Asepsis Lab Theory 2

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Asepsis/Wound Care


NSG 101

u Asepsis
u Define asepsis.
u Discuss basic principles of surgical asepsis.
u Demonstrate application of sterile gloves.
u Demonstrate preparing a sterile field.

u Wound Care
u Demonstrate cleaning a wound and applying a dry, sterile dressing.
u Demonstrate applying a saline-moistened dressing.
u Definition

u Medical

u Surgical
1. All objects placed on a sterile field must
be sterile and kept sterile.
2. Sterile objects remain sterile when
touched by something sterile.
3. Sterile objects become unsterile when
Basic touched by unsterile, clean, or
contaminated objects or fluid.
Principles 4. Sterile objects become unsterile by
exposure to air.
5. Sterile objects are considered unsterile
when out of the nurse’s sight or below
the nurse’s waist.
Asepsis Wound Care.docx
Skills Check-Off
u Review order and/or plan of care and
gather necessary supplies.

u Assess/administer analgesics, as
needed, and assess for adequate pain
control before procedure.

u Perform hand hygiene. Provide


u Identify client.
Skills Check-Off

u Explain procedure to client.

u Place waste receptacle or bag in

accessible location.

u Apply PPE as indicated.

and Doffing
Skills Check-Off

*Apply clean gloves and remove old dressings.

*If dressings adhere to underlying tissue, moisten with saline to
loosen before carefully removing.
*Assess wound and/or dressing
u Appearance
u Drains
u Drainage
u Odor
u Use one sterile cotton-tipped applicator to measure
length, width, and depth of wound.
Wound Measuring Tools
Skills Checkoff Continued

u Dispose of dressing materials in appropriate container.

u Remove gloves and perform hand hygiene.

Prepare sterile field:

*Prevent anything that is not sterile from coming

in contact with that which is sterile.

*Maintain visual contact at all times.

*Avoid reaching across the sterile field with

unsterile objects.

*Keep sterile field at waist level.

*Using sterile technique, open supplies and
dressings. Sterile glove wrapper may be
opened and used as the sterile field for
Skills Check-Off supplies.
*Apply sterile gloves without contaminating.
Applying Sterile
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Clean the Wound:
Using sterile technique, cleanse wound using
sterile soaked 4 X 4’s from area of least to most
contamination, using one gauze for each

Dry surrounding skin with sterile gauze.

Do not touch any non-sterile surface with

gloved fingers.
Wound packing: STILL STERILE

Wet rolled gauze or 4 X 4’s with sterile normal saline. Squeeze

out excess saline from gauze, unfold, and fluff.

Gently apply moistened gauze by loosely packing into wound

bed. Use sterile cotton tipped applicator, as needed, to
gently pack folds into undermined or tunneled areas.
Do not touch wound with gloved fingers or
allow saline moistened gauze to contact
any non-sterile surface.

Ensure all wound surfaces are covered

with normal saline soaked gauze and
surrounding, intact skin is free of moisture.
*Apply dry, sterile gauze pads over saline moistened gauze in wound

* Place ABD pad over gauze.

*Remove and discard gloves.

* Secure dressing using skin-friendly adhesive.

Note date/time/initials (on tape) and place on exterior dressing.

u Clean up

u Remove remaining supplies. Position client with

side rails up, bed in lowest position, call light
within reach.

u Assess client’s tolerance of procedure.

u Perform hand hygiene

u Document procedure
Specific procedure performed

Time the procedure was done

Client’s response to care

If the client has a latex sensitivity or allergy

Any specimens or cultures obtained and sent

to the lab
size, color, drainage, odor
Condition of the healing status
wound sutures/staples intact
signs of infection
What would you document about this

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