TES Project List

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Technical Engineering Services.

(Projects / Jobs Executed in Last 5 Years

Actual Amount Billed Amount
Project Description P.O # With out GST With GST
Prescon Testing Services at Hub. 15000 16950
OES 2nd Partial invoice for excavation, cable laying and backfiling work. 3477600 3929688
OES 2nd Partial Invoice For Services of Hi Pot Testing at TP 1000 Project. 100000 113000
Siemens Testing Services at Martin Dow. 65250 73732.5
IMC Testing of MV Panels. 340000 384200
Shabbir Tiles Replacement Services - Installation, Testing & Commissioning of new 2000 140000 158200
Dawlance 50% Invoice For Elec. Infra. for WM Line Transfer-Services at DPL-II. 875346 989140.98
Dawlance New WM Assy Line Lighting Services. 400000 452000
Siemens Testing of Transformer. 30000 33900
AL-Karam Cable Hi- Pot Testing and Termination. 45000 50850
OES 3rd Partial invoice for excavation, cable laying and backfiling work. 2710320 3062661.6
Prescon Primary and contact Resistance Testing Services . 75000 84750
IMC Services of Dry Sending Area Electrical Cabiling work. 70000 79100
Siemens Maintenance & Testing Services at Midas Safety. 130000 146900
Siemens Dismantling of existing 2000kVA Installation & Testing & Commissioning transfo 77000 87010
OES Final invoice for excavation, cable laying and backfiling work. 1491780 1685711.4
Siemens earth pits and earth pits & loop testing at karachi. 18500 20905
OES Testing and fault rectification of Power Transformer at I.S.L. 53000 59890
Siemens Maintenance and testing of AVR & Transformers at Habib Bank Plaza. 117000 132210
IMC Dismental & Installation of Power Panel at Jet Washing Area. 170000 192100
IMC Installation of LED Light work PD Display centre. 30000 33900
IMC Installation of Telephone cable laying work at New paint shop. 40000 45200
IMC Installation of Telephone cable laying work at Jig shop. 17000 19210
Siemens Earth pit testing at (Martin Dow Korangi). 18500 20905
Siemens Dismantling of existing Transformer at BDHC. 125000 141250
IMC Maintenance Services at Co- Generation Expansion Project. 450000 508500
IPSP Electric Testing Services at Karachi. 75000 84750
CNS Leakage Repairing and Dehydration of Power transformer 1500KVA at PTCL Data cen 71534 80833
Atlas Honda Maintenance & Testing of Transformer & MV panels. 240000 271200
IMC Dismantling & Removing Work At SP line to Gate # 3 Boundary Wall pole. 225000 254250
IMC Cooling Tower Electrical Work. 142000 160460
IMC Relocat Power cable of New Paint Shop. 145000 163850
DPL Additional Installation of material at Dawlance Karachi. 595130 672497
Siemens Services - Maintenance & Installation of relay - Lahore Airport. 108000 122040
Siemens Maintenance & Testing 2 Nos 11kv RMU. 70000 79100
IMC Testing of Transformer. 140000 158200
IMC Transformer Centrifuging. 480000 542400
Siemens Testing & Repairing - HBP. 75000 84750
Alkaram Invoice For Cable Hi-Pot Testing. 15000 16950
CNS Maintenance & Testing Services at PTCL DataCenter. 33000 37290
Siemens Harmonics Testing at YKK (KEPZ). 175000 197750
Siemens Services for replacement of relays at Archroma Pakistan Ltd. 65000 73450
Velosi Testing Of Earth Pit . 15400 17402
OES Services of Construction of main hole and cable laying work. 708000 800040
Uril Earth Pits Testing at URIL Production Plant 82000 92660
SGS Man Day Charges. 79000 89270
Siemens Testing - Master Power Private Limited - Lahore. 410000 463300
SGS Maintenance & Installation services of MV panel equipments at SGS. 220500 249165
Siemens Services of AC Hipot (Power Freqency Test Set ) 50kV. 60000 67800
PIBTL Services of Shifting of Cable and Termination. 15000 16950
Siemens Installation Services of UVT in 11KV at Mirpurkhas Sugur Mills Ltd. 37000 41810
CNS Repairing & Testing of Relay at PTCL DataCenter. 20000 22600
I.P.S.P Thermal Imaging of Electrical Panels and Transformers. Site Area Karachi. 25000 28250
IBA Sukkur Cable Fault Location Testing. 21700 24521
IBA Sukkur Insulation Resistance Test of 95 sqmm 4core cable. 18000 20340
Siemens Battery bank Testing Services of UEP Mehar gas field. 307800 347814
IMC Electrical Wiring & Termination for AHU. 344000 388720
CNS Maintenance & Testing Services at PTCL DataCenter. 50000 56500
IMC Electrical Install work for Robot Dojo . 245369 277266.97
Siemens Testing -CCBPL- Gujranwala 118500 133905
Siemens Services for PFI Panels. 115000 129950
Siemens Testing of Transformer at Sundar 166000 187580
Siemens Modification of Bus Tie Duct at PRL. 23500 26555
OES 1st 50% compeletion Invoice For Maintenance of AKUH.(Order No 47804). 233000 263290
Siemens Earth pit Testing at Korangi. (Martin Dow) 33250 37572.5
Siemens Installation, Testing & Commissioning of MV Panel - Joharabad Punjab. 85000 96050
IMC BTD Fabricate & Installation with Electrical Work. 225000 254250
IMC Invoice For Dismentaling & Installation Of Electrical Item for Weld Shop New Panel Sh 80000 90400
IMC Installation of Trim Line Panel and Dismentling of Old Panel & DB. 114350 129215.5
Siemens Services of Thermography.(PBK) 25000 28250
Siemens Maintenance Services of Panels- IBA Sukkur 273150 308659.5
Siemens Complete Centrifuging & Dehydration at (Unilever). 228000 257640
OES Testing of Circuit Breaker and Relays. (at NRL.) 372150 420529.5
IPSP Pvt. Ltd Testing Services 40000 45200
Prescon Eng Rental Services for Primary Injection Test Set at FFBL. 100000 113000
IMC Power & Control Cable Laying & Termination At RO Project. 1200000 1356000
IMC Electrical work of Gas Booster. 315000 355950
IMC Electrical Panel Relocation Work at B/S. 35000 39550
DPL OCB and Transformer annual maintenance. 112000 126560
Atlas Honda Testing Job. 90000 101700
Siemens Centrifuging Services at Lahore. (Sundar) 133000 150290
IMC Services of cable laying CPD to New PC&L. 395000 446350
OES Final 50% Compeletion Invoice For Maintenance of AKUH. (Order No 47804) 233000 263290
IMC Installation of Electrical DB at Paint Repair Hospital. 150000 169500
CNS Maintenance & Testing Services at PTCL Data Center. 42000 47460
Siemens Services of Thermography at Martin Dow. 60000 67800
KIA Lucky Motors Partical Invoice Of Item No 1 & 2. 395000 446350
Siemens Dismantling and re-Installation of AVR unit at Karachi. 49000 55370
Siemens Maintenance & Testing of Transformer at Site Area. 22500 25425
SGS Dismantling of MV panel at SGS. 65000 73450
Byco Transformer Services at BYCO HUB. 65000 73450
Siemens Miantenance & Testing of Transformer at Hyderabad. 35000 39550
KIA Lucky Motors Final Invoice Of Item No 3. 205000 231650
IMC Electrical work Cable Laying Fabrication & Installation at New Test Track. 270000 305100
IMC BTED Installation of Pilot line 368A. 353462 399412.06
IMC Battery Charging & Fork Lifter Area Relocation. 300000 339000
IMC Cable Laying work for check post at PTED. 46000 51980
IMC Repairing & Maintenance Services of 11KV Panels at MDS. 86000 97180
Siemens Earth Pit Testing at MartinDow. 29750 33617.5
KIA Electric Panel shifting & panel installation of power cables shifting. 80000 90400
KIA Outgoing cables removal from MCC to MC. 75000 84750
KIA Main cable removal from CUP Roof. 90000 101700
CNS Maintenance & Testing Services at PTCL DataCenter. 86000 97180
IMC Maintenance services Power & control cable laying at Gas booster. 220000 248600
IMC Earth Pit making of LV # 5. 330000 372900
SGS Installation of 11KV current Transformer. 67100 75823
KIA Supply & Installation of New Panel Compressor Room. 145000 163850
IMC Cable Laying Work Co-Gen to MDS Room. 10000 11300
IMC Installation Of Limit Switch on WHRB. 110000 124300
IPSP Themography and Testing Services. 30000 33900
Siemens Substation Services - Port Qasim. Yamaha 115000 129950
IMC Frame making on MWM genset for Fan. 20000 22600
IMC Supply & Installation Of Cable Tray at Bumper Shop. 110000 124300
IMC Relocation of DG #7 145000 163850
Sigma Venture Testing of 132kV Surge Arrestor. 40000 45200
IMC Floor Cutting at Diff. Conferance Room. 145000 163850
IMC Water Leakage Stop at PSIR line. 60000 67800
URIL OSP Routine Annual PMP of HT Equipments 675750 763597.5
IMC Double Hand Switch /Nut Runner (Cancel) 0
IMC U/Ground Cable Fault Locating Services. 18000 20340
Siemens Maintenance & Services at Korangi (Martin Dow) 42000 47460
IMC New berkit Installation color both at Paint shop. 45000 50850
Siemens (Cancel)
IMC Electrical Cable Laying & Installation at PTED.. 490000 553700
KIA Installation of office Table points. 99800 112774
KIA Installation of Compressor 315 Panel Termination. 62000 70060
IMC Bracket Fan Intallation at M.M Office & Gemba Area. 22000 24860
IMC DG Set Relocation Work. 630000 711900

Sigma Vanture Advance Payment 45000

ECR Refurbishment of 3 nos. power transformers 500 KVA. 438586 495602.18
Siemens Thermography Services at Karachi. 25000 28250
KIA Services of cable termination and Laying work. 75000 84750
ECR Services For Testing of electrical Parameters of 750KVA. 99000 111870
ECR Primary injection Test of exisiting OCB's VCB's of switch house 50000 56500
IMC 20/40 Ton Crane Gearbox Repairing work. 427000 482510
AHCL Testing of 10KV overhead transmission line at Thar project Block-1. 425000 480250
ECR Oil replacement and testing 85000 96050
KIA Relocation of cable trays. 55000 62150
CNS Maintenance and Testing at PTCL Data center 150000 169500
Siemens KICTL Transformer tester 7 nos 135000 152550
IMC UPS Shifting job 110000 124300
IMC Termination and Cable Tray work 95000 107350
Siemens Dolmen Mall lighting pole job 660995 746924.35
Siemens ACL Emaar DTR 6 Nos. testing commissioning 210000 237300
ECR Services Maintenance, testing and dehydration 500 KVA 3 nos. transformer 338506 382512
IMC Testing of CTs 24999.96 28249.9548
IMC Removal of lighting fixture at paint shop 28000 31640
Siemens KICTL Transformer test 7 nos 140000 158200
IMC DG-8 Cable laying 135000 152550
KIA HT Cable termination work 130000 146900
ECR Protection Relay installation and testing 50000 56500
IMC Electrical work at Bumper shop. 475000 536750
IMC Boosting and Bracket fan dismentling at Corolla unboxing area. 45000 50850
KIA Cables, Breakers, and panel Installation services 95000 107350
Siemens Testing & Maintenance services at ICI 70000 79100
Siemens Earth pit testing at Liberty Mill karachi 48000 54240
Siemens 2nd Partial / Running Invoice For Dolmen mall khi 350044 395549.72
MCML Transformer Dehydration 60000 67800
MCML Installatoin and laying of power cables 64250 72602
IMC Control cable laying from LV4 to cooling tower 45000 50850
Siemens Emaar Pargon 9 transformer installation 315000 355950
Siemens Sukkur Baverages job 35000 39550
OES transformer testing at engro P.Q 25000 28250
Sigma Venture 132kv cable testing 242500 274025
Sigma Venture 132kv cable impedance testing 350000 395500
KIA BTD, Cable tray and tap off boxes services 200000 226000
Siemens Equipment rental services 210000 237300
Siemens FAT Panel testing services 324000 366120
Agha Steel Dehydration of 35 MVA Traffo Tap Changer. 63796 72089.48
Agha Steel Dehydration of 18 MVA Traffo Tap Changer. 50000 56500
Simens KICTL Relay Testing Services 112000 126560
Siemens ITC MV Panel at Mehran sugar Tando Allah Yar 40000 45200
Siemens 3rd / Final Invoice For Dolmen mall khi 154546 174636.98
Siemens FAT Panel testing services 42000 47460
KIA Cable Tray Installation 32000 36160
SGS Testing of Protection Relay 150000 169500
ISPS Thermography at Pfizer West Wharf 25000 28250
Cancel 0 0
Simens maintenance pakistan cables 145000 163850
Simens Mondleze hub spare installation (Balochistan) 160000 180800
CNS Earth Pit Repairing work. 132000 149160
Kia Eelct. Cable laying and BTD Removal 95000 107350
Igloo HT 11KV Cable and equipment services 367249 414991
Igloo HT 11KV Testing services 175149.99 197919.4887
TUV Motor testing services 52300 59099
Siemens Maintenance at Nothren Bottling (KPK) 175000 197750
ISPS Thermography at Pfizer West Wharf 25000 28250
OES Dehydration at SKHU 55000 62150
MCML Eelctrical Works for plastic parts panel & HT 675000 762750
Siemens VCB Timing test set (2 days) 50000 56500
Siemens FAT Services (PESCO) 50000 56500
IMC Bracket fan servicing 120000 135600
Siemen Maintenance & Testing services at YKK Karachi 274905 310642.65
IMC Servicing and Testing of 11 KV Feeders. 577500 652575
Siemens Sukkur beverages maintenance services 291500 329395
IMC Assembly trim line T/L, Fan relocation work 610000 689300
IMC Relocation of tea area IMV86 Capup 175000 197750
IMC Commissioning and Testing 7SJ180 36000 40680
ETM ACB Servicing and Maintenance 25000 28250
IMC UPS Shifting activity with elecrical connect 205000 231650
IMC BTD Retightening 135000 152550
OES Testing & Services of HT Panel Power factor Panel 45000 50850
Matrix engineering Machanical services for install cum filter 310000 350300
IMC CKD roof replacement 125000 141250
IMC Bracket fan complete service 21600 24408
Siemens Maint. Services H.T Equipment at HBL Karachi. 160000 180800
IMC H.T Cable rout testing 50000 56500
CNS Engineers for Maintenance and testing of MV I.I Chundigar data center 144000 162720
Siemens PFIP Rectification at dolmen clifton 50000 56500
PEL Transformer testing 8000KVA at Engro polymer 65000 73450
PDP Igloo Phase reversal C/O Panel installation 120000 135600
Siemens Malir Grid ITC Services 314000 354820
MCML Electrical Works For Paint Shop Transformer Room 1100000 1243000
KIA Cable Tray Installation 60000 67800
Siemens Martin dow services 40000 45200
Siemens Agha Khan Grid ITC Services 373000 421490
Procon Energy meter installation services (2 Nos) 30000 33900
IMC Oil testing services 19500 22035
Procon Energy meter installation services (13 Nos) 195000 220350
IMC Cable testing at new batt. Cahrging area CPD 140000 158200
imc Cable laying at ne batt. Charging area CPD 350000 395500
Siemens Dolmen Arch flash relay 45000 50850
IMC Cooling tower electrical work 164D. 250000 282500
KIA Lucky Motor MV Cable work for load distribution. 349999 395498.87
Procon Enerty meter installation services (03 Nos) 45000 50850
OES Testing services at Shaukat khanum 197000 222610
MCML Cable laying and termination 165000 186450
MCML Cable pulling, laying and termination 745000 841850
MCML Cable pulling, laying and termination 280000 316400
AVS Installation of pipes and fittings 120000 135600
MCML Service charges Cable pulling, laying and termination 350000 395500
PEL Transformer and panel Testing GM Foods. 106500 120345
IMC Oil dehydration services 364000 411320
ACA Cable testing services 1200000 1356000
ECR Shipyard tranfor services 405409 458112.17
IMC MDS Relay replacement 72000 81360
Procon installation of 3 energy meter 36000 40680
IPSP Testing services. 90000 101700
OTM Electrical Services 250000 282500
MCML Service charges of cable laying and pulling. 200000 226000
IMC CTs and Cable testing services 62500 70625
Siemens Tripack trafo testing services 30000 33900
Siemens CCBL Karachi maintenance services 55000 62150
IMC Electric work of Battery charging are 925000 1045250
MCML Service charges of cable laying and pulling. 625000 706250
MCML Service charges of cable laying and pulling. 585000 661050
Siemens Bi-Annual Maintenance German Consulate 114000 128820
Siemens ITC Services NxAir Panel at Gul Ahmed 35000 39550
Siemen DTR Testing at Emar 25000 28250
ISPS Transformer testing. 25000 28250
Siemens DTR Testing at GulAhmed 20000 22600
IMC Gas system panel shifting 110000 124300
IMC Cable Tray Install. At Offline & 80000 90400
ACA Cable testing services at KDA Grid 118284 133660.92
IMC Washing Machine Overhauling Activity. 2145600 2424528
IMC New cranes Busbar cable laying job 1850000 2090500
Siemen DTR Testing at Emar 25000 28250
SPL Repairing and Maintenance of VCB Trolleys. 97000 109610
ACTPolyols VCB Repairing 30000 33900
Procon 15 energy meter installation 180000 203400
Procon 13 energy meter installation 208000 235040
ACA Cable testing services at KDA Grid 118284 133660.92
IMC Relocation of MV Panel 75000 84750
PEL MV Panels testing service at AJK Port qasim 110000 124300
Siemens MGO Trafo rubber bag replacement services. 628000 709640
IMV Cable laying and termination at PTED 320000 361600
Siemens Dehydration services at Tripack films 75000 84750
Siemens Maintenance services at Avient Pakistan 90000 101700
IMC Drinking water cooler wiring at CPD. 200000 226000
IMC Sup of IMV M-tach platform 475000 536750
IMC Press shop finch & air line inst. Work. 150000 169500
CNS Maintenance and Testing at PTCL Data center 144000 162720
ACA 3rd Invoice cable testing at KDA 148284 167560.92
Siemens Tripack trafor dehyd. Services 75000 84750
IMC Crane services (25 Ton crane) 152000 171760
Procon installation of 2 energy meters 28000 31640
Descon PRD Repairing and leakage rectification gharoo wind 225000 254250
Descon Radiator cooling sagment replacement gharoo 275000 310750
DPL PFIP Testing services 80000 90400
Dawood foundation MV Panel services 64500 72885
Dawood foundation Transformer services 63500 71755
FOTCO Dehydration services 122000 137860
Siemens Dehydration services at German consulate 61500 69495
Siemens AVR Testing services at German consulate 51000 57630
Siemens Relay commissioning services at German consulate 60000 67800
SGS Breaker testing at UEP TandoAdam 155115 175280
Siemens Voltage profile and harmonics at Liberty mills 375000 423750
Siemens Maintenance services at YKK 250875 283488.75
OGDCL Sinjhoro field Motor services 440000 497200
OGDCL Sinjhoro field Motor Modules Maintenance 432000 488160
PEL Testing services of transformer 115000 129950
PIBT Annual Maintenance and inspection services 675000 762750
SPL Maintenance and Testing Transformer & MV VCB panel 240000 271200
SPL Maintenance and Testing MV VCB panel & RMUs 200000 226000
SGS Cable Testing and Fault Pre-location at P.Q Site. 215000 242950
Siemens Maintenance-Testing DTR 1250 KVA Cotton Empire 110000 124300
Siemens Protection Relay Testing at KICTL 75000 84750
Siemens Maintenance-Testing at Pakistan cables karachi 205000 231650
Siemens Maintenance- Testing 2000KVA at Gandhara nisan 43000 48590
ISPS Thermography at Pfizer West Wharf 25000 28250
Thal Engineering Emergency testing services 130000 146900
Enserve technologe mechanical services 81175 91727.75
MCML cables and DBs relocation services 60000 67800
MCML Electric work office builing and CKD area. 420000 474600
DPL-1 DGA testing and Dehydration OCBs. 174000 196620
DPL-1 Dehydration of transformers. 130000 146900
DPL-1 Maintenance and testing of transformers 72000 81360
IMC MV Panel troubleshooting 30000 33900
ISPS Testing services at Jahmshoro 200000 226000
ISPS Testing services at Port Qasim 80000 90400
IMC Partial invoice 1st 50% for MV Panel installation work. 1120443 1266100.59
LTM-4 MV VCB Panel Services. 100000 113000
KIA LMC Cable Rigging Services for 4 Persons. 16000 18080
IPSP Services For Transformer testing and oil at nooriabad. 36000 40680
IMC Cable Laying for UGWT. 4000104801 360000 406800
Siemens ICI Maitenance of MV and LV system 168000 189840
Siemens final bill Bi-Annual Maintenance at German Consulate 114000 128820 112012/ extra tax deduct
Siemens Shifting of MNS Panel 185000 209050
MCML Service 11kv cable fault repairing 50000 56500
URIL 50% Partial invoice TCL & QC Lab Electrical Services. 436100 492793
URIL 50% Partial invoice B28 Thermofoaming Electrical Services. 991950 1120903.5
SPL Centrifuging of Transformer Oil. 146000 164980
OES 220 KV power cable testing services at Dhabeji (3 Cir.) 360000 406800
IMC IMV 50% Cable Shifting and Electric Modification work 1480000 1672400
OES 220 KV power cable testing services at Dhabeji (1 Cir.) 120000 135600
DPL-1 50% Retrofitting Electrical Services Sheet Metal Dept. 386250 436462.5
DPL-1 50% Retrofitting Electrical Services Store + Receiving Dept. 276000 311880
URIL final Partial invoice TCL & QC Lab Electrical Services. 436100 492793
URIL final Partial invoice B28 Thermofoaming Electrical Services. 991950 1120903.5
IMC Partial invoice final for MV Panel installation work. 1120443 1266100.59
Siemens ITC Feroz 1888 176000 198880
DPL-1 final Retrofitting Electrical Services Sheet Metal Dept. 386250 436462.5
DPL-1 final Retrofitting Electrical Services Store + Receiving Dept. 276000 311880
ACA End to end test KDA Grid 1 Circuit cable testing 210000 237300
Siemens Rental secondary test set CMC 356 (15 days) 1050000 1186500
LTM Electrical Testing of MV Cables and Transformer 89000 100570
IMC Electric Work control room at UGWT. 150000 169500
IMC Servicing & Testing of 11KV M.V Feeders. 396000 447480
IMC Servicing & Testing of 11KV M.V Feeders 180000 203400
CNS Preventive Testing/Maintenance of MV/HT Panel & Transformers & Earthpit's Testing 160000 180800
F&M Maintenance and testing services at chavron 585000 661050
Windteck r EOWI Testing and inspection services of DIN Energy 1560000 1762800
Siemens Rental equipment service Primary Injector + Clamp meter 130000 146900
Siemens Rental secondary test set CMC 356 (8 days) 560000 632800
OES 220 KV power cable testing services at DHA-8 (1 Cir.) 120000 135600
Siemens Rental equipment service Primary Injector + Clamp meter 26000 29380
F&M VCB & Trafo testing at Chavron 40000 45200
Windteck EOWI Testing and inspection services of METRO Energy 1560000 1762800
CubeXS Underground Cable rout, detectin fult, Excavation for cable, 174000 196620
CubeXS Extr work, Underground Cable rout, detectin fult, Excavation for cable, 80500 90965
IPSP Themography Services at West Wharf Pfizer. 25000 28250
Siemens Testing & commissioning of Protection Relays. 675000 762750
Siemens Energy meter testing and verification services. 392000 442960
Windteck EOWI Testing and inspection services of LIBERTY-I Energy 1560000 1762800
IMC MV Cable & Terminate at MDS. 365000 412450
LTM Repairing& testing of siemens transformer (# 01) 3000 kva 11/0.4kv. 294500 332785
LTM Repairing& Maintenance of MV Panels Make Siemens. 137078 154898.14
LTM Overhauling & Testing of SMPDB # 2 MV Panel (Siemens Simoprime) 150786 170388.18
LTM Testing of ACB services. 160000 180800
LTM Testing 2024 for All MCCB's testing from 400A to 800A .. 720000 813600
LTM Testing 2024 for All MCCB's testing from 1000A to 1000A . 144000 162720
LTM Maintenance &Testing 2024 for 11 KV Transformer . 60000 67800
LTM Testing of Earth Pits 104000 117520
LTM Annual Testing of Transformer Oil. 140000 158200
PEL One transformer testing 18000 20340
LTM Energy analyzer shifting 19 nos 114000 128820
Searle Maintenance & Repairing of 11KV MV Panels. 336675 380442.75
PEL two transformer testing and dehydration 90000 101700
IMC New DB Fixing in Paint Shop Rebot Area. 135000 152550
IMC VFD Panel Installation Coolong Tower. 17000 19210
Searle Replacement Installation of Heaters and 11kv Insulator in MV Panel. 49000 55370
Siemens Service ITC of Nxair Panel 252000 284760
SPL Testing Maintenance of VCB Trolley/over under current. 247000 279110
SPL Testing of Transformer.Testing of Oil TTR, winding slica gel 155175 175347.75
Siemens Annual Maintenance of MV Panels Feroze 1888 90000 101700
IMC Services & Testing of Nxair Panel. 162000 183060
IMC Primer Exhaust Fan Cable Tray Installation 265000 299450
IMC MV Cable Damage Repair. 65000 73450
PIBT Annual Maintenance and inspection services 630000 711900
IMC Faulty MV VCB Panel & Trolley Testing 50000 56500
Tapal services Dismentling & Installation New Compressor 60000 67800
KIA LMC Services : Fork Lifter f. load & unload Cable Drum 45000 50850
KIA LMC Services : 300mm2 Cable Laying loading & unloading 60000 67800
AVS Installation of piping and ducting 150000 169500
Siemens DC Supply reparing services 68000 76840
LTM Energy analyzer shifting 19 nos 48000 54240
2/ extra tax deducted.

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