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3, JUNE 2021

Hardware Acceleration of EEG-Based Emotion

Classification Systems: A Comprehensive Survey
Hector A. Gonzalez , Student Member, IEEE, Richard George, Senior Member, IEEE,
Shahzad Muzaffar , Student Member, IEEE, Javier Acevedo , Student Member, IEEE, Sebastian Höppner ,
Christian Mayr , Member, IEEE, Jerald Yoo , Senior Member, IEEE, Frank H.P. Fitzek , Senior Member, IEEE,
and Ibrahim M. Elfadel , Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—Recent years have witnessed a growing interest in use it to map out several research opportunities, including multi-
EEG-based wearable classifiers of emotions, which could enable modal hardware platforms, accelerators with tightly-coupled cores
the real-time monitoring of patients suffering from neurological operating robustly in the near/supra-threshold region, and pre-
disorders such as Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), Autism processing libraries for universal EEG-based datasets.
Spectrum Disorder (ASD), or Alzheimer’s. The hope is that such
wearable emotion classifiers would facilitate the patients’ social Index Terms—Emotion detection and classification, EEG,
integration and lead to improved healthcare outcomes for them hardware acceleration, machine learning, monitoring of
and their loved ones. Yet in spite of their direct relevance to neurological disorders.
neuro-medicine, the hardware platforms for emotion classification
have yet to fill up some important gaps in their various approaches I. INTRODUCTION
to emotion classification in a healthcare context. In this paper, we
MOTION classification using EEG features is a promising
present the first hardware-focused critical review of EEG-based
wearable classifiers of emotions and survey their implementation
perspectives, their algorithmic foundations, and their feature ex-
E path to achieving social integration of patients suffering
from neurological disorders that involve locked-in emotional
traction methodologies. We further provide a neuroscience-based
analysis of current hardware accelerators of emotion classifiers and states. In contrast to face-based emotion detectors whose ac-
curacy depends on external muscular responses, EEG-based
Manuscript received March 31, 2021; revised May 28, 2021; accepted June classifiers provide a non-intrusive window into the fluctuations
6, 2021. Date of publication June 14, 2021; date of current version August 17, of the internal organismic subsystems, which are measurable
2021. This work was partially supported by the Khalifa University Center for despite the presence of a paralytic condition. Recent years have
Cyber Physical Systems (C2PS) and by the German Research Foundation (DFG,
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) as part of Germany’s Excellence Strategy witnessed sustained efforts to design EEG-based software and
- EXC 2050/1 - Project ID 390696704 - Cluster of Excellence “Centre for hardware classifiers for emotions. The focus of this paper is to
Tactile Internet with Human-in-the-Loop” (CeTI) of Technische Universität critically survey the hardware classifiers as they are the linchpins
Dresden. This paper was recommended by Associate Editor Prof. Chul Kim.
(Corresponding author: Hector A. Gonzalez.) of wearable, robust, real-time medical devices with small foot-
Hector A. Gonzalez, Richard George, and Sebastian Höppner are print and long battery life that aim at improving the healthcare
with the Chair for Highly-Parallel VLSI-Systems and Neuromorphic outcomes for patients with neurological disorders. Inspired by
Circuits, Technische Universität Dresden, 01062 Dresden, Germany (e-
mail:;; the state-of-the-art software solutions, the paper will establish a common framework to analyze the emerging hardware ones
Javier Acevedo is with the Deutsche Telekom Chair of Communication and will use it to identify unexplored paths for novel hardware
Networks, Technische Universität Dresden, 01187 Dresden, Germany (e-mail: designs. The paper will further bring a Neuroscience perspective
Christian Mayr is with the Chair for Highly-Parallel VLSI-Systems and Neu- to bear on the existing and emerging engineering approaches to
romorphic Circuits, Technische Universität Dresden, 01062 Dresden, Germany, the hardware acceleration of emotion classifiers.
and also with the Centre for Tactile Internet (CeTi) with Human-in-the-Loop,
Cluster of Excellence, Dresden, Technische Universität Dresden, 01187 Dres- To the best of our knowledge, this is the first extensive
den, Germany (e-mail: hardware-focused review of EEG-based emotion classification
Jerald Yoo is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineer- systems. Most of the prior research related to EEG-based emo-
ing, National University of Singapore, Singapore 117583, Singapore, and
also with the N.1 Institute for Health, Singapore 117456, Singapore (e-mail: tion detection has focused on analyzing multi-modal contri- butions [1], surveying generic EEG-based Deep Learning ap-
Frank H.P. Fitzek is with the Deutsche Telekom Chair of Communication proaches [2], reviewing the available transfer learning mech-
Networks, Technische Universität Dresden, 01187 Dresden, Germany, and also
with the Centre for Tactile Internet (CeTi) with Human-in-the-Loop, Cluster of anisms for general EEG classification tasks [3], and analyzing
Excellence, Dresden, Technische Universität Dresden, 01187 Dresden, Germany existing solutions [4]–[6], all from a software perspective, which
(e-mail: unfortunately excludes the hard challenges of designing a robust,
Shahzad Muzaffar and Ibrahim M. Elfadel are with the Department of Elec-
trical Engineering and Computer Science, and the Center for Cyber Physical wearable hardware emotion classifier under severe constraints
Systems (C2PS), Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi 127788, United Arab Emirates of area, power and stringent specifications on accuracy and
(e-mail:; reliability. A recent survey [7] with focus on hardware design for
Color versions of one or more figures in this article are available at https:
// biomedical applications discusses the area of emotion detection
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TBCAS.2021.3089132 in the context of “AI-based EEG processing algorithm design”
1932-4545 © 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

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and briefly presents three of the hardware emotion classifiers,

listing only their methods and accuracies. Despite some similar-
ities, this survey has several distinguishing features, including:
1) Review focus: In this paper, we are laser-focused on the
hardware acceleration challenges of EEG-based emotion
classification systems as we believe it is the domain that
is most in need of research toward the development of
wearable healthcare solutions.
2) Integrated in-depth analysis: The paper includes and inte-
grates the most recent hardware contributions in one single
framework that facilitates their detailed, comparative in-
depth analysis, while overlaying them with the software
state of the art.
3) Neuroscience awareness: The paper brings a Neuroscience
perspective to bear on the engineering aspects of emotion
classification, and in the process, identifies several gaps Fig. 1. Hardware (HW) and Software (SW) contributions per publication year.
in existing approaches and unveils unexplored paths to
narrow them.
given in the earlier sections. The paper is closed with a brief
4) Thorough dataset analysis: Taking healthcare as the major
conclusion in Section VIII.
objective, the paper analyzes the existing datasets and
benchmarks in terms of their suitability for enabling highly
accurate, and clinically specific emotion classification. II. SURVEY METHODOLOGY
5) Holistic perspective: In contrast to the mainstream Before introducing the hardware solutions for emotion clas-
accuracy-driven, machine-learning paradigm, this paper sification, we briefly review, in this section, the bibliographic
emphasizes the importance of other metrics that are rel- methodology of our survey, especially in relation to article
evant to wearable emotion classifiers such as footprint, selection and evaluation from the perspective of the EEG-based
low-power, and implementation complexity. The hope is emotion classification problem. Our hardware-focused survey is
that such holistic approach would lead to a more system- not intended to replace the multiple excellent software-focused
atic search of the design space for hardware accelerators surveys [1]–[6], but it rather leans on the various software
of emotion classifiers. approaches as reference points to contextualize the EEG-based
The remainder of this article is organized as follows. Section II emotion classification problem and guide the analysis of the
is devoted to the methodology we have used in our bibliographic hardware-based solutions.
selections from the state of the art. Section III describes the The survey presented by S. M. Alarcão in [4] selects 63
existing hardware solutions and contrasts them with the software software-oriented papers based on their feature extraction meth-
ones. In particular, this section contains a comprehensive survey ods and algorithmic analysis, as well as their compliance with
of pre-processing and feature extraction methods in EEG-based standard practices in neuroscience experiments as spelled out
emotion detection hardware as well as a wearability metric for in [8]. All these 63 papers are included in our software ref-
such hardware. Given the stringent constraints that hardware erences. We further include the 13 papers of [2] where recent
imposes on classification algorithms, Section IV has been de- work on deep neural networks in relation to EEG-based emo-
voted to a detailed review of hardware-friendly classification tion detection was reviewed. The pool of 86 papers is further
algorithms and their performance in the context of EEG-based extended using articles directly extracted form the IEEE Xplore
emotion detection hardware systems. In Section V, a close database. Out of the 540 hits from the IEEE Xplore database for
look is taken at the hardware system specifications of wearable the 2017–2020 period, following the 2017 publication of [4], 94
EEG-based emotion detection systems with particular emphasis papers have been selected from journals and conferences with
not only on traditional metrics such as power, area, and latency, an impact factor above 1. This initial list of 180 papers was
but also on the specifications that are relevant to the problem further down-selected to 151 papers based on topical pruning,
domain of EEG-based emotion detection. Issues such as train- i.e., whether the paper addressed EEG-based emotion detection
ing, electrode engineering, and verification are discussed in In or not. This final collection of 151 papers is used in the following
Section V as well. In Section VI, challenges and opportunities sections to contextualize the emerging hardware solutions and
in the field of wearable EEG-based emotion detection systems contrast them with more established software.
are identified, with interlock with the neurosciences being one As shown in Fig. 1, the EEG-based emotion detection field has
of the major challenges while presenting the neurosciences with gained tremendous popularity over the past decade. Numerous
a hardware platform for the real-time monitoring of neurolog- algorithms, a wide variety of feature extraction methods, several
ical disorders being a major opportunity. Section VII presents input stimuli, extensive datasets, and a whole gamut of training
recommendations for further research. The recommendations paradigms, have been reported in the recent literature and are
are based on the multi-dimensional analysis and evaluation of evidence of the significant progress already made. However, up
existing hardware for EEG-based emotion detection we have until 2018 or so, the contributions were mainly software-focused

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STFT: Short-time Fourier transform. HOC: Higher Order Crossings. DE: Differential Entropy. CSP: Common Spatial Pattern.
HFD: Higuchi Fractal Dimension. AR: Autoregressive model. FBCSP: Filter Bank Common Spatial Pattern. DCT: Discrete Cosine Transform.
FD: Fractal Dimension. GP: Grassberger-Procaccia algorithm. MFCC: Mel-frequency Cepstral Coefficients. PCA: Principal Component Analysis.
ARRC: Autoregression Reflection Coefficients. ASP: Asymmetric Spatial Pattern. BDGLS: Broad Dynamical Graph Learning System.
CS: Compressed Sensing. DTF: Directed Transfer Function. EMD: Empirical Mode Decomposition. GCB-Net: Graph Convolutional Broad Network.
HAF: Hybrid Adaptive filtering. HHS: Hilbert-Huang Spectrum. HOS: Higher Order Spectral analysis. LBP: Local Binary Patterns.
LFCC: Linear frequency Cepstral Coefficients. LPP: Late Positive Potential. MSCE: Magnitude Squared Coherence Estimate. D.† : Distance.
NEE: Narrow band energy event. NTSPP: Neural Time series Prediction Pre-processing. SPWV: Smoothed Pseudo-Wigner-Ville distribution.

with the standing assumptions being the availability of abundant paper to give a detailed account of the potential of the hardware
hardware resources and off-line operation. The lack of an early approaches in contrast to the software ones, while identifying
hardware perspective may be easily inferred from the high the opportunities and the unexplored paths that can guide future
computational complexity of the feature extraction methods and research and development in this important biomedical domain.
algorithms of the software approaches listed in Tables I and II.
Since 2018, a growing trend in hardware-focused approaches
has been noticed as is clear from the black curve in Fig. 1. This
trend has helped in highlighting the many challenges and the In this section, the hardware solutions to EEG-based emotion
upside potential of wearable devices for the EEG-based emotion detection are compared in terms of wearability, pre-processing
classification problem. Such devices have the potential to enable techniques, and feature extraction methods. In Section IV, they
near real-time, robust, clinically relevant emotion classification, will be compared in terms of their classification algorithms,
under very small form factors and for extended periods of oper- while in Section V, they will be compared based on hardware
ation in a medical environment. The near real-time operation implementation and verification metrics, including power, area,
could improve healthcare outcomes and facilitate the social and latency. The main criterion for inclusion in the hardware
re-integration of patients suffering from neurological diseases survey list is for the publication to report on an online inference
such as Alzheimer’s, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), implemented in either FPGA or ASIC, regardless of the classifier
and Autism Disorder (AD). It is one of the major aims of this used. Two hardware contributions [9], [10], which are part of the

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AI-VAE: Attribute Invariance - Variational Auto-encoder. BLS: Broad Learning System. CCA: Canonical Correlation Analysis. DA: Discriminative Analysis.
CNN: Convolutional Neural Networks. ConvLSTM: Convolutional Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM). DBN: Deep Belief Network. DT: Decision Trees.
FCM: Fuzzy Cognitive Map. FCN: Fully Connected Network. GAN: Generative Adversarial Network. GCNN: Graph Convolutional Neural Network.
GLCM: Grey Level Co-occurrence Matrices. SVM: Support Vector Machines. GRU: Gated Recurrent Unit. HMM: Hidden Markov Models.
KNN: K-nearest neighbors algorithm. MLP: Multi-layer Perceptron. NB: Naive Bayes. PNN: Probabilistic Neural Network. RF: Random Forest.
RNN: Recurrent Neural Network. SAE: Sparse Auto-encoder. GELM: Graph Regularized Extreme Learning Machine.

: [30], [41], [42], [50], [50], [102], [126], [127], [129], [131], [149], [187]–[191].

: [44], [45], [53], [56], [58], [62], [64], [68], [70]–[72], [74], [76], [78], [79], [81], [89], [91]–[94]

: [96], [99], [103], [104], [109], [110], [114], [115], [118], [120], [122], [124], [133]–[136], [138], [140], [144], [148], [192]–[195]
Ψ: [60], [65], [69], [73], [77], [88], [95], [108], [123], [132], [196]

growing trend in Fig. 1, were not as extensively analyzed as the

rest of the list because they only describe implementation details
of a specific component (e.g., Softmax) of the full system [11].
Additionally, in cases where two publications are addressing the
same implementation such as [12] and [13], only the first chrono-
logically available paper is described to avoid redundancy, but
their relation is preserved in Table III. In our analysis, we have
given preference to full end-to-end implementations. We first
evaluate these implementations from the wearability viewpoint.

A. Wearability Index Fig. 2. High-level block diagram of a generic EEG-based hardware classifier.
The high-level block diagram of a complete EEG-based
hardware emotion classifier is presented in Fig. 2. The violet
color shows the offline processing flow used to train the classi-
fier, whereas the purple color highlights the components most Whereas this index is based on the level of hardware integra-
amenable for a hardware implementation (FPGA or ASIC) as a tion, it is being used as a wearability metric due to hardware
standalone online inference. Depending on the number of online integration being an essential requirement for any standalone
blocks, a wearability index is assigned to each implementation. wearable System-on-Chip (SoC) solution. A maximum index of

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VAM: Valence/Arousal Model.  : Accuracy for 3 classes. LGE: Logic Gate Equivalent. | : Full CNN system. ∦ : Normalized to 180 nm.
HOC: Higher Order Crossings. SK: Skewness.  : Normalized energy per Class during inference defined in equation. Nclasses : Number of classes.

four is given in case the pre-processing, feature extraction (FE), that do not remove such artefacts are introducing biases into
training, and inference blocks are all supported in hardware. their classifications and should therefore implement methods to
A colored symbol representing each of the hardware imple- compensate for such biases.
mentations reported in the prior art is used to highlight the The Pre-processing blocks in Fig. 2, whether operating on-
supported blocks. As per the survey selection criterion, all the board or offline, represent the signal processing used in the hard-
hardware classifiers have in common the online inference block. ware approaches to condition the EEG data. Some datasets [18]
The articles of [14] (ISCAS’19), [15] (CICC’20), [16] (IS- provide EEG data where certain artefacts have been removed.
CAS_b’20) and [17] (TBioCAS’20) are the only ones where the While this may ease offline learning and verification, it is the
pre-processing and feature extraction blocks are implemented actual hardware implementation of the pre-processing block
in hardware, whereas the remaining two studies outsource these that provides the more complete and realistic assessment of the
components to the offline processing. This is clearly an ad- hardware resources required to achieve a fully wearable solution
vantage for [14]–[16], and [17], which brings them closer to for EEG-based emotion classification.
a standalone, independent solution with an index of 3 out of As indicated in Fig. 2, the HW platforms of [11] (JETCAS’19)
4. Although [11] (JETCAS’19) is missing an on-board feature and [12] (ISCAS_a’20) do not include on-board pre-processing.
extraction component, resulting in a wearability index of 2 out of Both platforms rely on off-chip components to condition the
4, it is the only implementation that provides on-board training, EEG data, which unfortunately prevents a detailed assessment of
which is essential for enabling on-the-fly tuning of the classifier. the complete HW resources required to achieve a full HW solu-
The implementation reported in [12] (ISCAS_a’20) is focused tion. Additionally, [11] (JETCAS’19) uses a rather simple band-
entirely on the proof of concept of a low-footprint classifier to pass filter to remove those artefacts whose spectra are within the
the exclusion of other features, which resulted in an index of 1 5 to 45 Hz frequency range, but such filter does not remove all
out of 4. All the surveyed hardware platforms share a common artefacts. As summarized in Fig. 3, the spectrum of the EEG
supervised training approach for the offline processing blocks. signal spans the 0 to 100 Hz range and overlaps with the spectra
of non-physiological [19] and physiological [20]–[22] artefacts
that are mingled with the EEG signal. The non-physiological
B. Pre-Processing
category of artefacts is composed by Electrode pop (Ep), ca-
The signals recorded via the EEG electrodes are susceptible ble movement (Cable), incorrect placement of the reference
to external interference, which requires the implementation of electrode, and electrical interference (AC). The physiological
filtering techniques to remove artefacts. EEG-based classifiers category of artefacts corresponds to myogenic (EMG) signals

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Fig. 4. Robustness of the classifier against Eye blinking ([15], Fig. 9).
Fig. 3. EEG artefacts and their frequency bands.

for complex interference scenarios involving the realistic arte-

facts described in Fig. 3. In [16], a band-pass filter between 8
(e.g., jaw clenching, head, neck and facial muscle contraction), and 45 Hz is used, which removes some of the low frequency
ocular (EOG) activity (e.g., eye lateral movement and blinking), artefacts in Fig. 3 but at the cost of attenuating EEG activity
cardiac (ECG) perturbations (e.g., Heartbeat and electrical arte- in the θ and δ brainwaves. On the other hand, [14] (ISCAS’19)
facts), perspiration (P), and respiration (Rs) [23]–[26]. These and [15] (CICC’20) use a low cut-off frequency of 2 Hz that lets
contaminating factors coexist with the emotion-related activity slow eye-movement artefacts to coexist with the EEG record-
in the same frequency bands [18], which renders the reliance ings. Interestingly, the implementation of [15] (CICC’20), as
on a single band-pass filter for EEG conditioning quite limit- illustrated in Fig. 4, seems to drastically reduce the impact of
ing [27]–[29]. eye blinking episodes on the EEG classifier. A further analysis
On the other hand, the approach in [12] (ISCAS_a’20) of the confusion matrix of [15] (CICC’20) could provide even
provides a more complex conditioning strategy, involving a more insights into the nature of misclassified artefacts and the
Kurtosis-based Independent Component Analysis (ICA), which conditioning methods needed to reduce misclassification errors.
facilitates the extraction of artefacts coexisting in the same The EEG pre-processing approach of [17] (TBioCAS’20),
frequency bands as EEG. However, the technique is only applied seems to have the highest potential among all the surveyed
off-line, and its feasibility in a hardware implementation is contributions toward a wearable EEG-based emotion classifica-
still unproven due to a lack of automation. Indeed, the off-line tion. Their pre-processing block comprises three steps, involving
procedure involves a manual inspection step of the indepen- down-sampling, band-pass filtering, and a Mean Average Ref-
dent components (IC), in which the IC frequency content, the erenced (MAR) filter block. The down-sampling is by factor
stimulated regions in the IC scalp plots, and the Event Related of 2 and has no effect on the frequency content except for
Potential (ERP) images are simultaneously checked for random- halving the power spectrum amplitude. The band-pass filter acts
ness across trials. These blind source separation methods are on the range of 2 Hz to 60 Hz. As for MAR, it is based on
commonly used by the software approaches to the EEG-based the idea of re-referencing the electrode signals with respect to
emotion detection problem to achieve appropriate EEG signal their overall average instead of the reference electrode in order
conditioning [30]–[34], but due to the direct dependency of the to reduce signal dependency on its position [21]. The method is
number of obtained independent components on the number implemented by subtracting the average over all electrodes from
of signal sources (electrodes), they are not very effective with each signal. Other linear combinations of electrode signals may
a low number of sources. It is clear that the less sources the also be used as electrode reference proxies [37]. This method
pre-processing block has to handle, the less complex is the HW results in the elimination of the artefacts at the physical reference
implementation. To achieve a holistic and robust HW solution, electrode while averaging may help out in reducing the noise that
low-cost alternatives [35], [36] for incorporating the ICA engine is re-injected into the EEG signals through the MAR operation.
need to be explored, possibly using matched filters for the A robust approach to pre-processing the EEG data is a pre-
real-time identification of “artefact-rich” ICs in combination requisite for successful EEG-based emotion classification. A
with threshold-crossing checks on filter performance as function reliable approach should incorporate robust detrending, robust
of the number of electrodes. re-referencing, outlier detection, interpolation, step detection
Among the publications proposing an on-board pre- and correction, and ringing artefact removal [38]. Our survey
processing block of the EEG signals, three [14] (ISCAS’19) [15] indicates that no single HW approach has fully addressed this
(CICC’20) [16] (ISCAS_b’20) employ straightforward band- important task so far. If we are to provide a pre-processing index
pass filtering, which as previously mentioned does not account the same way we have provided a wearability index, then the

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regions of the EEG waveforms. Such indices can be used as

features for EEG-based emotion detection [154], [155]. The
frequency-based feature extraction methods compute the spec-
trum of the EEG signals or the subject-specific cross frequency
coupling (CFC) indices, and present them to the classifier for
the generation of labels.
The methods used by the software approaches of Table I
differ in terms of their complexity but are operated under the
premise of unlimited resources. Generally, their complexity
order is high, which makes most of them unsuitable for a direct
hardware implementation. On the other hand, methods such as
Power Spectral Distribution (PSD), Fourier Transform, Discrete
Cosine Transform (DCT), Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA),
and combinations of filter banks of different spatial patterns,
are achievable in hardware due to the maturity of the hardware
Fig. 5. Main feature categories and their number of occurrences in the sur- designs in these traditional signal processing blocks (e.g., FFT
veyed publications. [9]–[17], [30], [31], [33], [39]–[149]. accelerators with low footprint [156]). In contrast, methods such
as Higher Order Spectral (HOS) Analysis, Linear-Frequency
Cepstral Coefficients (LFCC) and Mel-Frequency Cepstral Co-
indices would be distributed as follows on a scale of 1 to 3. The
efficients (MFCC), the Burg method, and Auto-Regressive Re-
maximum score of 3 would be given to [17] (TBioCAS’20), due
flection Coefficients (ARRC), might require more resources and
to the fairly complex on-chip pre-processing realizations. The
design effort to incorporate them into a hardware solution.
approach in [12] (ISCAS_a’20), which was already penalized
Alternatively, the CFC features, which exploit synchronized
in the wearability index, would receive a score of 2 due to the
changes amongst different frequency bands [154], represent
complexity involved in using on-board blind source separation
an important alternative for future hardware platforms due to
methods. The approaches in [14] (ISCAS’19), [15] (CICC’20),
their robustness and to their potential to reduce the EEG data
and [16] (ISCAS_b’20) would all get a score of 1 due to the
rates and memory footprint. The CFC features are embodied
restrictions inherent in band-pass filtering.
in a connectivity graph [155] or index, and are therefore a
compact EEG representation that will reduce the need to store or
C. Feature Extraction process raw EEG data in the classifier. However, the complexity
EEG feature extraction (EFE) refers to the methods employed of the CFC algorithm, which requires a Coordinate Rotation
to highlight latent and relevant information in the pre-processed Digital Computer (CORDIC) processor to compute the Hilbert
EEG data in order to facilitate the classification process. The transforms in the various frequency bands [157], presents a sig-
performance of the classifier is highly dependent on the EFE nificant challenge to ultra low-power hardware design. The same
stage, and hence every HW platform must incorporate an EFE is the case for the connectivity estimators and subject-based
block to realistically assess its impact on the overall performance correlation tuples obtained through surrogate analysis.
of the EEG emotion classifier. Both EFE and the classifier Four of the publications in Fig. 2, extract their frequency-
are subject to the quantization and round-off errors that are based features using PSD [17] (TBioCAS’20), [12] (IS-
inherent to the hardware. The impact of such errors on overall CAS_a’20), [14] (ISCAS’19), [11] (JETCAS’19). PSD is also
performance cannot be realistically evaluated without the inte- the most popular method among the SW emotion classification
gration of the EFE block into the HW platform. Additionally, field as illustrated in Table I. However, the exact method em-
the implementation of any EFE block entails an area, power, ployed to compute the PSD spectrum distribution differs among
and complexity cost whose evaluation is tied up to an actual these four HW papers. For instance, the implementation of [12]
HW implementation. As indicated in Fig. 5, feature extraction (ISCAS_a’20) uses a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) with 128
in EEG-based emotion classification problem is divided into five frequency bins, which provides a resolution that is suitable for
categories depending on the kind of transformation applied to capturing fluctuations within and among brainwave frequency
the EEG data to extract its features. These categories will be bands.
explained next. As for the work reported in [17] (TBioCAS’20) and [14]
1) Frequency-Based Features: As shown in Fig. 5, the (ISCAS’19), it uses an approximation of the power spectrum
frequency-based feature category is the most popular in both with only one power value per channel calculated with the
SW and HW platforms. This is not a surprising finding as several average activity in the β band (12 to 30 Hz). This averaging
previous publications provided enough evidence of the correla- approach is definitely more hardware friendly, as it removes
tion between the spectral components and brain emotions [150], the need for an FFT accelerator. However, the consideration of
[151]. In fact, recent studies inspired by the biological integra- only one frequency band and its further reduction to a single
tion across populations of neurons in the human cortex [152], average value are bound to result in information losses within
[153], have shown the important role of correlation indices the band itself. Fig. 6, which is taken from [11], presents an
in describing coordinated activity between different frequency average of the scalp plot activation per frequency band in each

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Fig. 6. Scalp plots with frequency activity for different emotion labels in the
DEAP dataset [18] ([11], Fig. 3). Fig. 7. (a) Accuracy plot for time-based methods. (b) Area and power of the
time-based methods. The legend in Figure (a) is for both (a) and (b). ([17], Table

of the classes generated by combining the Low (L) and High

(H) values of the Arousal (A) and Valence (V), respectively. where Xk denotes the k-th sample the time series, N the number
Although the figure does not show the fluctuations within the of samples, μ the mean, and σ the standard deviation.
β band, it does highlight the additional brain activity that takes In order to achieve a hardware friendly implementation, [15]
place in the other frequency bands that were excluded in [17] proposes an approximate SK indicator (ASKI), whose definition
(TBioCAS’20) and [14] (ISCAS’19). is given as
2) Time-Based Features: In contrast to the frequency-based
features, the time-based features are generated directly from ASKI = μ3 ∗ k (2)
the EEG time series. Among the SW-based approaches of and whose overall trend is bounded by the true SK curve. The
Table I, statistical features are the most used in this category design decision of using ASKI leads to a reduction in Gate Count
(24 papers). These features include Kurtosis, Skewness, mean, by a factor of 86.
maxima, and slope variations, among many others. The second As for the zero crossing metric (HOC), it corresponds to
most used method is Higher Order Crossing (HOC), whose a simple comparator-based implementation in which a given
general principle is to keep track of zero crossings and their sample is compared with its previous value that is monitored
successive differences. Higuchi’s Fractal Dimension (HFD) is through a 3-bit SR flip-flop. The identification of a sign change
also among the popular methods, and its non-linear measures of from one sample value to the next triggers a simple counter to
the EEG signal complexity make it suitable for feature extraction accumulate the zero crossings. The two metrics are normalized
under various emotional episodes. Other EFE methods based on and passed to a dense neural network, as will be discussed
time series include Hjorth’s (activity, mobility, and complexity), Section III.
Grassberger-Procaccia (GP), Hybrid Adaptive Filtering (HAF), As no other hardware design in Fig. 2 uses time-based
Hurst exponents, Local Binary Patterns (LBP), and the event- methods for feature extraction, the reader is referred to Fig. 7,
driven Late Positive potential (LPP). There are other time-series prepared using the feature exploration performed in [17] (TBio-
extraction methods that compute features based on predictive CAS’20), for a summary on the hardware implications of some
approaches such as Neural Time Series Prediction Processing of these methods. In particular, Fig. 7(b) provides an insight
(NTSPP), and the Wasserstein metric of distances between prob- as to the area and power required for each of the considered
ability distributions. In general, the time series methods require time-based methods when synthesized in 0.18 μm technology.
less hardware resources than the frequency-domain methods Fig. 7(a) presents the accuracy achieved in each of them.
and are therefore more desirable. Naturally, methods involving As shown in Fig. 7(b), the method with the best accuracy is
non-linear transformations such as HFD or Hjorth result in an the Common Spatial Pattern (CSP), which is a mathematical
increase in HW design complexity. algorithm to separate a multivariate signal into its individual
Only one of the hardware-focused publications in Fig. 2 uses sub-components. The separation takes place by maximizing
time-based methods for feature extraction [15] (CICC’20). Its the differences in variance between two windows and requires
approach is to extract the Higher Order Crossings and Skewness the generation of co-variance matrices, which are not hard-
(SK) information from the time-series to compose the feature ware friendly. This explains the fact that this method has the
vector. The Skewness, which is used as an amplitude regularity highest power and area consumption. The method with the
metric, is traditionally defined by second worst power and area combination is the calculation
N of Hjorth parameters, which seems to be more advantageous
 (Xk − μ)2
Skewness = (1) to the Valence dimension. Hjorth parameters are indicators of
(N − 1) ∗ σ 3 statistical properties used in the analysis of EEG signals [158].

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Their hardware computation is also not trivial, and involves a

variance computation for the Activity parameter, the square root
of a ratio for the Mobility parameter, and a division together with
a first derivative in the Complexity parameter.
The next time-based method with a relatively acceptable accu-
racy for both emotion dimensions is the Sample Entropy (SE).
Entropy-based metrics are also among the top ten algorithms
used to extract features in the software approaches summarized
by Table I. SE is a measure of the complexity in a time se-
ries [159], and is defined as the logarithm of a ratio, which makes
its implementation relatively simple in hardware. In reference
again to Fig. 7(b), the method with the smallest HW resource
utilization and power consumption is the statistical mean with
a hardware accuracy of about 50%, 7(a). A similar accuracy Fig. 8. Spectrograms produced using the STFT ([11], Fig. 5).
is achieved for the Root Mean Square (RMS), which has a
higher area and power consumption than the Mean. The standard
deviation (SD) has a similar area utilization as the RMS method,
although with a relatively higher power consumption, but its particularly attractive for hardware solutions to the EEG-based
accuracy advantages are relatively better. Finally, the method emotion detection problem.
with the worst accuracy metrics in Fig. 7(a) is the Variance (Var) Five hardware designs of EEG-based emotion classifiers of
method, which also requires a higher area utilization and power the list shown in Table III use STFT for time-frequency feature
consumption than the Mean, RMS, or SD. extraction. [9]–[11], [16], [117]. These designs come from the
3) Time-Frequency Features: Time-frequency features com- same research group, and in terms of feature extraction, they
bine both frequency-domain and time-series features, which all share the same Spectrogram approach described in [11]
enables the capture of the time dependence of spectral fluc- (JETCAS’19). The STFT is applied to the signals collected
tuations. Methods describing local transient characteristics in from six electrodes, which are then mixed based on asymmetry
both frequency and time domain are suitable to deal with the indices, which will be described under the next EFE category
non-stationary properties of the EEG signals. on “Spatial Features.” The resulting combinations are used to
Among the software methods summarized by Table I, the main generate the final EEG frames for the classifier. Fig. 8 illustrates
methods for extracting time-frequency features are Wavelet the spectrograms produced by six EEG channels and the com-
transforms (WT) and their variations (e.g., Discrete Wavelet bination process used to create the final EEG frame.
Transform, Continuous Wavelet Transform, and Adaptive Tun- 4) Spatial Features: Spatial features are meant to capture
able Q Wavelet Transform), Short-Time Fourier Transform coordinated neural activity between different brain regions. They
(STFT), and Hilbert-Huang Transform (HHT) with its stan- are not standalone features as their computation relies on the
dalone Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD). In contrast to availability of time-based, frequency-domain, or time-frequency
the Fourier and Wavelet transforms, HHT does not involve the EEG data. In fact, one of the spatial-features methods, Common
selection of a mother wavelet or a basis function. It rather uses Spatial Pattern, was already presented in the time-based features,
EMD to decompose the signal using a data-driven approach that as part of Fig. 7.
sequentially extracts quasi-harmonics from a signal, starting Among the spatial-features methods used by the solutions in
from the highest frequencies. The HHT method leads to a Table I, Asymmetry Exploitation is one of the most popular
robust analysis of non-stationary and non-linear time series as techniques in the emotion detection context due to its very low
is the case in EEG signals. However, the extraction of the HHT overhead. It is based on the computation of Asymmetry Indices
Intrinsic Mode Functions (IMF) uses iterative computations that which are coefficients relating opposite sides of the brain and
cannot be performed in parallel [160], which makes its real-time highlighting asymmetrical and coordinated neural activity [114].
hardware implementation non-trivial. These coefficients are always calculated in pairs of electrodes
In their basic form, the WT and STFT approaches are two pos- and can be used with frequency, time, or time-frequency features.
sible alternatives for hardware implementations. The Wavelet The hardware designs in [14] (ISCAS’19) and [17] (TBio-
Transform applies a filter bank to the full signal at once, CAS’20) apply asymmetry indices on top of the channel-based
whereas the STFT divides it into multiple smaller windows for PSD averages already described under the frequency-features
individual FFT applications. Both approaches lead to similar category. The two approaches, which use 8 channels, compute
results, although WT is traditionally well-known for dealing two indices from the PSD averages in their asymmetrical pairs of
with non-periodic and fast transient features more efficiently. electrodes. The first index is called the Inter Hemispheric Power
On the other hand, STFT is known to be more applicable in Spectral Ratio (IHP R) and is expressed as
real-time processing, due to its relatively short processing time
windows [161]. Additionally, the advances in FFT hardware
acceleration [162], and the numerous techniques to compress P SDLef t
IHP R = (3)
the FFT accelerator footprint [156], [163]–[167], make them P SDright

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whereas the second one is called Inter Hemispheric Power no hardware approaches using this new paradigm, as it normally
Asymmetry (IHP A), and it is given by requires complex DNN’s to compensate for the absence of
specific features [127], [131]. As will be discussed in Section III,
IHP A = |P SDLef t − P SDright | (4)
the hardware solutions to the EEG-based emotion detection
The asymmetry index approaches of [14] (ISCAS’19) problem tend to opt for shallow neural networks to achieve
and [17] (TBioCAS’20) are from the same research group and low-footprint implementations. These networks are unlikely to
use the same indices as in Eq. (3) and (4), but are implemented work directly on raw EEG data. Future research on new circuits
differently. The design in [14] (ISCAS’19) is based on a scaled paradigms, such as near/supra-threshold techniques [169] or
version of IHPR with the required hardware division imple- adaptive body bias operation [170], [171] in Fully Depleted
mented using a customized LookUp Table (LUT) approach, Silicon on Insulator (FDSOI) [172] technologies (e.g., 22FDX)
which is more advantageous than using standard IP cores. On the may potentially enable the HW implementation of raw EEG
other hand, the approach in [17] (TBioCAS’20) slightly changes signals DNN’s into wearable classifiers.
the IHPR index into the following logarithmic expression A possibly more promising approach for the use of raw data
may be based on dedicating the initial layers of a deep CNN to
LIHP R = log2 {P SDLef t } − log2 {P SDRight } (5) feature extraction from raw EEG signals. In [126], coincidence
whose hardware implementation is more convenient. Indeed, filtering along with Differential Entropy (DE) and PSD are used
The LIHP R index reduces the gate counts and power consump- to find appropriate kernels that will guide the automated feature
tion by a factor of 4.7 and 1.5, respectively, when compared with extraction from raw EEG data in the first layers of a CNN. Such
IHP R. These indices then compose the feature vector passed approach has the advantage of implicitly accounting for spectral
to the Support Vector Machine classifier (see Section III). and entropy information while processing the raw EEG data for
As already mentioned, the five hardware designs applying learning and classification.
the STFT rely extensively on asymmetry properties [9]–[11], 6) FE Score: As illustrated by Fig. 2, only four of the HW
[16], [117]. As shown by Fig. 8, their reconstruction of the publications include the EFE engine in their on-board implemen-
EEG frames is based on combining asymmetrical pairs from the tation. The remaining two use a software interface to provide the
six-electrode configuration using the Differential Asymmetry classifier with the features already extracted. Such combined
expression SW/HW platform serves well a a proof of concept but does
not allow a realistic assessment of the resources required in a
DASM = Spectrogramlef t − Spectrogramright (6) fully wearable solution. No additional score is assigned in the
EFE case, as there is no preferred feature extraction method, the
The six Spectrograms are reduced to 3 DASM frames, which
major requirement being that its combination with the classifier
are then combined using
results in acceptable classification accuracy. Such combination
Reconstruction = W1 ∗ DASMF3 −F4 + should also satisfy the HW design specifications on power, area,
(7) and latency. For these reasons, we only provide a binary EFE
W2 ∗ DASMFp1 −Fp2 + W3 ∗ DASMF7 −F8
index with a score of 1 assigned to the HW platfoms with
where W1 , W2 , and W3 are pre-defined weights. The Recon- on-board feature extraction and a score of 0 assigned to those that
struction in Eq. (7) corresponds to the EEG frame of Fig. 8 and is don’t have on-board. Other hardware-related aspects of feature
passed as input to the classifier with the asymmetry information extraction performance will be addressed in the next section
already embedded in its composition. devoted to hardware-friendly classification methods.
Besides CSP and asymmetry indices, another set of spatial-
based features that have been exclusively used by the software-
based EEG-based emotion detection systems is the Connectiv- IV. HARDWARE-FRIENDLY CLASSIFICATION
ity features, and in particular the Directed Transfer Function The classification block is the most important component
(DTF). DTF features are causality measures that are used in of an EEG-based emotion detection system. It is in charge of
the determination of brain connectivity patterns [168], which transforming the extracted features into useful emotion labels.
characterize specific brain states. The DTF is used to describe As presented in Fig. 2, the training of these inference engines
casual influence of one EEG channel over another at a particular for the emotion detection problem is typically based on super-
frequency. Although a hardware implementation of DTF is vised learning, involves large volumes of data, and is therefore
possible, it is not as simple as that of asymmetry indices, as performed offline. Supervised training require that input-output
it entails the computation of the transfer matrix of a multivariate pairs be passed to the classifier, which implies that the emotion
auto-regressive model, a square root, and a division. classes for a given EEG input need to be known ahead of
5) Raw Signals: Lastly, the Raw Signals category of EEG time, as it is the case for any other supervised learning task.
features corresponds to a new paradigm that has recently However, in the context of emotion detection, the output labels
emerged as a result of using Deep Neural Network (DNN) are obtained through psycho-physical experiments in which
classifiers. Under this paradigm, the classifier is directly applied participants are asked to categorize their evoked response in
to the raw EEG signal with the underlying assumption being a graphical representation of the Valence-Arousal scales [173].
that the classifier is strong enough to capture the variations Whereas the graphical representation is quite helpful in lowering
embedded in the different emotional classes. There are currently the language barriers, there are still subjective and cultural

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or more complex compositions, which in the EEG context, cor-

respond to the emotion-related patterns whether in the frequency
or time domain. The SW approaches, particularly in the CNN
domain, tend to work under the premise of unlimited resources.
These SW approaches involve 3D stacking of convolutions ap-
plied to multi-dimensional EEG structures [30], [127] [131], the
utilization of a large number of layers [50], and a large number
(e.g., 32 in [51]) of electrodes to build the EEG frames. Despite
the high accuracy reported in some of these CNN models (e.g.,
99.72% for DEAP dataset in [50]), their excessive complexity
makes them unsuitable for a wearable hardware implementation.
In contrast to the CNN-based software platforms, the CNN
models used in hardware tend to implement shallower networks,
which can fit in an FPGA or ASIC without consuming too much
area. The CNN models in the surveyed HW platforms have a
Fig. 9. SVM classifier in [17] highlighting its main difference with [14]. ([17], total of 2 layers [12], [13], 3 layers [117], [11], or 4 [16] layers.
Fig. 15).
The first one corresponds to a shallow but wide CNN with 1
convolutional block (i.e., 1 convolutional layer, 1 pooling layer,
and 1 ReLU) of 100 kernels, and 1 dense layer having two output
factors that make it difficult to standardize the labeled datasets neurons [12], [13]. The second platform uses 2 convolutional
across a given population in a given geography across time, or blocks of 6 and 8 kernels, and 1 dense layer with 2 output
across geographic locations and cultural domains. Further bias neurons [11], [117]. The third platforms uses 3 convolutional
may be introduced during the discretization of the continuous blocks having 16, 32, and 32 kernels, and a dense layer of two
scales, as multiple benchmarks exclude a neutral emotion class, output neurons [16]. The sizes of the feature frames, which are
while the boundaries between low and high along the Arousal passed to the first layer in each network, are 22x22 for the
or Valence axes can be quite fuzzy or even arbitrary. platforms using the STFT spectrogram [11], [117] [16], and
Regarding the specific algorithms employed to identify emo- 16x139 for the platform using the PSD+Welch frames [12],
tions using EEG, the two most popular machine learning models [13]. The Welch method in the last two approaches is intended
on both SW and HW platforms are Support Vector Machines to smooth discontinuities between consecutive frequency bins,
(SVM) and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) as illus- in order to apply the CNN engine, which operates under the
trated in Table II. SVMs are shallow models with large margins premise of spatial correlation in the input images.
in their decision boundaries, which can perform non-linear The HW CNN platforms for EEG-based emotion classifica-
classification using kernel transformations with a relatively low tion implement the HW inference engine using two different
overhead. The Figure of Merit in Table III shows that the smallest objectives. The first objective is aligned with the traditional
silicon area has been achieved in an SVM-based approach, paradigm of high bandwidth and low latency, which is inherited
namely, 5.4 mm2 in [17]. Additionally, the mathematical sim- from the highly demanding applications of video processing
plicity of the SVM classifier allows the compute operations to and computer vision. The HW platforms in [11], [16], [117]
take place with a very low clock frequency (e.g., 1 KHz in [14] implement their convolutional neural network in line with that
and [17]), which also leads to low power consumption. On the paradigm, where a Multiply-Accumulate (MAC) array with 54
other hand, Table III shows that the SVM-based approaches do processing elements is allocated to compute all the kernels in
not lead to the highest classification accuracies. The hardware all layers with high parallelism. On the other hand, the HW
designs of the classifiers in [14] and [17] are almost identical but CNN platforms in [12], [13] are less conventional, and aim for a
corresponds to different development stages with the only fun- serialized execution of the different layers in the CNN, in order to
damental difference being the implementation of time division reduce the logic resources required for the implementation. The
multiplexing in [17] (TBioCAS’20) to reuse the SVM engine for latter case is possible because the EEG-based emotion detection
both the Arousal and Valence modes. This aspect is highlighted context has lower bandwidth requirements than other computer
with red color in Fig. 9. The HW design of [14] has two SVM vision tasks.
engines as shown in Fig. 9, one for Arousal and another for Fig. 10 highlights the differences between these objectives.
Valence. Fig. 10(a) corresponds to the CNN design of [12], [13], in which
In contrast to the SVM algorithm, the Convolutional Neural the convolutional layer is implemented via a pipelined hierar-
Network (CNN) is primarily used in a Deep Learning context chichal tree that produces the rectified outputs. The rectified
with multiple CNN layers, each one of which is responsible outputs are then received by a special First-Input First-Output
for extracting a specific class of features. The extracted CNN (FIFO) Maxpool module, which operates on-the-fly to avoid
features are commonly arranged in a two-dimensional structure waiting until all these intermediate results are available, which
treated as an image, which is then fed into the multi-layered also reduces the heap and helps to maintain a high throughput.
topology. In each layer, the receptive fields are designed to This CNN design results in very low resource usage. In contrast,
respond to oriented patterns within the data such as edges, lines the design of Fig. 10(b) [11], [16], [117] requires the buffering

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Fig. 11. Dense network implemented in [15] with time multiplexing ([15],
Fig. 6).

inference. In the EEG-based context, an FCN has a trainable

weight between every input node and the extracted features.
The same applies to the connections between latent layers. It is
interesting that the HW implementation in [15] (CICC’20) uses a
shallow model of 4 layers, whose inference is highly optimized.
The model of Fig. 11 employs an Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)
that is reused by all layers. The control unit of the dense network
manages a time division multiplexing scheme across the 4 layers
Fig. 10. Comparison between the Convolutional layer in [12] (a) and [11] (b). so that all calculations are executed within the same ALU. Such
Figure [197] is used as starter template. architecture significantly reduces the overall logic resources.
Section V is devoted to a detailed account on the evaluation
of the above HW implementations of classification algorithm
of the intermediate results in order to compute the maxpooling where traditional metrics such as area and power will be used.
layer. The dense layer in [12], [13] is also completely redesigned In this section, the HW implementations are evaluated and
to cope with the serialized maxpooling values, which results in compared in terms of their classification accuracy. We use a
further reduction of logic resources. This is because computing comparison scale from 1 to 6 with two caveats. The first is that
the serialized values in the dense layer translates into fewer accuracy very much depends on the labeling quality if the EEG
synapses in need of concurrent processing, thus relaxing the data, and as was mentioned above, such quality varies from one
number of required parallel multipliers. dataset to another. The second caveat is that score assignment is
Naturally, the latency of the design in Fig. 10(a) [12], [13] not a value judgment but a comparative assessment as may be
is higher than that of the traditional CNN design in Fig. 10(b). used in a comparison table.
However, as shown in Table III, the latency in [12], [13] is still According to Table III, the highest accuracy (84%) is achieved
within human interaction time, which is about 150 ms. Besides by the FCN model [15] (CICC’20), which is using a Va-
the higher latency, another fundamental drawback in the low- lence/Arousal combined model to predict four classes. The
resource approaches in [12], [13] is the poor flexibility, and the design of [15] presents the best trade-off between complexity (4
difficulty to scale the model up to deeper neural networks. The layers) and area, especially that it is using only 2 channels. The
utilization of a MAC array [11], [16], [117] is much more flexible HW design with the second highest accuracy (83.36% only for
as it can be adapted to any deep multi-layer neural architecture. Valence) corresponds to the CNN model of [11] (JETCAS’19),
The MAC array can also help to implement other functions on- which is the most complex CNN topology among the all the
chip such as dot products and matrix multiplication, which are surveyed designs. The HW implementation of [11] is particu-
quite useful in many machine learning models. larly attractive because the back-propagation engine is designed
Another representative algorithm in EEG-based classification to support on-board training, which should enable the tuning
of emotions is the Fully Connected Network (FCN), which is of the classifier after its deployment. In that regard, the design
ranked among the top ten most used algorithms in the soft- of [11] is unique amongst the surveyed HW solutions.
ware domain, and provides a neural network alternative that The third highest score is given to the CNN model of [16]
is simpler than CNN but more complex than SVM. An FCN (ISCAS_b’20), which claims an accuracy of 76.94% for three
is also more amenable to hardware design due the absence of classes. The account in [16] does not report on the traditional HW
a sliding receptive field. On the other hand, FCN hardware metrics such as area, power, or latency, and the accuracy outcome
implementation leads to a denser interconnect network due to of the design should be considered on its own in comparison
the fully connected topology, and with it, to a larger number with the other accuracy scores. The next score is also for the
of weights, whose training and storage are required ahead of CNN model of [12] (ISCAS_a’20) where the accuracy achieved

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is 77.57% and 71.25% for Valence and Arousal, respectively.

The last two scores correspond to the SVM models, which as
described earlier, tend to trade-off high accuracy for low power
and small footprint. The SVM model of [17] (TBioCAS’20)
achieves an accuracy of 73.14% and 72.96% for Arousal and
Valence, respectively, whereas that of [14] (ISCAS’19) achieves
60.0% and 63.0%, respectively.
Besides the hardware-friendly classification algorithms de-
scribed above, there is a wide variety of other algorithms that
were used only on SW platforms and never mapped onto hard-
ware. These algorithms provide opportunities for novel HW
designs in line with the wearability objectives of EEG-based
emotion classification systems. Table II may be read as a list of
such opportunities with the most notorious being that of Spiking
Neural Networks (SNN) [186]. Known HW implementations of
SNN have excellent power and energy-efficiency metrics [198]
due to their short-pulse operation which mimics the on-demand
firing rates of the neurons, and enables the implementation
of biologically plausible models [199], [200] with high levels
of parallelism [201]. This on-demand behavior in SNNs have Fig. 12. (a) LSTM architecture. (b) GRU architecture. The figures from [203]
also inspired other Artificial Neural Network approaches that and [204] are adapted to highlight parallel multiplier stages.
can be ported to the EEG time series, such as the event-based
GRU described in [202], which exploits these properties to
reduce power consumption while classifying Arrhythmia in in the comparison for the specific case of EEG-baed emotion
ECG signals. Other algorithms in Table II that are very much classifiers, namely, EEG electrode engineering, and verification
worth exploring for HW design include the various recurrent testbenches.
models such as the mentioned GRU [183], LSTMs [174], [175],
ConvLSTMs [40], [178], [179], and most of the recurrent neural A. Power Consumption
networks [128]. Such models are well adapted to the capture One of the fundamental metrics to assess hardware designs
of the spatio-temporal variations of the EEG signal during the is power consumption. This is even more so in the context
emotional episodes. of a wearable medical device such as the EEG-based emo-
On the other hand and in contrast to the feed forward net- tion classifiers where battery life and continuous operation are
works and their HW implementations, recurrent networks are not of paramount importance. Unfortunately, not all the surveyed
amenable to parallelization due to their temporal dependencies, hardware designs provide a power metric, which has hindered
which forces the HW engine to operate serially. Hardware paral- their fair comparison. Another hindrance to fair comparison is
lelism cannot therefore be used to improve throughput. Another the diversity of platforms used as is clear from Table III. The
issue encountered in the HW implementations of the GRU power figures of ASICs and FPGAs are not directly comparable
is the number of weights in the recurrent connections, which since the FPGA typically consumes more power than its ASIC
grows quadratically with the GRU output dimension. In other counterpart. In addition, the power figure of an FPGAs is highly
words, doubling the number of outputs results in quadrupling dependent on its evaluation board. In other words, even the same
the number of GRUs weights. A similar behavior is present in FPGA designs may not be comparable.
LSTMs, with the latter having a more regular topology than These limitations notwithstanding, the power figures of the
the GRUs [205]. As illustrated in Fig. 12(a), a HW design surveyed ASIC designs have been compared across various tech-
of the LSTM architecture can be achieved by fusing a dot nologies using a normalized energy per class metric computed
product into one single operation where all the independent as follows:
multiplications (yellow) are executed in parallel. On other hand, P ower × ExecT ime
the multiplication operations in the GRU have dependencies as N ormalizedEnergy = (8)
Nclasses (VDD /Vref )2
illustrated by the yellow and red multipliers in Fig. 12(b). These
dependencies prevent their fusion into a single operation using where the normalized energy is measured in nJ per classifica-
matrix multiplication in MAC arrays. tion. The number of classes, Nclasses , is an important variable
in (8), as not all surveyed designs support the full 4 classes in
the estimation of the Valence and Arousal. Also in (8), Vref =
V. THE HARD FACTS OF HARDWARE IMPLEMENTATION AND 1 V, which corresponds to the voltage used in the 0.18 μm
VERIFICATION technologies of [15], [17]. Since [15] reports the energy per
In this section, the various EEG-based hardware designs are classification as 10.13 μJ/classif ication, its design latency
compared using the standard hardware metrics of power, area, of 48 s is used to estimate the average power and calculate the
and latency. Two other important aspects are also considered normalized Energy per class as in Equation (8). An important

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distinction between the N ormalizedEnergy metric in (8) and and use it to calculate the Logic Gate Equivalent (LGE), which
the energy-per-classification metric provided by [15] is that the in turn can be used in conjunction with the FPGA utilization
former considers as Nclasses the total number of classes the reports to estimate the FPGA area in relation to that of the ASIC
classification model supports whereas the latter accounts only one. However, such estimation only leads to approximate area
for the energy spent during one feed-forward inference. The comparisons rather than exact ones, and in this particular case,
purpose of the metric in (8) is to provide a fair comparison the cell information from all contributions is unknown, which
between the HW implementations of the classification models, prevents that comparison.
as “small” classifiers supporting only two classes will naturally The area comparisons amongst ASIC designs implemented
consume less power than a “large” classifier supporting the four in different technologies have a similar caveat. However, it can
valence and arousal classes. be addressed using normalized metrics. The normalized area is
As shown in Table III, the best average power for the ASIC defined as [206]:
designs is achieved by the 2-channels architecture in [15] (168
μW), followed by the SVM design in [17] (12.7 mW). The next N ormalizedarea = (9)
design is the complex CNN in [11], which consumes an average (T echnology/180 nm)2
of 29.5 mW during inference. The training power is also reported where the reference technology is 0.18 μm as it is the oldest
in [11] but it is not included in the comparison, as this is the amongst the ones used for EEG-based ASIC emotion classifica-
only design with on-board training. These power figures are not tion platforms.
normalized, yet their power ratings are indicative of the energy The smallest normalized area (5.4 mm2 ) among the ASIC
efficiency of the designs themselves. Indeed, the largest power designs is achieved by the SVM of [17]. The second best design
consumption is that of [11] which uses the smallest VDD and is the FCN in [15] with 16 mm2 , followed by the complex CNN
the smallest technology (28 nm). Its normalization would only in [11]. Regarding the FPGA designs, the only one reporting
widen the gap between the designs since the first two are already utilization is the low-resource CNN in [12], [13]. Although its
in 0.18 μm and are using the same VDD . Note that the power figure cannot be compared with those of the ASIC designs, an
metric is only an indicator and has to be augmented with the approximate comparison with the complex CNN [11] is partially
number of classes and the latency, which has a direct impact on possible, as the latter reports an LGE metric. A direct inspection
the energy consumption, and therefore battery life. of Table I shows the large area differences due to the logic cells
The differences in the normalized energy per class for the used. This is expected as the low-resource CNN is even smaller
ASIC designs are also presented in Table III. The design with than multiple state-of-the-art FPGA implementations of other
the smallest normalized energy per class is in fact the complex CNN models [12], [13]. However, it is important to note that
CNN in [11]. This is because of its extremely small latency. The the complex CNN design of [11] provides a full system whereas
following designs are the FCN of [15] and the SVM of [17]. that of [12], [13] is focused on compressing the CNN classifier.
In regard to the FPGA designs, the smallest average power Additionally, the complex CNN [11] provides a more flexible
(12.7 mW) is that of the SVM in [14], which also has the smallest and complete solution, including on-board training support.
normalized energy per class (2.54 μJ/class). The next design is An additional observation regarding the top designs is that
the low-resources CNN in [13], [12], which consumes 150 mW, all of them use time division multiplexing to reduce the area,
and achieves a normalized energy per class of 34.84 μJ/class. taking advantage of the relaxed timing constraints in EEG-based
The last design in this rating is the CNN of [16], which did not emotion detection. Another observation regarding the second
report any power figures. best normalized area of [15] is that despite using only 2 channels,
One last disclaimer regarding the power comparisons is that the use of dense 4-layer network has resulted in an area that is
not all designs in Table III have implemented all the stages of the three times larger than the SVM design, which has achieved the
EEG-based emotion classification system, which as discussed smallest area.
earlier, will impact the power figures. However, the best power
figures amongst the surveyed designs have been achieved by
those that have implemented the most complete systems [11], C. Latency
[15] [17], [14]. The latency is the time taken by the system to produce a
classification result once an EEG epoch is received. The EEG
classification latency is particularly important in the context
B. Area of a wearable EEG-based emotion classification device, where
The previous paragraphs have already qualitatively described the objective is to track, within timing constraints of human
some of the area-related optimizations performed by the hard- interaction (150 ms), the patient’s emotional state. This is in stark
ware accelerators of the EEG-based emotion classification sys- contrast with EEG-based seizure identification devices, in which
tems. In this section, more quantitative assessments and com- longer detection time windows are more effective because the
parisons are provided. The area figures have the same caveats as relevant episodes are sparsely distributed over time [207]. Emo-
the power figures. For one, it is not possible to directly compare tional experiences are short and highly dynamic. and patients
the areas of an ASIC and an FPGA design. One reasonable way under emotional stimuli are unlikely to manifest a consistent
to make a comparison is to fetch the area of a single ASIC cell response over large time intervals [61]. Tracking such dynamic
(e.g., NOR gate) from the Library Exchange Format (LEF) files, emotional states require a short classification latency.

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Fig. 13. Training paradigms and the number of occurrences in the surveyed
state of the art [9]–[17], [30], [31], [33], [39]–[42], [44]–[51], [53]–[58], [60]–
[84], [88]–[106], [108]–[112], [114]–[119], [121]–[149], [187].

In terms of their classification latency, the surveyed designs

are ranked as follows. The first one is the Complex CNN [11],
[117] with 0.026 ms and a clock frequency of 70 MHz. This Fig. 14. Electrodes used in SW [4] (a) and HW (b) approaches. The 10-20
latency rating is expected as the design is based on a large system figure is adapted from [219].
MAC on-chip array. The next best design is the low-resource
CNN [12], [13], which, in spite of its complex logic reutilization
schemes, can provide classification times that are smaller than 1
ms with a clock frequency of 100 MHz. The following designs
use slower clock frequencies to trade-off low power with longer
latency. Thus, the SVM design [14], which is also implemented
in an FPGA, uses a clock frequency of 1KHz, and achieves a
latency of 800 ms. The next design is also an SVM model and
achieves a latency of 48 s with a 1KHz of clock frequency [17].
As discussed previously in relation to Fig. 9, the design in [17]
switches the SVM engine between the Arousal and Valence
mode, which leads to longer latency. Fig. 15. Experimental setup for [11] showing: (a) the 28-nm CNN chip;
The longest latency amongst the surveyed designs is that of (b) the Spartan 3E FPGA controller; and (c) the Bluetooth RF module (see
Fig. 15 therein).
FCN in [15], which achieves a latency of 60 seconds. Recall that
this design has ranked first for its average power consumption,
and second for its normalized energy efficiency per class. Such
ratings have been enabled through ALU and Analog Front
End (AFE in Fig. 17) re-utilization as shown in Fig. 11. In
Subsection V-E, more details will be given regarding the FCN
design, especially its time division multiplexing, the reduction
of the effective impedance connected to its electrodes, and its
re-use of the acquisition AFE. Naturally, with such loads along
the datapath, the trade-offs between area, power, and latency
are in favor of area and power over latency. Finally, the FPGA
design in [16] does not include any of the relevant utilization
metrics and is therefore rated last in this survey.

D. Training Paradigms Fig. 16. Experimental setup for [17] (See Fig. 9 therein).
In contrast to the EEG-based seizure identification prob-
lem [207], the EEG-based emotion detection task, has the
potential of using large volumes of data to fully exploit the art machine learning algorithms such as Deep Neural Networks.
capabilities of Deep Neural networks in generic classifiers. The In this section, the hardware contributions are assessed in terms
evoked experiences in the emotion detection problem are short of the training paradigm used as well as the number of training
and can provide sufficient amount of data to train state of the paradigms supported.

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becomes available is task-progressive [212], continual [213],

or lifelong learning [214]. Some of these incremental learn-
ing paradigms have already been explored for emotion detec-
tion [215] but their translation into hardware platforms is yet
to be explored. Their usefulness in the context of wearable
EEG-based emotion detection is two-fold:
1) Not only do they improve patient specificity throughout
the usage of the wearable device but also they help adapt
to the evolution of the disease in a given patient. This
is especially helpful in degenerative diseases such as
2) The tuning and growth paradigms preempt a major short-
coming in fixed-architecture neural networks, namely,
catastrophic forgetting [216], [217]. At the very least,
Fig. 17. Experimental setup for [15](see Fig. 1 therein).
wearables based on machine learning paradigms should
incorporate, in their qualification for clinical usage, crite-
ria for predicting the onset of catastrophic forgetting [218]
As shown in Fig. 13, the preferred training paradigms in the as more model tuning is introduced or more tasks are added
state of the art are the Subject Dependent (SD) approaches, in to the model’s prediction portfolio.
which the data employed for training and testing comes from Returning back to the surveyed hardware designs, 8 of them
the same participant. The second most used approach is the have used the traditional subject dependent (SD) approach, 2
Subject Independent (SI) paradigm, in which the training data have attempted to train entirely subject-independent (SI) clas-
comes from all subjects, and is employed for testing any subject. sifiers, and only one has explored the subject semi-independent
A newly emerging paradigm is the Subject Semi-independent (SSI) paradigm. In order to provide a quantitative metric for this
(SSI) training which corresponds to the use of transfer learning part of the survey, the number of training paradigms listed in
techniques to pre-train the classifier with data from a group of Table III is used as training paradigm (TRP) score. The HW
subjects and deploy it for inference after fine-tuning with new design of [17] achieves a score of 2 because it considers both
data from the target session or subject. In contrast to the direct SI and SD. A similar score is assigned to [12], [13] due to their
concatenation of new data, the fine-tuning process is applied on a utilization of both SSI [42] and SD. The remaining designs have
pre-trained model with the learning taking place iteratively on a been assigned a score of 1, as they only consider one training
relatively small amount of data. Despite using the same number paradigm.
of samples as its data concatenation counterpart, the fine-tuned
generic classifier tends to show a superior performance for gen-
eral applications [208] as well as EEG-related tasks [209], [210]. E. Electrode Engineering
Network initialization [210] and assisted fine-tuning in which One important design consideration for wearable EEG-based
the model capacity is allowed to increase either by widening devices is the number of input ports connecting the process-
existing layers, or deepening the pre-trained network, further ing unit to the EEG sensing unit. In order to reduce on-chip
enhance the transfer learning of new tasks [208]. processing and connectivity overhead, it has been typical for
In the specific EEG-based emotion detection context, the the EEG-based emotion classification devices to focus only on
study in [42] uses the unsupervised transfer learning approach the most representative EEG channels. In this subsection, the
of [211], which advocates training by similarity, i.e., using a number of EEG channels and their source electrodes as used
group of proxy subjects sharing certain similarities with the in the HW designs are surveyed. A related issue that is also
target subject. The similarity metric is based on clustering tech- addressed in this subsection is the preferred placement of the
niques and is used to certify the similarities amongst the subjects electrodes in the 10–20 system.
on which the inference engine will be used. Alternative ap- In line with the EEG electrode coding conventions described
proaches have also shown improvements during the exploitation in [4], a color code indicating the usage of a particular electrode
of transfer learning without similarity metrics [30]. Regardless has been adopted. Fig. 14(a) is based on the SW emotion
of the method used, the overall SSI goal is to augment the training classification survey of [4] and indicates the percentage of SW
data and learn from it efficiently. Studies with similar objectives classifiers that have used a given electrode in the scalp placement
make use of Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) [182] pattern. Similarly, in this HW survey, Fig. 14(b) is given to
to increase the number of samples for the same subject via convey similar information about the electrodes of the HW
the artificial generation of data. In the EEG context, GAN is designs. For instance, a green electrode indicates that it has
hampered by the fact that the problem of EEG signal synthesis been used by less than 25% of the designs; a yellow electrode
is not entirely settled and that it is still very challenging to assess by 25% to 50%; an orange electrode color by 50 to 75%; and
the quality of synthetic EEG data. a red electrode color by more than 75%. In contrast to the
Another learning paradigm that is also geared toward im- electrode usage by the SW classifiers 14(a) [4], those of the HW
proving model performance as old data is updated or new data classifiers are concentrated mainly in the frontal and temporal

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lobes with some minor utilization overlap in the posterior and loop is then closed by sending back the result via Bluetooth into
occipital regions. Interestingly, the highest hardware accuracies the Laptop, where a graphical user interface (GUI) displays the
for the DEAP dataset in Table III, were reported by the 2-channel result. This complete setup with such a complex communication
implementation of [15] (CICC’20), in which the two electrodes environment is currently the state of the art in EEG-based
used were not in the frontal lobe. Rather they were placed at the hardware for emotion classification, but is still few steps away
junction between the posterior and temporal regions (TP7 and from a low-footprint, wearable device that tightly couples the
TP8). pre-processing front-end to the EEG sensors on the one hand
Aside from algorithmic differences between the various hard- and to the classifier on the other. However, it is clear that this
ware designs, Table III shows that including a larger number of was not the original intent of the design. The aim was rather
electrodes does not necessarily result in an accuracy improve- to achieve maximum reconfiguration flexibility to test multiple
ment. As mentioned above, the highest accuracies were achieved algorithms and explore various design options.
by designs using 2 [15] (CICC’20) and 6 electrodes [14] (IS- The second experimental setup is from the same research
CAS’19) [17] (TBioCAS’20). This aspect of electrode count and group [16] (ISCAS_b’20), involving an FPGA platform with a
placement is well-documented in the EEG-based SW emotion less complex but more compact implementation than the ASIC
classifiers [99] and has immediate relevance to the HW designs. CNN classifier. The platform operates based on multi-modal
Such designs can reduce processing and input connectivity over- sensors such as EEG, electrocardiogram (ECG) and photo-
head without sacrificing accuracy by using a minimal number plethysmogram (PPG), with the various elements centralized
of electrodes. around two evaluation boards closely connected via a serial
The utilization of a high number of electrodes has far-reaching periphery interface (SPI). The primary board hosts a RISC-V
impact on hardware implementations that is translated into a core synthesized in a Kintex-7 FPGA, whereas the secondary
significant increase in the hardware metrics of area, power, board hosts the classifier implemented in a Spartan-6 FPGA. The
and design complexity. Since these metrics will be accounted sensory data is sent via Bluetooth from each of the three sensors,
as a matter of course when evaluating the HW designs, no and it is acquired on the primary board, where the pre-processing
particular score is assigned to the electrode engineering aspects is performed in the RISC-V core. The pre-processed signals
of the EEG-based emotion classification systems. The main are then transmitted via SPI to the secondary board, where the
recommendation is to carefully select the number and placement classification takes place. Lastly, the output is transmitted via
of EEG channels channel as they impact not only hardware itself Bluetooth to an external laptop, which has a GUI to display the
but also the accuracy of the classification system. One possible classification result. The setup provides an interesting proof of
venue of further development in EEG-based HW classifiers of concept of a flexible combination of an embedded core acting
emotions is the incorporation of newer, more wearable technolo- as feature extractor with a machine learning (ML) accelerator.
gies for EEG signal acquisition [220]. Such technologies are In contrast to the previously described hardware designs, the
particularly relevant to patients suffering from emotion lock-in design in [12] (ISCAS_a’20), which also employs an FPGA
disorders that are accompanied by difficulties in maintaining as the implementation platform, uses a simpler experimental
stable head postures. setup that is dedicated to a proof-of-concept for a low-footprint
CNN accelerator. The design of [12] does not address the issue
of bench-marking a holistic HW system to classify emotions.
F. Verification Methodology It uses a laptop for the data acquisition, pre-processing, and
In addition to the algorithmic and hardware criteria used to feature extraction. Upon the extraction of the frequency-based
assess the EEG-based hardware designs of Fig. 2, this subsection features, the EEG frequency frames are transmitted to the FPGA
presents an overview of the experimental settings that have been using a universal asynchronous receiver-transmitter (UART)
employed for testing and verification. Setting up the testing and interface. The FPGA hosting the CNN accelerator generates the
verification environment for the EEG-based hardware emotion classification labels.
classifiers is indeed a challenging task that sets the HW approach Toward achieving full wearability, the designs of [14], [17],
apart from SW approach. present a System-on-Chip (SoC) involving all the stages required
Fig. 15 shows the experimental setup used in [11], which is for the EEG-based emotion detection. Their system acquires
the one design involving significant ports and interfacing effort. the EEG data directly from the electrodes, which entails a
As shown in Fig. 15, a front-end circuit and a micro-controller larger design effort due to the inclusion of a customized Analog
are attached to the back of the 16-channel EEG cap to acquire Front-End (AFE). The designs in [14] (ISCAS’19) and [17]
and send the data via a Bluetooth module. The Bluetooth pack- (TBioCAS’20) employ one AFE block for each of the 8 EEG
ets are received by a laptop, in which the feature extraction channels. The AFE blocks in both designs include a low-noise,
engine is implemented. The laptop then forwards the data to capacitively coupled instrumentation amplifier (CCIA) and a
the Printed Circuit Board (PCB) hosting the 28-nm CNN chip. programmable gain amplifier (PGA). The fundamental AFE dif-
The PCB also includes a bluetooth module, a data conversion ference between the two designs lies in the number of Analog-to-
stage implemented in an embedded Spartan-3E FPGA, and has Digital Converters (ADC) used. The design in [14] (ISCAS’19)
the possibility to enable the classification either in an on-board uses one ADC per channel, whereas that of [17] (TBioCAS’20)
Virtex-7 FPGA or the 28-nm CNN engine. The classification shares one successive-approximation (SAR) ADC between all

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channels, as shown in Fig. 16. After the digital data is ac- each and everyone of these metrics with the convention that a
quired, both approaches use time division multiplexing for pre- high score implies a successful design for that particular category
processing and feature extraction to reduce on-chip resources. the metric is meant to measure. The scores for Area, Latency
The features are then passed to the SVM classifier with both and Energy, range from 1 to 6, except when a specific design
designs using the same SVM algorithm. Lastly, the output of has failed to report on one or another of these metrics, in which
the classifier is sent to an external Bluetooth master, where the case the assigned score is zero. In order to ensure a balanced
accuracy assessments take place. weight distribution between the assessed metrics, a normalized
In addition to the previous two SoC designs, another SoC score calculated with the corresponding maximum value is also
design with an FCN classifier and including all the processing reported. The summary of all scores is presented in Table IV,
stages on-chip, is presented in [15]. It is the one with the in which the best two designs correspond to the CNN chip
smallest footprint and most efficient utilization of a compact described in [11], [117], and the SoC implementing the SVM
two-electrode sensing interface. As such, it is representative classifier in [17]. However, the normalized score assigns the
of the state-of-the-art in EEG-based HW emotion classifiers. top place to the SVM-based SoC [17] due to its consistently
Their customized AFE uses a Capacitively Coupled Low Noise good performance in all metrics. A more detailed summary
Amplifier (C2LNA) followed by the 2nd stage of a Continuous- including the full technical specifications of the various designs
time, Digitally-Assisted Capacitively Coupled Instrumentation was already shown in Table III.
Amplifier (CTDAC2IA). The output of the IA is passed to a
low-pass filter with a cut-off frequency of 2KHz, then digitized VI. CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES
using an SAR ADC with 10-bit resolution. One design concern
In this section, we highlight two main challenges facing the
of the two-electrode interface is to reduce the on-resistance of
adoption of clinically-approved EEG-based emotion monitors.
the front end. This is done through a carefully designed parallel
The first is the absence of standardized, multi-modal, datasets
configuration multiplexer that is used to share one AFE between
for training, validating and benchmarking the HW emotion clas-
the two channels, thus resulting in more area savings. The
sification engines. The second is the interlock not just with the
acquired digital data is passed to the on-chip feature extraction
physio-psychological community but also with neuro-scientific
engine for subsequent use by the fully connected network (FCN)
community where functional studies of brain activities may
provide a more solid foundation to the EEG-base platforms
As is evident from the above review, the verification setup
for emotion classification. We also highlight a couple of re-
EEG-base HW classifiers requires a significant amount of effort,
search opportunities. The first one is short-term and is related
involving the design of reliable communication links, complex
to the leveraging of the latest ultra-low-power design tech-
mixed-signal front ends, and robust digital data paths. Given
niques for the design of medium-to-high complexity EEG-based
that a fully wearable, clinically approved, EEG-based solution
HW platforms for emotion classification. The second is to use
is still few years down the road, all the surveyed designs have
such platforms as tools in support of neuro-scientific research
received a score of 2 for their experimental setups, except for [12]
on neurological disorders, including Alzheimer’s, Autism, and
(ISCAS_a’20), which received a score of 1 due to its streamlined
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS).
environment with a mandatory external host to pre-process and
extract features.
A. Challenge: EEG Datasets
Comprehensive and high-quality EEG data is a key condition
G. Scoring of Surveyed Hardware Designs for the robustness of emotional recognition systems. In light of
In our assessment of the various EEG-based hardware de- this condition, available datasets are assessed to provide guide-
signs, we have considered a number of metrics, including: lines for closing the gap between existing EEG-based emotion
Wearability, Pre-processing, Feature Extraction, Classification, classifiers and next-generation, clinically-tested, robust classi-
Online Training support, Normalized Energy, Area, Latency, and fiers. The EEG-based datasets currently available for emotion
number of training types. Each design has received a score in classification of emotions include the following:

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1) Food, image-induced dataset for single-channel EEG TABLE V

emotion classification [221]. CLASSIFIERS
2) DREAMER: EEG and ECG database for emotion
recognition using low-cost, wireless, off-the-shelf sen-
sors. [150].
3) DEAP: This is an often-used database for emotion anal-
ysis using physiological signals [18].
4) SEED: A dataset using emotional movie clips as stim-
uli [113].
5) K-EmoCon: A multi-modal sensor dataset for continuous
emotion recognition in naturalistic conversations [222].
6) GAMEEMO: An EEG database for emotion recognition
P: Pictures. V: Video. A: Audio. VG: Video-games. S: Single Modality.
in the context of computer games. [223]. Subj: Subjects. M: Multiple Modalities. DS: Driving Simulation.
7) The listen and imagine dataset described in [224]. ∗
: Variable number per subject. ¶ : Below 250 s. †: Above 840 s
8) The driver’s affect dataset for autonomous vehicles de- Length‡ : Duration given in seconds
scribed in [82].
9) AMIGOS: A dataset for multimodal research on af-
fect, personality traits, and mood in individuals and the research exploration into only frequency-based features. In
groups [225]. contrast to the previously presented datasets, the data collections
10) The FEXD dataset described in [42], which is a merger in [82], [222], do not report any pre-processing applied to the
of DEAP and DREAMER augmented with 5 additional raw input data.
subjects monitored with 14-channel EEG helmets. The type of stimuli is another important element that has
Unfortunately, none of the above datasets have been clinically to be decided ahead of EEG data acquisition, and whose stan-
approved as a benchmark for validating EEG-based, wearable dardization is highly desired to define a clear path for merging
emotion classifiers for medical use. In particular, none of them and consolidating independent efforts. Normally, there are three
have collected data from patients suffering neurological disor- kinds of stimuli: aural, visual, and hybrid aural/visual. Table V
ders whose monitoring is one of the most relevant applications presents the variety of stimuli used in various references with the
of EEG-based emotion classification. It would be imperative visual stimulus approach being the most common. The stimuli
to involve such patients in dataset development as it would sources range from emotional or general movie clips and music
naturally lead to the development and deployment of more videos to social interaction, video gaming, and computerized
advanced and better-structured emotion recognition systems in driving, but are unfortunately not sufficient to define a common
both software and hardware. Furthermore, it is noteworthy that benchmark for advancing automatic emotion classification in
most of the currently employed EEG-based emotion datasets clinical applications. This is because the stimuli used are highly
are recorded in highly subjective environments, which of course subjective, and the classification results are difficult to replicate.
hinders their generalization. Besides the number of subjects and the duration of each
In addition, existing EEG datasets tend to be “sanitized” prior trial, subject ethnicity, occupation, personality traits [226], and
to their release. Whereas some form of signal conditioning physiological conditions need to be reported in the EEG datasets,
is highly desirable, excessive filtering may present the HW along with the full details of the experimental setup so as
platform with signals that are quite different from the EEG to be able to determine external influences if any [225]. One
waveforms that will be collected by a wearable device. It is particularly important detail is whether the recording has been
therefore important that raw EEG data be made available in the conducted in group or in isolation. Reporting such information
datasets along with full data acquisition information. will enable researchers to further explore generic classifiers,
Specifically in [18], [221], the EEG signals are passed through while the inclusion of a large number of subjects enables the
a filtering stage in which a band-pass Hamming window is application of Deep Neural Networks to emotion classification.
applied. The data in [223] makes use of a built-in Sinc fil- Table V ranks the datasets in a descending order based on the
ter to discard frequency components above certain threshold, number of subjects involved. Although having several subjects
eliminating artefacts related to hands, head, and arms motion. in the dataset does not necessarily imply a large number of
In [224], a high-pass filter is employed to remove bad event training samples, it does provide a quick categorization of the
codes and noisy channels from the raw input data. The dataset size differences among the datasets. The data collection in [42]
in [113] is down-sampled, band-pass filtered, and segmented has a large number of participants due to the frequency-based
according to the duration of each movie clip. Since the FEXD combination of DEAP [18], DREAMER [150], and in-house
data in [42] corresponds to a unified data collection of two experiments. However, despite having a large collection, [18]
publicly available datasets augmented with local experiments, only reports frequency-domain data, which limits its usefulness
it employs a three stage ICA-based artefact removal process, to research based only on frequency-domain features.
and a frequency conversion to deal with the heterogeneity of Another important aspect in EEG-based data collection is the
the data. Although the goal of the frequency transformation inclusion of reference sensors to provide anchor data points. Ta-
is to standardize data from multiple sources, it narrows down ble V shows the datasets using a single modality approach [221],

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[223], [224], in which only the EEG data is collected without any with stimulus intensity rather than its valence. Emotional stimuli
reference sensor, and those including a multi-modal recording activate the reticular formation and amygldala as well [232].
testbed composed by other sensors besides EEG, including ECG, The amygdala activation can be directly correlated with skin
facial video clips, peripheral physiological signals (e.g., EOG, conductive response measurements [233].
galvanic skin response, etc), and infrared spectroscopy [18], Of course, the involvement of deeper brain areas in the
[113], [150], [222], [225]. Of course from a modeling and processing of emotions poses a stiff challenge for their direct,
machine-learnin viewpoint, the higher the number of sensor non-invasive electrophysiological observation since only their
modalities, the better, as more robust pre-processing and classi- cortical correlates can be acquired. However, areas of the limbic
fication strategies can be explored. system control autonomic nervous system responses, that can
be quantified by measuring skin impedance, heart-rate, and
breathing frequency, among other vital signs [234]. In particular,
B. Challenge: Neuroscience Interlock these secondary markers have been used to quantify valence as
The research we have surveyed so far on the EEG-based early as 1993 [235]. Whereas such quantification techniques
emotion classification problem is engineering-focused. Such form a useful approach to the non-invasive monitoring of the
research is essential if we are to achieve tangible solutions with limbic system, it has however been noted that the secondary
a potential of being deployed in a clinical context. It is however responses are significantly influenced by factors besides the
biased toward existing technologies and may not be informed subjects emotional state [236].
with the latest advances in the neurosciences. In this subsection, From an electrophysiological standpoint, it is often over-
we approach the EEG-based emotion classification problem looked that autonomic responses can in fact be acquired as part
from a Neuroscience perspective with a hope of identifying novel of the EEG artefacts and are usually rejected as “noise” in the
approaches toward its solution. early feature extraction stages of the EEG signals. The EEG
In the early days of affective neuroscience, basic emotions artefacts contain the following autonomic responses:
such as anger, fear and disgust, have been treated as basic r Heart Rate: In the EEG signals, cardiac-related artefacts
affects that arise from the limbic system, comprising structures appear in amplitude and frequency ranges that are sim-
such as the thalamic nucleii, hippocampus, hypothalamus and ilar to those due to neuronal activity. They are however
the cingulate cortex [227]. This view has been particularly highly stereotypical and periodic, which facilitates their
supported by the finding that there are shared facial expressions identification. In order to separate these signals from EEG,
for these emotions independent of cultural context as was already methods such as Independent Component Analysis can be
postulated by Charles Darwin [228]. Based on the criticism employed effectively [237].
that subjectively, emotional states seem to be at times diffuse r Breathing Rate: It is well known that the respiratory fre-
and merge one into another, contemporary dimensional models quency modulates the spectral power of the alpha EEG
break down the emotional spectrum into two, sometimes three, band [238], which may allow the inference of breathing
elemental components that correspond with well understood frequency, and from the latter, the arousal state of the
signalling pathways within the brain-stem and cortex and whose subject.
combination give rise to emotional phenomenologies [229]. r Eye Blinking Rate: Occulomotor activity can be observed
Evidence from a variety of EEG and fMRI studies [230] on the frontal electrodes as muscle artefacts. Whereas some
points out that within these pathways, cortical structures are EEG databases tend to filter out this artefact, it is interesting
crucially involved in the processing of emotions, which opens to observe that the rate of eye blinks correlates with the
the possibility of an at least partial electro-physiological investi- sympathetic arousal of a subject [239], which may lead to
gation through non-invasive methods such as EEG and MEG. In a new secondary marker of emotions in EEG recordings.
turn, the fMRI evidence provides significant justification for the r Skin Impedance: Many commercially available EEG se-
noninvasive, wearable EEG-based approaches to emotion clas- tups include an electrode-skin impedance test in order to fa-
sification. Indeed, such approaches primarily acquire cortical cilitate the correct placement of wet electrodes. Wearables
signals. for continuous skin impedance measurements have also
Different authors have used a variety of terms for these been well researched by the affective computing commu-
elemental emotion components, and in this paper, we have made nity [234], [240]. In an EEG-based, emotion classification
use of the terminology proposed by [229], according to which system, they may provide important secondary information
the term valence describes the continuum between euphoria and that will significantly improve the accuracy of the emotion
dysphoria, thought to be originating in the mesolimbic dopamine inference engine.
system, and the serotonergic projections from the dorsal Nucleus One typical psycho-physiological paradigm for the investi-
Raphe to the Ventral Striatum. gation of autonomic responses is to “Startle” the subject with
An orthogonal component is arousal (also called Ap- an unexpected stimulus such as an acoustical burst of white
proach/Withdrawl or Behavioral Activation among several other noise. The intensity of the involuntary reaction to the sudden
terminologies). Arousal plays an important role in the formation stimulus is modulated by the emotional state of the subject. Even
of declarative memory where it seems to modulate the ability to EEG responses to startle-stimuli could be considered a form of
commit a given situation to memory. As shown in [231] by the sensory evoked potential [241] and find use cases in clinical
use of gustatory stimuli, amygdala activation directly correlated diagnoses of psychological disorders such as Alexithemia and

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Schizophrenia [242], [243]. The EEG reponses may also be used actively control performance and leakage by using 22FDX ABB
as a tool to estimate the emotional capacities of patients with designs in reverse bias configurations (conventional well) [260].
neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s. The latter designs result in extremely efficient implementations
Another important paradigm of the neuro-anatomical basis of with low to medium performance, as required for real-time bio-
emotion classification is to augment biomarkers in the frequency signal processing, and allows direct SRAM integration within
domain representations of EEG signals with the spatial informa- the ultra low voltage domain. It is worth noting that the winning
tion of cortical activity [244], [245]. The traditional spectral design (ZEN) of the 2021 German national competition on
decomposition into alpha, beta, and gamma bands is further “Energy-efficient AI system” in the ASIC category was such
analyzed in light of the frontal alpha-band power asymmetry a design, in which an ECG classifier based on gated-recurrent
between hemispheres, and the results are used to measure the units (GRU) has been implemented [202]. This ultra low voltage
activated approach/withdrawal responses. Following the 10/20 design paradigm is very much worth exploring for the classifica-
system, the electrode pairs F3-F4, F6-F5, F8-F7 are investigated tion of EEG signals as well. We believe that it represents a signif-
and their power spectral density in the alpha band (8–13 Hz) icant opportunity for achieving complex HW emotion classifiers
compared according to the IHPA given in Eq. (5). operating in the ultra low power domains with tightly-coupled
Whereas these approaches yield promising results [246], the cores to enable flexible pre-processing, and SRAM blocks fully
neurological basis that motivates the selection of electrode pairs integrated in support of adaptive and subject specific wearables.
in IHPA may need to be investigated further. It is clear that
the availability of a hardware emotion classifier that can collect
real-time EEG data as function of electrode placement and selec- D. Opportunity: Research Platform for EEG-Based
tion is bound to facilitate the investigation of the neuroscientific Monitoring of Neurological Disorders
research questions. The challenge already mentioned in VI-B regarding the inter-
In such context, EEG acquisition platforms should offer lock with neuro-scientific research can be turned into a signif-
the capability to log raw signals while enabling reproducible icant research opportunity as the ultra-low-power, near/supra-
electrode placement. This can be accomplished by using, for threshold EEG platforms may be used to enable the social
instance, optical markers on the electrodes to photographically integration and improve the medical treatments of those patients
document any deviation from the clinical 10–20 standard. More suffering from certain neurological disorders. Such opportu-
will be said on the use of the EEG hardware platform in neuro- nity is presented in the context of three important disorders:
science research in Subsection VI-D. Alzheimer’s, Autism, and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.
1) Alzheimer’s Disease: Despite the degenerative nature of
the disease, there is enough evidence to support that Alzheimer’s
C. Opportunity: Ultra Low-Power Hardware Design
patients are still able to identify and process emotions. Multiple
As already mentioned in Section III, robust System-on-Chip studies have been conducted to prove that the Alzheimer subjects
(SoC) solutions addressing the EEG-based emotion classifica- have a reasonable understanding of emotions [261]–[263]. As
tion problem opt for simple classifiers to meet a low-power presented in [264], Alzheimer’s patients in the moderate stage of
budget. The HW designs we have surveyed use traditional, the disease encounter difficulties only when processing second
low-power and power management circuit techniques, and the order emotion inferences as they require a cognitive process hav-
problem of trading off classifier complexity with more aggres- ing a representation in working memory of embedded clauses.
sive power reduction strategies is yet to be fully explored. Otherwise, the amygdala of the Alzheimer’s patient does not
The recent near/supra-threshold circuit design methodologies deteriorate, and as such, it remains an active agent in emotion
should enable such trade-off exploration under robust operation processing throughout the disease, even after the patient loses
conditions. The new hardware classifiers of emotions can now the language capabilities [265].
exploit near/supra-threshold designs to close the gap between a One attempt to classify emotions using SVM for patients
high-accuracy complex classifier and a stringent power envelop with Alzheimer’s is documented in [266], where functional
constraint. Although there are extensive research efforts to oper- magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is used as the brain com-
ate with sub-threshold voltages under process variations [247]– puter interface. The reported classification accuracy for pleasant
[259], the combination of low-voltage and robustness benefits and unpleasant emotions was reported to be 71% on average,
is achieved best in the near/supra-threshold region. reaching a maximum of 83%, which are the typical accuracies
New mechanisms, such as Adaptive Body Biasing (ABB) in displayed by healthy subjects in state-of-the-art emotion clas-
FDSOI technology [172], enable a highly controlled operation sification datasets. Despite the intrusive nature of fMRI, this
in the near/supra-threshold region, as it prevents the worst cases research confirms the presence and relevance of brain-related
from going deep into the sub-threshold regime. This ensures physiological markers in Alzheimer’s patients.
very reliable and robust designs with high yield and ultra-low 2) Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ASL): Functional mag-
voltages. These designs can still achieve reasonable performance netic resonance imaging (fMRI) has also been used to examine
while operating at ultra low voltages. This is in fact the case the brain activity of patients suffering from Amyotrophic Lateral
for forward designs (flipped wells) in the near/supra-threshold Sclerosis (ALS) under controlled emotion elicitation experi-
operation [170], [171]. Alternatively, complex hardware classi- ments. An analysis is conducted in [267] on the fMRI data of
fiers having for objective power consumption minimization, can volunteeers diagnosed with ALS while they were being exposed

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to visual stimuli from the International Affective Picture System Artefact mitigation strategies sometimes trigger additional
(IAPS) dataset. The two experimental sessions were recorded undesired effects such as the multipolar excursions caused by
with a time lapse of six months. An important conclusion of the application of high-pass filters [273] and that are commonly
the analysis is that the ALS subjects displayed lower arousal mistaken for neural activity [274], [275]. To address these prac-
levels after the six-month gap. This “history effect” is a good tical issues, the EEG-based hardware design must include low-
candidate for further EEG-based research as it could impact the cost but robust pre-processing techniques for “smart” artefact
development of reference data for the emotion classification of mitigation. As shown in Fig. 3, filter-based pre-processing does
ALS patients. not remove all artefacts present in the EEG data. Furthermore,
3) Autism Spectrum Disorder: The convergence of affective ICA-based techniques such as the one proposed in [12] are not
computing and autism has been recognized and explored in [268] entirely hardware friendly. Nor are they sufficient in themselves
and [269]. Early work on autism monitoring proposed multi- to deal with all artefacts. For instance, ICA is not effective in
modal affective sensing technologies to facilitate the socio- removing artefacts due to electrode-specific or sensor-specific
emotional integration of autistic patients [269]. The early de- sources as such sources cannot be suppressed linearly as in blind
tection of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in newborns is source separation or beam-forming techniques. [276], [277].
a key factor to avoid the irreversible consequences of ASD
during adulthood. However, the lack of an approved medical B. High-Resolution Feature Extraction
procedure has made the early diagnosis of ASD very difficult as
The concept of brainwave bands has been a useful model
the signs and symptoms are very much subject-dependent, and
for extracting frequency-domain features but is not entirely sup-
their severity varies from one patient to another. It is therefore
ported by solid neurophysiological evidence. The average power
important to develop subject-specific, custom neuro-feedback
in a single frequency band is normally assumed to be a represen-
systems to track socio-emotional responses to stimuli in real-
tative measure of the underlying activity. However, such measure
time. Although conventional EEG systems have been vastly used
has proven to be quite coarse, and future frequency-domain brain
for affect recognition in adults and children under controlled en-
activity models should be based on higher frequency resolutions
vironments, they are still short of providing day-to-day monitor-
and more fundamental, non-invasive approaches for capturing
ing because of their high cost, limited wearability, and subject-
brain activity. Besides the high frequency resolution, small fre-
independent training. In [15], a patient-centric, FPGA-based
quency windows may help better capture power excursions over
sensor is proposed that could be integrated into an inexpensive
the full frequency range. Furthermore, the inclusion of Cross-
and low-power EEG headset to furnish seamless signal recording
Frequency Coupling (CFC) features in the EEG-based hardware
that should facilitate the treatment of ASD patients. In [270],
classifiers of emotions represents an important alternative path
a deep-learning approach based on multi-modal sensing has
to wearable emotion detection with the potential to improve
been proposed to address patient-specific variations in autistic
robustness [155] and reduce memory footprint by focusing on
correlation graphs [157], rather than on the full raw EEG dataset.
Another improvement in the frequency-domain features is
VII. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE DIRECTIONS the systematic inclusion of spatial asymmetry as is done in the
10/20 EEG system (see “Spatial Features” in Section IV) and
This article has provided a comprehensive, up-to-date survey
its extension to other EEG electrode patterns, especially those
of hardware-based classifiers of emotions using EEG signals.
with a minimal number of electrodes.
The more widely researched software-based classifiers have
been used to identify the challenges and opportunities facing the
emerging hardware classifiers. In this final section of our survey C. Hardware Platforms With Tightly-Coupled Cores
article, we give recommendations for promising, high-impact The hardware designs we have surveyed have all been the
research directions in the area of EEG-based, wearables for subject of several engineering trade-offs, the most important
emotion classification. They are concerned with embedded pre- of which is the one trading off inference engine accuracy and
processing, high-resolution feature extraction, HW platforms complexity for low power and small footprint. The lightweight
with tightly-coupled cores, and multi-modal, cross-cultural EEG SVM classifier of [17] is an extreme example of such trade-
datasets. off, especially that the SVM inference engine has very limited
margin to adapt to changes in the subject’s emotional signaling
over time. Such changes are common in patients suffering from
A. Embedded Pre-Processing
neurological diseases in which their emotional capabilities are
As mentioned earlier, removing artefacts is highly desired in likely to deteriorate in the late stages of the disease [267]. On
single-mode EEG-based classifiers. Artefacts commonly mask the other hand, the designs of [16] (ISCAS_b’20) and [11] (JET-
interesting activity [38]. For example, power line noise obscures CAS’19) have successfully shown that some degree of adapta-
cortical activity around 50 Hz (or 60 Hz), whereas drifting tion is achievable with complex classifiers. Despite its modest
of electrodes interfere with slow cortical potentials. Ocular or complexity, the approach in [16] (ISCAS_b’20) presents an
myogenic activity can be interpreted as cortical activity [271], interesting combination of an embedded core with an ML accel-
especially if they correlate with external stimulation [272], erator that can provide sufficient margins to implement multiple
which is quite common in emotion-based experiments. DNNs with flexible feature extraction. However, both power and

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footprint are increased as a result of this added flexibility. One of such data and make it more usable for training and
promising approach to improve the trade-off between adaptation validation.
and energy efficiency is to compute the DNN inference within 3) Pre-processing library: The multi-modal data which
the accelerator, while keeping a tightly-coupled core within the would include EEG, visual, aural, temperature, pulse
low-power domain to achieve flexible pre-processing and feature rate, skin impedance, and breathing rate information
extraction as was done in [278]. The programmability of the low- need to be pre-processed to ensure consistency and re-
power core should provide the flexibility needed for adapting duce undesired interferences. So far, such pre-processing
the pre-processing needs to subject and environment variations has been fragmented with each research group em-
with the configurable accelerator ensuring short inference times ploying its own algorithms to pre-process data and ex-
without compromising wearability or power. Another promising tract features from the EEG sub-band signals. Algo-
direction is to combine such core-based platforms with network rithmic and pre-processing differences result in vari-
weight binarization [279]. ations in the training data. The multi-modal, univer-
sal datasets we are advocating should come with their
own standardized libraries of pre-processing tools so
D. Comprehensive EEG Datasets and Benchmarks as to insure input uniformity across all classification
Unfortunately, the field of EEG-based emotion classification platforms.
is still lacking a comprehensive EEG dataset where all stim- 4) Standardized benchmarking: It is important that the com-
ulation modalities are included. Existing datasets use at best munity adopts a set of universal benchmarks for evaluating
a very small number of multimodal signals with the machine emotion classification engines. Such benchmarks will be
learning engines limited to training and inference with those essential for validating the clinical use of EEG-based
signals only. Such restrictions on sensing modalities lead to wearable devices for emotion classification.
sensor biases that are detrimental to network training. Future
datasets for EEG-based emotion classification should have the
following characteristics:
1) Multi-modality: The dataset should cover a broader range In this paper, we have presented the very first critical review
of multi-modal markers to minimize the impact of sensing of EEG-based wearable classifiers of human emotions. We have
biases. surveyed their algorithmic foundations, their feature extraction
2) Universality: The dataset should be universal in that it methodologies, and their implementation details. We have also
should include subjects from various regions, ethnic back- assessed their performance based on a variety of metrics that we
grounds, occupations, and health conditions, in order to have condensed into a single score assigned to all the HW ac-
account for inter-cultural differences and similarities in celerators included in this survey. In addition, We have provided
response to emotion stimuli. a neuroscience-based analysis of existing hardware accelerators
The dataset that comes closest to the above two requirements of emotion classifiers and used it to map out several research
is [18], which unfortunately still needs a well-established pro- opportunities, including multi-modal hardware platforms, accel-
tocol to eliminate distortions during emotion elicitation. One erators with tightly-coupled cores, and pre-processing libraries
such distortion is the impact of trail timing and duration on for universal EEG-based datasets.
collected data. Indeed, [150] has shown that during an extended
period of trial time, the emotional state of a person may vary, REFERENCES
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Richard George (Senior Member, IEEE) received Sebastian Höppner received the Dipl.-Ing. (M.Sc.)
the M.Sc. degree in medical engineering from HTW in electrical engineering and the Ph.D. degree from
and the University of Saarland, Saarbrcken, Germany, Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, Germany,
in 2013, with a specialization Neural Engineering, in 2008 and 2013, respectively. He is currently a
and the Ph.D. degree in computational neurosciences Research Group Leader and Lecturer with the Chair
from the Institute of Neuroinformatics of UZH and of Highly-Parallel VLSI-Systems and Neuromorphic
ETH Zürich, Zürich, Germany, in 2018, for his work Circuits. He is the author or co-author of more than
on structural plasticity in neuromorphic systems. He 56 publications, and five issued and five pending
is currently a Postdoctoral Fellow with the Chair patents in below fields. His research interests include
of highly-parallel VLSI-systems and neuromorphic circuits for low-power systems-on-chip in advanced
circuits, Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, technology nodes, with special focus on clocking,
Germany. His aim of research is the creation of active and intelligent neuro- data transmission, and power management. He has experience in designing full-
prosthetic devices. His particular focus is in the creation of energy efficient custom circuits for multiprocessor systems-on-chip, like ADPLLs, register files,
computational architectures capable of processing electrophysiological signals and high-speed on-chip and off-chip links, in academic and industrial research
and forming electrical response stimuli within biohybrid closed-loop systems. projects. He is managing the full-custom circuit design and SoC integration for
more than 12 MPSoC chips in 65 nm, 28 nm, and 22 nm CMOS technology.
He leads the chip design of the SpiNNaker2 neuromorphic computing system
within the Human Brain Project. He was the recipient of the Barkhausen Award.

Christian Mayr (Member, IEEE) received the Dipl.-

Ing. (M.Sc.) in electrical engineering, and the Ph.D.
and Habilitation degrees from Technische Univer-
sität Dresden, Dresden, Germany, in 2003, 2008,
and 2012, respectively. He is currently a Professor
of electrical engineering with Technische Universität
Shahzad Muzaffar (Student Member, IEEE) re- Dresden. From 2003 to 2013, he was with Technische
ceived the B.S. degree in telecommunication engi- Universität Dresden, with a secondment to Infineon
neering from the Electrical Engineering Department, (2004–2006). From 2013 to 2015, he was a Postdoc
National University of Computer and Emerging Sci- with the Institute of Neuroinformatics, University of
ences, Lahore, Pakistan, in 2008, the M.Sc. degree Zurich and ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland. Since
in microsystems engineering, and the Ph.D. degree in 2015, he has been the Head of the Chair of Highly-Parallel VLSI-Systems and
interdisciplinary engineering from Khalifa University Neuromorphic Circuits with Technische Universität Dresden. He is the author
(Masdar Campus), in collaboration with MIT, Abu or co-author of more than 80 publications and holds four patents. His research
Dhabi, UAE, in 2015 and 2018, respectively. He is interests include bio-inspired circuits, brain-machine interfaces, AD converters,
currently a Postdoctoral Fellow with Electrical and and general mixed-signal VLSI-design. He was the Editor or Reviewer for
Computer Engineering Department, Khalifa Univer- various IEEE and Elsevier journals. His work has received various awards.
sity, Abu Dhabi, UAE. From 2011 to 2013, he was a Senior Development Engi-
neer with the ESD Division of Mentor Graphics, Lahore, Pakistan. From 2009
to 2011, he was a Design Engineer (Team Lead) with the Center for Excellence
in FPGA/ASIC Research, National University of Sciences and Technology, Jerald Yoo (Senior Member, IEEE) received the B.S.,
Islamabad, Pakistan. Since he joined the Masdar Institute, Abu Dhabi, UAE, M.S., and Ph.D. degrees from the Department of
in 2013, he has been a Graduate Research Assistant with the Abu Dhabi - Electrical Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of
SRC Center of Excellence on Energy-Efficient Electronics Systems (ACE 4 S), Science and Technology, Daejeon, South Korea, in
where he has been the System Design Lead of one of two ACE 4 S technology 2002, 2007, and 2010, respectively.
demonstrators. He is the author of more than ten refereed publications and book From 2010 to 2016, he was with the Department
chapters and is the inventor of five US patents (pending). His awards include the of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
Best M.Sc. Thesis Award at the Masdar Institute for the 2014–2015 academic Masdar Institute, Abu Dhabi, UAE, where he was
year and a third Best-Paper Prize at the 2017 Cyber Security Awareness Week, an Associate Professor. From 2010 to 2011, he was
New York University, Abu Dhabi Campus. also with the Microsystems Technology Laboratories,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge,
MA, USA, as a Visiting Scholar. Since 2017, he has been with the Department of
Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singa-
pore, where he is currently an Associate Professor. He has pioneered research on
low-energy body-area-network transceivers and wearable body sensor network
using planar-fashionable circuit board for continuous health monitoring system.
He has authored book chapters in Biomedical CMOS ICs (Springer, 2010) and
in Enabling the Internet of Things - From Circuits to Networks (Springer, 2017).
His current research interests include low-energy circuit technology for wearable
bio signal sensors, flexible circuit board platform, BAN transceivers, ASIC
for piezoelectric Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducers, and System-on-Chip
design to system realization for wearable healthcare applications.
Javier Acevedo (Student Member, IEEE) received Dr. Yoo is an IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Distinguished Lecturer.
the B.Sc. degree in electronics engineering from the From 2017 to 2018, he was also the IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society (SSCS)
National University of Colombia, Bogota, Colombia, Distinguished Lecturer. He was the recipient or co-recipient of various awards,
in cooperation with the Grenoble Institute of Tech- including the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS)
nology, where he coursed the M2 Master Program for 2015 Best Paper Award, the ISCAS 2015 Runner-Up Best Student Paper
the M.Sc. degree in signal processing and the M.Sc. Award, the Masdar Institute Best Research Award in 2015, and the IEEE Asian
degree in nanoelectronics systems from Technische Solid-State Circuits Conference (A-SSCC) Outstanding Design Award (2005).
Universität Dresden, Dresden, Germany. He is cur- He was the Vice Chair of IEEE SSCS United Arab Emirates Chapter. He is a
rently a Scientific Staff and working toward the Ph.D. Technical Program Committee Member of the IEEE A-SSCC, IEEE Custom
degree with the Telekom Chair of Communication Integrated Circuits Conference, and the IEEE International Solid-State Circuits
Networks, Technische Universität Dresden. His par- Conference Student Research Preview. He is also an Analog Signal Processing
ticular focus is in the design and implementation of hardware accelerators for Technical Committee Member of IEEE Circuits and Systems Society.
low-latency applications applied to the Tactile Internet.

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Frank H. P. Fitzek (Senior Member, IEEE) received Ibrahim (Abe) M. Elfadel (Senior Member, IEEE)
the Diploma (Dipl.-Ing.) degree in EE from RWTH received the Ph.D. degree from the Massachusetts In-
Aachen, Aachen, Germany, in 1997, and the Ph.D. stitute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA, in 1993.
(Dr.-Ing.) degree in EE from the Technical University He is currently a Professor of electrical engineering
Berlin, Berlin, Germany, in 2002. In 2002, he became and computer science with Khalifa University, Abu
an Adjunct Professor with the University of Ferrara, Dhabi, UAE. Prior to his current academic position,
Ferrara, Italy. He is currently a Professor and Head he was a Research Staff Member and then Senior
of the Deutsche Telekom Chair of Communication Scientist with the corporate CAD organizations at
Networks, Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, IBM Research, and the IBM Systems and Technology
Germany, and has been coordinating the 5G Lab Ger- Group, Yorktown Heights, NY, USA, where he was
many since 2014. Since 2019, he has been a Speaker involved in the research, development, and deploy-
of the German Research Foundation (DFG, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) ment of CAD tools and methodologies for IBM’s high-end microprocessors. He
Cluster of Excellence Centre for Tactile Internet with Human-in-the-Loop. In is the inventor or co-inventor of 50 issued US patents with several more pending.
2003, he joined Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark, as a Professor. He His current research interests include IoT platform prototyping, energy-efficient
has visited various research institutes, including the Massachusetts Institute edge and cloud computing, secure IoT communications, embedded digital-signal
of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA, VTT, Espoo, Finland, and Arizona processing, and computer-aided design for VLSI, MEMS, and silicon photonics.
State University, Tempe, Arizona. Since 1999, he co-founded various start-up He was the recipient of six invention achievement awards, one Outstanding
companies. He was the recipient of various awards, including the NOKIA Technical Achievement Award and one Research Division Award, all from
Champion Award and the Nokia Achievement Award. In 2011, he was also the IBM, for his contributions in the area of VLSI CAD, and in 2018, (with Prof.
recipient of the SAPERE AUDE research grant from the Danish government and Mohammed Ismail) the SRC Board of Director Special Award for pioneering
in 2012 the Vodafone Innovation Prize. In 2015, he was awarded the honorary semiconductor research in Abu Dhabi. In 2014, he was the co-recipient of
degree Doctor Honoris Causa from the Budapest University of Technology and the D. O. Pederson Best Paper Award from the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON
the Best Paper Award from the IEEE Conference on Cognitive Computing,
Milan, Italy, 2019. He is an Associate Editor for the IEEE TRANSACTIONS
ON VLSI SYSTEMS and was also on the Technical Program Committees of
several leading conferences, including DAC, ICCAD, ASPDAC, DATE, ISCAS,
VLSI-SoC, ICCD, ICECS, and MWSCAS. He was the General Co-chair of
the IFIP/IEEE 25th International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration
(VLSI-SoC 2017), Abu Dhabi, UAE.

Authorized licensed use limited to: PSG COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY. Downloaded on July 04,2024 at 16:39:10 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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