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Srl. HSCODE Description

Live fowls, species gallus domesticus
1 105.94 (chickens,capons), <= 2,000 Gm
Salmonidae, excl. livers and roes: Trout (Salmo
2 0302.11 trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss...)
3 0302.19 Other Salmonidae, excl. livers and roes
4 0303.39 Other flat fish, excl. livers and roes
5 0303.79 Other fish, nes, excl. livers and roes
6 304.11 Swordfish
Milk and cream of a fat content, by weight, not
7 0401.10 exceeding 1%
Milk and cream of a fat content, by weight,
8 0401.20 exceeding 1% but not exceeding 6%
Milk and cream of a fat content, by weight,
9 0401.30 exceeding 6%
Milk and cream in granules or solid or powder
10 0402.10 forms,<=1.5% fat content by wgt, bulk/retail
Milk and cream in granules/solid forms,no added
sugar/sweetening matter, of fat content >1.5% by
11 0402.21 wgt.
Milk and cream in granules/solid forms, of fat
content >1.5% by wgt, containing added
12 0402.29 sugar/sweetening matter
Other, nes, not containing added sugar or other
13 0402.91 sweetening matter
Other, nes, containing added sugar or other
14 0402.99 sweetening matter
15 0404.10 Whey
16 0405.10 Butter
17 0405.20 Dairy spreads
Other, fats and oils derived from milk (excl. butter
18 0405.90 and dairy spreads)
19 0407.00 Bird's eggs, in shell, fresh, preserved or cooked
20 0701.90 Potatoes
21 0702.00 Tomatoes
22 0703.20 Garlic
23 0710.10 Potatoes
24 0802.90 Other nuts, nes
25 0803.00 Bananas, incl. Plantains, fresh or chilled
26 0804.30 Pineapples
27 0804.50 Guavas, Mangoes, Mangosteens
28 0805.10 Oranges
29 0805.90 Other citrus fruit
30 0806.10 Grapes
31 0806.20 Grapes: dried
32 0808.10 Apples
33 0810.90 Other fresh fruits, nes
34 0813.40 Other fruits
Black tea (fermented) & partly fermented tea, in
35 0902.30 immediate pkgs<=3Kg
Other black tea (fermented) & other partly
36 0902.40 fermented tea
37 0904.11 Pepper, neither crushed nor ground
38 0904.12 Pepper, crushed or ground
Other fruits of genus Capsicum/pimenta,
39 0904.20 dried/crushed/ground
40 906.11 Cinnamon
41 0906.20 Crushed or ground
42 0907.00 Cloves (whole fruits, cloves and stems)
43 0909.20 Seeds of coriander
44 0909.30 Seeds of cumin
45 0910.10 Ginger
46 0910.30 Turmeric (curcuma)
47 1006.20 Husked (brown) rice
Semi‐milled/wholly milled rice, whether or not
48 1006.30 polished or glazed
49 1006.40 Broken rice
50 1105.20 Flakes, granules and pellets of potatoes
51 1507.10 Soya‐bean oil, crude
52 1507.90 Soya‐bean oil and its fractions
53 1513.19 Coconut (copra) oil and its fractions
Raw sugar not containing added flavouring/coloring
54 1701.11 matter: Cane sugar
Raw sugar not containing added flavouring/coloring
55 1701.12 matter: Beet sugar
Cane/beet sugar, chemically pure sucrose, containing
56 1701.91 added flavouring/ colouring matter
Cane/beet sugar, chemically pure sucrose, in solid
57 1701.99 form, nes
Lactose and lactose syrup: Containing by weight
>99% lactose expressed as anhydrus lactose,
58 1702.11 calculated on the dry matter
59 1702.19 Lactose and lactose syrup: Other
Glucose and glucose syrup, <20% fructose (excl.
60 1702.30 chemically pure glucose, liquid glucose)
Glucose and glucose syrup, containing at least 20%
but less than 50% by weight of fructose, excluding
61 1702.40 invert sugar
62 1704.10 Chewing gum, whether or not sugar‐coated

63 1704.90 Other sugar confectionery (excl. chewing gum), other

Chocolate ..cocoa, in blocks, slabs/bars, liquid, paste,

64 1806.20 powder, granular/bulk form, of a content >2 Kg
65 1806.31 Other, in blocks, slabs or bars, filled
66 1806.32 Other, in blocks, slabs or bars, not filled
67 1806.90 Other food preparations containing cocoa, nes
68 1901.10 Other food preparations for infant use, purs
69 1901.90 Other food preparations, nes
Uncooked pasta, not stuffed or otherwise prepared,
70 1902.11 containing eggs
Uncooked pasta, not stuffed or otherwise prepared,
71 1902.19 other
72 1905.31 Sweet biscuits, waffles & wafers: Sweet biscuits

73 1905.32 Sweet biscuits, waffles & wafers: Waffles and wafers

74 1905.40 Rusks, toasted bread & similar toasted products
75 1905.90 Other bread, pastry, etc., nes
Tomatoes, prepared/preserved otherwise than in
76 2002.90 vinegar/acetic acid, nes
77 2004.10 Potatoes
78 2005.20 Potatoes
79 2007.10 Homogenised preparation
80 2007.91 Citrus fruit preparations
81 2007.99 Other cooked preparations, nes
82 2008.20 Pineapples
83 2008.30 Citrus fruit
84 2008.92 Mixtures (excl. those of subheading 2008.19.00)
85 2008.99 Other fruit, nuts, .. prepared/preserved, nes
86 2009.19 Orange juice: other
Juice of any other single citrus fruit, of a Brix value
87 2009.31 not exceeding 20
88 2009.39 Juice of any other single citrus fruit, Other
89 2009.49 Pineapple juice: Other
90 2009.50 Tomato juice
91 2009.80 Juice of any other single fruit or vegetable
92 2009.90 Mixtures of juice
93 2102.10 Active yeasts
94 2103.20 Tomato ketchup and other tomato sauces
Other sauces and preparations therefor; mixed
95 2103.90 condiments/seasonings
Ice cream and other edible ice, whether or not
96 2105.00 containing cocoa.
97 2106.90 Other food preparations, nes
98 2201.10 Mineral waters & aerated waters
Waters, incl. Mineral/aerated waters, containing
99 2202.10 added sugar/sweetening matter or flavoured
100 2202.90 Other non‐alcoholic beverages, nes
101 2203.00 Beer made from malt
102 2204.10 ‐ Sparkling wine
103 2204.21 Other wine: ‐ In containers holding 2 L or less
104 2204.29 ‐ Other
105 2204.30 ‐ Other grape must
106 2205.10 ‐ In containers holding 2 L or less
107 2205.90 ‐ Other
Other fermented beverages (for example, cider,
perry, mead); mixtures of fermented beverages &
108 2206.00 non‐alcoholic beverages,
‐ Undenatured ethyl alcohol of an alcoholic strength
109 2207.10 by volume of 80% vol. or higher
‐ Ethyle alcohol and other spirits, denatured, of any
110 2207.20 strength
111 2208.20 ‐ Spirits obtained by distling grape or grape marc
112 2208.30 ‐ Whiskies
113 2208.40 ‐ Ram and tafia
114 2208.50 ‐ Gin and Geneva
115 2208.60 ‐ Vodka
116 2208.70 ‐ Liqueurs and cordials
117 2208.90 ‐ Other
118 2401.10 Tobacco, not stemmed/stripped
119 2401.20 Tobacco, partly or wholely stemmed/stripped
120 2402.10 Cigars, cheroots & cigarillos, containing tobacco
121 2402.20 Cigarettes containing tobacco
Cigars, cheroots, cigarellos and cigarettes, of tobacco
122 2402.90 substitutes
Smoking tobacco, whether or not containing tobacco
123 2403.10 substitutes in any proportion
124 2403.91 "Homogenised" or "reconstituted" tobacco
Salt (incl table salt & denatured salt), whether/not in
125 2501.00 aqueous solution; sea water
126 2523.10 Cement clinkers
Portland cement,white,wheth or not artificially
127 2523.21 coloured
128 2523.29 Other
Coal, whether or not pulverised, but not
129 2701.12 agglomerated: Bitumunous coal
Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous
130 2709.00 minerals, crude
131 2710.11 Light oils & preparations
132 2710.19 Other, Fuel oils
133 2712.90 Other mineral waxes and similar products, nes
134 2713.20 Petroleum bitumen
135 2806.10 Hydrogen chloride (hydrochloric acid)
136 2815.11 Sodium hydroxide (caustic soda): solid
Sodium hydroxide (caustic soda), in aqueous solution
137 2815.12 (soda lye or liquid soda)
138 2833.11 Sodium sulphates: Disodium sulphate
139 2836.20 Disodium carbonate
140 2836.50 Calcium Carbonate
Hydrogen peroxide, whether or not solidified with
141 2847.00 urea
142 2915.70 Palmitatic acid, Stearic acit, their salts and esters
Other wadding, gauze, bandages and similar articles,
143 3005.90 nes
Sterile surgical catgut, similar sterile suture materials
and sterile tissue adhesive for surgical wound
144 3006.10 closure;
145 3208.10 Paint and vernishes based on polyesters
146 3208.20 Paint and vernishes based on acrylic/vinyl polymers
147 3208.90 Heat sealable lacquers
148 3209.10 Paint and vernishes based on acrylic/vinyl polymers
149 3209.90 Other
Paint and vernishes and prepared water pigments of
150 3210.00 the kind used for finishing leather
151 3215.11 Printing ink: Black
152 3215.19 Other printing ink
153 3215.90 Other printing ink
154 3302.10 Of a kind used in the food and drink industries
155 3302.90 Other
156 3304.10 Lip make‐up preparation
157 3304.20 Eye make‐up preparation
158 3304.30 Manicure or pedicure preparation
Other beauty/make‐up/skincare preparations:
159 3304.91 Powders, whether or not impressed
160 3304.99 Other beauty/make‐up/skincare preparations, nes
161 3305.10 Shampoos
162 3305.90 Other preparations for use on the hair, nes
163 3306.10 Dentifrices
164 3307.10 Preshave, shaving or after‐shave preparations
165 3307.20 Personal deodorants & antiperspirants
``Agarbatti'' and other odoriferous preparations
166 3307.41 which operate by burning
Other preps for perfuming/deoderizing rooms, incl.
167 3307.49 odoriferous preps used during religious rites
168 3401.11 Soap, for toilet use (including medicated products)
Other soap and organic surface‐active
products/preps..impregnated, coated/covered with
169 3401.19 soap/detergent, nes
Organic surface‐active agents, whether or not purs:
170 3402.11 Anionic
171 3402.20 Preparations put up for retail sale
Other, organic surface‐active agents (other than
soap), surface‐active/washing/cleaning preps, nes:
172 3402.90 Detergents
Other preps, containing oils/oils from bituminous
173 3403.19 minerals
Other preparations, nes, for the treatment of textile
174 3403.91 materials,leather,furskins/other materials
175 3503.00 Other Gelatin, nes
Products suitable for use as glues or adhesives, purs
176 3506.10 as glues/adhesives, <= wgt of 1 Kg
Adhesives based on polymers of heading 39.01 to
177 3506.91 39.13 or on rubber
Other enzymes/prepared enzymes, nes; Enzymes
178 3507.90 (foodgrade)
Matches other than pyrotechnic articles of heading
179 3605.00 no. 36.04
Other plates & films, with any side exceeding 255
180 3701.30 mm
181 3703.20 Other, for colour photography (polychrome): other

182 3809.91 Finishg agents,etc.of a kind used in the textile indstry

Organic composite solvents and thinners, not
elsewhere specified or included; prepared paint or
183 3814.00 varnish removers.
184 3824.72
Other chemical products, residual products, and
preps of chemical/allied industries, incl.
185 3824.90 Chloroparafin wax
Polyethylene having a specific gravity of less than
186 3901.10 0.94
Polyethylene having a specific gravity of 0.94 or
187 3901.20 more
188 3902.10 Polypropylene
189 3902.30 Propylene copolymers
190 3903.19 Polystyrene: other
Poly (vinyl chloride), not mixed with any other
191 3904.10 substances
192 3905.12 Poly (vinyl acetate): In aqueous dispersion
193 3905.21 Vinyl acetate copolymers: In aqueous dispersion
194 3906.90 Other acrylic polymers, in primary forms, nes
195 3907.20 Other polyethers
196 3907.60 Poly (ethylene terephthalate) (P.T. chips)
197 3909.10 Urea resins; thiourea resins
198 3909.50 Polyurethanes
199 3912.39 Other cellulose ethers, nes
200 3912.90 Other cellulose and its chemical derivatives, nes
Rigid tubes, pipes and hoses: Of polymers of vinyl
201 3917.23 chloride
Tubes,pipes & hoses,not reinforced/otherwise
202 3917.32 combined with other materials,without fittings
Tubes,pipes & hoses,not reinforced/otherwise
203 3917.33 combined with other materials,with fittings
204 3917.40 Fittings
205 3918.10 Of polymers of vinyl chloride
206 3918.90 Of other plastics
207 3919.10 In rolls of a width not exceeding 20 cm
208 3919.90 Other (excl. rolls mentioned in 3919.10.00)
209 3920.10 Of polymers of ethylene
210 3920.20 Of polymers of propylene
Other plate,sheets,film,foil,strip of polyvinylchloride
211 3920.49 (PVC) film/Polyvinylidine Chloride (PVDC) film
212 3920.61 Plate, sheet, film, foil, strip, of polycarbonates
Plate, sheet, film, foil, strip, of poly (ethylene
213 3920.62 terephthalate)
214 3920.69 Plate, sheet, film, foil, strip, of other polyesters, nes
Plates, sheets, film, foil, strip, of cellulose/its
215 3920.71 chemical derivatives: Of regenerated cellulose
216 3921.90 Other plates, sheets, film, foil, strip, of plastics, nes
217 3922.10 Baths, shower‐baths, sinks and wash basins
218 3923.10 Boxes, cases, crates & similar articles
219 3923.21 Sacks and bags (incl. cones) of polymers of ethylene
220 3923.29 Other plastics sacks and bags (incl. cones)
221 3923.30 Carboys, bottles, flasks & similar articles
222 3923.50 Stoppers, lids, caps and other closures
223 3924.10 Tableware & kitchenware, of plastics
224 3924.90 Other household/toilet articles, of plastics, nes
Doors,windows and their frames and thresholds for
225 3925.20 doors
226 3926.10 Office or school supplies
227 3926.90 Other articles of plastic
Of a kind used on motor cars (including station
228 4011.10 wagons and racing cars)
229 4011.20 Tyres
New peneumatic tyres of rubber: Of a kind used on
230 4011.40 motorcycles
New pneumetic tyres of rubber: Of a kind used on
231 4011.50 bicycles
232 4011.99 New pneumatic rubber tyres: Other
Of a kind used on motor cars (incl. station wagons
233 4013.10 and racing cars)
234 4013.20 Of a kind used on bicycles
Trunks, suit‐cases,...similar containers: With outer
surface of leather/composition leather/patent
235 4202.11 leather
Trunks, suit‐cases,...similar containers: With outer
236 4202.12 surface of plastics/textile materials
237 4202.19 Trunks, suit‐cases,...similar containers: Other
Handbags,whether/not with shoulder strap,incl. with
handle:With outer surface of leather/composition
238 4202.21 leather/patent lthr
Handbags,whether/not with shoulder strap,incl. with
handle:With outer surface of plastic sheeting/textile
239 4202.22 material
Handbags,whether/not with shoulder strap,incl. with
240 4202.29 handle: Other
Articles of kind normally carried in the pocket/in
handbag: With outer surface of leather/composition
241 4202.31 lthr/patent lthr
Articles of kind normally carried in the pocket/in
handbag: With outer surface of plastic
242 4202.32 sheeting/textile materials
Articles of kind normally carried in the pocket/in
243 4202.39 handbag: Other
Other articles of this hdg, nes: With outer surface of
244 4202.91 leather/composition leather/patent leather or
Other articles of this hdg, nes: With outer surface of
245 4202.92 plastic sheeting/textile materials
Other articles of this hdg, nes: With outer surface of
246 4202.99 other materials
247 4412.1
248 4412.31
249 4412.32
250 4412.39
251 4412.94
Other plywood,veneered panels and similar
252 4412.99 laminated wood,nes: Other
253 4801.00 Newsprint, in rolls or sheets
254 4802.54 Weighing less than 40 g/m²
Weighing =>40 g/m² but <=150 g/m², in sheets with
one side <= 435 mm and the other side => 297 mm in
255 4802.56 the unfolded state
256 4802.57
257 4802.58
258 4802.61 In rolls
In sheets with one side not exceeding 435 mm and
the other side not exceeding 297 mm in the unfolded
259 4802.62 state
260 4802.69 Other paper and paperboard, other, nes
Toilet/facial tissue stock, towel/napkin stock
...perforated, surfacecoloured,
261 4803.00 surfacedecorated/printed, in rolls/sheets
262 4804.11 Kraftliner: Unbleached
263 4804.21 Sack kraft paper: Unbleached
Other kraft paper/paperboard weighing <=150
264 4804.31 Gm/M2: Unbleached
Sack kraft paper, creped or crinkled, whether or not
265 4808.20 embossed/perforated
266 4808.90 Other paper and paperboard, creped, crinkled..., nes
Paper & paperboard of a kind used for writing,
267 4810.13 printing or other graphic purposes: In rolls
Paper & paperboard .graphic purposes: In sheets
with one side <=435 mm and the other side <=297
268 4810.14 mm in the unfolded state
Paper & paperboard of a kind used for writing,
269 4810.19 printing or other graphic purposes: Other
Paper/paperbrd,used for writing/printg/graphic
purposes,with >10% fibre obtained by mech procesc:
270 4810.22 Light‐wgt coated paper
Paper/paperbrd,used for writing/printg/graphic
purposes,with >10% fibre obtained by mech procesc:
271 4810.29 Other
Kraft paper/paperbrd,excl. those for
writing/printg/graphics:Bleached uniformly,>95%
272 4810.32 chemical wood fibre ,wgt > 150Gm/M2
273 4810.92 Other paper and paperboard: Multiply
274 4810.99 Other paper and paperboard: Art card
Gummed or adhesive paper and paperboard: Self‐
275 4811.41 adhesive
Other Paper & paperboard coated,
impregnated/covered with plastics including
276 4811.59 tetrapack (excluding adhesives)
Other paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding and
277 4811.90 webs of cellulose fibres: Insulated paper/paperboard
278 4813.10 In the form of booklets or tubes
279 4813.20 In rolls of width not exceeding 5 cm
Cigarette paper, other than in booklets/tubes or rolls
280 4813.90 of width <= 5 cm
281 4818.10 Toilet paper
282 4818.20 Handkerchiefs, cleansing facial tissues and towels
283 4818.30 Table‐cloths and serviettes
Sanitary towels and tampons, napkins and napkin
284 4818.40 liners for babies, and similar sanitary articles
Cartons, boxes and cases, of corrugated paper or
285 4819.10 paperboard
Folding cartons,boxes and cases, of non‐corrugated
286 4819.20 paper/paperboard
Sacks & bags, having a base of a width of 40 cm or
287 4819.30 more
288 4820.30 Binders,folders and file covers
289 4820.40 Manifold business forms
290 4820.50 Albums for samples or for collections
Other articles of stationaery, of paper and
paperboard, nes, e.g. blotting‐pads, interleaved
291 4820.90 carbon sets
292 4823.61
Other articles of paper pulp/paper/paperboard...,
293 4823.90 nes: Glossine
294 4901.99 Other books
Trade advertising material, commercial catalogues
295 4911.10 and the like
296 4911.99 Other printed matter, nes
297 5002.00 Raw silk (not thrown)
Silk yarn (other than yarn spun from silk waste) not
298 5004.00 put up for retail sale.
299 5007.10 Fabrics of noil silk
Other fabrics, containing >=85% by weight of silk/silk
300 5007.20 waste other than noil silk
301 5007.90 Other woven fabrics of silk or of silk wasts, nes
Uncombed single yarn: Measuring <125 decitex (> 80
302 5205.15 mn) or >47.024 counts
Combed single yarn: Measuring =>714.29 decitex (<=
303 5205.21 14 mn) or <=8.267 counts
Combed single yarn: Measuring <192.31
decitex,=>125 decitex (> 52 mn,<=80mn) or >30.70
304 5205.24 counts,<=47.24 counts
Combed single yarn: Measuring <125 decitex but
=>106.38 decitex (>80 metric number but <=94
305 5205.26 metric number)
Uncombed cabled/multip yarn:Measuring per single
yarn <232.56 decitex,=>192.31 decitex(43.01‐52mn
306 5205.33 or 25.40‐30.70 counts)
Combed cabled/multiple yarn:Measuring per single
yarn<106.38decitex but=>83.33 decitex(>94mn
307 5205.47 but<=120mn per single yarn)
Uncombed single yarn,<85% cotton: Measuring
308 5206.11 =>714.29 decitex (<=14 mn) or <8.267 counts
Uncombed single yarn,<85% cotton: Measuring
=>232.56,<714.29 decitex (>14mn,<=43mn) or
309 5206.12 >8.267,<=25.39 counts
Uncombed single yarn,<85% cotton: Measuring
=>192.31,<232.56 decitex (>43mn,<=52mn) or
310 5206.13 >25.39,<=30.70 counts
Uncombed single yarn,<85% cotton: Measuring
=>125,<192.31 decitex (>52mn,<=80mn) or
311 5206.14 >30.70,<=47.024 counts
Uncombed single yarn,<85% cotton: Measuring <125
312 5206.15 decitex (> 80 mn) or >47.024 counts
Combed single yarn,<85% cotton: Measuring
=>714.29 decitex (<= 14 metric number, <8.267
313 5206.21 counts)
Combed single yarn,<85% cotton: Measuring
=>232.56,<714.29 decitex (>14mn,<=43mn,
314 5206.22 >8.267,<=25.39 counts)
Combed single yarn,<85% cotton: Measuring
=>192.31,<=232.56 decitex (>43mn,<=52mn, or
315 5206.23 >25.39,<=30.70 counts)
Combed single yarn,<85% cotton: Measuring
=>125,<192.31 decitex (>52mn,<=80mn, or
316 5206.24 >30.70,<=47.024 counts)
317 5207.10 Containing 85% or more by weight of cotton
Plain weave, weighing not more than 10 Gm/M2,
318 5208.11 unbleached
Plain weave, weighing more than 100 Gm/M2,
319 5208.12 unbleached
3‐thread or 4‐thread twill, including cross twill,
320 5208.13 unbleached
Other unbleached woven fabrics, >=85% cotton, wgt
321 5208.19 <=200Gm/M2, nes
Plain weave, weighing not more than 100 Gm/M2,
322 5208.21 bleached
Plain weave, weighing more than 100 Gm/M2,
323 5208.22 bleached
3‐thread or 4 ‐thread twill, including cross twill,
324 5208.23 bleached
Other bleached fabrics, >=85% cotton, wgt
325 5208.29 <=200Gm/M2, nes
Plain weave, weighing not more than 100 Gm/M2,
326 5208.31 dyed
327 5208.32 Plain weave, weighing more than 100 Gm/M2, dyed
3‐thread or 4 ‐threads twill, including cross twill,
328 5208.33 dyed
Other dyed fabrics, >85% cotton, wgt <=200Gm/M2,
329 5208.39 nes
Plain weave, weighing not more than 100 Gm/M2, of
330 5208.41 yarns of different colours
Plain weave, weighing more than 100 Gm/M2, of
331 5208.42 yarns of different colours
3‐thread or 4‐thread twill, including cross twill, of
332 5208.43 yarns of different colours
Other fabrics, of yarns of different colours, >85%
333 5208.49 cotton, wgt <=200Gm/M2, nes
Plain weave, weighing not more than 100 Gm/M2,
334 5208.51 printed
Plain weave, weighing more than 100 Gm/M2,
335 5208.52 printed
Other printed fabrics, >=85% cotton, wgt
336 5208.59 <=200Gm/M2, nes
337 5209.11 Plain weave, unbleached
338 5209.21 Plain weave, bleached
3‐thread or 4‐thread twill, including cross twill,
339 5209.22 bleached
Other bleached fabrics, >=85% cotton, >200Gm/M2,
340 5209.29 nes
341 5209.31 Plain weave, dyed
342 5209.41 Plain weave, of different colour yarns
343 5209.42 Denim, of different colour yarns
Other fabrics of 3‐thread or 4‐thread twill, incl. cross
344 5209.43 twill, of different colour yarns
Other fabrics of different colour yarns, >=85%
345 5209.49 cotton, >200Gm/M2, nes
346 5209.51 Plain weave, printed
Other printed fabrics, >=85% cotton, >200Gm/M2,
347 5209.59 nes
348 5210.19
349 5210.39 Dyed: Other fabrics
350 5211.11 Unbleached: Plain weave
351 5211.19 Unbleached: Other fabrics
352 5211.2
353 5211.31 Dyed: Plain weave
354 5211.42 Of yarns of different colours: Denim
355 5211.49 Of yarns of different colours: Other fabrics, nes
356 5212.11 Weighing not more than 200 Gm/M2: Unbleached
357 5212.15 Weighing not more than 200 Gm/M2: Printed
358 5212.23 Weighing more than 200 Gm/M2: Dyed
359 5212.25 Weighing more than 200 Gm/M2: Printed
360 5307.10 Single yarn, jute: Twist
361 5402.33 Textured yarn, of polyesters
362 5402.44
363 5402.46
364 5402.47
365 5402.48
Other yarn, single, untwisted/with a twist <=50 turns
366 5402.49 per metre: Other
Other yarn, single, with a twist >50 turns per metre:
367 5402.59 Other
Other single yarn: Of viscose rayon, untwisted or
368 5403.31 with a twist <=120 turns per metre
Other single yarn: Of viscose rayon with a twist >120
369 5403.32 turns per metre
370 5403.33
371 5403.39
372 5403.41
373 5403.42
374 5403.49
Other woven fabrics, contianing >=85% textured
375 5407.51 polyester filaments: Unbleached or bleached
Other woven fabrics, containing >=85% textured
376 5407.52 polyester filaments: Dyed
Other woven fabrics, containing >=85% textured
377 5407.53 polyester filaments: Of yarns of different colours
Other woven fabrics, containing >=85% textured
378 5407.54 polyester filaments: Printed
Other woven fabrics.... : Containing >85% by weight
379 5407.61 of non‐textured polyester filaments
Other woven fabrics, containing >85% non‐textured
380 5407.69 polyester filaments: Other
Other woven fabrics, containing >85% of synthetic
381 5407.71 filaments: Unbleached or bleached
Other woven fabrics, containing >85% synthetic
382 5407.72 filaments: Dyed
Other woven fabrics, containgn >=85% synthetic
383 5407.73 filament: Of yarns of different colours
Other woven fabrics, containing >=85% synthetic
384 5407.74 filaments: Printed
Other woven fabrics, containing <85% synthetic
filaments, mixed mainly/solely with cotton:
385 5407.81 Unbleached or bleached
Other woven fabrics, containing <85% synthetic
386 5407.82 filaments, mixed mainly/solely with cotton: Dyed
Other woven fabrics, containing <85% synthetic
filaments, mixed mainly/solely with cotton: Of yarns
387 5407.83 of different colours
Other woven fabrics, containing <85% synthetic
388 5407.84 filaments, mixed mainly/solely with cotton: Printed
Other woven fabrics of synthetic filament yarn, nes:
389 5407.91 Unbleached or bleached
Other woven fabrics of synthetic filament yarn, nes:
390 5407.92 Dyed
Other woven fabrics of synthetic filament yarn, nes:
391 5407.93 Of yarns of different colours
Other woven fabrics of synthetic filament yarn, nes:
392 5407.94 Printed
Woven fabrics obtained from high tenacity yarn, of
393 5408.10 viscose rayon
Other woven fabrics, containing >=85% artificial
394 5408.21 filament/strip/the like: Unbleached or bleached
Other woven fabrics, containing >=85% artificial
395 5408.22 filament/strip/the like: Dyed
Other woven fabrics, containing >=85% artificial
396 5408.23 filament/strip/the like: Of yarns of different colours
Other woven fabrics, containing >=85% artificial
397 5408.24 filament/strip/the like: Printed
Other woven fabrics, of artificial filament yarn, nes:
398 5408.31 Unbleached or bleached
Other woven fabrics of artificial filament yarn, nes:
399 5408.32 Dyed
Other woven fabrics of artificial filament yarn, nes:
400 5408.33 Of yarns of different colors
Other woven fabrics of artificial filament yarn, nes:
401 5408.34 Printed
402 5508.10 Of synthetic staple fibres
Containing >=85% of polyester staple fibres: Single
403 5509.21 yarn
Containing >=85% of polyester staple fibres: Multiple
404 5509.22 (folded) or cabled yarn
Other polyester yarn, mixed mainly/solely with
405 5509.51 artificial staple fibres
Other polyester yarn, mixed mainly/solely with
406 5509.53 cotton
407 5509.59 Other polyester yarn, mixed mainly/solely with other
Other synthetic yarn, mixed mainly/solely with
408 5509.92 cotton
409 5510.30 Other yarn, mixed mainly or solely with cotton
Containing >=85% of polyester staple fibres,
410 5512.11 unbleached or bleached: Grey unfinished fabrics
Containing >=85% polyester staple fibres, other (excl.
411 5512.19 unbleached/bleached)
Other woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibres, nes:
412 5512.91 Grey unfinished fabrics
Other woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibres, other
413 5512.99 (excl. unbleached/bleached)
Unbleached/bleached, of polyester staple fibres,
414 5513.11 plain weave: Other
Unbleached/bleached, 3‐thread/4‐thread twill, incl.
415 5513.12 cross twill, of polyester staple fibres: Other
Unbleached/bleached, other woven fabrics of
416 5513.13 polyester staple fibres: Grey unfinished fabrics
Unbleached/bleached, other woven fabrics of other
417 5513.19 staple fibres: Grey unfinished fabrics
Dyed woven fabrics: Of polyester staple fibres, plain
418 5513.21 weave
419 5513.23 Other dyed woven fabrics of polyester staple fibres
Other dyed woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibres,
420 5513.29 nes
Woven fabrics of different colour yarns: Of polyester
421 5513.31 staple fibres, plain weave
422 5513.39 Other woven fabrics of different colour yarn, nes
Printed woven fabrics: Of polyester staple fibres,
423 5513.41 plain weave
Other printed woven fabrics of synthetic staple
424 5513.49 fibres, nes
Unbleached/bleached, of polyester staple fibres:
425 5514.11 Other
Unbleached/bleached, 3‐thread/4‐thread twill,
incl.cross twill, of polyester staple fibres: Grey
426 5514.12 unfinished fabrics
427 5514.19
Dyed woven synthetic fabrics: Of Polyester staple
428 5514.21 fibres, plain weave
Dyed woven synthetic fabrics: 3‐thread/4‐thread
429 5514.22 twill, incl. cross twill, of polyester staple fibres
430 5514.23 Other dyed woven fabrics of polyester staple fibres
Other dyed woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibres,
431 5514.29 nes
432 5514.3
Printed woven fabrics: Of polyester staple fibres,
433 5514.41 plain weave
Printed woven fabrics: 3‐thread or 4‐thread twill,
434 5514.42 including cross twill, of polyester staple fibres
Printed woven fabrics: Of polyester staple fibres,
435 5514.43 other
Other printed woven fabrics of synthetic staple
436 5514.49 fibres, nes
Of polyester staple fibres, mixed mainly/solely with
437 5515.11 viscose rayon staple fibres: Other
Of polyester staple fibres, mixed mainly or solely
438 5515.12 with man‐made filaments: Grey unfinished fabrics
Of polyester staple fibres, mixed mainly/solely with
439 5515.19 other: Grey unfinished fabrics
Other woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibres, nes,
mixed mainly/solely with man‐made filaments:Grey
440 5515.91 unfinished fabrics
Other woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibres, nes,
mixed mainly/solely with other: Grey unfinshed
441 5515.99 fabrics
Containing =>85% artificial staple fibres,
442 5516.11 unbleached/bleached: Other
443 5516.12 Containing =>85% artificial staple fibres: Dyed
Containing >=85% by wgt of artificial staple fibres: Of
444 5516.13 yarns of different colour
Containing >=85% by wgt of artificial staple fibres:
445 5516.14 Printed
Containg <85% artificial fibres,mixed mainly/solely
w/man‐made filaments, unbleached/bleached: Grey
446 5516.21 unfinished fabrics
Containing <85% artificial fibres, mixed mainly/solely
447 5516.22 with man‐made filaments: Dyed
Containing <85% artificial staple fibres, mixed
mainly/solely with man‐made filaments: Of yarns of
448 5516.23 different colours
Containing <85% artificial staple fibres, mixed
449 5516.24 mainly/solely with man‐made filaments: Printed
Containing <85% artificial staple fibres,mixed
mainly/solely with cotton,bleached/unbleached:
450 5516.41 Grey unfinished fabrics
Containing <85% artificial staples fibres, mixed
451 5516.42 mainly/solely with cotton: Dyed
Containing <85% artificial staple fibres, mixed
mainly/solely with cotton: Of yarns of different
452 5516.43 colours
Containing <85% of artificial staple fibres, mixed
453 5516.44 mainly/solely with cotton: Printed
Other woven fabrics of artificial staple fibres, nes,
454 5516.91 unbleached/bleached: Grey unfinished fabrics
Other woven fabrics of artificial staple fibres, nes:
455 5516.92 Dyed
Other woven fabrics of artificial staple fibres, nes: Of
456 5516.93 yarns of different colours
Other woven fabrics of artificial staple fibres, nes:
457 5516.94 Printed
458 5605.00 Lumi Lurex yarn
Other carpets/textile floor coverings, of pile
construction, made up: Of man‐made textile
459 5702.42 materials
460 5703.20 Of nylon or other polyamides
461 5703.30 Of other man‐made textile materials
462 5801.10 Of wool or fine animal hair
Woven pile fabrics/chenille fabrics, of cotton, uncut
weft pile fabrics: Grey fabric containing >=85% by
463 5801.21 wgt of cotton
Woven pile fabrics/chenille fabrics, of cotton, cut
464 5801.22 corduroy
Woven pile fabrics/chenille fabrics, of cotton, other
465 5801.23 weft pile fabrics
Woven pile fabrics/chenille fabrics, of cotton, warp
466 5801.24 pile fabrics, 'epingle' (uncut)
Woven pile fabrics/chenille fabrics, of cotton, cut
467 5801.25 warp pile fabrics
Woven pile fabrics/chenille fabrics, of cotton,
468 5801.26 chenille fabrics
Woven pile fabrics/chenille fabrics, of man‐made
fibres, uncut weft pile fabrics: Grey unfin fabrics of
469 5801.31 man‐made fibres
Woven pile fabrics/chenille fabrics, of man‐made
470 5801.32 fibres, cut corduroy
Woven pile fabrics/chenille fabrics, of man‐made
471 5801.34 fibres, warp pile pile fabrics, 'epingle' (uncut)
Woven pile fabrics/chenille fabrics, of man‐made
472 5801.35 fibres, cut warp pile fabrics ..
Woven pile fabrics/chenille fabrics, of man‐made
473 5801.36 fibres, chenille fabrics
Woven pile fabrics/chenille fabrics, of other textile
474 5801.90 materials: Other
Terry towelling and similar woven terry fabrics, of
475 5802.11 cotton: Unbleached
Terry towelling and similar woven terry fabrics, of
476 5802.19 cotton: Other
477 5803
478 5804.10 Tulles and other net fabrics
479 5804.30 Hand‐made lace
480 5806.31 Other woven fabrics, of cotton: Other
481 5806.32 Other woven fabrics: Of man‐made fibres
482 5806.39 Other woven fabrics: Of other textile materials
483 5808.90 Ornamental trimmings in the piece...similar articles
Woven fabrics of metal thread and woven fabrics of
metallised yarn of heading no. 56.o5, of a kind used
484 5809.00 in apparel, as
485 5810.91 Other embroidery: Of cotton
486 5810.99 Other embroidery: Of other textile materials
Quilted textile products in the piece, composed of
one or more layers of textile materials assembled
487 5811.00 with padding by
Textile fabrics coated with gum/amylaceous
substances of a kind used for the outer covers of
488 5901.10 books or the like
Tracing cloth; prepared pointing canvas...used for
489 5901.90 hat foundations

With poly (vinyl chloride): Fusing interlining materials

490 5903.10 (textile material for stiffening cuffs and collars)
With polyurethene: Fusing interlining materials
491 5903.20 (textile material for stiffening cuffs and collars)
492 5906.91 Other rubberised textile fabrics: Knitted or crocheted
493 5906.99 Other rubberised textile fabrics: Other
Textile wicks, woven, plaited or knitted, for lamps,
stoves, lighters, candles or the like; incandescent gas
494 5908.00 mantles and
495 6001.10 Long pile fabrics
496 6001.21 Looped pile fabrics,of cotton
497 6001.22 Looped pile fabs,of man‐made fibres
498 6001.29 Looped pile fabrics, of other textile materials, other
499 6001.91 Pile and terry fabrics,of cottn,other
500 6001.92 Pile and terry fabrics,of man‐made fibres,other
501 6001.99 Pile & terry fabrics,of other textile materials
Knitted or crocheted fabrics: containing by weight
5% or more of elastomeric yarn containing rubber
502 6002.40 thread
503 6002.90 Knitted or crocheted fabrics: Other
Knitted or crocheted fabrics of a width <=30 cm,
other than those of heading 60.01 or 60.02: Of
504 6003.20 cotton
Knitted or crocheted fabrics of a width <=30 cm,
other than those of heading 60.01 or 60.02: Of
505 6003.30 synthetic fibres
Knitted or crocheted fabrics of a width <=30 cm,
other than those of heading 60.01 or 60.02: Of
506 6003.40 artificial fibres
Warp knit fabrics (including those made on galloon
knitting machines): Of cotton: Unbleached or
507 6005.21 bleached
Warp knit fabrics (including those made on galloon
508 6005.22 knitting machines): Of cotton: Dyed
Warp knit fabrics (including those made on galloon
knitting machines): Of cotton: Of yarns of different
509 6005.23 colours
Warp knit fabrics (including those made on galloon
510 6005.24 knitting machines): Of cotton: Printed
Warp knit fabrics (including those made on galloon
knitting machines): Of synthetic fibres: Unbleached
511 6005.31 or bleached
Warp knit fabrics (including those made on galloon
512 6005.32 knitting machines): Of synthetic fibres: Dyed
Warp knit fabrics (incl. those made on galloon
knitting machines): Of synthetic fibres: Of yarns of
513 6005.33 different colours
Warp knit fabrics (including those made on galloon
514 6005.34 knitting machines): Of synthetic fibres: Printed
Warp knit fabrics (including those made on galloon
knitting machines): Of artificial fibres: Unbleached or
515 6005.41 bleached
Warp knit fabrics (including those made on galloon
516 6005.42 knitting machines): Of artificial fibres: Dyed
Warp knit fabrics (incl. those made on galloon
knitting machines): Of artificial fibres: Of yarns of
517 6005.43 different colours
Warp knit fabrics (including those made on galloon
518 6005.44 knitting machines): Of artificial fibres: Printed
Warp knit fabrics (including those made on galloon
519 6005.90 knitting machines): Other, nes
Other knitted or crocheted fabrics: Of wool or fine
520 6006.10 animal hair
Other knitted or crocheted fabrics: Of cotton:
521 6006.21 Unbleached or bleached
522 6006.22 Other knitted or crocheted fabrics: Of cotton: Dyed
Other knitted or crocheted fabrics: Of cotton: Of
523 6006.23 yarns of different colours
Other knitted or crocheted fabrics: Of cotton:
524 6006.24 Printed
Other knitted or crocheted fabrics: Of synthetic
525 6006.31 fibres: Unbleached or bleached
Other knitted or crocheted fabrics: Of synthetic
526 6006.32 fibres: Dyed
Other knitted or crocheted fabrics: Of synthetic
527 6006.33 fibres: Of yarns of different colours
Other knitted or crocheted fabrics: Of synthetic
528 6006.34 fibres: Printed
Other knitted or crocheted fabrics: Of artificial fibres:
529 6006.41 Unbleached or bleached
Other knitted or crocheted fabrics: Of artificial fibres:
530 6006.42 Dyed
Other knitted or crocheted fabrics: Of artificial fibres:
531 6006.43 Of yarns of different colours
Other knitted or crocheted fabrics: Of artificial fibres:
532 6006.44 Printed
533 6006.90 Other knitted or crocheted fabrics: Other, nes
534 6103.1
535 6103.22 Ensembles: Of cotton
536 6103.23 Ensembles: Of synthetic fibres
537 6103.39 Jackets and blazers: Of other textile materials
Trousers, bib/brace overalls, breeches and shorts: Of
538 6103.42 cotton
Trousers, bib/brace overalls, breeches and shorts: Of
539 6103.43 synthetic fibres
Trousers, bib/brace overalls, breeches and shorts: Of
540 6103.49 other textile materials ...
541 6104.22 Ensembles: Of cotton
542 6104.23 Ensembles: Of synthetic fibres
543 6104.42 Dresses: Of cotton
544 6104.43 Dresses: Of synthetic fibres
545 6104.44 Dresses: Of artificial fibres
546 6104.52 Skirts and divided skirts: Of cotton
547 6104.53 Skirts and divided skirts: Of synthetic fibres
Trousers, bib/brace overalls, breeches and shorts: Of
548 6104.62 cotton
Trousers, bib/brace overalls, breeches and shorts: Of
549 6104.63 synthetic fibre
550 6105.10 Of cotton
551 6105.20 Of man‐made fibres
552 6105.90 Of other textile materials
553 6106.10 Of cotton
554 6106.20 Of man‐made fibres
555 6106.90 Of other materials
556 6107.11 Underpants and briefs: Of cotton
557 6107.12 Underpants and briefs: Of man‐made fibres
558 6107.19 Underpants and briefs: Of other textile materials
559 6107.91 Other: Of cotton
560 6107.99 Other: Of other materials
561 6108.11 Slips and petticoats: Of man‐made fibres
562 6108.19 Slips and petticoats: Of other textile materials
563 6108.21 Briefs and panties: Of cotton
564 6108.22 Briefs and panties: Of man‐made fibres
565 6108.29 Briefs and panties: Of other textile materials
566 6108.91 Other: Of cotton
567 6108.92 Other: Of man‐made fibre
568 6108.99 Other: Of other textile materials
569 6109.10 Of cotton
570 6109.90 Of other textile materials
571 6110.20 Of cotton: Jerseys as sports outfit
572 6110.30 Of man‐made fibres: Jerseys as sports outfit
573 6110.90 Of other textile materials: Jerseys as sports outfit
574 6111.20 Of cotton
575 6111.30 Of synthetic fibres
576 6111.90 Of other textile materials
577 6203.12 Suits: Of synthetic fibres
578 6203.19 Suits: Of other textile materials
Trousers, bib and brace overall, breeches and shorts:
579 6203.41 Of wool or fine animal hair
Trousers, bib and brace overall, breeches and shorts:
580 6203.42 Of cotton
Trousers, bib and brace overall, breeches and shorts:
581 6203.43 Of synthetic fibres
Trousers, bib and brace overall, breeches and shorts:
582 6203.49 Of other textile materials
583 6204.13 Suits: Of synthetic fibre
584 6204.19 Suits: Of other textile materials
585 6204.22 Ensembles: Of cotton
586 6204.23 Ensembles: Of synthetic fibres
587 6204.29 Ensembles: Of other textile materials
588 6204.42 Dresses: Of cotton
589 6204.43 Dresses: Of synthetic fibres
590 6204.44 Dresses: Of artificial fibres
591 6204.49 Dresses: Of other textile materials
592 6204.52 Skirts and divided skirts: Of cotton
593 6204.53 Skirts and divided skirts: Of synthetic fibres
594 6204.59 Skirts and divided skirts: Of other textile materials
Trousers, bib and brace overalls, breeches and
595 6204.62 shorts: Of cotton
596 6205.20 Of cotton
597 6205.30 Of man‐made fibre
598 6205.90 Of other textile materials
599 6206.10 Of silk or silk waste
600 6206.30 Of cotton
601 6206.40 Of man‐made fibre
602 6206.90 Of other textile materials
603 6207.11 Underpants and briefs: Of cotton
604 6207.19 Underpants and briefs: Of other textile materials
605 6207.21 Nightshirts and pyjamas: Of cotton
606 6207.22 Nightshirts and pyjamas: Of man‐made fibres
607 6207.29 Nightshirts and pyjamas: Of other textile materials .
608 6207.91 Other: Of cotton
609 6207.99 Other: Of other textile materials
610 6208.11 Slips and petticoats: Of man‐made fibres
611 6208.19 Slips and petticoats: Of other textile materials
612 6208.21 Nightdresses and pyjamas: Of cotton
613 6208.22 Nightdresses and pyjamas: Of man‐made fibres
614 6208.29 Nightdresses and pyjamas: Of other textile materials
615 6208.91 Other: Of cotton
616 6208.92 Other: Of man‐made fibres
617 6208.99 Other: Of other textile materials
618 6209.20 Of cotton
619 6209.30 Of synthetic fibres
620 6209.90 Of other textile materials
621 6210.10 Fabrics of heading No. 56.02 or 56.03: Other
Other garments of the type described in subheadings
622 6210.20 6201.11 to 6201.19
Other garments of the type described in subheadings
623 6210.30 6202.11 to 6202.19
624 6210.40 Other men's or boys' garments
625 6210.50 Other women's or girls' garments
626 6211.42 Other garments,women's/girl's, of cotton: Other
Other garments,women's/girl's, of man‐made fibres:
627 6211.43 Other
Other garments,women's/girl's, of other textile
628 6211.49 materials: Other
629 6212.10 Brassieres
630 6212.90 Other articles of this hdg, nes
631 6217.10 Accessories
632 6217.90 Parts
633 6302.10 Bed linen, knitted or crocheted
634 6302.21 Other bed linen, printed: Of cotton
635 6302.22 Other bed linen, printed: Of man‐made fibres
636 6302.29 Other bed linen, printed: Of other textile fibres
637 6302.31 Other bed linen: Of cotton
638 6302.32 Other bed linen: Of man‐made fibres
639 6302.39 Other bed linen: Of other textile materials
640 6302.40 Table linen, knitted or crocheted
641 6302.51 Other table linen: Of cotton
642 6302.53 Other table linen: Of man‐made fibres
643 6302.59 Other table linen: Of other textile fibres
644 6302.91 Other artciles under this hdg: Of cotton
645 6302.93 Other artciles under this hdg: Of man‐made fibres
Other artciles under this hdg: Of other textile
646 6302.99 materials
647 6303.12 Knitted or crocheted: Of synthetic fibres
648 6303.19
649 6303.91 Other than knitted or crocheted: Of cotton
650 6303.92 Other than knitted or crocheted: Of synthetic fibres
Other than knitted/crocheted: Of other textile
651 6303.99 materials
652 6304.11 Bedspread, knitted or crocheted
653 6304.19 Bedspread, not knitted or crocheted, other
654 6304.91 Other furnishing articles, knitted or crocheted
655 6304.92 Not knitted or crocheted, of cotton
656 6304.93 Not knitted or crocheted, of synthetic fibres
657 6304.99 Not knitted or crocheted, of other textile materials
658 6305.20 Of cotton
Of man‐made textile materials, other of polythylene
659 6305.33 or polypropylene strip or the like
660 6309.00 Worn clothing
661 6402.19 Sports footwear: Other
662 6402.99 Other footwear: Other
663 6403.19 Sports footwear: Other
Footwear with outer soles of leather, and uppers
consisting of leather straps across the instep and
664 6403.20 around the big toe
665 6403.59 Other footwear with outer soles of leather: Other
Footwear with outer soles of rubber/plastics:Sports
footwear;tennis shoes,basketball shoes,gym
666 6404.11 shoes,training shoes,etc.
667 6404.19 Footwear with outer soles of rubber/plastics:Other
Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition
668 6404.20 leather
669 6405.10 With uppers of leather or composition leather
670 6405.90 Footwear with other uppers, nes
671 6406.10 Uppers & parts thereof, other than stiffeners
672 6406.20 Outer soles & heels, of rubber or plastics
673 6406.99 Other parts of footwear, nes, of other materials
674 6813.2
675 6813.81
Tiles,cubes,similar articles,whether/not rectangular,
676 6907.10 the largest surface area <49 sq cm
Other unglazed ceramic flags and paving...whether
677 6907.90 or not on a backing
Tiles, cubes and similar articles, whether or not
678 6908.10 rectangular, largest surface area <49 sq cm
Other glazed ceramic flags and paving...whether or
679 6908.90 not on a backing, nes
680 6910.10 Of porcelain or china
Other ceramic sinks, wash basins...similar sanitary
681 6910.90 fixtures, (excl. of porcelain/china)
682 6911.10 Tableware & kitchenware
683 6911.90 Other household/toilet articles, of porcelain/china
Ceramic tableware, kitchenware, other household
articles and toilet articles, other than of porcelain or
684 6912.00 china.
Non‐wired sheets:Colored throughout the
mass(body tinted),opacified,flashed/having an
685 7003.12 absorbent,reflecting/non‐ref.layer
686 7003.19 Non‐wired sheets: Other
Glass,coloured throughout the mass (body
tinted),opacified,flashed/having an
687 7004.20 absorbent,reflecting/non‐reflecting layer
688 7004.90 Other glass
Other non‐wired glass: Colored throughout the mass
(body tinted), opacified, flashed/merely surfaced
689 7005.21 ground
690 7005.29 Other non‐wired glass: Other
Toughened (tempered) safety glass,of size/shape
suitable for use in
691 7007.11 vehicles,aircraft,spacecraft,vessels: Other .
Laminated safety glass,of size/shape suitable for
692 7007.21 vehicles,aircraft,spacecraft,vessels: Other
Other, unframed: Spherical and cylindrical mirror
693 7009.91 only for Laboratory use
694 7009.92 Other
Other Carboys, bottles, flasks, jars, pots, phials,
695 7010.90 ampoules and othercontainers, of glass
696 7011.10 For electric lighting: Lamp shell
697 7013.28
698 7013.37
699 7013.49
700 7117.90 Other imitation jewellery, nes
Other, in coils, not further worked than hot‐rolled,
701 7208.27 pickled: Of thickness of less than 1.66 mm
Other, in coils, not further worked than hot‐rolled:
Of thickness of 4.75 mm or more but not exceeding
702 7208.37 10 mm
Other, in coils, not further worked than hot‐rolled:
703 7208.38 Of thickness of 3 mm or more but less than 4.75 mm
704 7208.39 Other, in coils, not further worked than hot‐rolled
In coils, not further worked than cold‐rolled (cold‐
reduced): Of a thickness of 0.5 mm or more but not
705 7209.17 exceeding 1 mm
In coils, not further worked than cold‐rolled (cold‐
706 7209.18 reduced): Of a thickness less than 0.5 mm
Plated or coated with tin: Of thickness of less than
707 7210.12 0.5 mm
Plated or coated with aluminium: Plated or coated
708 7210.61 with aluminium‐zinc alloys
Not further worked than cold‐rolled (cold‐reduced):
709 7211.29 Other: Reed frame steel strips
Wire of iron or non‐alloy steel: Not plated or coated,
710 7217.10 whether or not polished
Wire of iron or non‐alloy steel: Plated or coated with
711 7217.20 zinc
712 7302.10 Rails
Other railway/tramway track construction material
713 7302.90 of iron/steel, nes
714 7304.11
715 7304.24
716 7306.11
Other, welded, of circular cross‐section, of iron or
717 7306.30 non‐alloy steel: ERW pipes and Stainless Shafting
Other,welded,of circular cross‐section, stainless
718 7306.40 steel: ERW pipes and Stainless Shafting
Other, welded, of circular cross‐section, of other
719 7306.50 alloy steel: Other
720 7306.61
Other tubes, pipes and hollow profiles, of iron/steel
721 7306.90 (open seam/welded, riveted/similarly closed), nes
Other, other than of stainless steel/cast fittings:
722 7307.92 Threaded elbows,bends, sleeves
723 7308.20 Towers and lattice masts
Other structures and parts of structures, of iron or
724 7308.90 steel, nes
725 7312.10 Stranded wire, ropes and cables
726 7318.12 Threaded articles: Other wood screws
Threaded articles: Other screws and bolts, whether
727 7318.15 or not with their nuts/washers
728 7318.16 Threaded articles: Nuts
729 7318.19 Threaded articles: Other
730 7318.22 Non‐threaded articles: Other washers
Table, kitchen or other household articles and parts
731 7323.91 thereof: Of cast iron, not enamelled
Table, kitchen or other household articles and parts
732 7323.92 thereof: Of cast iron, enamelled
Table,kitchen/other household articles and parts
733 7323.93 thereof:Of stainless steel‐other
Table/kitchen/h‐hold articles,parts thereof:Of
734 7323.94 iron(not cast iron)/steel,enamelled‐‐other
735 7323.99 Table/kitchen/h‐hold articles,parts thereof
736 7324.10 Sinks and wash basins, of stainless steel
737 7324.21 Baths: Of cast iron, whether or not enamelled
738 7324.29 Baths: Other
739 7324.90 Other, incl. parts: Other
740 7325.99 Other: Other‐‐Not further worked
741 7326.19 Forged or stamped, but not further worked: Other
742 7326.90 Other
Of copper alloys: Of copper‐zinc base alloys‐‐Hollow
743 7407.21 bars
Of refined copper: Of which the maximum cross‐
744 7408.11 sectional dimension is >6mm
Table,kitchen or other household articles......and the
745 7418.19 like: Other
746 7418.20 Sanitary ware & parts thereof
747 7606.12 Rectangular (incl square): Of aluminium alloys
Aluminium foil, not backed,rolled but not further
748 7607.11 worked
749 7607.19 Other, not backed, (further worked)
750 7607.20 Aluminium foil, backed with materials or paper
Doors, windows and their frames and thresholds for
751 7610.10 doors
752 7610.90 Other aluminium articles under this hdg, nes
753 7614.10 With steel core
754 7614.90 With steel core, other: Other
Tables, kitchen or other household.......and the like:
Pot scourers and scouring or polishing pads, gloves
755 7615.11 and the like
Tables, kitchen or other household.......and the like:
756 7615.19 Other
757 7615.20 Sanitary ware and parts thereof
758 8201.30 Mattocks, picks, hoes & rakes
759 8211.91 Table knives having fixed blades
760 8211.92 Other knives having fixed blades
761 8211.93 Knives having other than fixed blades
762 8211.94 Blades
763 8211.95 Handles of base metal
764 8212.10 Razors
Safety razor blades, incl. razor blade blanks in strips:
765 8212.20 Stainless steel blades
Scissors, tailors' shears and similar shears and blades
766 8213.00 therefor
Paper knives, letter openers, erasing knives, pencil
767 8214.10 sharpeners and blades therefor
Manicure or pedicure sets and instruments (incl. nail
768 8214.20 files)
769 8214.90 Other articles of cutlery, nes
Sets of assorted articles containing at least one
770 8215.10 article plated with precious metal
771 8215.20 Other sets of assorted articles
772 8215.99 Other articles under this hdg, nes
773 8301.10 Padlocks
774 8301.20 Locks of a kind used for motor vehicles
775 8301.30 Locks of a kind used for furniture
776 8301.40 Other locks
777 8301.50 Clasps and frames with clasps, incorporating locks
778 8301.60 Parts
779 8301.70 Keys presented separately
780 8302.10 Hinges
781 8305.10 Fittings for loose‐leaf binders or files
782 8305.20 Staples in strips
783 8305.90 Other, including parts
784 8306.10 Bells, gongs, and the like
Statuettes and other ornaments: Plated with
785 8306.21 precious metal
Statuettes and other ornaments: Ornamental plate
786 8306.29 for electrical and electronic goods
787 8306.30 Photograph, picture or similar frames; mirrors
788 8309.10 Crown corks
Sign‐plates, name‐plates, address‐plates and similar
plates, numbers, letters and other symbols, of base
789 8310.00 metal,
Reciprocating piston engines of a kind used for
propulsion of vehicles of Ch.87: Of a cylinder
790 8407.34 capacity >1000 cc
Engines of a kind used for the propulsion of vehicles
of hdg Nos.87.02 and 87.04 of cylinder capacity
791 8408.20 >=2600 cc
Fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for
792 8413.30 internal combustion piston engines
793 8414.20 Hand or foot operated air pumps
Table/floor/wall/window/ceiling/roof fans,with self‐
contain elec.motor,output<=125W: Domestic room
794 8414.51 fans
795 8414.90 Parts
Windows/wall type, self‐contained or "split system",
796 8415.10 requiring more than 10 bhp
Other,incorporating refrigerating unit & a valve for
reversal of cooling/heat cycle: Requiring for
797 8415.81 operation <=3 bhp
Other, incorporating a refrigerating unit: Requiring
798 8415.82 for their operation <=3 bhp,
799 8415.83 Not incorporating a refrigerating unit: Other
800 8415.90 Parts of air conditioning machines
Combined refrigerator‐freezers, fitted with separate
801 8418.10 external doors
Refrigerator, household‐type: Compression‐type‐‐
802 8418.21 Other
803 8418.29 Refrigerator, household‐type: Other‐
804 8418.30 Freezers of the chest type, <=800 L capacity
805 8418.40 Freezers of the upright type, <=900 L capacity:
Refrigerating/freezing display
counters,cabinets,display counters,showcases and
806 8418.50 similar refrigerating/freezing furniture
Other refrigerating/freezing equipment; heat pumps:
807 8418.69 Other
Filtering/purifying machinery and apparatus for
gases: Intake air filters for internal combustion
808 8421.31 engines
Sewing machines of the household type: Non‐electric
809 8452.10 .
Other appliances: Inner‐tube valves for bicycles and
810 8481.80 cycle rickshaws
811 8482.10 Ball bearings
Other transformers: Having a power handling
capacity >1 kVA,<=16 kVA (incl. UPS for
812 8504.32 computers/other uses) ..
Other transformers: Having a power handling
813 8504.33 capacity >16 kVA,<=500 kVA
Primary cells and primary batteries: Manganese
814 8506.10 dioxide: Dry cells
Primary cells and primary batteries: Other primary
815 8506.80 cells and primary batteries
816 8507.10 Lead‐acid, of a kind used for starting piston engines
817 8507.20 Other lead‐acid accumulators
818 8507.80 Other accumulators
Parts of electric accumulators, including separators
819 8507.90 therefor, whether or not rectangular: Separator
Food grinders & mixers; fruit or vegetable juice
820 8509.40 extractors
821 8513.10 Lamps
Telephone sets; videophones: Line telephone sets
822 8517.11 with cordless handsets
823 8517.12
824 8517.69
825 8517.7
826 8519.2
827 8519.3
828 8519.5
829 8519.81
830 8519.89
831 8521.1
832 8521.9
833 8523.21
834 8523.29
835 8523.4
836 8523.51
837 8523.8
838 8525.8
839 8527.91
840 8527.92
841 8527.99
842 8528.49
843 8528.59
844 8528.69
845 8528.71
846 8528.72
847 8528.73
Other parts suitable solely/principally with apparatus
848 8529.90 of hdgs Nos.85.25 to 85.28
849 8535.10 Fuses
850 8535.9
851 8536.1
852 8536.2
853 8536.5
854 8536.69
855 8536.7
856 8536.9
Other filament lamps,excl. ultra‐voilet/infra‐red
lamps: Tungsten halogen‐‐for use in labs or
857 8539.21 operation theatres
Other filament lamps,excl. ultra‐violet/infra‐red
858 8539.22 lamps: Of power <=200W,voltage >100V‐‐Other
Discharge lamps, other than ultra‐violet lamps:
859 8539.31 Fluorescent hot cathode
Discharge lamps, other than ultra‐violet lamps:
Mercury or sodium vapour lamps; metal halide
860 8539.32 lamps: Other
Discharge lamps, other than ultra‐violet lamps: Other
861 8539.39 (incl. sodium lamp)
Cathode‐ray television picture tubes, including video
862 8540.11 cathode ray tubes: Colour .
863 8544.11 Winding wire: of Copper
864 8544.19 Winding wire
865 8544.20 Co‐axial cable and other co‐axial electric conductors
866 8544.4
867 8544.49
Other electric conductors,for a voltage exceeding
868 8544.60 1000 V
869 8545.11 Electrodes,of kind used for furnaces
870 8545.19 Electrodes, other
871 8545.20 Brushes
Lamp carbons, battery carbons, and other
872 8545.90 articles...for electrical purposes, nes
873 8546.2
Compressn‐ignition internal combustion piston
874 8702.10 engine (diesel/semi‐diesel)
Other public‐transport type passenger motor
875 8702.90 vehicles, nes
Motor cars, including station wagons built on car
876 8703.21 chassis, upto 1000 cc
877 8703.22 Vehicles of cylinder capacity 1001‐1500 cc
878 8703.23 Vehicles: 1501‐3000 cc
879 8703.24 Vehicles: >3000 cc
880 8703.31 Vehicles, diesel/semi‐diesel: <=1500 cc
Vehicles, diesel/semi‐diesel, of cylinder capacity
881 8703.32 1501‐2500 cc
882 8703.33 Vehicles, diesel/semi‐diesel: >2500 cc
883 8703.90 Vehicles
884 8704.10 Dumpers designed for off‐highway use
Motor vehicles for transport goods, g.v.w. <= 5
885 8704.21 tonnes: Trucks
Motor vehicles for transport goods, g.v.w. > 5 tonnes
886 8704.22 and <=20 tonnes: Pick‐up
Motor vehicles for transport goods, g.v.w. <= 5
887 8704.31 tonnes: Trucks
Motor vehicles for transport goods, g.v.w. > 5
888 8704.32 tonnes: Refer vans and Insulated road milk tanker
Motor vehicles for transport goods, Other, nes: Refer
889 8704.90 vans and Insulated road milk tanker
Chassis fitted with engines, for the motor vehicles of
890 8706.00 headings Nos. 87.01‐87.05
Bodies (including cabs): For the vehicles of heading
891 8707.90 No. 87.01‐87.05
892 8708.29
893 8708.3
894 8708.40 Gear boxes
Drive‐axles with differential, whether or not
895 8708.50 provided with other transmission components
896 8708.70 Road wheels and parts & accessories thereof
897 8708.80 Suspension shock‐absorbers
898 8708.91 Other parts and accessories, radiators
899 8708.93 Clutches and parts thereof
900 8708.99 Other parts and accessories, nes
With reciprocating internal combustion piston
901 8711.10 engine, <=50 cc
With reciprocating internal combustion piston
902 8711.20 engine, 51‐250 cc
With reciprocating internal combustion piston
903 8711.30 engine, 251‐500 cc
With reciprocating internal combustion piston
904 8711.40 engine, 501‐800 cc
Other with engines excl. reciprocating internal
905 8711.90 combustion piston engine
Bicycles and other cycles (including delivery tricycle);
906 8712.00 not motorised
907 8714.19 Motor cycle (including moped) parts: other
Other parts and accessories: Frames and forks, and
908 8714.91 parts thereof
909 8714.92 Other parts and accessories: Wheel rims and spokes
Other parts and accessories:Hubs,excl. coaster
910 8714.93 hubs,hub brakes,free‐wheel sprocket‐wheels
Parts/accessories:Brakes,incl. coaster braking
911 8714.94 hubs,hub brakes,and parts thereof
912 8714.95 Parts/accessories: Saddles
Parts/accessories: Pedals and crank‐gear, and parts
913 8714.96 thereof
914 8714.99 Parts and accesories: Other, nes
915 9003.11 Frames and mountings, of plastics
916 9003.19 Frames & mountings, of other materials
917 9004.10 Sunglasses
Other spectacles, goggles and the like, corrective,
918 9004.90 protective, nes
Syringes, needles, catheters, cannulae and the like:
919 9018.39 Other
920 9028.30 Electricity meters: Other
921 9032.89
Wrist‐watches,electrically operated,....incorporating
922 9101.11 a stop‐watch facility
Wrist‐watches,electrically operated,....a stop‐watch
923 9101.19 facility: With other display
Other wrist watches,whether/not incorporating
924 9101.29 stop‐watch facility
925 9101.91 Other wrist watches, battery/accumulator powered
Wrist watches,battery/accumulator
926 9102.11 powered,wheth/not incorporating stop‐watch facility
927 9102.12 With opto‐electronic display only
Other wrist‐watches,wheth/not incorporating stop‐
928 9102.21 watch facility,with automatic winding
929 9103.10 Electrically operated
930 9103.90 Clocks with watch movements, other
931 9105.11 Alarm clocks: Electrically operated
932 9105.19 Alarm clocks: Other
933 9105.21 Wall clocks: Electrically operated
934 9105.29 Wall clocks: Other
935 9105.91 Other clocks: Electrically operated
936 9105.99 Other clocks, nes
937 9401.20 Seats of a kind used for motor vehicles
938 9401.59
939 9401.61 Other seats, with wooden frames: Upholstered
940 9401.69 Other seats, with wooden frames: Other
941 9401.71 Other seats, with metal frames: Upholstered
942 9401.79 Other seats, with metal frames: Other
943 9401.80 Other seats, nes
944 9401.90 Parts of seats..., nes
945 9403.10 Metal furniture used in offices
946 9403.20 Other metal furniture
947 9403.30 Wooden furniture of a kind used in offices
948 9403.40 Wooden furniture of a kind used in the kitchen
949 9403.50 Wooden furniture of a kind used in the bedroom
950 9403.60 Other wooden furniture
951 9403.70 Furniture of plastics
952 9403.81
953 9403.89
954 9403.90 Parts of furniture
955 9404.10 Mattress supports
956 9404.29 Mattresses: of other materials
957 9404.90 Other articles of bedding and similar furnishing, nes
Chandeliers and other electric ceiling/wall lighting
fittings,excl those for lighting public open
958 9405.10 spaces/thorough‐fares
959 9405.20 Electric table, desk, bedside or floor standing lamps
960 9405.40 Other electric lamps and lighting fittings
961 9405.50 Other non‐electrical lamps and lighting fittings
962 9405.60 Illuminated signs, illuminated name‐plates & the like
963 9405.91 Parts: Of glass
964 9405.92 Parts: Of plastics
965 9405.99 Parts: Other
Worked vegetable or mineral carving material &
articles of these materials; moulded or articles of..
966 9503 ..gelatin
967 9602.00
Brooms & brushes consisting of twigs or other
vegetable materials bound together, with or without
968 9603.10 handles ...
969 9603.21 Tooth brushes
Shaving/hair/nail/eyelash/other toilet brushes for
use on the person,incl. such brushes constituting
970 9603.29 parts of appliances
Paint, distemper, vanish or similar brushes (other
than brushes of sub‐hdg 9603.30);paint pads and
971 9603.40 rollers ..
Other brushes constituting parts of machines,
972 9603.50 appliances/vehicles
Hand‐operated mechanical floor sweepers,not
motorised,mops/feather dusters;squeegees (excl.
973 9603.90 roller squeegees),etc.,nes
974 9606.21 Buttons:of plastics, not covered with textile material
Buttons:of base metal, not covered with textile
975 9606.22 material
976 9606.29 Buttons:other
Slide fasteners: fitted with chain scoops of base
977 9607.11 metal
978 9607.19 Slide fasteners: other
979 9608.10 Ball point pens
980 9608.39 Fountain pens, stylograph pens & other pens: Other
981 9608.40 Propelling or sliding pencils
Refill for ball point pens, comprising the ball point
982 9608.60 and ink‐reservoir
983 9608.99 Other
Pencils and crayons with leads encased in a rigid
984 9609.10 sheath
Date, sealing or numbering stamps, and the like
(including devices for printing or embossing labels)
985 9611.00 designed for
986 9613.20 Pocket lighters, gas fuelled, refillable
987 9613.8
988 9613.90 Parts
989 9614
Combs,hair‐slides and the like:of hard rubber or
990 9615.11 plastic
991 9615.19 Combs,hair‐slides and the like:of other materials
992 9615.90 Other,nes (hairpins, curling pins, curling grips, etc.)
Powder‐puffs and pads for the application of
993 9616.20 cosmetics/toilet preparations

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