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FOR 2017 丁酉

The Year of the Fire Rooster, 2017, is ruled by the Fire Element
and as such, it becomes a Yin year. Also known as Ding
You (丁酉), its moniker will come to occupy the

Annual Pillar spots for all BaZi charts when the
said lunar New Year unfolds.

Like every other year, there is much anticipation

about potential ups and downs based on
individual BaZi charts. This year in particular
however, you cannot afford to rest on your laurels.
Instead, you will need to put in hard work and be patient
Ding You to achieve the desired results.
Fire Rooster
Due to the fact that all Rooster years are commonly
associated with integrity and efficiency, it would be the best
time to capitalise on career and financial possibilities. Of course
none of these would materialise without investing genuine hard
work – even if your BaZi chart suggests that you will have a
profitable year ahead.

This is where your Day Master comes into play. It magnifies any
upcoming trials and tribulations, and helps you prepare to take
on the profitable challenges, or cushion unavoidable blows. Your
individual Day Masters; Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water, all
react differently to the Ding You (丁酉) Annual Pillar. So let’s
take a closer look at how it will affect your personal Day Master.

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Jia (甲) Wood Day Masters are commonly stead,

甲 Jia
forthright, direct and stern. As its texture would suggest,
they are stiff and sometimes appear detached from what
YANG WOOD is going on around them. Yi (乙) Wood on the other hand
are not very ruthless and adaptability is one of their key

Ding (丁) and You (酉) are the Output and Influence
structures to both Wood Day Masters. Implications such
as health issues are highly likely to arise. That said, it is
of utmost importance for those with these Day Masters

乙 Yi
to pay close attention to the slightest signs of chronic

YIN WOOD The root of this problem can be traced back to working
too hard. Many challenges may be thrown their way at
work, but it would do their health some good to take the
pressure off the throttle. Take them as lessons instead of
being relentless in search for all the answers. A sign for
them to pump the brakes is when they feel that stress is
beginning to linger around.

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Bing (丙) & Ding (丁) Fire Day Masters

Bing (丙) Fire Day Masters are often passionate about

a cause, belief or principle. They enjoy being in the
spotlight, but become bored with work quickly. Ding

丙 Bing
(丁) Fire Day Masters are natural leaders and take pride
in showing others the way. They also have tremendous
YANG FIRE ability to rise to great occasions.

Ding (丁) and You (酉) are the Companion and Wealth
structures to the Fire Day Masters. As such, those in
this category will gain unprecedented confidence and
willpower to work out their goals. This can be merited to

the support they will gain from networking.

This year would require them to be socially fluid and

leverage on collaborations and teamwork for their ideas
to be realised. When these ideas have been put into
motion, the results would be quite outstanding and will
appear in the form of lucrative financial rewards.

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Wu (戊) & Ji (己) Earth Day Masters

Wu (戊) Earth Day Masters are almost always solid, steady,

dependable, trustworthy and loyal. They are particularly poor
at being flexible and can be stubborn in change or taking action.

戊 Wu
Ji (己) Earth Day Masters are mostly similar, and can put up with
quite a bit of abuse without withdrawing.

Ding (丁) and You (酉) are the Resource and Output structures
to the Earth Day Masters. People here would have exceptional
ideas available, as well as several noblemen present. It would
be advisable for them to expand on network and social circles

己 JI
for benefits.


However, there is a tendency for them to be complacent with

undertakings. They should put in extra hard work in all that they
do in order to produce optimum outcomes in desired areas.
Their reputations are also expected to improve significantly in

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Geng (庚) & Xin (辛) Metal Day Masters

Geng (庚) Metal Day Masters are usually tough people who
can endure hardship and suffering. Their goals are achieved
gratifyingly through blood, sweat and tears. Xin (辛) Metal

庚 Geng
Day Masters on the other hand command the spotlight either
through intellect or good looks. Face value is important to them
YANG METAL and can lead to their downfall.

Ding (丁) and You (酉) are the Influence and Companion
structures to the Metal Day Masters. Some of the effects
produced towards those in this category includes loss of

辛 Xin
direction or personal objectives throughout the year. In order
to curb this, a journey of self-discovery is needed.

They would also find themselves torn between decisions due to

shortage of confidence. This is why it is important that they be
open to suggestions and advice from others as it would prove to
be the guide they need to find their true selves.

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Ren (壬) & Gui (癸) Water Day Masters

Ren (壬) Water Day Masters are adaptive, intelligent and usually
unable to stand or sit still. There is a high possibility that they
are extroverts. They are easily distracted but when they put

壬 Ren
their minds to something, there is no stopping them. Gui (癸)
Water Day Masters are the opposite – they are introverts. They
YANG WATER are highly imaginative and creative, but lack the drive to stick to
any endeavour.

Ding (丁) and You (酉) are the Wealth and Resource structures
to the Water Day Masters. The year 2017 promises those in

癸 Gui
this category a lot of good if they pay close attention to self-
development. It is one of the more important aspects to look
YIN WATER after in this category.

They are also encouraged to seek and gain more knowledge.

The problem that needs addressing is the fact that they tend
to procrastinate. That said, it is important that they stay clear
of distractions and focus on things that require their attention
the most.

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All rights reserved worldwide.
Copyright © 2016 by Joey Yap Research Group Sdn Bhd.

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