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7 Protection Safety Casting Tips

Real life Witchcraft can be incredibly powerful and depending on how you
cast your spells, it can provide you with many positive outcomes such as
good health, emotional stability and spiritual protection.
It is important to cast protection on yourself as well. The best way is to
know the rules to stay protected while you work with Magic. Surround
yourself with good energy, good people, and good thoughts.

1. Remember Do as you will without harm to others- This statement, though, can
have as many interpretations as there are practitioners. What exactly is to
“harm”? And who is “anyone”? The bottom line is to encourage the spellcaster
to take personal responsibility for his or her actions. If you are not sure, keep
your intentions clean and simple.
2. Do not cast spells that try to manipulate others- Your spells should not be used
to try to change people’s minds, behaviors, or influence their decisions. If you
are dealing with a toxic person, you can always wish for them to fully
understand the consequences of their actions, or to find success and realization
far away from you. It’s better to seek for justice instead of revenge, and let the
Universe provide their due punishment.
3. Dont cast spells on behalf of others without their consent. It’s very noble that
you want to use your Witchcraft to help others, but in order to do it responsibly,
you must let them know exactly what you are going to do before starting and get
their permission to do so. It’s always better to let the interested party come to
you and ask you for help before attempting any spiritual work on someone.
4. Protect Natures and the Environment- Always be conscious about how you
dispose of your ritual remains and clean after yourself whenever you practice
Magic outdoors or in Nature. A good practice is to check labels for “Fair trade”
or “Ethically sourced” ingredients. Try to buy from a local supplier whenever you
can or grow your own herbs.
5. Practice Safety during spellwork- If you are going to cast any form of candle
spells always place candles in a sturdy non flammable candle holder. Avoid
placing them in windows with blinds or near items that may catch fire. Do not
leave candles burning unattended. If a candle must burn continuously, be
sure it is enclosed in a non flammable container.
6. Practice Cleansing & Stay protected- Anytime you feel disturbances or energy
blockages in or around you, it’s a good idea to regain your balance by
performing a spiritual cleanse, a home cleansing or a bath spell. By regularly
clearing your personal spaces (home, workplace) and also your body, you will
stay protected from psychic attacks and avoid picking up negative energies
from everyday interactions. You can do this by also smudging your space and
7. Take Care of yourself & Body- A healthy mind will thrive in a healthy body.
Always be careful if you’re experimenting with potions, infusions, essential oils
or other products. Keep in mind that no amount of magical practice is a
substitute for proper medical care. If you believe you have a serious health
concern, or if you have any questions regarding your health or a medical
condition, you should promptly consult your physician or other healthcare

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