Grievance Report

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Id grievanceId User Name State Board PACS

1 112 100535 Jammu & Kashmir Regional Office Purmandal MPCS

2 110 100523 Jammu & Kashmir Regional Office The Bhambla MPCS
3 132 100548 Jammu & Kashmir Regional Office Dhora MPCS
4 134 100534 Jammu & Kashmir Regional Office Bagoona MPCS
5 186 100356 Jammu & Kashmir Regional Office The Ghari PACS
6 189 100339 Jammu & Kashmir Regional Office The Thalwal Parladhpur PACS
7 195 100535 Jammu & Kashmir Regional Office Purmandal MPCS
8 196 100401 Jammu & Kashmir Regional Office The Garkhal PACS
9 101 100468 Jammu & Kashmir Regional Office Aglidhar MPCS
10 111 100431 Jammu & Kashmir Regional Office Sudhmahadev MPCS
11 115 100415 Jammu & Kashmir Regional Office The Wanding MPCS Ltd
12 129 100547 Jammu & Kashmir Regional Office Pangdour MPCS
13 130 100393 Jammu & Kashmir Regional Office The Manwal PACS
14 131 100558 Jammu & Kashmir Regional Office MPCS DiggiManwah
15 133 100548 Jammu & Kashmir Regional Office Dhora MPCS
16 135 100542 Jammu & Kashmir Regional Office Kajjyal Bajawati MPCS
17 136 100557 Jammu & Kashmir Regional Office MPCS Sartingal
18 187 100579 Jammu & Kashmir Regional Office Assar MPCS Ltd.
19 188 100359 Jammu & Kashmir Regional Office The Sarote PACS
Module Name IssueType Status Created Date PendingWith PriorityType
ERP Support OPEN 12-04-2024 Software Support HIGH
ERP Change_Request OPEN 10-04-2024 Software Support NA
ERP Support OPEN 19-04-2024 Software Support HIGH
ERP Support OPEN 19-04-2024 Software Support HIGH
ERP Support OPEN 01-05-2024 Software Support HIGH
ERP Support OPEN 02-05-2024 System Integrator MEDIUM
ERP Info OPEN 03-05-2024 System Integrator MEDIUM
ERP Support OPEN 03-05-2024 Software Support HIGH
ERP Change_Request CLOSED 10-04-2024 System Integrator NA
ERP Change_Request CLOSED 11-04-2024 System Integrator NA
ERP Change_Request CLOSED 12-04-2024 System Integrator NA
ERP Support CLOSED 18-04-2024 System Integrator HIGH
ERP Support CLOSED 18-04-2024 System Integrator HIGH
Other Support CLOSED 18-04-2024 System Integrator MEDIUM
ERP Info CLOSED 19-04-2024 System Integrator MEDIUM
ERP Support CLOSED 22-04-2024 System Integrator HIGH
ERP Change_Request CLOSED 22-04-2024 System Integrator NA
ERP Change_Request CLOSED 02-05-2024 System Integrator NA
ERP Support CLOSED 02-05-2024 System Integrator MEDIUM
Expected Date Source
15-04-2024 Helpdesk
22-04-2024 Helpdesk
22-04-2024 Helpdesk
22-04-2024 Helpdesk
02-05-2024 Whatsapp
06-05-2024 Helpdesk
06-05-2024 Helpdesk
06-05-2024 Helpdesk
11-04-2024 Helpdesk
12-04-2024 Helpdesk
15-04-2024 Email
19-04-2024 Helpdesk
19-04-2024 Helpdesk
22-04-2024 Helpdesk
22-04-2024 Email
23-04-2024 Helpdesk
25-04-2024 Helpdesk
03-05-2024 Helpdesk
06-05-2024 Helpdesk

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