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Week 1 Assignment :


Choose your organization or, if you are not employed, a brand you are particularly interested
in and do the “brand bar stool test”: Ask 3-5 people who know the brand (e.g., colleagues at
work or family/good friends if you are not employed) to describe the brand in a single or a
maximum of two concepts. Warm them up with the brand guessing exercise from the “Brand
Identity & Brand Image” video, where Volvo = SAFE and Disney = MAGICAL. Do people have
a clear sense of what the brand stands for? Please reflect on what you learned doing this
exercise in just a few sentences. You need to submit at least 100 words to pass this

Creating a brand identity for your small business that helps define your brand image is an important task that
many neglects. But there are definitely benefits for businesses that take the time to establish their brand and
use it consistently. Creating a brand identity that reflects your values can create a strong connection with your
customers. Implementing your brand consistently on all media platforms, whether online or offline, helps
customers distinguish you from your competitors Being true to your values and providing excellent customer
experience shapes the perception that customers have of your brand. So, it is important to understand that
corporate identity, brand identity and brand image are different. And those differences are important to the
success of your marketing. Corporate identity Corporate identity is the visual aspects of the company style and
typography with guidelines on how these elements aroused across all media types. Media types include your
website, marketing collateral, social media profiles and other physical representations of your business. Visual
elements include logo, color palette and fonts and anything that provides a visual representation of your
business. When you establish a clear and consistent corporate identity, you achieve a distinctive image that
clearly differentiates you from your competitors. Being different makes it easier for your customers to
remember you. Having a consistent look and feel across all communications creates a strong brand. In order to
maintain consistency across all media, it is helpful to create a style guide. This guide ensures that any time
your target audience sees your business online or offline, it is consistently represented and therefore, more
memorable. Brand identity Brand identity is the total value proposition that a company makes to its customers.
It may consist of features and attributes, benefits, performance, quality, service, support, and the values that
the brand possesses. Your brand identity plays a role in whether a customer chooses you over your


Choose your organization or, if you are not employed, a brand you are particularly interested
in and determine what differentiates the brand from its nearest competitor. Is the most
important reason one might choose the brand is because it has a lower price? Or are there
significant functional-performance or service-level differences? Or is it mostly something
about the customer experience at different stages of the customer journey (e.g., during
purchase, usage, after-sales service)? Look at the 3E’s video again, if you are unclear about
this. Please reflect on what you learned doing this exercise in just a few sentences. You need
to submit at least 100 words to pass this assignment.

Brand image is the way a customer thinks or feels about your brand based on the experience they may have
with your brand. Depending on whether this experience is good or bad determines your brand image. In other
words, your brand image influences your reputation. If the customer has a negative experience, you have to
work hard to change the perception of your brand. If customers have positive experiences, you are more
likely to build customer loyalty and a very strong competitive advantage for your brand. Monitor your brand
to avoid surprises Your business works hard to develop a strong brand identity. It’s easy to set it and forget it,
but that can be a problem. Monitor your citations, social media profiles, website and off-line marketing
materials to ensure your brand remains consistent in how it is used. When you are monitoring your brand,
also make sure there are no surprise bad reviews that haven’t been responded to. That is the quickest way for
your brand image to be misaligned with your brand identity. Staying true to your brand Once you have
established your brand identity, you must remain consistent in how you interact with your customers. Your
public personality may be friendly and inviting, but if a customer has a negative experience with your
business, it can drive that customer to your competition.

Week 2 Assignment :

Design a Brand Experience Look at the worksheet on slides 29 and 31 from the video
“Designing brand experiences, part 2”. Think of the brand promise (this was the “Bar Stool
Test” in the To Do from Module 1) for one of your own brands or, if you are not employed, a
brand you are particularly interested in. Select a single moment-that-matters along the
customer/consumer journey – e.g., making a payment, complaint handling, usage,
communications, social media, contract renewal – and describe how you can better bring the
brand to life. Please reflect on how your idea will improve the delivery of the brand promise in
just a few sentences. You need to submit at least 150 words to pass this assignment.

Brand Experience Design speaks to our desire to help organizations design and build powerful human
experiences. Brand is not just a logo and tagline; we believe it is the sum of both your internal (employee) and
external (audiences) experiences. The best companies are intentional about their brand from the moment a new
customer walks in the door or a new hire first sits down at their desk. Our work is to partner with these
organizations and help them design these powerful moments and interactions.
Yes, these organizations want to grow their revenue and profit, but they are also driven by a more powerful
mission – they want to change the world. Maybe it’s a local change, such as improving the
lives of the less fortunate in their community. Maybe it’s a national or global goal, such as making education
accessible for all. Maybe they are nonprofit, maybe for-profit. It doesn’t matter.

Week 3 Assignment :

3B Alignment Exercise

If you are currently employed, look across your written codes or guides of behavior. If you
are self-employed, you may not have these written down, so this might be an opportunity for
you to do so. Alternatively, go to a different organization’s website and try to find this type of

1. On the business side, what are the vision, and purpose or mission?
2. On the brand side, what is the “brand promise”? This may be stated in a
slogan or in a customer-facing advertisement, website, or brochure.
3. On the behavior side, what are the “core values” or “principles”? Some
organizations also have an Employee Value Proposition (EVP), a competency
framework, a leadership model, or some kind of “our ways of working” model, if
this is available.

Each of these codes or guides have their own particular use, so they will not be the same.
But they are also general guides to behavior. Ideally, therefore, they should be connected in
some way and support each other.

To what degree do you see an alignment between the codes or guides across business,
brand and behavior?

Please reflect on what you learned doing this exercise in just a few sentences. You need to
submit at least 200 words to pass this assignment.

Each of these codes or guides have their own particular use, so they will not be the same. But they are also
general guides to behavior. Ideally, therefore, they should be connected in some way and support each other.
To what degree do you see an alignment between the codes or guides across business, brand and behavior?
Please reflect on what you learned doing this exercise in just a few sentences. You need to submit at least
200words to pass this assignment. Michael Page mission is to change lives from all our stakeholders and the
vision is to be able to do it at the greater scale.
Change lives is the brand promise Core Values are contribution and service

Week 4 Assignment :

Look at the brand practices on slide 21 from the video “Brand practices, part 3”. For one of
your own brands or, if you are not employed, a brand you are particularly interested in, think
of the brand promise (this was the “Bar Stool Test” in the To Do from Module 1). Select a
single brand practice – e.g., recruitment, on-boarding (induction), training, reward and
recognition – and describe how you can better bring the brand to life through this. How might
the change you propose better get people to understand and accept the brand, become
advocates and/or ensure that people’s actions better deliver on the brand promise going
forward? Please reflect on how your idea will improve the delivery of the brand promise in
just a few sentences. You need to submit at least 150 words to pass this assignment.

We can improve our brand by making our recruiting more cultural and digital based for our company. this will
allow showing a continuous improvement of our ways of having a great service not only to our clients but

Week 5 Assignment :


Think about what you've learned in this course. Please pick the three main concepts that you'll be taking away
from this course. For each concept, provide a short description and specify why you think this concept is
important. (Aim for 300-500 words.)

1. Brand Identity: In retailing world, different brands vary in the power and value they command. Some brands
are very popular and have high level of awareness in terms of name recall and recognition while others are
entirely unheard by the people. Aaker defines brand identity as “a unique set of brand associations that the
brand strategist aspires to create or maintain. These associations represent what the brand stands for and imply
a promise to customers from the organization members”. According to me Brand identity Concept is very
important as it reflects brand manager’s decisions of what he wants to communicate to its potential customers.
However, overtime, a product’s brand identity may acquire (evolve), gaining new attributes from consumer
perspective but not necessarily from the marketing communications an owner percolates to targeted
consumers.2. Brand Image: Brand identity describes what the brand is all about, what its inherent features are
and how it is different from other competing brands while brand image reflects the perceptions of customers
about the brand. Brand image is the sum total of impressions created by the brand in the consumer’s mind. It is
based on the concept that consumers buy not only a product
but also the bundle of associations such as wealth, power, sophistication, etc. Brand image can be reinforced
by brand communications such as packaging, customer service, promotion, advertising, word-of-mouth and so
on. The image of a brand can lead brand value upwards or downwards. For instance, when the stock broking
agents’ ‘Reliance’ or coconut oil is ‘parachute’, its value moves upwards. This shift is the result of brand
name. According to me Brand images concept is really important as this is evoked by asking consumers the
first words/images (views come to their mind when ascertain brand is mentioned sometimes called “top of
mind”). When responses are similar, quick or describe the product/experience in some way, image is said to be
strong. In case responses are highly variable, not quick, or refer to non-image attributes such as cost, it
indicates weak brand image.3. Brand Position: A brand is the part of the brand identity and value preposition
that is to be actively communicated to the target audience that sets it apart from the competition. A brand
manager needs to establish communication objectives and plan the creative execution strategy. The beginning
of an execution strategy is the brand positioning statement. The statement basically describes the “place” that a
brand should occupy in the minds of target customers. In simple sense, it means how a brandy seen in the
market place focuses on what is unique to the brand. According to be Creating a unique position in the
marketplace involves the careful selection of target market and establishing clear differential advantages in the
minds of customers. This is achieved through brand image, brand name, service, design, guarantee, warrantee,
packaging, delivery, etc.


Pick one of the concepts you outlined in question one and choose a brand that does
particularly well in that dimension. Explain why you chose this brand and provide details
and/or examples of how exactly it does well in relation to the concept. (Aim for 200-300

The Brand Image of McDonald's is quick and inexpensive food. The food, stores, service; commercials and
other such elements consistently reflect the image of the brand. Additionally, it creates an image in the minds
of customers as affordable food with which customers are quite comfortable. They know what will be getting
once they come to McDonald’s. Brand image can be reinforced by brand communications such as packaging,
customer service, promotion, advertising, word-of-mouth and so on. The image of a McDonald’s brand leads
its brand value upwards compare to its competitor Burger king or KFC. The brand has managed to create its
image which defines belief and trust. Consumers of McDonald’s are convinced that the brand will deliver
satisfactory tasty food within affordable price. McDonald’s has created animagi in the mind of its customers
that if they want to enjoy Burgers in any meals of the day, their hunger will be satisfied and is a good way to
maintain their Purse and Budget. As a result, consumers mostly go for McDonalds as the brand is
synonymously been associated with trust.

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