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Unit 7 Are these his trousers ?

Exercise 1 : Look , read and write.

shirt dress skirt

shorts socks

trousers shoes
hat coat t- shirt

Exercise 2 : Look and write : his or her

a) These are …………. socks b) This is ……………….coat. c) This is ……………...hat.

d) These are ……….shoes. e) This is ……………. dress. f) This is ………..…. T- shirt

pg. 1
Unit 7 Are these his trousers ?
Exercise 3 : Write the answers Yes, they are or No, they aren’t

1. Are they shirts? 2. Are they dresses?

____________________________ ________________________

3. Are they socks? 4. Are they hats?

____________________________ ________________________

5. Are they shorts ? 6. Are they trousers?

____________________________ _________________________

Exercise 4 : Write This is or These are and his or her

1. This is his hat.

2. ……………………hat.

3. ……………………trousers.

4. ……………………shoes.

5. ……………………shoes.

6. ……………………dress.

7. ……………………coat.

pg. 2
Unit 7 Are these his trousers ?
Exercise 5 : Look and circle the correct answer.

a) This is his T- shirt. a) These are her dress. a) These are his shorts.

b) This is his hat. b) This is her dress. b) These are his socks.

a) These are his shoes. a) This is her shoes. a) This is his coat.

b) These are his trousers. b) These are her shoes. b) This is her coat.

Exercise 6 : Write the sentences using the right possessive adjective.

my his your her

a. I am John. My name is John.

b. He is Jason. …………name is Jason.
c. She is Mary. …………name is Mary.
d. What is ………… name ? My name is Alex.
e. She is my sister. ………… name is Rosy.
f. What is ………… name ? Her name is Anna.
g. What is his favorite color? ………… favorite color is red.
h. What is………… favorite color?Her favorite color is green.
i. What is his favorite toy ? ………… favorite toy a robot.
j. His name is Alex. …………. T- shirt is red.
k. ………… name is Lisa. Her shoes are green.
pg. 3
Unit 7 Are these his trousers ?
Exercise 7: Look at the pictures and write .

Yes, they are . Yes, it is.

No, they aren’t. No, it isn’t.

a) Are these his socks ? b) Are these his shoes ? c) Is this her T- shirt ?

………………………………. ………………………………. ……………………………….

d) Are these his trousers ? e) Is this his coat ? f) Is this her hat ?

………………………………. ………………………………. ……………………………….

Exercise 8 : Circle the odd one out.

1) a) kite b) teddy bear c) train d) bag

2) a) T - shirt b) coat c) dress d) slide

3) a) in b) under c) on d) These

4) a) socks b) shorts c) tree d) pants

5) a) slide b) zoo c) seesaw d) swing

6) a) teacher b) nurse c) school d) doctor

7) a) blue b) green c) black d) tree

8) a) hat b) face c) nose d) hand

pg. 4
Unit 7 Are these his trousers ?

Exercise 9 : Read and color.

1. Color his shoes brown. Color her

shoes black.
2. Color her hair brown. Color his hair
3. Color her book green. Color his book
4. Color his toy duck red. Color her toy
duck blue.
5. Color his lunchbox purple. Color her
lunchbox red.
6. Color her hat purple. Draw his hat
and color it blue.

Exercise 10: Read and underline the correct words

a) My T – shirt is / are new.

b) Who / Where is the cat ? It’s under the bed.

c) Are these his trousers ? Yes , they are / aren’t.

d) What / Whose bag is this ? It’s Tony’s bag.

e) Is this her coat ? Yes / No , it is.

f) These is / are my shoes.

g) His shorts is / are old.

h) What is your favorite color ? My favorite color is yellow / a car.

i) What does / do she do ? She is a teacher .

j) This is my sister . His / Her name is Bella.

k) These are my shorts . They is / are blue.

l) Where are the books ? They are / is in the bag.

pg. 5
Unit 7 Are these his trousers ?
Exercise 11 : Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

a) This – my – is – T - shirt.
b) are – These – shoes – my
c) Is – his – coat – this ?
d) Are – trousers – these – his ?
e) These – shorts – are – his
f) Is – hat
his – this – hat ?
g) dress – Is – this – her ?
h) socks – These – are – her

Exercise 12 :Look at the pictures and choose the right answers.

1.This is his /her hat.

2.These are his/her jeans.

3.These are his/her socks.

4.This is his/her skirt

5.This is his/her T-shirt.

6.These are his/her shoes.

7.This is his/her dress.

8.These are his/her trousers.

Link game unit 7:

pg. 6

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