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Create a chart

1. Select data for the chart.

2. Select Insert > Recommended Charts.
3. Select a chart on the Recommended Charts tab, to preview the chart.

4. Select a chart.

5. Select OK.

Add a trendline

1. Select a chart.

2. Select Chart Design > Add Chart Element.

3. Select Trendline and then select the type of trendline you want, such
as Linear, Exponential, Linear Forecast, or Moving Average.
Excel Charts and Graphs

What is a worksheet chart?

A chart is a graphical representation of data.Charts make the data in a worksheet easier to
understand by providing a visual picture of the data.

3 Comparing chart types - You can create a variety of charts in Excel, each working with
specific types of data.

4 Chart types Column chart (bar graph): Uses bars to illustrate values in a worksheet, and shows
relationships among categories .Line chart (line graph): Shows points connected by a line, and is
ideal for illustrating trends over time.

5 Chart types Pie chart: Shows the relationship of a part to a whole. Each part is shown as a
“slice” of the pie.

6 Creating charts Selecting Chart Data: Chart data, called the data source, is stored in a range of
cells in the worksheet. When you select the data source, include the text you want to use as
labels. You can chart more than one series of data. A data series is a group of related information
in a column or row of a worksheet that is plotted on the chart.

7 Creating charts Selecting a Chart Type: The next step is to select the type of chart you want to
create, such as a column chart, a pie chart, or a line chart. Each type of chart has a variety of
subtypes you can choose from. The chart types are available on the Insert tab in the Charts

8 Creating charts Choosing the Chart Location: After you select a chart type and style, the chart
is inserted as an embedded chart in the center of the worksheet. You can also choose to move the
chart to a chart sheet, which is a separate sheet in the workbook that stores a chart.

13 Chart layout Choosing a Chart Layout and Style: You can quickly change the look of any
chart you created by applying a layout and style. A chart layout specifies which elements are
included in a chart and where they are placed. A chart style formats the chart based on the colors,
fonts, and effects associated with the workbook’s theme.

14 Chart styles

15 Arranging chart elements

Arranging Chart Elements: You can create a specific look for a chart by specifying which chart
elements appear in the chart and where they are located. For example, you can choose when and
where to display the chart title, axis titles, legend, data labels, data table, axes, gridlines, and the
plot area. Select the chart. Then, click the Layout tab under Chart Tools on the Ribbon.The
Labels, Axes, and Background groups contain buttons for each element.
Column chart –

Column charts are useful for showing data changes over a period of time or for illustrating
comparisons among items. In column charts, categories are typically organized along the
horizontal axis and values along the vertical axis.
It requires two values (X and Y) where X can be date/time, log, string, numeric, etc. On the other
hand, the value on the Y axis is only numeric. Each column represents a category with a different

Pie chart - A pie chart helps organize and show data as a percentage of a whole. True to the
name, this kind of visualization uses a circle to represent the whole, and slices of that circle, or
“pie”, to represent the specific categories that compose the whole.

Bar chart –
A bar chart is used when you want to show a distribution of data points or perform a comparison
of metric values across different subgroups of your data. From a bar chart, we can see which
groups are highest or most common, and how other groups compare against the others.

Scatter chart - Scatter charts are commonly used for displaying and comparing numeric values,
such as scientific, statistical, and engineering data. These charts are useful to show the
relationships among the numeric values in several data series, and they can plot two groups of
numbers as one series of xy coordinates.

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