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[CHAPTER 1 - Quiz 1]


1. a, b

2. a, c

3. a, b

4. b, c, e

[CHAPTER 1 - Quiz 2]


1. a, c, d

2. b

3. a, c

4. b

[CHAPTER 1 - Quiz 3]


1. b, c, d

2. c, d

3. a, e

4. b

5. a

[CHAPTER 2 - Docker - Install]

Do you need the service of docker running to use the next tools. In that case check
if you have this package and service:

`$ rpm -q docker`

`$ systemctl status docker`

[CHAPTER 2 - Minishift]

Installation will require the VirtualBox:, more this packages to KVM:

`$ sudo dnf install libvirt qemu-kvm`


`$ sudo usermod -a -G libvirt <username>`

`$ newgrp libvirt`


After unpack into directory of minishift cli you can use:

`$ ./minishift start (start a minishift cluster locally)`

`$ ./minishift stop (stop the cluster)`

`$ ./minishift delete (delete the cluster)`

`$ ./minishift status (check the status of cluster)`


For install 'oc' tool do you need just run:

`$ oc (if not installed it will request)`

After installed you can use(like the Minishift):

`$ sudo oc cluster up`

`$ sudo oc cluster down`

`$ sudo oc cluster status`

[CHAPTER 2 & 3 - Docker]

`# docker search mysql (search on Docker Hub an image)`

`# docker pull mysql (download an image)`

`# docker images (list of local images)`

`# docker run --name my-mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=my-secret-pw -d mysql:latest

(create a container using this image)`

`# docker stop my-mysql (stop the container)`

`# docker run -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=my-secret-pw -it --rm mysql:latest (execute a

container with interative mode)`

`# docker ps (check the process of your containers)`

`# docker rmi -f mysql:latest (delete local image)`

`# docker inspect fedora (list listing metadata about JSON)`

`# docker inspect -f '{{ .Created }}' fedora (date of created the container)`

`# docker run --name some-mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=my-secret-pw -v

/var/dbfiles:/var/lib/mysql -d mysql:latest (run the container with the Reclaiming
`# docker inspect -f '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' some-mysql (get the
IPAddress in use of this container)`

`# docker rmi $(docker images -q) (remove all images)`

[CHAPTER 4 - Quiz 1]


1. a, d

2. d

3. a, d

4. c

[CHAPTER 4 - Manipulating Container Images]

`# docker save -o mysql.tar

(save .tar file of the image mentioned)`

`# docker load -i mysql.tar (load the image from .tar file)`

Creating a new image based in pre existent image:

`# docker pull nginx (pull a image)`

`# docker run --name nginx-custom -d nginx:latest (create a new container based in

this image)`

`# docker stop nginx-custom (stop the container)`

`# docker diff nginx-custom (check the diff)`

`# docker commit nginx-custom nginx-newversion (save a new image based in container


`# docker tag nginx-newversion devops/nginx-newversion:0.0.1 (tag the new image)`

`# docker push`

[CHAPTER 5 - Create a custom container images]

`# dnf install -y source-to-image source-to-image-unit-test (install s2i tool)`

[CHAPTER 5 - Quiz 1]


1. b

2. b, c

3. a, b, c

`# docker build -t NAME:TAG DIR (docker build creating a new image)`

[CHAPTER 6 - Deploying]

1. c, e

2. b, d

3. c

[CHAPTER 7 - Quiz 1]


1. c

2. a, c, d

3. d

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