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Adaptación A Obra de Teatro LA BRUJA Y LA HERMANA DEL SOL
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La historia trata de Iván Zarevich, un príncipe mudo cuya hermana recién nacida será una bruja que quiere comerlo. Huye cabalgando y encuentra a varias personas que lo ayudan pero pronto
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Lelptlbmòd l harl eg tgltrh

@l arukl y `l cgrjldl eg` sh`


Gsbgdl <
DLQQLEHQ; Gd ud `unlr `gkldh, vmvmld gd ud pl`lbmh, ud [LQ y udl [lrmdl qug
tuvmgrhd ud cmkh jueh eg dlbmjmgdth, l Mvìd `g nustlal hmr cmsthrmls qug `g bhdtlal
g` pl`lfrgdgrh, pgrh gstl u`tmjl vgz, g` pl`gfrgdgrh dh `g bhdth udl cmsthrml. Jls
amgd `g cla`ò eg udl prgembbmòd…

(G` pl`lfrgdgrh trlalkldeh `ls cgrrleurls eg ud blal``h. Vmstg ahtls bhrrhels,

blpubcl y tdmbl rgprgsgdtltmvls eg `l Gele Jgeml.)
(Mvìd sg lbgrbl l` pl`lfrgdgrh y sg gxprgsl bhd sgls.)

_L@LFQGDGQH (Rusurrldeh); Dh, Mvìd, gstl vgz dh tg bhdtlr ud bugdth9 prgstl

jubcl ltgdbmòd; egdtrh eg phbh tu jlerg elrì l `uz l udl dml, y gstl cgrjldl
tuyl sgrì udl arukl gspldthsl qug sg bhjgrì l tu plerg, l tu jlerg y l thehs `hs
sgrvmehrgs eg pl`lbmh. Rm qumgrgs `marlrtg t eg tl` egsnrlbml, vg l pgemr`g l tu plerg
su jgkhr blal``h y jìrbcltg eg lqu lehdeg g` blal``h tg ``gvg.

Gsbgdl 1
Dlrrlehr; Mvìd juy lsustleh y l thel prmsl bhrrmò clbml l su plerg.
(Ugja`ldeh, clbg sgls l su plerg. Mvìd `g cla`l gxl`tleh)

MVÌD; ¡_lerg!
_LEQG (L`gnrg); ¡Uu vhz!
MVÌD; Dgbgsmth ud blal``h.
(_lerg thbl udl bljpldm``l y vh`tgl clbml `l gdtrlel).
_LEQG (Eg jldgrl luthrmtlrml); Gdsm``gd g` jgkhr blal``h qug tgdgjhs y
gdtrnugdsg`h l jm cmkh.


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Dlrrlehr; Mvìd pgdsò gd egklr `marg `l rmgdel, y pgrjmtmr qug g` blal``h `h ``gvlrl smd
rujah fmkh. G` sh`h qugrl gsblplr.

Mvìd; (l` Become

blal``h) aBhrrg
Scribd member
bhjh for full
g` vmgdth tmrhaccess. Your
l` a`ldbh, first g`
clstl 30mdfmdmth
days are free.l``ì
y jìs
(g` blal``h rg`mdbcl y gjpmgzl l bhrrgr smd Mvld, Mvld `h l`bldzl y sg suag)
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Dlrrlehr; `ugnh eg jubcls chrls eg blal`nlr, l` fmd ``gnl l udl blall gd jgemh
eg` ahsqug gd g` qug vmvgd ud plr eg ldbmldmtls.

Mvld; Hc ljla`gs sghrls, vgdnh cuygdeh eg `l arukl eg jm cgrjldl, qug qumgrg

bhjgrjg, pherld sgr tld ljla`gs eg elrjg l`agrnug gd su cujm`eg chnlr.
Vmgkmtl <; bhd jubch nusth `h clrmljhs Mvld [lrgvmbc, pgrh dhs qugel phbh tmgjph
eg vmel
Vmgkmtl 1; Buldeh cl``ljhs rhth tlels `ls lnukls qug gstld gd gstl blkmtl y
cl``ljhs nlstleh theh g` cm`h eg gsths blrrgtgs ``gnlrì dugstrl jugrtg.
Mvld; (bhjmgdzl l ``hrlr trmstgjgdtg)

Gsbgdl 1
Dlrrlehr; Mvìd bhdtmduò su bljmdh phr g` ahsqug y `ugnh eg l`nud tmgjph sg
gdsbugdtrl l ud bljpgsmdh qug sg egembl egrrujalr jhdtlls.
Mvìd; hc ljla`g bljpgsmdh, pherl elrjg jhrlel bhd ustge phr ud tmgjph, jm
cgrjldl gs udl arukl qug qumrg bhjgrjg.
Vgrtheua; (cla`l bhjh mdemth) jmkmth, jg nustlrml lyuelrtg pgrh blsm vhy l
pgtltglrjg, buldeh lblag eg lrrldblr gsths rha`gs dh jg qugelrl jìs vmel.
Mvìd; (``hrl ljlrnljgdtg clbmgdeh erljl bhjh ehd rljòd)

Gsbgdl 2
Dlrrlehr; Mvìd smnug gd su blal``h clstl ``gnlr bhd Vgrthngz qumgd sg egembl l
lrrldblr Qha`gs.
Mvìd; Hc ljla`g blal``grh, ¸sgrl phsma`g qugelrjg bhd ustge l vmvmr8
Vgrthngz; bhd jubch nusth tg elrml lsm`h Mvld [lrgvmbc, pgrh yl dh tgdnh jubch
phr vmvmr, buldeh lblag eg vh`tglr gstls jhdtlls ``gnlrì `l chrl eg jm jugrtg.
Mvìd; (``hrl egsgspgrleljgdtg bhd erljl)

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Dlrrlehr; egspugs eg vmlklr jubch, Mvld phr fmd ``gnl l `l blsl eg` sh`.

Mvìd; emsbu`pg cgrjhsl ehdbg``l, pherml qugelrjg bhd ustge phr g` rgsth eg jm
vmel8 Become a Scribd member for full access. Your first 30 days are free.
Cgrjldl eg` sh`; _hr supugsth qug sm Mvld [lrgvmbc, tg bumelrg bhjh l` cmkh qug
dudbl tuvg, tg l`mjgdtlr y tg lplplbclr.
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Mvìd; Nrlbmls ljla`g sghrl

(egspgs eg vlrmhs lhs)

Lbth 5
Dlrrlehr; Mvìd sg sgdtl juy fg`mz bhd su dugvl vmel bhd `l cgrjldl eg` sh`, sma
gjalrnh gxtrllal jubch l sus plergs. Rgnumeh Mvld sg suaml l udl jhdtll
l`tl y egseg lc jmrlal l `h `gkhs g` pl`lbmh. L mvld sg ``gdlald `hs hkhs eg
Mvld; hc bhjh gxtrlh l jm plerg y l jm jlerg, jg prgnudth sm `l arukl sg `hs
clarì bhjmeh yl.
(bhd hkhs ``hrhshs rgnrgsl l` pl`lbmh)

Lbth 7
Gsbgdl <

Mvìd; (gdtrl l` pl`lbmh, y `l cgrjldl eg` sh` sg lbgrbl y `g thjl su blrl, vmgdeh`h l
`hs hkhs)
Cgrjldl eg` sh`; ¸Cls gstleh ``hrldeh eg dugvh8 Emjg `l vgrele, phrqu cly
trmstgzl gd tu bhrlzòd8 ¸qu dh tg ehy theh8 ¸qu dh tg nustl `l vmel qug tmgdgs8
Mvìd; sm gsthy juy lnusth, cls smeh juy augdl y ljla`g bhdjmnh pgrh gxtrlh l
jm fljm`ml, egkljg mr l vmsmtlr`hs, yh sg qug dh gstls eglbugreh gd qug vlyl pgrh
egah clbgr`h.
Cgrjldl eg` sh`; bhd theh g` eh`hr eg jm bhrlzhd tg egklr mr Mvld [lrgvmbc, pgrh tg
elrg l`nudhs hakgths jlnmbhs qug tg sgrìd tm`gs gd tu vmlkg, ud pgmdg, ud bgpm``h y
ehs jldzldls qug rgkuvgdgbgrìd l` mdstldtg l qumgd `ls bhjl.
Mvìd; (larlzl fugrtgjgdtg l `l cgrjld eg` sh`) Jubcls nrlbmls, vh`vgr

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Dlrrlehr; Mvld blal`nòUpload your documents

fugrtgjgdtg to download.
clstl gdbhdtrlrsg bhd Vgrthngz l qumgd sh`h
`g fl`tlal udl jhdtll qug tmrlr.
Mvld; Vgrthngz, gs ud nusth vh`vgr l vgr`h, pgrh vgh qug gstl lpudth eg tmrlr `l
`tmjl jhdtll.
Vgrthngz; ls gs, gstg gs g` fmdl` eg jm vmel.
Mvìd, dh Become a Scribd
`h brgh, jmrl member
`h qug pugegfor full gstg
clbgr access. Your first 30 days are free.
(Mvìd egkh blgr g` bgpm``h y l`tsmjls jhdtlls lplrgbmgrhd)
Vgrthngz; l blrly, qu l`gnrl phegr sgnumr smgdeh tm`, qu l`gnrl trlalklr eg
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dugvh y bhdtmdulr vmvmvmgdeh.

Gsbgdl 1
Dlrrlehr; [lrgvmbc Mvìd smnumò blal`nldeh y sg gdbhdtrò eg dugvh bhd Vgrtheun l
qumgd sh`h `g fl`tlald 2 rha`gs phr tmrlr.
Mvìd; Ch`l Vgrtheun qug l`gnrl vgrtg egspugs eg tldth.
Vgrtheun; Ch`l Mvìd phr phbh, dh jg gdbugdtrls vmvh, gsthy l pudth eg jhrmr, jg
fl`tld sh`h trgs rha`gs qug tmrlr.
Mvìd; Gsh phegjhs lrrgn`lr`h, bhd gstg pgmdg jlnmbh tgderìs juch jls trlalkh y
vmel phr eg`ldtg.
Dlrrlehr; mvld zlrgvmbc slbh g` pgmdg y `h tmrh gd jgemh eg` bljph y gd ud larmr y
bgrrlr eg hkhs dlbmgrhd ahsqugs gspgbsmjhs.
Vgrtheun; jubcls nrlbmls, qu l`gnrl sgnumr trlalkldeh Vl`gs jm` Mvìd [lrvmbc.

Gsbgdl 2

Dlrrlehr; Mvld bhdtmduò su bljmdh clstl qug ``gnh l `l blsl eg `ls vmkls

Mvld; ch`l eg dugvh ljla`gs bhsturgrls pgrh qu vmgkgbmtls gstìd lchrl
Vmgkl <; gstljhs l ehs lnukls eg jhrmr Mvìd [lrgvmbc.
Mvìd; tgdnh ud hasgqumh plrl ustgegs, gstls jldzldls `ls clrìd kòvgdgs eg
(`ls vmgkls sg bhjgd `ls jldzldls y gd ud larmr y bgrrlr eg hkhs sg bhdvmgrtgd udl
Vmgkls; jubcls nrlbmls Mvìd [lrgvmbc, thjl gstg plug`h jìnmbh, buldeh `h
dgbgsmtgs slbueg`h plrl fhrjlr ud prhfudeh `lnh.
Mvìd; Nrlbmls sghrmtls, augdl vmel.

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Dlrrlehr; Mvld blal`nòUpload

y ``gnh your
l` fmddocuments tosus
l` pl`lbmh eg download.
plergs ehdeg phr prmjgrl
vgz sg gdbhdtrò bhd su cgrjldl `l arukl.
Arukl; cgrjldh, plsl`g y smgdtltg, thbl gstl lrpl jmgdtrls y tg prgplrh udl rmbl
jl`tglel y tg pmeh udl pmzzl, suphdnh qug vmgdgs bldsleh.
Become a Scribd member for full access. Your first 30 days are free.
Mvìd; nrlbmls, sgnurl qug dh qumgrgs bhjgrjg, sh`h jg smgdth y thbh8
Arukl (gd vhz hff) sm cgrjldh sh`h thbl, lchrmtl vhy bhdtmnh.
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Gsbgdl 1
(eg prhdth ud rltòd sl`g eg su blsl y sg lbgrbl l [lrgvmbc)
Qltòd; sl`vltg [lrgvmbc, ¡cuyg l theh bhrrgr! Uu cgrjldl sg gstì lfm`ldeh `hs
emgdtgs plrl bhjgrtg.
Mvìd; ¸gs gdsgrmh8 ¸y `l pmzzl y `l jl`tglel8
Qltòd; (gjpukldeh l Mvìd l `l sl`mel) yl tg emkg qug tg vlyls, bhrrg.

Lbth 3
Dlrrlehr; g` zlrgvmbc jhdth l su blal``h y cuyò l theh nl`hpg.
Arukl; ¸lc smnugs vgrele cgrjldh8
Arukl; ¸cgrjldh8 (dhtldeh qug su crjldh claml cumeh, nrmtl fugrtgjgdtg)
MVLLLLLLLLLD VWG@VG… (gdfurgbmel y bhd emgdtgs lfm`lehs gbch l bhrrgr
pgrsmnumgdeh l su cgrjldh.
Mvìd; (dhtldeh qug su cgrjldl vmgdg egtrìs eg `) blsm jg l`bldzl. G` plug`h,
ehdeg egk g` plug`h. Lqu gstì (`h lrrhkl l` sug`h y nrld `lnh egtrìs eg g` sg
Dlrrlehr; `l arukl bhjgdzò l dlelr phr thel `l hrm``l qug g` plug`h jìnmbh clal
fhrjleh, jmgdtrls [lrgvmbc sg l`gkò alstldtg, clstl qug eg prhdth Vgrtheua dhtò
qug [lrgvmbc bhrrl cuygdeh eg su cgrljldl.
Vgrtheua; bhrrg Fhrgst bhrrg, Emnh bhrrg Mvld bhrrg. ]h tg buarh Mvìd, gsths trhdbhs
`l egtgderìd.
(Vgrehtua cmzh udl jhdtll bhd trhdbhs)

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Arukl; larld plsh, rhgr ble trhdbh y tg l`bldzlr cgrjldh

Mvìd; (lnmtleh) nrlbmlsYou're
tg egah udl.a Preview
Dlrrlehr; mvld bhrrl smd egsbldsh
Upload your ydocuments
su cgrjldl
togstlal yl egtrìs eg g`. Buldeh
eg pthdth Vgrthngz dhth `h qug gstlal plsldeh
Vgrthngz; Bhrrg Mvìd tmrlr `l jhdtll jìs
OR l`tl y gsh `l egtgderì.
Arukl; gsbl`lr tld rlpmeh qug gd udhs plshs gstlr egtrìs eg tm Mvld. Dh pugegs
gsblplr.Become a Scribd member for full access. Your first 30 days are free.
Mvìd; (juy lnmtleh y blsm lrrlstrldehbg) yl dh pugeh jìs, vl l l`bldzlrjg.
Arukl; tg `h emkg Cgrjldmth, dh pugegs gsblplr
Continue eg jm.
for Free
Mvìd; (jmrldeh lshjarleh) g` pl`lbmh eg `l cgrjldl eg` sh`…. Ìargjg, largjg,
shy yh Mvld [lrgvmbc. Jg vmgdg pgrsmnumgdeh `l arukl eg jm cgrjldl.
Cgrjldl eg` sh`; (Lsustlel) bhrrg, bhrrg gdtrl…
Arukl; gdtrgnljg l jm cgrjldh, (nrmtldeh`g furmhsl) Mvld [lrgvmbc, sl` eg lc…
clnljhs ud trlth.
Cgrjldl eg` sh`; clz`h bhdjmnh, bul` gs g` trlth
Arukl; vljhs l `l al`ldzl l pgslrdhs, sm Mvìd gs jìs pgsleh, qug jg jltg, pgrh
sm pgsh jìs yh, jg `h bhjgr.
Mvìd; gstì amgd, gstì amgd, vlyljhs l `l al`ldzl.

Dlrrlehr; Mvìd sg suamò eg ud `leh eg `l al`ldzl, y lpgdls `l arukl suamò ud pmg,

Mvld [lrgvmbc sl`mò emsplrleh clbml lrrmal, tld l`th y tld fugrtg qug blyò l`
jmsjsmjh bmg`h y sg gdbhdtrò gd htrh pl`lbmh eg `l cgrjldl eg` sh`. Mvìd sg
qugeò lc plrl smgjprg y `l arukl dh pueh l`bldzlr`h kljìs.

Arukl; (tmrlel gd g` pmsh clbmgdeh agrrmdbcg)


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