Cs Program 8

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Analyze the stability of the given system using Bode plots.

AIM: To analyze the stability of the given system using Bode plots.


Bode plots are a powerful tool for analyzing the frequency response of linear time-invariant
(LTI) systems, including determining system stability. The Bode plot consists of two graphs:
one representing the gain (in decibels) and the other representing the phase shift (in degrees)
as functions of frequency (usually on a logarithmic scale).

Here's how to determine the stability of a given system using Bode plots:

1. Transfer Function:
Start with the transfer function of the given system. It's typically expressed in terms of
Laplace variables, such as
𝐺(𝑠) =
where 𝑁(𝑠)and 𝐷(𝑠) are polynomials in 𝑠.

2. Frequency Response:
Plot the Bode plot of the system using the transfer function.
- Calculate the magnitude response 20𝑙𝑜𝑔10 |𝐺(𝑗𝑤)|) and phase response (∠G(jw)) of the
system at various frequencies 𝑤.
- Plot the magnitude response and phase response against frequency 𝑤 on logarithmic

3. Gain Margin:
• The gain margin is the amount by which the system's open-loop gain can be increased
before instability occurs.
• On the Bode plot, the gain margin is the difference in decibels between the system's
gain at the phase crossover frequency (where the phase is -180 degrees) and 0 dB (unity
• A positive gain margin indicates stability, while a negative gain margin indicates
4. Phase Margin:
• The phase margin is the amount of phase shift that can be added to the system's output
before instability occurs.
• On the Bode plot, the phase margin is the difference in degrees between the system's
phase at the gain crossover frequency (where the gain is 0 dB) and -180 degrees.
• A positive phase margin indicates stability, while a negative phase margin indicates

5. Stability Analysis:
• Determine the stability of the system based on the gain and phase margins.
• If both the gain margin and phase margin are positive, the system is stable.
• If either the gain margin or phase margin is negative, the system is marginally stable or
6. Adjustments:
• If the system is marginally stable or unstable, adjustments to the system (such as adding
compensators or adjusting controller parameters) may be needed to improve stability.

By analyzing the Bode plot and calculating the gain and phase margins, engineers can assess
the stability of a given system and design appropriate control strategies to ensure stable
operation. Bode plots provide valuable insights into the frequency response characteristics of
the system, helps to understand and optimize system performance.

The Bode Stability Criterion are listed below:

• For a Stable System: Both the margins should be positive, or the phase margin should
be greater than the gain margin.
• For Marginal Stable System: The margins should be zero or the phase margin should
be equal to the gain margin.
• For Unstable System: If any of them is negative or the phase margin should be less
than the gain margin.
Bode plot
Case a)
𝐺(𝑠)𝐻(𝑠) =
(𝑠 + 2)

clear all;
close all;
num= [1];
den= [1 2];
sys=tf (num, den);

Conclusion: Both gain and phase margin values are infinity hence system is stable.
Case b)
7𝑠 − 1
𝐺(𝑠)𝐻(𝑠) =
9𝑠 2 + 2𝑠 + 10)

clear all;
close all;
num= [7 -1];
den= [9 2 10];
sys=tf (num, den);

Conclusion: In this case gain margin value is positive and phase margin value is negative.
Hence system is unstable.
Case c)
𝐺(𝑠)𝐻(𝑠) =
𝑠(𝑠 + 2)(𝑠 + 10)

clear all;
close all;
num= [100];
den= [1 12 20 0];

Conclusion: In this case, both gain margin and phase margin values are positive. Hence system
is stable.

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