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Sir Umar Hashmi


ISLAMIYAT (2058/12-22)
(Schedule is made according to Islamiyat Book One; UHPKI1-6-102020)

Questions Learnt/Date Written Assessed

Question 1 Compulsory: Quranic Passages
Q 2. History and Importance of the Holy Quran. (Compulsory
Outline the main theme which God has ascribed for Himself in
the Quranic Passages you have studied. [10]
Outline God relations with His Creations which you have
studied in Quranic passages. [10]
Outline the relation of God with two of his Messengers who
were sent before the Prophet Muhammad SAW. [10]
Outline Allah’s relation with Prophet Muhammad SAW you
have studied in the Quranic surah of Al Kausar and Ad Duha.
How Quran is regarded as the primary Source of Islamic Law?
How the Holy Quran is regarded as the basis of thought and
action in Islam. [10]
How are the Quran and Hadith used together in Islamic legal
thinking? [10]
Write an account of how Quran is used with other three
sources. [10]
Write an account of the ways in which the Quran was revealed
between 610 and 632 AD. [10]
Describe the ways in which the Holy Prophet SAW received the
revelation. [10]
Describe the legal components of the Quran categorized by the
Muslim scholars. [10]
Give an account of how Quran was compiled after the death of
the Prophet SAW. [10]
Q3. Life and Importance of the Holy Prophet Muhammad
Describe the events of the Life of the Prophet Muhammad
(PBUH) from birth and his childhood to Journey to Syria. [10]
Write about the life of the Prophet SAW from Journey to Syria
till the first revelation. [10]
Give a detailed account of the First revelation to the Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH). [10]
Give an account of the way how Prophet SAW started
preaching Islam in the first few years he first received the

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revelation. [10]
Major difficulties encountered by the followers of the Prophet
SAW. [10]
Major difficulties encountered by the Prophet SAW in Makkah.
Write an account of the first migration (hijra) of the Muslims to
Abyssinia. [10]
Write an account of the events of Isra and Mairaj. [10]
Write about the Prophet SAW’s activities in spreading Islam
outside Makkah before migration to Madina. [10]
Events that led to the Prophet Muhammad’s migration. [10]
Events of the Migration or Hijrah to Madinah in 622 AD. [10]
The measures Prophet SAW took after the arrival in Madinah.
Outline the major events that took place in the 2 AH. [10]
Account of the events (causes) that led to the Battle of Badr.
Descriptions of the main events of the battles of Badr and
Uhud. [10]
Account of the Causes and events of the Battle of Uhud. [10]
Explain why the people of Makkah fought against the Muslims
of Madinah. [10]
Causes and the events of the Battle of the Ditches. [10]
Describe the event of the Treaty of Hudaibiyah in 6 AH. [10]
Describe how the relations of Jews changed with the Muslims
which led to the expedition of Khyber. [10]
Describe the causes and events of the Khyber Expedition in 7
Describe about the Letters of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) to
different Rulers asking them to Embrace Islam in 7.A.H. [10]
Describe the causes and events of the Conquest of Makkah.
Describe the event of the Siege of Taif in 8 year of Hijra. [10]
Describe the teachings in the Farewell Sermon of the Holy
Prophet SAW. [10]
Give a description of the Prophet Muhammad SAW as the Last
of the Prophets and elaborate how his prophet hood is
distinguished from the prophet hood of other messengers of
God. [10]
Q4. Character and Personality of the Prophet Muhammad SAW
Some Outstanding Qualities of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) open ended Question
The Quran says the Prophet SAW is of Great Moral Character.
Identify events from his life that show a range of his moral
characteristics. [10]
Describe the Relations of the Islamic State of Madina under the
Holy Prophet (PBUH) with other States. [10]
Describe the teachings of Islam about the position of women

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as wives, mothers and daughters.

Q5. First Islamic Community
Give brief biographical accounts of Hazrat Khadijah and Hazrat
Ayesha. [10]
Hazrat Hafsa RA, Hazrat Umm Salamah (RA) binte Abu
Hazrat Zainab Binte Jahash RA, Hazrat Umme Habibah RA
Give an account of the lives of the Prophet SAW’s four
Give an account of the live of the Prophet SAW’s daughter
Hazrat Fatimah RA. [10]
Outline the work Scribes carried out in writing the revelations.
Write an Account of Muhajirin and Ansar; Emigrants
and Helpers. [10]
Ten Blessed Companions:
Hazrat Abu Bakr RA, Hazrat Umar RA
Ten Blessed Companions:
Hazrat Uthman RA, Hazrat Ali RA
Ten Blessed Companions:
Hazrat Abdur Rehman RA, Hazrat Ubaydah bin Jarrah
Other Companions:
Hazrat Hamza RA, Hazrat Bilal RA, Hazrat Abu Talib,
Other Companions:
Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed RA, H. Abu Musa Ashari RA,
Hazrat Salman Farasi RA Hazrat Abu Sufyan RA,


ISLAMIYAT (2058/22)
(Schedule is made according to Islamiyat Book Two; UHPK4-102020)

Q2. History and Importance of Hadith and Sunnah. (Compulsory Question)

Outline the main teachings of Hadith you have studied about the
importance of the Muslim Communal life. [10]
Outline the Prophet SAW’s teachings about the conduct of the
individual from the set of Hadiths you have studied. [10]
How Sunnah and Hadith affect the actions and thoughts in Islam?
Describe how Hadiths are used in establishing Islamic law? [10]
Outline the roles of the Prophet’s Hadith and Ijma in formulating
Islamic law. [10]
Explain how Ijma is regarded as a source of Legal Thinking in framing

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Islamic Law? [10]

Explain the types of Ijma and discuss how Ijma was carried out
during the time of Rightly Guided Caliphs. [10]
Do you think Ijma is still applicable in today’s world? [4]
Explain how Qiyas is regarded as a source of Legal Thinking in
framing Islamic Law? [10]
Why some Muslim Scholars have questioned the use of Qiyas in
Islamic Law? [4]
My community will not agree upon an error.” Why is this Hadith
important for the practice of Consensus or Ijma? [4]
Give an account of how Hadiths have been a source of guidance to
Muslims. [10]
Describe the different stages of the compilation and the preservation
of Hadiths. [10]
What methods did the Muhaddisseen apply in keeping the
authenticity of Hadith? [10]
Why do you think it was important to apply these rules? [4]

Describe the features of the Six Authentic Books of Sunni Muslims.

What are the different types of Hadiths? How is each Hadith
classified into different types? [10]
Truly My Mercy overcomes My Wrath.” This is Hadith Qudsi. What
is special about Hadith of this kind? [4]
Why Musnad and Musannaf collections are important in Islam? [4]
Q3. Rightly Guided Caliphs, Administration and services.

Caliphate of Hazrat Abu Bakr RA

Describe how Hazrat Abu Bakr was elected as Caliph of the Muslims
after the demise of the Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW. [10]
Describe Abu Bakr’s activities against the false prophets and apostate
tribes. [10]
Why Abu Bakr was called the Saviour of Islam? [4]
Give a detailed account of the administration of the caliph Abu Bakr.
Caliph Hazrat Umar RA
Give a detailed account of the battles fought against the Persians
during the Khilafat of Hazrat Umar (RA). [10]
How does Umar’s conduct at the surrender of Jerusalem set an
example for Muslims? [4]
Describe the expansion of Islamic Empire against the Byzantines
under the Caliph Umar RA. [10]
Umar’s Caliphate is regarded as the golden era of Islamic history.
How Caliph Umar ruled his caliphate? [10]
Caliph Hazrat Uthman RA
Describe the main events of the Caliphate of Hazrat Uthman. [10]
Write in detail about the policy followed by Uthman in expanding

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and maintaining the state. [10]

Describe the charges and the causes of the revolt against Hazrat
Usman. [10]
Why Caliph Uthman carried out the recompilation of the Holy
Quran? [4]
Outline the charges leveled against Caliph Uthman. [10]
What do you think the most harmful outcome of Uthman’s
assassination? [4]
Describe the battles that took place during the Caliphate o f Hazrat
Ali RA. [10]
Why it was necessary to have arbitration between Hazrat Muawiya
and Hazrat Ali RA? [4]
Outline the causes of the battles of Camal, Siffin and Neherwan? [10]
Describe the events of the Battle of Neherwan and the
consequences of this battle. [10]
Why Muaviyah refused to step down from the governorship of Syria
on Hazrat Ali’s request? [4]
What do think why Khawarij rebelled against Caliph Hazrat Ali? [4]
Describe the main events of the Caliphate of Hazrat Abu Bakr, Hazrat
Umar and Hazrat Uthman. [10]
Write about how the four rightly guided caliphs are role models for
leaders today? [10]
Explain how the four rightly guided caliphs had relations with other
nations during their Caliphate. [10]
Q4. Pillars of Islam
Describe the importance of the Declaration of Shahadah in Islam. [10]
Describe the importance of Salah in Islam. [10]
Describe the requirements and the conditions of Salah. [10]
Describe how and why Muslims celebrate Eid ul Fitr and Eid ul
Ad’ha? [10]
How do Muslims prepare for prayer? [10]
How does Salah bring Muslims closer to God and other people? [10]
What is the purpose of Congregation Prayers in Islam? [10]
Describe the particular features of the Friday Prayers. [10]
Describe briefly Qasr and Qaza Prayers and the conditions required
for these Prayers. [10]
Describe the significance and the methods of Wuzu. [10]
Describe the condition and methods necessary for Dry Ablution. [10]
Write about the practice of fasting in Ramazan and the Moral benefits
the Muslims gain. [10]
What are the daily observances of Ramazan fast? [10]
Give a detailed account on the importance of Zakat in Islam. [10]
How do Zakat benefit the giver? [4]
Outline the main differences between Hajj and Umrah. [4]
Describe the main rituals of the Annual pilgrimage. [10]

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For whom is Hajj compulsory and which Muslims are exempted from
it? What things are forbidden while in the state of Ihram? [10]
How do Muslims individual and the Muslim community benefit from
Hajj? [10]
Describe the types of Hajj and their requirements. [10]
What beliefs and practices are involved in Stoning of Jamarat,
Performing Sayee and Assembling at Arafat? [10]
Q5. Articles of Faith
Write an account on the belief in the Oneness of Allah. [10]
Associating partners is opposed to believing in Oneness of Allah. And
can be divided into three main categories. [10]
Give a detailed description of what Muslims belief in the Angels of
God. [10]
Discuss the importance of Jibrael (AS) in comparison to other angels
of Allah. [4]
Give a detailed description of what Muslims belief in Revealed
books. [10]
Explain the importance of the belief in the revealed Books to a
Muslim. [4]
Briefly explain why Allah revealed different books time to time. [4]
Give a full account of the Muslims belief in the Prophets. [10]
Explain the importance of the Seal of the Prophets. [4]
Describe in detail the belief in the Life after death and resurrection.
How does the belief in the Day of the Judgment and the Resurrection
effect the daily living of the Muslims? [4]
Give a detailed account of the Muslims’ belief in the Predestination.
Explain the importance of the Belief in Divine Decree for the
Muslims. [4]
Describe the teachings of Islam about Jihad and what circumstances
does it become compulsory? [10]
The Prophet SAW’s teachings about Armed Warfare are not relevant
today. Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer. [4]
Briefly describe Islamic teachings about Physical and Mental Jihad.
Describe the meaning of the term Jihad and how Muslims can
practice Jihad in their everyday life? [10]



(Schedule is made according to History & Culture; UHPK10-102020)

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Questions Page/date Learnt Assessed

Section1 Chapter 1
Why was Quran translated into Persian by Shah Waliullah? [7]
Why did Shah Wali Ullah have such an important influence on the revival
of Islam in the sub-continent.? [7]
Why was Jihad Movement started? [7]
Why did Jihad movement of fail? [7]
Why were there attempts to revive Islam in the sub continent during the
eighteenth and the early nineteenth centuries? [7]
Was the work of Shah Waliullah the most important factor in the revival
of Islam in the sub-continent during the seventeenth and eighteenth
centuries? Give reasons for your answer. [14]
The spread of the Maratha power was the main reason of the Mughal
decline” Do you agree or disagree? Explain your answer. [14]
What was EIC? [4]
Why did the Sub Continent attract the British in the early seventeenth
century? [7]
Did Educational reforms have a major important effect on the Indians
then the other reforms introduced by the British during 1773 and 1856?
Explain your answer. [14]
Was the Industrial Revolution in Britain the most important reason why
the British were able to take control of the India between 1750 and
1850? Explain your answer. [14]
Chapter 3. War of Independence
Introduction of the greased Cartridges was the main cause of the War of
Independence in 1857. Do you agree? Explain your answer. [14]
How successful the British had been in dealing with the Indian revolt in
1857? [10]
Chapter 4. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
What was Aligarh Movement? [4]
Was the attempt to achieve better understanding with the British the
most important contribution that Sir Syed Ahmed made to the Muslim
cause during the 19th century? Explain your answer. [14]
Why did Sir Syed write the Causes of Indian revolt? [7]
Why did Sir Syed write the Loyal Mohammedans of India? [7]
Chapter5. Urdu and the Regional Languages of Pakistan
Why was Urdu chosen as the national language of Pakistan by Quaid e
Azam in 1947? [7]
Punjabi has been promoted more than any other regional languages of
Pakistan between 1947 and 1999. Do you agree? Explain your answer.
Explain the promotion and development of Urdu language in Pakistan
during 1947 and 1999. [7]
SECTION 2 The Emergence of Pakistan 1906–47

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Chapter6. Pakistan Movement during 20th century, 1900 to 1919.

Who was Allen Octavian Hume? [4]
What was Swadesi Movement? [4]
What was Simla Deputation? [4]
Why did Simla Deputation happen? [7]
Why was Simla Deputation so important in the Muslim history in the
subcontinent? [7]
Why was Muslim League formed in 1906? [7]
Why was Morely-Minto reforms opposed by the Congress? [7]
“Partition or Reversal” Were the reasons why Bengal was
partitioned in 1905 more important than those regarding its
reversal in 1911? Explain your answer. [14]
Why was Lucknow pact made? [7]
Why were Montague Chelmsford Reforms 1919 opposed by the
Indians? [7]
What was Rowlatt Act? [4]
Chapter7. Khilafat Movement
Were concerns about British policies towards Muslims the most
important reason for the foundation the Khilafat Movement? [14]
Was Hijrat to Afghanistan most important reason why the Khilafat
Movement failed? [14]
Explain how Khilafat Movement had affected the Muslim politics in
India. [7]
What was Satyagraha? [4]
The Lucknow pact 1916 was the most important attempt either by
the Muslims, Hindus or the British in seeking a solution to the
problems in the sub-continent in 1909 to 1919. Do you agree or
disagree? Give reasons for your answer. [14]
Chapter 8. Pakistan Movement 1927 to 1939.
Describe Delhi Proposals? [4]
What was Simon Commission? [4]
What was Nehru Report? [4]
Why did Jinnah produce 14 Points? [7]
Why was Jinnah’s Fourteen Points so important in the Muslim
political history in the subcontinent? [7]
What was Salt March? [4]
Explain the importance of Allahabad Address. [7]
Why were Three Round Table Conferences held between 1930 and
1932? [7]
“The first RTC was the most successful one of all three.” Do you
agree? [14]

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Why did three Round Table Conferences fail? [7]

Why was the Govt. of India Act 1935 so important to the future of
the Subcontinent? [7]
How successful were the Provincial Elections of 1937? [10]
Why Muslim League performed so badly in 1937 election? [7]
Why did Muslims object to the Congress rule between 1937 and
1939? [7]
What was Day of Deliverance? [4]
The main reason why Congress Rule 1937-39 was so hated was
because of the Wardha Scheme. Do you agree? Explain your
answer. [14]
Chapter 9. Important attempts to find solution 1939-1947
Why did Muslim League pass the Pakistan Resolution in 1940? [7]
What was August Offer? [4]
Why did Cripps Mission fail? [7]
Why did Gandhi Jinnah talks fail? [7]
What was Wavell Plan? [4]
What was Cabinet Mission Plan? [4]
What was Direct Action Day? [4]
Do you think during the Second World war 1939-1945, there had
been no significant progress towards independence? [14]
Why was Muslim League failed in 1937 election while it was
successful in 1945-46 election? [7]
What was 3rd June Plan? [4]
What was Radcliffe Awards? [4]
Ch.10 Contribution of Quaid e Azam, Allama Iqbal and Ch. Rehmat
Why was Allama Iqbal an important influence on the struggle
movement of Pakistan? [7]
Services of Allama Iqbal were the most important than those of Ch.
Rehmat Ali rendered for Pakistan movement. Do you agree? Explain
your answer. [14]
The Declaration of the Day of Deliverance in 1939 was Muhammad
Ali Jinnah’s greatest achievement in the year 1929 to 1947. Do you
agree? Explain your answer. [14]
Section 3: The Nationhood
Ch 11: How successful was the establishment of an Independent
nation between 1947 and 1948?
Why the Radcliffe Awards were opposed by the Indians? [7]
How successful was the government of Pakistan in solving the
problems of partition during 1947 and 1948? [14]`

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Why did Pakistan face refugee problem in 1947? [7]

How successful Quaid e Azam was as a Governor General of newly
created Pakistan during 1947 and 1948? [14]
Ch. 12: How far did Pakistan achieve stability following the
death of Jinnah?
What was PRODA? [4]
What was Basic Principle Committee? [4]
What was Objectives Resolution? [4]
Describe the objections to the Objectives Resolution. [4]
Describe the opposition to the Draft Constitution presented in
1950? [4]
What was Rawalpindi Conspiracy? [4]
How successful had been Liaquat Ali Khan as the first Prime Minister
of Pakistan? [10]
Explain the services of Khawaja Nazimuddin as the head of the
newly created Pakistan during 1948 and 1951. [7]
Why Khawaja Nazimuddin was dismissed from the office? [7]
Describe the economic Reforms of Governor Ghulam Muhammad.
[4] [7]
Describe the constitutional crises of 1954-1955. [4]
How successful was Pakistan in establishing a new constitution
between 1947 and 1973?
Why were there so many governments between 1951 and 1958? [7]
What was One Unit Policy? [4]
Describe the salient features of the Constitution of 1956. [4]
Why Iskander Mirza resigned in 1958? [7]
What was BDO? [4]
Why was Islamabad chosen as a new capital? [7]
“Industrial Reforms of Ayub Khan was the most important during his
Decade of Progress.” Do you agree? Explain your answer. [14]
Why did Ayub’s Basic Democracies fail? [7]
Why did Ayub Khan resign in 1969? [7]
What was EBDO? [4]
Chapter13. Separation of East Pakistan 1971
What was Six Points? [4]
What was Awami League? [4]
What was Operation Search Light? [4]
What was Mukti Bahini? [4]

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Were political concerns more important than the economic ones in

the creation of Bangladesh? [14]
Ch 14 Pakistan in the 20 years following the Decade of
Why Zulfiquar Ali Bhutto came to power in 1972? [7]
What was Simla Agreement? [4]
How successful were Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto’s domestic policies
between1971 and 1977? [14]
What was FSF? [4]
Why Bhutto was executed? [7]
What was Operation Fair Play? [4]
What were Hudood Ordinances?[4]
Why did Zia ul Haq introduce Islamization? [7]
Why was Prime Minister Muhammad Khan Junejo dismissed by Zia
ul Haq in 1988? [7]
What was Eighth Amendment? [4]
Islamic reforms were the most important of Zia ul Haq’s domestic
policies between 1977 and 1988. Do you agree or disagree? [14]
Why was Benazir Bhutto dismissed from office in 1990? [7]
Why Nawaz Sharif came to power in 1990? [7]
Why did Nawaz Sharif fall from the office in 1993? [7]
Describe the problems faced by Benazir Bhutto in her second tenure
1993 to 1996. [4]
Why was Benazir Bhutto dismissed from office second time in 1996?
Describe the Family feud of Benazir. [4]
How successful was Benazir Bhutto as Prime Minister in the years
1988-90 and 1993-96? [10/14]
What problems did Nawaz Sharif face during 1996 and 1999? [4]
How successful Nawaz Sharif has been during 1996 and 1999? [10]
How successful Nawaz Sharif has been during his both the tenures
1990- 1993 and 1996-1999? [14]
Explain why Pervaiz Musharraf came to power in 1999? [7]
Explain why Pakistan experienced so many Martial laws during 1958
and 1999? [14]
Foreign Policies of the Heads of State of Pakistan

Ayub Khan. [14]

Zulfiquar Ali Bhutto[14]

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Zia ul Haq[14]
Benazir Bhutto [14]


Why did Pakistan join UN in 1947? [7]
How successful Pakistan and India have been in solving the Kashmir
issue during 1947 and 1999? [14]
Why was India successful in the 1965 and 1971 wars with Pakistan?
How successful was Pakistan’s relation with India during 1947 and
1999? [14]
Why did Pakistan distrust India so much during 1971 and 1988? [7]
Why did Pakistan distrust India so much during 1965 and 1971? [7]
What has been the importance of Siachen glaciers to both Pakistan
and India? [4]
Explain the importance of Siachen glaciers to both Pakistan and
India? [7]
Explain Pakistan’s role in SAARC. [7]

Pakistan and USA

How successful was Pakistan’s relations with the USA during 1947
and 1999? [14]
Why did Pakistan join SEATO and CENTO? [7]
Why did Pakistan leave SEATO and CENTO? [7]

Pakistan and the USSR

What was U2 crisis? [4]
How successful was Pakistan’s relations with the USSR during 1947
and 1999? [14]
Pakistan China
How successful was Pakistan’s relations with the UK and the
Commonwealth during 1947 and 1999? [14]
What was Afghan Miracle? [4]
Pakistan Afghanistan. [14]
Pakistan’s role in International Organizations [14]
Pakistan Iran. [14]
Pakistan and the OIC. [14]

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