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Information Technology
Class VII Marks: 60

I. Fill in the blanks (10 X 1 = 10)

1. The …… feature is particularly useful when you want to add all
the numbers in a row or column.
2. 1 nibble has ….. bits.
3. ……… language can be directly understood by computer.
4. The button that can be used to calculate the sum of number quickly
is …….
5. The ……… operator joins two or more strings.
6. All formulas in excel start with …… sign
7. The ……. returns the smallest value from the numbers in a range
of cells.
8. The language processor that converts high level into machine
language are ………. & ……..
9. …….. Software is computer software for which there are
restrictions on use.
10.The cell references contain the values to be used for calculation
passed to the functions are called ……..
II. Solve the following
a) Convert to Binary form (2 X 2 = 4)
i) 75 ii) 120
b) Convert to decimal form. (2 X 3 = 6)
i) 1110 ii) 1101 iii) 0111
III. Classify the following as application or system software
IV. Define the following (2 X 3 = 6)
1. Formula
2. Operating system
3. Assembly language

V. True/False (2 X 2 = 4)
1. Oracle is an example of application software.
2. The error result when a column is not wide to accommodate the
value is #value!
3. Data label is used to give heading of a chart.
4. The operators specify the type of operations you want to perform.

VI. Answer any 5 of the following (2 X 5 = 10)

1. What are the elements of a formula?
2. Define language processor and name the 3 types of language
3. Define column chart.
4. Define the following
a) Hardware b) software
5. Define function. Explain any 2 functions.
6. What are the advantages of high level language?

VII. Draw neatly the block diagram of classification of computer

software. (1 X 5 = 5)

I. Give the appropriate function

1. Calculating the total of Anitha’s marks
2. Selecting the minimum value of science marks.
II. What is the result of the following
1. Average(C3:C6)
2. SUM(B4:D4)
3. MAX(D3:D6)
III. Locate the cell address
1. 88 2. 90 to 96 3. 92
IV. Identify the error result:
1. #Name?
2. #div/0?


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