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The Tuatha De Dannon

Dana – All Mother (TN) – Over God

Dana is the over god of the Pantheon. She is neutral in all things. She exists to ensure balance
is maintained in the world. She is distant and has never appeared to her followers. She is the
embodiment of existence. On the power level of deities scale she would be an 11. She can
grant and remove godhood at a whim. Her existence is beyond that of any mortal kin or
understanding. Clerics get power if they worship her, but she has no specific domains and thus
they are granted none. She is seen as cold and uncaring. A distant mother that gave birth to
the Tuatha de Dannon. She grew angry with the balance being disrupted by her children
interfering directly with mortal lives.

Divine Rank: 11 (Over God, reality crafter)

Symbol: Unknown
Preferred Weapon: Unknown
Domains: None
Main Temple Location: None
High Priest: None

Eyre (Pronounced Ire) – Goddess of Magic and Sex, Forgemistress of the Gods, Mother
of Dragons (CN, accepts followers of all alignments) – Greater God

Eyre is the embodiment of Magic on the world. It is through her the chaos flows and allows
magical beings of all descriptions to access it without destroying themselves. Before she
arrived, when the Formorai ruled the world was primordial and chaotic. Magic was uncontrolled
and destructive. She is the eldest daughter of Dana. Oldest among the gods. Thus, it fell to
her to control the strongest power of the world, magic. She was the first among the gods to
have children with the broken mortals of the world. She is as passionate as she is kind, she can
be capricious and strange with her behaviors. She was the only god that ignored Dana when
she ordered the gods to distance themselves from Mortals. She is the shaper of the Nightblade
Artifact Weapons, the Armor of Cu Cullan, the Ring of the Undying and the various other
artifacts used to defeat the Fomorai in the three great god wars. She is often depicted as a
woman in her twenties with long flowing red hair and emerald green eyes. Or as a Platinum
Dragon. Stories surrounding her make her sound almost like a god of mischief. She despises
order. Does her best to ignore rules. She is often depicted as the brattiest of the Gods. Her
temples ranged from hedonistic pleasure palaces to libraries of magical knowledge.
Sometimes the two halves did not see eye to eye. She is openly opposed to Dana’s “mortal’s
should be left to their own devices rules” and openly flaunted her disregard for it before her
disappearance. Rumor in the heaven’s is Dagda tired of his sisters (who saw as his inferior)
behavior and took steps to limit it. Eyre believes as the eldest of Dana it is her who should rule
the gods, not Dagda. In the past she would often appear to her followers directly guiding them
or doing…other things with them. She has not been witnessed in person in several centuries.
Her temples have fallen into disrepair and her followers haven’t been receiving spells. Magic
has become far weaker, and far more chaotic. What has happened to the once mighty heroine
of the mortals?

Divine Rank: 10 (Greater Goddess)

Symbol: Depends on flavor of follower – Sex: Male/female symbols intertwined, Magic: A four
pointed platinum star.
Preferred Weapon: Elven Long Blade
Domains: Arcane, Forge, Knowledge
Main Temple Location: Was located in Freeport.
High Priest: The Voice of Eyre (Location Unknown)

Badb (Pronounced Bav) – Goddess of Just War (LG, Accepts LG,LN,NG,N
Followers)(Lesser God)

Badb is the goddess of just war. She is the patron of those who fight for just causes. Usually
she is worshipped by soldiers on the front lines and guard towers. Soldiers fighting to protect
their family and lands. She appreciates honorable warfare and despises gorilla warfare. She is
the youngest daughter of Dagda and The Morrigan. She appears as a young woman in full
plate armor carrying a shield with her symbol on it and a long spear. She has long flowing
blonde hair and brown eyes. She adheres to the laws laid out by her father strictly. Her temples
tend to be dedicated to monument of heroic soldiers. They often have training grounds for
would-be soldiers, and are places of quiet contemplation.

Divine Rank: 3
Symbol: A white shield on blue background
Weapon: Longspear
Domain: War
Main Temple Location: Darkhaven
High Priestess: Angelica Brightmoon – Half-elf
Dagda – God of Nature – (N, Accepts all alignments) (Greater God)

Dagda is largely seen as the father of the gods and leader of the Tuatha De Dannon. He is a
demanding father and is the child of Dana. He is often depicted as a demanding ruler. Often
critical of Eyre and her flippant disregard of the laws he lays down on behalf of Dana. His strict
in his enforcement of the laws he has been given among his children. For his mortal followers
he is more accept of all alignments, chaos is after all part of nature and part of what moves it
forward. He is often depicted as a large, bearded man with hair made of the four elements,
tree branches and leaves growing from his arms. He has no dislike for undead and is the god of
life, death, and Nature. Dagda is often seen a sexist deity. Believing that men belong in charge.
His priesthood/druid circles tend to mimic this belief. It causes much friction with Eyre.

Divine Rank: 10
Symbol: A wreath of an element. Symbolizing the circle of Life.
Weapon: Staff
Domain: Nature, Life, Death.
Main Temple Location: Two, the Druid Circle of the Emerald Isles in the High King’s Realm,
and One in Winterhaven
High Priest: Wynn Alsing (High Priest), Albrict the Wise (Archdruid of the High Circle)
The Morrigan – Goddess of Fate, the three faced goddess – (NG,N,NE, accepts followers
of all alignments) (Greater Goddess)

The Morrigan, is three goddesses in one. She has three aspects, youth, the weaver. She is
said to pull the string of fate into existence, and she weaves it into the tapestry of creation. The
matron, she is said to measure the length of one’s thread of fate. The hag, she is said to cut the
thread. It is believed they make these choices based on astrological events and portents.
Thus, the Morrigan’s followers are often obsessed with astronomy and astrology. They are
known as fate speakers. Her three forms are often depicted separately. In times distant past if
she appeared to her followers, it would be as one of the aspects depending on which was
required. Among the gods she is considered alien and strange. She is daughter of Eyre. Her
allegiances are her own. She also keeps her own council.

Divine Rank: 8
Symbol: A loom, A measuring tape, and a pair of scissors. Or the Fates Constellation of stars
on a black background.
Weapon: Longsword
Domain: Order, Life, Death
Main Temple Location: The temple of the Fates in Freeport
High Priest: Allison Easthome is the Elder Crone.
Grainne – Goddess of the Sea – (N, Follows of any alignment) (Goddess)

Grainne is often depicted as a woman in a sailor’s outfit. She worshipped by seafarers of all
types, fisherman and anyone who lives by the oceans. She is seen as capricious and flighty as
the wind. Often times worshipers give her sacrifices (IE Gold) to ensure a safe journey.
Grainne for her part stays out of the politics of her family members. She is the daughter of
Dagda and the Morrigan, elder sister to Badb.

Divine Rank: 7
Symbol: An Ocean Wave
Weapon: Trident, Saber, or Rapier
Domain: Nature, Tempest
Main Temple Location: Westport
High Priest: No specific High priest
Cu Chulainn – God of Battle, the Mad Dog – (CN, Accepts any chaotic follower)

Cu Chulainn is depicted as a man with wild red hair and mad green eyes. He was the mortal
son of Eyre. He became a demigod and warrior of legend when he war armor forged by his
mother into battle with the Formorai in the second godwar. He fought at the side of Nuada who
has become is adoptive parent. Eyre being as capricious as she had abandoned him to the
mortals of a village on the Emerald Isles just after his birth. Seeing he was determined to fight
with the gods and feeling some pang of motherly concern she forged the ring of the undying and
armor for the skin of a darkspawn archdaemon, and the sword of ashes (a short sword), and
Bloodseeker (longsword) Because he is now a god and therefore bound by Dagda’s laws he
gave up his artifacts so that a mortal could take up his place as the leader of the charge in the
third war. They have since been lost to the tides of time. He counts barbarians, warriors who
get lost to their bloodlust as his followers. If seen in battle he as whirlwind of death on the
battlefield. His artifact set meant he could never die, no matter how much damage he took so
his legends often speak of him fighting on with terrible wounds with no care for the pain.
Refusing to rest until his foes were destroyed.

Divine Rank: 1
Symbol: Black Wolf’s Head
Weapon: Broadsword, Whirly (Sling)
Domain: War, Tempest
Main Temple Location: Storm’s Guard.
High Priest: Callum MacClough.
Nuada – God of War, General of the Gods – (CG, any Non-Evil) (Greater God)

Nuada is always depicted as a mountain of a main in a kilt and bare chested. He wields a great
sword. One of his eyes is missing, and he has an arm made of platinum forged by his sister
Eyre, along with an eye made of platinum, also forged by his sister Eyre. He is a master
tactician and devoutly loyal to his family. He the youngest of his siblings. He tends to favor
Eyre over his brother Dagda as she is the eldest and although flighty she is a stalwart
companion in battle. He has taken his Nephew Cu Chulainn under his wing and treats him like
his son. It was he would landed the first and last blows of the first and second war against he
Formorai, his battle prowess and tactics that helped trap them. Dana forbid finishing them off
and he was bound by her word.

Divine Rank: 10
Symbol: A platinum fist with an eye at its center.
Weapon: Greatsword
Domain: War
Main Temple Location: Darkhaven
High Priest: None Specifically
Mihir – God of Death, the underworld – (N, Allows any alignment) (God)

Mihir is often depicted as a black cloaked figure with a scythe. He is said to be a harvester of
souls who have forsaken the gods. He is believed to be the final arbiter of souls. Those who
have no god but lived good lives he takes in. Those who worshipped another god he sees them
to their afterlife. Ones who have lived wicked but honorable lives find themselves in the Hells,
those that have lived wicked lives with no care for anyone but themselves and are
unredeemable are dumped into the Abyss. He is aloof among the gods typically only
conversing with his father Nuada. He despises undead as their souls escape his grasp.

Divine Rank: 7
Symbol: Three skulls on Chains
Weapon: Scythe
Domain: Grave
Main Temple Location: No Main temple
High Priest: No specific high priest.
Macha – Goddess of Strength – (N, Any follow alignment) (Lesser God)

Macha is often displayed as a female orc with bulging muscles. She is patron to all those who
believe strength is the most important thing in life. She is the daughter of Grainne.

Divine Rank: 3
Symbol: A maul.
Weapon: Maul
Domain: War
Main Temple Location: No Main Temple
High Priest: No specific High priest
Madb (May-v) – Goddess of Light, Queen of the Gods – (Good, Accepts any non-evil
follower) (Greater Goddess)

Madb is the daughter of Eyre, and wife of Dagda. She is often depicted as a warrior woman with
flowing red hair and green eyes. In truth she is a peaceful goddess refusing to raise a weapon
except in the defense of the innocent. She is at odds with her mother. She finds her bratiness
to be unbecoming of a greater Goddess, and is often exasperated by the frustration her
husband feels with her mother’s antics. Often it is she that must express his displeasure with
Eyre’s antics to her mother. Madb agrees with her husband that as the eldest male he should
lead the pantheon. Through her marriage and her service to the pantheon and mortals she has
built belief in her and managed to reach the same level of power as the children of Dana. She
accepts all followers, even those one might not suspect. She has a large following of knights
and Paladins in the Undead Kingdom. She is seen as a sun goddess, and therefore has
domain over light, healing and Peace.
Divine Rank: 10
Symbol: Open Palm over the rising sun.
Weapon: Non-lethal
Domain: Peace, Life, Light
Main Temple Location: Winter, Capital of the Fae Winter Court
High Priest: Alleria the Lightbringer, a Sidhe Fae
Rhiannon – Goddess of the Moon, Night Mother – (N, Follow Align, Any) (Goddess)

Rhiannon is viewed as the Goddess of the Moon. She is often worshipped by thieves,
assassins and others who do their trade by darkness and the light of the moon. She is aloof.
She is usually depicted as a pale skinned sidhe woman with black eyes that have stars in them.
She is always depicted with a short sword. Others see her as a goddess of fertility. She is the
daughter of Dagda and Madb. She is often thought to hide in the shadows and listen the
secrets passed between her fellow gods.

Divine Rank: 7
Symbol: Quarter Moon
Weapon: Short sword
Domain: Twilight, Death, Trickery, knowledge
Main Temple Location: The Circle of the Moon (Open air near Freeport)
High Priest: Malorna Blooddrinker (Fae Orc)
The Ruby Lady – Incarnation of Vengeance – (Unknown, any woman can follow her)

The Ruby Lady is an unknown quantity even to the other Gods. Her comings and goings are a
mystery to them. She could be a remnant of an old deity once thought slain by the Formorai
when they invaded this world long before the Tuatha De Dannon came to this place. There are
old places, temples, towers and the like that are from that time but they are a mystery to all
today. The Formorai invaded, killed the previous gods and enslaved the mortals to their will.
What she is, or who she is matters little, she is untouchable. Her presence was completely
unknown until the Orcs unprovoked attack on the Elves. It was as if the lust for vengeance the
elves felt became manifest, or perhaps it awoke something old and dangerous. Since the War
of Ashes the Ruby Lady appears to woman’s who beg for vengeance against men who wronged
them. Reaps a bloody justice using the woman’s body. Leaves the body healed and bereft of
any scars. The woman’s soul at ease. Woman who claim to have seen visions of her describe
her as an elven woman with glowing ruby eyes and in a red hooded robe. What truth there is to
this is as flimsy as those who say they have fished up a Kraken while relating their drunken
tales from the sea. She is real though and when she possesses a woman’s body, the woman is
an unstoppable killing machine until The Ruby Lady has delivered what she considered justice
upon the wrong doers. It is whispered between men that should a woman’s eyes glow red they
should make their peace with the Gods for their death is upon them. Those that die from her
wrath cannot be resurrected and it is as if their soul is destroyed. Their eyes are burned out of
their sockets. Any woman, whether wronged or not, who believes that women should be free of
men’s tyranny can worship the Ruby Lady and in return will be granted spells. Failure to protect
a woman in need results in the revocation of all powers. One wonders what sort of damage a
truly powerful woman such as an elven high mage could wrought on the world. People often
look to the Ash Lands and wonder what she might do next time.

Divine Rank: Unknown

Symbol: A pair of ruby eyes on a black background
Weapon: Dagger, Poison
Domain: War, Death, Twilight
Main Temple Location: None
High Priest: None

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