food security final research paper 1 1

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Our Central idea is Individuals learn from challenges to solve problems and develop society.

Our Theme is Sharing the planet

Our Statement of inquiry is ensuring food security gives access to nutritious meals to everyone in
the community.

Key concepts are form, change, responsibility

Our lines of inquiry are

1- Characteristics of food shortage (form)

2- Food security changes the society (change)
3- Ensuring food security (responsibility)

Imagine waking up in the morning with an empty stomach, unsure of when or where your next
meal will come from. This unsettling reality is the daily experience for millions around the globe
facing food insecurity. Food insecurity isn't just about hunger; it's about a lack of consistent
access to nutritious food.

It's about the uncertainty that haunts individuals and families, impacting their physical health,
mental well-being, and future prospects.

Exploring the topic of food insecurity opens the door to understanding the diverse nature of these
issues and the urgent need for solutions that ensure everyone has the fundamental right to
nutritious meals.

Let us start with the big question-

What is food security? Access to safe, nutritious food for everyone is always food security.
Reasons for food insecurity

- Poverty- poverty leads to food shortage by restricting access to food due to financial
constraints. Poverty limits access to food, which in turn perpetuates poverty due to
malnutrition and its effects on health and productivity. Even in rich countries like
America, Onein 8 households experienced food insecurity, or lack
of access to an affordable, nutritious diet
- Climate change and natural disasters is a significant driver of food insecurity globally.
Climate change causes water shortage and changes in temperature and rainfall patterns
causing problems in agriculture. Natural disasters like floods, droughts, add to the loss of
food shortage.
- Food wastage- Food that is wasted could have been redistributed to those in need.
Many individuals and families experiencing food insecurity could benefit from surplus
A study unveiled that a staggering
food that would otherwise go to waste.
4.06 million tons of food, is wasted each year, that is
approximately 184 kilos per person of food waste, just in Saudi
- Forces migration- Living in displacement camps affects the type of food available.
For example, the refugee camps in sudan say they can only help with providing shelter
but cannot gaurantee access to nutritious food or clean water.

Negative impacts of food shortage on the community?

1- Nutritional Health: The most immediate impact of food shortages is malnutrition.
Insufficient access to nutritious food can lead to undernourishment, stunting, and
micronutrient deficiencies, especially among children and pregnant women. Malnutrition
weakens immune systems, making individuals more susceptible to diseases and reducing
their overall health and productivity.
2- Social problems: Food shortages can strain social relationships within communities.
Competition for limited resources may lead to tensions, conflicts, and even violence. It
also causes increase in cases of robbery, killing and other crimes. Food insecurity can
take a toll on mental health, causing stress, anxiety, and depression among individuals
and communities. Uncertainty about where the next meal will come from and fear of
hunger can contribute to feelings of helplessness and despair.
3- Healthcare Burden: Food shortages often coincide with increased healthcare needs due
to malnutrition-related illnesses and weakened immune systems
4- Economic Instability: Food shortages can disrupt local economies, particularly in
regions where agriculture is a primary source of income. Crop failures and reduced
agricultural productivity can lead to unemployment, loss of income, and increased
poverty levels.
5- Education Disruption: Children in food-insecure households may experience
disruptions in their education due to hunger-related illnesses, absenteeism from school to
help their families procure food, or the inability to afford school fees and supplies. Poor
nutrition can also impair cognitive development, affecting learning outcomes and future

Access to nutritious meals helps the community get better.

Absolutely, access to nutritious meals is essential for the well-being and

prosperity of communities in several ways. By prioritizing nutrition and food
security, communities can create environments where everyone has the
opportunity to thrive.

1- Improved Health: Nutritious meals provide essential nutrients that support physical
health and well-being. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and
healthy fats can help prevent chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and
certain cancers. Adequate nutrition also strengthens the immune system, reducing the risk
of infections and promoting overall healthIy.It also improves the mental well- being of
2- smarter kids and better schools. When kids eat healthy meals, it’s like giving their
brains a super boost! You can concentrate better in school, understand things faster, and
remember more of what you learn.
3- Increased Productivity: Communities with access to nutritious meals often. experience
higher levels of productivity and economic prosperity. Well-nourished individuals are
better able to participate in the workforce, contribute to economic growth, and achieve
their full potential. This benefits not only individuals and families but also the broader
community and economy.

How can we ensure food security?

1- Not wasting food and redistributing usable food.
2- Installing community fridges to deposit extra food for the ones who need it.
3- Tackling root causes of poverty and inequality to improve access to food.
4- Focus on locally grown products.
5- Using mixed farming methods where we can grow more than 1 variety of crop.
6- Use hydroponic method of farming in places with water scarcity.
7- Investing in research for drought-resistant crops and better livestock breeds.
8- Reducing food shortage involves a combination of approaches, such as implementing
school meal programs, educating families about nutrition and budgeting, supporting
community gardens, and collaborating with local organizations to provide food
assistance. It’s about addressing both immediate needs and long-term solutions to ensure
every child has access to nutritious food.
Success stories
1- Kingdom taking proactive steps to develop agri-businesses as a buffer against global
supply chain disruption. Heavy investment in small farming businesses and desalination
has enabled Saudi Arabia to cultivate less-arable land .Saudi Arabia has achieved
complete self-sufficiency in the production of dates, fresh dairy products and table eggs.
The Kingdom has also made progress in growing potatoes, meeting 80 percent of local
demand. Domestic poultry comprises 68 percent, tomatoes 67 percent, red meat 60
percent, carrots 50 percent, fish 48 percent and onions 44 percent.

2- Brazil: Brazil has implemented successful programs such as Bolsa Família, which
provides cash transfers to low-income families, and the National School Feeding
Program, which ensures that millions of children receive nutritious meals at school.
Brazil has also invested in agricultural research, technology, and land reform to improve
agricultural productivity and rural development.
3- China: China has achieved remarkable gains in food security through policies such as the
Household Responsibility System, which decentralized agricultural production and
incentivized farmers to increase productivity. China has also invested in irrigation,
infrastructure, and agricultural research to boost yields and reduce food losses.

Our action
- We created distibution boxes in ramadhan and gave it to the needy.
- We created a survey with our students about food wastage
- We went to classes and shared information about not wasting food and food

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