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PART - 1: PHYSICS (1) Energy released in the given process ‘of product ~ Binding energy of reactants, 6x 4—(1.1 2) «2 304-4.4=26 MeV @) Given, RMS. speed of chlorine molecule, Vor VMar Nar: [09 43, 490 ¥399. Vp, 1.33 490= 651.7 mis (2) When magnetic field is applied to a diamagnetic substance, it produces magnetic field in opposite direction 0 net magnetic field inside the eavity of sphere will be zero. So, field inside the paramagnetic substance kept inside the cavity is zero. (1) ByBohr’ quantization rule ah I" Fire (7038) Broader pipe has more value of e therefor, it gives note cofsmaller frequency. (2) Here, current cannot be in same direction in both wire because then, B, = 0, So current should be in opposite direction. B,= Biy+ Bay 1 ol 2m By 300 « 10° = 2 « 2 107 3x 104= 105% 7 9. 10. M. 2, 13. 4 18, (1) Tension, = (vaarya = (2x10!) < (10) (25-0) 110.5 x10)? = 3925N, @ @) Thesum oftheir KE and PE isa constant. @) Initially (C= 2F given) avy 2c 2 2 Finally ‘Charge wll be divided equally _2V. 2Q=% v r=) Bal 2=719°¢ 12 @) x-201et (1) Given, Dipole moment of short electric dipole, p=16* 109Cm, Distance from centre of dipole, r=0.6m pcos Electr potential, 9x10" x16x10™ xcos6 ee ©) Betotin-se=26/3 acne sin@ = Axid = sin@= 13d => 0= (2) For projectile motion, w?sin20 2n/3 Range R= As range is same for angle of projection @ and 90-8. So, range is same for 42° and 48°, Height in projectile motion, H SoH is higher for 48° than 42°. 16, @) As given that, = seo Velocity ofthe particle b=" eo So, acceleration, za concen 5-204) oo a=—4ory Insimple harmonic motion acceleration (or free) is directly proportional to the negative of displacement of particle =>as acceleration, a =~» Hence, due to negative si ‘motion (SHM.) A simple harmonie motion is always periodic. Sometion is periodic simpleharmonie. Fromthe given equation, oi) ‘motion is simple harmonie Compare it by standard equation y= acosor 9) So, 0/=20 Hens the maton SHM with pid # @) Given wavelength ofneon lemp 2, =670.Sam Stopping potential ¥, = 0.48 From the Einstein's photoelecric equation ke he Kina = E40 eh = om “7, oP 240 ost? i) For second case wavelength A, = 474.6 nm stopping potential = V;, = e(0.48)= i) 7A. Subtcating equation (i) from Gi) we get ot r5~048)=1240{ 1 ey P| - Se eee MG? (M74) @) Centripetal force, : Frictional foree=jumg Here, centripetal force for motion is being provided by the fietion. mv? =hmg 2) Coulomb's law and universal law of gravitation are analogous to each other, whereas Biot-savart’s law is «different from the above two laws asi is used to calculate ‘magnetic produced by vector souree, Id so statement IL is incorrect and statement Lis correct. ()_ When the ray suffers minimum deviation, it becomes parallel to the base of prism P. As prisms Q and R are of ‘same material and have identical shape, therefore, theray continues to be parallel to base of Q and R. Henee final deviation ofthe ray remains the same as before 26. (1) Inpolar molecules, like HCL HOCH the centre ‘of positive charges does not coincide with the centre of negative charges. Hence, permanent electric dipole exists, 27.) My sinO= mv, cos @ My, €080 + mn sin 0 «i yjc0s0 +9 sind = «iy u=0 Mt On solving, we get, e~ A 28, (1) Entire system is thermally insulated. So, no heat exchange with surrounding will take place. Hence, process will be adiabatic. 29, (4) Changein potential energy, Au = q(V, -¥,) Potential of is sameas initial and final point ofthe path, } kay kg) ay 3a/2 12) "red resign shows the energy ofthe change i deereasing 30.) RatiootM.s Mg? la lb MgQ2y? la 7g &MaTMslon ta =“f 31. GA. In instriasc semiconductor, Fermi level is between the wo bands, Bn n-type semiconductor, Fermi level is close to conduction band. CC. Inpaype semiconductor, fermi level isnear tovalenoe band. D.- Inmetal, fermi level inside the conduction band 32. @) 2-8 where s= S52 os 5+ 3.) Ske 0.4) dom} \Som L0kg LSkg Tom LS kg 9) G0) my +mgxg tmx ‘m+ +m, p= OFISXI+25%0 _15%3 9g : T+15+25 3 imi Maya +m ‘m+n +m 1XO+1SXO#2.5%4 T+15425 Hence, centre of mass of system is at point (0.9, 2) 36. 37. 38. 40. a a2, @) Radio waves has longest wavelength and X-rays, have shortest wavelength, so correct option is (3). @)_ Mass ofthe satllite~ mand height of satellite from earth (h)= 64 1m, ‘We know that gravitational potential energy ofthe satelite atheight GMam__R?m Rosh 2k, (where, GM,~eR.2andh=R,) (), We have 2500 2 YP HK Xo) =-0.SmeR. ty @)_ Let bethe distance from charge, where electri Field is zero. ‘445 4 a % Using the Coulomb's law a ARE x? 4nEy (x +12) => xt id= Distance from origin =x-+ 12=24em, @ Wetne 6=L8. and C, N (1) No, tn inden = bw 1 oF) tal Jane) ava) @) Weknow that h eos Ina moving lift acceleration becomes =(g+a)=(@+28)=38 2Teos@ bh OD 3 @) As there is no change in flux in the cylinder and so induced emfin itwill bezero, (4) Weight ofa body, W = mg=400N At depth d, acceleration due to gravity For d “4 45, 46. a. 48. 49, 50, sl. 2. 53. Inch (8) LCR circuit in resonance behaves as resistive circuit, Ved V8 s @) Using, j= 1 Be SeGaR) 104 0.005 k me To0s+20+R J (1 Frequneyotsing, f= Frequency «: {Tension Dienst ands 6 If tension decreases, fi, decreases and becomes fy ‘Now, difference off, and f’y=7 Hz (increases) Sof, >a Ha =f, 530 He fy = 524 He (original) @) Timeperiod of satellite just above earth surface (Z) is, siven by ona (@)Wehave T=28, aaa = Pm = cureterveen T and L will bestaight ine ae passing through origin having slope === @) Steel is used in construction because it has high ‘lati limit and it binds well to concrete, PART - HEMISTRY @) An, =2-4=—2, AH=AB-2Rr. (2)_In boundary surface diagram (1) the for obese Setween y and sats (f,) wheres, in boundary surface agram (2) the for labe eon the and y-axis (ds_,3) ) According tothe stoichiometry of balanced equation Se gNereac with 6g He Ny +31, —9 2Nty For $6 gofN,, 120°, is required. 4. ot. a. @) On moving down the group, the melting point ‘decreases with the exception of Pp whose melting point is slightly greater than that of Sn. The correct order of melting point is: C Hence, Sn has lowest melting point. (3). The first ionisation enthalpy of oxygen is less than that of nitrogen. This is due to the stability of half-filled clectronic configuration. Nitrogen has half filled eleetronie configuration and hence its ionisation energy is greater than oxygen. In oxygen, after losing itseleciron, it goes half filled electronic configuration and hence, it has less ionisation energy than nitrogen. (1)_ Onlythose d orbitals whose lobes are directed along X. ¥ and Z directions hybridise with sand p orbitals. In ‘other three orbitals namely dd, add, the Lobes are tan angle of 45° from both axis, hence the extent oftheir overlap with sand p orbitals is much lesser than >_> and d_p orbitals. >Ge> Ph Sn @) A-Gi),B-W),C-@,D=Gii) @)_ All resonating structures should have same number of electron pais. (@)_ Rotation arounel a C-C single bond is not completely fre. It is hindered by a small eneray barrier of 1-20 kI ‘mot due to weak repulsive interaction between the adjacent bonds. Such a type of repulsive interaction is called torsional strain, 3 aa 2 Fe 1224 « 1.602% 10% 1.962 10-74 cH, o Ck: an oi @ AG), B-@,C-(id, DG) For spontaneity, AH-TAS <0 @)_ Noble gases have weak dispersion forees hence they have low melting and boiling points. 64, (Using Jon electron method Reduction Half reaction : C0} +6420" Onidaton Half rection so? +50} +2673 Overall eatin 0% +3503 4200" +3803" +" Totufance“O' atoms, adding On LHS 0%" +3803 —2¢1?* +380} +4150 + Totufanee"¥atoms, adding Hon RHS 0% +3802 + 8H’ — ace +380} +411,0 b=3, 65, @) Oxidation state of phosphorous in P.O, is +5 whereas in P,O, is +3 thus P.O, ismore acidic than P.O, 6. (4) Nitrogen, sulphur and halogens are tested in an crganic compound by Lassaigne's test. o. Benene sulphonyl chloride is known’s Hinsberg reagent. 68. (§) The deficiency of vitamin B,, causes pernicious ©. W) Ti:ZQ2is L82eBpUBA3p%4NIE V:Z.Q3)is Ie2e2p!3e3phas3ah Crs ZQ4yis L22e2phAPPHHEMs! Mn; Z(25)is s?2s!2p/9°3042 ‘The second electron in all the eases (except Cx) is taken cut fiom 4s-orbital and for Critistaken from halFfiled d= nbtal. The fore required for removal of second electron will be more for Mn than others (except for Cr) de hhaving more positive charge. Based on this, we find the correct order Mn> V>Ti. ie.Cr>Mn>V>Ti 70. (3) Eneray of photon obtained from the transition n=6 t0 'n=5 will have least energy. ab=13.62" TQ) A-Gi,B~(),C~€i, D=Gv) 72. G) The oscillating fields are perpendicular to the 1 and on association i< 1. @) oe NcHcHy + D=NercHy 2) Correct relation between change in enthalpy and changein intemal energy is AH= AU+ nT @ ABQ)—=Aw+BEe) anor Applying law of mass action, ep Ina (considering a is the degree of dissociation) =) 0= 256x107 0=0.16 % age dissociation = 16 @)_ The energy involved in the conversion of $C12() to CF (apis given by 1 MH pois, +oeHer Anette ‘Substituting various values from given data, we get s1-(Soom)ocoeneessnnon! = (120-349-381) kI mob! =—610 kJ mal" a Atel, SES Fat A,0)4) chy, “ ~. {GHLO}0. ® Eu-cu= chy, cH CH YH-CH,-CH-Br cH (1) The concentration of reactant does not change with time for zero arder reaction (unit of E suggests zero order) PART - IIL: BOTANY 101, (3) 102.(1) 103.@) 104.4) 108, (1) The Amazon rain forest that is present in South America has the greatest biodiversity on earth in which ‘more than 40,000 species of plants, more than 1,25,000 invertebrates, 3,000 of fishes, 427 of mammals, and 1,300 of birds are found, @)_ Tassels in the corm cob represents stigma and style ‘which wavein the wind to trap pollen grains, @_ Chiorelia isa unicellular green alga, rich in proteins and is used as food supplement even by space travellers. @) 109.44) 110.0) @) The phenomenon of pleiotropism refers to phenomenon where a single gene affecting multiple phenotypic expression, ® @) Habitat loss and fragmentation, over-exploitation a the causes for los in biodiversity @) 118.0) (1). Pisum sativum (Sweet Pea) belongs to the family Fabaceae witich possess fen stamens, diadelphous and dithecous anther: 106. 107. 108. m. 112, 113. 14. 116. 117. @) 118. (1) The required components for chemiosmosis are proton gradient, proton pump, plasma membrane and ATP synthase, 119. @) 120. @)_In few species, such as apple, strawberry, cashews thalamus contribute to fruit formation and these fruits are known as false fruit. (During the metaphase stage ofthe eel eycle. Each chromosome has only two chromatids that ace linked together by a centromere. The four chromatids can never be found in a cell eycle (If the length of DNA double helix in a typical ‘mammalian cell is calculated (simply by multiplying the total number of bp with distance between two consecutive bp, thats, 3.3 10° bp = 0.34% 10° mibp), it comes auto 121. 12. be approximately 1.1 metres. A length that is far greater than the dimension of a typical nucleus (approximately om, 123. @)_ Under electron microscope the nucleosomes appear asbeads on a string in chromosome, dueto a short length of DNA wrapped around a core of histone proteins. @ @) The given floral formula is of tobacco. It belong to the family Solanaceae. The flower is actinomorphie, bisexual and has superior ovary. Soyabean and sunhemp hhave monocarpellary pistl and tulip has trimerous flower and perianth, ® (1). SIRNA is silencing RNA that is not involved in the process of protein synthesis. mRNA, RNA and rRNA are the types of RNA that are responsible forthe protein synths 4. Ds, 126. U7 128. (129.1) 130.0) 131, (9) Lariana, Eichliornia and Parthenium are all exotic species, which had been introduced in India. Lantana ‘camara has replaced many species in forests of Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh, Eichhornia (water hyacinth) has clogged water bodies including wetlands resulting in death of several aquatic plants and animals. Parthenium has pushed out several herbs and shrubs fom open places in the pains. @ (In some seeds such as black pepper and bect, remnants of nucellus are persistent so the residual persistent part which forms the perisperm inthe seeds of beet is aucellus, () 138.4) 136.0) @)_ Xylem is acomplex permanent tissus, which consists ofiracheids, vessels, xylem parenchyma and xylem fibres, [i functions as conducting tissue for water and minerals, rom roots to the stem and leaves, Tracheidsareclongated ‘ortube like cells with thick and lgnified walls nd tapering tends, These are dead and are without protoplasm. Vessel is long eylindrical tube-tike structure made up of many cells called vesse! members, each with lignified wallsand ‘large central cavity, Vessel memibers are interconnected ‘through perforations in their common walls. Xylem fibres havehighly thickened walls ad obliterated central kumens, These may either be septate or aseptate. Xylem parenchymacells are living and thin-walled, and ther cell ‘walls are made up of ellulose. (4) Epidermal tissue system forms outer covering of ‘lant, which isin direet contact with external environment, ‘The tissuesystem consists of the epidermis derived from protoderm and its associated structers; epidermal igrowths. The cells perform different functions like protection, absorption, exeretion, gaszous exchange, secretion and control of transpiration, etc ‘The tissue present between epidermis and vascular tissue system constitutes ground tissue system. It forms the ‘major part ofa plant's bo. Vascular tissue system is composed of a number of ‘vascular bundles, present in the central cylinder or colurmn of the axis ofroot and stem whieh is known as stele. The ‘vascular bundle is composed of primary xylem, primary 132, 133, 134, 1B 138. phloem and cambium. 139. @) 140.(4) J4L, @) Sacred forests (= sacred groves) are forest patches around places of worship which are held in high esteem by tribal communities. They are the most undisturbed forest patches (island of pristine forests) which are often surrounded by highly degraded landscapes. They are found in several parts of India, e.g., Karnataka, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, etc. Many endemic species ‘hich are rare or have become extinet elsewhere ean be seen to flourish here 142, (143.04) 144. (0) 145, (8) The DNA Dependent RNA polymerase isan important enzyme. In prokaryotic organisms this enzyme is responsible forthe process of initiation, elongation and termination during the process of tanseription. DNase is an enzyme that ssavolved inthe cleavage of phosphodiester linkages ‘ofthe DNA backbone. RNA dependent DNA polymerase is responsible for the process of DNA Replication. DNA ligase joins the fragments of DNA. @)_Thehistoric convention on Biological Diversity“The Earth Summit” was held in Rio de Janeiro the year 1992. called upon all nations to take appropriate measures for conservation of biodiversity and sustainable utilisation 146. ofits benefits 147. @) 148. (1) Expressed Sequence Tays or ESTs are genes that are expressed as RNA in the bods. ESTS represent portions of expressed genes. They may be represented as either eDNA/mRNA sequence or as the reverse complement of themRNA, the template strand ® 2) Mitosis occurs in somati eels; this means that it takes place in all types of cells that are nt involved inthe production of gametes. Prior to each mitotic division, copy of every chromosome is created; thus, following division, a complete set of chromosomes is found in the nucleus of each new cell So it donot inelude pairing of homologous chromosomes. PART - IV: ZOOLOGY 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. a (1). Theyare pseudococlomateanimals. @)_ Placenta is an endocrine tissue that is present only during pregnancy Itisrespoosible for production of various hhormones like human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), ‘estrogen, progesterone, human placental lactogen (hPL), @ . @)_ The squamous epithelium is made ofa single thin layer of flattened cells with irregular boundari @) Neuroglia, are non-neuronal cells in the central ‘nervous system and the peripheral nervous system, They ‘maintain homeostasis, form myelin, and provide support tnd protection for neurons. Henee, it is neural tissue not ‘a connective tissue. ()_Asterias (Sta fish) belongs to phylum Echinodermata ‘which an exeretory system is absent. @)_Siruthio (Ostrich) isthe largest living ightless bird, ) ()_Interstital fluid is ealled the tissue fluid or lymph, Which plays an important role in immunity against diseases, It has the same mineral distribution as that of the plasma, Lymph is a colourless fluid containing specialised lymphocytes (B and T cells) which are responsible for the immune response ofthe boy. Lymph is also an important carrier for nutrients and hormones, @ ()_Intercalated dise isa type ofjunetion tha is present only in the cardiac muscle tissue soit isnot a characteristic 154. 156. 158, 159. 160. 161. 1062. 163. 164. 16s. 166. 167. 168, 169, 170. mn. 1m. of smooth muscle. statement. ‘The smooth muscle fibres have no striatons and are involuntary in nature. They are generally present in the ‘wall ofintemal organs like stomach, intestine andthe blood vessels @)_Osicichihyes have two chambered heart. )_ The figure shows the tubectomy. This is a surgieal ‘method to prevent pregnancy in women. Tn tubectomy small part ofthe fallopian tube is removed o tied through ‘a small eu inthe ablomen or through vagina. It is w cffective method bat reversibility is very poor. @_Roundworms are pscudocociomate animals. The coclom is not completely lined by mesoderm, there are scattered patches or pouches of mesoderm inbetween ‘ectoderm and endoderm, @ )_ deVriesbelived mutation eauses speciation and hence called it speciation. Miller and Urey experimentally supported Oparin and Haldane theory with the help of stimulation experiment, Analogous organs are those ‘organs which are similar in shape and function but their ‘origin, basic plan and development are dissimilar. Example, wings of butterfly, bird and bat. Such similarities are because of convergent evolution for adaptation to a common condition, The Big Bang theory attempts 10 explain to us the origin of Universe. @) Tidal volume is the normal volume of air displaced ‘between normal inhalation and exhalation, It is approximately 300m. ‘The inspiratory reserve volume (IRV) is the additional amount of air that can be inhaled by a forceful inspiration tis between 2500-3000 mi in humans, ‘Theexpiratory reserve volume (ERV) is the amount ofextra sir abovea normal brea, exhaled during forceful breath ‘ut. The average ERV volume is between 1000 ml. to Nem. “Theresidual volume is the amount of air remaining inthe lungs atthe end of a normal exhalation. This averages 100mL-to1200enL. @ @)_ Analogy is the example of the eye of the eetopus and of mammals or the Mippers of Penguins and Dolphins, (4) Both the statements are correct, @)_ Cancer is defined as an uncontrolled division or proliferation of cells without any differentiation. Repeated division of cells forma large mass of tissue called tumours “These are of two types Le. benign (non-cancerous) and ‘malignant (cancerous). ‘The invasion of malignant tumour from primary ste of cancer to the other secondary growth is called metastasis, whilemetagenesis isthe alteration of generation. ‘Teratogencsis is prenatal toxicity, that is characterised by structural, functional defeets inthe developing embryo (oF Foetus. Mitosis i a type of cell division that results in ‘wo daughter cells Tus option (4) has incorrect TTB. @) Amino acids and glacose ate included under the category of primary metabolites as they have identifible finetions and play known roles in normal physiological procosses. Rubber, gums, morphine, codeine, vinblastin and cureumnin are the secondary metabolites as thei role of finctions in host organisms not known yet. However many of them ae useful in human welfare 174. Q) 175.(1) 176.) 177. (Vasectomy is a sterilization method in male which they are capable of ejaculation, bot the latter Consists only of secretions of various glands, and has no sperms, Sperms are still produced but reabsorbed into the bod. @) A-IlisB-1V;C-1:D-1 (2) There are certain factors such as high pO, Low 1CO;, Less concentration and lower temperate that favo the formation of oxyhacmogiobin athe alveoli @)_ Knee joint isan example of hinge joint. |. (4) 182.3) Q)_ Synovial joints are characterised by the presence of 2 fluid filled synovial eavity between the articulating Surfaces of the two bones. Such an arrangement allows considerable movement. These joints help i locomotion and many other movements. Ball and socket joint (beticen bumerisand pectoral girdle), Hinge int (neon Pivot joint between alas and as), ding joint (between the Carpals) an Saddle joint (betwen carpal and metacarpal thumb) ae some examples 184, (4) 185. @)_ Lic acids the chief nitogenous component of the excretory product of eockroach. Animals which lve in dry conditions have to conserve water in their bodies. Therefore, they synthesise crystals of uric acid from ammonia, Urie acid erytls are non-toxic and can be retained in the body fru considerable time. Uricosic animals include insects, reptiles and birds (0) "Early Greek hikers thought units ifcalled spores wore ransfered to different planets including earth Pansperia” sil favourite ea foe some astronomers transfer of spores as unit of ie from other planets to cart @)_Pharyngcal il itsare presentin hemichordtesand in chordates. Notochord is present in chordates only. Yentral tubular nerve erd is present in non-chordatcs. 188. @) Descendinglimbor + Resbsorption of 186. 187. Henle’s loop ‘water only PCT = Reabsorption of fons, ‘water organic nutrients Ascendinglimb of = Reabsorption of Henle’s loop salts only pcr + Conditional reabsorption of sodium ions and 189. 190, (8) Polysaccharides are complex carbohydrates formed by polymerization of a large number of units called monosaccharides, starch is a polysaecharide and is the major reserve food of animals. Cellulose isthe structural polysaccharideof plant cell wal, Sucroseisa disaccharide comprised of one unit of D-glueose and one unit of Defructose. Maltose is a disaccharide formed of two ‘molecules of glucose held together, lactose is dsaecharide formed through condensation of D-glucose and D.Galactose. Glucose and fructose are monosaccharides iL @ 192, @)_Lyases enzyme catalyses breakdown without addition of water. Isomerase enzyme catalyses the conversion of an aldose sugar toa ketose sugar. ‘Owidoreductase enzyme catalyses the transfer of electrons from one molecule to another molecule. Ligases enzyme catalyses the bonding of €~0, C~ 8, C=N,P-O ete, bonds 193. 194, (4) Every enzyme possesses an optimum pH value, ‘where it is most effoctive, Most enzymes show maximum activity ina pH range of about 6.0075, i, near neutral DH. Some digestive enzymes have their optimum pH in the acidic or activity alkaline range. e.g, pepsin of gastric {ice has its optimum at pH 2 (acidic), and trypsin of pancreatic juice shows maximum activity at pH 8.8 (alkaline). rise and fallin pH reduces enzyme activity by changing the degree of fonisation ofits side chain 195, (1) A. Thepill —Prevents ovulation and implantation. B Condom—Prevents conception, Vasectomy —Sterilisation procedure in mal. D. TUO —Inereases phagocytosis of sperms. 196. () 197. (1) Industrial melanism occured in England due to ‘industrial revolution, Iteaused black coating of moths for the adaptation in the preser @) The phase of muscle contraction oceurs when ‘myosin binds and releases actin. Muscle contraction is initiated by a signal sent by the central nervous system. ‘va a motor neuron. A motor neuron along withthe muscle fibres connected to it constitutes & motor unit 199. @) 200, (1) Wall of intestine is made up of smooth muse. Tendons consist of dense regular connective tissue fascicles encased in dense irregular connective tissue sheaths. Tip of nose consists of squamous epithelium, Lining of epithelium is made of columnar epithelium. 198.

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