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In many countries, the number of animals and plants is declining.

Why do
you think this is happening? How can this issue be solved?

In numerous nations, the quantity of fauna and flora is decreasing. There are many reasons
leading to this situation and many solutions have been considered.

The cause of the reduction of animals and plants can be divided into two types: impacts from
nature and humans. Firstly, climate change as well as natural disasters have extinguished
plenty of living creatures such as the extinction of dinosaurs. Changes in weather force many
species to adapt and individuals that cannot modify gradually pass away. Natural disasters
such as flood and volcano eruptions have destroyed their habitat, which is another major
reason. Secondly, in daily life humans have utilized a large amount of flora and fauna to
meet their needs such as medicine, clothes, bags or jewelry. They also go hunting to satisfy
their interests. Whatever the purpose, these things have contributed greatly to the extinction
of many species. Moreover, production has caused increasingly severe environmental
pollution. Thus the health and habitats of creatures has been impacted in such a detrimental

To address this issue, at first people are demanded to reduce the consumption of animal
products as much as possible. At the same time, people have to research cultivating and
raising for self-sufficiency instead of depending on nature. For instance, nowadays many
young people tend to be vegetarian and they also spread this lifestyle to others around them.
Secondly, people have to deal with pollution and improve the environment. They can
frequently organize campaigns for a greener planet such as cleaning rivers, beaches and
planting trees. Not only clearing the habitat but they are also responsible for preventing the
pollution again, especially handling factories’ waste. Then plants and animals can keep living
and growing up in nature. Otherwise, humans can build conservation areas for flora and
fauna, particularly those nearly extended. That time. Thus, they will live in a safe and
sufficient environment with many healthcare professionals to ensure that they are in the best

In conclusion, impacts from both nature and humans have led to the decline of a huge
number of species. To solve the problem, researchers have showed many remedies and
people need to take action as early as possible.
A portion of the human population believes that criminal behaviour has its
roots in genes. Others think that circumstances lead people to commit
crimes. Discuss your take on both views and put forward your opinions.

Numerous people are of the opinion that criminality originates in genes, while others state
that living situations are responsible for illegal actions. This essay will discuss both these
points of view and argue in favour of the latter.

Plenty of the human population is convinced that psychological disorders, which strongly
lead to criminal behaviour, are passed down through generations in the family. Mental health
issues such as antisocial disorder, depression or schizophrenia affect how people think, feel
and behave, so they have difficulty controlling their actions as well as clearly distinguishing
whether they are right or not. Although there is still no evidence that psychological problems
will pass down to children, a huge number of people believe that if parents have committed
crimes, so will their kids.

In contrast, it is obvious that living circumstances will shape people’s personality and
awareness so as to decide on their own how to take actions. During the process of growing
up, people observe and imitate the behaviour of people around them, therefore, if people live
with many law-breakers, it will cause people to have distorted thoughts. For example, when
people make friends with bad guys, they will also be impacted on how they behave,
particularly the young. Thus, family plays a crucial role in educating and giving reasonable
direction for their children. In addition, personal situations are in charge of what kind of
people they are in the future. The wealthy are brought up in a sufficient and appropriate
development environment, while the poor are not, so they have a higher proportion to crime.

In conclusion, it is convinced that the circumstance is a major reason of criminality.

Scientists have still been uncertain whether criminal tendencies are related to generations
within a family. Hence, from my perspective, it is more reasonable that crime has roots in
living situations.

Some people think that activities during free time should be planned while
others disagree. Discuss both sides.
Numerous people are of the opinion that people ought to schedule events for break time,
meanwhile others have a contrary perspective. This essay will discuss both these points of
view and argue in favour of the latter.

Firstly, planning prevents time from being wasted pointlessly. It is often difficult and takes a
long time to make a decision, so preparation will help these activities to be more meaningful
and exciting even during leisure time. Instead of just surfing the Internet or taking a nap,
people can engage in significant events such as taking up new sports, playing folk games and
participating in community projects. Hence, they can accumulate practical experience and
gain knowledge and life skills. At the same time, they not only release pressure but also
improve physical health.

On the other hand, free time is the period of freedom, which means people will be accepted
to do what they want during that time without permission. Everyday people have to do their
duties for their parents, their children, therefore, it is essential for them to spend time for
themself. They can take part in what they are interested in instead of being shaped in plans as
other times of the day. In addition, break time is also called leisure time, which means it is
used to relax and entertain. Thus, it is not compulsory to do something significant or
contribute to society. That time people just need to enjoy the moment and recharge their
batteries to keep finishing their work.

In conclusion, it depends on individuals whether they want to plan activities for break time or
not. Personally I believe that it is unnecessary to organize schedules all the time.

The tendency of new reports in the media to focus more on problems and
emergencies than on positive developments is harmful to individuals and
society as a whole. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Nowadays most people are attracted to negative news or severe issues instead of positive
articles. This trend is detrimental to community and each member of which. From my
perspective, I hold the same belief that it is a negative development.

On the one hand, frequently following problems and emergencies help people to capture
information quickly and proactively so as to keep up with the tendency of society.
Individuals can master news to adapt timely and appropriately to changes of the world. For
instance, during the war between Russia and Ukraine, thanks to reports on the Internet.
People across the globe promptly grasp issues and make necessary preparations.
Additionally, since negative news is often spread out widely, it is useful for governments to
publish announcements to residents in need.

On the other hand, pessimistic developments on the Internet easily affect the thinking and
behaviours of viewers, especially children and teenagers. It is possible that people will be
infected by negative feelings and then become violent and have difficulty controlling
emotions. Moreover, articles about problems or severe news cause negative views on social
media, which impacts on mental health of social network users. Not only acts of violence but
people are also emotionally affected such as depression, antisocial disorder. Worse, people
can lose faith in their nations, the governments and even in life.

In conclusion, positive information is almost replaced by emergencies and problems on the

Internet. I strongly agree that this development is harmful to individuals and society as a

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