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A project work Report


Pramila K.C.
T.U Reg. No: 7–2–382–36–2019
Pinnacle College

Submitted to:
The Faculty of Management
Tribhuvan University

In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of


Lalitpur, Nepal

July, 2024

I hereby declare that the project work report entitled “Deposit Mobilization of Sanima
Bank,” submitted to the Faculty of Management, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu,
is an original piece of work completed under the supervision of Mr. Nirmal Tiwari,
Faculty Member, Pinnacle College, Lalitpur. It is submitted in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Business Studies (BBS). This project
work report has not been submitted to any other university or institution for the award
of any degree or diploma.

Pramila K.C
July, 2024


This project work entitled “Deposit Mobilization of Sanima Bank,” submitted by

Pramila K.C of Pinnacle College, Lagankhel, Lalitpur is prepared under my
supervision as per the procedure and format requirements laid by Faculty of
Management, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal as partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the award of the Degree of Bachelor of Business Studies (BBS). I,
therefore recommend the project work report proposal for evaluation.

Mr. Nirmal Tiwari


We hereby endorse the project work report entitled “Deposit Mobilization of Sanima
Bank,” submitted by Pramila K.C of Pinnacle College, Lagankhel, Lalitpur in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for award of the Bachelor of Business Studies (BBS)
for external evaluation.

………………… ………………….
Mr. Atma Ram Koirala Dr. Rishi Pd. Tiwari
Chairman, Research Committee Campus Chief
July,2024 July,2024



LIMITED" has been prepared to fulfill the partial requirements for the Degree of
Bachelor of Business Studies (BBS), Tribhuvan University, Nepal.

I would like to express my special thanks to everyone who has given their valuable
time and support in completing this project. I would also like to thank Pinnacle
College for providing me with the opportunity to accomplish this field work.
Through this field work, I had the chance to apply theoretical knowledge to the real-
world environment, gaining insights into different aspects of management.

With a deep sense of gratitude, I would like to acknowledge the encouragement and
guidance from my supervisor Mr. Nirmal Tiwari, friends, teachers, and other
associated members. Their support greatly contributed to the successful completion
of this project.


Pramila K.C.

July, 2024

Title page i
Declaration ii
Supervisor's Recommendation iii
Endorsement iv
Acknowledgement v
Table of Contents vi
List of Tables viii
List of Figures ix
Abbreviations x

Chapter I: Introduction

1.1. Background of the study....................................................................................1

1.2. Profile of Sanima bank......................................................................................2

1.3. Objectives of the study......................................................................................2

1.3.1. General objective.......................................................................................2

1.3.2. Specific objectives.....................................................................................2

1.4. Rationale of the study........................................................................................3

1.5. Review of literature...........................................................................................3

1.5.1. Literature review........................................................................................4

1.6. Research methodology.......................................................................................4

1.6.1. Research Design.........................................................................................4

1.6.2. Population and sample unit........................................................................5

1.6.3. Types of data..............................................................................................5

1.6.4. Data collection procedure..........................................................................5

1.6.5. Data processing..........................................................................................5

1.6.6. Tools and technique used...........................................................................5

1.7. Limitations..........................................................................................................7

CHAPTER II- RESULTS AND ANALYSIS...........................................................8

2.1. Data Presentation and Analysis of Results........................................................8

2.2. Findings...........................................................................................................16

CHAPTER 3: SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION................................................17

3.1. Summary of the report.....................................................................................17

3.2. Conclusion........................................................................................................18



Table 1: Total deposit 8

Table 2: Fixed Deposit to Total Deposit ratio 9
Table 3: Current deposit to total deposit ratio 11
Table 4: Saving deposit to total deposit ratio 12
Table 5: Call deposit to total deposit ratio 13
Table 6: Margin deposit to total deposit ratio 15


Figure 1: Total Deposit 9

Figure 2: Fixed Deposit to Total Deposit ratio 10
Figure 3: Current deposit to total deposit ratio 11
Figure 4: saving deposit to total deposit ratio 13
Figure 5: Call deposit to total deposit 14
Figure 6: Margin deposit to total deposit 15


ABBS- Any Branch Banking System

ATM- Automated Teller Machine

FY- Fiscal Year

No.- Number

NRS- Nepali Rupee

S.N.- Serial Number

SBL- Sanima Bank Limited

SMS- Short Message Service

T.U- Tribhuvan University


1.1. Background of the study

For the progress of a developing nation like Nepal, it's essential to advance all sectors of the
economy, including agriculture, trade, and industry. However, substantial resources are
required for the development of these sectors. Unfortunately, countries like Nepal often
face a shortage of capital for such development activities. The government alone cannot
manage and develop all these sectors simultaneously, and the private sector also faces
limitations in investing in large businesses due to low per capita income and limited
resources. With low per capita income, savings are minimal, and capital formation is slow.
Therefore, banks play a crucial role in the economic development of these sectors. Banks,
as licensed financial institutions, accept deposits and provide various financial services
such as wealth management, currency exchange, and safe deposit boxes. Their role in
economic development involves addressing capital deficiencies by encouraging savings and
investment. A robust banking system gathers the small and scattered savings of the
community and channels them into productive enterprises.

Deposit collection is a primary function of commercial banks. Deposits, which can be

interest-bearing or non-interest bearing, represent funds customers entrust to the bank for
saving and potential interest income. Deposits come in various forms, including current
accounts, savings accounts, fixed deposits, call deposits, and margin deposits. Each type of
deposit serves different needs, such as facilitating frequent transactions, earning interest on
savings, or locking in funds for a specific period.

Among these deposit types, fixed and savings deposits are particularly suitable for short-
term investments with higher returns. Therefore, extensive and effective mobilization of
deposits in commercial banks can significantly contribute to the country's economy. This
report aims to provide general information on banking, deposits, and the potential for
deposit mobilization, with a focus on Sanima Bank Limited.

1.2. Profile of Sanima bank

Sanima Bank, established in 2004 by prominent Non-Resident Nepali’s (NRNs), initially

operated as a National Level Development Bank before transitioning to an "A" Class
Commercial Bank in February 2012. Located in Kathmandu, Nepal, at 'Alakapuri', Naxal,
the bank holds a significant position in Nepal's banking sector, having obtained its
operating license from Nepal Rastra Bank.
With a focus on providing simplified banking and financial solutions while prioritizing
customer needs and enhancing stakeholder value, Sanima Bank aim to offer comprehensive
financial services across various customer segments. The bank's mission is to achieve
sustainable profitability in line with its risk tolerance. Sanima Bank boasts an authorized
capital of Rs. 15,000,000,000, issued capital of Rs. 13,581,525,414, and a paid-up capital of
Rs. 13,581,525,414. While the majority of shares, fifty-one percent, are held by promoters,
the remaining forty-nine percent are publicly owned. The bank's service offerings include
current accounts, fixed accounts, savings accounts, loans, bank overdraft facilities, safe
deposit lockers, debit and credit card services, SMS banking, and ABBS banking.
With 105 full-fledged branches and 28 extension counter throughout Nepal, Sanima Bank
also provides charge-free ATM services through its network of 124 ATMs across the
country. Recognizing its integral role in the economy, the bank acknowledges its
responsibility to contribute to society beyond its core banking activities. Therefore, it
endeavors to make a positive societal impact through sustainable initiatives.
1.2. Objectives of the study

1.3.1. General objective

 To study about the deposition of mobilization of Sanima Bank.
1.3.2. Specific objectives
a) To analyze deposit collection
b) To identify deposit position
c) To examine mobilization of deposits.

1.4. Rationale of the study
This research study addresses a significant gap in the examination of Sanima Bank's deposit
mobilization policy. It is poised to offer valuable insights to the bank's policymakers and
serve as a valuable reference for other commercial banks in Nepal and the central bank,
Nepal Rastra Bank, in devising suitable strategies. By scrutinizing the investment policy
and identifying its shortcomings, this study plays a crucial role in informing the
development of robust policies.
1.5. Review of literature
A review of the literature involves reviewing research papers or other pertinent concept in a
connected field of study. It is information gathered on the specific study topic from
numerous sources. A literature reviews objective is to present what knowledge and theories
have been developed on a topic in the past, as well as their strength and limitation. To
obtain the essential knowledge about the field of the study, a researcher should read books,
journals, research papers and other published reports.

1.5.1. Literature review

In the last three years, there has been a slight decrease in deposits in commercial bank due
to decrease in interest rate in time deposit account. Banks' lending is of course dependent
on volume of deposits. Main source of fund for lending in banks is deposits. In Nepal,
around 94 percent of sources of fund is mobilized from public and corporate deposits and
remaining 6 percent from the shareholder’s equity. Banks also earn money from interest
they earn by lending out money to other clients. The funds they lend comes from customer
deposits. However, the interest rate paid by the bank on the money they borrow is less than
the rate charged on the money they lend. (Maharjan, 2022)
An increment over total loan and advance as well as net profit would lead to an increment
over total deposit and vice-versa. The position of profitability in commercial banks is
satisfactory and found to be increasing per year. Similarly, the effect of both net profit and
loan and advance over total deposit mobilization is significant and positive. Therefore, an
effective mobilization of total deposit would increase the profitability of commercial
banks. However, loan and advance also have positive effect on deposit mobilization of
commercial banks which indicates proper maintenance of loan and advance out of total
deposit mobilization would increase profitability of banks. (Upadhaya, 2021)

SBL has been successful to capture major market and customer in its more than ten years
of journey from Bikash Bank to Commercial Bank since its establishment. SBL has been

performing very well since its inspection. Today, SBL provides highest interest rate on
deposits to its customers than any other commercial bank in Nepal. Its profit is increasing
every year. (Baneswor & Raj Pandey, 2015)
The commercial bank's deposit shows a fluctuating growth trend over the study period.
The volumes of deposits have a significant positive relationship with bank lending, and
they suggested that commercial banks should focus on mobilizing more deposits as it will
enhance their lending performance. (Bhari, 2023)
This bank is committed to provide one window financial solution to various customer
segments and to achieve a healthy level of growth in profitability, consistent with the
bank’s risk appetite. The bank has displayed dedication towards main training the highest
level of ethical standard, professional integrity, corporate governance and regulatory
compliance. Consequently, Sanima bank is perceived as a strong and reliable player in
banking. (Tamang S, 2023)
1.6. Research methodology

Research methodology encompasses the techniques, principles, and procedures utilized in

analyzing data and presenting it with meaningful insights. It outlines the systematic
approach followed by researchers in studying a problem with specific objectives in mind.

1.6.1. Research Design

The research methodology entails a systematic and planned approach to solving problems
by collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data. This particular research focuses on
analyzing and mobilizing the deposit system of Sanima Bank. Its primary objective is to
assess the deposits and their utilization within Sanima Bank. The study draws from various
sources including the bank's annual reports, library resources, classroom lectures, relevant
articles, and online sources. Employing a descriptive research design, the study utilizes
historical data spanning the last five years to evaluate Sanima Bank's performance.

1.6.2. Population and sample unit

Regarding the population and sample unit, this section outlines the research method
employed in the fieldwork assignment, aiming to provide foundational knowledge of
deposits and their operational procedures. Data and information necessary for this purpose

are gathered and presented within the report, drawing from multiple sources such as
articles, bulletins, publications, and thesis reports. Among the 28 A-Class commercial
banks certified by Nepal Rastra Bank, Sanima Bank is chosen as the sample for this study.

1.6.3. Types of data

This study is based mainly on secondary data which was gathered through published annual
report, which included the balance sheet, income statement and other items. This data was
obtained, evaluated and analyzed correctly. These data are mostly gathered from books, the
internet, media, journals and other sources.

The study is based on secondary data. I have consulted different books and past year’s
report writing and collected the data for report. I have taken the secondary data of Sanima
bank from data sources available from official site of Sanima bank.
1.6.4. Data collection procedure
Numerous articles, bulletins, prospectuses, and other relevant materials pertaining to
Sanima Bank were meticulously reviewed and examined. Subsequently, the most crucial
and pertinent data were selected and gathered. Following the compilation of all necessary
information, data processing ensued, paving the way for the drafting of this field report.
1.6.5. Data processing
The gathered data undergo tabulation and organization into the necessary format to
facilitate sequential data analysis. Comparative bar diagrams and graphs are utilized for
data processing. Following this, a comprehensive review of all collected secondary data is
conducted, with significant information being emphasized and recorded.
1.6.6. Tools and technique used
The collected and observed data are tabulated with necessary amount of each head for
analysis of the data different tools are used. These tools are as follows:
a) Financial tools
b) Statistical tools
c) Financial tools
Fixed deposit to total deposit ratio
The Fixed Deposit to Total Deposit Ratio reflects the proportion of high-interest bearing
fixed deposits relative to the total deposits, indicating the bank's short-term position. Fixed
deposits, which yield higher interest rates, cannot be withdrawn until maturity. A higher
ratio suggests a greater emphasis on longer-term deposits over short-term ones. This ratio is
calculated by dividing the total amount of fixed deposits by the total amount of deposits.

Fixed deposit to total deposit ratio= fixed deposit/Total deposit

Saving deposit to total deposit ratio

Similarly, the Saving Deposit to Total Deposit Ratio assesses the proportion of total
deposits that are short-term and interest-bearing. Saving deposits, positioned between
current and fixed deposits, are not as freely withdrawable as current deposits. This ratio is
calculated by dividing the total amount of saving deposits by the total amount of deposits.

Saving deposit to total deposit ratio= saving deposit/Total deposit

Current deposit to total deposit ratio

The Current Deposit to Total Deposit Ratio is determined by dividing the total amount of
current deposits by the total amount of deposits. This ratio is expressed as follows:

Current Deposit to Total Deposit Ratio = (Current Deposit / Total Deposit).

Margin Deposit to Total Deposit Ratio

Similarly, the Margin Deposit to Total Deposit Ratio is calculated by dividing the total
amount of margin and other deposits by the total amount of deposits. This ratio is given by:

Margin to Total Deposit Ratio = (Margin Deposit / Total Deposit).

Call and Short Deposit to Total Deposit Ratio

Furthermore, the Call and Short Deposit to Total Deposit Ratio is computed by dividing the
total amount of call and short deposits by the total amount of deposits.
This ratio is represented as:

Call and Short Deposit to Total Deposit Ratio = (Call and Short Deposit / Total Deposit).
Statistical Tools utilized for analysis include Bar Graphs, Data Tables, and Graphs.

1.7. Limitations

1. The report offers a limited analysis of deposits in Sanima Bank, primarily due to
constraints such as the unavailability of current data and resources within the given

2. It relies solely on information sourced from the bank and other secondary sources.
The scope of the report is confined to secondary data only and encompasses a
period of five years, spanning from 2014/15 to 2018/19.
3. The study focuses exclusively on analyzing and mobilizing deposits within Sanima
Bank and does not delve into other aspects such as loans, capital and size.


In this section, we present the data and provide interpretation, conducting a thorough
analysis to obtain the overall status of SBL using the financial tools mentioned in previous
Ratio analysis involves determining and interpreting numerical relationships between
figures in financial statements. Since individual accounting figures may not carry
significant meaning by themselves, they need to be analyzed in relation to other figures to
derive meaningful insights into the company's financial performance.

2.1. Data Presentation and Analysis of Results

1. Total Deposit
The total deposit of SBL comprises Fixed Deposit, Current Deposit, Saving Deposit,
Call Deposit, Margin, and Other Deposits, where "Other Deposits" refer to deposits
collected from sources not mentioned above. Total deposit is calculated as the sum of
all deposit schemes, as shown in the table below:

Table 1: Total deposit

SN. FY Fixed Current Saving Call Margin and Total

deposit deposit deposit deposit other deposit

1 2018/19 43347078 6106544 30977444 7891183 1051480 89373729

2 2019/20 58223243 7067330 32730414 8156875 1072340 107250202

3 2020/21 58260590 10662760 47380568 10341772 1780177 128425867

4 2021/22 87138549 10070967 42008551 16384455 1916013 157518535

5 2022/23 109658765 10022972 45607057 8727639 1728816 175745249

Source: Annual report of Sanima Bank

2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23
Fiscal year

Fixed deposit Current deposit Saving deposit

Call deposit Margin and other deposit Total

Figure 1: Total Deposit

Table 1 and Figure 1 illustrate the composition of deposits of Sanima Bank over the last
five years. The figures clearly show that the fixed deposit amount was comparatively higher
than the saving deposit, current and other deposits they increased gradually from 2019/20 to
2022/23. Saving deposit does not have much increment in 2018 and 2019. Among those
years from 2018 to 2023 highest increment in saving deposit was in 2020/21.

2. Fixed Deposit to Total Deposit Ratio

This ratio measures the percentage of fixed deposit to total deposit and is calculated by
dividing fixed deposit by total deposit. The table below shows the fixed deposit to total
deposit ratio:

Table 2: Fixed Deposit to Total Deposit ratio

SN. FY Fixed deposit Total deposit Ratio ( %)

1 2018/19 43347078 89373729 48.50

2 2019/20 58223243 107250202 54.29

3 2020/21 58260590 128425867 45.37

4 2021/22 87138549 157518535 55.32

5 2022/23 109658765 175745249 62.40

Source: annual report of Sanima Bank

60 54.29 55.32
50 45.37
Ratio (%)




2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23
Fiscal year

Figure 2: Fixed Deposit to Total Deposit ratio

Table 2 and Figure 2 depict the ratio of fixed deposit to total deposit over the last five
years. Fixed deposit was 43347078000 which was 48.50 % of total deposit in 2018/19 and
increased to 54.29 % in 2019/20. However, in 2020/21, the ratio decreased to 45.37% of the
total deposit. Subsequently, the ratio rapidly increased from 55.32% in 2021/22 to 62.40%
in 2022/23.
3. Current deposit to total deposit ratio

This ratio measures the percentage of current deposit to total deposit. This ratio is
calculated by dividing current deposit by total deposit. The following table shows the
current deposit to total deposit ratio.

Table 3: Current deposit to total deposit ratio

SN. FY Current deposit Total deposit Ratio (%)

1 2018/19 6106544 89373729 6.83

2 2019/20 7067330 107250202 6.59

3 2020/21 10662760 128425867 8.30

4 2021/22 10070967 157518535 6.39

5 2022/23 10022972 175745249 5.70

Source: annual report of Sanima Bank

1.6 1.39
1.4 1.22
1.2 0.99 0.98
2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23
Fiscal Year

Figure 3: Current deposit to total deposit ratio

Table 3 and Figure 3 illustrate the proportion of current deposits compared to total deposits
over the past five years. In the latest recorded year, current deposits amounted to Rs
6106544000 which was 6.83 % of total deposit. Specifically, in 2019/20, current deposits
decreased by 6.59%. However, in 2020/21, there was a significant 8.30% increase in the
current deposit-to-total deposit ratio. Unlikely the ratio was decreased by 6.39% in
2021/22. Similarly, in 2022/23, the ratio reached 5.70% of the total deposit. These
fluctuations indicate variability in current deposits relative to total deposits compared to
other types of deposits.

4. Saving deposit to total deposit ratio

This ratio measures the percentage of saving deposit to total deposit ratio. This ratio is
calculated by dividing saving deposit by total deposit. The following table shows the saving
deposit to total deposit ratio.

Table 4: Saving deposit to total deposit ratio

SN. FY Saving deposit Total deposit Ratio (%)

1 2018/19 30977444 89373729 34.66

2 2019/20 32730414 107250202 30.52

3 2020/21 47380568 128425867 36.89

4 2021/22 42008551 157518535 26.67

5 2022/23 45607057 175745249 25.95

Source: annual report of Sanima Bank

1.4 1.22
ratio (%) 0.99 0.98
2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23
Fiscal year

Figure 4: saving deposit to total deposit ratio

Table 4 and Figure 4 depict the proportion of savings deposits in relation to the total
deposits over the past five years. Savings deposits amounted to Rs 30977444000,
constituting 34.66% of the total deposits. Specifically, in 2019/20, savings deposits
experienced a decreased of 30.52%. However, in 2020/21, the ratio of savings deposits
increased by 36.89% relative to the total deposits. Furthermore, the total savings deposit
ratio decreased from 26.67% in 2021/22 to 25.95% in 2022/23 relative to the total deposit
ratio. This indicates fluctuations in savings deposits downward in relation to the total
deposits compared to other types of deposits.

5. Call deposit to total deposit ratio

This ratio measures the percentage of call deposit to total deposit. This ratio is calculated
by dividing call deposit by total deposit. The following table shows the call deposit to total
deposit ratio.

Table 5: Call deposit to total deposit ratio

SN. FY Call deposit Total deposit Ratio (%)

1 2018/19 7891183 89373729 8.66
2 2019/20 8156875 107250202 7.61
3 2020/21 10341772 128425867 8.05
4 2021/22 16384455 157518535 10.40
5 2022/23 8727639 175745249 4.97
Source: annual report of Sanima Bank

Ratio8 (%)

6 4.97

2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23
fiscal year

Figure 5: Call deposit to total deposit

Table 5 and Figure 5 illustrate the proportion of call deposits compared to the total deposits
over the last five years. Call deposits amounted to Rs 7891183000, constituting 8.66% of
the total deposits. Specifically, in 2019/20, call deposits experienced a decrease of 7.61%.
However, in 2020/21, the ratio of call deposits increased by 8.05% relative to the total
deposits, continuing to increase to 10.40% in 2021/22. There was a significant decrease to
4.97% in 2022/23 in the ratio of total deposits. This demonstrates that call deposits have
been continuously fluctuating in relation to the total deposits compared to other types of

6. Margin deposit to total deposit ratio

This ratio measures the percentage of margin deposit to total deposit. This ratio is
calculated by dividing margin deposit by total deposit. The following table shows the
margin deposit to total deposit ratio.

Table 6: Margin deposit to total deposit ratio

SN. FY Margin and Total deposit Ratio (%)

other deposit
1 2018/19 1051480 89373729 1.33
2 2019/20 1072340 107250202 0.99
3 2020/21 1780177 128425867 1.39
4 2021/22 1916013 157518535 1.22
5 2022/23 1728816 175745249 0.98
Source: annual report of Sanima Bank


1.4 1.39
1.2 1.22

1 0.99 0.98




2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23

Figure 6: Margin deposit to total deposit

Table 6 and Figure 6 depict the proportion of margin deposits relative to the total deposits
over the last five years. Margin deposits amounted to Rs 1051480,000, constituting 1.33%
of the total deposits. But there was decrease in margin deposits in 2019/20 by 0.99%.
However, in 2020/21, the ratio of call deposits increased by 1.39% relative to the total
deposits, but decreased to 1.22% in 2021/22 continuing it decreased to 0.98% in 2022/23
in relation to the total deposits. This indicates that margin deposits have continuously
increased in ratio to the total deposits compared to other types of deposits.

2.2. Findings
1. Fixed deposit has lowest ratio in 2020/21 but it has been increasing trend over and
current has been decreasing over some years. Likewise saving and other deposit fluctuate
trend all above the years.

2.Saving deposit showed increasing trend till 2020/21 and it has been decreased from
2021/22 to 2022/23.

3.Call deposits has been drastically fluctuating over the years from 2018/19 to 2022/23.

4.Current deposit has been decreased till the 2019/20 and increased in 2020/21 and again
has been decreased from 2021/22 to 2022/23.

5.Margin deposit has been increasing 2021/22 and started decreasing from there.

6.Total deposit all over the last five years shows the positive balance and has been
increasing upward. It shows the positive sign of economic growth.

7.Fixed deposit has showed the higher value amount than other deposit all over the fiscal
year from 2018/19.

3.1. Summary of the report
A bank is a financial intermediary that accepts deposits and channels those deposits into
lending activities. Banks are a fundamental component of the financial system and active
players in the financial market. A bank is an institution that deals with money. It collects
surplus funds from savers and lends them to individuals or entities for productive purposes.
This study has been conducted to examine and evaluate the role played by Sanima Bank
Limited in savings and deposits. The financial statements from 2018/19 to 2022/23 have
been analyzed for this purpose. The study primarily uses secondary data, which has been
processed and comparatively analyzed.

From this study some points about the saving and deposit aspect of Sanima bank limited
has to come to high. They are listed below:

1. The total deposit of Sanima bank limited shows an increasing trend from the year
2018/19 to year 2022/23. The total deposit showed balance in year 2018/19 is Rs.
89373729000 to the year 2022/23 it shows Rs. 175745249000. Total deposit
balance in final year.
2. Fixed deposit showed increasing balance from 2018/19 to 2022/23. The initial
amount in fixed deposit is Rs. 43347078000 and till the end it reaches Rs.
3. Current deposit showed and fluctuating balance from 2018/19 to 2022/13. The
initial amount in current deposit is Rs. 6106544000 and till the end it reaches to Rs.
4. Saving deposit showed an increasing balance from in 2020/21 i.e. 47380568000
and was decreased in 2021/22. But again increased in 2022/23 i.e. 45607057000.
5. Call deposit shows a fluctuating balance from 2018/19 to 2022/23. The initial
amount in call deposit Rs. 7891183000 and till the end it reaches to Rs.
6. Margin and other deposit showed an increasing balance from 2018/19 to 2021/22
and decreased in 2022/23. The initial amount in margin and other deposit Rs.
1051480000 and was Rs. 1916013000 in 2021/22 but was 1728816000 in 2022/23.

3.2. Conclusion

Sanima Bank was established with the mission to offer simplified banking and financial
solutions focused on customer needs while enhancing stakeholder value. The Bank aims to
deliver comprehensive financial services to various customer segments and achieve
sustainable growth in profitability, aligned with its risk appetite. Sanima Bank is dedicated
to maintaining high ethical standards, professional integrity, corporate governance, and
regulatory compliance, earning a reputation as a reliable player in the banking industry.

The Bank operates 105 branches and 28 extension counter across Nepal, providing free
ATM services through its 124 machines nationwide. It is actively exploring alternative
channels and plans to expand its branch network. Although Sanima Bank's total deposits
decreased in 2018/19, they have consistently increased through 2022/23, indicating
effective resource utilization by management.

By analyzing the fixed deposit, it has been increasing trend over current and saving
deposit. Fix deposit has lowest ratio in 2020/21 but it has been increasing trend over and
current has been decreasing over some years. Likewise saving and other deposit fluctuate
trend all above the years.

Saving deposit showed increasing trend till 2020/21 and it has been decreased from
2021/22 to 2022/23.

Call deposits has been drastically fluctuating over the years from 2018/19 to 2022/23.

Current deposit has been decreased till the 2019/20 and increased in 2020/21 and again has
been decreased from 2021/22 to 2022/23.

Margin deposit has been increasing 2021/22 and started decreasing from there.

Total deposit all over the last five years shows the positive balance and has been increasing
upward. It shows the positive sign of economic growth.

In conclusion, it is anticipated that Sanima Bank Limited will continue to improve,

increase its deposit base, invest in profitable sectors, contribute to the country's economic
development, and provide better services to its customers in the future.


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Tamang, S. (2023). DEPOSIT MOBILIZATION OF SANIMA BANK in partial fulfillment of

requirement for the degree of Bachelor in Business studies.

SBL (2018 – 2023). Annual report, Kathmandu: Sanima Bank Limited.


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