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Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Issuing Violation Tickets

Doc# TES-PR-27-R/0 Issue # 01 Issue Date :01-05-2024 Rev. Date: - Page 1 of 5

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Issuing Violation Tickets Related to Health, Safety, and
Environment (HSE) for Electrical Service Providers

1. Purpose

The purpose of this SOP is to outline the process for issuing violation tickets in relation to Health, Safety,
and Environment (HSE) regulations within an electrical service provider company. This ensures
compliance with safety standards and promotes a safe working environment.

2. Scope

This SOP applies to all employees, contractors, and visitors at all company sites and locations where
electrical services are provided.

3. Definitions

 Violation Ticket: A formal notice issued to an individual or team for non-compliance with HSE

 HSE Regulations: Standards and practices established to ensure the health, safety, and
environmental protection of workers and the public.

4. Responsibilities

 HSE Manager: Oversees the violation ticket process, reviews reports, and ensures compliance
with HSE regulations.

 Supervisors: Monitor compliance, report violations, and issue tickets when necessary.

 Employees/Contractors: Adhere to all HSE regulations and report any non-compliance


5. Procedure

5.1 Identification of Violation

1. Observation: Supervisors or HSE officers should continually monitor activities for any potential
HSE violations.
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Issuing Violation Tickets

Doc# TES-PR-27-R/0 Issue # 01 Issue Date :01-05-2024 Rev. Date: - Page 2 of 5

2. Report: Employees and contractors are encouraged to report any observed violations to their
supervisor or directly to the HSE department.

5.2 Documentation

1. Initial Report: When a violation is identified, document the following details:

o Date and time of the incident.

o Location of the violation.

o Description of the violation.

o Individuals involved.

o Potential or actual impact on health, safety, and environment.

2. Investigation: Conduct a thorough investigation to gather all relevant information and evidence.
This may include interviews, photographs, and reviewing safety logs.

5.3 Issuance of Violation Ticket

1. Preparation: Complete the violation ticket form, including:

o Violation reference number.

o Detailed description of the violation.

o Evidence supporting the violation.

o Recommended corrective actions.

o Compliance deadline.

2. Delivery: Issue the violation ticket to the responsible individual or team. This can be done in
person or electronically. Ensure receipt is acknowledged.

5.4 Corrective Actions

1. Implementation: The responsible party must take the necessary corrective actions to rectify the
violation by the specified deadline.
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Issuing Violation Tickets

Doc# TES-PR-27-R/0 Issue # 01 Issue Date :01-05-2024 Rev. Date: - Page 3 of 5

2. Support: Provide assistance or resources if needed to ensure compliance with corrective


5.5 Follow-Up

1. Verification: The HSE team or supervisor should verify that the corrective actions have been
implemented and the violation has been addressed.

2. Documentation: Update the violation ticket with details of the corrective actions taken and the
date of resolution.

3. Record Keeping: File the completed violation ticket and related documentation in the HSE
records for future reference.

5.6 Non-Compliance

1. Escalation: If corrective actions are not taken within the specified deadline, escalate the issue to
higher management.

2. Further Actions: Additional penalties or disciplinary actions may be considered for repeated or
severe violations, in accordance with company policies.

6. Reporting and Review

 Monthly Review: The HSE manager will review all issued violation tickets monthly to identify
trends and areas for improvement.

 Annual Report: An annual report summarizing all violation tickets and corrective actions will be
prepared and presented to senior management.

7. Training

All employees, contractors, and supervisors will receive training on HSE regulations and the violation
ticket process. Refresher training will be conducted annually.

8. References

 Company HSE Policy

 National Electrical Safety Code (NESC)

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Issuing Violation Tickets

Doc# TES-PR-27-R/0 Issue # 01 Issue Date :01-05-2024 Rev. Date: - Page 4 of 5

 Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations

 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) guidelines

9. Appendices

 Appendix A: Violation Ticket Form Template

 Appendix B: HSE Incident Report Form

 Appendix C: Corrective Action Plan Template

Appendix A: Violation Ticket Form Template

Violation Ticket Form

 Reference Number:

 Date:

 Time:

 Location:

 Description of Violation:

 Individuals Involved:

 Evidence:

 Recommended Corrective Actions:

 Compliance Deadline:

 Issued By:

 Acknowledged By:

Appendix B: HSE Incident Report Form

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Issuing Violation Tickets

Doc# TES-PR-27-R/0 Issue # 01 Issue Date :01-05-2024 Rev. Date: - Page 5 of 5

HSE Incident Report Form

 Incident Date and Time:

 Reported By:

 Location:

 Description of Incident:

 Individuals Involved:

 Immediate Actions Taken:

 Further Actions Needed:

 Reported To:

Appendix C: Corrective Action Plan Template

Corrective Action Plan

 Violation Reference Number:

 Date:

 Description of Corrective Action:

 Responsible Individual/Team:

 Resources Required:

 Implementation Date:

 Verification Date:

 Verified By:

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