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Aim of Basenta Services:

1. Fellowship
2. Spiritual growth
3. Evangelism

Outline for Basenta Meetings (1 Hour)

1. Pray and give thanks to God (use blue tooth speaker to play worship while you

pray 5 minutes)

 Scripture: (1 Thessalonians 5:18 & Psalm 100:4)

 Song to play in the background: (Thank You Lord by Don Moen)

2. Pray and invite the Holy Spirit (5 Minutes)

 Scripture: (Luke 11:13 & Zephaniah 3:17)

 Song to play in the background: (I am Thirst by Keziah)

3. Distribute food or water if any (its important to do this as often as possible to

create an a family atmosphere in the fellowship for 5 minutes)

4. Preach on:


The Son :- Jesus Christ

When Jesus was here on earth he was fully God and fully man.

(Divine and Human)

5.1 His Divinity - is revealed in the following

1. By his own words Jn 10:30, Lk 22:69 Jn 10:38, Jn 14:9-10

2. By Peter Mt 16:16

3. By Paul Col.2:9;1 Tim:3;16

4. By the Father Mt. 3:17, Mt.17:5

5. By Evil Spirits Mt 8:29, Mk 1:24

6. His Pre-existence Jn 8:58, Jn 17:5 Col. 1:17, Rev 22:13

7. His Authority Mt. 7:29, Mt. 28:18 Mk 1:27

8. His Fore-Knowledge Jn 6:64, Jn 13:11

9. The prediction of his own death Jn 7:33, Mk 8:31 and departure Lk 12:50

10. His Lordship Lk 6:5, Acts 2:36 1 Cor 12:3

11. His Pre-eminence Jn 3:31, Rom. 14: 9

12. His Dominion

➢ Over Nature Mk 8:27,

➢ Over the Church Eph 1:22

➢ Over Heavenly Powers 1 Pet 3:22

5.2 His Humanity

1. He is called the Son of David Mt. 1:1

2. Born of a Woman Gal.4:4

3. Had the fashion of a Man Phil. 2:8

4. Conceived by a Woman Lk. 2:7

5. He became Flesh Jn. 1:14; Phil 2:7

6. He could be sorrowful Mt. 26:37

7. He Had natural growth Lk. 8:23

8. He became hungry Lk. 4:2

9. He fell asleep Lk. 8:23

10. He had needs Lk. 9:58

11. He had a physical body Lk. 24:39

12. He could grow weary / Tired Jn. 4:6

5. Pray about what you learnt for 2 minutes

6. Do an altar call for 3 minutes.

7. Ask for anyone who need prayer and make a prayer of agreement. 5 minutes

8. Take Offering

9. Announcements: Sunday Service, Prayer Changes Things on Saturday, and

Flow Prayer.

10. Ask everyone to introduce themselves

11. Take a family photo & share the grace

12. Stay behind to chat with people, especially first timers

13. Submit data with a Family Photo on the group

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