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Group of chools
Mher nllenoo Bgini....
Class XI
Maximum Marks: 50 Time Allowed: 2 hours.
General Instructions:
)There are 23 questions in all. All questions are compulsory.
(2 This question paper has tive sections: Section A, Section B, Section C. Section Dand SectionE.
(3) Allthe sections are compulsory.
(4) Section Acontains nine questions, seven MCQ and two Assertion Reasoning based of 1mark cach.
Section Bcontains six questions of two marks each, Section Ccontains five questions of three marks
each Section D contains one case study based questions of four marks each and Section E contains [wo
long answer questions of five marks each.
(5) There is no overall choice. However, an internal choice has been provided in one question in Section B.
one question in Section C. one question in each CBO in Section D and all three questions in Section E.
You have to attempt only one of the choices in such questions.
(6) Use of calculators is not allowed.
(7)You may use the following values of physical constants where ever necessary
i.c=3 x 10° m's
. m, =9. | x10 -3! ko
iii. e = l.6 × 10 C
iv. Lo = 4n x10 TmA1
v.h=6.63 10:4 Js
vi. &y = 8.854× 10" C² N'm2
vii. Avogadro's number = 6.023 x 1023 per gram mole

1. Acylinder of radius Rand lengthL is placed in auniform electric field Eparallel to the cylinder axis. The
total flux for the surface of the cylinder is given by:
(a) 2zRE (c) zRE (d) Zero

2. Acharge Qis fixed at a distance d in front of an infinite metal plate. The lines of force are represented bv:


(c (d)

3. Which of the following is not the property of an equipotential surface?

(a) Thev do not cross each other.

yoin' a e n
(c)For a uniform electric field. they are concentric spheres.
(d)They can be imaginary spheres.
4. Total electric force on an electric dipole placed in an electric field of a point charge is.
(a) always zero
Ab) never zero
(c) zero when mid-point of dipole coincides with the point charge
(d) zero when dipole axis is along any electric line of force.
3. A Gaussian surface encloses no charge. Which of the following is true for a point inside it?
( Electric field must be zero
(b)Electric potential must be zero
(c) Both electric potential and intensity must be zero
(d) None of the above.
corresponding to negative
6. From the graph between curent and voltage shown below identify the portion

(a) AB (b) BC
(c)OA (d) CD

7. The resistance of a metallic wire becomes 8 times when

(a) length is doubled
(b) length is tripled
(c)length isdoubled and radius is halved
(d) length is halved and radius is
Reason (R).
-one labelled Assertion (A) and other labelled
For Questions 8 and 9, two statements are given
options as given below.
Select the correct answer to these questions from the explanation of Assertion.
true and Reason is correct
a) If boh Assertion and Reason are
b)If bouh Assertion and Reason are true but
Reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion.
c) IfAssertion is true but Reason is
and Reason are false.
d) If both Assertion
potentialenergy when it is at a location associated with
8. Assertion (A): Anelectron has a higher energy when at a location associated with a positive
TRegative value of potential and has a lower potential
potential. potential to a region of lower potential.
Reason (R): Electrons move from a region of higher

within the conductor.

Assertion (A) A current flows in a conductor only when there is an electric field
9. of electric field decreases.
Rrason (R):The drift veiociry of electron in presence
SECTION-B radius
spherical Gaussian surface of
10. An eieciric flux of -.0× 10 Nm/C passes nomally through a
1Oem. due to point charge placed at the centre. surface?
(a) What is the charge enclosed by the Gaussian surface? would pass through the
doubled. how much flux
(b) If the radius of Gaussian surface is

field is given by
energy of adipole making angle with the direction of the
111. ShoW that the potential from the position of unstable
amount of work done in rotating it
U(6}= -p.t. Hence find out the
equilibrium to the stable equilibrium.
is of
combination given below. Each capacitor
capacitance between A andB in the
I2. (1}Find equivalent
2uf capacitance.
C, C

external electric field. Derive

q. separated by a distance of r» are kept in an
q1 and
"13. IO point charges potential energy of the system of twocharges in the field.
an expression for the
and a resistance of
internal resistance is connected across a 200 V battery
I4. A 5 V battery of Find the value of the current.
392 as shown in the figure.

200 V

to a dc source of potentialI. If
the length of the conductor is
conductor of length ' is connected electrons and (ii)
15. A constant, how will () drift speed of
tripled bv gradualiy stretching it, keepingJustify your answer.
resistance of the conductor be affected? OR
areas A,
and P: of the same material and same length but different cross-sectional free
Twometallic wires. P the drift velocities of
joined together and connected to a source off emf. Find the ratio of
and As are
connected (i) in series, and (ii) in parallel.
electrons in the wo wires when they are

expression for the electric field due to an infinitely long
16. State Gauss's law in electrostatics. Derive an
straight uniformly charged wire.
distancer from the centre of an electric
Derive tbe evpression for the electric potential at any point P. at
dipole. obtain the dependence of
dipcle, naking angle a, with isaxis. For a point on the axis of the
potential on r for ra>. and contrast your result with that due to an electric monopole (i.e., single
molecular ion (H: ). In
17. 1f one of the tWO electrons of a hydrogen molecule is removed. we get hydrogen from
grcurd state of H;, the two protorns are separated roughly by 1.5 A¢ and electron is roughly I ¢
Ihe prcan DeteTmine the potentia! energy of the system. Specify you choice of zero of potential energy.
How much electrostatic
across a battery of 50 V, how much energy
connected in series
I8. Iwo identical capacitors of 12 uF cach are parallel across the same battery,
were connected in
energv is stored in the combination? 1f these
will be stored in the combination now?

Vand internal
connected in parallel across a cell of emf of 6
19. Three resistors. 2Q. 5 Qand 10 Qare
resistance 0.25Q. Calculate the value of the
difference of the cell.
() current drawn from the cell and (ii)terminal potential

20. Detine the electric resistivity of a conductor.

temperature in the case of a
Plot a graph showing the variation of resistivity with
(a)conductor. (b) Semiconductor.
two can be explained in terms of number density
Brietiy explain. how the difference in behaviour of the
of charge carriers and relaxation time.

21. Case study I
amount of charge and henceelectric energy in asmallspace.
A capacitor is an arrangement for storing a large when a earthed conductor is brought near
The capacitance of an isolated conductor is considerably increased plates of large area separated by a
to it. This is the principle of the capacitor. Such an arrangement of two
is air in between the
dielectric medium between the plates is called a parallel plate capacitor. If the medium
where Ais the area of each plate and d
plates the capacity of aparallel plate capacitor is given by C = "0,
having dielectric constant
is the distance between the plates. If plates are separated by a dielectric medium
capacitors are joined in series the equivalent capacity
K, the capacity increases K times. When two or more
isgiven by

C, C C, C,
Ifthe capacitors are connected in parallel then C, =C +C, + C,+-
Based on the above paragraph answer the following questions.
(i) When the earthed conductor is brought near the charged conductor capacity incrcases considerably. This is
due to

(i)If instead of dielectric medium a conducting medium is introduced in betwecn the plates of the capacitor,.
what will be the capacity of parallel plate capacitor?
(Hi) When two capacitors are joined in series the equivalent capacity is 2uF but when connected in parallel the
equivalent capacity is 9uF.Find the capacity of each capacitor.
(iv) Two identical capacitors joinedin parallel, charged to apotential V, separated and then comected in serics
i.e.. the positive plate of one is connected to the negative plate of other
(a) the charges on the free plates connected together are destroycd
(b) the charges on the free plates enhanced
(c)the energy stored in the system increase
(dythe potentialdifference between the free plates is 2 V.
Two identical capacitors joined in parallel,charged to a potential V, separated and then connected inseries i.c.,
the positive plate of one is connected to the negative plate of other
(a) the charges on the free plates connected together are destroyed
(b)the charges on
(c)the energy the free plates
stored in systemenhanced
(d) the
potential differencethe betweenincrease
the free plates is 2 V.

LL. (a) Derive an

expression for the electric feldSECTION-E
centre of the dipole E due to a dipole of
(b) Dravw a graph ofonEthe axial line. length 2a' at a point distant r irom
versus for r>>a.
(C)lf this dipole were kept r
of the dipole in stable and inauniform external electric field Eo.
dipole in both the cases. unstable equilibrium and write the expressions for the torque represent the position
acting on the
Deiine the capacitance of a capacitor. Obtain the OR
capacitor in vacuum in expression for the capacitance of a
(b) A slab of material ofterms of plate area Aand separation d between the plates. parallel plate
dielectric constant K = 3 has the same area as the
capacitor but has a thickness 3d4. plates of a parallel plat
capacitance without the dielectric. Find the ratio of the capacitance with dielectric inside it to its

23. (a) Whv do the free

the wire? electrons', in a metal wire. flowing by themselves, not cause any current flow in
Define drift velocity'and obtain an
velocity' of the free electrons. expression for the current flovwing in a wire, in terms of the
(b) Use the above expression to show
that the 'resistivity', of the material of a
proportional to the 'relaxation time for the free electrons in the metal. wire, is inversely
(a) Plot a graph showing variation of
voltage Vsthe current drawn from the cell. How can one get
information from this plot about the emf of the cell and its internal resistance?
(b)Two cells of emf E,and E and internal
resistance r1 and r are connected in parallel.
expression for the emf and internal resistance ofa single equivalent cell that Obtain the
combination? What will be the equivalent emf and internal resistance of the can replace this
identical? combination if cells are

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