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Tasmine Clement Research Question: What actions should be taken to prevent violence in schools?

Working Thesis: If methods such as corporal punishment and suspensions are replaced with educational programs and laws that penalize aggressive individuals, there will be a decrease in instances of bullying and deaths resulting from violent behavior in schools. Possible Main Points in Support of Your Thesis: 1) Suspensions are a reward for bad behavior. Evidence to support this point Students that are suspended get to spend time at home, as if on vacation and more time out of the classroom. 2) Educational programs are a nonviolent and more sensible way to teach students how to prevent violent situations. Evidence to support this point Educational programs are led by role models in the community and in doing so, expose students to various options in life such as attending college and becoming a police officer that will in return protect the community. 3) Even though the trend to ban corporal punishment in schools continues to grow, it remains legal in 19 states. In the educational atmosphere it isnt an enlightened way of teaching students how to solve problems. Evidence to support this point It lowers the childs self-esteem by having them beat publicly. (Supports Winks argument that shame evokes rage.) It also teaches students that problems can be solved through violent means. 4) Alternative to corporal punishment would be making violent behavior in schools illegal at adolescent level. Evidence to support this point Legal consequences tend to be more striking to someone that has performed a violent act rather than a paddling . Legal action at the adolescent level would also be appropriate as the student has learned what is acceptable in society by this age level and is consciously aware if what he/she is doing is wrong.


Possible Objections to Thesis (or any of points mentioned above): 1) There are in-house suspensions that allow student to remain in school, in isolated environment to complete work. Evidence that might be used to support this CA: There are in-house suspensions that allow student to remain in school, in isolated environment to complete work. Flaws in/ response to CA: Solitary confinement isnt productive for growing youth. 2) Corporal punishment is a cost-effective way to discipline students and if parents agree then its fine. Evidence that might be used to support this CA: Some schools districts dont have non-violent programs like afterschool detention because busing for later hours would be too expensive. Schools would run the risk of putting the students in danger if they had to find other ways to get home during the late evening hours. Flaws in/ response to this CA: There are free programs such as Take Ten and DARE that provide free techniques for all students, whether they take part in violent behavior or not. A Few Possible Sources 1) Corporal Punishment in U.S. Schools By M.J. Stephey Time Magazine 2) School Bullying Affects Majority Of Elementary Students Science Daily 3) Preventing Violence in Schools Many, Many Authors

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