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ACC 331 – Individual Project

By: Your name _____________________

1. Select two of the topics listed below and write an executive summary (between 200 to 400
words; Times Roman font, 11 to 12 points, single or 1.5 space) on each topic selected.
In your summary, please include both why the topic is important and why anyone should care
about the topic. (Write only two executive summaries.)

2. Upload two executive summaries and share only one of the two topics with the class during a
3-to 4-minute presentation using 2 to 8 prepared slides. If you do not plan to attend class, please
submit a 4 to 5-minute video of what you would like to share with your classmates. Please
submit video / recorded presentations 3 days before the deadline. Without sharing, you forfeit
50% of your project grade.

The deadline to upload two executive summaries and slides for the presentation of 1 topic to
Blackboard is 11:59 PM (EST), May 5, 2024. Presentations are scheduled for May 5, 2024.

Uploads are final.

Please do not email assignment; 50% – 100% grade reduction for uploading wrong document(s).

For on-line course: Be prepared to share your screen during the presentation.

If you cannot attend, prepare and upload a 3 to 4-minute verbal presentation by deadline.
Write an executive summary (between 200 to 400 words; Times Roman font, 11 to 12 points,
single or 1.5 space) on two of topics listed below. In your summary, you must include both
why the topic is important and why anyone should care about the topic.

Review the following topics:
► American Institute of Certified Public Accountants data standards
► Artificial intelligence (software of robots)
► Augmented reality and virtual reality
► Big data ethics (including data privacy)
► Big data storage (e.g., data lakes)
► Blockchain (internet of value) and cryptocurrencies (bitcoin)
► Cloud computing, including infrastructure as a service (IAAS), software as a service (SAAS)
and platform as a service (PAAS)
► Cognitive computing
► Continuous auditing and monitoring
► Cybersecurity
► Unusual data and analytics
► Drones
► Internet of Things (IOT), Internet of People and sensors
► Machine learning
► Natural language generation
► Natural language processing, natural language generation, text analytics and sentiment
analysis, chat apps (conversational bots and virtual agents)
► Neural networks, deep neural networks and deep learning
► Robotic process automation (RPA), automation, and man and machine
► Speech recognition
If there is another emerging technology that you believe would be appropriate, please
recommend it to Prof. Askew is it can be included as an option for you.
Links for the topics are listed below.

► AICPA data standards:


► Artificial intelligence:

– EY resources:

► “AI: welcome to the machines”
– Other resources:

► Forbes website: “Top 10 Hot Artificial Intelligence (AI) Technologies”

► Entrepreneur website: “4 AI Technologies Impacting Business Operations Right Now”

► Journal of Accountancy website: “Rethinking the audit”

► Augmented reality and virtual reality:

– Other resources:

► Forbes website: “How Virtual Reality Will Impact Business In The Next Five Years”
businesses-in-the-next-five-years/#3919e0de2607Big data ethics (including data privacy):
– Forbes website: “What’s Up with Big Data Ethics?”
– Journal of Accountancy website: “Why accountants should own Big Data”
– Association of Chartered Certified Accountants and Institute of Management Accountants: “Big
data: Its power and perils”

► Big data storage (e.g., data lakes):

– Computer website: “Big data storage: Defining big data and the type of storage it
– Forbes website: “Why Data Lakes Are Evil”

► Blockchain (internet of value) and cryptocurrencies (bitcoin):

– EY resources:

► “The next big thing: Blockchain”

► “Blockchain and the future of audit”

► “Blockchain’s potential win for the energy sector”

► Blockchain technology as a platform for digitization: implications for the insurance industry

► “Blockchain reaction: Tech plans for critical mass”

► “Building blocks of the future”

– Implementing blockchains and distributed infrastructure

– Other sources:

► Bitcoin Magazine website: Blockchain Commercialization: Real World Applications Get Real

► strategy+business website: “A Strategist’s Guide to Blockchain”

► Thompson Reuters website: “Blockchain, Accounting and Audit: What Accountants Need to

► economia website: “How blockchain will impact accountants and auditors”

► SF Strategic Finance website: “Get Ready for Blockchain”

► website: “Blockchain Promises Accountants, Auditors and Their Clients Better
Data Sooner And Cheaper”

► Innovation Enterprise website: “Will Blockchain Render Accountants Irrelevant?”

► Cloud computing, including infrastructure as a service (IAAS), software as a service (SAAS) and
platform as a service (PAAS):
– EY resources:

► “Cloud taxation issues and impacts”

► “Worldwide digital tax guide”

► “Governing the cloud”

► Cognitive computing:
– Forbes website: “What Everyone Should Know About Cognitive Computing”

► Continuous auditing and monitoring:

– AICPA website: “The Current State of Continuous Auditing and Continuous Monitoring”

► Cybersecurity:
– EY resources:

► “How is ransomware causing threats to organizations?”

► “Cybersecurity and the Internet of Things”

► “The state of cyber resilience”

– Center for Audit Quality website: “The CPA’s Role in Addressing Cybersecurity Risk”

► Dark data and dark analytics:

– Gartner website: “Dark Data”
– Bloomberg website: “Dark Data Management: The Next Frontier in Information Governance”

► Drones:
– EY website: “EY scaling the use of drones in the audit process”

► Internet of Things (IOT), Internet of People and sensors:

– EY resources:

► “Human-machine interactions that unlock possibilities in media and entertainment”

► “Helping demystify Industrie 4.0 and IoT: an intro to the world of machine-to-machine talk”

► “The power of the IoT: how oil and gas CIOs can introduce intelligence into the supply chain”
– Other resources:

► AICPA website: “How the Internet of Things will impact CPAs”

► Harvard Business Review website: “How People Are Actually Using the Internet of Things”

► NPR website: “The Internet Of Things Is Becoming More Difficult To Escape”

► The Guardian website: “Forget the internet of things – we need an internet of people”

► Machine learning:
– AccountingWEB website: “The State of AI, Machine Learning, and Accounting”

► Natural language processing and natural language generation, text analytics, and sentiment analysis
and chat apps (conversational bots and virtual agents):
– EY resources:

► “Your customers are trying to text you something. Are you listening?”
– Harvard Business Review website: “Sentiment Analysis Can Do More than Prevent Fraud and
– ACCA website: Text analytics mines corporate reports for fraud

► Neural networks, deep neural networks and deep learning:

– Forbes website: “Why Is Deep Learning Is Suddenly Changing Your Life”


► Robotic process automation (RPA), automation, and man and machine

– EY resources:

► “What is Robotic Process Automation?”

► Robotic process automation: automation’s next frontier :

► “Will robots change the future of outsourcing? Is Robotic Process Automation (RPA) the new
Business Process Outsourcing (BPO)?”

► “Get ready for robots”

► Robotic process automation in the Finance function of the future

► “Tax workers and robots: teammates, not enemies”

► “Analytics and intuition: Why health care big data needs both”
– Other resources:

► Forbes website: Looking Ahead: How Automation Will Change The Accounting Industry

– EY resources:

► Audio analytics: new opportunities in litigation and investigation

If there is another emerging technology that you believe would be appropriate, please
recommend it to Prof. Askew so it can be included as an option for you.

1. Select two of the topics / articles listed above and write an executive summary (between 200
to 400 words; Times Roman font, 11 to 12 points, single or 1.5 space) on each topic selected.
In your summary, please explain both why the topic is important and why anyone should care
about the topic. (You will write only two executive summaries.)

2. Upload two executive summaries and share only one of the two topics with the class during a
4-to 5-minute presentation using 2 to 8 prepared slides. If you do not plan to attend class, please
submit a 4 to 5-minute video of what you would like to share with your classmates. Please
submit video / recorded presentations 3 days before the deadline. Without sharing, you forfeit
50% of your project grade.

The deadline to upload two executive summaries and slides for the presentation of 1 topic to
Blackboard is 11:59 PM (EST), May 5, 2024.

Please upload assignments to Blackboard. Please do not email assignment.

Written Assignment Evaluation Rubric
Criteria Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 Unacceptable
Percentage 90 – 100% 80 – 89% 70 – 79% 60 – 69% < 60%
Assignment Student completely Student completely Student partially Student partially Student’s work
fulfills assignment fulfills assignment fulfills assignment fulfills assignment in no way
requirements requirements requirements (almost requirements (almost relates to
-Process Complete all) all) assignment
-Due Dates Met
-Final Copy Submitted
-Format Correct
-Works Cited Incl.
Thesis Student’s thesis is a Student’s thesis is a Student’s thesis is a Student’s thesis is an Student’s work
clear, arguable, well clear and arguable clear, arguable outline of points; it is does not have a
developed, and definitive statement of statement of position not an arguable thesis
statement of position. It position that statement of position
answers a why or how answers a why or
question how question
Development Student’s paper Student’s paper Student’s paper Student’s paper Student’s paper
demonstrates a logical, demonstrates demonstrates an presents a superficial does not present
mature, and thorough adequate adequate development of any evidence of
development of points development of development of points, many of development of
that support the thesis points that support points that support which do not support points that
the thesis the thesis the thesis support the
Evidence: Student presents relevant Student presents Student presents Student’s textual Student
Analysis and fully analyzed relevant and relevant and partially evidence is irrelevant provides no
Synthesis textual evidence to adequately analyzed textual and is not analyzed- textual evidence
support the thesis analyzed textual evidence to support 11pts. to support the
following the evidence evidence to support the thesis-13pts. Student makes no thesis—under
formula-16-17pts. the thesis-14pts. Student makes an attempt at synthesis 11 pts.
Student synthesizes Student makes an attempt at synthesis Student makes
textual evidence and attempt at synthesis no attempt at
points back to thesis synthesis
Opposition/ Student clearly and fully Student explains Student explains Student does not Student does
Refutation explains opposition and opposition and opposition and gives include op./ref. in not include
persuasively refutes it gives refutation refutation paper op./ref. in paper
Citation Student follows citation Student follows Student follows Student does not Incomplete or
format with meticulous citation format citation format with follow citation Missing
care. Includes proper with care. Includes meticulous care. format. Does not
footnoting technique, proper footnoting Includes proper include proper
along with a complete technique, along technique, along with footnoting technique,
works cited list. with a complete a partial/mediocre works cited list is
works cited list. works cited list. missing.
Mechanics Sentence structure is Sentence structure Work contains Work contains Too many
correct. Punctuation and is generally correct. structural weaknesses multiple incorrect errors - more
capitalization are correct. Some awkward and grammatical sentence structures. than 7 exist.
sentences do errors. There are 3 or 4 or more errors in
appear. 1 or 2 4 errors in punctuation and/or
errors in punctuation and/or capitalization.
punctuation and/or capitalization.

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