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English Exam 3

1-Listen to part of a radio programme about Mary and her family and answer the

1. Where does Mary’s family live?

2. What do Mary and her family like to do in the summer?

3. What did Mary and Tom build last summer?

4. What did the family do in the evening?

5. How does Mary feel about the upcoming summer?

2-Complete the sentences with "should" or "shouldn't". Then, write one sentence with
"should" and one sentence with "shouldn't".

1. You eat a lot of vegetables to stay healthy.

2. We arrive late for the meeting.
3. He practice more if he wants to improve his skills.
4. They forget to bring their homework.
5. You drink plenty of water every day.

- Sentence with "should":

- Sentence with "shouldn't":


Write a short text (about 50-60 words) describing how your summer vacation will be.
4-Read about a library Mary went to and decide if the sentences are true (T) or false
City Library
I like studying in the library because the library is usually a lot quieter than my house! I
usually go on Saturdays to do my homework. Today, I went to the library to do my History
homework. I took my laptop and my e-reader, but mostly I read the history books in the
library. I found new information. It made my homework project more interesting. However,
after about an hour some people came in. They were very loud and I couldn’t work then.
People shouldn’t make a noise in the library.
There is a lady who works at the library called Mrs Jones. She’s a very friendly lady. I like
her. She’s got kind eyes, lovely long black hair and freckles. She asked the noisy people
to be quieter. There are lots of rules in the library. You mustn’t take any food into the library
and you have to be quiet. You must look after the books. You also have to switch off your
smartphone. The rules are important because people want to read and work in a library.
I did my History homework and then I went home. I’m going to the library again next
Saturday because Mrs Jones is getting me a book that I asked for. It’s by my favourite
author. I think I’ll read it very quickly!

1 Mary found a lot of new information in the library’s books.

2 There weren’t any noisy people in the library.
3 Mrs Jones has got freckles and black eyes.
4 The library has got rules about phones and laptops.
5 It’s a rule to switch off your phone in the library.
6 Mary is going to go to the library again in a week.

5-Make four sentences using idioms for strong emotions.

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