DIP unit 1

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INTRODUCTION TO IMAGE PROCESSING Part-A. Sy ‘Ans. Gradiant Operator: In digital images, a gradient ‘operator is similar to an averaging operator (For noise removal), which sa weighted convolution operator ulizing, theneighboring pixels for the operation. However, unlike theaveraging operate, the weightings ofa gradient operator are not exclusively positive integers. Gradient operators. the frst type of operators used for edge detection. The gradient of an image is a vector consisting ofthe first- onder derivatives (including the magnitude and direction) cof an image. Ans. Sampling Theorem ‘Abad limited image f(x,3) sampled uniformly on ngular grid with spacing Ax, Ay can be recovered Se values (max, ndy) provided without error from the the sampling rate is a Moreover, the reconstructed image is given by the interpolation formula thts ms) fia,y) ET Phoax,ndy) . sin sampling Q3. Define Image dinates (x,y) is called computer processing, ‘Ans. Digitization of spatial Image Sampling. Tobe suitable an image function f(x, ) must be digitized both spatially and in magnitude re Q4 List the steps involved in digital image processing. ‘Ans. The steps involved in digital image processing (image Acquisition i) Preprocessing Gi) Segmentation (is) Representation and description ‘Ans. In rods are inthe ra ned as a two dimensional function f(x,y) where x &y are spatial (plane) coordinates, and the amplitude of fat any pair of coordin called intensity or gray level of the image at that point When x, y and the amplitude values of f are all finite, discrete quantities we eall the image as Digital Image. ee sition with 7 Explain Image sensing and acquis eerw.2024 suitable diagram. oe Ans. Tmage Sensing and Acquisition : There are principal sensor arrangements (produce ane! Jectrical output proportional to light intensity). (i) Single imaging sensor Gi) Line sensor (i) Array sensor Tmage Acquisition using a Single Sensor : The most ‘common sensor of this type is the photodiode, which is aterialsand whose output votag it. The use of a filter in constructed of silicon ‘waveform is proportional fo lig front ofa sensor improves select (pass) filter infront ofa lights green band ofthe color spectrum. As a conse sensor output willbe stronger for green light than for other components in the visible spectrum. Tn order to generate a 2-D i iy. For example, sor favours light inthe imaged. An arrangement used in high precision seann ive is mounted onto drum whose on provides displacement in one dimension. The single sensoris mounted on a lead serew that provides motion inthe perpendicular direction. Since mechanical motion can be controlled with high presisio this method is an inexpensive (but slow) way to obtain high-resolution images. Image Acquisition using Sensor Strips : The strip provides imaging clements in one direction. Motion perpendicular to the strip provides imaging in the other direction, This is the type of arrangement used in most fatbed scanners. Sensing devices with 4000 or more i line sensors are possible. In-line sensors are used routinely in airborne imaging applications, in which the imaging system is mounted on an aircraft that flies at a constant altitude and peed overthe geographical area tobe imaged. ‘One-dimensional imaging sensor strips that respond to various bands of the electromagnetic spectrum are mounted perpendicular to the direction of flight. The imaging strip gives one line of an image at atime, and the motion of the strip completes the other dimension of a two-dimensional image. Sensor strips mounted ina ring configuration are used in medical and industrial ima, where a film n mechanical rota eae) ripages of objects 2itrinaion andthe esoure collect the X thous to ere) THs itive grial computerized axial seating XY y that at ind opposite por ously ave 1 hd for medical iy (CAT) i tomograp agin sor Arrays : This type of Image Acquisition 27°F al eameras-A typical sensor nd an be for these camers* 1° 4 range of sensing properties. fonnuatared with BE a an ore of 4000 » 4000 erat 1d other light sensi! ing instruments. The response ietortional tothe integral of the ight i Pi he surface ofthe Sensor, a property nical and other applications requiring fof each senso Sneray projected 0” that isused inastron iat function performed by the imaging system meton Poy and fous itontoan image isto collet thar igh te fone ofthe maging ee which projects the viewed scene onto the lens focal plane. TI .e sensor array, Which is coincident tae une produces outputs proportional tothe ‘sn of te ight received at each Sensor. Suitable Diagram system is a Kens, WI Sey) = ut @ Origin A © 2) Image plotted asa sur vital incgagttePloted a a surface () Image displayed a 3 3, (6) Image shown ‘numerical (0,05 and tr id represent black, gray and white, respectively) ft tal Image pixel basis, Fo example, raising an image to a power means that each individual pixel Kl raised to that power. There ate also situations in which, i ‘operations between images are carried out using matrix theory 2. Linear Versus Nonlinear Operations ~( dering ‘operator H that when applied on an input ima fixy) gives an output image a(x,9) ie, Hiflxy)] = 269) Then, H is said to be a linear operator if Hilaf (xy) + bf 0.y)] = ag (x9) + bsyiny) Where, aand bare arbitrary constants. f(x.) and (uy) are input images and g5(x3) and g(x) are the corresponding output images. That is if H satisfies the properties of additivity and homogeneity then it linear operator. 3. Arithmetic Operations ~ These operations are array ‘operations and are denoted by Say) = f(xy) + B69) Dexy) = fly) BC) P(xy) = fixy)* 2b) Voxy) = xy) + 266) These operations are performed between corresponding pixel pairs in fand g for x = 0,1,2,.«.M-1 and y = 0,1,2s.Ne1, where all the images are of size Mx. Forexample, # If weconsidera set of K noisy images ofa part scene {g,(x)}, then, in order to obtain with less noise, averaging operation can be done asfollows: Ade ” This averaging operation can be used inthe field of astronomy where imaging under very low ight levels frequently causes sensor noise to render single Bay) images virtually useless for analysis. sed to find small minute differences between images, thatareindistinguishable tothe naked eye ‘+ Image multiplication ~ This operation ean be used in masking whete some regions of interest need to be extracted from n given image, The process consists of multiplyinga given image with ‘a mask image that and Os elsewhere © Inpractce, for an bit image the intensities are in the range [0.K] where K = 2"-1, When arithmetic operations are performed on an image For example, lead to images with 61 in the region of interest intens image subtraction mi inmensitiesin the range [255, ities may go out of this ran Inorder to bring this to the original range [0,K}, the following two operations ean be performed. If x) is the result ofthe arithmetic operations, then © We perform fy (sy) = flay) ~ min {fox9)] This creates an image whose minimum value © Then, we perform (x.y) =| —fn Aaya ate This results in an image f, (x.y) whose intensities are inthe range (0,K] ‘© While performing image division, a small number ‘ust be added to the pixels to avoid division by 4.Set operations For gray scale images, set operations. arearray operations. The union and intersection operations, between two images are defined as the maximum and ‘minimum of corresponding pixel pairs respectively. The complement operation on an image is defined as the pairwise differences between a constant and the intensity ‘of every pixel in the im: Let set A represent a gray scale image whose elements are the triplets (x,):2) where (x.y) isthe location of the pixel and zis its intensity. Then, del Unio AUB imax(a,b)|a¢A,be B} Intersection: » (min(a,b)|ac A,b@B) ANB ‘Complement: Ke 5, Logical operations ~ W' images, the 1 ~ valued pixel foreground pixels The OR operation of thes coordinates belonging ihe t0 Ar to Bort Poh Te AND operation isthe et f elements tha are com tet A and B, The NOT operation on st A isthe st ‘Clemente not in A. The logical operations are performs’ ‘on two epions of ame image, which canbe irregular 28 of different sizes. The set operations involve comp! fy K-AMIGIDEA on dealing with binary Hs can be thought of # ce two sets is the set of Boro both. The Q9 lain in brief about singularity and diffe Ol nian EON 2”) an Sapnaiy Opertor + Siglary opeaton ae ‘iiscopoyed in danifwodmensinal 9m Sper sem hat nave sampling of otis fietns. The two-dimensional Die de fasion i 2 ingly epeator that possesses the following prope J] Sade fore>0 (1) J [PG mB -~& y—mean= Als») <2) fsa infinitesimally small limit of integration; Eq.2 {sealed the sifting property ofthe Dirac delta function. The two-dimensional delta function can be decomposed into the product oftwo one-dimensional delta functions defined along onhonormal coordinates. Thus 84s, )) = 86)5) (3) where the one-dimensional delta function satisfies ‘one-dimensional versions of Eq 1.The delta funetion also can be defined as limit on a family of functions, Differential Operators : Edge detection in image is commonly accomplished by performing a spatial Aifferentiaton othe image field followed by a thresholding lorizontal and vertical spatial derivatives are defined ng 069) 4 ox (i) (i) (Bre Free image field along Sena le $ with respect fo ending an angle & ional he direct avector direction 25 de horizontal axisis 8 ar(s9) ; Y{F(%.y)} =~ ee a = dz cost dy sine radient magnitude isthen ead [veo = a+ cond derivatives in sore defined a5 ‘Thee the horizontal and Spatial 5 vertical directo 4 9 snenun eet pin derivatives called the Laplacian operator aes 2 FOG) , VRE Slate te plyalotogy of human eye with the STE ae items of ran ee wh the Oe pane fre im 205 a ns Physiology of Human Eye : The complex Structure of the human eye creates an interesting relationship with light. fe ‘The human eye comprises several functional elements + The comea is the ‘window’ of the eye and helps to focus light. + The pupil (or iris diaphragm) determines how much light enters the eye - it constricts on exposure to bright light. : + The lens provides a focus adjustment capability, + The retina isa light sensing region at the back of the eye Fie. The Human Eye (Side Schematic) G:ll Write short note on Monochrome Vision Model. reeset Ans: Monochrome Vision Model: One of te modern techniques of optical system design entail the reaent that is linear in intensity and can be characterized by a two-mesinal rant fntion. Consist neat optical system of Figure 1. The system input is spatial light distribution obtained by passing aconsant-intensiy light beam through aranspaency witha spat sinewave transmittance. Because the system i lined, the spatial cutpat intensity distribution wil also exhibit ine wave inesiy variations with possible changes inthe amplitude and phase of the output intensity compared to the int intensity, By varying the spatial frequency (number of intensity cycles per linear dimension) of the input transparency, and recording the output intensity level and hase tis possible, in principle, to obtain the optical {ranser function (OTF) of the optical system. Let my represent the optical transfer function of two-dimensional linear system where x= 2n/Tx and my wal Ty are angular spatial frequencies with spatial periods Txand Ty in the x and y coordinate directions, reapectively Then wth (3) denoting the inpatintensity Aistnbution of the objectand lots, 9) oupst I (ny) Optical System ft Mwy, 0) Input Tiny) Fig: 1 Linear systems analysis of 09 representing ihe ouput intensity distribution ofthe image, the equency specraof the input and output signals are defined as Kaog)=s" °° x y)exp{-i(axx +

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