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Food Chemistry 172 (2015) 486–496

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The combined impact of vineyard origin and processing winery

on the elemental profile of red wines
Helene Hopfer a,b,⇑, Jenny Nelson a,c, Thomas S. Collins a,b, Hildegarde Heymann a, Susan E. Ebeler a,b
Department of Viticulture and Enology, University of California-Davis, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616, USA
Food Safety and Measurement Facility, University of California-Davis, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616, USA
Agilent Technologies, Inc., 5301 Stevens Creek Blvd., Santa Clara, CA 95051, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The combined effects of vineyard origin and winery processing have been studied in 65 red wines sam-
Received 23 May 2014 ples. Grapes originating from five different vineyards within 40 miles of each other were processed in at
Received in revised form 8 September 2014 least two different wineries. Sixty-three different elements were determined with inductively coupled-
Accepted 19 September 2014
plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), and wines were classified according to vineyard origin, processing
Available online 26 September 2014
winery, and the combination of both factors. Vineyard origin as well as winery processing have an impact
on the elemental composition of wine, but each winery and each vineyard change the composition to a
different degree. For some vineyards, wines showed a characteristic elemental pattern, independent of
Elemental composition
the processing winery, but the same was found for some wineries, with similar elemental pattern for
Inductively-coupled plasma-mass all grapes processed in these wineries, independent of the vineyard origin. Studying the combined effects
spectrometry (ICP-MS) of grapegrowing and winemaking provides insight into the determination of geographical origin of red
Vineyard wines.
Winery Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Determination of geographical origin

1. Introduction From an analytical standpoint, the presence and/or absence of

certain elements in a food product as well as ratios of certain ele-
Determining the geographical origin of food products has ment to each other could be used for elemental fingerprinting.
gained increased research interest over the last decade, mostly However, before a successful determination of geographical origin
due to growing concern and interest of consumers to know the ori- of wines is possible, one needs to understand (i) how controlled
gin of the food they eat (Drivelos & Georgiou, 2012; Kelly, Heaton, studies correlate to real life grapegrowing and winemaking, (ii)
& Hoogewerff, 2005). The European Union (EU) established various which changes are possibly introduced during the whole produc-
food quality schemes based on geographical regions, thus, success- tion chain, (iii) how different varieties and/or wine styles vary,
fully classifying food products according to the geographical origin and finally (iv) how variable the impact of winery processes within
has also an economic component, as food products tend to sell for and between different regions and countries is.
higher prices if associated with a certain geographical origin The major elements in wine, present at levels between 10 and
(Drivelos & Georgiou, 2012). 1000 mg/L, are Ca, K, Na, and Mg, followed by minor elements,
Especially for specialty food products, with a strong reputation such as Al, Fe, Cu, Mn, Rb, Sr, and Zn, present in the range of
of and association to specific geographical areas (e.g. ham, cheese 0.1–10 mg/L. Trace elements are present in the ppt range
or wine), fraud with regards to geographical origin is expected, (0.1–1000 lg/L), and include Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Li, Ni, Pb, and V among
and various analytical strategies have been proposed. Besides others (Pohl, 2007).
untargeted profiling methods, such as nuclear magnetic, infrared The elemental composition of wine is the result of many fac-
and fluorescence spectroscopy, the use of stable isotope ratios, as tors, including the elemental composition of the soil the vine is
well as multi-element profiles have been proposed for food growing on, the viticultural practices (application of fertilizers,
authenticity (Drivelos & Georgiou, 2012; Kelly et al., 2005). pesticides, herbicides, and insecticides; irrigation), as well as
winemaking processes, including storage and ageing (Aceto,
2003; Almeida & Vasconcelos, 2003a,b; Castiñeira Gómez,
⇑ Corresponding author at: HM.Clause, 9241 Mace Blvd., Davis, CA 95616, USA. Brandt, Jakubowski, & Andersson, 2004; Cheng & Liang, 2012;
Tel.: +1 530 220 2116. Galani-Nikolakaki & Kallithrakas-Kontos, 2006; Hopfer, Nelson,
E-mail address: (H. Hopfer). Mitchell, Heymann, & Ebeler, 2013; Jakubowski, Brandt,
0308-8146/Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
H. Hopfer et al. / Food Chemistry 172 (2015) 486–496 487

Stuewer, Eschnauer, & Görtges, 1999; Kristl, Veber, & Slekovec, 1.1. Viticultural changes in elemental composition
2002; Nicolini, Larcher, Pangrazzi, & Bontempo, 2004; Pereira,
1988; Pohl, 2007; Rossano, Szilágyi, Malorni, & Pocsfalvi, 2007; From a plant perspective, elements like K, P, and N are essential
Tariba, 2011; Volpe et al., 2009). for a plant’s health, thus, the presence of these elements in wine is
Volpe et al. (2009) categorise elements into so called (i) ‘‘natu- expected. Elements, such as K, Ca, Cu, Cd, Mn, Zn, and Pb, are used
ral’’ elements which are the result of their presence in the vineyard in fertilizers, pesticides, and fungicides (Pohl, 2007), in some cases
soil and their uptake by the vine plant (Al, B, Ba, Li, Mg, Mo, Si, Sr, (e.g. Cd, Pb) due to anthropogenic pollution (Kment et al., 2005).
Ti, rare earth elements (REEs), transition elements of the second Some elements have beneficial effects on the plant, higher yield,
and third period), (ii) ‘‘artificial’’ elements which result from sugar accumulation, polyphenols and amino acids in wine grapes
human intervention (viticultural practices, winemaking proce- have been reported after the application of B, Cr, Mn, Mo, W, and
dures, environmental pollution; e.g. Pb, Co, Cr, Ni, V, Cd, Hg), and Zn onto the vine or vineyard soil (Aceto, 2003; Pereira, 1988), thus,
(iii) elements that are both ‘‘natural’’ and ‘‘artificial’’, and result are most likely also found in the resulting wine. The proximity to
from either endogenous or exogenous processes (e.g. Ca, Mg, Co, an ocean has been reported to increased Na levels in the grapes
Zn, Fe, P, Na, K) (Pohl, 2007) (see also Fig. 1a). resulting from marine sprays, while wines from vineyards closely

Fig. 1. (a) Elements that can be changed by grapegrowing and/or winemaking practices (Aceto, 2003; Almeida & Vasconcelos, 2003a,b; Castiñeira Gómez, Brandt et al., 2004;
Cheng & Liang, 2012; Eschnauer et al., 1989; Jakubowski et al., 1999; Kristl et al., 2002; Nicolini et al., 2004; Pereira, 1988; Rossano et al., 2007; Tariba, 2011; Volpe et al.,
2009). (b) Elements that have been used for the determination of geographical origin of wines from different regions within Australia (Martin et al., 2012), Canada (Greenough
et al., 1997; Taylor et al., 2003), Czech Republic (Sperkova & Suchanek, 2005), Germany (Castiñeira Gómez, Feldmann et al., 2004; Thiel et al., 2004), Italy (Marengo & Aceto,
2003), New Zealand (Angus et al., 2006), South Africa (Coetzee et al., 2005), Spain (Baxter et al., 1997; Iglesias et al., 2007; Pérez Trujillo et al., 2011), Great Britain (Baxter
et al., 1997), Turkey (Sen & Tokatli, 2013).
488 H. Hopfer et al. / Food Chemistry 172 (2015) 486–496

located to roads or industrial areas tend to have higher levels of Cd Clarification with bentonites, added either to grape must or fin-
and Pb (Pohl, 2007). ished wine, was identified as a source for Al, Cd, Hf, REEs, Pb, U, and
The presence of elements in the soil is not necessarily directly Zr (Castiñeira Gómez, Brandt et al., 2004; Jakubowski et al., 1999;
correlated to the presence of these elements in the grapes or wine Kristl et al., 2002; Nicolini et al., 2004; Rossano et al., 2007), while
(Almeida & Vasconcelos, 2003a; Taylor, Longerich, & Greenough, different filtration practices (silica filters, cellulose filters, bed fil-
2003), as elements differ in their bioaccumulation behaviour tration) have been shown to increase the REE content (Rossano
(Kabata-Pendias, 2004). Elements like B, Cd, Cs, Ni, Rb, Sn, and Zn et al., 2007), as well as Co, Cr, Fe, and Ni levels (Eschnauer et al.,
are more mobile than others, and thus, accumulate in the plant 1989). On the other hand, during clarification and filtration some
more easily. Elements are transported as ions to the plant roots, elements also decrease due to settling of protein, sulphate and
where their absorption rate is dependent on the ion concentration amino acid metal complexes (Nicolini et al., 2004; Pohl, 2007).
as well as the soil pH (Bañuelos & Ajwa, 1999; Kabata-Pendias, Lastly, also during ageing and storage various studies showed
2004). The accumulation of elements from the soil is also depen- that the elemental composition of wine can be changed by the
dent on how strong they are chelated; B, Cd, Mn, Mo, Se, and Zn materials used (e.g. increasing Sn levels in screw-capped bottles
are weakly chelated, thus, are more easily absorbed by the plant. (Hopfer et al., 2013), Cr from use of Cr oxides to colour glass bottles
Other elements are strongly bound to the soil or are retained in (Tariba, 2011), higher REEs when stored in glass bottles (Rossano
the roots and not translocated into the other parts of the plant even et al., 2007)).
if present in high concentrations in the soil (e.g., Ag, Al, Cu, Cr, Fe,
Hg, Pb, Si, Sn, Zr) (Bañuelos & Ajwa, 1999). The absorption of ele-
1.2. Determination of geographical origin of wines with multi-element
ments into a plant is also dependent on the chemical properties,
e.g. non-nutrient elements share similar chemical properties with
nutritional elements (e.g. Cu and Ni, S and Se, Cd and Zn), thus
Several studies have evaluated the use of multi-element
these elements may also be assimilated by the plant (Bañuelos &
fingerprints for the determination of geographical origin of wines
Ajwa, 1999). Finally, the plant species itself may impact absorp-
(Angus, O’Keeffe, Stuart, & Miskelly, 2006; Baxter, Crews, Dennis,
tion. For example, it has been shown that different grape pheno-
Goodall, & Anderson, 1997; Castiñeira Gómez, Feldmann,
types exist for amino acid accumulation (Oungoulian, 2012); as
Jakubowski, & Andersson, 2004; Coetzee et al., 2005; Greenough,
the nitrogen source for these amino acids is taken up by the plant
Longerich, & Jackson, 1997; Iglesias, Besalú, & Anticó, 2007;
through its roots, similar phenotypic differences could exist for
Marengo & Aceto, 2003; Martin, Watling, & Lee, 2012; Pérez
other elements as well, especially for elements that are either
Trujillo, Conde, Pérez Pont, Câmara, & Marques, 2011; Sen &
essential for the health of the plant and/or that share chemical
Tokatli, 2013; Sperkova & Suchanek, 2005; Taylor et al., 2003;
properties with these nutrients.
Thiel, Geisler, Blechschmidt, & Danzer, 2004). The elements that
Besides the impact of viticulture and the environment the
were found to discriminate among different wine regions are
winemaking process has been shown to also affect the elemental
summarised in Fig. 1b. The most discriminating elements in these
composition of wine. Generally, the elemental content in wine
studies include Sr, Mn, Mg, Li, Co, Rb, B, Cs, Zn, Al, Ba, Si, Pb, and Ca,
decreases after fermentation is completed (Almeida &
which are reported in at least 4 different studies (Angus, O’Keeffe,
Vasconcelos, 2003a; Castiñeira Gómez, Brandt et al., 2004), due
Stuart, & Miskelly, 2006; Baxter et al., 1997; Castiñeira Gómez,
to precipitation of element complexes with tartrates, polyphenols,
Brandt et al., 2004; Coetzee et al., 2005; Greenough et al., 1997;
proteins and sugars (Eschnauer, Jakob, Meierer, & Neeb, 1989;
Iglesias et al., 2007; Marengo & Aceto, 2003; Martin et al., 2012;
Tariba, 2011), lower elemental solubility in the ethanolic solution
Pérez Trujillo et al., 2011; Sen & Tokatli, 2013; Sperkova &
compared to the grape juice, yeasts consuming elements during
Suchanek, 2005; Taylor et al., 2003; Thiel et al., 2004).
fermentation (Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Zn), and/or racking of sediments
There is quite some overlap in elements that have been used in
and precipitates at the end of fermentation (Pohl, 2007).
the past for the determination of geographical origin (Fig. 1b) and
However, the use of different materials in wineries, including
elements that have been shown to change during various viticul-
stainless steel, brass, wood, and plastics, have been shown to intro-
tural and/or enological processes (Fig. 1a). It seems that depending
duce elements into the wine as well (Aceto, 2003; Almeida &
on the samples used, different elemental patterns emerge. The
Vasconcelos, 2003a; Castiñeira Gómez, Brandt et al., 2004; Kristl
question is which elements could be useful in discriminating
et al., 2002; Tariba, 2011). These elements include Al, Cr, Cd, Co,
between different vineyards, despite the impact of the processing
Fe, Mo, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sr, Ti, V, Zn from stainless steel and brass con-
winery? This is the central question in this study, where we look
tainers, oak barrels, tubes, fittings, and traps (Aceto, 2003; Almeida
at the combined effects of vineyard and winery on the elemental
& Vasconcelos, 2003a; Almeida & Vasconcelos, 2003b; Castiñeira
composition of red wines. By including wines that originated from
Gómez, Brandt et al., 2004; Kristl et al., 2002; Rossano et al.,
the same vineyard but were processed in different wineries, and
2007; Tariba, 2011). Ageing in oak barrels was reported to increase
vice versa, we are able to separate the vineyard from the winery
the Al, Fe, and V content (Almeida & Vasconcelos, 2003a), while Cr
effect, and add to our understanding of how the elemental profile
and Ni levels remained constant once the wine was racked for solid
changes during the winemaking process.
removal, indicating contamination by the fermentation container
(Almeida & Vasconcelos, 2003a).
Besides winery equipment, also various winemaking practices 2. Materials and methods
have been identified as sources for elemental ‘‘contamination’’ of
wine. During pressing and fermentation Pb was freed from grape 2.1. Samples and materials
skins and seeds and led to higher Pb levels in the resulting wine
(Almeida & Vasconcelos, 2003b); monitoring Pb along the wine- Sixty-five commercial red wine samples were included in this
making process Almeida and Vasconcelos (2003b) were able to study. All samples came from five different vineyards (vineyard
divide the final content in the wine into 1/3 coming from contam- 1–5, Fig. 2) in Northern California (vineyard 1 near Cloverdale, vine-
inated soil and atmospheric deposition, and 2/3 coming from wine- yard 2 and 3 between Geyserville and Calistoga, vineyard 4 outside
making. The separation of grape berries from the rachises during of St. Helena, and vineyard 5 outside of Sonoma), and were pro-
destemming increased the Al, Cu, Fe, Zn, Mn and Sr levels, while cessed in five different commercial wineries (winery A–D, Fig. 2).
crushing increased Cu and Zn levels (Cheng & Liang, 2012). Based on soil maps, each vineyard shows a range of different soils,
H. Hopfer et al. / Food Chemistry 172 (2015) 486–496 489

clarification, racking, blending, etc.). Metal-free 50 mL plastic tubes

(VWR, Radnor, PA, USA) were used for collecting the samples, and
all samples were stored at 4 °C until analysis took place. All sampled
wines were made for commercial use, and none of the samples
were specifically made for this study (i.e. no specific research
Multi-element calibration standards (1, 2A, 3 and 4) were pur-
chased from SPEX CertiPrep (Metuchen, NJ, USA), ultrapure con-
centrated nitric acid was obtained from Fisher Scientific (Optima
grade, Pittsburgh, PA, USA), and an environmental spike mix was
purchased from Agilent Technologies (Santa Clara, CA, USA). Ultra-
pure water (18 MXcm, EMD Millipore Bellerica, MA, USA) and 200
proof ethanol (GoldShield, Hayward, CA, USA) were used for the
calibration solutions and dilutions. An internal standard (IS) mix
(10 mg/L in 1% HNO3, SPEX CertiPrep) was diluted 1:10 in 1%
HNO3 prior to use.

2.2. Instrumentation

An inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS)

instrument from Agilent (7700x, Santa Clara, CA, USA) was used
for the elemental profiling of 63 trace elements in a mass range
between 7 and 238 m/z. The IS mix was constantly fed into and
Fig. 2. Sixty-five red wine samples originated from five different vineyards (1–5),
and were processed in five different wineries, labeled A through E. mixed with the sample stream immediately before entering the
spray chamber (quartz double wall, cooled to 2 °C), using a mixing
tee (sample tubing inner diameter 1.02 mm, IS tubing inner diam-
thus, we expect differences in soil metal composition between the 5 eter 0.25 mm). The peristaltic pump was operated at 0.1 rps. A con-
different vineyards, and probably, although this was not the scope centric nebulizer (Micromist, Agilent) was used for sample
of this study, also within each vineyard site. Vineyards showed a transport into the plasma (RF power of 1550 W, RF matching
wide range of various gravelly and clay loams, as well as sandy 1.8 V, sampling depth 10 mm, carrier gas flow 1.05 mL/min). The
alluvial land, clay and rock land. Grapes from one vineyard were instrument was calibrated and tuned daily, using a tuning mix
processed in at least two different wineries (Suppl. Table 1). All (Li, Y, Ce, Tl, Co; Agilent) and the Pulse/Analog solutions (Zn, Be,
wines were made from monovarietal grapes, and included Vitis Cd, As, Ni, Pb, Mg, Th, Ca, Co, Sr, V, Cr, Mn, 6Li, Sc, In, Lu, Bi, Y,
vinifera cv. Cabernet Sauvignon, cv. Merlot, and cv. Pinot Noir. All Yb, Mo, Sb, Sn, Ge, Ru, Pd, Ti, Ir; Agilent).
wineries fermented all grapes from the individual vineyards in All wine were analysed in duplicate, and they were 1:3 dilutions
separate fermentation tanks. Similar to Coetzee et al. (2005), in 5% HNO3. Elements were monitored in no gas, helium (He flow
sampling took place in each winery directly from stainless steel fer- 4.3 mL/min) and/or high energy helium (He flow 10 mL/min) gas
mentation vessels after fermentation was finished, but before any mode using the ORS3 system. A 6-point calibration between 0
additional post-fermentation treatments took place (e.g. filtration, and 500 lg/L was carried out for the elements listed in Table 1 in

Table 1
Monitored elements together with detection mode and limits of detection (LOD).

Element m/z Modea LODb [lg/L] Element m/z Modea LODb [lg/L]
Li 7 ng 2.25E 01 Rh 103 He 1.00E 03
Be 9 ng 1.40E 02 Cd 111 He 9.00E 03
B 11 ng 1.12E 01 Sn 118 He 2.10E 02
Na 23 ng 1.79E+00 Sb 121 He 4.00E 03
Mg 24 ng 4.03E 01 Cs 133 ng 5.00E 04
Al 27 ng 4.68E 01 Ba 137 He 1.30E 02
Si 28 ng 4.23E 01 La 139 He 6.00E 04
P 31 ng 6.92E 01 Ce 140 He 2.00E 03
K 39 He 1.16E+00 Pr 141 He 3.00E 04
Ca 43 He 8.79E 01 Nd 142 He 7.00E 04
Ti 47 He 5.43E 01 Sm 147 He 2.00E 03
V 51 He 2.40E 02 Eu 153 He 4.60E 06
Cr 52 He 7.70E 02 Gd 157 He 1.00E 03
Mn 55 He 2.30E 02 Dy 163 ng 4.00E 04
Co 59 He 9.00E 03 Ho 165 He 6.00E 04
Ni 60 He 3.47E 01 Er 166 ng 8.00E 04
Cu 63 He 2.30E 02 Tm 169 ng 3.00E 04
Zn 66 He 1.50E 02 Yb 172 ng 1.00E 03
Ga 69 He 5.00E 03 W 182 He 1.90E 02
As 75 He 7.00E 03 Re 185 He 5.00E 04
Se 78 HEHe 5.20E 02 Tl 205 ng 2.00E 03
Rb 85 ng 2.00E 03 Pb 208 He 5.00E 03
Sr 88 He 1.00E 02 U 238 He 6.60E 06
Mo 95 ng 3.10E 02
ng . . . no gas; He . . . helium; HEHe . . . high energy helium.
Limit of detection (LOD); n = 10 calibration blank measurements; 99% confidence interval.
490 H. Hopfer et al. / Food Chemistry 172 (2015) 486–496

matrix-matched calibration solutions (5% HNO3 and 4% Ethanol) to grapegrowing and winemaking have an effect on the elemental
account for matrix interferences of the ethanolic wine solutions. composition of the wine samples. Based on the ANOVA results it
Elements were detected using a 3-point peak pattern in triplicate seems that more elements are affected by the winemaking, as
with 100 sweeps per replicate. Previous studies have shown that more elements differ significantly in the wines across the different
a reduction of the ethanol content to around 5% is a good compro- processing wineries compared to the different vineyard origins.
mise between a stable plasma and sufficient sensitivity (Boorn & Using the one-way MANOVA models for winery, vineyard and
Browner, 1982; Dams, Goossens, & Moens, 1995; Goossens, winery-by-vineyard effects, Canonical Variate Analysis (CVA) was
Moens, & Dams, 1994; Rossano et al., 2007). Higher concentration conducted to establish a classification for each of these factors.
elements (>500 lg/L; B, Na, Mg, Si, P, K, Ca, Mn, Cu, Rb, Sr, Ba) were
measured after a 1:1000 dilution in 5% HNO3. Spiked samples were 3.2. Vineyard effect
analysed throughout the analysis run to ensure validity of the ana-
lytical method. Continuous calibration blank verification (CCB) Canonical Variate Analysis (CVA) was used to classify the sam-
runs were performed every 10th sample. ples according to their vineyard origin, using the log-transformed
concentrations of the 26 elements that differed significantly among
the vineyards (P 6 0.05). All four CVs were highly significant in the
2.3. Data analysis
Bartlett’s test (P 6 0.05), and the first two CVs explain over 81% of
the total variance ratio, as shown in Fig. 3.
All monitored isotopes were calibrated using the MassHunter
Along the first CV, capturing 55% of the total variance ratio,
ICP-MS software (G7201B, version B.01.03, Agilent). Based on limits
vineyards were separated based on the elemental differences
of detection (LOD), determined with 10 calibration blank measure-
between vineyard 1, and vineyards 2 and 5, with the remaining
ments (Thomsen, Schatzlein, & Mercuro, 2003), detection limits
two vineyards located in between.
(DL) and background equivalent concentrations (BEC), reported
Along the first CV vineyards line up according to their geo-
by the software, isotopes and gas modes were selected for each ele-
graphic north–south location (see also Fig. 1), except for vineyard
ment, and used for further data analysis. For statistical significance
2 which showed more similarities to the most southern vineyard
testing as well as multivariate classification, elements that were
5, while being the second most northern vineyard. Also, along
detected below LOD were assigned a concentration of LOD/10. Mul-
the first CV the two neighbouring vineyards (2 and 3) were not
tivariate and univariate analyses of variance (MANOVA and
close to each other (Fig. 3a).
ANOVA) were carried out for the main effects winery, and vineyard,
Wines from vineyard 1 showed higher levels in B, Mg, P, Ca, Ti,
as well as for the winery-by-vineyard interaction, using log-
Cr, Ni, As, Mo, and to a lesser extent, Al, Co, Zn, and Sr, while wines
transformed concentration data. Statistical significance was set at
from the more southern vineyards showed higher concentrations
5%. Canonical Variate Analysis (CVA) was chosen as a classification
in Li, Be, Si, Mn, Rb, Cs, Er, Yb, Tl, and to a smaller extent, Ga, Se,
technique to study how individual wineries, vineyards as well as
Ba, and Eu (Fig. 3b-c).
the winery–vineyard combinations differed from each other, using
Boron, Mg, P, and Ti levels in wines from vineyard 1 were 1.5
the respective one-way MANOVA models. Canonical variates (CVs)
times higher than in the wines from all other vineyards. Boron is
were tested for significance using the Bartlett’s test (homogeneity
an essential element for plants, but its precise role in the plant
of variances) (Bartlett, 1937). All analyses were carried out in R (R
metabolism is not fully understood. Boron levels need to be man-
Core Team, 2013), using RStudio (version 0.98.953, Boston, MA,
aged in a very narrow range, to avoid either deficiency or toxicity,
USA) with the additional candisc package (Friendly & Fox, 2010).
due to its easy mobilisation from the soil into the plant. Boron-rich
soils are the result of either marine sediments or boron rich miner-
3. Results and discussion als, which enhances the danger of boron toxicity if combined with
low rainfall and high salinity (Soilquality Pty Ltd., 2013;
3.1. Elemental profiling Yermiyahu, Ben-Gal, & Sarig, 2006).
Potassium, N and P are essential plant elements, and are often
Of the 63 monitored elements, 47 were detected in the 65 dif- added to the soil with fertilizers (Aceto, 2003), while Mg, Ti, Mo,
ferent wine samples at concentrations above their LODs, and thus, Mn, and Si are mainly influenced by the mineral content of the soil
were included in the data analysis. For none of the elements was a and mineral grape uptake as reported by Marengo and Aceto
significant replicate effect was found, indicating that the ICP-MS (Marengo & Aceto, 2003) who successfully discriminated among
analysis method was repeatable (P 6 0.05). Recoveries for the Nebbiolo wines from different sub-regions within the Piemonte
spiked samples, measured throughout the analysis sequence, were region in Italy.
between 93% (for Ba) and 103% (for Ca). The second CV separates wines from the vineyards 1, 4, and 5
Similar to Martin and coworkers (Martin et al., 2012) we found from those from the two neighbouring vineyards 2 and 3
no significant elemental differences between different cultivars (Fig. 3d). The former three vineyards are positively correlated to
from one region. B, Si, Tl, Cs, and Se, while the levels in Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Zn, As, and
Significant differences for the winery, vineyard and the interac- Mo were very similar in the wines from the two neighbouring
tion effect were detected in the MANOVA (P 6 0.05). Individual vineyards 2 and 3, leading to a clear separation of these two vine-
ANOVAs revealed that all detected elements but 14 differed signif- yards from the others along CV 2 (Fig. 3e). All other elements (Li,
icantly among the wineries (33 significantly different elements, Be, Mg, Al, P, Ca, Ti, Ga, Rb, Sr, Ba, Eu, Er, and Yb) contributed to
Suppl. Table 2a), while 26 out of the 47 detected elements differed a smaller degree to the separation of the different classes along
significantly among the five different vineyards (P 6 0.05) (Suppl. CV 2.
Table 2b). According to Pereira (Pereira, 1988) the application of B, Cr, Mo,
Significant winery-by-vineyard interactions (i.e. the combination Mn, Co, and Zn as grapevine, soil or foliage treatments or as fertil-
of both winery and vineyard impact) were found for 17 elements izers impact both grape yield and grape composition, especially the
(Be, Na, P, Ti, Zn, As, Rb, Cd, Sb, Cs, La, Pr, Dy, Er, Tm, Yb, Tl) polyphenol, sugar, ester and amino acid levels. Any viticultural
(P 6 0.05). practices, such as fertilizer application, would most likely also
In Suppl. Table 2a–b the detected elements are summarised for affect the elemental composition of wine produced from such
the five vineyards and five wineries. These results show that both treated grapes, depending on how easily the element would be
H. Hopfer et al. / Food Chemistry 172 (2015) 486–496 491



2 2 3

33 3
3 3 33
2 2 3 3
2 3
3 3 3
2 3 33 33
33 3
2 3
3 3
CV 2, 26%


5 4

5 55
5 1
5 5

4 1 11
1 1

1 1

−8 0 8
CV 1, 55%

(b) (d)

1 2 3 4 5

(c) (e)

Yb Cr Zn
Er As
Ba Ni
Cs Co Mo
As Ga
Mg P Ti
CV 2, 26%


Mn Rb
Cr Li Al Ca Sr
Ti Be
Ca Er Yb
P Se
Al Si
Mg Cs
Be Tl

−1.0 0.0 0.8
CV 1, 55%

Fig. 3. Canonical Variate Analysis (CVA) plots for the vineyard effect. (a) Product plot showing the individual wine samples, coded according to their vineyard origin with
different numbers (vineyard 1 (1), vineyard 2 (2), vineyard 3 (3), vineyard 4 (4), vineyard 5 (5)). Boxplots and total structures coefficients for the first (b-c) and second (d-e)
dimension showing the contribution of each element to the separation along CV 1 and CV 2.
492 H. Hopfer et al. / Food Chemistry 172 (2015) 486–496




CV 2, 37%





−7 0 6
CV 1, 50%

(b) (d)

(c) (e)


Yb Zn
Ho As
Pr Cr
La K
Sb P Mo CdSb
Cd Mg Ni Ba
Rh Pb
CV 2, 37%

Rb Gd
Se Ti
As Sr Dy
Zn Mn Pr
Ni Ca Rh HoEr
Co La

Ti Al Yb
Ca Ce
K Rb
Mg B

−0.8 0.0 0.7 Cs
CV 1, 50%

Fig. 4. Canonical Variate Analysis (CVA) plots for the winery effect. (a) Product plot showing the individual wine samples, coded according to their processing winery with
different letters (winery A (A), winery B (B), winery C (C), winery D (D), winery E (E)). Boxplots and total structures coefficients for the first (b-c) and second (d-e) dimension
showing the contribution of each element to the separation along CV 1 and CV 2.
H. Hopfer et al. / Food Chemistry 172 (2015) 486–496 493

mobilised in the soil. Elemental mobilisation is heavily dependent The contents of Al, Mn, Cd, Co, and Pb in wines were reported
on the soil constitution, mainly pH and aeration status, the soil previously to result from winery equipment and containers
microbiota, as well as the element itself. While so called lithophile (Almeida & Vasconcelos, 2003a; Galani-Nikolakaki et al., 2002;
elements (e.g. geochemically stable Al, Rb, Sc, Ti, and Zr (Boës, Galani-Nikolakaki & Kallithrakas-Kontos, 2006; Pohl, 2007;
Rydberg, Martinez-Cortizas, Bindler, & Renberg, 2011)) are bound Tariba, 2011; Volpe et al., 2009), and Almeida and Vasconcelos
to various minerals, and are thus, less mobile, the anthropogenic (2003a) were only able to find a significant correlation between
elements (e.g. B, Si) are typically present as ions, resulting in higher vineyard soil and finished wine if they excluded Al and Ca from
soil mobility and thus, bioavailability (Bañuelos & Ajwa, 1999; their model, indicating that these latter two elements were heavily
Kabata-Pendias, 2004). Based on these results, we hypothesise that influenced by the winemaking process.
the discrimination among the different geographic origins (i.e. The presence of Zn in wines could be the result of various fac-
vineyards) of the wines is the result of both soil elemental content tors, such as industrial activity (Marengo & Aceto, 2003), the use
and viticultural practices. Further studies are needed to directly of pesticides and fertilizers (Pohl, 2007; Tariba, 2011), as well as
relate the elemental composition of these vineyard soils to the winery containers (Pohl, 2007; Tariba, 2011). Both Al and Zn have
composition in the wines. Additional studies relating the effects an impact on wine stability, and excess levels (<10 mg/L for Al) can
of viticultural practices on elemental composition of grapes are lead to haze formation and/or colour changes (Aceto, 2003; Tariba,
also needed. 2011), but Zn and Mn are also favourable for yeasts during fermen-
tation as they are involved in enzyme activation (Pohl, 2007).
3.3. Winery effect The higher levels in the REEs in the wines from winery B and E
are most likely the result of both vineyard and winery effects. As
Similarly to the vineyard effect, the CVA on the winery effect as a reported in the materials and method section, none of the wines
classifier, using the 33 elements that differed significantly among have been clarified nor filtered, both reported causes for increases
the wineries in the ANOVA (P 6 0.05), led to a clear separation of in REE levels (Jakubowski et al., 1999; Rossano et al., 2007), there-
all wines according to their processing winery. All four canonical fore the high contribution of the REEs to the separation of the dif-
variates (CVs) were significantly different from each other as deter- ferent wineries is unclear.
mined by the Bartlett’s test (Bartlett, 1938; Friendly & Fox, 2010). The second CV explains an additional 37% of the total variance
Eighty-seven percent of the total variance ratio was explained ratio, and is driven by the separation of wines from winery B and
within the first two CVs, thus only the first two dimensions are winery E (Fig. 4d), with all other wineries located in between those
shown. Wine samples were grouped according to the winery they two. Wines from winery B showed higher levels of all elements
were processed as shown in Fig. 4a, where all wineries were well except for 9 (B, Al, Se, Rb, Cs, Ce, Yb, Re, and Tl) which were more
separated from each other. Wines from winery B are more different correlated to the wines from winery E (Fig. 4e). Chromium, Ti, Mn,
from the wines processed in all other wineries, as the remaining Co, Ni, Zn, As, Mo, Cd, and Pb again could result from various win-
wineries (A, C–E) are closer to or overlap with each other. Along ery equipment (Aceto, 2003; Galani-Nikolakaki & Kallithrakas-
the first CV, 50% of the total variance ratio was explained, mainly Kontos, 2006; Pohl, 2007; Tariba, 2011).
driven by the elemental differences of wines processed in winery Overall, the all wineries had an impact on the elemental compo-
A, compared to wines processed in winery B or E, with the wines sition of the wine, and this impact was different among the five
from winery C and D in between (Fig. 4b). Wines from winery A wineries. Especially winery B affected the wines to a different
are separated from the other wineries based on the higher concen- extent than the other wineries. Also, elements that differed signif-
trations in Mg, P, Ca, Ti, Ni, Se, Sr, Rh, Re, while B, Cr, and Mo con- icantly among the wineries were mostly related to winery equip-
tribute to a smaller degree to the separation (Fig. 4c). The most ment (e.g. Fe, Cd, Cr, Pb) and had been previously reported in red
likely source for Cr, Ti, Ni, and Mo are winery equipment and wine wines.
containers as reported previously (Almeida & Vasconcelos, 2003a;
Galani-Nikolakaki, Kallithrakas-Kontos, & Katsanos, 2002; Galani- 3.4. Winery and vineyard interaction
Nikolakaki & Kallithrakas-Kontos, 2006; Pohl, 2007; Tariba, 2011;
Volpe et al., 2009). Molybdenum and Ti are stainless steel alloy ele- In a last step, samples were classified using the winery-by-
ments (, but are also present in the soil, so vineyard interaction in the CVA model. In the ANOVA model, out
their presence in the wines could be the result of both grapegrow- of the 47 detected elements, 17 showed significant differences
ing and winemaking practices. Magnesium, P, Ca, B, Sr, and Rh have (P 6 0.05) between the 15 winery–vineyard combinations (Suppl.
been reported to come from vineyard soil by some authors (Pohl, Table 1), and were subsequently used in the classification. The first
2007; Taylor et al., 2003), while others argue that P, Mg and Ca seven CVs were found to differ significantly using the Bartlett’s test
can also be influenced by winemaking processes (Volpe et al., (P 6 0.05), and using the first two canonical variates, 78% of the
2009). Iglesias et al. (2007) report that Sr levels are not influenced total variance ratio was explained. Adding the third and fourth
by production, however, this is neither confirmed by our results CV to the model increased the ratio to over 90%, but when plotting
nor by the results of Taylor et al. (2003) who found larger variation the eigenvalues over the dimensions, a ‘‘knee’’ was observed after
in Sr levels in wines than in the soil. the first 2 CVs, thus, only the first two dimensions are shown in
Higher levels of Al, Mn, Zn, Rb, Cd, Sb, Cs, Tl, Pb, and the signif- Fig. 5a–e. The classification using the interaction effect separated
icantly different concentrations of REEs are contributing the most the wine samples due to both factors, but also allows identification
to the separation of the wines from wineries B and E from the other of those elements that are most useful in discriminating different
wineries, while K, Co, As, and Ba contribute to a lesser extent to this vineyards or different wineries, thus, separating the winery from
separation (Fig. 4c). Selenium, Rb and Cs are commonly reported the vineyard effect.
elements used to differentiate the geographical origin of wines In the score plot (Fig. 5a), wines from the wineries A and B clus-
(Angus, O’Keeffe, Stuart, & Miskelly, 2006; Castiñeira Gómez, ter together, independent of the vineyard source, except for wines
Feldmann et al., 2004; Coetzee et al., 2005; Martin et al., 2012; that were processed in winery A from grapes grown in vineyard 1.
Pohl, 2007; Taylor et al., 2003), but in most of these previous stud- These wines (A1) group together at the top of the score plot
ies, only finished wines have been analysed. Almeida and together with all other wines made from vineyard 1 grapes (C1,
Vasconcelos (2003a) reported that the Rb levels remained constant D1). Similar to vineyard 1, but with a larger scatter, wines made
throughout red wine making. from grapes from vineyard 5 are grouped together on the right
494 H. Hopfer et al. / Food Chemistry 172 (2015) 486–496


D1 C1
A1 C1

A3 A2
C5 C5
A3 A3 E4
CV 2, 12%

A3 A2 A2
A3 C5
A3 A5
A3A3A3 A2 C5
A3 A3 E5 E5

A3 C3A3 C5 E5
B3A3 A2
B3 B3
B3 E5
B3 B3 B3
B3 B4

−7 0 14
CV 1, 66%

(b) (d)

(c) (e) A1 A2 A3 A5 B2 B3 B4 B5 C1 C2 C3 C5 D1 E4 E5


Pr Ti

La P
CV 2, 12%


As Na
La Tl
Zn Cs Pr
Be Tm
Ti As Sb
P Dy Er Yb
Be Zn

−1 0 1

Fig. 5. Canonical Variate Analysis (CVA) for the first two dimensions using the winery-by-vineyard interaction term as classifier. (a) Shown are the individual scores, labeled
as in Suppl. Table 1, and additionally colour-coded by winery (winery A (in blue), winery B (in red), winery C (in green), winery D (in black), winery E (in orange)). Boxplots
and total structure coefficients for the first (b-c) and second (d-e) canonical variate. Elements that are represented by a long line in the structure coefficient plot have a larger
contribution to the observed separation in the CVA. Samples in the boxplots (b, d) are colour coded according to winery. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this
figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
H. Hopfer et al. / Food Chemistry 172 (2015) 486–496 495

hand side of the score plot, independent of the processing wineries Significant differences among the five vineyards were found for
(A, B, C, E). Within the wines from winery A and B, vineyard 2 26 elements, and most of these elements have been reported
wines are located towards the right, while wines from vineyard 3 previously to be present in soil and/or are being used by different
are positioned to the left. Those two vineyards are located next viticultural practices (e.g. herbicides, fertilizers, pesticides, fungi-
to each other geographically, thus, most likely sharing a similar cides). Five elements showed only a significant vineyard effect
elemental soil composition. For the last vineyard, 4, only two sam- (Be, Eu, Ga, Li, Si), indicating that these elements were either not
ples were available, so one of them, processed in winery B, clusters changed at all or changed to the same extent during winemaking
together with the other B wines, while the other one (E4), is posi- in the different wineries.
tioned together with the wines coming out of vineyard 5. It seems Based on these results, we hypothesise that the discrimination
that for this vineyard, the winery is able to ‘‘overwrite’’ any vine- among the different geographic origins (i.e. vineyards) is the result
yard effect on elemental composition, and/or could be the result of both soil elemental content and viticultural practices. Further
of the limited number of samples from this vineyard. studies are needed to directly relate the elemental composition
Looking at the score boxplots and the total structure coeffi- of these vineyard soils to the composition in the wines. Additional
cients in Fig. 5b-c the separation along CV 1 between the samples studies relating the effects of viticultural practices on elemental
is a driven by either a strong vineyard effect in case of vineyard 1 composition of grapes are also needed.
and 5 or a combined winery-vineyard effect as shown for both A total of 33 elements differed significantly among the five dif-
winery A and B and the vineyards 2 and 4. Samples on the right ferent wineries, with Cd, Ce, Dy, Gd, Ho, K, La, Pb, Pr, Re, Rh, and Sb
hand side of the score plot show higher levels in Be, Rb, Cs, Tl, differing significantly only among the wineries, indicating that
and some rare earth elements, while samples on the left hand side they were either not present at all or present at the same levels
are correlated to Na, P, Ti, Zn, As, and to a smaller degree Cd and when they arrived at the processing winery, and were changed
Sb (Fig. 5c). during winemaking in the five wineries to a different extent. Over-
Along the second dimension, samples processed in winery B all, all wineries had an impact on the elemental composition of the
group together at the bottom of the plot, showing higher levels wine, and this impact was different among the five wineries. Espe-
of nearly all elements, except P, and Ti, which were positively cor- cially winery B affected the wines to a different extent than the
related along CV 2, together with wines originating in vineyard 1 other wineries. Also, elements that differed significantly among
(Fig. 5e). the wineries were mostly related to winery equipment (e.g. Fe,
Many of these elements have been reported in the past to be Cd, Cr, Pb) and had been previously reported in red wines.
useful for wine classification, including Be (Greenough et al., Seventeen elements showed a significant winery-by-vineyard
1997; Thiel et al., 2004), Na (Marengo & Aceto, 2003; Martin interaction, i.e. were affected by both grapegrowing and winemak-
et al., 2012; Pohl, 2007), P (Marengo & Aceto, 2003; Martin et al., ing to a different degree among the 15 winery-vineyard combina-
2012), Ti (Marengo & Aceto, 2003; Volpe et al., 2009), Zn (Martin tions. Many of these elements have been used in the past for wine
et al., 2012; Volpe et al., 2009), Rb (Angus, O’Keeffe, Stuart, & classification according to the geographical origin, so it is not too
Miskelly, 2006; Coetzee et al., 2005; Greenough et al., 1997; surprising that they were important for the discrimination in this
Martin et al., 2012; Pohl, 2007; Taylor et al., 2003), Cd (Angus study.
et al., 2006; Baxter et al., 1997; Volpe et al., 2009), (Angus et al., However, while for some vineyards wines were found to show
2006; Baxter et al., 1997; Greenough et al., 1997; Martin et al., a characteristic elemental pattern, independent of the processing
2012), Tl (Coetzee et al., 2005; Greenough et al., 1997), and the lan- winery, the same was found for some wineries, with similar ele-
thanides (Marengo & Aceto, 2003; Volpe et al., 2009), so it is not mental pattern for all grapes processed in these wineries, indepen-
too surprising that also in this study these elements were found dent of the vineyard origin. This is consistent with previous
discriminatory. However, for at least some of these reported ele- reports that some of the discriminating elements (e.g. REEs, Cd,
ments (e.g. lanthanides and other REEs, Cd, and Ti) other studies and Ti) were shown to be influenced by various winemaking pro-
(Jakubowski et al., 1999; Pohl, 2007; Rossano et al., 2007; Tariba, cesses (filtration, clarification, storage, etc.). Due to our study
2011) have shown that winemaking processes (filtration, clarifica- design, where wines were sampled immediately out of the fer-
tion, storage, etc.) can change the concentrations. Due to the study mentation container, before any further winemaking steps were
design, where we sampled all wines immediately out of the fer- conducted, the presented results capture only the very first step
mentation container, before any further winemaking steps were in the winemaking process. Nevertheless, the impact of the winery
made (e.g. racking, settling, additions, filtration, blending, barrel is already visible in the elemental profiles, thus raising the ques-
storage, bottling) our results capture only the very first step in tion whether wines could ever be traced back to their vineyard
the winemaking process. Nevertheless, at least for two wineries or if the traceability ends when the grapes enter the processing
(A and B) the impact of the winery is already visible in the elemen- winery.
tal profiles. Further studies are needed to study this question, including a
close monitoring of grapes from the same vineyard processed in
4. Conclusions different wineries.
In summary, this work provides further insight into the deter-
The combined effects of vineyard origin and winery processing mination of geographical origin of red wines, but in contrast to ear-
have been studied with 65 different red wines samples, originating lier studies, the combined effects of both grapegrowing and
from five different Northern Californian vineyards within 40 miles winemaking were studied, and found to both impact the elemental
(65 km) to each other. All wines were processed in at least two of profile of red wine.
the five different wineries. Based on the multi-elemental pattern,
measured with 63 elements by inductively coupled-plasma mass Acknowledgements
spectrometry (ICP-MS), we were able to classify the wines accord-
ing to their vineyard origin, their processing winery, as well as the The Food Safety and Measurement Facility is supported by
combined effects of both origin and processing. generous loans and donations from Agilent Technologies, Gerstel
Each classification successfully separated the wines according US, and Constellation Brands. We thank Jerry Lohr for financial
to their vineyard or winery, indicating that both grapegrowing postdoctoral support, as well as the donating wineries for their
and winemaking impact the elemental composition of red wine. collaboration.
496 H. Hopfer et al. / Food Chemistry 172 (2015) 486–496

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