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Sri Lanka

# HS-6 Description of Products

1 10392 -- Weighing 50 kg or more

2 10410 - Sheep
3 10420 - Goats
4 10511 -- Fowls of the species Gallus domesticus
5 10512 -- Turkeys
6 10519 -- Other
7 10594 -- Fowls of the species Gallus domesticus weighing more than 2000g.
8 10599 -- Other
9 20110 - Carcasses and half-carcasses
10 20120 - Other cuts with bone in
11 20130 - Boneless
12 20210 - Carcasses and half-carcasses
13 20220 - Other cuts with bone in
14 20230 - Boneless
15 20311 -- Carcasses and half-carcasses
16 20312 -- Hams, shoulders and cuts thereof, with bone in
17 20319 -- Other
18 20321 -- Carcasses and half-carcasses
19 20322 -- Hams, shoulders and cuts thereof, with bone in
20 20329 -- Other
21 20410 - Carcasses and half-carcasses of lamb, fresh or chillded
22 20421 -- Carcasses and half-carcasses
23 20422 -- Other cuts with bone in
24 20423 -- Boneless
25 20430 - Carcassess and half-carcassess of lamb, frozen
26 20441 -- Carcassess and half- carcassess
27 20442 -- Other cuts with bone in
28 20443 -- Boneless
29 20450 - Meat of goats
30 20500 Meat of horses, asses, mules or hinnies, resh, chilled or frozen.
31 20610 - Of bovine animals, fresh or chilled
32 20621 -- Tongues
33 20629 -- Other
34 20630 - Of swine, fresh or chilled
35 20641 -- Livers
36 20649 -- Other
37 20680 - Other, fresh or chilled
38 20690 - Other, frozen
39 20711 -- Not cut in pieces, fresh or chilled
40 20712 -- Not cut in pieces, frozen
41 20713 -- Cuts and offal, fresh or chilled
42 20714 -- Cuts and offal, frozen
43 20724 -- Not cut in pieces, fresh or chilled
44 20725 -- Not cut in pieces, frozen
45 20726 -- Cuts and offal, fresh or chilled
46 20727 -- Cuts and offal, frozen
47 20732 -- Not cut in pieces, fresh or chilled
48 20733 -- Not cut in pieces, frozen
49 20734 -- Fatty livers, fresh or chilled
50 20735 -- Other, fresh or chilled
51 20736 -- Other, frozen
Pig fat, free of lean meat, and poultry fat, not rendered or otherwise
52 20900 extracted, fresh, chilled, frozen, salted, in brine, dried or smoked.
53 30411 -Fresh or chilled
54 30412
55 30419
56 30559 --Other
57 30799 -- Other
58 40110 -Of a fat content, by weight, not exceeding 1%
59 40120 -Of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 1% but not exceeding 6%
60 40130 -Of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 6%
- In powder, granules or other solid forms, of a fat content, by weight,
61 40210 not exceeding 1.5%
62 40221 --Not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter
63 40229 --Other
64 40291 --Not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter
65 40299 --Other
66 40310 -Yogurt
67 40390 -Other
-Whey and modified whey, whether or not concentrated or containing
68 40410 added sugar or other sweetening matter
69 40490 -Other
70 40510 - Butter
71 40520 - Dairy spreads
72 40590 - Other
- Fresh (unripened or uncured) cheese including whey cheese, and
73 40610 curd
74 40690 - Other cheese
75 40700 Birds' eggs, in shell, fresh, preserved or cooked.
76 40811 --Dried
77 40819 --Other
78 40891 --Dried
79 40899 --Other
80 40900 Natural honey
81 41000 Edible products of animal origin, not elsewhere specified or included.
82 50710 -Ivory; ivory powder and waste
83 50790 -Other
84 60220 -Edible fruit or nuts trees, shrubs and bushes, grafted or not
85 60290 - Other
86 60311 roses
87 60312 Carnation
88 60313 Orchids
89 60314 Chrysanthemums
90 60319 Other
91 60390 -Other
92 60410 -Mosses and lichens
93 60491 --Fresh
94 60499 --Other
95 70190 -Other
96 70200 Tomatoes, fresh or chilled.
97 70310 -Onions and shallots
98 70390 -Leeks and other alliaccous vegetables
99 70410 -Cauliflowers and headed broccoli
100 70420 -Brussels sprouts
101 70490 -Other
102 70511 --Cabbage lettuce (head lettuce)
103 70519 --Other
104 70521 --Witloof chicory (Cichorium intybus var. foliosum)
105 70529 --Other
106 70610 -Carrots and turnips
107 70690 -Other
108 70700 Cucumbers and gherkins, fresh or chilled.
109 70810 -Peas (pisum sativum)
110 70820 -Beans (Vigna spp., phaseolus spp.)
111 70890 -Other leguminous vegetalbes
112 70920 -Asparagus
113 70930 -Aubergines (egg plants)
114 70940 -Celery other than celeriac
115 70951 --Mushrooms of the genus Agaricus
116 70959 Other
117 70960 -Fruits of the genus Capsicum or of the genus pimenta
118 70970 -Spinach, New Zealand spinach and orache spinach (garden spinach)
119 70990 -Other
120 71010 -Potatoes
121 71021 --Peas (Pisum sativum)
122 71022 --Beans (Vigna spp., phaseolus spp.)
123 71029 --Other
124 71030 -Spinach, New Zealand spinach and orach spinach (garden spinach)
125 71040 -Sweet corn
126 71080 -Other vegetables
127 71090 -Mixtures of vegetables
128 71120 -Olives
129 71140 -Cucumbers and gherkins
130 71190 -Other vegetables; mixtures of vegetables
131 71220 -Onions
132 71290 -Other vegetables; mixtures of vegetables
133 71310 -Peas (Pisum sativum)
134 71320 -Chickpeas (garbanzos)
--Beans of the species Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper or vigna radiata (L.)
135 71331 Wilczek
136 71332 --Small red (Adzuki) beans (phaseolus or Vigna angularis)
137 71333 --Kidney beans, including white pea beans (Phaseolus vulgaris)
138 71339 --Other
139 71340 -Lentils
-Broad beans (Vicia faba var. major) and horse beans (Vicia faba var.
140 71350 equina,Vicia faba var. minor)
141 71390 -Other
142 71410 -Manioc (Cassava)
143 71420 -Sweet Potatoes
144 71490 -Other
145 80111 -- Desiccated
146 80119 -- Other
147 80121 -- In shell
148 80122 -- Shelled
149 80131 -- In shell
150 80132 -- Shelled
151 80211 --In shell
152 80212 --Shelled
153 80221 --In shell
154 80222 --Shelled
155 80231 --In shell
156 80232 --Shelled
157 80240 -Chestnuts (Castanea spp.)
158 80250 -Pistachios
159 80260 Macadamia nuts
160 80290 -Other
161 80300 Bananas, including plantains, fresh or dried.
162 80430 -Pineapples
163 80440 -Avocados
164 80450 -Guavas, mangoes and mangosteens
165 80540 -Grapefruit
-Lemons (Citrus limon, citrus limonum) and limes (Citrus aurantifolia,
166 80550 Citrus latifolia )
167 80590 -Other
168 80610 -Fresh
169 80620 -Dried
170 80711 -- watermelons
171 80719 -- Other
172 80720 - Papaws (papayas)
173 80910 -Apricots
174 80920 -Cherries
175 80930 -Peaches, including nectarines
176 80940 -Plums and sloes
177 81010 -Strawberries
178 81020 -Raspberries, blackberries, mulberries and loganberries
179 81060 - Durians
180 81090 -Other
181 81110 -Strawberries
- Raspberries, blackberries, mulberries, loganberries, black, white or red
182 81120 currants and gooseberries
183 81190 -Other
184 81210 -Cherries
185 81310 -Apricots
186 81320 -Prunes
187 81340 -Other fruit
188 81350 Mixtures ofnuts or dried fruits of this chapter
Peel of citrus fruit or melons (including watermelons), fresh, frozen,
dried or provisionally preserved in brine, in sulphur water or in other
189 81400 preservative solutions.
190 90111 --Not decaffeinated
191 90112 --Decaffeinated
192 90121 --Not decaffeinated
193 90122 --Decaffeinated
194 90190 - Other
-Green tea (not fermented) in immediate packings of a content not
195 90210 exceeding 3kg
196 90220 -Other green tea (not fermented)
-Black tea (fermented) and partly fermented tea, in immediate packings
197 90230 of a content not exceeding 3 kg.
198 90240 -Other black tea (fermented) and other partly fermented tea
199 90411 --Neither crushed not ground
200 90412 --Crushed or ground
-Fruits of the genus Capsicum or of the genus Pimenta, dried or crushed
201 90420 or ground
202 90500 Vanilla.
203 90611 Cinnamon
204 90619 Other
205 90620 -Crushed or ground
206 90700 Cloves (whole fruit, cloves and stems)
207 90810 -Nutmeg
208 90820 -Mace
209 90830
210 90910 -Seeds of anise or badian
211 90940 -Seeds of caraway
212 91010 -Ginger
213 91020 - Saffron
214 91030 -Turmeric (curcuma)
215 91091 --Mixtures referred to in Note 1(b) to this Chapter
216 91099
217 100110 -Durum wheat
218 100190 -Other
219 100510 -Seed
220 100590 -Other
221 100610 -Rice in the husk (paddy or rough)
222 100620 -Husked (brown) rice
223 100630 -Semi-milled or wholly-milled rice, whether or not polished or glazed
224 100640 -Broken rice
225 100700 Grain sorghum.
226 100810 -Buckwheat
227 100820 -Millet
228 100890 -Other cereals
229 110100 Wheat or meslin flour.
230 110210 -Rye flour
231 110220 -Maize (corn) flour
232 110290 -Other
233 110311 --Of wheat
234 110313 --Of maize (corn)
235 110319 --Of other cereals
236 110320 -Pellets
237 110412 --Of oats
238 110419 --Of other cereals
239 110422 --Of oats
240 110423 --Of maize (corn)
241 110429 --Of other cereals
242 110430 -Germ of cereals, whole, rolled, flaked or ground
243 110510 -Flour, meal and powder
244 110520 -Flakes, granules and pellets
245 110610 -Of the dried leguminous vegetables of Heading 07.13
246 110620 -Of sago or of roots or tubers of Heading 07.14
247 110630 -Of the products of Chapter 8
248 110812 --Maize (corn) starch
249 110813 --Potato starch
250 110814 --Manioc (cassava) starch
251 110819 --Other starches
252 110820 -Inulin
253 110900 -Wheat Gluten, whether or not dried.
254 120100 Soya beans, whether or not broken.
255 120210 -In shell
256 120220 -Shelled, whether or not broken
257 120300 Copra.
258 120740 -Sesamum seeds
259 120750 -Mustard seeds
260 120799 --Other
261 120810 -Of soya beans
262 120890 -Other
263 121220 -Seaweeds and other algae
264 121291 --Sugar beet
265 121299 --Other
266 121490 -Other
267 130211 --Opium
268 130212 --Of liquorice
269 130213 --Of hops
270 130219 --Other
271 130220 -Pectic substances, pectinates and pectates
272 130231 --Agar-agar
--Mucilages and thickeners, whether or not modified, derived from locust
273 130232 beans, locust bean seeds or guar seeds
274 130239 --Other
275 140420 -Cotton linters
276 140490 -Other
Pig fat ( including lard) and poultry fat, other than that of Heading 02.09
277 150100 or 15.03
Fats of bovine animals, sheep or goats, other than those of Heading
278 150200 15.03
Lard stearin, lard oil, oleostearin, oleo-oil and tallow oil, not emulsified
279 150300 or mixed or otherwise prepared.
280 150410 -Fish-liver oils and their fractions
281 150420 -Fats and oils and their fractions, of fish, other than liver oils
282 150430 -Fats and oils and their fractions, of marine mammals
283 150500 Wool grease and fatty substances derived therefrom (including lanolin).
Other animal fats and oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but
284 150600 not chemically modified.
285 150710 -Crude oil, whether or not degummed
286 150790 -Other
287 150810 -Crude oil
288 150890 -Other
289 150910 -Virgin
290 150990 -Other
Other oils and their fractions, obtained solely from olives, whether or not
refined, but not chemically modified, including blends of these oils or
291 151000 fractions with oils or fractions of Heading 15.09.
292 151110 -Crude oil
293 151190 -Other
294 151211 --Crude oil
295 151219 --Other
296 151221 --Crude oil, whether or not gossypol has been removed
297 151229 --Other
298 151311 --Crude oil
299 151319 --Other
300 151321 --Crude oil
301 151329 --Other
302 151411 --Crude oil
303 151419 --Other
304 151521 --Crude oil
305 151529 --Other
306 151550 -Sesame oil and its fractions
307 151590 -Other
308 151610 -Animal fats and oils and their fractions
309 151620 -Vegetable fats and oils and their fractions
310 151710 -Margarine, excluding liquid margarine
311 151790 -Other

Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their fractions, boiled, oxidised,
dehydrated, sulphurised, blown, polymerised by heat in vacuum or in
inert gas or otherwise chemically modified, excluding those of Heading
15.16; inedible mixtures or reparations of animal or vegetable fats or oils
or of fractions of different fats or oils of this Chapter, not elsewhere
312 151800 specified or included.
Degras; residues resulting from the treatment of fatty substances or
313 152200 animal or vegetable waxes.
Sausages and similar products, of meat, meat offal or blood; food
314 160100 preparations based on these products.
315 160210 -Homogenised preparations
316 160220 -Of liver of any animal
317 160231 --Of turkeys
318 160232 -- Of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus
319 160239 --Other
320 160241 --Hams and cuts thereof
321 160242 --Shoulders and cuts thereof
322 160249 --Other,including mixtures
323 160250 -Of bovine animals
324 160290 -Other, including preparations of blood of any animal
Extracts and juices of meat, fish or crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic
325 160300 invertebrates.
326 160411 --Salmon
327 160412 --Herrings
328 160413 --Sardines, sardinella and brisling or sprats
329 160414 --Tunas, skipjack and Atlantic bonito (Sarda spp.)
330 160415 --Mackerel
331 160416 --Anchovies
332 160419 --Other
333 160420 -Other prepared or preserved fish
334 160430 -Caviar and caviar substitutes
335 160510 -Crab
336 160520 -Shrimps and prawns
337 160530 -Lobster
338 160540 -Other crustaceans
339 160590 -Other
340 170111 Cane sugar
341 170112 Beet suugar
342 170191 --Containing added flavouring or colouring matter
343 170199 --Other
--Containing by weight 99% or more lactose, expressed as anhydrous
344 170211 lactose, calculated on the dry matter
345 170219 -- Other
346 170220 -Maple sugar and maple syrup
- Glucose and glucose syrup, not containing fructose or containing in the
347 170230 dry state less than 20% by weight of fructose
-Glucose and glucose syrup, containing in the dry state at least 20% but
348 170240 less than 50% by weight of fructose, excluding invert sugar
349 170250 -Chemically pure fructose
- Other fructose and fructose syrup, containing in the dry state more than
350 170260 50% by weight of fructose, excluding invert sugar
-Other, including invert sugar and other sugar and sugar syrup blends
351 170290 containing in the dry state 50% by weight of fructose
352 170310 -Cane molasses
353 170390 -Other
354 170410 -Chewing gum, whether or not sugar- coated
355 170490 -Other
356 180100 Cocoa beans, whole or broken, raw or roasted.
357 180200 Cocoa shells, husks, skins and other cocoa waste.
358 180310 -Not defatted
359 180320 -Wholly or partly defatted
360 180400 Cocoa butter, fat and oil.
361 180500 Cocoa powder, not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter.
362 180610 -Cocoa powder, containing added sugar or other sweetening matter
-Other preparations in blocks, slabs or bars weighing more than 2 kg or in
liquid, paste, powder, granular or other bulk form in containers or
363 180620 immediate packings, of a content exceeding 2 kg
364 180631 --Filled
365 180632 --Not filled
366 180690 -Other

367 190120 -Mixes and doughs for the preparation of baker's wares of Heading 19.05
368 190190 -Other
369 190211 --Containing eggs
370 190220 -Stuffed pasta, whether or not cooked or otherwise prepared
371 190230 -Other pasta
372 190240 -Couscous
Tapioca and Substitutes therefor prepared from starch, in the form of
373 190300 flakes, grains, pearls, siftings or in similar forms.
-Prepared food obtained by the swelling or roasting of cereals or cereal
374 190410 products

- Prepared foods obtained from unroasted cereal flakes or from mixtures

375 190420 of unroasted cereal flakes and roasted cereal flakes or swelled cereals
376 190490 -Other
377 190510 -Crispbread
378 190520 -Gingerbread and the like
379 190531 -- Sweet biscuits
380 190532 -- Waffles and wafers
381 190540 -Rusks, toasted bread and similar toasted products
382 190590 -Other
383 200110 -Cucumbers and gherkins
384 200190 -Others
385 200210 -Tomatoes, whole or in pieces
386 200290 -Other
387 200310 -Mushrooms of the genus Agaricus
388 200320 -Truffles
389 200410 -Potatoes
390 200490 -Other vegetables and mixtures of vegetables
391 200510 -Homogenised vegetables
392 200520 -Potatoes
393 200540 -Peas (Pisum sativum)
394 200551 --Beans, shelled
395 200559 --Other
396 200560 -Asparagus
397 200570 -Olives
398 200580 -Sweet corn (Zea mays var. saccharata)
399 200599 Other
Vegetables,fruit, nuts, fruit-peel and other parts of plants, preserved by
400 200600 sugar (drained, glace or crystallised).
401 200710 -Homogenised preparations
402 200791 --Citrus fruit
403 200799 --Other
404 200811 --Ground-nuts
405 200819 --Other, including mixtures
406 200820 -Pineapples
407 200830 -Citrus fruit
408 200840 -Pears
409 200850 -Apricots
410 200860 -Cherries
411 200870 -Peaches, including nectarines
412 200880 -Strawberries
413 200891 --Palm hearts
414 200892 --Mixtures
415 200899 --- Other
416 200911 --Frozen
417 200912 --Not frozen, of a Brix value not exceeding 20
418 200919 --Other
419 200929 --Other
420 200939 --Other
421 200950 -Tomato juice
422 200969 --Other
423 200980 -Juice of any other single fruit or vegetable
424 200990 -Mixtures of juices
425 210111 - - Extracts, essences and concentrates
--Preparations with a basis of extracts, essences or concentrates or with a
426 210112 basis of coffee
-Extracts, essences and concentrates, of tea or mate, and preparations
with a basis of these extracts, essences or concentrates or with a basis of
427 210120 tea or mate
-Roasted chicory and other roasted coffee Substitutes, and extracts,
428 210130 essences and concentrates thereof
429 210230 -Prepared baking powders
430 210310 -Soya sauce
431 210320 -Tomato ketchup and other tomato sauces
432 210330 -Mustard flour and meal and prepared mustard
433 210390 -Other
434 210410 -Soups and broths and preparations therefor
435 210420 -Homogenised composite food preparations
436 210500 Ice cream and other edible ice, whether or not containing cocoa.
437 210610 -Protein concentrates and textured protein Substances
438 210690 Other
439 220110 -Mineral waters and aerated waters
440 220190 -Other
-Waters, including mineral waters and aerated waters containing added
441 220210 sugar or other sweetening matter or flavoured
442 220290 -Other
443 220300 Beer made from malt.
444 220410 -Sparkling wine
445 220421 --In containers holding 2 L or less
446 220429 --Other
447 220430 -Other grape must
448 220510 -In containers holding 2 L or less
449 220590 -Other
Other fermented beverages (for example, cider, perry, mead); mixtures of
fermented beverages and mixtures of fermented beverages and non-
450 220600 alcoholic beverages, not elsewhere specified or included.
-Undenatured ethyl alcohol of an alcoholic strength by volume of 80%
451 220710 vol. or higher
452 220720 -Ethyl alcohol and other spirits, denatured, of any strength
453 220820
454 220830
455 220840
456 220850
457 220860
458 220870
459 220890
460 220900 Vinegar and Substitutes for vinegar obtained from acetic acid.
461 230210 -Of maize (corn)
462 230230 -Of wheat
463 230240 -Of other cereals
464 230250 -Of leguminous plants
465 230910 -Dog or cat food, put up for retail sale
466 240110 -Tobacco, not stemmed/stripped
467 240120 -Tobacco, partly or wholly stemmed/stripped
468 240130 -Tobacco refuse
469 240210 -Cigars, cheroots and cigarillos, containing tobacco
470 240220 -Cigarettes containing tobacco
471 240290 -Other
472 240310
473 240391 --"Homogenised" or "reconstituted" tobacco
474 240399 --Other
475 250100 - Industrial Salt (Non-edible)
476 271011 -- Light oils and preprations :
477 271019 -- Other :
--Containjng polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polychlorinated
478 271091 terphenyls (PCTs) or polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs)
479 271099 -- Other
480 271111 --Natural gas
481 271114 --Ethylene, propylene, butylene and butadiene
482 271119 --Other
483 271121 --Natural gas
484 271129 --Other
485 271210 -Petroleum jelly
486 271220 -Paraffin wax containing by weight less than 0.75% of oil
487 271311 --Not calcined
488 271312 --Calcined
489 271320 -Petroleum bitumen
-Other residues of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from bituminous
490 271390 mineral
491 271410 -Bitumious or oil shale and tar sands
492 271490 -Other
Bituminous mixtures based on natural asphalt, on natural bitumen, on
petroleum bitumen, on mineral tar or on mineral tar pitch (for example,
493 271500 bituminous mastics, cut-backs).
494 300510 -Adhesive dressings and other articles having an adhesive layer
495 300590 -Other
496 320810 -Based on polyesters
497 320820 -Based on acrylic or vinyl polymers
498 320890 -Other
499 320910 -Based on acrylic or vinyl polymers
500 320990 -Other
501 321511 --Black
502 321519 --Other
503 321590 -Other
504 330510 -Shampoos
505 330610 -Dentifrices
506 330690 -Other
507 340111 --For toilet use (including medicated products)
508 340119 --Other:
509 340120 -Soap in other forms
510 340600 Candles, tapers and the like.
511 350520 -Glues
-Products suitable for use as glues or adhesives, put up for retail sale as
512 350610 glues or adhesives, not exceeding a net weight of 1 kg.
513 360500 Matches, other than Pyrotechnic Articles
514 380850 Goods specified in subheading Note1 to this chapter
515 380891 Insecticides
Organic composite solvents and thinners, not elsewhere specified or
516 381400 included; prepared paint or varnish removers.
517 391723 --Of polymers of vinyl chloride
--Other, not reinforced or otherwise combined with other materials, with
518 391733 fittings
519 391740 -Fittings
520 392010 -Of polymers of ethylene
521 392020 -Of polymers of propylene
522 392114 --Of regenerated cellulose
523 392190 -Other
524 392310 -Boxes, cases, crates and similar articles
525 392321 --Of polymers of ethylene
526 392329 --Of other plastics
527 392330 -carboys, bottles, flasks and similar articles
528 392350 -Stoppers, lids, caps and other closures
529 392390 -Other
530 400110 -Natural rubber latex, whether or not prevulcanised
531 400121 --Smoked sheets
532 400122 --Technically specified natural rubber (TSNR)
533 400129 --Other
534 400130 -Balata, gutta-percha, guayule, chicle and similar natural gums
535 400260 -Isoprene rubber (IR)
Waste, parings and scrap of rubber (other than hard rubber) and powders
536 400400 and granules obtained therefrom.
537 400510 -Compounded with carbon black or silica
538 400520 -Solutions; dispersions other than those of Sub-heading 4005.10
539 400591 --Plates, sheets and strip
540 400599 --Other
541 400610 -"Camel-back" strips for retreading rubber tyres
542 400690 -Other
543 400700 Vulcanised rubber thread and cord.
544 400811 --Plates, sheets and strip
545 400819 --Other
546 400821 --Plates, sheets and strip
547 400829 --Other
548 400911 --Without fittings
549 400912 --With fittings
550 400921 --Without fittings
551 400922 -- With fittings
552 400931 --Without fittings
553 400932 --With fittings
554 400941 --Without fittings
555 400942 --With fittings
556 401011 -- Reinforced only with metal
557 401012 -- Reinforced only with textile materials
558 401019 -- Other
--Endless transmission belts of trapezoidal cross-Section (V-belts), V-
ribbed of an outside circumference exceeding 60 cm but not exceeding
559 401031 180 cm
--Endless transmission belts of trapezoidal cross- Section (V-belts), other
tnan V-ribbed, of anoutside circumference exceeding 60 cm but not
560 401032 exceeding 180 cm
--Endless transmission belts of trapezoidal cross-Section (V-belts), V-
ribbed, of an outside cicumference exceeding 180 cm but not exceeding
561 401033 240 cm
--Endless transmission belts of trapezoidal corss-Section (V-belts), other
than V-ribbed, of an oustide circumference exceeding 180 cm but not
562 401034 exceeding 240 cm
--Endless synchronous belts, of an outside cricumference exceeding 60
563 401035 cm but not exceeding 150 cm
--Endless synchronous belts, of an outside circumference exceeding150
564 401036 cm but not exceeding 198 cm
565 401039 -- Other
566 401110 -Of a kind used on motor cars (including station wagons and racing cars)
567 401120 -Of a kind used on buses or lorries
568 401140 -Of a kind used on motorcycles
569 401150 -Of a kind used on bicycles
570 401161 --Of a kind used on agricultural or forestry vehicles and machines
--Of a kind used on construction or industrial handing vehicles and
571 401162 machines and having arim size not exceeding 61 cm
--Of a kind used on construction or industrial handling vehicles and
572 401163 machines and having a rim size exceeding 61 cm
573 401169 -- Other
574 401192 --Of a kind used on agriculture or forestry vehicles and machines
--Of a kind used on construction or indsutrial handling vehicles and
575 401193 machines and having a rim size not exceeding 61 cm
--Of a kind used on construction or industrial handling vehicles and
576 401194 machines and having a rim size exceeding 61 cm
577 401199 --Other

578 401211 --Of a kind used on motor cars (including station wagons and racing cars)
579 401212 -- Of a kind used on buses or lorries
580 401219 -- Other:
581 401220 - Used pneumatic tyres
582 401290 - Other
-Of a kind used on motor cars (including station wagons and racing cars),
583 401310 buses or lorries
584 401320 -Of a kind used on bicycles
585 401390 -Other:
586 401511 --Surgical
587 401519 --Other
588 401590 -Other
589 401610 -Of cellular rubber
590 401691 --Floor coverings and mats
591 401692 --Erasers
592 401693 --Gaskets, washers and other seals
593 401694 --Boat or dock fenders, whether or not inflatable
594 401695 --Other inflatable articles
595 401699 --Other
Hard rubber (for example, ebonite) in all forms, including waste and
596 401700 scrap; articles of hard rubber.
597 410622 -- In the dry state (crust)
--With outer surface of leather, of composition leather or of patent
598 420211 leather
599 420212 --With outer surface of plastics or of textile materials
600 420219 --Other
601 460290 -Other
602 480210 -Hand-made paper and paperboard
-Paper and paperboard of a kind used as a base for photo-sensitive, heat-
603 480220 sensitive or electro-sensitive paper or paperboard
604 480255 --Weighing 40g/m2 or more but not more than 150 g/m2, in rolls
--Weighing 40g/m2 or more but not more than 150 g/m2, in sheets with
one side not exceeding 435 mm and the other side not exceeding 297 mm
605 480256 in the unfolded state
606 480257 --Other, weighing 40g/m2 or more but not more than 150 g/m2
607 480258 -- Weighing more than 150g/m2
608 480261 --In rolls
--In sheets with one side not exceeding 435 mm and the other side not
609 480262 exceeding 297mm in the unfolded state
610 480269 -- Other
611 480511 -- Semi-chemical fluting paper
612 480512 -- Straw fluting paper
613 480519 -- Other
614 480810 -Corrugated paper and paperboard, whether or not perforated
-Sack kraft paper, creped or crinkled, whether or not embossed or
615 480820 perforated
-Other kraft paper, creped or crinkled, whether or not embossed or
616 480830 perforated
617 480890 - Other
618 481690 - Other
619 481710 -Envelopes
620 481720 -Letter cards, plain postcards and correspondence cards
-Boxes, pouches, wallets and writing compendiums, of paper or
621 481730 paperboard, containing an assortment of paper stationery
622 481810 -Toilet paper
623 481820 -Handkerchiefs, cleansing or facia tissues and towels
624 481830 -Tablecloths and serviettes
-Sanitary towels and tampons, napkins and napkin liners for babies and
625 481840 similar sanitary articles
626 481910 -Cartons, boxes and cases, of corrugated paper and paperboard
-Folding cartons, boxes and cases, of non-corrugated paper and
627 481920 paperboard
628 481930 -Sacks and bags, having base of a width of 40 cm. or more
629 481940 -Other sacks and bags, including cones
630 481950 -Other packing containers, including record sleeves
-Box files, letter trays, storage boxes and similar articles, of a kind used
631 481960 in offices, shops or the like
-Registers, account books, Note books, order books, receipt books, letter
632 482010 pads, memorandum pads, diaries and similar articles
633 482020 -Exercise books
634 482030 -Binders (other than book covers), folders and file covers
635 482040 -Manifold business forms and interleaved carbon sets
636 482050 -Albums for samples or for collections
637 482090 -Other
638 482110 -Printed
639 482190 -Other
640 482320 -Filter paper and paperboard:
641 482340 -Rolls, sheets and dials, printed for self- decording apparatus:
642 482361 Of bamboo
643 482369 Other
644 482370 -Moulded or prassed articles of paper pulp
645 482390 -Other

Unused postage, revenue or similar stamps of current or new issue in the

country to which they have, or will have, a recognised face value; stamp-
impressed paper; bank Notes; cheque forms; stock, share or bond
646 490700 certificates and similar documents of title.
Printed or illustrated postcards; printed cards bearing personal greetings,
messages or announcements, whether or not illustrated, with or without
647 490900 envelopes or trimmings.
648 491000 Calendars of any kind, printed, including calendar blocks.
649 491191 --Pictures, designs and photographs
650 530500 Vegetable textile fibre
-Sanitary towels and tampons, napkins and napkin liners for babies and
651 560110 similar sanitary articles, of wadding
652 560721 --Binder or baler twine
653 560729 --Other
654 560741 --Binder or baler twine
655 560749 --Other
656 560750 -Of other synthetic fibres
657 560790 -Other
658 560811 --Made up fishing nets
659 560819 --Other
660 560890 -Other
Articles of yarn, strip or the like of Heading 54.04 or 54.05, twine,
661 560900 cordage, rope or cables, not elsewhere specified or included.
662 580300 guaze, other than narrow fabric of heading 58.06
663 580310 -Of cotton
664 640110 -Footwear incroporating a protective metal toe-cap
665 640192 _Covering C1052 ankle but not Covering the knee
666 640199 --Other
-Footwear with upper straps or thongs assembled to the sole by means of
667 640220 plugs
668 640291 --Covering the ankle
669 640299 --Other
-Footwear with outer soles of leather, and uppers which consist of
670 640320 leather straps across the instep and around the big toe
671 640340 -Other footwear, incorporating a protective metal toe-cap
672 640351 --Covering the ankle
673 640359 --Other
674 640391 --Covering the ankle
675 640399 --Other
676 640419 --Other
677 640420 -Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather
678 640510 -With uppers of leather or composition leather
679 640520 -With uppers of textile materials:
680 640590 -Other
681 640610 -Uppers and parts thereof, other than stiffeners:
682 640620 Outer soles and heels of rubber or plastics
683 640691 -- Of wood
684 660110 -Garden or similar umbrellas
685 660191 --Having a telescopic shaft
686 660199 --Other
687 680100 Setts, curbstones and flagstones, of natural stone (except slate).
-Tiles, cubes and similar articles, whether or not rectangular (including
square), the largest surface area of which is capable of being enclosed in
a square the side of which is less than7cm.; artificially coloured granules,
688 680210 chippings and powder
689 680221 --Marble, travertine and alabaster
690 680223 --Granite
691 680229 --Other stone
692 680291 -- Marble, travertine and alabaster
693 680292 --Other calcareous stone
694 680293 --Granite
695 680299 --Other stone
696 680300 Worked slate and articles of slate or of agglomerated slate.
697 681140 Containg asbetos
698 681181 Corrugated sheets
699 681189 Other articles
700 690410 -Building bricks
701 690490 -Other
702 690510 - Roofing tiles
703 690590 -Other
-Tiles, cubes and similar articles, whether or not rectangular, the largest
surface area of which is capable of being enclosed in a square the side of
704 690710 which is less than 7 cm.
705 690790 -Other
-Tiles, cubes and similar articles, whether or not rectangular, the largest
surface area of which is capable of being enclosed in a square the side of
706 690810 which is less than 7 cm.
707 690890 -Other
708 691010 - Of porcelain or china
709 691090 -Other
710 691110 -Tableware and kitchenware
711 691190 -Other
Ceramic tableware, kitchenware, other household articles and toilet
712 691200 articles, other than of porcelain or china.
713 691410 - Of porcelain or china
714 691490 -Other
715 700991 --Unframed
716 700992 -- Framed
717 701010 -Ampoules
718 701020 -Stoppers, lids and other closures
719 701090 -Other
720 721041 --Corrugated
721 721049 --Other
722 721230 - Otherwise plated or coated with zinc
-Containing indentations, ribs, grooves or other deformations produced
723 721310 during the rolling process
724 721410 -Forged
-Containing indentations, ribs, grooves or other deformations produced
725 721420 during the rolling process or twisted after rolling
726 721430 - Other, of free-cutting steel
727 721491 --Of rectangular (other than square) cross-Section
728 721499 --- Other
729 721621 --L Sections
730 730810 -Bridges and bridge-Sections
731 730820 -Towers and lattice masts
732 730830 -Doors, windows and their frames and thresholds for doors
733 730890 -Other

Reservoirs, tanks, vats and similar containers for any material (other than
compressed or liquefied gas), of iron or steel, of a capacity exceeding
300 L, whether or not lined or heat-insulated, but not fitted with
734 730900 mechanical or thermal equipment.
735 731029 --Other
736 731412 -- Endless bands for machinery, of stainless steel
737 731414 -- Other woven cloth, of stainless steel
-Grill, netting and fencing, welded at the inter-Section, of wire with a
maximum cross-Sectional dimension of 3 mm or more and having a
738 731420 mesh size of 100 cm2 or more
739 731431 -- Plated or coated with zinc
740 731439 -- Other
741 731441 --Plated or coated with zinc
742 731442 --Coated with plastics
743 731449 --Other
744 731450 -Expanded metal
Nails, tacks, drawing pins, corrugated nails, staples (other than those of
Heading 83.05) and similar articles, of iron or steel, whether or not with
745 731700 heads of other material, but excluding such articles with heads of copper.
746 731812 --Other wood screws
747 731813 --Screw hooks and screw rings
748 731814 --Self-tapping screws
749 731815 --Other screws and bolts, whether or not with their nuts or washers
750 731816 --Nuts
751 731819 --Other
752 731821 --Spring washers and other lock washers
753 731822 --Other washers
754 731823 --Rivets
755 731829 --Other
756 732010 Leaf-springs and leaves therefor
757 732211 --Of cast iron
758 732219 --Other
759 732290 -Other
760 740819 --Other
Stranded wire, cables, plaited bands and the like, of copper, not
761 741300 electrically insulated.
762 741510 -Nails and tacks, drawing pins, staples and similar articles
763 741521 --Washers (including spring washers)
764 741529 --Other
765 741533 -- Screws; bolts and nuts
766 741539 --Other
767 741811 --Pot scourers and scouring or polishing pads, gloves and the like
768 741819 -- Other
769 741820 -Sanitary ware and parts thereof
770 741910 -Chain and parts thereof
771 741991 --Cast, moulded, stamped or forged, but not further worked
772 741999 --Other
773 760410 -Of aluminium, not alloyed
774 760421 --Hollow profiles
775 760519 --Other
776 760719 --Other
777 760720 -Backed
778 760810 -Of aluminium, not alloyed
779 761010 -Doors, windows and their frames and thresholds for doors
780 761090 - Other
781 761210 -Collapsible tubular containers
782 761290 -Other
783 761410 -With steel core
784 761490 -Other
785 761519 -- Other
786 761520 -Sanitary ware and parts thereof
-Nails, tacks, staples (other than those of Heading 83.05) screws, bolts,
nuts, screw hooks, rivets, cotters, cotter-pins, washers and similar
787 761610 articles
788 761691 -- Cloth, grill, netting and fencing, of aluminium wire
789 761699 -- Other
790 820110 -Spades and shovels
791 820120 -Forks
792 820130 -Mattocks, picks, hoes and rakes
793 820140 -Axes, bill hooks and similar hewing tools
794 820150 -One-handed secateurs (Including poultry shears)

795 820160 -Hedge shears, two-handed pruning shears and similar two-handed shears
796 820190 -Other hand tools of a kind used in agriculture, horticulture or forestry
Hand-operated mechanical appliances, weighing 10 kg. or less, used in
797 821000 the preparation, conditioning or serving of food or drink.
798 821191 --Table knives having fixed blades
799 821192 --Other knives having fixed bladed
800 821193 --Knives having other than fixed blades
801 821194 --Blades
802 821195 -- Handles of base metal
803 821210 -Razors
804 821290 -Other parts
-Paper knives, letter openers, erasing knives, pencil sharpeners and
805 821410 blades therefor
806 821420 -Manicure or pedicure sets and instruments (including nail files)
807 821490 -Othe
808 830210 -Hinges
809 830241 --Suitable for buildings
810 830242 --Other, suitable for furniture
811 830249 --Other
812 830250 -Hat-racks, hat-pegs, brackets and similar fixtures
Armoured or reinforced safes, strong-boxes and doors and safe deposit
813 830300 lockers for strong-rooms, cash or deed boxes and the like, of base metal.
Filing cabinets, card-index cabinets, paper trays, paper rests, pen trays,
office-stamp stands and similar office or desk equipment, of base metal,
814 830400 other than office furniture of Heading 94.03.
815 830610 Bells, gongs and the like
816 830810 -Hooks, eyes and eyelets
817 830820 -Tubular or bifurcated rivets
818 830890 -Other, including parts
819 830910 -Crown corks
820 830990 -- Other
Sign-plates, name-plates, address- plates and similar plates, numbers,
letters and other symbols, of base metal, excluding those of Heading
821 831000 94.05.
822 841360 -Other rotary positive displacement pumps
823 841370 -Other centrifugal pumps
824 841392 --Of liquid elevators
825 841510 -Window or wall types, self-contained or "split-system"
826 841520 - Of a kind used for persons, in motor vehicles
827 841829 -- Other
828 841840 - Freezers of the upright type, not exceeding 900 L capacity
829 841861 --Compression type units whose condensers
830 841869 --Other
831 841891 --Furniture designed to receive refrigerating or freezing equipment
832 842121 --For filtering or purifying water
833 842122 --For filtering or purifying beverages other than water
834 842123 --Oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines
835 842131 --Intake air filters for internal combustion engines
836 842310 -Personal weighing machines, including baby scales; household scales
837 842410 -Fire extinguishers, whether or not charged
838 843210 -Ploughs
839 843280 Other machinery
840 843290 -Parts
841 843311 --Powered, with the cutting device rotating in a horizontal plane
842 843319 --Other
843 843340 -Straw or fodder balers, including pick-up balers
844 843352 --Other threshing machinery
845 843359 --Other
846 843880 --Other Machinery
847 845011 --Fully-automatic machines
848 845012 --Other machines, with built-in centrifugal drier
849 845019 --Other
850 845210 -Sewing machines of the household type
851 845240 -Furniture, bases and covers for sewing machines and parts thereof
852 848071 Injection or compression types
853 848079 --Other
854 850152 --Of an output exceeding 750 W but not exceeding 75 kW
855 850421 --Having a power handling capacity not exceeding 650 kVA
856 850431 --Having a power handling capacity not exceeding 1 kVA
857 850610 - Manganese dioxide
858 850710 -Lead-acid, of a kind used forstarting piston engines
859 851610 -Electric instantaneous or storage water heaters and immersion heaters
860 851621 --Storage heating radiators
861 852719 --Other
862 852799 Other
863 852871 Not designed or incorporated a video display or screen
864 852872 Other, colour
865 852873 Other black or white or other monochrome
866 853510 -Fuses
867 853661 --Lamp-holders
868 853669 --Other
869 853710 -For a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V
870 853720 -For a voltage exceeding 1,000 V
871 853890 -Other
--Other, of a power not exceeding 200 W and for a voltage exceeding
872 853922 100 V
873 854411 --Of copper
874 854420 -Co-axial cable and other co-axial electric conductors
875 854442 Fitted with connectors
876 854449 --Other
877 854690 -Other
878 854710 -Insulating fittings of ceramics
879 854790 -Other
-With compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine (diesel or
880 870210 semi-diesel)
881 870290 -Other:
-Vehicles specially designed for travelling on snow; golf cars and similar
882 870310 vehicles
883 870321 --Of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 1000 cc:
884 870322 --Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 1000 cc but not exceeding 1500 cc
885 870323 --Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 1500 cc but not exceeding 3000 cc
886 870324 --Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 3000 cc
887 870331 --Of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 1500 cc
888 870332 --Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 1500 cc but not exceeding 2500 cc
889 870333 --Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 2500 cc
890 870390 -Other
891 870421 --g.v.w. not exceeding 5 tonnes:
892 870431 --g.v.w. not exceeding 5 tonnes
893 870490 -Other
Chassis fitted with engines, for the motor vehicles of Headings87.01 to
894 870600 87.05.
895 870710 -For the vehicles of Heading 87.03
896 870790 -Other
897 870895 Safty airbags with inflator system;parts thereof
898 870899 --Other
899 870919 --Other
900 870990 -Parts
901 871200 -Without gear
902 871491 --Frames and forks, and parts thereof
903 871495 --Saddles
904 871499 ---Of Bicycle and Rickshaws
905 871500 Baby carriages and parts thereof.
906 871610 -Trailers and semi-trailers of the caravan type, for housing or camping
-Self-loading or self-unloading trailers and semi-trailers for agricultural
907 871620 purposes
908 871631 --Tanker trailers and tanker semi-trailers
909 871639 --Other
910 871640 -Other trailers and semi-trailers
911 871680 - Other vehicles
Fishing vessels; factory ships and other vessels for processing or
912 890200 preserving fishery products.
913 890310 -Inflatable
914 890391 --Sailboats, with or without auxiliary motor
915 890392 --Motorboats, other than outboard motorboats
916 890399 --Other
917 890400 Tugs and pusher craft.
918 900140 -Spectacle lenses of glass
919 900150 -Spectacle lenses of other materials
920 900311 --Of plastics
921 900319 --Of other materials
922 901720 -Other drawing, marking-out or mathematical calculating instruments
923 940120 -Seats of a kind used for motor vehicles
924 940130 -Swivel seats with variable height adjustment
-Seats other than garden seats or camping equipment, convertible into
925 940140 beds
926 940151 Of bamboo or rattan
927 940159 Other
928 940161 --Upholstered
929 940169 --Other
930 940171 --Upholstered
931 940179 --Other
932 940180 -Other seats
933 940190 -Parts
934 940310 -Metal furniture of a kind used in offices
935 940320 -Other metal furniture
936 940330 -Wooden furniture of a kind used in offices
937 940340 -Wooden furniture of a kind used in the kitchen
938 940350 -Wooden furniture of a kind used in the bedroom
939 940360 -Other wooden furniture
940 940370 -Furniture of plastics
941 940381 Of bamboo or rattan
942 940389 Other
943 940390 -Parts
944 940410 -Mattress supports
945 940421 --Of cellular rubber or plastics, whether or not covered
946 940429 --Of other materials
947 940490 -Other
948 950300 Tricycles, scooter pedal car similar eheeled toys
-Brooms and brushes, consisting of twigs or other vegetable materials,
949 960310 bound together, with or without handles
950 960321 --Tooth brushes, including dental plate brushes
951 960329 --Other
-Artists' brushes, writing brushes and similar brushes for the application
952 960330 of cosmetics
-Paint, distemper, varnish or similar brushes (other than brushes of Sub-
953 960340 heading 9603.30); paint pads and rollers
954 960390 -Other
955 960400 Hand sieves and hand riddles.
956 960810 -Ball point pens
957 960820 -- Felt tipped and other porous tipped
958 960860 -Refills for ball point pens, comprising the ball point and ink-reservoir
959 960899 --Other
960 960910 -Pencils and crayons, with leads encased in a rigid sheath

Date, sealing or numbering stamps, and the like (including devices for
printing or embossing labels), designed for operating in the hand; hand-
operated composing sticks and hand printing sets incorporating such
961 961100 composing sticks.
962 961210 -Ribbons
963 961220 -Ink-pads

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