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Name : Sekar Resta Puspitasari

Nim :2002109009
Class : PBI 7A

“The Life of Jhon Donne, Methaphor, and Metaphysical Poem”

John Donne was born in 1572 in London, England. He came from a family with a Catholic
background who supported Queen Elizabeth I, although in England at that time Catholicism
emerged under pressure due to religious upheaval. Donne studied at Oxford University and
then Cambridge University, but did not complete his degree due to his family's disapproval of
his choice to attend college. Donne then entered the world of politics and gained the support
of several influential people. At a young age, he entered the world of diplomacy and worked
in various political positions. However, his political career experienced ups and downs and
difficult financial times. At the same time, he also underwent a spiritual change and
eventually converted from Catholicism to Anglicanism. After failing in several political
projects, he decided to devote himself completely to spiritual service. In 1615, after several
attempts and various obstacles, Donne was ordained an Anglican clergyman. He was later
appointed dean of St. Paul's Cathedral. Paul in London, where he led well and gave famous
sermons. John Donne died in 1631.
John Donne is known as one of the leading poets of the Renaissance period and a pioneer in
the use of complex metaphors. His style often contains "conceit," a complex and unusual
form of metaphor. For example, in his poetry, he often uses unexpected comparisons to
convey deep insights about love, religion, and life. Donne was one of the pioneers of
metaphysical poetry, a literary movement that became prominent in 17th-century England.
Metaphysical poetry is characterized by a tendency to combine deep thought with emotional
expression, as well as the use of complex metaphors to explore themes such as love,
spirituality, and humanity. Some of his works, such as "A Valediction: Forbidding
Mourning" and "The Flea," create deep and complex metaphorical images, combining
philosophical and emotional elements. In his work, Donne often combined his personal life
with spiritual reflection, creating poetry that reflected a deep understanding of human
John Donne, through his life's journey and changes in his views on love and spirituality,
created a unique and influential metaphysical poetry. The use of complex metaphors in his
work reflects the complexity of his thinking and provides a platform for investigating the
deep dimensions of human life, love, and spirituality. Donne became one of the central
figures in the development of metaphysical poetry, leaving a literary legacy that is still
studied and appreciated today.

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