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Concept of OOP
Object: An abstract entity with attributes (that describe the entity) and methods it can perform, e.g.
car object's attributes= wheels, windows, brakes etc. Methods= start up, change gear, turn on
headlights etc.

An object is an instance/ instantiation of a class. A class is like a template for an object- code for
the methods and attributes but doesn't take up any memory until an object is instantiated from the
template, with its own copy of the class variables and methods. You can create multiple
instantiated objects from the same class.

Unified Modelling Language (UML)

Class Name
Data / variables / attributes

Actions/ methods

Dependency (“uses” relationship): Implementation of an object depends on/uses one or more

other objects. e.g. Client uses supplier, client is dependent on supplier. Student uses school, bus
uses roads.

Aggregation (“has a” relationship): One object belongs to another and no other object, but both
are independent and can exist without the other. e.g. Car has passengers, but passengers can still
exist and function normally without the car

Composition (“has a”): Like aggregation but the object can't function or exist without the other.
e.g. there can't be a certain department in a hospital if the hospital doesn't exist
Note: Sometimes in IB aggregations and composition are both referred to as aggregation. e.g. could say a
student having hands is an example of an aggregation

Inheritance (“is a”): One object/subclass is a specialised, altered form of another object. It
inherits all the attributes of the parent class, but also has additional ones e.g. Current account is a
type of bank account, bus is a vehicle so has an engine like all vehicles, student is a person so has
a name

Best to reduce dependencies to increase the ability to reuse code. If we depend on another class
to provide useful methods, have to have the parent class/object available whenever we use the
Data types
 Integer: Stores whole numbers (Java int)
 Real: Stores decimal numbers. Floating point. (Java double or float)
 String: Text data, characters (Java String)
 Boolean: True/ false value (Java boolean)
 Long: Stores a 64-bit integer, can be positive or negative

Data items are passed to and from methods as parameters, which are restricted by pass-by-value
of class relationship. Methods can return at most one data item, e.g. a method that can only return
int or is a void (doesn’t return anything).

Benefits of using different data types...

 Different operations- can be carried out depending upon the type, e.g. calculations with
integer “quantity” variable (can’t do that with a String), Double allows decimals (mirrors real-
life scenarios and allows precise calculations)
 Reduce memory usage- e.g. a whole number takes less space as an integer value than
as a double

Pass-by-value: Means that a value is copied from the main program into the parameter to be used
by the method. If the value (from the parameter) is changed in the method, it doesn’t affect the
original values in the main program. e.g. in Java, the method would have to return the new value,
and then you’d set the original value to the returned value- only then will it change.??
Pass-by-reference: Does not have the value copied into the parameter, only the memory location
(reference/ pointer) is copied. Method can change the variable values in the main program.
[don’t take my word on this one]

Features of OOP

Encapsulation: Data and methods/actions are limited to the object in which they are defined-
places all attributes and methods relating to a certain object/entity together. Private variables can
be used and only accessed outside the class by specific get and set methods.
 Class can restrict the way data and methods are altered or called- increases security, since
it ensures variables aren't accidentally changed by another part of the program. Especially
important for team projects.
 Can hide the way data is stored- increase security
 Since relevant attributes/methods are all together, it provides a clearer understanding of
each section of the problem = more efficient programming (faster, less errors etc)

Inheritance: A parent object holds common data and methods for a group of related child objects-
it is extended to create a new object with more properties and methods. The new class can over-
ride old properties and methods in the original class.
 Extensibility: Sub-classes inherit methods, can extend them. No need to re-write methods
 Reusability: Changes and upgrades to data and methods in super-class are inherited by
the sub-class, don't need to change each sub-class manually. Less maintenance

Polymorphism: Can have several methods with the same name but different processes- different
versions of the method essentially. If in the same class, must have different parameter lists so the
compiler can tell which one to use according to what values are passed in the parameters. If not in
the same class, compiler selects method in the class currently in use.
e.g. makeSound() is different for different sub-classes of Animal, add() to savings account is
different to add() in current account- current account could take an additional value for
interest rate in its parameters.
 External programs can use the subclass methods without knowing the implementation
details or which classes implement them
 Don't have to write up different names of methods

Libraries of objects: Collections of classes already written in code for standard functions, ready to
be used by the programmer.
Advantage: Reuse of code. Essential functions are common in many applications so don't need to
be written over again. e.g. GUI components (control Objects) stored in javax.swing library

Disadvantages of OOP
May unnecessarily increase complexity, time and maintenance costs if the project is small with few
developers and modules and/or won't be re-used or altered once written.

Programming teams
“Divide and conquer” - large projects done in teams of developers to get the project done in time
before the deadline
 More developers = larger, more ambitious projects can be undertaken in a smaller space of
time rather than one person writing out all the code
 Different members = various ideas and larger collection of knowledge rather than one
person needing to know everything there is to know about an email server, for example
 Members can specialise on certain parts of the project, can focus fully on it. e.g. testing,
Disadvantages (things to consider when working in a team):
 Needs effective communication and common language between members, especially with
international projects
 Decisions may take longer since members aren't aware of the whole project workings

Dividing computer programs into sub-programs (or objects/classes) that can be coded and tested
on their own before being combined to build the final program. Need few dependencies between
 Easier to debug each small piece to test its specific functionality before testing the whole
system once it's put together
 Can distribute work among programmers, who can work concurrently on different modules=
speedier completion
 Reusability: Sub-program can be reused in another program that needs the same
functionality. Old, reliable, proven modules (libraries) can be reused in further projects
 Structure easier to understand, making changes is easier as you improve individual
modules then plug in the improvements

Program development

Class: A template/blueprint or set of instructions for the methods and variables in a particular
Identifier: Pointer that explicitly identifies an object, class, method or variable. Allows you to refer
to the item from other places in the program. E.g. a reference in Java
Primitive data type: Used to store simple values, building blocks of more complex abstract data
types. Built into the programming language, e.g. int, char, Boolean, long, double in Java.
Reference class String is not actually primitive, but it is a basic data type- simple value.

Provide named storage for values
 Instance variable: Variable in a class from which every instantiated object gets its own
copy. e.g. if a class called “People” has an instance variable “Age”, every object created
from this class would have its own variable “Age”
 Parameter variable: Variable passed into a function called to perform operations. In Java,
it’s the argument passed in the brackets with the method caller
 Local variable: Variable declared inside a function. Only known and accessible by the
function it's declared in

Collection of statements grouped together to perform an operation. A function essentially.
 Accessor: “Get” method. Returns the value of a private field.
 Mutator: “Set” method. Sets the value of a private field.
 Constructor: Used to set the initial values for the class’s variables. The constructor method
is called first when an object is instantiated
 Signature: Part of the method declaration, combination of the method name and parameter
list. Needed because of overloaded methods (same name) that need to be differentiated by
their parameters
 Return value: Procedures don't return any value (void), functions do

 Private: Specifies that an object/variable/method can only be accessed in its own class
 Protected: Specifies that an object/variable/method can only be accessed within its own
class but also by a subclass
 Public: Object/variable/method can be accessed by all classes
 Extends: Using this means subclasses can inherit all properties of the superclass, except
for private properties (explained more in inheritance)
 Static: Value of the variable is the same for all objects/ instances of a class, belongs to the
class, not the objects themselves. Only created/declared once. e.g. if you change a static
variable's value in one instance, it will change for all instances. Methods are also class
methods independent from the object


for (int X = 1; X<10; X++){

// some sort of code whatever

while (X<10 && found=false){ //can be any conditions. “||” means “OR”
//some code

String[] names = new String[10]; //10 values, index name[0] to name[9]
name[0] = “Bob”; ….

Compile-time initialization...
String[] names = {“Bob”, “Jim”, “Phil”};

Create array w/ random values...

double[] x = new double[10];
for (int j = 0; j<10; j++){
x[j] = Math.random();
Printing array values...
for(int = 0; j<10; j++){

Finding maximum value...

double max = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; //very small number. Or just write
a really big number you know it's impossible for the variable to be
for (int j = 0; j<10; j++){
max = x[j];
}//opposite for finding min value- choose very large value, then compare
if smaller

Find average of array values...

double sum = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j<10; j++){
sum = sum + x[j];
double average = sum/10;

Copy to another array...

double[] z = new double[10];
for (int j = 0; j<10; j++){
z[j] = x[j];

Reverse elements in an array...

for (int j = 0; j<5; j++){ //j<(N/2)
double temp = x[j];
x[j] = x[10-1-j]; //N-1
x[10-1-j] = temp;

Programming languages and internationalisation

When organisations interact on an international basis, there may be issues of language
 Common character sets: Character sets used among many platforms and languages, like
UNICODE. Unlike ASCII, UNICODE has a much larger number of characters so has letters
and symbols from different alphabets/ languages
 Platform independent languages: High level programming languages like Java enable
code to run on many different platforms

Ethical and moral obligations of programmers

 Adequate testing: of products to prevent possibilities of commercial or other damage
 Plagiarism: Have to acknowledge the work of other programmers to avoid being accused
of plagiarism
 Open source movement: Increasing support for open-source software, where you are
given access to the code for free, allowing you to make changes/customisations to meet
exact needs.

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