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1. What is Communication?
The word „Communication‟ comes from the Latin word communication, meaning „to
share‟. you can see that communication is the „sharing‟ of information between two or
more individuals or within a group to reach a common understanding.

2. Write importance of communication.

Your ability to communicate clearly and share thoughts, feelings and ideas will help
you in all your relationships. Communication skills are needed to:
Inform: You may be required to give facts or information to someone. For example,
communicating the timetable of an exam to a friend.
Influence: You may be required to influence or change someone in an indirect but
usually important way.
Express feelings: Talking about your feelings is a healthy way to express them. For
example, sharing your excitement about doing well in your exams or sharing your
feelings with your parents and friends.

3. What is elements of communication?

Elements of communication is a two-way exchange of information, i.e., giving and
receiving . Speaking and writing to someone are examples of giving information.
Reading and listening to someone are examples of receiving information.

4. Explain the factors affecting the communication barrier.

Physical Barriers: Physical barriers are the environmental and natural conditions that
act as a barrier in communication in sending messages from sender to receiver. For
example: textmessages are often less effective than face-to-face communication.
Linguistic Barriers: The inability to communicate using a language is known as
language barrier to communication. Language barriers are the most common
communication barriers, which cause misunderstandings and misinterpretations
between people. For example: slang, professional jargon and regional
colloquialisms can make communication difficult.
I nterpersonal Barriers: Barriers to interpersonal communication occur when the
sender‟s message is received differently from how it was intended. It is also very
difficult to communicate with someone who is not willing to talk or express their
feelings and views.
Organisational Barriers: Organisations are designed on the basis of formal
hierarchical structures that follow performance standards, rules and regulations,
procedures, policies,behavioural norms, etc.
Cultural Barriers: Cultural barriers is when people of different cultures are unable
to understand each other‟s customs, resulting in inconveniences and
difficulties.People sometimes make stereotypical assumptions about others based on
their cultural background, this leads to difference in opinions and can be a major
barrier to effective communication.

5. What are the 7cs of Effective Communication? (important)

 Clear - Be clear about what you want to say
 Concise - Use simple words and say only what is needed
 Concrete - Use exact words and phrases
 Correct - Use correct spellings, languages and grammar
 Coherent - Words should make sense and should be related to the main topic
 Complete - Message should have all the needed information
 Courteous - Be respectful friendly and honest

6. What is verbal communication? Give some examples.

Verbal communication is the sharing of information by using words. It is what
most people use as a method of communication.

7. What are the two types of verbal communication? Give examples.(Important)

Oral or Spoken Communication: Communication which involves talking. For
example, Face to Face conversation, group discussion, talking to family member at
home, conversation with public through speeches, Classrooms, Phone
Written Communication: Communication which involves written or typed
words. For examples: letters, notes, email, SMS (Short Message Service) these can
be sent through a phone to a person or a group, Using email to share news,
thoughts, documents and files (including photos, videos, music, etc.).
8. List out some Advantages and Disadvantages of verbal communication.
Advantages of verbal communication: Verbal communication is easy and quick.
It is an easier form of communication when you have to exchange ideas. You keep
changing your communication as per the other person‟s reply.
Disadvantages of verbal communication : These differences may be due to the
use of different languages, inability to understand the colloquial phrases used by
the other individual, and the accent.

9. Explain 3Ps of Public Speaking. (Important)

Public speaking Speaking in front of a large group makes most people nervous.
You can use the 3Ps (Prepare, Practice, Perform) method to get over your fears,
and become a confident and effective speaker.
Prepare : Think about your topic. Think about what your listeners need to know
about the topic. Think about the best way to make your listeners understand your
Practice: Practice by yourself first, talk in front of a mirror Talk in front of your
family and friends and ask them what they think Speak clearly, loudly and at the
right speed (not very fast nor very slow).
Perform : Take a few deep breaths if you are feeling nervous Think about what
you have prepared and start speaking confidently.

10. What is Non-verbal communication?

Non – Verbal communication is the message we send to others without using any
words. Signals and messages to others, through expressions, gestures and body
postures. You will learn to use the correct body language, like gestures, eye
contact, handshake.

11.What is Visual communication ?

Visual communication which involves sending and understanding messages only
through images or pictures. The main advantage of this type of communication is
that you do not need to know any particular language for understanding it.

12. Example for visual communication.( Important)

13. What are the two types of greetings. Explain it with example.(important)
Formal greetings are used if you do not know the person. It is used to greet senior,
elderly people or people with whom we have formal relations like teachers or
customers. This is used more often in schools, colleges and offices.
Ex. Good morning everybody! Good morning, Ma‟am! Good morning, Sir! Good
morning, everyone! Hello Sir. How are you? Very well. Thank you!.
Informal greetings are used when you talk to friends, family or a known person.
Ex. Hey! Hello or Hi! Hey! How are you doing? Hi! I am doing great! Hi! Good to
meet you.

14.What are the two types of questions? Explain it.(important)

There are two types of questions
1.Open ended question 2. Close ended Question
Questions that can be answered with a “yes” or a “no” are called close-ended
That is because the answer options are limited or closed. For example, when we ask
“Do you have a TV at home?”, the answer could be either “Yes” or “No” .
Sometimes, when we ask a question, we expect an answer with more details. When
we ask “What do you like to watch on TV?”, the answer could be “I like to watch
movies on TV.” These are called open-ended questions because their answer
options are not limited or closed.
1. What is Self Management?
Self-management, also referred to as „self-control,‟ is the ability to control one‟s
emotions, thoughts and behaviour effectively in different situations. This also
includes motivating oneself, and setting goals.

2. Write a short note on the factors influencing self management.

Ans. The factor influencing self management are:
 Unable to manage time
 Lack of self understanding
 Negative attitude
 No self confidence
 Unorganized look

3. List any 05 self management skills.

Self-awareness - Knowing yourself as an individual – your values, likes, dislikes,
strengths and weaknesses.
Self-control - Ability to control your behaviour, discipline, etc.
Self-confidence - Believing in yourself that you can do any task that is given to
you and not scared of taking risks.
Problem solving - Understanding a problem and finding a solution using step-by-
step method.
Personal hygiene and grooming - Keeping oneself clean, healthy and smart.
Team work – Working together with people to accomplish shared goals.
Goal setting – Planning concrete goals to be accomplished within a set

Session 2: Strength and Weakness Analyze

1. What is Strength and Weakness ?
Strengths are what we do well and are good at. Everyone has some strengths.
 I am good at understanding other peoples emotion.
 I help my parents in household chores.
 I play cricket very well
Weaknesses, also known as 'areas of improvement' are what we do not do well and
are not good at. Everyone has some weaknesses too.
 I am unable to resist junk food when my friends suggest.
 I would like to learn more about computers.

2. How to identify your strength and weakness?

Identifying strengths :
 Take time off to think about what you do well
 Think of that you are always good at
 Think about what others appreciate about you.
Identifying weaknesses :
 Point out the areas where you struggle and what you find difficult to do
 Look at the feedback you receive from others.
 Be open to feedback and accept your weaknesses without feeling small about it.
Look at it as an area of improvement.

3. Difference between Interest and Abilities.

Interest: Activities you like to do at school and in your free time that make you
happy. Activities you are curious about or would do even if no one asked you to do
Abilities : Ability, on the other hand, is an acquired or natural capacity that enables
an individual to perform a particular job or task with considerable proficiency you
can either improve your abilities or follow some other path.

Session 3: Self-confidence
1. What is Self –Confidence?
Self-confidence is a quality we build when we believe in our strength to succeed
anything we do in life. People who are confident believe that they can do anything
given to them in any situation.
2. What are the factors that affect self- confidence?
Ans. The factors that affect self-confidence are:
When we think we cannot do a particular work.
 When we keep thinking of our past mistakes and feel bad about it, instead of
learning from them.

 When we expect to be successful at the first attempt itself and do not try again.
 When we are surrounded by people who have a negative attitude, which is
reflected in their speech.

Session 4: Positive Thinking

1. What is Positive thinking? How it leads to others?
Positive thinking requires a person to look at the good in things, observe, and
patiently work towards improving them rather than worrying and/or looking for the
bad in things.
Positive thinking leads to good results for you like
 Overcoming challenges
 Making you do well or making you an energetic individual
 Helping you get better at work
 Making you and people around you happy.

Session 5: Personal Hygiene

1. Why Personal hygienic is important in life?
Personal hygiene is important because, it helps us
 Stay healthy.
 Create a good image of ourselves.
 Avoid feeling ashamed in public due to our bad breadth, body odour, etc

2. List things you will do for personal grooming in each of CARE, WASH and
AVOID to keep clean.
Ans. The things necessary for personal grooming are:
Keep your hair free Wash your hands Blow your nose/cough into a
frequently handkerchief to avoid spreading
Rub oil/cream to take Take bath every day Keep your feet dry and change your
care of your skin socks every day
Brush your teeth daily Wash your clothes
Brush your teeth daily Wash your hair at least
every second day
Cut your nails every Wash your feet often
Session 6: Grooming.
1. What is grooming?
Grooming is the process of making yourself look neat, tidy and smart. The way you
dress, and groom can either send the message that you are confident, smart and sincere
or possess opposite qualities.

2. Why Dressing and grooming are important ?

Dressing and grooming are important because they help us
• look smart • feel confident about ourselves • make a good impression of ourselves

3. What are Guidelines for dressing and grooming?

 Clothes should be clean, neat, and ironed
 Change socks everyday and always wear clean socks
 Hair should be washed regularly to keep clean
 Teeth should be kept clean, without any stains


1. Give any two uses of ICT at home. Ans. The uses of ICT at home are:
 Mobile Phones for talking to each other.
 Listen Music, Watch Videos

2. What are the emerging skills in ICT?

Ans. The emerging skills in ICT are Media forms, which includes text, graphics,
animation, audio and video, etc. It also involves creating, curating, managing images
and documents; gathering and processing data and presenting them; working with
audio and video tools to create media rich communications, etc.

3. What are the key skills one should possess to use ICT?
Ans. The key ICT skills that you need are:
 knowing how to operate computers
 knowing how to browse the Internet for collecting, storing and disseminating
 information.

4. Identify the following symbols and write the name in the blank space.

a. Phone

b. Calendar

c. Music

d. Clock

e. Photos

f. Messages

5. Write any two differences between a smartphone and a tablet.

Ans. The difference between a smartphone and a tablet are:
Smart phone Tablet
1. Smaller Screen size. 1. Bigger Screen size
2. Watching a movie or making 2. Watching videos and making
changes to a picture is changes to a photo is better and
difficult. easier due to bigger screen size.

6. Write the purpose of the Input/Output devices Mic/microphone, Scanner,

Camera,Barcode Reader, Printer, Speaker.

Input/Output Device Purpose

Mic/ Microphone It is used to record voice on the computer, and
Scanner It is a device that scans/captures a paper image,
documentand converts it to digital file on computer.
Camera It is used to capture still images or to record moving
images,which are stored in a digital system.
Barcode Reader It is used for recording the items purchased in order to
createthe receipt/bill.
Printer It helps to print out the visual output on the
paper, asdisplayed on the monitor.
Speaker It plays back all the sound based output.

7. Describe the functions of at least 5 types of keys.

Ans. The functions of keys are:
 Function keys: Keys labeled from F1 to F12 are function keys. You use them
to performspecific functions. Their functions differ from program to program.
● Control keys: Keys, such as Control (CTRL), SHIFT, SPACEBAR, ALT, CAPS
LOCK, and TAB, are special control keys that perform special functions depending
on when and where they are used.
● Enter key: The ENTER or RETURN key is used to move the cursor to the
beginning of a new line. In some programs, it is used to send commands and to
confirm a task on a computer.
● Punctuation keys: It includes keys for punctuation marks, such as colon (:),
semicolon (;), question mark (?), single quotation marks („ ‟), and double quotation
marks (“ ”).
● Navigation keys: Keys, such as the arrow keys, HOME, END, PAGE UP, and
PAGE DOWN are navigation keys. These are used to move up and down, right and
left in a document. The HOME and END keys move the cursor to the left/right end
of a line of text, respectively. The PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN keys are used to
move one page up andone page down, respectively.

8. Describe the functions of a mouse.

Ans. The functions of a mouse are:
● Roll over/hover: Some actions can be done by simply rolling over or hovering
over an item. When you bring the mouse over a file in File Explorer, it will show the
details of that file.
● Point and click: As you move the mouse on your desk, a pointer moves
correspondingly on your screen. The mouse allows you to select an item on the
screen. When you click a particular file, it gets selected.
● Drag and drop: To move an item, you need to click it, and then holding the mouse
button down, move the item to a new location. After you move the item to the new
location, you release the mouse button. This is called drag and drop.
● Double-click: It means to quickly click the left mouse button twice. When we
double-click the file icon, it will open the file.

9. Write a short note on the uses of internet.

Ans. The uses of internet are:
● Search information: You can get the latest information about anything that is
uploaded on the web, whether it is result, news about an earthquake, a cricket match
or the election details.
● Shopping: You can buy and sell products, such as books and electronic goods over
the Internet.
● Entertainment: You can listen to music, play games, watch movies or share
● Online booking: You can book movie tickets, hotels, bus/train/ plane tickets,
● E-mail and chatting: You can talk or send messages to people all around the world
quicklyand easily. The messages you send over the Internet can reach any part of the
world in justa few seconds. For example, Gmail and Outlook.
● Online learning: There are a number of courses available online─some are free
while others are not. You can do a course on a topic you like or want to know more
● Social networking: You can share your interests, knowledge and stories with your
family and friends around the world. For example, Facebook and Twitter.
● Online banking: You can do banking operations, like checking details of your
bank account or transferring money from one account to another through mobile

10. List the steps to search for information using a web browser.
Ans. The steps to search for information using a web browser are:
1. Open an Internet browser.
2. Type the topic on which you want information in the search box and hit the Enter
3. The search results having the required information will be displayed.

11.What characters should the password have in e-mail address, to make it more
Ans. A password should be at least 8 characters long and contain letters,
numbers and specialcharacters (e.g.,$%#). This will make it more secure.


1. What is Entrepreneurship?
An entrepreneur is a person who creates a new business, takes risks, brings new ideas
to start a business and is self employed.

2. What are the different ideas entrepreneurs add?

New ideas with which an entrepreneur adds varieties of product, new services, cost
reduction ideas, or new marketing techniques.

Session 2: Role of Entrepreneur

3. What are the roles and benefits of entrepreneurs?
The role and benefits of entrepreneurship
a. Economic Development – As entrepreneurs provide quality products and services
for the customer, entrepreneurs grow their business, invest the money in the business
and expect good returns.
b. Social Development – In the beginning the business is usually very small, to
become successful in the business entrepreneur have to expand their business, to
expand the business entrepreneur have to work hard and they have to create more jobs.
when the jobs are created by the entrepreneur then more people will earn money and
have a good life.
c. Improved Standard of Living – When entrepreneurs sell quality products to the
customer, quality products help people live a more comfortable life.
d. Optimal Use of Resources – Around us a lot of renewable and no-renewable
resources are available. entrepreneurs have to find the most optimal ways of using the
resources to reduce costs and increase their profits.

Session 3: Qualities of a Successful Entrepreneur

4. What are the qualities of successful entrepreneurs?
Answer – An entrepreneur needs to have the following qualities –
a. Patience – Success may not be achieved in one-day , it can take time. It is
important for an entrepreneur to be patient.
b. Positivity – Always be positive when you are finding difficulty in the business. An
entrepreneur has to think positively even when he/she takes a big rist.
c. Hard working – An entrepreneur has to work hard till it becomes successful in the
d. Confidence – An entrepreneur has to make decisions and be very confident about
their business. An entrepreneur needs to communicate with the customers confidently.
e. Open to Trial and Error – Entrepreneurs have to implement new ideas, implement
trial and error and new experiments without fear of failure to tell the business becomes
f. Creativity and Innovation – An entrepreneur should be able to see and identify the
problem from different perspectives and come up with creative solutions.

Session 4
5. What are the Characteristics of Entrepreneurs?
 Believe in hard work
 Ability to take up risks
 Money Management
 Knowledge of the product and services and their need or demand in the
 Effective planning and execution
 Financial literacy
 Adaptable and flexible to achieve the goals of enhancing quality and customer

6. What is wage employment?

Wage management is based on work grades and performance parameters. Wage
management‟s goal is to take reward and give high performance standards in the
business. The wage management does not take too much risk but entrepreneurs have
to take risks.

7. What are the Benefits of entrepreneurship?

The various benefits of entrepreneurship are –
 Work for yourself, and not for others
 More risk, more profit
 Do what you are interested in
 Make profits for yourself
Session 5: Type of Business Activities
8. What are the different types of business activities in entrepreneurship?
There are three types of business activities in entrepreneurship
a. Product business – If entrepreneurs sell any physical product to the customer
which can be seen and touched is called a product business. example grocery item,
sport item or electronic item.
b. Service business – If an entrepreneur provides some services to the customers it is
called service business. example – caching institute, electronic services shops, call
centers etc.
c. Hybrid business – Combination of product and service business is called hybrid
business. example – Mobile shop, they provide sell and service both.

Session 6: Product, Service and Hybrid Businesses

9. What are the Types of product – based business?
Answer – There are two types of product – based businesses
a. Manufacturing Businesses – There are a lot of different types of factories which
manufacture different types of products.
b. Trade Business – That type of business which buys and sells products to
customers. In the trade business transport the product from the factory to warehouses
and then to the shops. example – retail shops, distributors and wholesalers.

Session 7: Entrepreneurship Development Process

10. What is the entrepreneurship development process?
Answer – To enhance the knowledge and skills through several training programs
whether it is formal or informal, the entrepreneur development process helps to
achieve the goals.
There are different types of steps for starting a business Idea
 Getting money and material
 Understanding customer needs
 Improving Product/ service


1. What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) referred to as the simulation of human intelligence by
machines, which are programmed to think like humans and imitate their actions. Al
involves producing computers/machines having intelligence like that of humans and
equips them with qualities such as perception (i.e. the acquisition of information and
rules for using the information), reasoning (i.e. using rules to reach approximate or
definite conclusions) and learning (i.e. self-correction).
2. List out some points in need of intelligence.
 Al can help us create programs, software or devices that are able to solve real-life
problems such as health issues and traffic issues, which need to be solved efficiently
and accurately.
 Al can help us in creating our personal virtual assistant, such as the Google Assistant
and Apple's Siri.
 Al can help us build robots and devices which can work in an environment which is
dangerous for humans.

3. Write differences between programming with AI and without AI.

Programming without AI Programming with AI

A computer program without AI can A computer program with AI can
answer specific questions only or can solve answer the generic question it is meant
specific problems. to solve.
We need to change the structure of the AI programs can adapt new
program in order to modify it. modifications automatically by
assembling independent pieces of
information together.
Modification requires rewriting the AI-enabled programs are easy to
program code at times. modify and require less time.

4. What are the aims of AI?

 Al aims to design devices or applications that can replicate human intelligence
 It mainly aims to solve the problems that require knowledge-processing.
 It aims to connect perception and action.
 Game-playing is one of the major functions of Al. It aims to build machines that
can perform tasks such as
a) proving a theorem b) playing chess c) driving a car in traffic
 Al can exhibit intelligent behavior learn new things by itself, demonstrate,
explain and advise its user.

5. What are the different types of AI?

Artificial Intelligence can be classified into two.
 Type 1
 Narrow AI
 General AI
 Super AI
 Type 2
 Reactive Machines
 Limited memory
 Theory of mind
 Self – Awareness

6. Explain different types of Type 1 AI.

Narrow Al or Weak Al:
Narrow Al are programmed and designed to perform one specific
task. At this stage, the device does not own any thinking ability,
and its functionality is limited. Apple's Siri, a chess playing
computer, self-driving cars and speech recognition are a few
examples of its.

General Al
General Al covers Al applications that could perform any
intellectual task with the same efficiency as that of a human.
This stage of Al is still in evolution, and researchers are working
towards developing machines having general Al.

Super Al
Super Al is the hypothetical stage of Al that aims to develop
systems which could beat human intelligence and which can
perform a task better than a human, For example, Al applications
that can learn, think, solve a puzzle, make judgements or even
communicate on their own come under super Al.

7. Explain different types of Type 2 AI.

Reactive machines:
Reactive machines AI covers all simple and basic AI-enabled devices. These devices
do not have the capacity to store experience and knowledge for future actions. They
process only recent scenarios and react accordingly. Google‟s Alpha Go and IBM‟s
Deep Blue System are examples of reactive machines AI devices.

Limited-memory machines:
Limited memory machines are more powerful than reactive machines as these can
store past experiences knowledge for a short period of time Self-driving cars are the
most common example of limited-memory Al device. These cars can store the recent
speed of nearby cars, the distance of other cars, the speed limit and other information
to navigate the road. Theory of mind
Theory of mind:
Al is still in the development stage it aims to understand the human feelings and
people reactions and can even be able to interact socially the humans, Al researchers
are working towards the development such Al devices

Self-awareness Al will be the most powerful in the coming future. These Al machines
will have the power to beat human intelligence and will even have human qualities
such as consciousness, sentiments and self-awareness As of now, it just a vision of Al
researchers and does not exist in reality

8. List out some advantages of AI.

Al helps in reducing human error: We humans tend to make mistakes and then
learn from of mistakes but Al cannot commit error. For example, self-driving cars can
even help in saving human lives by limiting the cases of accidents
Al helps in increasing productivity: Al applications/devices help increasing
productivity up to a great extent. Al systems can process billions of data in fractions of
seconds, which the results in increasing the productivity in many areas.
Al makes the decision-making process faster: Decision-matting is an integral part of
our lives Al helps us in the decision-making process as it can process a huge amount
of data in a very limited time. For eg. Netflix and TV shows help the viewers in
quickly selecting the programmes
Al helps in reducing cost: Al applications, such as robotic arms used in
manufacturing, process a huge amount work quickly, resulting in cutting down of
various expenses such as manpower cost and production cost
Al performs repeated tasks without getting tired or bored. Al devices can carry
out repeated tastes in an efficient an effective manner without getting tired or feeling
bored like humans. Al devices can work continuously, 24/7. These devices do not
need to take rest in between like humans do.
Al is robots: AI can even be place at risky places instead of humans, such as in the
exploration of Mars and many other scientific explorations.
Al helps in carrying out odd jobs: Smart helpers/robots can help us in carrying out
daily routine mundane jobs such as cleaning and mopping and thus save our energy
and time
Al helps in improving security: Protection from cybercrimes, detection of frauds,
assistance in surveillance of houses and offices are a few examples where Al solutions
are being used to a great extent to provide us a safe and secure environment.

9. List out some disadvantages of AI.

Highly expensive: Al solutions are very expensive, as they are quite complex.
Cannot exhibit human emotions: Al systems do not have feelings and emotions like
Al cannot learn with experience and has no decision-matting capacity:
We humans learn from our mistakes and past experiences, but this is not the case with
Al, Al devices perform the same function repeatedly if no different command given..
Al is not creative: Al systems are programmed to perform specific tastes. These
machines cannot be creative as humans
Unemployment: One major disadvantage of Al is unemployment. Al systems can
replace humans, and this may result in unemployment. For example, self-driving cars
may result in loss of jobs for car drivers.
Al cannot replicate humans: Al is created by humans. It can be programmed to
worth and behave like us, but it can never replace humans. Social shills, emotions,
intellectual power, feelings all such qualities cannot be acquired by Al.

10. What are the three domains of Artificial Intelligence?

a) Data b) Computer Vision c) Natural Language processing (NLP)

11. What is data in AI?

Data is the collection of raw facts and numbers. Anything that is composed of letters
(A-Z), numbers (0-9), or any special character (@) comes under the category of data.
This data can be of different forms such as numeric and text. Different data collection
and processing techniques are employed by Al to process data.

12. What is Natural Language Processing?

NLP helps computers understand human language. It deals with the interaction
between computers and humans using natural language. Virtual digital assistant,
Alexa, Siri is the most common example of NLP.

13.What is the uses of NLP?

 NLP is used for creating language translation applications such as Google
 It is used in word processors such as Microsoft Word to check grammatical and
spelling errors.
 Another most common use of NLP is the interactive voice response (IVR)
application that is used in call centres to respond to certain users' requests,
 NLP is used for creating robots and chatbots. One very popular use of NLP in
our daily life is in the form of personal assistant applications such as Siri and

14. What are the two components of NLP?

 Natural Language Understanding (NLU)
 Natural Language Generation (NLG)

15. What is NLU?

Natural Language Understanding - It maps the input given in a natural
language into useful representations. It also analyses different aspects of the
16. What is NLG?
Natural Language Generation (NLG) - NLG is the process of producing
meaningful phrases and sentences in the form of natural language from some internal
representation.The following steps of NLG are
Text planning: It includes retrieving the relevant content from the knowledge base.
Sentence planning: It includes choosing the required words, forming meaningful
phrases and setting the tone of the sentence.
Text realisation: It is mapping of the sentence plan with the sentence structure.

17.What is Lexical Analysis?

Lexical Analysis: It is the process of identifying and analysing the structure of words.
The 'lexicon' of a language means the collection of words and phrases in that
language. Lexical analysis is basically the process of dividing the entire text into
paragraphs, sentences and words.

18. What is Syntactic Analysis?

Parsing is the process of arranging words and grammar in a sentence in a manner that
shows the relationship among the words. For example, the sentence The bank goes to
girl' is rejected by the English syntactic analyser.

19. What is Semantic Analysis?

Semantic Analysis is the process of mapping syntactic structures and objects in the
task domain. It checks the sentence for meaningfulness. The semantic analyser will
reject expressions such as 'hot ice cream'.

20. What is Discourse Integration?

Discourse Integration: It is the process of making out the meaning of any sentence on
the basis of the sentence just before it. In addition, it also brings out the meaning of
the immediately succeeding sentence.

21.What is Pragmatic Analysis?

Pragmatic Analysis: It is the process of deriving those aspects of language which
require real-world knowledge.

22.Give any 3 Real-life examples of NLP.

Google Translate – Translate one language in to a another.
Google Webspeech & Vocalware – App require speech recognition.
Spam Filter in Email – Email automatically filtered from rest of the e-mails.

23.What is Computer Vision ( third domain of AI)?

Computer Vision(CV) involves techniques to help computers see and understand the
content of digital images such as photographs and videos. CV collect the information
from digital images or videos and processes them to define the attributes. The entire
process involves image acquiring, screening, analyzing, identifying and extracting

24. How does the CV work and say importance of CV?

Machines capture visual information and then analyse it using CV. CV uses pattern
recognition techniques to self train and understand visual data. Visual information
captured by Camera, the analog to digital conversion is used to convert the image to
digital data and digital signal processing is employed to process the data.

25. List out the importance of Computer Vision and give examples of CV.
A huge amount of visual data in the forms of pictures and videos are being used.
▸ Face recognition: Websites such as Snapchat and Facebook use face-detection
algorithms to apply filters and recognise people in pictures.
▸ Image retrieval: Google Images uses content-based queries to search for relevant
▸Biometric systems: These systems use methods such as fingerprint and face
matching for identification.
▸ Smart cars: CV is the main source of information to detect traffic signs and lights
and other visual features in case of self-driving cars.

26. What are the three major applications of AI.

Robots : Robots are used for performing tasks. Robots can be deployed in difficult
environments and can work without getting tired or feeling bored like humans.
Machine Vision : Machine vision is the application area of Al that includes the use of
a camera or multiple cameras to inspect and analyse objects automatically.
Speech Understanding/Voice Recognition: Voice recognition is ranging from
simple online games that understand voice input to virtual assistants such as Apple's
Siri. Speech understanding is the most commonly used Al application.
Expert Systems: Expert systems are developed to solve complex problems. An expert
system is made up of two main components: knowledge base (a storehouse of
information in an organised form) and inference engine (techniques used to search the
required information from the knowledge base). Expert systems are mainly used in the
field of medicine.
Al in Mathematical Computations: Al is used for solving complex mathematical
problems such as proving theorems, manipulating formulae, algebra, and differential
and integral calculus.

27. Explain the role of AI in everyday life.

Siri : Siri is Apple's most famous personal assistant available on the iPhone and the
iPad. It is a female voice-activated assistant that interacts with the user and is able to
assist in routine tasks such as finding information, getting directions, sending
messages, making calls, opening applications and adding events to the calendar.
Tesla : Tesla is an example of Al in the automobile industry, with various features
such as self driving and predictive capabilities, among others.
Cogito : Cogito is popular tool used in marketing field.
Netflix : Netflix is a popular content-on-demand service that uses predictive
technology to provide recommendations based on the reactions, desires, preferences
and actions of consumers.
Pandora : Pandora is an application similar to Netflix, except that it caters only to
Nest (Google) : Nest was one of the most famous and successful Al start-ups, and it
was acquired by Google in 2014 for $3.2 billion. The Nest Learning Thermostat uses
behavioural algorithms to save energy based on one's behaviour and schedule.
Flying drones: Flying drones are very popular these days. These include a powerful
machine-learning system that can translate the environment into a 3D model through
sensors and video cameras. These are used for a variety of tasks such as videography,
photography and even food delivery.

28.Explain the significance and impact of AI in Real life.

Al automates the tasks: Al can perform frequent, high-volume, computerised tasks
reliably and without fatigue
Al can learn through repetitive tasks: In addition to helping us in doing repetitive
Al can improve already-existing products: Al can be used to improve and enhance
already-existing products. In addition to automating the tasks. A major example of
such an improvement is Apple's, Siri that has improved the features of an iPhone.
Al is accurate: Because of techniques such as deep learning and neural networks,
results of Al processing are accurate and error free. For example, Al applications such
as Google Search and Google Photos usually give accurate results, and moreover,
these applications also improve over time.
Al can detect frauds and help in solving crimes: The way we uncover criminal
activity and solve crimes will be enhanced with Al. Fraud detection systems are one of
the most useful outcomes of Al solutions.
Al can work in dangerous environments: Al solutions can replace humans and be
deployed in environments which are dangerous for humans.
Al has influenced the field of health care: Modern monitoring and diagnostic
solutions that use Al have influenced health care to a great extent. Al can even reduce
the operating costs of health care facilities and medical organisations and thus help in
saving money.

29.What is Smart Living?

Smart living is an emerging trend that aims to improve standards in several aspects of
our day-to-day life. It can impact our homes, workplaces, transportation methods and
many more.

30. Define Smart home.

The term smart home refers to the technology used in modern homes, which enavles
the owner/members of the home to have appliances, lighting or electronic devices that
can be controlled remotely by the owner/members often via a mobile app.
31.What are the benefits of Smart home?
Energy saving is one major benefit provided by smart home technology. Smart homes
save energy by including concepts such as smart lighting and solar panels.
Smart homes include smart thermostats, which are wifi enabled and allow users to set
up, monitor and remotely control home temperature.
Smart homes include smart thermostats, which are wifi enabled and allow users to
set up, monitor and remotely control home temperature.
Smart homes include smart security systems, as part of which smart security cameras
enable home members to monitor their homes on their smartphones even when they
are away from home.
Smart homes include Smart TVs that can connect to the Internet and play Internet
applications such as on-demand video and music.
Smart homes may even include smart irrigation system.

32.Explain the major devices used in Smart homes.

Smart Hub: A smart hub is a device that connects different appliances and devices
and controls them. It acts as a central point for controlling all devices. It is also known
as the gateway. Smart hub is controlled by an Internet-connected interface such as an
application on a smart phone. It is an essential device as it connects all devices to one
another and to the Internet.
Thermostat :A thermostat is a device that automatically controls the temperature of a
smart home. It sets the temperature according to the home members' heating and
cooling preferences and time schedule. For example, if it is hot outside, the thermostat
will not run the air conditioning while you are gone and will cool the house to your
preferred temperature by the time you return. It can also respond to voice commands.
A smart lighting system can be programmed and ordered to turn the lights on and off
when required. It can even customise the lighting. It helps in saving energy and
reducing the power bill.
Smart speakers are not similar to ordinary speakers that only can produce sound
output; rather, smart speakers have many more capabilities. These systems have voice
recognition software to accept voice commands. These can even be controlled via
mobile phones. These can accept voice commands and perform various tasks such as
create a playlist, turn on reminders, make grocery lists and even search information on
the Internet.
A video doorbell is a device that has an inbuilt camera that allows home
owners/members to see who is outside their house on a smartphone or tablet
Smart cameras can be installed inside or outside the home to monitor the activities of
the home as well as the surroundings. Latest smart cameras can also record and live-
stream the critical areas of the house 24/7.
Smart refrigerators let users track food items inside the refrigerator remotely and
recognise them. Users can also monitor the temperature inside the freezer and the
33. List out the challenges of smart homes.
 One major drawback of smart homes is that they are dependent on the Internet.
In case of internet failure, smart homes user will not able to access and control
the devices. Smart homes are very expensive.
 A few smart home members who are not well versed with technology may find
it difficult to operate and use smart home devices.
 A hacker can hack the smart hub device and can misuse and control the rest of
the devices as well. Since smart homes involve the use of the Internet, there are
chances that the data or images uploaded and shared by smart devices can be
hacked and leaked over Internet.

34. What is Smart city?

A smart city is a city that uses information and communication technology and Al
solutions such as lot to manage assets, resources and services in an efficient manner.
A smart city aims to provide a comfortable and secure living environment to the
residents. It also aims to conserve resources such as water, power etc.

35. List out the benefits of Smart City.

 Adequate water Supply.
 Secure energy supply.
 Sanitation, including solid-waste management.
 Efficient urban mobility and public transport.
 Robust IT connectivity and digitalization
 Sustainable Climate
 Safety and safety of people, especially women.

36. List out the challenges faced in Smart Cities.

 Lack of Sufficient funds
 Inadequate utilization of funds because of corruption.
 Lack of Internet facilities.
 Network connectivity issues.
 Cyber security issues.
 Lack of digital literacy.

37. What are Sustainable development Goals?

Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. The SDGs are
a collection of 17 global goals which are designed to act as a blueprint to achieve a
better and more sustainable future for all.

38.What are the 17 goals of Sustainable development?

1.No Poverty, 2. Zero Hunger, 3.Good Health and Well-being 4.Quality Education
5.Gender Equality 6.Clean Water and Sanitation 7.Affordable and Clean Energy
8.Decent Work and Economic Growth 9.Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
10.Reducing Inequality 11.Sustainable Cities and Communities, 12.Responsible
Consumption and Production, 13.Climate Action, 14.Life Below Water, 15.Life on
Land, 16.Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, 17.Partnerships for the Goals.

39.What is the role of AI in Sustainable developments?

Al helps us solve complex and interrelated global challenges which include such
pressing issues as hunger and climate change. Al Tech processes are used to
computerise the routine tasks and analyse the big data, generating the solutions to
many sustainable development issues. An Al solution should be designed in such a
manner that it can play a transformative role in achieving the SDGs.

40. Define Artificial Intelligence in Health Care.

 Al also helps doctors, specialists in the field of medicine and health care in many
ways. One biggest example is voice recognition systems and natural language
processing that can understand and process natural language spoken by doctors and
thus follow instructions..
 Another major example of Al is expert systems which help in diagnosing diseases,
prescribing the cure or the action plan for cure.
 Al-enabled digital devices such as devices that can catch cardiac diseases are a big
help to medical industry. Al-enabled data collection and processing services are
extensively used in hospitals and health care centres to keep records of patients.
Some of these applications are powerful enough to keep a track of patient's
improvement and development, and thus can suggest the prescription.

41. Define AI in Business and Marketing.

Al is widely used in business and marketing applications. Al applications can process
large amount of data and can summarise it. Such Al-enabled applications make
business process more effective and less time consuming.
Automation and use of robotics, for example, use of a virtual assistant chatbot have
simplified, smoothened and speed up the business processes. Let us consider one more
example of the Al-enabled applications such as online help desk centres, while visiting
some websites, you must have seen that the chat window pops up. You can then ask
questions there directly and they reply to your problem or query in real-time.

42. Explain AI in Banking and Finance.

Many banks are using Al-based systems for various tasks such as for providing
customer support, for data processing, for detecting faults and problems, and most
importantly for detecting credit/debit card frauds and other such online fruads.
Al has been used widely even in the field of finance. Al aspects such as machine
learning and deep learning help in predicting the future trends of trade and trading
primarily depends on predicting future trends in an accurate manner organisations are
utilising Al to improve their stock trading performance and to increase profit.
43.What is Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture.
You must have heard that the food requirement is going to be increased by
50% by 2050 in the world. There are so many reasons behind this increase. one most
common reason is the increase in population
Climate change, increasing population, producing enough food to meet up with the
consumption demand, are some challenges that are faced by the agriculture industry
nowadays. Farmers need to use their resources wisely in order to obtain maximum
production from their land, in a sustainable manner.
Al can help framers in achieving the above said benefits and to improve crop yield.
Automation and robotics can help farmers protecting their farms from weed; also,
these can help in soil analysis and then can suggest the best crops t be rooted in the

44. What is Artificial Intelligence in Game Playing?

Al has transformed the world of gaming. There are many simple to complex games
that have been developed in the recent few years using various Al domains. Al has
become an integral part of gaming industry. Strategic games such chess, poker,
puzzle, etc. involve intelligence. Most of the games are played using a well-defined
set of rules, for example a simple game has some basic rules for winning Al-enabled
game playing programs, involve use of heuristic knowledg and then taking a move.
These programs can be simple to complex. Even a simple game such as guess a
number Roch-Paper-Scissors created using an Al development language such as
Python is simple as well as challenging a anticipating the moves of an opponent can
be crucial at times.

45. What is Artificial Intelligence in Space Exploration?

Al has been proven very useful for space expeditions and discoveries, as these
applications require analysing vast amount of data. The best way to handle. and
process data on this scale is Al and machine learning One major example of Al in
space exploration is NASA's upcoming rover mission to Mars, the Mars 2020 Rover.
The AEGIS is an Al-based Mars rover. To conduct investigations on Mars, the rover
is responsible for autonomous positioning of cameras.

46. What is Artificial Intelligence in Automobile Industry?

Electric vehicle technology is revolutionising the transportation system. Al uses:
computer vision, image recognition and deep learning to build cars that can identify
objects automatically and drive around without human intervention Soon, self-driving
cars will be common in use.

47.What is Artificial Intelligence in Building Chatbots?

Digital helpers/virtual assistants have become a very popular technology these days.
Almost every household has a virtual assistant that controls the home appliances Some
examples include Siri, Alexa and Cortana, which are gaining popularity as a result of
their user experience. Such devices/applications use natural language processing
(NLP) and machine learning algorithms to process human language and perform tashis
Amazon's Echo is an example of using Al to translate human language into desirable

48.What is Artificial Intelligence in Social Media?

Al is used for face authentication in social media platforms such as Facebook where
machine leaming and deep learning techniques are used to identify facial
characteristics and tag the mates. Machine learning algorithms, on the other hand, are
used to build your feed according to your interests.
Twitter's Al is used to identify hate speech and terrorist language in tweets.

49. What is the Scope of Artificial Intelligence?

The major focus of Al is to develop machines or software solutions that can think le a
human and even can imitace way a human would act. Al program is its ability to
rationalise and take action that he the best chance of attaining a specific objective. The
device that has features which can help you leam and solve problems.
Examples of various activities for which computers with Al are designed for, include
Learning, Planning, Problem solving, Speech/Face recognition, Computer vision
Natural language processing, exploration and Machine learning.

50. What is careers in the field of Artificial Intelligence?

Academic Careers - Research in the field of Al need people who are PhDs and would
like to work in R&D departments
Professional Careers - Different job positions available based on these application
areas/domains of Al are follows:
Medicine : Creation of expert stems, monitoring and control in the intensive care
units, interpretation of medical images and diagnosis are a few anches in the medicine
and health care field that demand Al professionals.
Robotics: A professionals who can woth in the domains of computer vision, motor
control, learning, planning, linguistic communication, cooperative behaviour come
under the robotics domain
Engineering there are many career options in the domain of engineering Areas such
as fault diagnosis, intelligent control systems.
Intelligent manufacturing systems, intelligent design aids, integrated systems for sales,
design, production, maintenance expert configuration tool demand Al professionals
Space exploration domains - The professionals are required to perform tasks such as
control of space vehicles and autonomous robots Space agencies such as NASA use
Al to help plan and schedule space shuttle maintenance

Military and defence ;Drones and automated vehicles are a few examples of Al being
used by defence agencies of various countries. Thus, there is a great demand of
professionals, equipped with the knowledge of Al applications in military and defence
Marketing : We have already studied about the application areas of Al in the field of
marketing. Al professionals are required to develop more targeted, relevant, and
timely marketing programs to increase the sales and for customer satisfaction
Banking and finance - Al applications are majorly used for tasks such as fraud
detection, data exploration and predicting the financial trends Professionals are
required in the field of banking and finance to perform such tasks.
Game developer - As gaming is one major application area of Al, software
developers or game developers are in great demand to design games that keep the user
engaged and use the concept of Al

51.What are the different jobs in AI.

 Software analysts and developers Computer vision engineers
 Computer scientists and computer engineer
 Algorithm specialists
 Research scientists and engineering consultants
 Surgical technicians Medical health professionals working with artificial limbs,
prosthetics, hearing aids, and
 Military and aviation electricians.
 Professors and research scholars for working in RGD development.

52.What are the skills required for Artificial Intelligence.

Expertise in programming languages
 R programming language
 Python
 Java
 C++

53. What is Soft skills?

Al professionals should possess other essential soft stills that equip a person to
perform well at the workplace.
Communication skills - Effective communication stills are a necessary requirement for
any job.
Problem-solving skills - Understanding a critical problem and a person must be able to
think analytically, in order to be able to identify and analyse complex problem
Industry knowledge - Al industries and the jobs that exist these industries. This will
help the person to find a job in the field the interests him.
Management and Leadership Skills – AI professional acquired leadership and
management skills effectively to lead people.

54. What are the eminent in Artificial Intelligence?

Amazon, Apple, Google, Facebook, Tempus, Datareport, Clarifai, AEye, Persado,,Anki
55. Name some AI start ups companies.
Vacasa, samsara, TripActions, ThoughtSpot, CloudMinds, SparkCognition

56. Name some famous AI start-ups in India.

Niramai, doxper, LOGINEXT, rubique
57.What are the ethics in Artificial Intelligence.
 Development of values.
 Developing a moral sense of good or bad and right or wrong.

58. What are the Ethics of robotic and Robethics.

Robot ethics can be defined as the morality of how humans construct, design, use and
treat robots and the other being created through Al
Robot rights is created be artificially intelligent, similar to human rights or animal
rights. Robot rights, such as the right to exist and perform own mission, can be linked
to the robot duty to serve human beings, same as human rights are linked to human dut
before society.
Robot rights can include the following:
o Right to life and liberty
o Freedom of thought and expression
o Equality before the law

59.What are the uses of Artificial Intelligence?

Uses of Artificial Intelligence
Al is useful in expanding the abilities of people so that they can delve into creative
spaces and accomplish more in their lives.
▸ Music and media: Users can find music and media of their choice on many apps
(e.g. YouTube, Netflix, Spotify)
Smart home devices: Al is used in smart home devices to adjust the temperature and
lighting of the home on the basis of one's preferences
▸ Online services: Industries such as banking, entertainment and retail rely heavily on
Al for, say, chatbots or algorithms which enable them to track the spending, suggest
purchases and prevent fraud.
Smartphones: Advancements in features such as photo editor, face detection and
virtual reality are quite evident with the latest Android and iOS updates.
Smart cars: Huge progress is seen in smart cars, with automatic cars on the road
coming very close to becoming a reality.
Social media feeds: Al plays a vital role in one's actions on social media. The feeds
which you see on your timeline o along with the notifications that you receive from
these apps is curated mainly by Al Video games: Every user which plays a game such
as PUBG starts playing against Al-powered bors and then moves on to play against
real players in consecutive levels.
Navigation and travel: Al is used to interpret hundreds of thousands of data points
that are received with user inputs to suggest real-time traffic data, for example Google

60.What are the PROS and CONS of Artificial Intelligence.

 An Al machine doesn't get tired.
 An Al machine can take rational decisions Al can be used in many different fields
such as health care, security, education, entertainment and transport

 An Al machine gives accurate and fast results


 Al technology is costly.
 An Al machine lacks in creativity and emotions
 Privacy is another issue with Al machines.
 Legal malpractices may arise because of Al


1. What is Artificial Intelligence project cycle?
With the development of Al (both machines and software), computers are able to
perform tasks that normally require human intelligence. Al covers a broad range of
domains and applications and is expected to impact every field in the future. Any
standard information technology (IT) project would follow the basic steps: Initiating,
Planning, Executing & Closing.
2. Explain the problem scoping, data acquisition, data exploration, modeling,
evaluation with examples.
While finalising the aim of a system, we scope the problem which we wish to solve
with the help of our project. This is problem scoping.
For example, As you interact with the authorities, you get to know that a few
authorised people are allowed to enter the area where the artefact is kept, for example
the maintenance staff, certain officials and VIPs. Now, your challenge is to make sure
that no unauthorised person enters the premises. For this, you choose one of the
 Get photographs of all the authorised people.
 Get photographs of all the unauthorised people.
 Get photographs of the premises in which the artefact has been hept
 Get photographs of all the visitors

As you start collecting the photographs, you acquire data in a visual form. This data
now becomes the base of you security system. The data needs to be accurate and
reliable to ensure the efficiency of your system. This process is known as data
At this stage you try to interpret some useful information out of the data you have
acquired. For this, you explore the data and try to put it uniformly for better
understanding. This is known as data exploration.
To implement your idea, you now look at different Al-enabled algorithms which work
on computer vision (as you are working on visual data). You go through several
models and select the one which matches your requirements. After choosing the
model, you implement it. This is known as the modelling stage.

3. What are the steps to follow implement the project cycle?

* Problem scoping * Data Exploration * Evaluation * Data acquisition
* Modelling

4. What are the main parts in problem scoping?

Setting Goals, Identifying the key stakeholders, Identifying existing measures and
Identifying ethical concerns.
5. What are the roles perform in HR Department?
Positive Impact: Their work would be simplified, and they will not have to spend
any time in going through the résumés.
Negative Impact: One of the goals is to downsize the department from 500
employees to 100, which means a lot of the people will lose their jobs once the Al
system is implemented. The management will have to manage the department's
expectations here.
Support Needed: We need the department's experience and expertise to collect data
in order to build algorithms to select the top 10% résumés. The IT department will
have to work very closely with the HR department to identify trends to determine the
quality of resume in terms of good or bad. This can eventually be automated and
included in the Al system.

6. What are the roles perform in IT Department?

More People: The department intends to hire a team of 20 part-time developers to
develop the Al system, of which 5 to 10 will be hired full time and maintain the
system post-completion.
Space: The Al system requires collection and storage of vast amount of information,
and that means buying more storage or even making a new server to store and process

7. Explain problem scoping – 4Ws Problem Canvas.

The canvas helps us in identifying the four crucial parameters we need to know for
solving a problem: Who, What, When and Why.
a. Who – The “Who” element helps us to understand and categorize who is
directly and indirectly affected by the problem, and who are known as
b. What – The “What” section aids us in analyzing and recognizing the nature
of the problem, and you may also gather evidence to establish that the problem
you‟ve chosen exists under this block.
c. Where – What is the situation, and where does the problem arise.
d. Why – Refers to why we need to address the problem and what the
advantages will be for the stakeholders once the problem is solved.

8. What is data science?

It is the study of where information comes from, what it represents and how it can be
turned into a valuable resource in the creation of business and IT strategies.

9. What is significance of Big data?

The big data that a company acquires is not as important as how a company utilizes
the collected data.
Big data helps in machine learning, as the bigger the size of the data that Al uses to
train the machines, the better more accurate the results will be large amount of data
will be helpful to discover patterns in the data, and this information can be used for
further analysis.
Data along with machine-learning techniques may identify the likelihood of future
outcomes. It can be used to assess what will happen in the future, on the basis of
which organisations can take the best possible business decisions.
Big data can be used for solving complex problems and achieving better goals.
Analysing big data can help in looking for trends, patterns etc in the process of

10. What are the three important parameters of big data?

Volume: It is important that we have a lot of data in order to build an accurate AI
system. For example, in our case, if we had the past resumes of only one or two years,
that may not have been enough to achieve our goals.
Velocity: This means the speed at which the data is received. We need to to build an
AI system that can handle over 20000 resumes a month in real time. Not only should
the system be able to handle the current rate of resumes, but ii should also be able to
scale to four or five times as the company grows.
Variety : A large volume of unstructured data would eventually form set patterns, and
an AI system is built in a way that it is able to identify and train itself to make sense of
the unstructured data in the long run. For example, out of the 20,000 resumes per
month, if 90% are for the same/similar job posting, it will be easier to train the AI
system for just that job posting. However, any time a resume matches another job
posting that has insufficient data, the system would fail to select the best resumes.
Therefore it is very important to have 200 resumes each for 100 different job posting
rather than 20,000 for a single job posting.
11. What are the challenges comes when we use big data?
Storage: The IT department must ensure collection and storage of this data on an
ongoing basis. It could easily run into terabytes and petabytes over time. That requires
investment in data servers, back-up hard drives and so on Security They seem like
simple résumés, but they contain personal and sensitive information about real people
which could be misused if leaked outside the company. Therefore, building a secure
network around the s data is very important
Curation: Storing information is not enough. These résumes and employee profiles
should make sense which requires data organisation and management. As much as 50
to 70% of the time is spent on data curation once the Al system is in place.

12. List out the free govenment opensourced data provided portals.
 World Bank Open Data
 Google Public Data Explorer
 Registry of Open data om AWS
 European Union Open Data Portal
 (link)
 (link)
 US Census Bureau
 Census India
 Open library

13. What is Data acquisition?

The method of collecting correct and dependable data to work with is known as data
acquisition. Data can be in the form of text, video, photos, audio, and so on, and it can
be gathered from a variety of places such as websites, journals, and newspapers.

14. What is Data?

Data is a representation of facts or instructions about an entity that can be processed or
conveyed by a human or a machine, such as numbers, text, pictures, audio clips,
videos, and so on.
There is two type of data –
1.Structured Data 2. Unstructured Data
Structured Data
When data is in a standardized format, has a well-defined structure, follows a
consistent order, and is easily accessible by humans and program. This data is in the
form of numbers, characters, special characters etc.
Unstructured Data
Unstructured data is information that doesn‟t follow traditional data models and is
therefore difficult to store and manage. Video, audio, and image files, as well as log
files, are all examples of unstructured data.
What is dataset?
Dataset is a collection of data in tabular format. Dataset contains numbers or values
are related to a specific subject. For example, students‟ test scores in a class is a
The dataset is divided into two parts
a. Training dataset – Training dataset is a large dataset that teaches a machine
learning model. Machine learning algorithms are trained to make judgments or
perform a task through training datasets. Maximum part of the dataset comes under
training data (Usually 80%)
b. Test dataset – Data that has been clearly identified for use in tests, usually of a
computer program, is known as test data. 20% of data used in test data
Acquiring Data from Reliable Sources
research method for gathering data from a predetermined sample of respondents in
order to get knowledge and insights into a variety of issues.
We can collect visual data with the help of cameras, this data is unstructured data that
can be analyzed via Machine learning.
Web scribing is a technique for collecting structured data from the internet, such as
news monitoring, market research, and price tracking
Some of the information we can gather through attentive observation and monitoring.
With the help of sensors also we can collect the data. A device that detects or
measures a physical property are called sensors, such as biomatrix.
f. Application program interface
An API is a software interface that enables two apps to communicate with one

15. How to create a System Map with example of Water Cycle.

All of the constituents of the Water Cycle are circled in this System Map. With the
help of arrows, the map depicts the cause and effect relationships between elements.
The arrowhead represents the effect‟s direction, while the (+ or -) indicates their
relationship. If the arrow with the + sign goes from X to Y, it suggests the two are
directly related.
That is, as X rises, Y rises as well, and vice versa. If the arrow, on the other hand, goes
with a – sign between X and Y, it signifies that both elements are inversely connected.
This means that while X increases, Y decreases, and vice versa.
Now, it‟s your turn to build your own System Map!

16. What is Data Exploration?

In order to better understand the nature of the data, data analysts utilize data
visualization and statistical tools to convey dataset characterizations, such as size,
amount, and accuracy.
Data exploration is a technique used to visualize data in the form of statistical methods
or using graphs.

17. Why we need Data Exploration?

Exploration helps you gain a better understanding of a dataset, making it easier to
explore and use it later. It also helps to quickly understand the data‟s trends, and

18. What is Data Visualization Chart?

Data visualization charts are graphical representations of data that use symbols to
convey a story and help people understand large volumes of information.

a. Column Chart – A column chart is a basic Visualization chart that uses vertical
columns to represent data series. Because column lengths are easy to compare, column
charts are an effective approach to demonstrate the changes in the data.

b.Bar Chart – A bar chart is a visual representation of category data. The data is
displayed in a bar chart with multiple bars, each representing a different category.

19. What is Modelling?

AI Modelling refers to developing algorithms, also called models which can be trained
to get intelligent outputs. An AI model is a program that has been trained to recognize
patterns using a set of data. AI modeling is the process of creating algorithms, also
known as models, that may be educated to produce intelligent results. This is the
process of programming code to create a machine artificially.

20. What are the different types modeling AL, ML & DL

Venn Diagram of AI

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the simulation of human

intelligence in robots that have been trained to think and
act like humans. The term can also refer to any machine
that demonstrates, like humans, the ability to learn and
solve the problem is Artificial Intelligence.

Machine Learning Machine learning is a part of an

Artificial Intelligence application in which we give data
to the machine and allow them to learn for themselves.
It‟s essentially getting a machine to accomplish
something without being specifically programmed to do

Deep Learning

Deep learning is a part of Artificial Intelligence that uses neural networks with
multilayer. Deep learning analyzes the data, learns the data and solves the problem the
same as a human. Deep learning requires the machine to be educated with a large
quantity of data in order to train itself.

Rule Based

The rule-based approach to AI modeling is when the developer defines the

relationship or patterns in data. The machine follows the developer‟s rules or
instructions and completes its job properly.

21. What is learning based approach?

Learning Based Approach: Random data is provided to the computer in this method,
and the system is left to figure out patterns and trends from it. When the data is
unlabeled and too random for a human to make sense of, this method is usually used.

Decision Tree in AI: The concept of Decision Trees is similar to that of Story
Speaker. It‟s a rule-based AI model that uses numerous judgments (or rules) to assist
the machine in determining what an element is.

Points to Remember

When creating Decision Trees, one should

carefully examine the dataset provided and try to
determine what pattern the output leaf follows. Try
picking one output and figuring out the common
links that all similar outputs have based on it.

When building a decision tree, it‟s common for the

dataset to have redundant material that‟s of no use.
As a result, you should make a list of the parameters that directly affect the output and
use only those when designing a decision tree.

For a single dataset, there may be several decision trees that lead to correct prediction.
The most straightforward option should be selected.

22. What is Evaluation ?

After a model has been created and trained, it must be thoroughly tested in order to
determine its efficiency and performance; this is known as evaluation.
1. What are the two different approaches for developing AI model?
Rule-based approach:
In the rule-based approach, the developer feeds in data along with some ground rules
to the model. The model gets trained with these inputs and gives out answers in the
form of predictions. This approach is commonly used when we have a known data set
or labeled data set.
Rules -learning approach :

Rule-based Approach
Data Answers

Machine-learning Approach :
In contrast, under the machine-learning approach, the developer feeds in data along
with the answers. The machine then designs its own algorithms and methodologies to
match the data with the answers and gives out the rules. This approach is commonly
used when the data is unknown/random or unlabeled.

Answers Approach Rules

2. What is Regression and Classification?

Regression: This is a type of rule-based Al model in regression, the algorithm
generates a mapping function from the given data, represented by the solid line. The
dots shown in the graph are the data values, and the solid line represents the mapping
done for them. With the help of this mapping function, we can predict the future data,
For example, if we want to predict the salary of an employee, we can use his/her past
salaries as training data and can predict his/her next salary. Regression works with
continuous data.

Classification: This is another rule-based Al model in classification, the algorithm is

able to determine which set a given data point belongs to by means of a classification
function represented by the dotted line. The model classifies data sets according to the
rules given to it. Usually the data used for classification are labeled, and the data then
gets sorted according to the labeling. Testing data is then classified as one of the labels
of the training data‟s. For example, if we want to train a model to identify if an image
is of a guitar or a piano, we need to train it with multiple images of both the guitar and
the piano along with their labels. The machine will then classify images on the basis
of the label and predict the correct label for testing data. Classification works o
discrete data sets.
3. What is Clustering?
Clustering: This is a machine-leaning approach where the machine generates its own
rules or algorithms to differentiate amongst the given data set to achieve the pre-
decided goal. The data fed to such a model is usually unlabeled or random, and thus
the developer feeds in the data directly into the machine and instructs it to build its
own algorithm. The machine then finds out patterns or trends out of the training data
set and clusters the ones which follow the same pattern. The output rules might be
very different from what is expected, as the machine has its own way of recognizing
patterns. For example, if we have a random data of stray dogs which live in your
locality, amongst which we are unable to find any meaningful pattern, we would feed
the data into the clustering algorithm. The algorithm would then analyses the data and
divide it into clusters according to the similarities based on the trends noticed. The
clusters are then given as the output. Clustering works on discrete data sets.

4. Define Neural network.

A neural network or more appropriately an artificial neural network (ANN), is
inspired by the way biological neural networks in the human brain process
information. A neural network, or in the modem sense an artificial neural network, is a
network or circuit of neurons composed of artificial neurons or nodes. Thus, a neural
network is either a biological neural network, made up of real biological neurons, or
an artificial neural network, meant for solving Al problems. A neural network is a
branch of machine learning called deep learning.

5. What is deep learning?

Deep learning is one of many machine-learning algorithms that enable a computer to
perform a plethora of tastes such as the following
 Predictions of a certain kind, for example stock prediction, salary prediction or
whether a person is eligible for a job or not
 Classification, for example classifying images of different animals or whether
an employee is good or bad for the company. Deep learning uses the concept of
neural networks to do its job

6. Write briefly about Artificial Neural Network.

 Artificial Neural Network is a computational model based on the structure and
function of biological neural networks
 Artificial Neural network is like an artificial human nervous system for receiving,
processing and transmitting information in terms of computer science.
 Artificial Neural Network is the limitation of Human nervous system.
 Artificial Neural Network has incredible ability to learn from data and from
environment. That makes the first choice of machine learning scientist.
 Artificial Neural networks is the heart of the products such as Self driving cars,
image recognition etc.
7. Write some applications of Artificial Neural Networks.
 Character recognition, image compression,
 Stock market prediction,
 Voice recognition systems,
 Self-driving cars, and many more.

8. What are the features of Neural Networks?

A few features of a neural network are as follows:
 Neural network systems are modelled on the human brain and nervous system.
 They are able to automatically extract features without input from the
 Every neural network node is essentially a machine-leaning algorithm.
 Neural networks are useful in solving problems for which the data sets are
quite large.

9. Explain the structure and relationship between the Neural Network and Human
Nervous system.
The axon from a neuron sends an impulse to the synapse of another neuron. The
impulse received is then sent to the cell body (nucleus) through dendrites. The cell
body performs an activation function on the impulse received and then gives it to the
output axon, which passes it to the next neuron in the system. Now as we relate this
process with an artificial
neural network, we can see
that the input layer gets data
which it passes on to the nodes
in the hidden layer. The nodes
perform specific actions on the
data and pass the processed
information to the next layer.
In the end, the final processed
data reaches the output of the
Dendrit : It takes input from the other
neuron in the form of electrical impulse.
Cell bod : It generates inferences received
form those inputs and decides what action
to take.
Axon terminal : It transmits the output in
the form of electrical impulse.
A typical neural networks contains a large number of artificial neurons called units,
arranged in a series of layers. The layers are as follows:
Input layer: It contains those units (artificial neurons) which receive input from the
outside world which the network will learn, recognize or otherwise process.
Output layer: It contains units that respond to the information about how the network
has learnt any task.
Hidden layer. These units are between the input and the output layers. The job of the
hidden layer is to transform the input into something that the output unit can use in
some way.
Most neural networks are fully connected, which means that each hidden neuron is
fully linked to every neuron in its previous layer (input) and also to every neuron in
the next layer (output).

10. Explain Struggles in creating brain like neural network.

Problem of structure :
This problem deals with finding out which neurons are connected to which other
neurons which is difficult to determine. To make things more interesting, the
connections between neurons in human beings are constantly change the weights and
Problem of weights and threshold
Each edge has a different weight associated with it. Further the neuron will only send
signal if it is stimulated beyond a set threshold. This threshold is also different
neurons. For making thing more interesting, the neurons in human brain tend to
continually change the weights and thresholds.
Functioning of neurons might be complex:
Neurons receiving signals from multiple neurons might get a combined stimulus that
is more that its threshold. However, these signals need not be received at the same
time. They have to be received within a short period. For dealing with all these issues,
scientists and experts have proposed different kinds of neural networks.

11.What are the advantages of Neural networks?.

 A neural networks can perform tasks that a conventional computer program
 It learns and does not need to be reprogrammed.
 It can be implemented in any application
 It can be performed without any problem.
 It has fault tolerance.
 It has numerical strength that enables it to perform more that one job at the
same time.

12.What are the disadvantages of Neural networks?.

 A neural network need training to operate,
 The architecture of a neural network is different from that of microprocessors.
Thus a neural network needs to emulate a human neural network.
 A large neural network requires a high processing time.

1. What is program?
A computer program is a collection of instructions that perform a specific task when
executed by a computer. The purpose of programs is to make computer programs run
faster, safer, and more efficiently. Programs do everything in a computer: they read
and write data, manage memory, and perform calculations.

2. Why Python for AI?

At the core of every modern artificial intelligence system is Python. It‟s the
programming language of choice for data scientists and engineers building the critical
infrastructure that powers today‟s most advanced AI systems. For this reason, many
organizations are turning to Python to build their next generation of AI systems. This
guide will help you get started using Python for AI.

3. Explain some features of python programme.

Python is a simple language: Learning and using Python is easy as it uses simple
English words and is not very rigid. That is why it is considered a better option for
Python is platform-independent: A platform is the hardware or software
environment in which a program runs Python can be run on different platforms such
as Linux, Windows, Mac OS, etc, and thus is a platform independent language It does
not require a special software or hardware to be installed
Python is an object-oriented language: Python follows object-oriented approach and
uses the concept and objects of classes
Python is extensible and integrated: Python has the flexibility of code written in
other languages such as C/C++ to be incorporated in it. We can merge the code
written in these languages in our Python programs and can run them.
Python is free and an opensource: As mentioned earlier, Python is available on the
Internet free of cost and can easily be downloaded from Python's official website. The
source code of Python is also available. Thus, it is an open source language.
Python is an interpreted language: Python uses interpreter to run programs
Interpreter translates the program line by-line which makes the process of debugging
Python has an inbuilt IDLE: Python has an inbuilt IDLE (integrated Development
and Learning Environment) usingwhich Python programs can be easily writter,
debugged and run within the same window.

4. What are the limitations of python?

Slow in speed: The execution speed of a program is slower in Python as compared to
other object-oriented programming languages like C++ or Java
Not suitable for mobile applications: Python is not considered efficient or suitable
enough for developing applications to be run on mobile phones.
High memory consumption: Python data-types occupy more memory space, thus
Python is not considered as a good option for developing intensive memory-related
Restricted database access: Python has limitations while working with database
applications. Its database access layer is somewhat underdeveloped and primitive.

5. What are tokens in python?

Tokens are the smallest units of a Python program. Each Python program made of
small elements called tokens. There are different types of toke such as identifiers,
operators, literals, etc. that make up statements Python programs. Tokens are
separated by white spaces. A token can a single character or a combination of
characters. The different tokens used in the python programme are
1.Literals, 2. Keywords, 03. Identifiers, 4.Punctuators, 5.Variables & 6.Operators

6. What is Literals? What are the different types of literals?

Literals are also referred to as constants as these are the fixed values that do not
change during the execution of a program. These are inbuilt objects of Python.
Different types of literals that are used in Python programs are as follows.
o Numeric – Integer, Long, Float, Complex
o Character
o String
o Boolean
o Special
o Collection

7. What is Numeric literals? What are the different types of numeric literals?
Numeric literals are the fixed numeric values used in the Python programs. These are
not changeable and are used as they are in the calculations.
Different types of numeric literals are:
Integer literals: These are the whole numbers without fraction or decimal point such
as 23,46,-78, etc.
Long literals: These are the integers with unlimited size. These are either in decimal
form, in octal form or in hexadecimal form.
Floating point literals: These are the numeric values with decimal points such as
45.65, 3423, 678.90, etc.
Complex literals: These are the complex numbers such as 2+ 31, 32+2), etc

8. What is Character literals?

Character literals are any single character, typed using the keyboard. These are
enclosed either in single or double quotes such as "A","#","", etc

9. What is Special literals?

Special literals are with the value none. They are used to define a field that is not
10.What is String literals?
String literals are a combination of characters. These are enclosed either in single,
double or triple quotes such as "Blueprint Education".* like learning Python. It is very
interesting Python, etc. A string literal enclosed in triple quotes is considered as
multiline string.

11.What is Boolean literals?

Boolean literals contain any one of the Boolean values, either true or false.

12.What is Keywords?
Keywords are reserved words in Python that the Python interpreter uses to recognise
the program‟s structure. In Python, keywords are predefined words with specific
meanings. The keyword can‟t be used as a variable name, function name, or identifier.
Except for True and False, all keywords in Python are written in lower case.
Example of Keywords – False, class, finally, is, return, None, continue, for lambda,
try, True, def, from, nonlocal, while, and, del, global, not, with, as, elif, if, or, yield,
assert, else, import, pass, break, except, in, raise etc.

13.What is identifiers?
The identifiers are the words or names given to different objects such as variables,
functions, classes etc, in python. Identifiers are user-defined names given to different
objects. We only need to follow the naming rules to name different objects.

14.What is punctuators?
The punctuators referred to as separators in some programming languages are like
punctuation marks. These are used to separate tokens and organize statements in
python programs. Quotes „, “” ( ) @ , =

15.What is variables?
A variable is a name given to a memory location where some values are stored. The
values stored in variables can be of different types i.e., integer, float, string etc. A
variable is like a container that holds the values which can be used throught out a
program and it keeps on changing ,too.
There are a certain rules and regulations we have to follow while writing a variable
 A number cannot be used as the first character in the variable name. Only a
character or an underscore can be used as the first character.
 Python variables are case sensitive.
 Only alpha-numeric characters and underscores are allowed.
 There are no special characters permitted.

16. What is Constants?

A constant is a kind of variable that has a fixed value. Constants are like containers
that carry information that cannot be modified later.
Declaring and assigning value to a constant
NAME = “Rajesh Kumar” , AGE = 2
17.What is Operators? What are the different types of Operators?
Operators are symbolic representations of computation. They are used with operands,
which can be either values or variables. On different data types, the same operators
can act differently. When operators are used on operands, they generate an expression.
Operators are categorized as –
 Arithmetic operators
 Assignment operators
 Comparison operators
 Logical operators
 Identity operators
 Membership operators
 Bitwise operators


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