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A = 270 mm; B = 50 mm; C = 9 mm; D = 858 mm

Installation instructions
Do not attempt to push the gas spring in with your hand. The gas spring can be damaged by this and often the force
required for this is too large.
1) First mount the attachment part to the fixed world, according to the C & D measurements from the hinge.
2) Secure the gas spring to this attachment part. Mount the gas spring in such a way that the rod points down as
much as possible during average use.
3) Secure the attachment part on the other side of the gas spring.
4) Position the cover in the open position. Move the attachment part along the cover so that the A & B
measurements can be reached from the hinge.
5) Verify that the desired opening angle used in the calculation angle is reached.
6) If this is the case, then also mount the attachment part to the "cover" according to the A & B measurements from
the hinge.
7) Now gently close the cover. This can be extra heavy the first time because the gas springs are a bit stuck. If all is
well the "cover" now behaves approximately like in the simulation on the website!
If the cover does not behave as expected, then check the A, B, C and D measurements and check steps 1-7.

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