high reading will indicate an open rhoostat. In either of the last two casos, replace rheostat. Check cable for any physical dam- age. PTT I for any reason you do not understand the test procedt Local Lincoln Authorized Field Service Facility for technical troubleshooting assistance before you proceed. IDEALAR CeIn ‘are unable to perform the tests/repalis safely, contact your 10-600 Leveornie)

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